Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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New World Computing
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Set in the realms of Planescape, you are trapped in a desolate region of Baator, a lower plane of evil. The Blood War, an eternal conflict between chaotic and lawful evil rages around you. Losing all hope, Grace, an old friend has come to rescue you. But can you escape or will you both perish?
It has been a long time since you have known peace. On the outskirts of the lower planes, you have carried on a most sorrowful existence. The great Blood War, a war between chaotic evil and lawful evil has raged virtually since the beginning of time. Vast, countless armies of marauding creatures fight an eternal war of darkness that knows no end. The innumerable deaths and ceaseless slaughter has purged you of the last remnant of your humanity- at least it seems that way. You have long sought for a way out of this place, but are unable to find a door. In the planescape realm, a door is a portal between planes. A door can be anything- a thought, a rock, a sound- anything and everything can be a potential doorway. Such is the way of the planes. But if a doorway does exist, you have yet to find it. Exhausted, you have nearly given up all hope of your former life, which is now so distant a memory, perhaps you have always existed here. But somewhere, out there in another plane, you made a friend long ago. A friend you are about to realize has opened a doorway into your realm. Of course, not all doors are two-way doors. Sometimes, when you open a doorway, it is one-way: you can go in, but you can't come back out. Unfortunately, once a door opens, you never know if it is two way until you step through. But then it is too late...
System: You can read more info about the background to this story in your characters bio's.
resource check
Resource Check: This map is set to impossible and your heroes begin with no resources.
save grace
Nameless One: It was foolish of her to come here after me. Baator is no place for her to be. But nonetheless, she is my only hope of getting out of here, and my only hope of regaining the humanity I have lost. I'm going to need some reinforcements if I'm going to save her. Just perhaps I could get some of these demonic or undead creatures to join me, but I'd be lucky if I could. There's got to be something else around...
Grace: Not long ago, I discovered the conflux Pantheon, while travelling an elemental plane. When I first arrived here in Baator, I was alone for a while until some of my troops caught up with me. I set up a doorway to the elemental plane and then set out looking for the Nameless One. Unfortunately, I had no power over the Pantheon's construction.. It is a structure entirely controlled by the elements that constanty rage there. Out of the chaos, sometimes elementals and elemental altars are temporarily created. I have stored some creatures in the garrison there. I just hope that the elements generate more resources to aid us in our journey.
find gold
One of your troops has stumbled upon a large sack of gold. Most likely it belonged to some warrior who fell victim of the endless death of this plane.
authors note
Authors Note: Monsters that are out of place may start spawning (such as a pikeman in Baator or a wolf rider in the elemental plane). Please ignore monsters that spawn on the map in relation to the story- there is no way to prevent the game from spawning them.
Gold vein
You find a vein of gold while traversing over a cropping of rock.
Grace discovers treasure gleaming near the decayed body of an unknown, yet horrific looking creature.
The elements that engulf Pantheon have created gold from the dust.
Grace: Hmmm...it seems most of the troops in the Conflux are untrained. Eventually they're going to need to be upgraded lest our armies fall due to lack of strength. I'll be happy to train them, but I need an adequate place to conduct the training. There must be a place somewhere...
One of your troops discover gold! And a lot of it. (promote this guy)
While wandering the wastelands, you find a small amount of treasure.
still here?
It's been a long time since you started this quest. Grace: We should have been out of here by now. I'm not sure how much more I can last in such a wicked place. If you dont get out of here soon, evil will overcome you.
31, 25 подземелье
With the force of a violent wind, a horrible fear suddenly rushes through you. Whatever lurks here, you get the feeling you do not want to fight it.
31, 26 подземелье
Approaching closer, you make out a small parchment nailed on a nearby tree
2, 27 подземелье
delayed aventuring
Severe delays have dramatically increased resources. Your delayed adventuring has caused a whole year to pass. By the time you realize how long you've been here, your resources have been building up (along with the enemies).
34, 15 подземелье
As you approach, you hear a scattering beyond a rock cropping. Preparing yourself for an ambush you are relieved to see that some of your missing troops manage to find you. Everyone feels a bit better, increasing morale for your next battle; which unfortunately is directly ahead.
