Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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The dragons are furious! For many years the dragons have been subjugated to warriors whims. The Dragon King swears No More! He has isolated himself and surrounded his lair with his loyal subjects. Only a warrior of great might can force the Dragon King back into the service of the warrior kings.
A wandering nomad brought tales of a well guarded portal which can be used by traveling armies to move between the Eastern and Western lands.
Townspeople claim that the Dragon King has moved his lair to the center of the world. He appears to have summoned all the wild dragons who are not protecting lairs to his land to protect the Azure nests.
great weapons
Wandering nomads speak of weapons with great power which can be found beneath the ground. They are guarded well and only a foolish warrior goes unprepared.
Legend says
Legend says that many years ago the dragons freely roamed the world and in their zest for battle willingly served mighty warriors. In recent years a cult of monks which have a great fear of the dragons has grown. With their mighty magic they have slowly destroyed the wild dragon lairs. Only a few of the dragon nests remain. The Dragon King in his wild rage will not listen to reason and accept the help of the warriors. In order to ultimately save the dragons, you must first conquer them.
your azure
Your mighty blue dragon rests beside you and stretches his neck for a scratch behind the ears. Azor, a direct descendant of the Dragon King has served your family loyally for over 500 years. You fondly pat this great blue dragon for not only has he been a protector, he has also always been your best friend. It is time your family paid a debt for this loyal service. Your banner must fly upon the dragon lairs. You must conquer and protect the dragon folk.
Your townspeople believe in your cause and have gathered resources to aid in your quest.
Your brother
You send your younger brother Drayton on a mission to locate the dragon lairs and to spy on the monks so determined to destroy them.
Fairy Dragons
A traveling bard from the Southern Lands brings grave news of the Fairy Dragons. It appears the monks have been successful in their efforts and have destroyed the last of the Fairy Dragon nests. A small group is known to protect the Dragon King's lands, but once they are gone there will be no more. This news stuns your people, knowing the situation is dire they raise more resources for your journey. You build your army as you await news from your Drayton.
Crystal Dragons
The last of the crystal dragon nests is said to be in the rocky terrains of the west. The beautiful but deadly crystal dragons are managing to protect their lair, but rumors say the monks are getting ever closer to their lair.
A wandering nomad brought tales of a well guarded portal which can be used by traveling armies to move between the Eastern and Western lands.
brother returns
You are shocked as guards bring your brother before you. He has lost a lot of weight and appears to be badly dehydrated. Quickly he is given care, as your concern is now focused on your brother instead of the dragons plight.
brothers tale
Your brother has slept heavily and seems to finally be able to tell his grave news. He speaks of the horrors as the monks unmercifully destroy the dragons, their nests and their young. What you find even more disturbing is his news that other warriors appear to be headed for the nests. Your brother has not been able to find out if they are out to destroy the mighty dragons or to help them survive this deadly assault. You have no choice. The lairs must fly your banner as a sign to other warriors that the dragons are under your protection. The warriors who choose to replace your banner or try to take the lairs for the monks must be destroyed!
Rust Dragons
One of your spies returning from the Eastern desert claims that a nest of Rust Dragons lies in a secluded area close to a great pyramid. The monks appear to be afraid to approach the land of the dead.
King of Dragons
Rumors abound among the townspeople that the Dragon King has moved his lair to the center of the world. He appears to have summoned all the wild dragons who are not protecting lairs to his land to protect the Azure nests.
Lucky coin
You found a lucky coin on the road way. Wiping it off, you quickly stick it in your boot before your troops notice such a superstitous act. You figure your army needs all the luck it can get, not to mention it goes against your grain to pass up free money.
monk spies
Two monks which have been spying in your lands have been captured and brought before you for judgement. You found in each one's robe fragments of crystal and fairy dust. With the look of madness in their eyes they each carry a tale of slaughter and gleeful destruction of not only dragons but also the peasants that served them. Horrified and sickened by their ghastly tale you immediately order both of them to be executed by the ax and their heads mounted on the castle gates as an example to any of the cultist monks who dare to travel you lands.
Welcome respite
Your armies are tired. They have fought many battles and though they believe their cause is just, the time spent from home has taken it's toll on morale. With the help of your wizards who cast a powerful protection spell, you allow the troops to take a well earned rest, have the bard entertain the troops with a celebratory tale and order extra rations of ale to be distributed.
lone traveler
You have found the body of a lone traveler who appears to have been waylayed by some scurvy rogues. Giving the guy a decent burial you run across a small supply of sulfur in his packs.
