The Great War in Aerston has drawn most of the kingdom's resources, troops and heroes away. The king has put all of his efforts into winning this war. In order to fight the Great War the King had his heroes first take over those petty lords who couldn't pick sides and made allies with those
Introduction Cont
whose alignments were parallel with your own. You are fighting the war together, trying to defeat your enemies together. For the moment only a few retired heroes are around, and the smaller less worthy troops to protect the homeland. The King has left you in charge of the few heroes and troops
to keep things in line while he and the others are gone. It is your job to keep the peace at home and make sure that monsters and renegades don't get any funny ideas while the King and his large troops are away.
News from the Front
It seems that word has come through that you are doing well in the war. Unfortunately your neighbor is not agreeing with your tactics. How impudent! After all your lands are the ones providing most of the support and intelligence for this war.
Gook Luke, this is a present of the people, The people bilieve in you, they thing you are the new Lion King Bonne Chance, ceci est un cadeau du peuple, le peuple croie en vous, ils pense que vous кtes le nouveau Roi lion. (Je connait pas l'allemands dйsoler)
You get a message from your neighbor who says that you are a whimp and deserve to be taken over. He cites lack of military strength and intelligence as reasons. He believes that the only way he can win this war is if he is in control of everything.
You respond to the fool's message with one of your own. Lacking military strength eh? Well, you send the parts of his messanger back to him along with a vial of poison saying Drink this. You're hoping he's stupid enough to actually do so.
18, 8 подземелье
So now that the 'Big' troops are gone you are coming to us little peons for help. Well just forget it! We're never good enough for you to take us out on your little adventures any other time, so we're not going to join you now. Go lay an egg dorkus!
33, 8 подземелье
So now that the 'Big' troops are gone you are coming to us little peons for help. Well just forget it! We're never good enough for you to take us out on your little adventures any other time, so we're not going to join you now. Go lay an egg dorkus!
24, 8 подземелье
Normally we are left behind because we're slow and no one likes to wait for us. But we're Dwarves! We are a proud, tough race who can take a lot of punishment and dish it out. Since we saw you slaughter those poor Centaurs we've decided to join you, and because we haven't seen battle in a while.
Лесной эльф
23, 6 подземелье
Hey! We've been waiting for you, wondering where you have been. Took you long enough to get here. Were those stupid Centaurs giving you crap? They're always whining that they never get to come along, but they're so whimpy that we would just waste resources hauling their butts around.
61, 8 подземелье
Hey! What do you think you're doing? Coming to us peons for help when the 'good' ones are gone? Well you can just stuff you stuck-up hero type. We're not going to help you at all. You're just a big meanie for not ever taking us along!
63, 4 подземелье
We saw what you did to those poor Gnolls and we're not interested in having that done to us so we'll join you. Can't believe you are such a big dork, picking on us little guys. Then again you hero types never treat us with the respect we deserve. You're just a horses's butt.
Летучий змей
67, 4 подземелье
Took ya long enough to get over here. Why were you messing with those little guys? What do you mean all the others took off. Are you telling me that we're all you got? Oh we are sooo going to lose this little war. Gnolls and Lizardmen are just completely useless.
46, 35 подземелье
Oh, so now you need our help. All those times you just let us sit and rot in the castle to be recruited by some horrible evil guy, and then you come and kill us later, never taking into consideration our feelings about the whole deal. Well, we're not going to help you, you big shmuck.
44, 26 подземелье
Oh, so now you need our help. All those times you just let us sit and rot in the castle to be recruited by some horrible evil guy, and then you come and kill us later, never taking into consideration our feelings about the whole deal. Well, we're not going to help you, you big shmuck.
54, 55 подземелье
So you think that in your hour of need you can call upon those of us you have negelected all of these years? Well now we are going to revolt and show you that we are not your patsies anymore. Prepare youself for combat you horrid hero.
45, 45 подземелье
So you think that in your hour of need you can call upon those of us you have negelected all of these years? Well now we are going to revolt and show you that we are not your patsies anymore. Prepare youself for combat you horrid hero.
Ходячий мертвец
49, 52 подземелье
So now you are coming to us slow pokes for help. *sigh* It's the way of our unlife. We get left behind until someone is desperate and needs our help. I suppose that we should join your ranks and help you out again. Will we ever get thanked? Of course not. What an unlife.