Волшебная сфера маны
31, 17 подземелье
You find a very powerful magic item, the Mystic Orb of Mana. But before you can reach it, a small group of wraiths emerge from a nearby tomb. Apparently, they are the guardians of this item. Do you wish to fight them?
23, 14 подземелье
Nameless One
31, 12 подземелье
You manage to find whats left of your Sprites. When you first arrived here, you had a legion of them. Unfortunately, it appears that they have been attacked and many of them didn't make it. In your mind, you quietly wish that they had spent a bit more time in warrior school.
31, 11 подземелье
Recovering your battle-weary army has boosted everyones spirits.
32, 14 подземелье
More of your troops wish to rejoin you.
31, 1 подземелье
Baator 4th Division Maximum Prison #22093 Owner
34, 14 подземелье
34, 13 подземелье
7, 0 подземелье
You come accross several behemoths being led by some of their ancient masters. They appear to be very busy looking for something and seem a bit out of place in the middle of this war. One of the leaders spots you and calls out. You who follow us! You will now die. Nameless One
34, 18 подземелье
28, 9 подземелье
The last of the sharpshooters are relieved to see you.
35, 10 подземелье
These sharpshooters were seperated from you when you came through the portal that led to this place. You notice that several of them are missing. You wonder if they are still alive out there.
Поножи из кости дракона
27, 15 подземелье
These Dragonbane Greaves are guarded by 60 power liches. Do you wish to challenge them?
Хижина предсказателя
16, 9 подземелье
You stand before a heap of a creature; its huge form, immense, yet severely weakened, perhaps from the eternal chaos ravaging these lower planes. Looking at it closely, you believe it to be an ancient azure dragon, but you've never seen one in such a horrible state; surely this once mighty beast is on the verge of a most pitiful demise. In a raspy voice, it speaks to you
Волшебный свиток
25, 16 подземелье
Now for the real test...
22, 16 подземелье
Since you arrived here in Baator, this creature of death has been pursuing you. He has never spoken, but from what you gathered he is seeking revenge on you. Apparently, it was you who killed him long, long ago. Now, all that remains of him is is a single desire to exact his vengeance.
21, 17 подземелье
The sound of hooves and screams cut through the sulfur air and awake you. Normally, such routine sounds in this wretched place would go unnoticed. But the screams you hear are calls for help. Someone is calling for you, and you recognize the voice of an old friend; someone you haven't seen in a long time. Grace. What is she doing here?, you ask yourself. But it doesn't matter right now; all that is important at the moment is helping her. However, just before you rise to your feet, you suddenly realize that you have other problems. Your arch-enemy Nimbus, only yards away, is quitely scowling the area- no doubt looking for your sleeping body to land you a lethal blow. He has been hunting you in these planes, ever on your tail, yet always evaded. He's close, you mutter, Very close. You watch him for a few moments. He rides his horse through the sulfurous mist, ever so quietly- just a soft pocking sound is all you hear. Someone must have tipped him to your location. He obviously expects you to be sleeping. Apparently he doesn't know where I am...yet.. You survey his troops and realize that you dont stand much of a chance. A small fort behind him holds a garrison of Titans. Even if you could defeat him, how would you get past the Titans? You decide that perhaps the best course of action is to once again slither away, leaving him for another time. But then you hear Grace again. She has come here to help you. You cannot abandon her. Not this time. And the only way to get to Grace is to go through Nimbus. You think very hard. A comparison of the two armies clearly puts the greater strength on his side. But fortunately for you, Nimbus never was very smart.. My army is not strong. Yet it can be done. I will beat him not with the strength of my forces, but with the strength of my mind. I will find Grace, and I will save her. You rise to your feet, the element of surprise is on your side.
12, 6 подземелье
A mammoth hoarde of imps come crawling, scampering, and shooting out from among the rocks. There is an enormous amount of them- enough for an entire army. And then you realize what they are doing here- they *are* an army. Apparantly their leader either left them here or was killed. Fortunately for you, these stupid creatures dont know any better and will take orders from anyone, and you will be glad to do it.
16, 6 подземелье
Ahead, you can make out lots of imps scampering about within the rocks. Something is not right...
