Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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It's your sixteenth birthday and to celebrate you inherit your father's war with the baron to the southeast, are prophesized to be the Hero of Legend, and hear of the growing power of the Elemental Lords. What's more, legend says they are merely pawns for a stronger force....
The elemental lords are trying to take the world over, draining its vitality for their own wicked purposes. They have turned against us!!
Hero of Legend
Wow, is that really you, the Hero of Legend? I'm honoured to meet you!!!
Dark Lord
The Elemental Lords wouldn't just turn on us. They've been keeping us prosperous forever!! There must be something behind their sudden change!
Necro King
An old hag, who cackles madly, says The Hero of Legend, huh? Know this, stripling!! Your opponent is the ancient Necromancer-King of days long before your birth. Be prepared!
Decline of Earth
It is said the Earth Prince's body is decaying and becoming powerless. That can't be true. If that's the case, how could his power be surging still through this land if his body were becoming thin and skinless?
Each of the Elemental Lords is made powerful by the tomes and orbs they carry. Take these items from them and you can have their power!!
The Grail
The Grail is in the possession of the Water Queen.
The Town
There's a ruined town to the southeast of Kingsfield. It is a victim of and sign of the power of the Water Queen. You, the Hero of Legend, could be worthy of rebuilding it, perhaps.
Necro King 2
The Necromancer-King has one weakness you can exploit. He is tied to his cursed kingdom and cannot leave it. Legend says anyone who enters his kingdom can never leave, unless they break the seal of purple, whatever that means.
The Grail 2
Seek the Grail in the southeastern swamps, where all the other power is!!
Southeast Baron
The Baron of the Southeast keeps a squad of trained black dragons ready to lay waste to any who would attack his castle.
You mortal opponent, the Baron, has an army well over a thousand strong, it is said. Be prepared if you challenge him.
The Story
The town is festive, as today is the day of the King's birthday. Today is also your birthday, though few of the townsfolk know that and less care. Orphaned at a young age, you've lived in the streets of Kingsfield ever since you can remember. At best you've been at urchin, at worst, a pilferer.
The Story, 2
You decide on a whim to visit the town's old crone, who is well respected for her ability to see that which is unknown to the eyes and hearts of most men. She even gives out her prophecies for free, seeming to enjoy merely sharing her cryptic knowledge. You enter into her tent cautiously...
Story, 3
She greets you in a spidery voice, a gasp almost, as if it pains her to speak. She asks you to have a seat across from her and you do. She concentrates for a long time, upwards of ten minutes, humming incessantly, as you begin to wonder if she is a scam artist of some sort.
Story- 4
You wonder why the King puts such value in her words, especially at a time like this when the townsfolk speak of the Elemental Lords, the eternal guardians of Kingsfield, revolting. She suddenly looks up at you in awe and proclaims you to be the Hero of Legend.
Story- 5
You pause a second, shocked, and then laugh at her, but not with conviction. You think it odd that a sixteen year old could be a Hero of any sort, let alone Legend. You notice she is deadly serious and tells you that you are the one chosen to defeat the rampaging Elemental Lords.
Story- 6
The seeress gives you a bit of gold to help you to raise an army, and tells you the Fire Lord resides west, the Mistress of the Wind to the south, the Water Queen lives east, and the Earth Prince to the southeast, on the other side of the Barony you must also defeat.
Story- Final
She offers you one last word of caution, which is to defeat the Elemental lords in the order she spoke, as there is no hope any other way. Fire, Wind, Water, Earth. She says that's their ranking by power. You thank her and leave the tent. What a damn birthday.
You rather liked the looks people gave you yesterday, the way that they treated you extra nicely instead of throwing you out of their stores and such. The old crone really is taken seriously. The people outfitted you with armour, a sword, a horse and a small army, confident in your abilities.
It's been a tough week, scouting, look for resources, and hiring troops. You find it odd how willingly people come to join your cause, especially since you are so young. Everyone sees you and whispers Legendary Hero. Ever since the crone first called you that, your life has changed dramatically.