47, 49 подземелье
We've been waiting for you to come and pick us up. We're ready to rumble with what ever is breathing down your neck. We'll drain the life from the living and help you raise more dead.
20, 52 подземелье
So we're the weakest creatures eh? Whimps are we? We'll show you, you overgrown, pea-brained, infantile old fart. We'll kick your tail and send you home to momma.
9, 48 подземелье
So we're the weakest creatures eh? Whimps are we? We'll show you, you overgrown, pea-brained, infantile old fart. We'll kick your tail and send you home to momma.
14, 47 подземелье
You know, everyone always ditches us first when you need space, claiming we're not good enough. You call it a 'waste of resources' to buy us sometimes. How rude! Guess we'll bail you out again. Not like us to complain about it or anything. No, never, we just save you all the time and get nada.
59, 71 подземелье
So you think that in your hour of need you can call upon those of us you have negelected all of these years? Well now we are going to revolt and show you that we are not your patsies anymore. Prepare youself for combat you horrid hero.
45, 71 подземелье
So you think that in your hour of need you can call upon those of us you have negelected all of these years? Well now we are going to revolt and show you that we are not your patsies anymore. Prepare youself for combat you horrid hero.
Наездник на волке
56, 69 подземелье
We saw what you did to our poor goblin cousins. You're such a big nasty dork who picks on little guys. We haven't got much choice in joining you do we? If we don't join you, then you'll just slaughter us like you did the goblins. Fine, have it your way you big meanie.
52, 33 подземелье
12, 63 подземелье
61, 55 подземелье
Гончая ада
17, 50 подземелье
Bark! Roof! Took you long enough. We've been waiting for you to come get us so we can go sink our teeth into some squishy living things.
12, 8 подземелье
66, 21 подземелье
Посещение Зверолов:
61, 54 подземелье
Pride Lands
65, 66 подземелье
Pride Rock
Посещение Рыцарь:
33, 68 подземелье
Kiara town
Посещение Варвар:
12, 7 подземелье
Scar den
52, 7 подземелье
Посещение Чернокнижник:
Огненный элементал
59, 12 суша
My breathern have told me that we must join your crusade, for if we don't then you will kill us all. It is an unkind way to gain followers, but I suppose it is effective. Barbarian.
Водный элементал
68, 15 суша
We saw what you did to the Fire Elementals and have decided to join your ranks. It is obvious that you are a great warrior with a grand quest. Please accept our offer.
Земной элементал
68, 9 суша
Who are you? What are you doing here? We do not want such strangers in our territory? How did you get past the Fire Elementals? Such a horrid beast, destroying innocent Elementals just so you can bully the rest of us into joining you. Well, we shall have none of that!
16, 45 суша
I'm glad you came this way. We're just sitting here trying to flag down anyone who'd stop by. They're always more interested in the Angels, Devils and Titans. No one ever likes us when they're around. So we moved here, but now no one ever comes around because we're so far away. Can we join you?
56, 56 суша
We know what you call us. Blind and slow that's what you call us. Just because we're a little different from everyone else doesn't mean we can't get the job done. Just to prove it to you we'll kick your can and then you'll see who's right and who's wrong.
66, 66 суша
We know what you call us. Blind and slow that's what you call us. Just because we're a little different from everyone else doesn't mean we can't get the job done. Just to prove it to you we'll kick your can and then you'll see who's right and who's wrong.
58, 61 суша
We're always left behind when you find someone else who's 'better'. It's just not fair that you leave us loyal harpies behind when it suits your needs. That's just rude. You should mind your manners more. We think that you should go to your room and think about this. When you're done we'll join
62, 63 суша
You know, it's been a while since anyone told us what's going on. This time can you keep the Minotaurs from picking on us? We're not great at hand-to-hand, but we're kicking archers. What do you mean they're all gone? So we're top dog? Cool! If that's the case we have a few demands to be met.
Воздушный элементал
58, 4 суша
You must be a great and powerful hero to have defeated the clods. Clods? Oh, yes, our nickname for the stupid earth elementals who are slow and have nothing but mud in between their ears. Of course we are much smarter and better than they are.
Огненный элементал
57, 17 суша
Ahh, I see that you have decided to try and recruit the elementals in your crusade to beat your enemies into submission. In the past our kind have been ignored and not allowed in your towns and cities. Now that you need us, we don't need you. Go away!
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