Хижина предсказателя
31, 19 подземелье
A violent wind swirls about you as you approach, stirring up the dry soil into a thick cloud of dust pressing against you from all sides, forcing your eyes shut. Preparing to make a run for it, a voice thunders, You will listen to me! You try to see who is speaking, but it is impossible. Thick dust and swirling winds have engulfed you. Barely able to stand against the immense force you hollar back, What do you want of me? I can help you, but first you help me locate a powerful weapon to aid my masters in this Blood War. A magical weapon of the Titans is said to be in this region. I have failed to find it. Such a weapon would yield great power to he who wields it. Find it and return it to me and I will give you mastery over the storm.
8, 0 подземелье
You have shown us your strength. Perhaps now that we are rid of those mindless amateurs, we will be able to get out of here.
9, 0 подземелье
A group of Behemoths ahead of you are acting rather odd. It seems they are looking for something...
35, 2 подземелье
When will this madness end?
Сандалии святого
31, 35 подземелье
These powerful sandals are guarded by a hoarde of the undead. However, it's not nearly as bad as Mr. Madness and his minions over there.
Волшебный свиток
2, 1 подземелье
This spell is guarded by several skeletons. With a sigh of relief you turn to your troops and laugh. Its about time we have an easy battle around here. Now lets kick back and relax as we kill these things.
Ожерелье из зубов дракона
0, 1 подземелье
Before you is a Necklace of Dragonteeth. Someone obviously had to strip the teeth off several dead dragons to make this item. However they did it, it appears the dragons didn't appreciate it very much. Their ghosts swarm around the artifact as if they were trying to grasp it, yet never able to touch it. You are able to make out somewhere around 50 of them. You are going to have to fight them for it. Proceed?
21, 35 подземелье
Ahead you spot a group of sharpshooters making camp. You shake your head and wipe your eyes, somehow hoping that it is an illusion, but they are still there. Nameless One
Щит короля гноллов
31, 7 подземелье
This shield is guarded by a lot of dread knights. Do you wish to fight?
Боевой единорог
32, 10 подземелье
You find the rest of your unicorns!
34, 8 подземелье
Grace! It's been so long, I had thought my memories were dreams I had invented to keep me alive in this place. Grace looks at you, yet not with tears or with screams of excitement, but with solemness and despair. This was not quite the reunion you had imagined. She stares at you, and you back at her. The air is quiet, save for sprays of volcanic mist and distant echoes of war. Grace speaks softly. This place has changed you. It has taken the life out of your eyes, but I pray not from your heart. I have grown weary, Grace. I no longer even know who I am. Why did you come for me? I knew you didn't belong here. I wanted to help you escape. But how did you know I would even be alive? What if I died ages ago? Grace turns to look out across a vast expanse of wasteland. She pauses a long time. Perhaps a tear forms in her eye, but you can't be sure. I knew you would survive. You always have. I had to come and see. No, Grace. I died long ago. What you see now is an empty shell of a man. A soft wind howls through the dead trees, stirring up small clouds of red dust. I wont believe that...I can't. As long as your eyes still see me, there is hope. Perhaps. But not if I remain here. This is a place of immense evil. There is no love here. And if a heart even tries to love, these planes will suck it from you, leaving you more empty than before. You and your men mustn't stay here, or your hearts will begin to grow cold. Day by day, you feel it, like a vampire of the soul, it will drain you of all that you are. If there is hope for me, Grace, then it will come only if I leave. Grace considers what you have said. You wonder if, perhaps, she has regret coming for you, but in truth you are glad she is here. Her presence has given your empty spirit something to hold on to. A remnant of hope- something you have sought for many years. Grace, help me get out of here. I need you. This is a terrible place, she says. The door has closed behind me and I too am trapped. My army has been weakened. I'm afraid for them. Fear not. I know these planes well and I will protect you. I believe there is a way out, but we must work together. Once we escape, let us spend time together and talk. Your words have given Grace confidence. She smiles, thinking to herself that it was supposed to be *her* to give *you* confidence. But she seems glad nonetheless. I am ready. Let us go.
Огненный элементал
27, 13 подземелье
These fire elementals are at war with the hordes of demons in the area. They are willing to join you for the sole purpose of helping themselves.
Знак мужества
28, 13 подземелье
It would be nice to aquire the Badge of Courage, but to do so you're going to have to prove yourself and muster up the courage to fight the imp that guards it.
