Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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The Keepers of the Dragons are separated. Snow, ice, coldness and tower creatures led by Dracon cover the world. The balance is lost. Please play on impossible difficulty. Please try to use Castle heroes only. Please do not hire defeated teal heroes. (version 2.5)
I’ve heard the Island of Domination isn’t an island.
Ice Elemental
I think that the Ice Elementals will support Dracon.
It’s said that Diamond Golems are the hardest creatures in the world.
It’s told you can find Spark in his favourite place.
Crystal Dragons
Did you ever see a flying Crystal Dragon?
Bone Dragons
I’m sure that Bone Dragons don’t have a Keeper.
In the village people say that Dracon is stealing the mercury.
Snow Spot
A friend of mine was attacked on a snow spot on Three Quarter Island. These spots can become really dangerous.
In times like this, I think no town is worthy of having a Grail Building.
My cousin told there is a spell which allows you to double stacks of your army.
Iron Curt
You overhear two peasants: It’s said Iron Curt’s defense is so outstanding, he won a fight with one Gnoll against a Mighty Gorgon. You hope you’ll never face him, but are sure you will.
I have heard there are two kinds of genies, blue ones and red ones.
After every winter there is spring.
Minotaur Kings
Fra Quilius pays the Minotaur Kings and enters the monolith.
Intro 1
Yes, this Underground Gate looks like a shortcut to Sortiran, the Conflux nation. When you enter the gate a bunch of Chaos Hydras attacks. Frightened, you turn around and see the Crown of Dragontooth, an important part of your mission, lying in the river. Why didn’t you see it before. Have you been under Dracon’s spell? Did he try to drive you into the arms of these monsters? Should you take the crown or leave it? The Chaos Hydras are moving closer. Take the crown or leave it? Take it!
Intro 2
You remember one month ago: Rucius, the abbot of St. Gill called for Fra Quilius, Fra Derian and for you: Do you see the snow outside? Do you feel the coldness? This means the Keepers of the Dragons have been separated. They used to live together on Dragon Island and keep the world in balance: snow, grass, swamp, sand and even lava. Something wicked must have been happened. Rucius took an ancient book: This is the Tome of Eternity. He opened it near the end: Listen, padres, to what’s written in this book: Only the - Eye of the Dragon - can separate the - Keepers of the Dragons - and the world will be unbalanced. Only the - Tooth of the Dragon - can reunite the Keepers. Two pages further on: Only Stralos, the Keeper of the Azure Dragon can brew the - Tooth of the Dragon -. So bring the following ingredients to him: the Crown of Dragontooth, the Necklace of Dragon Teeth and a lot of... Rucius turned the page over but it was empty.
Intro 3
You looked at each other. What is a Crown of Dragontooth or this Necklace and what’s the third ingredient?, asked Fra Quilius. I don’t know, the abbot answered, but one thing I know for sure: The user of the Eye of the Dragon spreads his natural terrain and climate all over the world. So the snow and the coldness prove that Dracon, the wizard, the leader of Frontiac, the land of the Towers, is responsible. As a matter of urgency, padres, find the Crown of Dragontooth, the Necklace of Dragonteeth and the third ingredient. Bring all of them to Stralos wherever he is.
Story 1
This headache again. You think your head is in a beehive. Then you hear Rimarus’s voice again: Padre - I think you don’t know much about the whole context - listen: Dracon always dreamt of ruling a cold world, the whole world, covered with ice and snow. To succeed he needed two things: A strong army, but that’s the easier part. He also needed the Eye of the Dragon. With it he was able to separate us, the Keepers of the Dragons, his mightiest opponents, and start to cover the whole world with ice, snow and coldness and, you will feel it soon, terror and chaos. You know the story about Dracon slaughtering all kinds of dragons. The only reason he did this was to get the Still Eye of the Dragon and the Quiet Eye of the Dragon, the ingredients for the Eye of the Dragon.
Story 2 - The Keepers
Not again! A gnawing headache: Padre - Perhaps you know the story of the Keepers of the Dragons: We are ancient, wise and also very friendly men and lived on the Island of Dragons. Each of us is responsible for one kind of the living, flying Dragons. They are our pets. Together in our harmony we kept the world in balance for thousands of years. But now that’s gone.
In one week a lot of monks will arrive at St. Gill during their pilgrimage, says the abbot, perhaps they will help us. Let’s try to make sure we will still have a monastery then.
Story 3 - Cpt Crow
You expect more pain, but it’s rather calm this time: Padre - You’ve got another enemy: 150 years ago a bunch of pirates, Crow’s Birds, terrorized the world. Their sign was the Sharks Tooth. The most wicked scoundrels were Captain Crow himself, the Helmsman, strong but stupid, Iron Curt, called the Master of Defense, the Silent, the most brutal man I’ve ever seen and Spark, burning everything to the ground. After a hard fight Alarana, Sortiran, St. Gill, Tabaluga and even some parts of Frontiac, all supported by us, managed to banish them to different places and save the world. Stop - mistake: We couldn’t find Spark so far. We didn’t want to kill these guys, we only wanted to keep them weak. We even allowed them to keep their troops and artifacts. A mistake? - perhaps. The ranks died over time but somehow they turned to undead. Now I’ve heard that Dracon has contacted Crow and his crew, promising to free them and give them back their former strength to terrorize the world in his name. To achieve this, Crow and his bunch must do everything to support Dracon’s plan, that means blocking you, my friend, wherever they can. And you know Iron Curt has done a part of this job already.
Story 4
Nothing, no pain, only Rimarus’s voice: Padre - You know when Dracon used the Eye of the Dragon the world started to become cold, and we, the Keepers of the Dragons were separated. I was banished on this little island. I don’t know where the other Keepers are, because I cannot brain to them anymore. The power of our harmony has gone.
