An old man greets you. I am a collector of rare holy items. I am currently looking for a pendant of holiness. If you could find it for me I could reward you. I would find it myself but I am too old to travel.
Страж задания
26, 5 подземелье
This is the Ice Gate. Volf tells you. If we could get past it would lead us to the Ice Forest and to the Snow Queen's castle. But how do we open it? You ask. Well the Snow Queen carries the only key... but there is another way. There are rumoured to be two magic rings that when combined will open the gate. But they have been lost for decades. Then we must find them. You answer, intent on finding those rings, for they will be your only way through.
Хижина предсказателя
11, 24 подземелье
Living in a tree house in the forest are seven dwarfs. They greet you cheerily (or at least, some of them do) when you approach. Will you help us in my quest to rid the kingdom of the evil Snow Queen? You ask them. We are sorry, but we have no weapons with which to fight. They reply. But if you were to provide us with some resources, about 5 mercury would do, we would help.
13, 17 подземелье
The Magic Forest
17, 7 подземелье
The Dark Woods
Сандалии святого
9, 19 подземелье
You feel sorry to have killed the beautiful unicorns, and even though you may pick up these magical sandals your victory seems hollow.
Хижина предсказателя
6, 16 подземелье
A sad looking man sits dejectedly on the doorstep to his mushroom shaped hut. A group of pixies fly above and around him. Hello. He sighs. Why so sad? You ask. I lost my favourite ring. It was stolen by a jackdaw and now it has gone. We could help you find it. You say. Really? He perks up. That would be great. You will know my ring because it has my name on it... I am the Pixie Master. We shall look out for it. You tell him.
Хижина предсказателя
12, 13 подземелье
Two identical men dressed in blue robes greet you. We are astrologers. They say in perfect unison. We look at the stars. But our telescope is broken. They look sad. If you could find us another then that would be a real help.
Хижина предсказателя
32, 12 подземелье
A bouncing gnome leaps around you. My cloak! My cloak! He shouts. I need my cloak! Perhaps you had better find his cloak.
Хижина предсказателя
20, 2 подземелье
Hello. The man at the tree house greets you. What are you doing over here? I don't get many visitors. Why don't stay and talk for a while. You enter the house and talk to the man. He seems quite desperate for company because each time you try to leave he talks you into staying. I'm sorry. You say after an hour. I must press on to defeat the Snow Queen. Yes... yes... I'm sorry... the man begins, and then starts to weep. You try and comfort him and ask him what is wrong. I have been so lonely ever since my family were killed. You gasp. What happened? The Troll King took them to eat in a troll feast. This is terrible. You exclaim. I could do nothing... I am just one man. I swear I shall have revenge for you and kill the Troll King. You tell him, and he smiles behind the tears.
Страж задания
26, 31 подземелье
The gate is closed. In front of the gate is a huge statue of a man. However he is missing a head. You guess finding the head is important.
14, 21 подземелье
Thank you for rescuing me, my lady. I am the woodsman, and as a reward I will help you and give you my magic axe.
15, 21 подземелье
Goblins are evil creatures who live all over the kingdom and eat just about anything, even humans! The very thought of this makes you ill.
18, 21 подземелье
After defeating the ogre you take a look at the large sack that he was carrying. As you approach you notice it moves slightly. You open it and are amazed to find a person tied up inside. You remove the sack and untie the man. He smiles happily at you. My name is Volf. He tells you. I was captured by the evil ogre who was to take me back to his family to roast me in their cooking pot. But now I have been saved and am in your debt, oh fair maiden He bends on one knee and kisses your hand. You blush slightly and giggle. I am a tracker, and I know these parts. Says Volf. This isn't a safe place for a lady such as yourself. I know, Mr Volf. You reply. But I have been cursed by the Snow Queen and now I must find her and kill her. Volf shakes his head sadly, then looks at you and smiles. Then I will join you and help when I can, and you can keep my magic ring. After all, without you I would be a stew by now!
19, 20 подземелье
You chance upon an ogre carrying a sack. When he notices you the ogre roars so loud you have to put your hands over your ears. Then he drops his sack and charges in to attack.
12, 29 подземелье
It seems the Queen left some of her guards behind in case any of the villagers followed her. She didn't reckon with your force though.
Клевер Фортуны
26, 10 подземелье
Even in the harshest swamps grow magical plants.
