Rumor has it that in order to get to the subterranean caves, the ancient heroes had to find an opening in the mountains of the east.
12, 61 подземелье
North Road
Хижина предсказателя
52, 40 подземелье
A Ghost Dragon haunts the mountanous region east of my home. If you could be so bold as to defeat it, I would reward you richly.
47, 62 подземелье
Please Help!!! Upon sight of a whirlpool, my crew and I abandoned ship somewhere towards the middle of the sea. Please come quick!
Хижина предсказателя
25, 71 подземелье
Long ago, I used to provide troops for Braxton the Conquerer. Although you seem young, you may have heard of him. One day when he told me he needed to get to the Subterranean Caves as quickly as possible, I lent him my water-walking boots to help him get there faster. Unfortunately, he died in those caves, probably wearing my boots. What is almost as unlucky is that the rogues that I brought into this land come from a land far south from here, and I need those boots to reach that land. By now there must be throngs of rogues down there! However I wouldn't dare venture into the same caves that Braxton died in. But my lad- if you were to somehow get my boots back from the cave, I could provide you with so many rogues you might even be able to defeat the dragons that killed Braxton the Conquerer!
Хижина предсказателя
62, 64 подземелье
Long ago, I used to help Waylema the sea-borne acquire her ice-elementals. I would use a necklace of ocean guidance to help me find them. The last time I delivered some ice-elementals to Waylema, she told me she had to get to the Subterranean caves as quickly as possible, so I let her borrow my necklace. Unfortunately, she died in those caves, and so I am now unable to acquire any ice-elementals. By now there must be thousands around the sea who would be very willing to avenge the death of Waylema the sea-borne. If you could only get me that necklace from the caves, I'd be able to find and give to you those ice-elementals, and you could avenge the death of Waylema the sea-borne!
Хижина предсказателя
58, 8 подземелье
Good morning chap. It is quite cold this day is it not? Are you not cold in that thin cloak? I used to have me a nice warm cape. Other than being warm, it had other powers too believe it or not. Makes you almost invisible for a little bit when you put it on. It was an heirloom in my family, and we didn't discover its invisible power until my Grandfather Haramon put it on one winter to go to the store. He only used it because it was so dreadfully cold out, and he was later glad he did because he realized he had accidentally left the store without paying, and the cape helped him do it! I'd say it benefited me the most, I had greater use for it than my father and grandfather combined. You see there was this camp of Enchanters that Galamemnon the Wizard always desperately tried to enter. The enchanters would only fight for one who could prove that they had enchanting powers. Galamemnon himself had many enchanting powers, but he couldn't prove them because the ones he lacked were those that would help him enter the camp! When I heard of this I tied on my cape so I could be made invisible just long enough to enter the camp.The enchanters were amazed at my arrival, and pledged to my cause. Now I had no use for these enchanters, but I knew Galamemnon did. So I took them to Galamemnon and he rewarded me graciously for bringing them. For a while we held this deal and became friends. I brought him enchanters, and he brought me back many precious jewels and relics from far away places. Oh the tales he would tell! Then one day he told me he needed to use all of his relics and perhaps even my 'Cape of Conjuring' he called it. I was a little hesitant about letting him use my cape, it being an heirloom and all. But he told me he was going into the Subterranean caves to 'shed light on their many dark tales'. Fearing for my friend's safety, I lent him the cape. Unfortunately, he died in those caves just like the heroes of those other tales. If only he were here today with the cape. There are probably thousands of enchanters in that camp by now, and we could gather them up and defeat those dragons of the caves! Oh if only you could bring me that cape, then we would avenge the death of my dearest friend.
Хижина предсказателя
34, 41 подземелье
Well hello there lad! What is your name? Faramin you say? My name is Loquine. Although my name is of no consequence to you, I will tell you that your name is of consequence to me. I was once a good friend of Faramin the Swift. We were good friends beginning in childhood. I know many things about him that most others do not. I can tell you that there was a big secret to his swiftness. When we were children we were playing in the forest and he came across a pair of boots that enabled him to run like the wind. He was already a quick kid, but these boots gave him his name and fame. When grown, he once ran right through the camp of the mysterious sharpshooters in the forest. He ran so fast that even their arrows could not catch him, and so they gave their allegiance to him, hoping to be shown the ways of his swiftness. My lad if you could somehow come upon the corpse of Faramin the Swift in the Subterranean Caves, I would advise you to take the boots off and bring them to me. Maybe then I could use the boots to find the camp of the sharpshooters and proove myself to them. Then we could gather up enough sharpshooters to take to the caverns and avenge the death of Faramin.
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38, 45 суша
Beyond this tower lies the tomb of Faramin the Swift. Long ago when he entered these mines, his group of sharpshooters was ambushed by a horde of dragons. His arrows were spent before his hope, yet him and his troops still perished in this very tunnel. The only persons I will allow to pass this tower are those who lie behind it.