12, 11 подземелье
Familiars are often used as expendable soldiers in the War. You have stood upon lonely cliffs to watch battles in the valleys below where minions of these creatures- more than the sands upon the shore, slaughter each other in quantites so vast, entire lakes of blood have formed, causing even more to drown in the gore of their own kindred. These blood lakes are often absorbed into the great River of Blood- a terror beyond words that runs through the very bottom of the lowest plane. If there has been one good thing about your existence, it is that you have never seen the horrible River. You pray that you never will.
25, 23 подземелье
A war machine factory. Just about the only place you can find in Baator that actually sells something. In this awful Blood War, there is never enough munition to satisfy the hordes.
Зловещий рыцарь
33, 20 подземелье
I knew this was a mistake!
24, 19 подземелье
If I ever get out of here, I'm going to go on vacation.
30, 24 подземелье
The Tomb of Souls
32, 32 подземелье
1, 5 подземелье
Some enchanters approach you. These are of the same group that you recruited several months ago. They had arrived here in Baator by accident when one of them miscast a spell that opened a portal to this plane. When you first came upon them, they agreed to travel with you in exchange for helping them to escape.
35, 18 подземелье
Long ago, when her friend the Nameless One was cursed and fell to the lower planes, Grace decided to seek him out, knowing in her heart that such a fate was undeserving. Since then, she has become an experienced Planeswalker- part of an elite group of beings who practice the terrifyingly dangerous art of traversing the planes. But Grace does not do this for thrill-seeking, given the choice she would surely remain near her home. But her desire to free the one whom she once knew has compelled her to continue walking...walking the planes until at last she finds him and sets him free. It is unfortunate that in the midst of this search, Grace has become a slave herself. A slave to her obsession, never remaining in one place; always moving, searching. Deep in her heart, she has a fear that her endless searching will never be fufilled; that even if she were to find the Nameless One, she would move on and continue to walk the planes looking for something else she will never find.
26, 8 подземелье
Somehow, I've got to clear these out and get to that Elemental Conflux!
Страж задания
25, 8 подземелье
This seems to be some sort of lookout tower. The main entrance faces west, and is guarded by a huge pack of devils. You will have to find a way to defeat them before you can pass.
33, 1 подземелье
This being does not tell of its origin. It has been imprisoned for so long, you begin to wonder if it doesn't want to go back.
33, 2 подземелье
Across the way you see an immense hoarde of arch-devils, far more than you would like to fight against. You wish that some other army would just come along and smite them. How in the wolrd am I supposed to fight that?
2, 28 подземелье
12, 24 подземелье
4th Strategic Headquarters Mol-Geheron, Lieutennant General Commander, 4th Divison Lawful Evil * * * TRESPASSERS WILL BE EXECUTED
13, 26 подземелье
Looking at the garrison that lies ahead, you gasp. It is a nightmare, yet you have always known that this would be your destiny. Finally, it has come to pass. The Blood War, which has always raged around you now has come to claim you. You have always somehow managed to stay away from the major battles in the War, the most you've partook in was perhaps a skirmish here and there. But no longer. You are about to partake in a great battle....you always knew, somehow, that before it was all over, you were going to wind up on the battlefield amongst the countless legions. You always knew that avoiding the War could only last so long. What lies ahead is your destiny- when you are ready to meet it- to become part of the Blood War. Amongst the countless commanders who have led battles that have taken place in this War, you are finally going to be one of them. However, if there is one good thing about fighting this army is that the General of it is missing. You can only hope that as far as Mol-Geheron's troops go, this is all of them. If that is the case, then defeating Mol-Geheron should be no problem...right? After all, what good is a general without his army? But whatever the case, you had better have a ton of reinforcements before you venture any further. You find
Стрелы с перьями ангела
9, 24 подземелье
Swarms of hellhounds guard this artifact. Do you want to stay and fight?
10, 24 подземелье
Stupid muts.
Клинок Армагеддона
28, 34 подземелье
You stumble upon a most powerful artifact
Страж задания
1, 8 подземелье
This appears to be a door that leads to another plane. Grace has left a message in case you would come by this way. I have managed to open a door to a remote region on one of the outer planes of elemental chaos. It is a desolate place so remote, that until I found it, not even the planeswalkers had seen it. The elements do not affect each other there; fire and ice exist together- it is a strange place. But it will help us. I discovered a conflux there and laid claim to it. I also harbored a couple faerie dragons there who have agreed to help me (I did them a favor long ago). If you are reading this note without me, you must find me. The door to the outer plane can only be opened by a pixie. If I perish, then all is lost. Find me soon!
