Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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King Eldric the Dragon King has been poisoned! A fortunate event for his enemies. Now the kingdom is torn by war and trade routes are blocked by brigands. Eric, a young prince will do everything to save his father and unite the lands...
A group of mages on an island near the Kingdom is said to have a cape which makes you move faster.
Travellers say the Blight is a enormous desert where almost nothing survives. It lies north of Desert stone.
When you solve the quests of a certain five sages, you might get the needs to cure your father!
Visiting inns might give you clues!
Gremlins are weird creatures...
New Sargasso
New Sargasso is full of whirlpools! You never know where you might turn up!
serpent flies
Many serpent flies are bred in the northern regions of New Sargasso.
The only creatures that survive the Blight are Behemoths...
Ice wizards
Ice Wizards are evil. You never know what they're up to!
With tears in your eyes, you stand before your father: King Eldric the Second, widely known as the Dragon King for his grandfather tamed the Golden Ones. Now the king is just a shade of his former self, wrecked by poison. My child. Eldric says in a gently but croaking voice. Suffer not for me.
The king's personal medic interrupts the conversation. Your Highness, the books say that the only thing that can save you is a drop of the lifeblood of an Azure dragon... So fetch me such a drop! says Eldric.
The medic's face saddens. Unfortunately, the last of the Azure dragons died 2000 years ago. No!you shout I will search the whole country for a cure! You cannot die! The land is being invaded by SS'hrlass and his slimy gnolls and our trade route is cut off by goblins and orcs! We need you!
Well, legend says a vial of the precious lifeblood still exists. the medic says. It is said to be buried in the lost city of Manticore during the reign of Nepotakis. But to come there, one must cross the Blight. Not an easy task I would say, let alone crossing the barbaric Darsian Deserts!
You stand up firmly. Father! I will find that Vial and return with it or return not at all. The kingdom is worth more than my life! The king smiles. Then I give you my blessing. Take all the heroes you need. You have my authority. With a last proud look to your king, you leave the room.
When the medic has left the room, the old king smiles. Just like his mother. A tear slides across his cheek. Yes, Eric will be a worthy heir, maybe a bit too daring... Then the wracking pain in his gut returned and his body shivered...
When you fetch your gear, a scout comes running to you. My Prince! One of SS'Hrlass' men is rampaging eastwards of the town! Then we must act swiftly! Let's end this threat once and for all!. Unconsiously you touch the Eye of the Dragon which marks your lineage: Descendant of the Dragon King...
Grieving for your sick father you remember old events. Many years ago a band of arrogant golden dragons came to this land, destroying everything in their path for they were savage. Their leader was a vicious old Black. Azalon, a young warlord, challenged the Black and defeated him.
The way of the dragons was such that they followed the strongest leader. Since then Azalon was considered their leader. He learned them to behave civilized and founded the Kingdom with their help. The Kingdom enjoyed their protection. You sigh. All changed when your father was poisoned by unknown.
The Dragons had once said they refused to follow a sick leader. They considered such leaders too weak to lead. Azalon, Azalon II and Eldric I were healty kings and died when their heirs were old and strong enough.
Now the Dragons refused to follow a 'child' like Eric and left to unknown regions. Gotten lazy by the constant protection of their strong ally, the Kingdom was easily invaded by its neighbour: SS'alazar, ruled by SS'hrlass and his minions. Dwarfkeep was the first to fall...
With a snap, you come back to your senses. Dwarfkeep must be freed!
Students complain they can't study anymore. Two large beasts are blocking the university of Earth Magic. They were probably sent by SS'hrlass to cause havoc!
Dwarfkeep warning
Refugees from Dwarfkeep arrive at the gates of Elfheim. They warn you to hurry lest SS'hrlass can increase his forces there! You split some gold among them to lessen their needs.