The people of the lands who support your cause have made a tribute to you and your armies.
Growing Up
The last two weeks have changed you completely. You think more critically, your take things seriously, and you aren't even really scared to die any more. It seems as if you've grown ten years in these last two weeks, having had all this responsibility thrust upon you.
The day is filled with torrential rains and you find yourself missing your simple life on the streets as the weather makes both you and your troops miserable. Then you remember that you used to have to scavenge just to survive, and were hated, whereas now you live well-fed and are respected.
Misery 2
You decide this life isn't so bad after all, even if you can't have as much fun as you want, you are treated almost like a king, something you are becoming very used to liking. You continue onward, but not before discovering the rains have swept away some of your supplies.
The people are holding a festival in your honour, to support your cause and cheer you on to bigger victories. Your faith in your mission is renewed, especially at the sight of the gifts they have prepared for you.
Hermit's Gift
A pigeon flies to you, bearing a tiny scroll. You open the scroll and see it is a note from the old hermitic alchemist to the west of Kingsfield. It details a map of your surrounding area, and a place to dig, wherein you find what he calls his emergency supplies. You send a reply, thanking him.
You find yourself resting in your tent, thinking of how many people help you, how even perfect strangers are incredibly kind to you, and decide this Legendary Hero stuff must be some serious business. You decide to send out a scout to the King's Library to research the prophecy of the Hero.
Defense of the Heart
The townspeople have organized a supply drive to rally funds for your campaign. Not only is it successful, people donate some old things they never use anymore to aid you. Indeed, you feel almost worshipped by those you are sworn to protect.
In a moment of solitude, you think back and realize how far you've come in these last weeks. You've accomplished many things the people value, whereas you used to be yelled at for everything you did. You think a moment, and decide you've finally become and adult.
The scouts you sent out to the Library have returned, telling you that it has been prophesized for a dozen decades that there would be a hero who would save the land in a time of great distress, who would conquer the dreaded Necromancer King of legend, and conquer the demons in Hell.
Scouts 2
You realize now why people are being so generous to you. You've been unwittingly on a campaign to cleanse the world of evil, in a pre-emptive strike before it organizes forces to bring the downfall of mankind. You realize the true extent of your mission and are filled with a new resolve.
Scouts 3
You send your scouts out again to collect information on the Baron. They return later that day saying they could find out nothing due to a rather large group of reptilian creatures blocking their progress.
In a rash of thought, you find yourself feeling sorry for yourself and those that have died to defend you and your cause. Your entire troop is hopelessly devoted to protecting you no matter what the cost. They must realize as you now do the importance of the mission at hand.
The Drive
The drive that the people of the land have been running for funds to keep you outfitted turns in what it has earned this month, by way of a merchant caravan, extremely well protected.
Final Event
You decide finally on the importance of your mission, the generousity of the townsfolk, and your resolution toward your cause. You continue onward, into whatever fate has in store for you, with no regrets or looking back, your adulthood confirmed by your actions. May the Gods be with you.
Огненный элементал
14, 11 подземелье
You shall not pass unhindered into the inner sanctum of the Fire Lord, Rubicant!!
Красный дракон
14, 18 подземелье
The oppressive heat becomes stronger as you find yourself in contact with a sleeping dragon as you crest the hill. Unfortunately, a whole army is not a quiet thing when it is moving, and the dragon is quickly awakened!!
32, 17 подземелье
The heat here is nearly unbearable, the temperature so different it's like being in another world. The Hellish ground is rocky and unsupportive of any movement, the ground is hot, and the rivers are made of fire. You find yourself wondering how anything could subsist here...
31, 17 подземелье
You decide anything that could even want to call this place home must be terribly unpleasant and decide to stay on guard for any wandering monsters. The unpleasantries of this place seem to be affecting your troops, as well.
14, 10 подземелье
You see the castle of the Fire Lord off in the distance and your faith in your mission is restored. Certainty in your wisdom is restored to your troops, and you breathe a sigh of relief as yourself and they both seem to be adjusting slightly to the inhospitable conditions. You see an Efreet ahead..