Крылья ангела
0, 17 подземелье
When all of your parites arrive, both you and Grace approach the sacred place. Lying amongst the dust and ashes are a pair of angels wings. These are the ones that Nepthali has told you about- the ones that will open a doorway to the upper planes. As you reach down to touch them, a blue mist begins to spiral out of the volcanic air. A pinpoint of light at the center of the spiral begins to grow larger and brighter until a blinding portal of white and blue light emanates before you. This is it. Through this door lies the upper planes of lawful good. Still not home (being that you are from the more neutral inner planes), but surely a much better place than this. Not to mention, having suffered from so much evil, there is no better place for you right now than one of truth and order. How you will cope with such a dramatic change- leaving a place of pure evil and entering a place of pure good- is not known to you now. All you know is that you must try- no existence can be worse than the one you've known. Sure, you may feel that you belong here, in Baator- you may feel out of place in the upper planes, but the misery- the unbearable *misery* you have known here cannot even begin to compare to the discomfort you might feel on the other side of that door. Not to mention that Nepthali's kindred will help you return to your home in the inner planes should you decide to go. What will become of Grace is uncertain. You feel that even though she has found you, she still hasn't found what she was looking for. You hope that she doesn't continue walking the planes. You hope that things will change- you hope, somehow, that perhaps you and her......But right now things are uncertain. You turn to your comrades, seeing their faces anew with hope. Thank you to all for your assistance. You have fought bravely. And though this wretched place knows no honor, I have seen your valor and your courage. I honor each and every one of you. Let us go now, and discover a new life. And with that said, you take a breath, close your eyes and step through the door. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Congratulations! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Thanks for playing this scenario. Feel free to write a sequel if you like. Please let me know how I did. Forward any questions, comments, complaints, complements, or bugs to [email protected] -Doc.Trine
20, 17 подземелье
Nameless One
It is hard to remember your former life in the inner planes. The endless darkness that fills these realms of evil has eroded your spirit, quenching whats left of your humanity. You once knew your name, but you can no longer identify with it. The person you are now is not the person of yesterday. An empty being without a name, you wander restlessly throughout the lower planes, which are infested with all forms of evil and the stench of death never fades. Trapped on the lower plane known as Baator, you have lost all hope of finding a way out. A loner and survivor, you try to avoid the chaos of the Blood War, keeping to the furthest outskirts of Baator, where the war is less intense, yet still, is always present.
Страж задания
31, 34 подземелье
Nameless One
Хижина предсказателя
15, 29 подземелье
An old, ragged Imp approaches you. I am one of the General's recruiters. You must be Nimbus? Just as you get ready to tell him that Nimbus was killed, you think better of yourself. Err, yea, I am he. Very well, your troops are ready, the Imp slurs. Uhh..troops? Yea, of course. Um, my troops! Bring them here immediately! The Imp glares back at you with his hand extended, as if expecting something. Uh-hum he says, clearing his throat (you realize he is asking for a tip). Oh yes, of course, you respond. How much? 100 gold...and dont tell the general, if you know what I mean.
13, 30 подземелье
Before you unlock the final massive gate, you suddenly realize you are trespassing onto someone else's territory. One of your warriors speaks out loud the thoughts inside your mind. I have a bad feeling about this...a *very* bad feeling. Someone has been dwelling here, and you are about to release him from his cage. With that last battle, you were able to weaken his army, but from the sounds you hear close by, you didn't get all of his forces. You are messing with an ancient grandmaster veteran of the Blood War. Perhaps not all battles are meant to be won. If you play it smart, you may be able to avoid him, but then again perhaps ridding these planes of his existence is better for everyone. (If you do decide to confront the General be warned- he is exceedingly powerful. Only one who has journeyed very well- one who has taken exceedingly good care of his troops could hope to defeat him. If you made too many mistakes along the way, you had best hide and run past him. Rumors have said, however, that his one weakness is his intolerant command structure. His troops sometimes suffer from low morale, but even this small weakness is countered by the constant luck of his troops. If you still want to try, it would be wise to create a new save here. Having said all that, if you are unable to beat him and are still determined, consult the text document that came with this file for a help section. Good luck!)
