Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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The Good Triumvirate is at War! This remake of the H2 original puts the good three to war - they can stand their alliance no longer! They have each been cast down from the heavens into a strange new land -- with two native powers who are not at all pleased! Difficulty depends on your player.
In the sea lie churning whirlpools which can take you to faraway shores ... even to the depths of the earth.
There exist strange whirlpools in the center of the earth that can suck a ship up to the light and warmth! I have been there!
Ancient guardians of this place have awakened deep below us ... beware!
Gates and Garrisons 1
Behind a garrison said to dispel all magic lies a black and evil gate to the middle of the earth. But beware ... there may be no way home!
Diplomat's Ring
Rumor has it a tribe of Lizardmen is worshipping the Diplomat's ring and thinks it holds some sort of magical spirit.
pendant of negativity
Rumor has it gremlins have taken the pendant of negativity for their bizarre experiments.
The center of the shining sea is home to fabulous and ferocious winged lizards ... some call them .... dragons!
Armour of Wonder
Rumor has it an ancient Behemoth stripped the armor of wonder from a knight it defeated in combat years ago.
Angelfeather arrows
I hear there's only one thing you can pluck to make angel feather arrows ....
There once was a great wizard who tried to fly to the middle island, but he was slain by hordes of dragons. Ever since, the guilds have banned the spell.
Through magical liths lie deep caverns filled with riches, temples, and palaces!
Rumor has it that it's possible to create any type of complete army from individual creature dwellings on this planet, though some are hard to find!
Fallen Angels
Once upon a time, there were three powerful angels who held the most beautiful lands in all in the heavens. One day, however, a new land was discovered and they set to fighting about who should own the new territory. Breaking their holy vows never to cause harm to another, they declared open war!
Fallen Angels (cont'd)
In a flash of divine rage, the gods who had created them cast their blasphemous children, the forces of good, down onto the planet in mortal forms as punishment. Though they were not all equally guilty, the gods dealth their justice heavier to some of them. But today ....
Fallen Angels Red
The last thing you remember after being cast from the heavens was the burning anger you had towards your former allies. Though you are unfamiliar with you surroundings, you feel as though you've been blessed by the amount of resources at your disposal. Perhaps your cause was not so evil afterall.
Fallen Angels Blue
The last thing you remember after being cast from the heavens was the burning anger you had for your former allies. Now is the time to act upon them! And yet you seem deeply undersupplied ... you wonder if anyone else is as badly off as you are.
Fallen Angels Orange
The last thing you remember after being cast from the heavens was the burning anger you had towards your former allies. Though you are unfamiliar with you surroundings, you feel as though you've been given a slight disadvantage. Perhaps there are others still worse off, but ...
Fallen Angels Teal
Savage warriors have fallen from the heaven's like meteors from the sky! You have been the undisputed ruler of this world for centuries ... and now you must take to the black sea ... perhaps even travel to the shining sea above! You must reclaim your lands!
Fallen Angels Pink
You have been summoned by the planet herself, who has spat you up from her earthen grave to defend her against the destroying angels above. You duty is clear. You must go forth and destory all life that was not here when you last walked the earth ... only the plants and animals need remain.
You realize that your enemies have been cast down as well, but each with differing predicaments according to their crimes. By surveying your starting resources and the quality of the land around you, you can guess how favored you are to win.
You sense somewhere in the sleeping regions of your mind that there is another presence that has been awakened to avenge the fallen angels as well. A dangerous presence. Yes. You are not alone in the underworld.
You sense somewhere in the instinctive regions of your mind that there is another presence that has risen to avenge the fallen angels as well. A dangerous presence. Yes. You are not alone in the underworld.
Tremors from the deep suggest unsavory creatures may be amiss. You wonder if this cursed planet may be indeed hollow.
Tremors from above suggest that the armies of the sun are on the move. You will have much to face you when break into the world above.
Blue revenge
Curse this swamp! Your enemies must have three times the adventuring ease you do! You have much to lose, and your punishment is harsh. But now you are the one who will seek revenge ... if you can survive long enough.