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30, 45 суша
Beyond this tower lies the tomb of Braxton the Conquerer, and him and his rogues would be the only ones allowed to enter it. Many years ago he entered this tunnel hoping to rescue his closest friend, the elvish archer Faramin. Unfortunately Braxton and his many rogues were bombarded by a horde of dragons, and him and his troops perished in this tunnel. Ever since then, mankind's quarrel with the elvish has been relentless; each race blames the other for its hero's death.
Ящик Пандоры
27, 29 суша
sei morto!!!
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41, 45 суша
Aye, me lad I cannot let ye pass this tower unless it were ye's tomb that it guards. This is the tomb of Waylema the Sea-Born. They say long ago her curiosity and admiration for the hero 'Faramin the Swift' brought her to these here caverns. The same cursed dragons that slay Faramin and ol' Braxton came upon her ship and killed her and her crew of ice throwin' folk. All the folk round Warmoth Swamp ain't never been the same since, blamin everyone else for the death of their heroine.
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33, 45 суша
This is hardly the safest place for one to be travelling. I do not know why you wander here but I suggest you wander back above ground before the dreaded horde of dragons finds an opportunity to smite you and your troops...I can see in your eyes that you plan not to follow my instruction. Please do not mistake my stern words for paranoia of the elderly. I come from the tower of Galadron to guard the tomb of Galamemnon the Wizard. In his later years many score ago, Galamemnon wished to discover more about the demise of the great heroes
36, 33 суша
36, 34 суша
Oh kind soul, I am uncertain about who you are, but an eternity of thankfulness would not do justice that which I feel in my heart for you. I am Julia of the Elves. Long ago before I went plundering in these caverns, a very wise man gave me some advice that he said would keep me safe along my journey. In my young insolence I refused to follow his advice and was caught by a horde of dragons. Empty in heart but full in their bellies, they decided to keep me imprisoned here while they waited for my body and their appetites to grow larger. I believe you have freed me just in time. In prison I vowed that if I were ever free again that I would follow every word of advice that that wise man once said to me. He once said that words were to be valued above all things, and so I will reward you in this manner with these words
35, 28 суша
From a safe distance you see a prisoner in a cell. You'd like to free this prisoner but you are filled with fear and doubt. The history of these dreaded caverns leads you to believe that this is some sort of trickery; a plot to ambush any kind soul attempting a good deed.
35, 31 суша
Oh kind soul, I am uncertain about who you are, but an eternity of thankfulness would not do justice that which I feel in my heart for you. I am Julia of the Elves. Long ago before I went plundering in these caverns, a very wise man gave me some advice that he said would keep me safe along my journey. In my young insolence I refused to follow his advice and was caught by a horde of dragons. Empty in heart but full in their bellies, they decided to keep me imprisoned here while they waited for my body and their appetites to grow larger. I believe you have freed me just in time. In prison I vowed that if I were ever free again that I would follow every word of advice that that wise man once said to me. He once said that words were to be valued above all things, and so I will reward you in this manner with these words
36, 31 суша
Oh kind soul, I am uncertain about who you are, but an eternity of thankfulness would not do justice that which I feel in my heart for you. I am Julia of the Elves. Long ago before I went plundering in these caverns, a very wise man gave me some advice that he said would keep me safe along my journey. In my young insolence I refused to follow his advice and was caught by a horde of dragons. Empty in heart but full in their bellies, they decided to keep me imprisoned here while they waited for my body and their appetites to grow larger. I believe you have freed me just in time. In prison I vowed that if I were ever free again that I would follow every word of advice that that wise man once said to me. He once said that words were to be valued above all things, and so I will reward you in this manner with these words
37, 31 суша
Oh kind soul, I am uncertain about who you are, but an eternity of thankfulness would not do justice that which I feel in my heart for you. I am Julia of the Elves. Long ago before I went plundering in these caverns, a very wise man gave me some advice that he said would keep me safe along my journey. In my young insolence I refused to follow his advice and was caught by a horde of dragons. Empty in heart but full in their bellies, they decided to keep me imprisoned here while they waited for my body and their appetites to grow larger. I believe you have freed me just in time. In prison I vowed that if I were ever free again that I would follow every word of advice that that wise man once said to me. He once said that words were to be valued above all things, and so I will reward you in this manner with these words
37, 33 суша
Oh kind soul, I am uncertain about who you are, but an eternity of thankfulness would not do justice that which I feel in my heart for you. I am Julia of the Elves. Long ago before I went plundering in these caverns, a very wise man gave me some advice that he said would keep me safe along my journey. In my young insolence I refused to follow his advice and was caught by a horde of dragons. Empty in heart but full in their bellies, they decided to keep me imprisoned here while they waited for my body and their appetites to grow larger. I believe you have freed me just in time. In prison I vowed that if I were ever free again that I would follow every word of advice that that wise man once said to me. He once said that words were to be valued above all things, and so I will reward you in this manner with these words
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