Alarana unfriendly
St. Gill’s scouts report that the heroes from Alarana, the country in the swamp area, have been behaving in a very hostile manner for a few days.
Psychic Island
Headache again this time, painful but short: Padre - Find the Psychic Island. Find it soon. Do not hesitate to fight there.
Your head is throbbing: Padre - Don’t forget to count the Psychic on Psychic Island and learn the number by heart. It’s easy, as the Psychic is concentrated in one place.
Stolen mercury 1
It’s reported that somebody is stealing mercury everywhere in the country. Now he has found one of our resource silos. But when we investigated how much mercury was stolen we found some other treasures we had forgotten.
monks arrive
The monks arrive in St. Gill. After the abbot has explained the situation they are eager to support you. Their leader tells you: After St. Gill we wanted to visit St. Doore lying beyond the Canorra Mountains, far away. So I asked three angels to fly us over the mountains. They will arrive in another ten days.
Story 5
Padres from other regions report that Dracon’s troops have invaded all countries. Sometimes just with reinforced scouts, sometimes with tremendous forces. Be prepared.
Stolen Mercury 2
Again somebody has been stealing mercury from one of our resource silos.
Mercury hide
You receive a letter from the abbey: Our scouts found a hidden store of the mercury thieves on the minotaur island. It is behind an old mine and guarded by just one rogue. He’s a small part of the gang, but of course not the brain.
Kill Cpt Crow
Again you expect pain, but it’s only Rimarus’s voice in you: Padre - have you already spotted Crow’s Harbour? Conquer the whole island as soon as you are strong enough. As I told you before, Crow and his guys support Dracon. They hide important keys on the island. Without it, I think you cannot fulfil your mission. - By the way, I hope you are already used to being brained.
angels arrive
You hear the sound of mighty wings in the air. Moments later a dozen creatures land in the yard of St. Gill. We are not alone, one of the three angels says, some griffins accompanied us. We hope you have dwellings for us.
Three Quarters
Padre - Find the Island with three quarters. You can get reinforcements and you can improve your physical skills.
orb - Guard at Quest Gate
Padre - Find the Minotaur’s Island. Find it soon. It’s not far away from your home. The longer you wait, the harder it becomes. You don’t know, whether braining is one way. However you think as clearly as you can: Rimarus, please stop calling me Padre all the time.
agitation 1
A courier from the abbot hands a letter to you: Fra Probus, Alarana has declared war on St. Gill. So far we don’t know why.
agitation 2
You meet some people. They stop you: Sir, do you know why Sortiran declared war on St. Gill? No, I don’t, you answer, until now I didn’t even know that Sortiran had declared war on St. Gill. St. Gill was never a friend of Alarana and Sortiran, but they respected each other. But now, at war with both nations, why?
Water magic
Cleric - Try to learn Water Magic. In a world like this it could be useful.
agitation 3
Another courier from the abbot arrives: I think you know already that Sortiran has also declared war on us. Now we know why this has happened: Dracon hired a lot of Crusaders from a castle called Stone Cross to attack Alarana and Sortiran. I don’t know how he did it. They devastated the fields and slaughtered the cattle. Both Alarana and Sortiran think the Crusaders were sent by St. Gill. Good luck, my son.
Dracon’s character
Cleric - I think you don’t know Dracon very well: He is a very insidious person and - this is very important - he discovers the weakness of his opponents very quickly. Never turn your back on him. He’s not the best fighter, but a master of magic and very intelligent. Remember: Even if you get an opportunity to defeat him, don’t forget your mission, don’t forget the Tooth of the Dragon.
Peace 1
You are told about a placard nailed on all public places in St. Gill: “St. Gill offers peace to Alarana and Sortiran. We don’t know anything about the Crusaders invading your countries. Let’s live in peace again. St. Gill expects the answers during the next two weeks.
agitation 4
You meet a travelling merchant. You buy some Sortiran tea and Alaranan rice. That makes 10 gold coins, the merchant says. 10 gold coins, you ask, I bought the same two months ago and paid two coins. Yes, since the war started the prices have increased sky high. And the harvests were destroyed. Did you know that a lot of Sortiran Conflux creatures invaded Alarana and killed a lot of innocent inhabitants, even children. Sortiran declared they are not responsible and don’t know anything about it, but Alarana didn’t believe them. So they declared war on Sortiran. No, I didn’t know this until now, but it’s important information, you answer. You give 11 gold coins to the merchant and start riding on. You think about the information: I don’t know how he did it, but I’m sure that’s another dirty act of Dracon. Now there won’t be any military alliance against him. This makes his plans easier.
Snow Spots
Cleric - Beware - Some of the Snow Spots are traps. Thank you for the warning, Rimarus, but I know it already, you think, and don’t think I’m impolite, but it isn’t so nice being called Cleric
Peace 2
You get some information from St. Gill: Alarana and Sortiran spurn our peace offer. Both argue they have seen Crusaders in our armies. They believe St. Gill supports Dracon. They will die if they have to, but they won’t bend.
Walls 1
Probus, now I know your name - just a short piece of advice I remembered this morning: Look behind walls, to see the thing’s true face.
Spy 1
Probus - Pay attention! Dracon has an excellent spy. He works with dirty tricks. I know it from a source that he had the idea of invading Alarana with Conflux creatures. I will try to find out who he or she is.
Crown stolen by genie
Padre, today I say Padre again, Rimarus’s voice was very quiet and despairing, the Crown of Dragontooth was stolen. I was walking around the beach and left my hut unlocked. When I returned, I saw a genie just flying away with it. He turned his head, laughed at me and screamed: - Excellent job, you mighty Keeper of Nothing. We’ll hide and guard the crown on a small island, that you’ll never reach. Crow’s Birds will take care of it. - Padre, this doesn’t make your mission easier.