17, 19 суша
A violent storm surges through the conflux, creating new elementals.
The elements of fire sweep accross the conflux. A pyre has been created.
Your conflux generates new creatures.
magic lantern
A magic lantern is created in your conflux. You can now recruit Sprites.
altar of thought and earth
The conflux spawns new altars. New elementals have been added.
altar of water
Your conflux creates an altar of water. A powerful elemental storm of raw energy engulfs the structure. A surge of new elementals are formed out of the chaotic madness, and then all goes quiet. Grace
still here?
Severe delays in your adventuring has spawned an elemental storm to overcome your conflux. However, dont think this is an easy way out. The enemy has also experienced severe delays....
34, 1 суша
As you approach the mighty sword, you pick up a spell scroll You find
Доспех черного дракона
35, 34 суша
The armor is swirling about in a tempestuous wind. Whatever left it here must have done so by mistake. The armor, out of place in this elemental plane, is disrupting the balance of the elements. Almost as if it is an irritation the brutal winds keep it from touching the ground. The only way to reach it is to thrust yourself into the storm and make a grab for it. Do you wish to try?
34, 33 суша
Ahead you see a set of Dragon Scale armor and a magical crown of the dragontooth. How these items got here you have no idea. It strikes you as strange that both of them originate from a dragon. You thought that no one had ever found this place, or perhaps someone- or something- already has....?
Меч правосудия
35, 0 суша
You take the Sword of Judgement. Having survived for so long in the lower planes, judgement is exactly what that evil place needs.
Страж задания
35, 4 суша
Only the presence of Nepthali will allow you to pass.
Воздушный элементал
5, 11 суша
Beasts of air take shape out of the elemental chaos.
5, 32 суша
These elementals often form out of the violent storms of elemental energy that constantly sweep this plane.
2, 35 суша
It is not uncommon for gold to form in a plane ruled by the elements. And with so few visitors, it goes uncollected- just piling up for someone to come along and take it.
Элементал магмы
17, 20 суша
This conflux was created through the chaos of the elemental storms that frequent this plane. You cannot control the structures within it- they are randomly controlled by the elements themselves. Here, in this deserted place in the far reaches of an outer plane, there are no creatures that live, unless one would call an elemental a sentient being. The structures within this conflux frequently phase in and out of existence- everything here is unstable. Fire and ice co-exist as if nature itself doesn't work. Tempestuous storms ravage the land like a hostile and desolate planet in a lonely corner of the universe. Of all the planeswalkers you have encountered, you have never heard of anyone visiting here. You wonder if you and Grace are the only intelligent life that has ever been here. You wonder how this plane of elemental chaos will react to the presence of sentient life...
Корона дракона
35, 31 суша
The crown is resting on a small rock just a few meters off the shore. You can see the restless tides of water brush up against the rock, occasionally splashing the brilliant gems that adorn the crown. The water that surrounds the rock doesn't seem very deep. You could just wade out there and take the crown with ease. But just as you begin to put your foot in, you hesitate. It is very quiet...peaceful. Too peaceful. Something isnt right about this. You look very carefully around the base of the rock, watching the waves splash up against it. And then you notice something very disturbing. The waves that beat against the rock are not the same as the waves landing upon the shore. They are totally out of sync. Something is out there, and you know that if you decide to wade out and make a grab for the crown, there is a good chance you're going to find out what it is. But the choice is yours.
34, 7 суша
For some reason you know that before you go any further, you should make sure that there are no faerie dragons in your party...