Orange Revenge
Curse this wasteland! Your enemies must have twice the adventuring ease you do! You have much to lose, but at least your punishment was mild compared to others. Now you are the one who will seek revenge ... if you can survive long enough.
Red Revenge
This grassland was a lucky break! Your enemies must have twice the difficulty adventuring you do! You have much to lose, but at least your punishment was likely the lightest compared to the others. Now you are the one who will seek revenge ... if you can survive long enough.
Teal Revenge
Curse this snow! Your enemies must have brought this cold and ice, causing three times the adventuring hardship they must have! You have much to lose, but your justice shall be severe. Now you are the one who will seek revenge ... if you can survive long enough.
Pink Revenge
Curse this desert! You should not have drained the land so quickly, as now you are causing three times the adventuring hardship they must have! You have much to lose, but you do not fear death. You are the one who will seek revenge ... if you can survive long enough.
One Way
A message comes from your intelligence network: We have dicovered that the one way portals do indeed connect your three lands. Persistence may be necessary, but they WILL take you to others if you try.
Well, a week has gone by and you can only guess how far your enemies have gotten as they build up their kingdom. Perhaps a visit with your old acquaintance at the thieve's den would fill you in.
In a particularly poignant display of distaste, the heavens rain ore down upon you in hopes of whacking a few of you in the head.
The rivals up on the surface have caused quite a stir today, shaking loose some of the earth's crust onto your heads.
You have intercepted an enemy report detailing everyone you are facing, including information about yourself. The report focuses on 5 major factions: The Fallen Angels; St. Barbara, former forest angel, waving the red banner, St. Florence, former angel and scholar, waving the orange banner, and
St. Geoffry, former angel of chivalry, waving the blue banner. Also present are two native forces; The Wavemistress, a local mad witch uparalleled in ocean combat, flying the teal banner, and The Lich Queen, an ancient protector summoned by the planet herself to stop the war before it causes
too much damage to the planet itself, flying the rose banner. The report concludes with a rough estimate of each factions initial power: red, orange, rose, teal, and lastly (pathetically) blue.
In a particularly poignant display of distaste, the heavens rain a peculiar crystal down upon you in hopes of whacking a few of you in the head. Upon close inspection, you notice it is called angel's tears. How droll.
The people above have dumped a bunch of rubbish through one of the whirlpools and it's landed on your beach. Sifting through it, you find a few pieces of usable crystal.
In a particularly poignant display of distaste, the heavens rain sulfur down upon you in hopes of making you smell ghastly. Lovely.
For some odd reason, sulfur seems to be contaminating the water today. After sending some lackeys to distill some water samples, you collect some sulfur from it.
The heavens are still strangely quiet ... yet you need them not! War is life, this is what you have lost everything to do. You must not fail!
In a particularly poignant display of distaste, the heavens rain gems down upon you in hopes of whacking a few of you in the head. You usually are quite annoyed at their antics, but today you don't really care if you get whacked in the head as long as it's diamonds and rubies.
Whoa! Either someone's been flushing gems down the toilet or you've gone crazy. Now GEMS are sifting down from the whirlpools. Eagerly, you get into your boat and scoop some up.
Intelligence reports that the middle of this world (both above and below) hold elements essential to your supreme victory and ultimate revenge. You must either seek it out or hold it tight, whichever you are in the position to do!
In a particularly poignant display of distaste, the heavens rain large tree trunks down upon you in hopes of squashing a few of you like bugs. Luckily, they cast quite a big shadow so you see them coming.
Large tree trunks are washing up all over the place today. Must be another one of the heaven's outbursts. At this rate, you're going to open up a beachside store.
In a particularly poignant display of distaste, the heavens rain mercury down upon you in hopes of poisoning you all and making you go insane. Fortunately, you already are so you scoop some up in your canteen and press on.
An odd silver liquid is streaming through the whirlpools today. After taking it to the lab, you determine it is impure mercury. You clean some up, but lose much of it in the process.