Strength of the armies
A courier from St. Gill catches up with you: So far we don’t know exactly how strong the other armies are. It’s said that Frontiac leads the strongest forces, but nobody knows. Very precise information, you answer, St. Gill was never concerned with military matters before.
Probus - Make sure that you bring a Pixie to me before one of your enemies does, else everything is lost.
Mage Guild Southend
A report about Southend: When the Arch Mages conquered Southend they brought some useful spells with them. They couldn’t destroy them after you attacked and conquered the town. But we will only understand them, when we build up Southend’s Mage Guild. Please answer soon.
orb - Stone Cross 1
Probus - An informant brained me, the Orb of Tempestuous Fire can be found in the shadow of the working cross high above the lying cross. Please think where this could be, I don’t know. Do not dawdle. Time is very short now. But {I} have to know it, you think as - loud - as possible. Who is the ancient and wise Keeper, you or I?
Fra Derian died
A courier brings another message from the abbot. The ink is blurred: There are rumors that Fra Derian was killed by red genies. We don’t know where. But as we didn’t hear anything about him in the last ten weeks I’m afraid the rumors are true. You look at the paper again. Tears, yes, tears blurred the ink. First Fra Quilius, now Fra Derian - and when is it my turn?
Spy 2
Probus - To save your life: Do not forget Dracon’s spy!! He’s clever, very clever. So far I still don’t know, who he is.
Diamond Golem
Probus - More advice from an informant I do not understand: When you defeat the hardest creatures the world has ever seen - do not forget to count their strength in numbers.
Probus - help us to destroy the spell that hurts our pets most.
Probus - Dracon doesn’t underestimate you. It’s said he is building magic garrisons at Frontiac’s strategic points. Some people say, that one town, others say that even two towns are unreachable.
Spark 1
You hear rumors that Spark has been seen near St. Gill, a burning torch in his hand. People start to panic.
Orb Stone cross 2
Probus - I’ve got more, very detailed, information regarding the orb. There’s an island with two crosses on it. One lies immovable on the ground, while the other one turns vertically. And there’s something with the shadow of the working one. I don’t remember exactly. Very detailed, indeed.
Follow the river
Probus - do always explore rivers, especially the hot ones. You are getting used to valuable news like this.
Dangerous books
Probus - at some places in this world it’s very dangerous to read books. Like all of Rimarus’s information you write this one in your quest logs. You see it has only a few pages left.
Dracon’s Home
Probus - I was told you can find Dracon on the Island of Domination, Crow’s former headquarters. He’s escorted only by his Titans. But I think it’s better I don’t tell you how many of them. I won’t alarm you.
Spy 3
Probus - I’m sorry - but so far I don’t know who is Dracon’s spy. Do you already suspect somebody?
Bird of prey
Probus - Find the Bird of Prey, but don’t look for it in the sky.
You remember your mother, Rangara, a Frontiac native. She didn’t tell you much about her home country. The only thing you remember is a big snow white gate separating Frontiac’s capital from the rest of the country.
Silo 1
A letter from the abbot: One of St. Gill’s resource silos standing in a forest nearby was burnt down by invaders. Some people say that the leader, an absolutely strange man, had a teal banner. Is Spark active again? A lot of treasure has been burnt.
Silo 2
Thanks be to God, some mercury can still be used after the arson.
Clock 1
Probus - In the forest lane near the Clock you can find a friend, who will help you.
Dracon’s armies 1
The latest report from St. Gill’s intelligence says that Dracon’s armies haven’t attacked with their full power yet. Their main effort so far has been to block and delay. But there must be tremendous reserves in the territory of Frontiac.
Trap 1 - Jumping Dendroid
Probus, Probus listen: I’ve got excellent news for you. I was told some inhabitants and a lot of creatures of Hawkwind survived. They are very strong, but they need a leader and they are eager to join your army. Keep some slots free to take them with you. They are hiding in the south of the former - Jumping Dendroid -, just north-west of the windmill. But hurry up, my source says that they are becoming tired and want to surrender soon. Your heart starts beating faster, you get nervous, your hands become moist. By the way, I have been thinking about the Orb of Tempestuous Fire. I think you can find it north of the windmill of Stone Cross. Thank you very much - most helpful!.
Silo 3
Another letter from the abbot: I decided to build up a new resource silo, because it’s necessary in times like this. I know it’s expensive.
Nearly solution
Probus, Probus - I’ve found an important helper, a Basilisk from Alarana. He’ll give some decisive information to me in just two days. This will win the race for us.
Nearly solution 2
Oh Padre - Dracon’s armies found and killed the Basilisk. The information has gone forever.
Padre, you know, always when I call you so, I tell you something that’s not so happy - sometimes you’ll reach a point where you are sure you won’t succeed. But there is always a way. Remember my words about Dracon. He is intelligent, he’s a psychologist, he prepares traps for you. The more you think about failure, the better for him.
Clock 2
Probus - did you already find the clock. They do not exist in the St. Gill region, but in other areas you can even find people in them.
Probus - Devils do not only live in lava areas. Sometimes you can find them even on grass. But as a padre, I think you know this. Thank you again.
Trap 2 - Jumping Dendroid
Stop, Padre, Stop!! Treason, treason!! There are no troops on Tabaluga. It is a trap set by Dracon’s spy. It is an ambush. I hope nobody got hurt or even killed. What a disgrace! I’m so ashamed that I didn’t notice this trap. My source, I think he got the information from the spy, was murdered. So again I don’t know who the spy is. Padre, please take got care of yourself. I told you that Dracon finds your weaknesses quickly and he knows about your love for Tabaluga. You stop. Yes, he knows my weaknesses. But that’s too much. He has to die. He has to die.