19, 18 подземелье
There are four forests in the kingdom. Volf tells you. The Magic Forest is a place of wonder, but do not underestimate its dangers because of that. The Dark Woods deserves its name, but many useful secrets lie there. The Deadly Swamp is a terrible place, but we may need to visit there. Finally the Ice Forest will be the path to the Snow Queen's castle.
Наездник на волке
14, 17 подземелье
It seems the goblins and wolves are trying to enter the Magic Forest looking for lunch. Says Volf I doubt they'd have got far though... and now it seems they would prefer to eat us.
10, 15 подземелье
A group of Pixies fly from the fairy ring. We heard of your quest. They say in tiny high pitched voices. We would like to help you overthrow the Snow Queen.
Летучий змей
24, 9 подземелье
You hear a strange buzzing and hissing. Then they are flying all around you, almost too fast to hit.
2, 7 подземелье
The Huntsman
The Huntsman was imprisoned for hunting game in the Snow Queen's Ice Forest. He is adept at archery and can train others to be the same.
Разбойник на волке
18, 9 подземелье
Goblins and wolves, both eager for your blood, do not a good combination make.
18, 4 подземелье
A troll! Exclaims Volf. I was afraid of this. Merciless, they are, even worse than ogres.
Страж задания
13, 35 подземелье
As you approach the tower you notice what appear to be a large number of statues inside the open gate. Do not enter! Volf gasps. I have heard of this place. The Snow Queen cursed the gate and made all who pass through it into statues. Is there any way to lift the curse? You ask. Legend says that only a magical hourglass can remove the curse. Then a magical hourglass we shall find.
Перчатки всадника
18, 2 подземелье
Among the troll's stash you find a pair of pretty gloves. As soon as you put them on your hands you feel like you could walk miles without rest.
Гончая ада
17, 33 подземелье
It looks like some wild dogs have cornered some archers in a narrow mountain valley. To the rescue!
19, 33 подземелье
Well met. The archers greet you. Thank you for saving us. However can we repay you? Join us in our quest to slay the Snow Queen. With pleasure.
7, 12 подземелье
Oh-oh! Says Volf. It looks like this was the ogre's family that was going to eat me. they still have a pot ready.
Огненный язык красного дракона
6, 12 подземелье
Magical swords are always hard to find, but always useful.
Хижина предсказателя
2, 12 подземелье
An old woman greets you. I am the last of the gypsy line in these kingdoms, and am very lonely. She tells you. I always like to talk to people. You go into the hut for a quick cup of tea and you tell her of your quest, to which she laughs. I would read your fortune. She smiles. To see if you will succeed in your quest... but I've gone and lost my fortune telling cards. If you happen to find any, bring them here and I will tell your fortune. You thank the woman, finish your tea and leave.
16, 7 подземелье
The Dark Woods. Shivers Volf. I don't like this one bit. The Troll King himself lives through here in his castle.
Каменный голем
20, 7 подземелье
You gasp as a pile of rocks begins to stir and takes the form of a man. The another, then another, till six men of stonestand before you. Golems. Hisses Volf. Crafted by wizards in times past. Now they guard an area against all intruders... including us.
Неподвижный глаз дракона
15, 3 подземелье
This ring has an inscription on it. 'PROPERTY OF THE PIXIE MASTER' Perhaps you should return it to its rightful owner?
14, 4 подземелье
I don't like this. Whimpers Volf. Those big rocks can splat a poor man like me.
Дендроид воин
8, 17 подземелье
The inhabitants of the forest are tough an durable, just like the trees.
13, 8 подземелье
More goblins. Growls Volf. They get everywhere.
Дендроид страж
9, 22 подземелье
The tree folk don't take to kindly to tresspassers.
Щит дракона
35, 14 подземелье
There used to be Dragons in these parts. Says Volf. But now these artifacts appear to be all that's left.
30, 16 подземелье
The bull like monster belows loudly before charging in to attack.
Разбойник на волке
14, 14 подземелье
A great number of wolves burst from the trees to attack.
Туника короля циклопов
16, 1 подземелье
It seems the cyclops king wore this magical tunic.
Королевский циклоп
15, 1 подземелье
The cyclops king carries even larger boulders than the cyclops!
29, 24 подземелье
The peacful quiet is shattered by the squarks of giant bird-things swooping from the mountains.