The Sages 1
King Eldric is lying on his sickbed. One of the king's wise men enters the room. My King he starts We have consulted seers, mages and other charlatans, just to help your son with information. Unfortunately they all babble something about the Five Sages
The Sages 2
The wise man continues They also tell us to beware the Man Who Wields the Lightning. I have never heard of him though. What I do know is that Manticore is guarded by an ancient lich called 'the Guardian'. Very appropiate naming I guess.
The Sages 3
The dragons, god knows where they are also play a persistent role in the visions. All trustworthy seers insist you will die when Eric does not find the dragons nor the 5 sages... Eldric sighs deeply and touches his Eye of the Dragon.
the Sages 4
You suddenly wake up from a quiet slumber on your horse. Eldric's voice in your head indicates he's is communicating via the Eye. Son, you must find the dragons! then the contact is gone. You know how hard it is for your father to obtain the necessary concentration. It had to be very important!
Message from SS'hlrass 1
A messenger from SS'hlass arrives. Brought before you he states Hereby I bring you the following words of the great ruler SS'hrlass You wait...
Message from SS'hrlass 2
The gnoll continues Greetings dear Neighbour! Won your puny Dwarfkeep back did you? Well, enjoy it while your can! Within a few weeks my armies are ready to march again! And this time it will be a happy ending FOR ME!!!
Message from SS'hrlass 3
You turn back to your men. Then we still have a couple of weeks left to conquer the lands of SS'hrlass and ends his treat once and for all! I guess the longer we wait, the stronger he gets...
Crystal garden
Factories start complaining! The orcish blockade of the trade route to the Darsian desert not only blocks out trade, but also the import of valuable crystal. Refugees claim that the well-known Crystal garden is guarded by a flock of Thunder Birds!
Altar of Sacrifice 1
While your army is resting, a woman enters the campement. She asks for you. When you let her in your tent, she tells you her story: Please Milord, my father disappeared in a cavern somewhere in the northern swamps. He said he has found the Altar of Sacrifice.
Altar of Sacrifice 2
You answer But such altars aren't that rare, are they? The woman answers This one is special. The ancient monk guarding the altar knows of a powerful magic, enabling you the ultimate sacrifice ... You promise the woman to help her.
Sage intro
Your eye vibrates. When you touch it, your hear father's voice speaking. My son, my seers have found the locations of all five sages. I'll give them to you:
Sage 1
The first sage is living in the swamplands east of Elfheim. I assume you already have met him; he lives right in the Kingdom! Then the voice is gone. You know your father has to rest again.
Sage 2
A vibration through your ring finger announces your father again. The second sage lives in a cave deep in Mushy Waters.
Sage 3
Your slumber is interrupted by another message from your father. The third sage is living somewhere on an island in New Sargasso.
A scout returns. He informs you of a seer, living in a swamp near Desert Stone, who has a very trustworthy scrying device. Maybe he knows more about the precise location of the lost city of Manticore.
News has spread that a major contact from the Darsian Desert has been captured. He was said to have important information about Manticore.
King's sickbed 1
King Eldric shivers when another wave of pain washes over him. So weak... A medic seeing the King's suffering tries to comfort him. Take heart my king. Your son is doing well! Eldric nods. But will he be in time? The medic shakes his head. You need not worry about that...
King's sickbed 2
The poison has done a wonderful job turning you in a crippled weak King, but not killing you. Exactly what they meant. It might take another year for you to die. The king sighs. Who poisoned me anyway if it wasn't SS'hrlass? The medic shrugs. I'm just a medic, not a politician...
King's sickbed 3
When the medic walks away he sighs deeply. Already he regretted the fact he didn't tell the King he could slip into a coma soon...
Sage 4
After weeks of hearing nothing your father's voice is back again. Hello Eric, my seers have located the 4th sage: He dwells in the vulcanic regions north of Crystal Garden. Whether you have met him or not, I advice you to caution. Lava is bad for your health!