Probus - When you overcome obstacles in a, for human beings, non-natural way - never move backward. I hope you’ll never need this advice And why do you give it to me?
Probus - Find the oaks in the hitters’ quarter and help the poor man who is hiding from the trolls there. It can become dangerous.
Keith, The Brave
Stop for a while, Padre, and listen to this story: A long time ago, Sir Keith, called the Brave Knight, had to find a antidote for the poisoned Lady Charlotte. A difficult mission, that didn’t become easier as all nations were at war with each other. A situation you can compare with today. Sir Keith did a good job and needed only one more ingredient to succeed. This final one was in the possession of a mighty Swamp hero. Only two weeks before Sir Keith could fight him, a third nation destroyed the Swamp nation. Seven days later the mighty Swamp hero vanished, too. Cheated of the last chance to save Lady Charlotte’s life, Sir Keith desperately searched for alternative ways to rescue her, fighting even the strongest heroes of the world. But nothing helped, Lady Charlotte was lost. Since then Sir Keith changed his branch and helps people to create maps. Thank you very much for your help, Keith. Why did I tell this: Do always think twice when you want to destroy a nation. Perhaps there are important reasons, reasons you may not see so far, to keep the opponent weak, but alive. Sir Keith had no opportunity, because the destruction of the Swamp was out of his hands. But when it’s your responsibility, think twice. Enough stories - Probus - keep on riding.
Probus - Regarding the trap on Tabaluga, I believed my source’s words because I felt, and still feel, there’s Tabalugan life somewhere.
Probus - you did already find the Crown of Dragontooth on the Golem’s Island, didn’t you. Don’t worry that you can’t reach it. It’s only an imitation, another trick by Dracon to demoralize you.
Hot spot
Probus - Even in the coldest regions of the world you can find a hot spot. Find the reason for this spot.
Probus - Another piece of information: I think, for you as a cleric, it’s very easy to understand, as I do not. Find a cowl, not yours, another one. Even the place should be easy to find for a cleric. It’s a little north-west of an altar. My source says one needs a spell or even two to reach it. All right, you think, the best about this information is that he didn’t start with Probus - Find.... I can’t bear to hear it anymore.
Padre - I have to find the spy now. I shall brain everybody I can now. I have to know it and I will inform you. So don’t be afraid, if you don’t hear me for a while. Good luck.
Miss 1
Padre - An th r info ma on. Fxgre dsa. You can’t understand Rimarus. The headache starts again.
Miss 2
Padre - You can find the spy in dkfcv. The same as last time. The communication breaks down. You think, now you have to make it alone.
Хижина предсказателя
58, 1 подземелье
Rimarus stands in front of his hut
46, 9 подземелье
St. Gill
Monks arrive
angels arrive
60, 9 подземелье
You see the Cyclops. Will they destroy the boat with their rocks? Suddenly your head seems to explode. You lie in the sand because of the pain. But then you hear a distant voice. It’s Rimarus
55, 40 подземелье
Crow’s Harbour
Посещение Некромант:
Born in Hawkwind, Crow already came into conflict with the law in his childhood. After he had committed more and more serious crimes, Hawkwind’s citizens decided to banish him. As no country wanted to have him, he spent most of his life on the sea. He gathered the nastiest guys around. First they just terrorized beach areas, but then invaded the countries more and more. Finally he and his birds became so dangerous, that all nations united and, supported by the Keepers, defeated and caught him and his gang in his headquarters Domination. For 150 years he has been banished on this island, whose only town gained the name Crow’s Harbour.
60, 38 подземелье
Welcome to our lighthouse. We make sure you won’t miss the reef.
62, 9 подземелье
Stop, stop, shouts the Pixie, I am a friend. But it’s too late. Thinking of the Chaos Hydras, you attack.
45, 10 подземелье
You hear the noise of a tavern. Yet taverns are forbidden in an abbey like St. Gill.
47, 40 подземелье
A one-eyed, toothless sailor comes up to you
Корона дракона
69, 2 подземелье
Yes, that’s an artifact made of Dragon Tooth. Success after a hard month of searching. But it’s guarded. Believe in your monk.
20, 3 подземелье
Stone Cross
21, 49 подземелье
Another try?
24, 46 подземелье
Here you can learn a lot of useful things.
17, 45 подземелье
Guess what you can learn here?
Страж задания
20, 39 подземелье
A monk comes up to you. Welcome to the quiet quarter. Quiet please, do not disturb our praying. Give us 20 Zealots and we will open the gate. Do you want to come in?
19, 42 подземелье
Welcome to the hitters’ quarter.
32, 37 подземелье
No sir, we won’t join you. We have to care for the cabbage.
36, 38 подземелье
No sir, we won’t join you. We think we would be only a burden for you, as we are weak and slow.
22, 40 подземелье
No sir, we won’t join you. We want to stay in the happy quarter. But soon this happiness will be finished, you answer.
29, 37 подземелье
No sir, we won’t join you. We know you are a good man, but we are too small for this mission.
32, 34 подземелье
No sir, we won’t join you.
18, 44 подземелье
We can teach you how to hit.
2, 22 подземелье
Wet Moss
Чешуя большого василиска
0, 16 подземелье
I am the last guard.
Шлем Хаоса
16, 64 подземелье
I am the last guard.
48, 70 подземелье
48, 71 подземелье
All our Knights are defeated. Suddenly Tower creatures with red capes appeared, took Southend and built this green gate. I’m afraid some of my former friends in Southend even support them now. The only thing I could save is a little mercury. The Tower creatures are praying to a wizard called Dracon. They shout
Королевский минотавров
68, 16 подземелье
The last one who came was a padre, called Fra Quillpen or so. He paid, so I let him pass. I didn’t see him again. You look stronger than he did, I think I will let you pass for free. I'll even give you some advice
Волшебный свиток
30, 24 подземелье
We don’t need it, but we keep it.