14, 9 подземелье
The Efreet guards a large hoard of treasure, and its call beckons you, yet you feel something is not right with this trickster of the flames.
13, 7 подземелье
A smirk passes across the lips of the Efreet as he laughs at you for falling into his simple trap. He summons a half dozen others of his kind and prepares to defend his treasure!
Громовая птица
72, 58 подземелье
Perched upon the surrounding cliffs is one of the largest nests of birds you've ever seen. Each is easily several times the size of an elephant, and rival the size of dragons. You shudder for a moment as they notice you and dive down to attack.
Воздушный элементал
75, 59 подземелье
Ahead of you there is a massive and wild dust devil, forcing you to cover your eyes to shield them from the blowing sand. You notice there is no fluctuation in the strength of the winds, and lower your arms just enough to see a pack of raging air elementals!
78, 58 подземелье
A female genie dressed in royal attire stands before you. She bows and says, I am Valvalis, Mistress of the Wind. Prepare to die!!!! She immediately summons many other djinni to her side, a war cry streaming from her lips.
41, 30 подземелье
Final resting place of the Giant-King Antoras.
68, 19 подземелье
Please respect the tomb of the Dwarven Warrior, Lentros.
Дендроид страж
74, 12 подземелье
You see a group of Dendroids protesting the activities of the lumber mill, rather uneffectively. Seeing a new target, who they assume has come for his services, they turn and attack you!
Воздушный элементал
79, 38 подземелье
It seems that the Mistress of Wind, Valvalis, has left some bouncers, and you surmise she must've heard of the fall of the Fire Lord and has taken some pains to stop you from visiting her.
Летучий змей
55, 40 подземелье
The scent of the swamp is almost stifling, and in it you see a lone windmill. As you recall, your father once saved the millkeeper's life when they were children, and the millkeeper has forever been in debt to your father. As you ponder this, several giant flies gather to attack you!
66, 30 подземелье
You enter the remains of an ancient forest. The havoc caused by the sheer power of the existence of the Elemental Lords, in their state of near-madness, has torn this forest to the ground. Its old inhabitants, however, are still much intact, as these centaurs prove.
Капитан кентавров
68, 31 подземелье
These centaurs seem to be much more dangerous. However, they also seem to be guarding something of importance.
Дендроид воин
66, 36 подземелье
You come face to face with the destructive force of this forest, a copse of trees animated and given evil will. Sadly, even though they are trees, you must destroy them, so that the forest may return to life in future ages.
Водный элементал
89, 5 подземелье
You see a sad looking spectacle, a confused water elemental thinking a gem pond is her home. She is obviously very young, and very naive. You approach her slowly and try to gauge her reaction to you. She whines a bit and then.....
Зеленый дракон
97, 13 подземелье
This forest was altered magically by the elves as the tomb of their most beloved Princess and her bodyguards. Their slaughter is forever remebered by the elves, who have claimed green dragons to be their eternal enemies, ever since. As you finish pondering this, one such dragon dives at you.
Высокий эльф
95, 18 подземелье
You've come to visit the tomb of our Princess? Then, let us join you.
Гончая ада
95, 17 подземелье
You cringe at the sight of the dogs that guard the camp of the elves, their mouths frothing and growls issuing forth. The elves assure you that the guard dogs will not attack them or you, and are suddenly proven wrong as they attack, possessed by the will of the Earth Lord.
98, 11 подземелье
Resting place of the 42nd Elf-Princess, Cemia and her former entourage, killed by a trio of rampaging green dragons. May they rest in peace.
Водный элементал
114, 19 подземелье
As predictable as your showing up is, there is, predictably, a guardian force of elementals to prevent you from entering the domain of the Water Queen.
Ящер воин
115, 21 подземелье
The lands of the Water Queen seem to be even better guarded than those of her sister, the Mistress of Wind. Now you are being harried by a large squad of crack archers, lizard warriors who have been serving the Water Queen since their birth.