31, 22 подземелье
I don't like this one bit. Moans Volf. The ground is littered with bones.
Часы недоброго часа
28, 24 подземелье
This is what the griffons were guarding, but is it any use?
12, 35 подземелье
After you have passed through the gate you hear noises from behind. You look back to see the statues waking up! You tell them what has happened. They are so thankful they agree to join you.
Накидка отречения
6, 35 подземелье
The cloak looks rather dirty and you don't really want to put it on.
Корона дракона
2, 29 подземелье
Another artifact remembering the Dragons. Says Volf. This could be handy...wait! What is it? You ask. In the trees. I caught a glimpse of many goblins. Shall we still try and take the crown?
10, 5 подземелье
Oh-oh. Cries Volf. These are evil creatures indeed.
9, 7 подземелье
Trolls... they smell so bad. Complains Volf. Let's get this over with.
1, 8 подземелье
By order of da Troll King we guard dis prison. Now we gonna bash youre eads.
1, 12 подземелье
The goblins cackle evily at you as they move in.
6, 10 подземелье
The evil bird-women fly from their nests in the trees to strike.
Королевский минотавров
15, 12 подземелье
The minotaurs grunt as they see you. Be careful. Advises Volf. Try not to make them angry. Too late for that. You reply.
Боевой единорог
8, 20 подземелье
Such beautiful creatures. You gasp as you see the unicorns. Don't be fooled. Volf warns. They will turn upon you and trample you under their hooves. Suddenly the unicorns turn towards you...
Дендроид воин
4, 18 подземелье
Deep into the forest and its guardians seem even more intent to guard its secrets.
3, 17 подземелье
As you are about to drink from the fountain hordes of sprites fly around you. Whar are you doing here? They demand. I am on a quest to slay the Snow Queen. You reply. They buzz amongst themselves for a while, then talk to you again. We will help. The Snow Queen once cursed our race and our elders died. Now we seek revenge. Here, take our magic cards too.
6, 5 подземелье
Now you are close to the Troll King's castle there are far more troll patrols.
19, 14 подземелье
You chance across a group of peasants. We have fled from the Snow Queen. They tell you. But we hear you wish to stop her. Perhaps we could help you.
29, 34 подземелье
We are the mountain horsemen. The Snow Queen banished us here, but now we have been rescued and are looking for revenge.
31, 32 подземелье
The pass is guarded by a frightning monster. But you have been through much, and you are not scared.
22, 10 подземелье
Deadly Swamp
25, 27 подземелье
The mountains are home to all manner of flying creatures.
25, 32 подземелье
You shake Volf, and pour some water over his head. He awakes with a start. Oh my... He says, then looks over you shoulder. His eyes widen and then he faints back again. What...? You say, turning. Then you realise what he saw. The statue you completed behind you is alive! It strides over to where you are and bends down. MY MISTRESS. It booms. YOU HAVE COMPLETED ME AND NOW I SERVE ONLY YOU. Well... that's nice. You reply. You splash more water over Volf who awakes, and manages to stay concious this time.
32, 7 подземелье
Here it is. Volf whispers. The Snow Queen's castle. Volf. You say, turning to him. You don't have to come with me. You have been a great help, and all I did was rescue you from an Ogre. You don't have to risk your life entering the castle. Volf is about to answer when he spots something in the trees. You turn to look and see one of the trrees bend and twist and take the form of the Snow Queen. You grab your sword. Foolishg girl.She cackles. No-one can defeat me. Then she throws soem sort of sparkling dust at you. You sneeze on it and then start to feel very drowsy... ...you awake to find yourself lying in the snow with Volf on one knee looking over you. W...what happened? You ask. The Snow Queen cursed you with her magic sleep dust. Volf replies. But I was able to restore you. How? You ask puzzled. Volf scratches the back of his neck. He looks nervous. The curse can only be lifted by a prince... and... well... You're a prince? You ask. Yes. He replies smiling. My faimly used to own this kingdom till the Snow Queen came and threw us out of our castle here. I wasn't even born then, now I'm the last of our family. Gosh. You say. But how did you lift the curse? Well... I had to... kiss you. He replies nervously. Oh. You murmer, blushing slightly. Yes. Anyway, we'd better hurry to the Snow Queen's castle. Volf says, standing and moving away. Wait. You say softly, getting to your feet. He stops and turns to you. Thank you. You smile and kiss him lightly on the cheek. Not only will we lift the curse the Snow Queen placed on my village, but we'll also reclaim your castle. Then you will be king. Volf pauses, then says. And I hope you will be my queen. Perhaps. We'll see. You reply. He looks at his feet. Then he looks up at the castle and then back at you. I hope this goes right. He says. Don't worry. You answer. I' sure we'll all live happily ever after.