Страж задания
61, 9 подземелье
An old man appears in a red cloud of smoke
Страж задания
48, 3 подземелье
You know the rule of this gate. Leave one monk and you can pass.
41, 60 подземелье
Is there Behemoth sweat in the air?
47, 11 подземелье
We were practising in the forest when St. Gill was captured. Happy to meet you.
46, 35 подземелье
The Helmsman
Born in Poken Reef, Jerit, called the Helmsman, had his first contact with Crow when Crow hid him after Jerit had escaped from prison. From this moment on, the infantile Jerit never left Crow and did everything he was ordered to do. Even after Crow’s defeat, he wanted to stay close to his captain. So he lives on the same island.
23, 48 подземелье
Stay away from our bridge.
65, 7 подземелье
You turn around. The Chaos Hydras are moving closer.
Страж задания
11, 64 подземелье
Where is your key?
Страж задания
13, 64 подземелье
Where is your key?
0, 52 подземелье
Misty Corner
25, 40 подземелье
Three Quarter Island - The happy quarter
Хижина предсказателя
49, 60 подземелье
My name is Plantarian, the Keeper of the Faerie Dragons. I’ve got a Dendroid already and you brought the Clover with four leaves to me. Thank you very much.
Хижина предсказателя
26, 18 подземелье
I am Chietor, the Keeper of the Red Dragons and warrior in the Skeleton Wars 500 years ago. Yes, even a Keeper can become a warrior, but only for a short time. I have a lot of ancient helmets, but they are still on Dragon Island. Thank you for the Skull Helmet, it’s not very powerful, but I like it because I used to wear it during the war.
20, 4 подземелье
I must tell you a strange story
Страж задания
50, 39 подземелье
Crow and the Helmsman are not allowed to come together, therefore I won’t open the gate, unless you give the Sea Captain’s Hat to me. Find it in the town., says a mixture of lion and scorpion. In school you heard about these creatures. They usually to live in dungeons. But this one is the guard of the gate. The Scorpicore turns around and flies back into the tower.
68, 61 подземелье
Some Magi shoot at you with their rays. They don’t hurt you, because they hit your sack of gems. Some of them are melting.
Страж задания
49, 61 подземелье
Here lives Plantarian, the Keeper of the Faerie Dragons. He looks for rare plants. Now he is looking for Clover with four leaves. He has heard they often grow near tower walls, but they don’t like snow.
Страж задания
26, 19 подземелье
Here lives Chietor, the Keeper of the Red Dragons and warrior in the Skeleton Wars 500 years ago. He looks for souvenirs of this ancient time, especially helmets. He’s interested in the Skull Helmet. If you could bring this helmet to me you will pass.
5, 18 подземелье
Mosquitoes under Dracon’s spell attack.
62, 58 подземелье
Welcome to Tabaluga. the Island of Free Treasure. Here live only happy people.
68, 2 подземелье
Fra Probus
Although Probus was born in St. Gill, his parents weren’t from there. His father was Argan, a ranger from Hawkwind, who became a teacher of natural secrets in the St. Gill Padres Advanced School (SGPAS), while his mother, Rangara, was a refugee from a Frontiac town. She left the country after Dorca, Dracon’s mother, started to rule Frontiac. Rangara never mentioned the town’s name and only told about a big white gate and awful creatures living behind the tower. Probus soon joined the SGPAS and developed a character balanced between nature, magic and clergy. Soon Rucius recognized the universal abilities of the boy and continued his education after Probus’s parents were murdered under mysterious circumstances, some people still say it was ordered by Dorca, when he was just 12 years old.
21, 53 подземелье
You are not bad. Now let’s fight for the Flail that’s lying in the bushes behind me.
20, 53 подземелье
You ride a few steps further and see a Flail lying in the bushes. You take it and hold it in your right hand. A good feeling.
25, 51 подземелье
After you have crossed the bridge, you see the School of War and another bunch of Trolls. Then you see something glittering in the bushes behind the Trolls.
57, 25 подземелье
Psychic Elementals attack from behind the tent .
57, 27 подземелье
Welcome to Psychic Island
46, 1 подземелье
Headache again. Padre - Don’t find the right way to all the white obelisks. But do to the other one. To save your life do always remember these words. Do not forget them.
Волшебный элементал
56, 25 подземелье
We don’t know how we came here. Our country used to have grass.
Волшебный элементал
61, 29 подземелье
We don’t know how we came here. Only sand and this white, cold stuff here, no grass.
46, 3 подземелье
Poor Padre, St. Gill has fallen while we were praying in the sanctuary. We could see you sailing and hoped you would remember our Monk’s Gate. So we blocked the way to it with our bodies. The abbot is still in the town. He is hiding in the hay of the stables. Lead us to win St. Gill back. I think there are some friendly Marksmen around here, but be wary of the Halberdiers. Since the Tower Heroes invaded they have become hostile, we don’t know why. We took some treasure with us.
45, 4 подземелье
All of our mercury was taken by the Halberdiers. We don’t know why. But here’s another couple of gems.
3, 67 подземелье
18, 8 подземелье
You feel strong in the middle of the stone cross.
63, 60 подземелье
This is all that remains of Tabaluga and Hawkwind, its wonderful town. Snow, growing coldness and conquered by enemies. You remember the time when you were a child and visited Tabaluga with your father, a Hawkwind native. You played on the Water Wheel with Menora, the daughter of Hawkwind’s Mayor and you swam in Trout’s Home, the Gem Pond. Still you don’t know why a pond got such a name. And why did Menora win every footrace to Hawkwind even when you had a big lead? Did she know a shortcut? You forgot to ask. Now it’s too late. Now it looks like nobody survived. You get angry.