119, 21 подземелье
Now the Water Queen seems desperate, throwing wild and uncontrolable hydras in front of your path. They snarl and slither, starting toward you menacingly.
Ящер воин
124, 20 подземелье
Now an even larger force of lizard warriors is set upon you in an effort to cease your quest.
Адский троглодит
125, 17 подземелье
In a last ditch effort to keep you from reaching her castle, the Water Queen has employed a near legion of troglodytes to swarm over your army.
Ящик Пандоры
132, 19 подземелье
This is the box of Pandora, and what lies inside of it is a mystery.
110, 15 подземелье
A sudden chill sweeps through your body as you enter the chilly realm of the Water Queen, Marid. Oddly enough, her realm consists of much land, though it is frozen over. You wonder if her powers have betrayed her, and think back to the lake town. Perhaps she was draining the lake for her survival?
Верховный лорд
4, 7 подземелье
Верховный лорд
63, 55 подземелье
Верховный лорд
134, 4 подземелье
3, 138 подземелье
Castle Necro
Посещение Некромант:
0, 137 подземелье
Necro King
47, 20 подземелье
This tent is for the Hero who is to fufill the Legend.
Верховный лорд
111, 106 подземелье
117, 106 подземелье
Visit the tent or forever be doomed!!!
20, 8 подземелье
Trying to sneak in the back way has done you no good. Ahead you see some fireball-tossing magogs who suddenly turn their attention to you.
Королевский грифон
66, 44 подземелье
These griffins are your last obstacle to claiming the gold mine you so desperately need.
81, 37 подземелье
Ahead of you, as far as your eyes will allow you to see, is sand. Lots and lots of burning, blowing sand. The wind whips up around you, creating numerous dust devils, and warning you that this is indeed not at all a friendly place.
76, 63 подземелье
In order to claim the treasures beyond you must first show God that you are a worthy combatant!!
130, 17 подземелье
To earn the box you need to take some knocks!!
Древнее чудище
123, 106 подземелье
Your final task before you may be allowed to meet me is to take out what I like to call living artillery. Good luck!!
115, 106 подземелье
How did you get past all of my guardians?!?!? Well, no matter...you'll never be able to defeat me, not after....THIS!!
Древнее чудище
115, 95 подземелье
Trying to get into my treasure vault? You'll pay for that, little child-whelp!!
Земной элементал
113, 92 подземелье
My gold mine, my very gold mine you try to take!! Well, you'll have to take this beforehand!!!
128, 91 подземелье
You look downward and see rugged, infertile, and extremely unpleasant ground ahead. The land is barren, quite the opposite of what you expected of the Earth Prince, Milon, and realize that the Water Mistress was suffering similarly. The thought occours to you that all of the lands you have visited
127, 91 подземелье
to fight in against the Lords were extremely barren. Have they been trying to get the power to restore their lands? Are these beings actually under control? The normally loving elementals are the same bloodthirsty ones you've been fighting. Yes, they are under control, but the question is, by whom?
121, 100 подземелье
You're going the wrong way if you're looking for me, child. Why don't you let these nice people set you straight?
Алмазный голем
123, 103 подземелье
I don't think you deserve to meet me. Why don't you play with some toys I made in my spare time?
Земной элементал
136, 96 подземелье
Are you willing to fight for a few meager resources, whelp? Are you that desperate?
Королевский минотавров
128, 97 подземелье
You know, the funny thing is that I made this land, and never realized it was very similar to a maze. So, as you can guess, I attracted these guys. Go figure.
Золотой голем
133, 98 подземелье
This is the only warning you're getting. Stay away from my treasure vaults.
52, 75 подземелье
Milon's ghostly voice issues forth, So you defeated me, but now you're trapped in a land with no magic whatsoever, that you have no clue as to the layout of. Delicious!! If it's any consolation, if you manage to survive, you'll meet our Master here. The voice breaks off in laughter.....