Sage 5
Your father once speaks to you again: The last sage is living in the middle of the Blight. Together, the seers say, they hold the key to my salvation... You answer: Do not fear, father! I will find them and bring you the cure! I hope... you whisper to no one in particular.
cutscene 1
A cold place, far away...
cs 2
A man is sitting on a black throne. Darkness whirls around him. A cowering orc is kneeling deeply in front of him. Ma...Master... Eric do well! We not stop him. He very lucky... The man sighs. More lucky than you, Orc! I paid you, but you failed. Then he make a slight move with his hands...
The room is suddenly bathed in light and a crackling bolt speeds for the unlucky orc. A heap of ash is all that remains... So Eric thinks himself lucky! He will find himself a nice surprise!
A scout returns from the Infernal Lands. He tells you the rulers of Hellgate have imprisoned a well known hero called Callandrin... This Callandrin was a famous swordfighter whose Sword of Judgement was even more famous!
Stones Hint
You receive a message from King Eldric. My wise men have stumbled upon a piece of information about Manticore. It seems the ancient people loved to trap their tombs. You should be careful!
King Eldric never felt as tired as before. The last weeks were the worst ones since he was poisoned. Shivers shot through his body. Slowly he descended into merciful blackness...
You suddenly wake up. Something is wrong! Instinct makes you grab for the Eye. Nothing! The contact is gone. Is your father dead? Then, faintly you feel a slight throbbing in the Eye. Relief floods your body. No, not dead. But it's no sleep either! It must be some kind of coma...
Khara'kan 1
Darkness... Eldric has never seen such darkness. It was almost tangible. Suddenly, the darkness shapes into a form... A man materializes in front of the old king. When he speaks, Eldric knows he will never forget that voice. I admire your son's efforts to save your unworthy life. However...
It will be fruitless. The only result will be his death! The last word echoes countless times. Then the Darkness whirls around Eldric and with a mouthless scream he returns to oblivion...
Army of Darkness
Eldric knew at once he was dreaming again. The man in front of him looked very real though. Who are you! the king demands. The man smiles thinly. Some call me Khara'kan, others call me He Who Wields the Lightning but most call me Master...
Army of darkness
Eldric hopes his fear is not too evident. What do you want? he says. My! Your Kingdom of course! In fact, I already have it in my possession! Your son will never find the Vial!
29, 116 подземелье
Joyful cheers erupt as Elranthar rebuilds its tavern after its unfortunate burn-down during the war!
Friendly southern kingdoms have sent you a regiment of Battle Dwarves. For them, a stable Kingdom is much more profitable!
6, 136 подземелье
Случайный ценный артефакт
0, 137 подземелье
Just before you want to grab the item, a lone gremlin pops out of the underbrush. FEAR ME! THY SIMPLE MORTALS! I AM A *MASTER* GREMLIN....well almost... With his immensily powerful claws it advances in your direction. You feel pity for the creature. Do you decide it needs a lesson?
8, 85 подземелье
The people of SS'Alazar celebrate as the Kingdom allows a tavern to be build!
23, 110 подземелье
Hillydwarf. Home for those who know how to use an axe!
Боевой гном
20, 111 подземелье
Only humans worthy in combat may enter our village! says one of the Battle dwarves in a grim voice. Hands tighten around mithril axes...
14, 109 подземелье
Hillydwarf treasure vault
138, 103 подземелье
Goblins Rest
107, 113 подземелье
Desert stone
Catch the goblin
Desert stone announces the quartely Goblin olympics. Festivals are a huge success!
131, 136 подземелье
Corrupted bureaucrats steal money in Darseth! You regret the fact you ever conquered this town...
138, 37 подземелье
Золотой дракон
140, 2 подземелье
One of the Dragons looks gently at you Ah! Little one! Finally you have come to us. You are a worthy heir! Please allow us to join you. It is good to fly again for the Kingdom!