Brother goes for supplies
One of your advisors has told your brother of supplies which may available in the Eastern regions. He has taken a few supplies and headed out early this morning. According to the advisor he hopes to be gone only a couple of weeks and assures you that he will be diligent in avoiding the crazed monks.
Brother brings supplies
Drayton has returned and appears to have been successful in his endeavors. Grinning broadly he lays the supplies at your feet. Relieved that he is back safe you clap him on the back and call for ale to celebrate.
You find a ragged beggar on the side of the road with a cane and an empty cup. In your generous nature you give him a few coins. Unfortunately he happens to be one of the crazed monks in disguise and during the night relieves you of a substantial amount of gold and gems.
Anonymous Donor
An anonymous donor has sent chests of gold for your disposal. Additional troops will definitely help moral of the war weary troops who are with you.
Fairy want coin
A tiny fairy flutters around your face. In a wee voice she claims to have been searching for you over the past few months. She tells a tale of woe and how she lost a special coin that her family kept for many generations. Her fairy senses feel the aura of the coin on your person. Remembering the lucky coin you found along a wooded path, you reach into your boot and hand the tiny being your lucky coin. With a tiny peck on your check and a teary grateful smile she accepts the coin, scatters fairy dust around your feet and flutters off as a golden shower of coins rains upon the ground.
134, 7 подземелье
Aid to Cause
Some Titans feel the situation is getting desperate and have decided to aid your cause.
137, 139 подземелье
Aid to Cause
Some Devils feel the situation is getting desperate and have decided to aid your cause.
4, 138 подземелье
Aid to Cause
Some dragons feel the situation is getting desperate and have decided to aid your cause.
4, 5 подземелье
Troops to aid the cause
Some angels feel the situation is getting desperate and have decided to aid your cause.
Лазурный дракон
71, 67 подземелье
Ah puny mortal, what a fine trophy you will make for my kingdom's halls. Prepare to be baked, stuffed and mounted on my walls, you die today!
Кристальный дракон
67, 67 подземелье
Halt warrior, the only mortals allowed in the presence of the Dragon King, are dead warriors. Prepare to be seen!
Ржавый дракон
77, 67 подземелье
You have not done bad weakling to have made it this far, but this is the end of the journey for you!
Сказочный дракон
63, 60 подземелье
Our king says practice makes perfect, so we'll practice our killing magic on you until you are perfectly dead!
Черный дракон
87, 68 подземелье
What do you call a warrior who dares to enter the Dragon Lands? You call him a dumb dead warrior!
Золотой дракон
72, 86 подземелье
You must have a permit from the Dragon King. He sent word to us that you are permitted to die!
Призрачный дракон
97, 67 подземелье
Puny Warrior, you should not have come this way. Now you will age no more for this day you bones will decorate my lair.
Ящик Пандоры
104, 33 подземелье
This box was made for fighting, and that's just what you'll do. One of these days this box will walk all over you! Are you sure you want to open it?
Ящик Пандоры
73, 128 подземелье
This box was made for fighting, and that's just what you'll do. One of these days this box will walk all over you! Are you sure you want to open it?
Ящик Пандоры
65, 23 подземелье
This box was made for fighting, and that's just what you'll do. One of these days this box will walk all over you! Are you sure you want to open it?
46, 62 подземелье
As you enter the Dragon King lands, you feel the power of the dragons weighing heavily on your shoulders and you realize that he who controls the dragons, control the world!
95, 67 подземелье
As you enter the Dragon King lands, you feel the power of the dragons weighing heavily on your shoulders and you realize that he who controls the dragons, control the world!
37, 63 подземелье
Warning. Dragon Lands ahead. All intruders will be crushed...........hmmmmmmmm I mean turned back at the gate. Signed The Dragon King
99, 66 подземелье
Welcome! Warrior roast up ahead. Lunch specials proceed directly through the gate. Signed The Dragon King
69, 67 подземелье
You have finally reached the Dragon King's Lair. Your enemies know now that you are the mightiest of warriors. Soon, so shall the Dragon King.
Призрачный дракон
44, 62 подземелье
We were told to make soup for dinner. All we need are some soup bones, prepare to float in our pot.
Ящик Пандоры
63, 117 подземелье
This box was made for fighting, and that's just what you'll do. One of these days this box will walk all over you! Are you sure you want to open it?