50, 76 подземелье
It becomes painfully obvious to you that this place is a desolate wasteland, where no vegetation grows, and no life can reasonably survive. The ground is littered with the dead, and dark storm clouds perpetuate over this place. This desolation seems to be someone's utopia, and the fate they were
49, 76 подземелье
trying to deliver to your kingdom. You realize, sadly, the elementals you put to death were indeed the pawns of whoever calls themselves King here, and that such a despicible being must be killed. Your resolve is founded and you rally your troops.
Скелет воин
53, 81 подземелье
Up ahead you see a sign of life, a tavern where you can at least hear what's going on, and perhaps find some allies. It isn't a town, but it's something, which is all you've got in this new world. Unfortunately, an army of skeletons block the path.
48, 86 подземелье
You realize slowly where you are. This cursed land is the old kingdom of Almi'tal-on. Almi'tal-on was once a propserous kingdom, much like yours now is after you've freed it, but the king, struck with a disease but unwilling to die, became a Lich. Unfortunately, it ruined his loving personality and
47, 87 подземелье
he became driven for power. He also became paranoid that his former regents and fiefs were out to get him. He quickly raised an army of undead and laid waste to everyone and thing. His evil poisoned the land and cursed it, turning everything into his undead servant to quench his greed for an empire
46, 88 подземелье
of immortal, disease-free soldiers. Now he had all the power he desired, but his kingdom was literally a pile of bones. He decided to try conquering your kingdom, and 13 magi created a barrier to lock him in his land. You've passed through the first part of the seal. There is a second part, however.
45, 89 подземелье
The old legend said the way out had something to do with the colour purple. You ponder what the meaning of this could be and think about how strong the Necromancer-King must be now, and if you must face him. You shudder at the thought, unsure if your army could battle one such as his.
1, 136 подземелье
The Necromancer-King has been slain, his army destroyed, but the presence of the spying eye reveals he also was a pawn. You shiver, thinking what it might be controlling him, and decide the answer obviously lies in the underworld, Hell..
Земной элементал
126, 93 подземелье
I know of your coming, mortal being, and your piteous body shall soon be a corpse, whether because of me or my minions. You will not finish this fight the victor, as you did against my weaker brethen. And you must do so without your magic!!!
Королевский циклоп
126, 95 подземелье
Let's see how you fare against the very brethen of the earth itself!!!
Водный элементал
118, 6 подземелье
You shall never take the treasure of the Queen!!!
96, 31 подземелье
The town came crashing to the ground, killing most of the citizens and levelling everything except the extensive marketplace and the magically protected tavern. You decide to try and take your hand at restoring it to its former glory.
96, 32 подземелье
The story of this town is a piteous one. It was once a thriving, bustling metropolis, magically constructed to float over what used to be this lake. Then, as the Water Queen grew to power, she decided to be a prankster and drained the water from this former lake to add to her own realm..
Дендроид воин
40, 28 подземелье
You remember the tales of the Giant-King Antoras who helped the Elemental Lords protect Kingsfield until he was slain by, of all things, old age. Knowing his plight, he decided to lie down and sleep, and let his body become one with the earth, hence four centuires later, this forest.
Лесной эльф
64, 7 подземелье
Hey these are mine!!
52, 5 подземелье
Посещение Друид:
Ящик Пандоры
131, 104 подземелье
This box seems to have something wrong with it. Do you open it anyway?
134, 102 подземелье
That box looks tempting, doesn't it? Well, you can't just take it. Let's see how these test your mettle.
50, 94 подземелье
Bartlin Camp
Посещение Рыцарь:
45, 91 подземелье
Ahead you see the camp of Bartlin, the Paladin come to try to stop the Necromancer-King around a decade ago. Rumours that claim him to be alive claim also that he is insane and will attack anyone now, not just the Necromancer-King.
96, 30 подземелье
You have succeeded in rebuilding the town and making it a bustling metropolis. In your honour, the magi of the town borrow some of your resources and remove the barrier preventing the building of the Dragon Cliffs.