65, 68 подземелье
Dracon knows your feeling for Tabaluga. He knows the weaknesses of his enemies. He knew you would come. We admire him.
22, 6 подземелье
Welcome to Stone Cross. Home of the Northern Knights and the most loyal Crusaders you’ve ever seen..
46, 66 подземелье
Welcome to Southend. Home of the Southern Knights.
65, 66 подземелье
You remember this place. Here was the Jumping Dendroid, a pub, where all the Tabalugan people met in the evening, singing, dancing and drinking the Dwarf Beer, that was brewed by Paron, the retired Battle Dwarf. And now. A handful of ash, coloring this wicked snow a dirty grey.
Страж задания
67, 15 подземелье
You reach the tower and a Naga comes up to you. This could become dangerous. No, this is no Naga, it’s smaller. It’s golden and carries a bow. You see a strange look in her eyes. You are afraid this look will paralyze you. I am Dina, the Medusa Queen. My Medusas and I are the guards of this tower. We are ordered to check everyone, who wants to pass. Not long ago a man, much like you, passed. We didn’t see him afterwards. I think he didn’t know who’s waiting for him behind the monolith. I hope you do. But that doesn’t matter anymore. You know it’s getting colder and since a few days ago the hinges of the rear gate are frozen. We cannot open it. My Medusas tried, but they say they need the help of the Orb of Tempestuous Fire to melt the ice. But they need it soon, otherwise the ice will become too strong. Now listen carefully
71, 63 подземелье
You don’t like the new color of Hawkwind’s banner. You know the green one, but that’s gone. The best thing you can do is to make it blue now.
Хижина предсказателя
70, 57 подземелье
I am Beamus, the Keeper of the Green Dragons. I built monoliths on Dragon Island. Now I collect hair from rare animals. If you could bring me hair from a unicorn's mane, you would be well rewarded. I don’t think that it is guarded heavily.
52, 34 подземелье
We are the last fighters of the Skeleton Wars. Stay away. Chietor’s helmet is ours now.
50, 40 подземелье
You don’t feel comfortable on this island. You feel a loss of your mental strength. But as an abbey’s hero you know a way to draw new strength and you already see an opportunity.
19, 65 подземелье
That’s not the right way to find a blue obelisk.
14, 48 подземелье
You find the peasant hiding behind the trunk of a mighty oak
Книга магии Воздуха
11, 63 подземелье
You see a Gnoll trying to take the tome away.
15, 49 подземелье
You see a thin peasant surrounded by a lots of Trolls. When they notice you they turn around ready to fight. The peasant runs away. He seems to be very weak, he doesn’t run fast. Find him after the fight, but first fight.
Книга магии Огня
13, 63 подземелье
You see a Gnoll trying to take the tome away.
Страж задания
9, 64 подземелье
Where is your key?
Книга магии Земли
9, 63 подземелье
You see a Gnoll trying to take the tome away.
56, 42 подземелье
Still you feel the spirit of the lost sailors
13, 0 подземелье
You don’t believe you can find anything here. But you feel it’s getting a little warmer. When you look at the ground you see an orange ball. Then you recognize it. Thinking of Fra Quilius and Iron Curt you decide to take it.
23, 0 подземелье
You see a rogue hiding something under his cape. Stop, you shout, but he tries to escape.
59, 41 подземелье
Страж задания
44, 59 подземелье
A servant comes up to you
Страж задания
60, 41 подземелье
Strange looking creatures occupy this tower. Green, with javelins in their hands and they seem to be blind. An orange one, the leader, comes up to you
50, 33 подземелье
Wait, wait for me! You turn around. It’s Paul, the Pikeman you left in the tower. We finished practising. They are good fighters, not so good as we are, but not bad.
31, 33 подземелье
You hear a whispering voice
20, 10 подземелье
21, 65 подземелье
Yes, that’s the right way to find a blue obelisk. Do not mix up blue and white, or did you already?
26, 39 подземелье
You know, says the owner of the Trading Post, mercury is becoming scarce. Somebody is stealing all the mercury he can get. Nobody knows why. But I still have some.
33, 32 подземелье
No sir, we won’t join you. We have wives, we have children.
45, 69 подземелье
You feel the power of Dracon.
70, 60 подземелье
4, 24 подземелье
You hear the noise of swords. Zounds of Crusaders stand in front of you. One of them, their leader, shouts
24, 35 подземелье
Rogues scream
67, 18 подземелье
Stay away from our mercury!
28, 51 подземелье
Still you don’t see anything
28, 52 подземелье
The whispering voice from the black market again, but again you don’t see anything
Страж задания
54, 3 подземелье
One of the Cyclops comes up to you
66, 65 суша
Bait number 3, the final bait. I like this kind of bait.
67, 68 суша
Bait number 1 What’s the meaning, you think, if this is bait it’s a generous bait.
26, 67 суша
Three Lakes
12, 37 суша
Frigid Pink
65, 32 суша
Poken Reef
Щит короля гноллов
49, 64 суша
That’s not yours. Do you want to fight for it? We are strong.
58, 60 суша
Leave the tomb alone.
68, 67 суша
Welcome to the Tube of Swamp Home of the Iron Curt. He’s so strong, he doesn’t need gimmicks like artifacts any more. Signed IC
31, 2 суша
Five Fingers
Щит неупокоенных
71, 23 суша
I am the last guard.
Черный меч мертвого рыцаря
65, 4 суша
I am the last guard.
67, 66 суша
Bait number 2 Again very nice bait, you think.