In a particularly poignant display of distaste, the heavens rain gold down upon you in hopes of whacking a few of you in the head. You usually are quite annoyed at their antics, but today you don't really care if you get whacked in the head as long as it's by 14 karet hail.
That's it. We're moving. Today GOLD rained down from the sky up there. Collecting it from your whirlpools, you get quite a haul.
Having exhausted all their resources for the moment, and partly realizing they were actually HELPING you, the heaven's have stopped using your backyard as junkyard.
It has been 3 months since you began your time on this planet, and you feel a pressing need to expand your conquest even further ...you must dominate all ... and seize the middle of the planet, for it holds great riches!
Day 100
Intelligence reports tell you that there are a series of secret caverns interlocked by a strange sequence of black gates. If you haven't established a foothold there already, your spies suggest you do immediately.
I wanna be rich
An amaziing discovering of a new source of gold sets your entire kingdom to talking. Rather than leaving it to be claimed by an adversary, you decide to just exhaust the mine here and now. Perhaps you can use this gold to prepare for the final battles.
it's almost over
This war must be almost over ... you can just feel it in your bones. You continue to fight, but only token resistance stands in your way. You suspect the enemy has more fight in them yet, but nevertheless you continue to stand strong.
Victory is ours!!
You have fought fiercely and for many months and finally you can sense this war is coming to an end!!! You have already seen the heavens reclaim some of their fallen angels for their valor in battle, but you, you want it all! You will rule this world and reclaim your throne above!
The laughter coming from the clouds is intolerable! The heavens are mocking us, because we still have not won! We must press onward with renewed force ....
Still we fight ....
Still we fight ... our opponents have raised some of the mightiest armies this planet has ever seen ... can we hope to defeat them?
Almost there ...
We have almost won ... there is a change in the air! Perhaps once we have proven ourselves righteous we can use the portals of glory to return home.
100, 52 подземелье
56, 102 подземелье
2, 54 подземелье
2, 55 подземелье
St. Barbara
Случайный артефакт
0, 42 подземелье
A surly looking army of gnoll marauders are tossing around some hapless artifact in a game of what looks like some sort of football. Do you want to intercept a pass?
Случайный ресурс
14, 49 подземелье
A noisy group of swordsmen is telling tales about how they stole this resource from the local mystic pond. Crash thier party?
3, 17 подземелье
You decide that resting in this little glade will be a worthy stopping point in your journey. After having idled away a few hours you and your army seem to be in surprisingly better spirits.
10, 16 подземелье
Apparently this magical fountain has enchanted the ground around it. Perhaps it contains other properties as well.
Случайный ресурс
50, 90 подземелье
Quite a few noisome troglodytes are contaminating this resource. Clean them up?
59, 90 подземелье
This pile of wood seems to be almost alive ... investigate?
Случайный ресурс
84, 85 подземелье
You shudder as the cries of wolves descend upon you .... press further for the resource?
Случайный ресурс
83, 48 подземелье
You can barely make out a dragon-shaped mist that seems to hover about this pile of resources ... press onward?
Случайный ресурс
85, 23 подземелье
A large coven of harpy hags seek to add this resource to their noxious cauldron ... do you want to try and stop them?
71, 38 подземелье
Desert Resort Oasis ----> Right this way!
Случайный ресурс
59, 16 подземелье
A renegade group of ogre magi are preparing to use this resource for their own selfish purposes. Intervene?
57, 103 подземелье
St. Geoffry
Случайный ресурс
67, 0 подземелье
A few wyverns want to add this fancy resource to their nest. Go after them?
Клевер Фортуны
41, 6 подземелье
While you are in the swamp, you spot a four leaf clover! Unfortunately, so do the gorgons that are about to make it a snack! Do you want to try and beat them to it?
100, 53 подземелье
St. Florence
Ходячий мертвец
54, 60 подземелье
An especially ugly group of zombies rushes to attack you!