Золотой дракон
72, 49 подземелье
You must have a permit from the Dragon King. He sent word to us that you are permitted to die!
Кристальный дракон
11, 57 подземелье
Be gone puny warrior, our King says we no longer have to serve your kind. Get out of my face or you will feel my heavy foot!
Ржавый дракон
113, 74 подземелье
We serve the Dragon King, purny warriors we serve up for dinner!
28, 74 подземелье
Some of the crazed cultist monks have been hiding in thorn bushes for several weeks waiting for dragon lovers. Bleeding and angry they ambush your troops!
33, 14 подземелье
Some of the crazed cultist monks have been hiding in thorn bushes for several weeks waiting for dragon lovers. Bleeding and angry they ambush your troops!
92, 11 подземелье
Some of the crazed cultist monks have been hiding in thorn bushes for several weeks waiting for dragon lovers. Bleeding and angry they ambush your troops!
141, 28 подземелье
Some of the crazed cultist monks have been hiding in thorn bushes for several weeks waiting for dragon lovers. Bleeding and angry they ambush your troops!
32, 36 подземелье
Some of the crazed cultist monks have been hiding in thorn bushes for several weeks waiting for dragon lovers. Bleeding and angry they ambush your troops!
19, 57 подземелье
Some of the crazed cultist monks have been hiding in thorn bushes for several weeks waiting for dragon lovers. Bleeding and angry they ambush your troops!
28, 107 подземелье
Some of the crazed cultist monks have been hiding in thorn bushes for several weeks waiting for dragon lovers. Bleeding and angry they ambush your troops!
4, 107 подземелье
Some of the crazed cultist monks have been hiding in thorn bushes for several weeks waiting for dragon lovers. Bleeding and angry they ambush your troops!
14, 110 подземелье
Some of the crazed cultist monks have been hiding in thorn bushes for several weeks waiting for dragon lovers. Bleeding and angry they ambush your troops!
48, 127 подземелье
Some of the crazed cultist monks have been hiding in thorn bushes for several weeks waiting for dragon lovers. Bleeding and angry they ambush your troops!
74, 128 подземелье
Some of the crazed cultist monks have been hiding in thorn bushes for several weeks waiting for dragon lovers. Bleeding and angry they ambush your troops!
123, 114 подземелье
Some of the crazed cultist monks have been hiding in thorn bushes for several weeks waiting for dragon lovers. Bleeding and angry they ambush your troops!
130, 95 подземелье
Some of the crazed cultist monks have been hiding in thorn bushes for several weeks waiting for dragon lovers. Bleeding and angry they ambush your troops!
120, 81 подземелье
Some of the crazed cultist monks have been hiding in thorn bushes for several weeks waiting for dragon lovers. Bleeding and angry they ambush your troops!
120, 52 подземелье
Some of the crazed cultist monks have been hiding in thorn bushes for several weeks waiting for dragon lovers. Bleeding and angry they ambush your troops!
107, 54 подземелье
Some of the crazed cultist monks have been hiding in thorn bushes for several weeks waiting for dragon lovers. Bleeding and angry they ambush your troops!
74, 60 подземелье
Some of the crazed cultist monks have been hiding in thorn bushes for several weeks waiting for dragon lovers. Bleeding and angry they ambush your troops!
66, 65 подземелье
Some of the crazed cultist monks have been hiding in thorn bushes for several weeks waiting for dragon lovers. Bleeding and angry they ambush your troops!
36, 19 суша
Only a warrior of great strength and courage may carry these weapons. Prepare to prove yourself!
49, 18 суша
The trail is treacherous, the monsters strong, and yet, the rewards are great. Dare you continue?
109, 13 суша
So you think you are a giant among warriors and feel you should bear these great weapons. First you must prove yourself worthy!
95, 17 суша
The trail is treacherous, the monsters strong, and yet, the rewards are great. Dare you continue?
99, 123 суша
I believe these weapons might be a bit too hot for you to handle. Care to prove me wrong?
80, 126 суша
The trail is treacherous, the monsters strong, and yet, the rewards are great. Dare you continue?
Красный дракон
29, 118 суша
Our weapons were forged from the hotest fires and contain great power which can be controlled by a great warrior. Be prepared to prove yourself.
44, 123 суша
The trail is treacherous, the monsters strong, and yet, the rewards are great. Dare you continue?
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