49, 28 суша
Fra Derian
Страж задания
49, 29 суша
A man with fiery hair and only one hand - a living wreck - comes up to you
Страж задания
4, 26 суша
The master of the library comes up to you. “Unless you have mastered enough basic knowledge you won’t understand anything.”
Страж задания
34, 45 суша
I’m the big and mighty guard of the - Keepers of the Dragons -. They don’t need wimps like you! You look around, but you don’t see anything. Look down here, you dwarf. You look down and see a small mite just one foot high. You have problems not to grin. I’m the big and mighty Xerabile, the strongest Titan ever, the only Titan fighting for the side of good, the guard of the - Keepers... I think I told you that before. I still have my gladius, but more than 150 years ago my shield was stolen by a guy with a painted face. If you bring it back, perhaps, I say perhaps, you may pass.
59, 3 суша
Султан ифритов
48, 27 суша
You killed our master!
54, 53 суша
River Junction
Сказочный дракон
40, 40 суша
Oh, my sisters loved being slaughtered by Dracon. And we will spell you to death.
Красный дракон
27, 44 суша
After we met Dracon, we see the things with different eyes. Isn’t it fine being slaughtered?
Хижина предсказателя
28, 41 суша
The Eye of the Dragon can only be dispelled by the Tooth of the Dragon and a lot of mercury. I hope you met Rimarus and he told you about the mercury. We two were the only Keepers that know about the mercury. And I think Dracon knew about it.
Дивный доспех
4, 68 суша
I am the last guard.
24, 31 суша
You stumble and find the Orb of Vulnerability covered by the snow.
Рыцарь Смерти
29, 58 суша
The Silent
Nobody knows his real name. Nobody knows whether he is mute or he just doesn’t want to say anything. Rumors that he is was born in Misty Corner are unproven. Soon after joining Crow’s gang, he gained the reputation of being the most brutal pirate of Crow’s Birds.
Хижина предсказателя
71, 5 суша
I am Himaror, Keeper of the Crystal Dragons. Thank you for the Greater Gnoll’s Flail. The guard gave it to me. You think you’ve heard this voice before. Does it sound like Rimarus’s real voice? You cannot remember.
42, 66 суша
Is this the place behind and after? You find a strange pendant, looking at you. A lot of eyes are looking at you. These are creatures you’ve never seen before. You hesitate. Fight them?
52, 36 суша
Was this Fra Derian’s body?
41, 58 суша
You feel the burden of your mission.
66, 25 суша
You feel the pressure of Dracon.
Страж задания
70, 5 суша
That’s the home of Himaror, Keeper of the Crystal Dragons. Long time ago he lived in the swamps, where everybody wanted to have the Greater Gnoll’s Flail. If you find it, please give it to me and he will meet you.
14, 0 суша
Посещение Чародей:
58, 12 суша
Tower Creatures attack. Didn’t Rimarus tell you about danger on snow spots?
59, 17 суша
Dracon knew you could not resist. He knows you are inquisitive. We are just a small vanguard of his army.
Страж задания
3, 39 суша
A guard comes up to you
23, 62 суша
A gremlin comes up to you
14, 2 суша
You stand in front of Domination, Dracon’s headquarters. You remember Alarana, Sortiran and especially Tabaluga. How much pain was caused by this man - you get angry, very angry. While you’re hesitating you hear Dracon shout
1, 39 суша
You know we are Dracon’s special friends.
71, 67 суша
You are happy to leave this monolith healthy.
3, 27 суша
Dracon knew you couldn’t resist the library.
15, 55 суша
Tower creatures and their relatives attack from behind the Witch Hut. Slow but mighty.
15, 35 суша
From the roof of the dwelling zounds of Gargoyles attack.
31, 21 суша
Diamond Golems attack.
Золотой голем
31, 22 суша
Like all Golems we like the snow and we like the power of Dracon, so we support him. If you defeat us you have to defeat our hard relatives.
62, 64 суша
Alarana Water is for free but nothing else
0, 6 суша
Why did the snow melt here? If you don’t know the reason, it’s another mystery of nature - or?
Страж задания
28, 23 суша
I wanted to have just one gold coin. But you didn’t manage to come in time. How do you hope to fulfil the whole mission, when you can’t succeed in the easiest tasks?
35, 8 суша
Tower Creatures attack.
71, 61 суша
These mosquitoes are a plague. The jungle becomes thicker and thicker. Your horse kicks something hard. You look down at the ground. You see something golden with a relief on it that looks like a Naga. Another Dracon trap? You decide to take it. It’s the Sentinel’s Shield. You turn it around. You find some old scribbling on the shield
2, 39 суша
Don’t you know? When you have overcome obstacles in a non-natural way - never move backwards.
71, 66 суша
Fra Quilius
70, 50 суша
Iron Curt
Prof. Dr. Ironymus Curterian, university lecturer for statics at the former famous Architecture University of River Junction. A human being can become as stable as a wall. Having reached this status he becomes unbeatable. As the teaching staff laughed about his thesis, Prof. Dr. Curterian quit his job and wanted to prove his theory by example. He joined Captain Crow’s gang, improved his defense every fight and soon won the reputation of being invulnerable and was called Iron Curt.
Страж задания
70, 49 суша
Lots of creatures, looking like a mixture of woman and vulture, are sitting on the tower’s roof. One of them flies down to you
32, 58 суша
The Silent - famous for cutting off hands.
33, 13 суша
Probus - That’s the right way, because it isn’t the right way. Find the place of the grail - not more and not less.
40, 60 суша
This was the right way, but it wasn’t the right way.
2, 56 суша
Frozen Hell
Страж задания
19, 11 суша
You look around, but you don’t see anybody. Then you hear a voice. It’s not Rimarus. I am the Guard of the Void and you cannot see me because I am the Void. You look like a mighty hero, who had won many fights, but you look restless. Prove that you have a heart for the weakest creature in the world. Save him and come back.