Ходячий мертвец
63, 53 подземелье
An especially ugly group of zombies rushes you.
Ходячий мертвец
45, 53 подземелье
An especially ugly group of zombies attemps to rush you.
Ходячий мертвец
54, 45 подземелье
An especially ugly group of zombies rushes to attack you.
Случайный ценный артефакт
103, 18 подземелье
A few medusas are hotly debating whether or not to sell this artifact on the black market or keep it for battle. Do you want to show them what your solution is?
16, 36 подземелье
Help! I'm trapped in a bottle making factory and I can't get out!
91, 97 подземелье
A huge gathering of journeyman gremlins have staged a workshop flying kites in a thunderstorm. Strangely, they seem unaffected by the lightning. You suspect it may have something to do with the artifact they are using.
Случайный ценный артефакт
99, 91 подземелье
A noisome group of imps is hopping about all over this hapless artifact. Do you want to end their silly games?
Случайный артефакт
93, 87 подземелье
What a lonely looking artifact! You suspect there might be something lurking underneat it. Lift it up?
33, 106 подземелье
This map is a remake of the original Fallen Angels for HOMM2. To try out the first one, download Fallen Angels, size M, from www.astralwizard.com.
Ящер воин
20, 10 подземелье
An entire tribe of Lizardmen seem to worshiping some sort of enchanted ring as a messenger from their totem spirit. When they see you they rush to defend their sacred artifact!
88, 48 подземелье
A bunch of ogres with wide open mouths are going oooooooh at this pile of shiny stuff on the ground. Knock some sense into them?
50, 101 подземелье
Several harpies feel like using this ore for their nest foundation. Do you want to tell them who it really belongs to?
20, 12 подземелье
Western Lizard Tribe, right this way. Current Leader
88, 99 подземелье
Gremlin Works, just this way. Watch out for the lightning ... the negativity of the sky is highly dangerous there!
Древнее чудище
107, 92 суша
This ancient Behemoth wears a peculiar suit of glistening golden armor. It hurtles towards you in an attack!
0, 4 суша
A trio of angels with especially beautiful wings flies towards you to attack! Moments before they strike, you notice that with their wings and some of those branches over there, you could make a nice set of magical arrows ...
Случайный монстр 4
6, 16 суша
This large group of monsters seems to be guarding something. Investigate?
Ходячий мертвец
55, 45 суша
An especially ugly group of zombies rushes to attack you.
Ходячий мертвец
55, 61 суша
An especially ugly group of zombies rushes to attack you.
Случайный ресурс
24, 65 суша
A family of manticores fancy using this resource in their lair. Take it from them?
Случайный ресурс
82, 24 суша
A copse of trees shades this resource. Proceed?
58, 82 суша
Rising Sun
101, 32 суша
Fallen Angel's Motel. VACANCY.
7, 29 суша
Watch the mountains. If they move, then it's a behemoth, not a mountain!
6, 78 суша
Joke of the Day How can you tell if a giant is under your bed? Your nose touches the ceiling.
55, 6 суша
No Swimming.
40, 99 суша
Speak of the devil and he shall appear. -- Old Erathian proverb.
Ящик Пандоры
75, 6 суша
You find a marvelously crafted box that seems strangely FAMILIAR. Shaking it about, you notice that it opens with a little latchkey .... without thinking, you automatically open the box and ....
101, 55 суша
102, 58 суша
A bunch of ogres want to use this wood for arms and legs on their snowman. Start a snowball fight?
12, 60 суша
Lots of Goblins want to use this sulfur to add a shiny glow to their new sandcastle. Lay siege?
Рыцарь Смерти
8, 55 суша
Lich Queen
1, 5 суша
Finest feathers in the land. Right this way.
103, 91 суша
This way to the behemoth's lair. Leave all armor you find and he just might let you go!
Золотой дракон
59, 83 суша
A formation of Gold Dragons launches towards you to prevent you from letting this offender out from her underground prison ... she must not be allowed to wage war again!
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