74, 139 суша
Welcome to Hell. Enjoy your stay. If you want out, that portal will lead to your raid of the overworld.
74, 136 суша
Go ahead and kill us, I dare you. Summon forth the wrath of our Master...warn him of your coming.
74, 82 суша
Element King
71, 79 суша
Fire Lord
73, 79 суша
76, 79 суша
Water Queen
78, 79 суша
Earth Prince
74, 81 суша
You have defeated the Elemental Emperor, the puppet Zeblog. Ahead you see the soul prisons of the four Elemental Lords. Apparently you did not destroy them totally. Now, no longer under control, they will join your cause gladly. Things are most certainly looking up in this bleak place.
74, 117 суша
You must be strong to have made it this far. Ahead lies the Elemental Emperor and the warring nations of the Kilmari and Sultano. Surely by now one has defeated the other and is ready to defend against your conquering. But it matters not. You shall die here where you stand.
74, 90 суша
Ahead lies the Path of Gates and the Emperor of the Elements, controller of all the Elemental Lords. These devils and the gates ahead are the last obstacles from taking out the mastermind of all this....or is he? You'd expect more elementals than devils if he were the mastermind. You begin to worry.
74, 75 суша
Devil Prince
74, 108 суша
The souls of the damned have gathered to defend Hell from you!!
74, 98 суша
The souls of the damned have gathered to defend Hell from you!!
74, 115 суша
The souls of the damned have gathered to defend Hell from you!!
114, 135 суша
35, 100 суша
74, 46 суша
Soul of Hell
Посещение Еретик:
Resources of the Devil
74, 62 суша
A foreboding sense of danger begins to tingle in your senses as you feel almost as if destiny is beginning to guide your steps foward. The thick smoke makes you cough incessantly and the induced fits interfere with your ability to lead your troops, as well as your weakness from all your past fights.
74, 61 суша
You begin to reflect upon your journey up and to this point. You remember that day, long ago when you were declared the Hero of Legend and your life changed forever. Your beginnings as an apprentice warlord, and the defeat of each of the Elemental Lords in turn.
74, 60 суша
Your thoughts travel to the good deeds you have done and the friends you have made. You restored the town annhilated by the Water Queen, made friends with the old hermetic alchemist, brought peace to the kingdom by eliminating the upstart baron...
74, 59 суша
And you know the fruits of your intense labors will soon pay off. With the Elemental Lords reborn and free-willed, the restoration of their kingdoms will soon begin. The volcanoes of the Fire Lord will become inactive, the Wind Mistress's land will again be fertile and green....
74, 58 суша
as will the Earth Prince's, and the Water Queen's domain will again be home to beautiful lakes and streams. The curse of the Necromancer-King will be lifted and once you restore the land, it will surely become a vast kingdom of knowledge under your command.
74, 57 суша
To top it all off, you've put the damned souls of Hell to rest, brought a state of semi-peace to its warring kingdoms, and slain a grand majority of the demons that inhabit it. You smile to yourself at how much you've accomplished, bowing your head and thanking the old crone of Kingsfield.
74, 56 суша
You reach your hand up to stroke your chin and begin to feel the beginning of a beard. The trials and tribulations of this journey have hardened you, and there is no doubt to you that all will now consider you a man for your deeds. You look foward to the celebrations to be held in your honour.
74, 55 суша
Then you remember that your quest is not yet over. The garrison ahead is a sign that there is more to accomplish. Even the defeat of the Devil Prince has not been enough. The puppet master is still ahead, the source of all you've laid waste to. Knowing the Elemental Lords are on your side....
74, 54 суша
you feel confident that you will win. Better yet, the castle up ahead has no eyeballs around it, so that means you will soon indeed face the final battle. You say a quick and heartful prayer before you continue on the meet your destiny, hoping it will end in your favour.
74, 52 суша
You've broken through the last line of defense, and now only the puppet master remains. The time has come to learn about the identify of this fiend and put him to rest. You rally your troops with the assurance that the end of your quest has come. Win this battle and evil will finally be put to rest.
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