Хижина предсказателя
35, 8 суша
Tomb #1 You see a sign that says Tomb of the Dragons. Curious, you quietly nudge your way inside. There is no one here, the place is eerily empty. There aren't even any graves that you can see; only an altar in the center of the room. It appears to be an altar of sacrifice, but not like any you have ever seen. Strange hieroglyphics are carved into the ancient stone. You have no idea what they say. Azahel is looking at them intensely; it seems he knows what they mean. Azahel, what does it say?, you ask. I have heard of this altar for many eons, but until now I have never seen it. No one has. It has only existed in legends, but as as most of us know, legends often contain an element of truth. What you see now, no being I know has ever seen. This altar is called the Soulkeeper. As soon as he says the word, Nepthali's eyes grow wide. Azahel, are you *sure*? I always though it was a myth. Could this really be the Soulkeeper? Do you think it actually works? I don't know my friend. Perhaps the stories about it were false. But then again... What stories! you interrput. Guys, can someone fill me in here? What is this thing supposed to do? Azahel speaks. This altar, if the legends are true, has immense power, far beyond what I could ever have. It can summon the essence of dragons long since dead and bring them back to life. When I raised Nepthali, it was only because he had recently died. This altar supposedly has the power to bring back those that have died from any corner of the universe and from any point in time- whether the past, OR the future. You stand quiet- gazing at the cold stone infront of you. It seems almost surreal that something so ordinary looking could be so powerful. Azahel interrupts the silence. But there is a price, he says. And....? What is the price? To bring back a lost dragon, the altar requires the sacrifice of another, slightly weaker dragon. The dragon that is sacrificed will be eternally lost- its body will be used for the ressurection, but its soul will be destroyed. Such is the price one must pay to obtain the powers of this altar. You consider what you just heard. You would not dare sacrifice Azahel or Nepthali, but perhaps one of the faerie dragons? It seems like a cruel thing to cause one of your troops to perish, but then again if you dont get out of here, you will all perish. Such a difficult decision...
Хижина предсказателя
35, 10 суша
Tomb #2 This is the second of the Tomb of the Dragons. For the same sacrifice, you may ressurect another dragon. (If you have not yet visited the first tomb, you should do so now.)
Лазурный дракон
34, 5 суша
Before you is a mighty beast, awesome and majestic. You can make out a strange chuckle as it briefly eyes your armor, then speaks. What do you want of me mortal? Who are you? I have had many names across the planes, but most know me as Azahel. You respond cautiously. I come in the name of your lost comrade, Nepthali. Its eyes grow sad. I knew you would come. I have been searching for my comrade for many ages. We speak to each other across the planar winds. I have travelled vast expanses searching for him, yet now I fear the worst. I have not heard his voice in recent days. Without his voice to guide me, I am afraid I cannot ever hope to find him. No, hope is not lost. He is here. The skeleton you see is him. Azahel approaches his comrade, no longer paying any attention to you. You realize that your place for the next few moments is in submission. You quietly back away, being careful not to speak. Azahel stands before the dusty heap of bones, looking into the places that were once eyes. You think that, perhaps somewhere, maybe Napthali is looking back, but all you see is a cold, lifeless skeleton. If a dragons face could look sad, you are seeing it now. You watch as Azahel lunges back and fills his lungs with air. You have seen many a dragon take deep breaths in combat as they spew forth their fire or venom, but nothing like this. With all his power, a mighty bolt of energy fires from Azahels mouth and into Napthali. A blinding white knife, it pierces the air and thunders across the shore. The pile of bones, who was once a frail and whithered heap of a creature, begins to radiate, flesh starts to fill and take form around its frame, growing larger and more powerful. Its scales restoring themselves; its eyes burning like fire- all evidence of weakness vanishing before you. What was once a skeleton, is now a majestic azure dragon, more powerful than you have ever seen. To your surprise, it turns and looks at you first, momentarily ignoring Azahel. Your deeds have saved my life. Much more than just my life itself, you have saved my very existence, restoring to me the hope of glory that was once mine. And you did so for no reward. Such honor have I never seen among men. Your reward will come. Not today, nor tomorrow, but only when you least expect it. And it shall be great indeed. It then turns towards Azahel. It is good to see you my friend. Once again, our unity is restored. Let us not allow it to be severed again. Lest we die in this place, as long as the planes exist, it shall not. Azahel bows his head before his comrade. Then let us find our way home. Azahel turns to you. You have done much, but now we ask your help once more. Find the wings of the angel and open the door to our home. You will come with us to the upper planes, where we will make you great in our kingdom. You think to yourself, What an offer!. But you are unsure if such an existence is meant for you. You would be glad to help them leave, but what about when you get to the upper planes? Should you go with them? Or maybe just ask them to take you home? Perhaps you will just have to decide when you get there.
24, 35 суша
You find mercury!
26, 35 суша
You find gold!!
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