Великий василиск
26, 13 подземелье
You almost scream when you see a monster rear its ugly head. But you keep calm, you can't be seen to be panicking when you are the leader of an army.
7, 30 подземелье
The Village
Посещение Клерик:
The evil Snow Queen, jealous of Belle's beautiful looks has cursed her and her village. Now Belle must act to kill the Queen before the curse is fulfilled.
Once upon a time...
...there lived a cruel but beautiful witch who called herself the Snow Queen, and lived in a large castle up in the White Mountains. She was very vain, and each day she would turn to her magic mirror and say, Mirror, mirror, on the wall. Who's the fairest of them all? To which the mirror would always reply, Oh my Queen, it is true. No-one is as fair as you. So one day after she had put her make up on she asked the mirror, Mirror, mirror, on the wall. Who's the fairest of them all? To which the mirror replied, Oh my Queen, it is true. Another is more fair than you. That girl's name, I will tell. She's from the village, her name is Belle. The Queen flew into a rage. How dare someone be more beautiful than her! she rode to the village imediately and sought out the one called Belle, a 19 year old girl in the village. The Queen had decided to have the girl killed, but when she saw Belle she was overcome by her beauty. The Queen decided she could not let the girl die, but she could rob the girl of her looks and make sure no-one else could ever match her own beauty. She placed a withering curse upon the village. This meant that after five months the crops in the village would wither and the people would become old and wrinkly. The Queen left, cackling madly. The people of the village were dismayed. They believed there was nothing any of them could do. But Belle decided otherwise. She gave a rousing speech to gain the support of the people to join her in a mission to slay the Snow Queen. The peasants cheered and soon Belle had a small force with which to venture into the magical kingdoms and slay the Ice Queen. But she had better be careful, for many dangers lurk outside of the forest, and she also must hurry - there are but five months till the curse is fulfilled and the withering spell takes hold.
Oh, and being a poor villager, you start with no resources...
Кулон святости
12, 32 подземелье
The very holy monks were guarding their very holy artifact.
11, 32 подземелье
You ask the monks if they will let you pass but they refuse. It seems you will have to do this the hard way.
30, 27 подземелье
They're huge! Quivers Volf as you gaze up at the giant. We must defeat thrm. You reply. They guard the only pass into the mountains.
2, 22 подземелье
You approach a large tree with what appears to be a face formed out of the bark. Welcome, Belle. The tree says, and you almost jump out of your skin with shock. H...hello. You reply, still shocked at the talking tree. How did you know my name? I know many things... and I know it is your destiny to try and defeat the Snow Queen. Will I succeed? The future is uncertain, for the Snow Queen's powers are great. Oh. You look downcast. And as for you Volf. The tree says. A worried expression crosses volf's face. Yes? He asks quietly. You will play an important part in the events that will soon unfold. Really? Volf laughs nervously. Oh, great. And now Belle, Says the tree, I will teach you many useful things...
29, 5 подземелье
You glimpse the Snow Queen's castle high in the mountains. Now it is time for revenge. You cry. Remember. Says Volf. Do not let your guard down.
Нескончаемое кольцо самоцветов
20, 23 суша
This ring will provide you with many gems... but that is not the way you will use it.
23, 25 суша
Dragons' hordes are always filled with treasure.... they jsut love shiny things.
Меч правосудия
22, 24 суша
The greatest sword in all the kingdom, and now it is yours.
25, 32 суша
Where are we? You ask. You don't want to know. Replies Volf. Why? You say. Volf gulps. I think this is a Dragon's cave, and from the smell of it I'd say there's still Dragons in here.
Ожерелье небесного блаженства
23, 30 суша
A powerful artifact, just discarded by the powerful Dragon. Your knees are trembling.
Черный дракон
24, 26 суша
It seems they aren't extinct after all...
5, 5 суша
Scrowe's Wolrd'o'Maps http
Волшебный свиток
21, 22 суша
A powerful spell is contained on this scroll.... keep it with you at all times.
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