18, 10 суша
You step in. The guard was right. You feel the void. It is very pleasant. Your thoughts become clear after the last weeks of restlessness. You have the time to work off all the impressions. You don’t feel the coldness. You don’t know how long you were sitting there dreaming. Then you remember the passage in your old schoolbook again. One hour, two hours, again you forget the time. You get up and walk around and find a medal in a niche in the mountains.. Yes, take it, the voice says, perhaps you’ll need it. You feel yourself becoming mentally stronger.
68, 6 суша
Some Gargoyles raid from the sky, stealing 5000 Gold.
48, 4 суша
Behind the oaks you find a hidden spot of dry land. You see a beautiful white animal. It comes up to you and you recognize it as a unicorn. You ask
Страж задания
60, 0 суша
A Magic Elemental comes up to you. The world is full of magic. So far I am immune to it. The Orb of Vulnerability is the only magic artifact that hurts me. Give it to me and you will pass.
34, 46 суша
We love flying Dragons here, but not the undead ones. Be sure you have found Dragon Island.
28, 0 суша
A Water Elemental appears from behind the rock
Хижина предсказателя
27, 46 суша
Chietor’s hut. One ancient helmet after the other. You step nearer and marvel.
35, 14 суша
Probus - Find the place of the grail - not more and not less. Suddenly you hear a roar
38, 60 суша
This was the right way.
71, 48 суша
Probus - I feel it, you defeated Iron Curt. Who can stop us now? I will brain this news to everybody possible.
7, 5 суша
As you pass the gate, you stand in front of Moron, Frontiac’s capital. You feel you’re being watched from four different sides inside this little chamber.
7, 7 суша
Isn’t this the snow white gate, your mother told you about whenshe talked of her home country.
Страж задания
29, 42 суша
I am Stralos, the Keeper of the Azure Dragons.. Did you satisfy Xerabile? Of course you did, otherwise you wouldn’t be here. He’s strange, but I like him very much. He was the mightiest Titan, the only Titan who fought for our side, but the unbalanced world made him shrink. Now hear my story
Хижина предсказателя
36, 43 суша
You look into the hut. It’s the former home of Rimarus. You feel it, because although it’s empty there’s a mystical aura. You decide
61, 63 суша
Suddenly it gets colder; Ice Elementals
56, 19 суша
You hear shouting from the oak forest. Suddenly Crusaders stand in front of you. One of them, their leader, shouts
9, 30 суша
You stop and look around. A lot of places for traps.
10, 12 суша
7, 9 суша
Time for Dracon’s magic units.
0, 16 суша
You sail between the mountains, when the man from the lookout reports
Лорд вампиров
36, 66 суша
You really defeated the rest of Captain Crow’s ranks. I’m sure you want to defeat me now, but some of your troops will die, too.
8, 14 суша
This was the right way, but it wasn’t the right way.
35, 66 суша
Did you really think you’d get rewarded, you fool! Didn’t you know, the Bird of Prey was Captain Crow’s ship.
Страж задания
34, 67 суша
The Vampire Lord comes up to you
Страж задания
0, 3 суша
You ride to the tower and see the prison. Who’s confined here? You cannot see. There’s no guard around, nothing. You look closer. You see a slit in the wall. It looks like a key hole. The key must be in the form of a flash.
0, 2 суша
Menora, daughter of Jaron, Hawkwind’s mayor and good friend of Argan, Probus’s father, and Eura, a famous Tabalugan Pegasus rider. She never left her home country before. Although interested in reading ancient books her main hobby became archery. After she perfected her skill with the bow, she was even able to teach this art to Hawkwind’s elves. She knows every corner of Tabaluga’s forests and mountains and it is said that wherever she was, she could return to Hawkwind within seconds. Being friendly and helpful to all people and creatures of Tabaluga, she was very popular, so everybody called her our little forest princess.
0, 8 суша
A Magma Elemental crawls out of the forest
13, 12 суша
By order of Dracon Road to the north closed
64, 60 суша
The swimming alchemist
Хижина предсказателя
41, 43 суша
You enter the hut. It’s full of machines. Some of them look like monoliths. Beamus, who else. On a table you find a letter. The date is - yesterday. How could Beamus come here and leave again - the monoliths? You start reading. Dear Fra Probus, my Dradons, the Green Dragons, were the first who left our island. All our pets fear the slayer spell. Dracon used it again and again. I got the four existing copies and hided them unreachable for anybody. But so far I couldnґt get the source - The Tome of Fire Magic - to destroy this spell forever. Bring the tome in my hut and the Green Dragons will return. Sincerly Beamus PS
Хижина предсказателя
39, 42 суша
You see a lot of flowers in hut. This must have been Planterian’s home.
Лазурный дракон
30, 39 суша
Yes come to us. Come nearer, you wimp. Your banner is blue like our color, but that’s our only common ground. Dracon, the dragon slayer will rule. We love him.
Ржавый дракон
34, 41 суша
Who is Rimarus. I only know Dracon. It was fantastic when he slaughtered my brothers at the mines.
Зеленый дракон
40, 44 суша
You expectes the Green Dragonґs dweeling. All you see is a horde of mad monsters attacking.
32, 3 суша
You hesitate and look at the five rocks in the sea. They look like four fingers and a thumb.
6, 3 суша
Королева наг
5, 0 суша
Oh, how easy it was to take the crown away from Rimarus. The Genie told the story to us, when he brought the crown. Rimarus is ridiculous. We think, you want to slow, blind and slaughter us. But since Dracon defeated us this way on his fight to the Faerie Dragons we know this unfair kind of fighting. He’s the strongest man on this world, so we joined him. Nagas learn fast. Now we fight the right way
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