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Герои 3 - карта Dueling Islands

26/05/2015Файл к игре: Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia

Dueling Islands
Трейнер к игреHeroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
Ещё называютГерои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
Вышла на платформахPC
РазработчикNew World Computing
Дата выхода1999-03-01
You and your ally have lived on the same island for years under a peaceful truce. Now you're hearing rumors of a neighboring island being taken over by a rival allied faction. If they persuade your ally to join them, you will be outnumbered and your kingdom will surely fall!



Dueling Islands0.02МБh3m

Dueling Islands


  • Turin Keep is underground
    Rumor has it that the long lost Turin Keep may be discovered beneath the ground.
  • Golems took over Turin Keep
    In an old war, Turin Keep fell to an attack by an evil mage using Diamond Golems.
  • Derelict Ships
    More than one ship has cracked her hull on the dangerous reefs around these islands.


  • Intro
    For years you and your ally have lived peacefully together on this island. Now news of a rival faction moving in on the neighboring island has reached your kingdom. If those enemies convince your ally to betray you and join them, you will be outnumbered and your kingdom will likely fall.
  • Intro - part2
    You and your ally must unite now and defeat the rival faction before all is lost!


  • Золотой голем
    • 46, 25 подземелье
    • Сообщение: You will not take our life blood. We will fight to the death to keep it!
  • Золотой голем
    • 39, 19 подземелье
    • Сообщение: You will not take our life blood. We will fight to the death to keep it!
  • Золотой голем
    • 31, 56 подземелье
    • Сообщение: You will not take our life blood. We will fight to the death to keep it!
  • Золотой голем
    • 25, 51 подземелье
    • Сообщение: You will not take our life blood. We will fight to the death to keep it!
  • Случайный город
    • 35, 38 суша
    • Название: Turin Keep

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