141, 129 подземелье
When you approach the Cyclopses, one of them takes the lead. Are you the One? You don't know what he talks about so you hesitate. The other Cyclopses are getting restless. How can we know for sure? they murmle Let's just kill them and be done with!.... They charge!
127, 77 подземелье
68, 7 подземелье
Ice Water
13, 137 подземелье
Drass' lhar
91, 56 подземелье
RROAAARRGGHH!!! You look at 20 charging 18' behemoths, then you look back at your army and your 4' elves...
47, 132 подземелье
For hundreds of years we have guarded the Cape. And we intend to do this for another hundred years! one of the mage chants. Defend yourselves!
2, 84 подземелье
You sigh. Can't these bad smelling creatures make their nest somewhere else?
Гнолл мародер
16, 142 подземелье
You stumble upon a band of gnolls, guarding the stone mine, which previously belonged to your people.
10, 129 подземелье
Huuhh...uhhh... one of the gnolls grins, You want wood eh? We want blood! Yours! Not particularly a good rhyme, you think...
2, 122 подземелье
Our infinite thanx O mighty warrior! says the grateful monks of the university. Here, let us teach you the Magic of Earth!
Летучий змей
2, 131 подземелье
Angry flies circle around the treasure chest. You curse the irritating spawn of SS'hrlass and decide to clean the place up.
28, 134 подземелье
Beholders are a real plague around here. These ones for example block a gem mine. You decide to do something about this menace!
Адский троглодит
41, 139 подземелье
These troglodyte brigands do not seem to take your invasion of their campement lightly. But alas, you do not take their crimes lightly!
2, 73 подземелье
With an strange inhuman voice, the Basilisk hisses at you Never will you find the Vial! This world belongs to me! You are confused. Basilisk can't talk can they?
19, 111 подземелье
Standing in front of the dwarven homes, you notice they're much friendlier now they have found you worthy. In fact, some of them may join you!
Лесной эльф
21, 120 подземелье
Well met! We were waiting for you. We would do everything for our king! Here, keep this bow as a token of our friendship...
15, 129 подземелье
He! shouts the tree. That money is given to me by worshipers! Keep off! You feel like a thief, but to save the king, everything is allowed...and this money is needed badly!
71, 78 подземелье
As you walk through the stones, a vision descends upon you! Ancient people are burying a king far below the surface. North of him three more kings are already buried. This must be King Nepotakis... Suddenly the vision is gone again.
Случайный великий артефакт
54, 34 подземелье
A lone gremlin jumps in front of you! You again! you exclaim. The gremlin sneers. Yeah! But this time you won't be so lucky! I know karate now! Do you want to fight this freaky Bruce Lee again?
78, 40 подземелье
There is not must reasoning with these savage creatures. You clearly got the feeling your are trespassing their territory...
39, 9 подземелье
Cold Stone
13, 109 подземелье
Halt! We may be both on the good side, but to gain access to our vault, ya really really have to show yer worth!
Земной элементал
142, 67 подземелье
You go back now. rumbles the Earth elemental. Khara'kan pay well to prevent you reach old man inside tent Who is this Khara'kan?, is it the same guy who paid all those brigands?
121, 33 подземелье
24, 135 подземелье
One of your soldiers warn you of the beholders that swarm these uncultivated swamplands. Many a traveller never returned...
23, 53 подземелье
Suddenly the bird noises which you didn't pay attention to before increase in volume. As you look up, you see a large flock of birds swooping down on you. They are much larger than you thought. They had to be flying very high. Your army braces itself...A hollow laughter dies away...
22, 53 подземелье
As you walk towards the hut, you suddenly have a sense of foreboding. You feel you are being watched by something strong and evil. You shiver but don't know why...
121, 108 подземелье
Stone Pits. May the gods have mercy on your soul...
88, 114 подземелье
The old mage looks into his scrying ball. You see an underground crypt appear. A twisted lich roams around the cavern. This must be the guardian! Just before the image is gone you think you see the shadow of something else moving! You beg the mage for another look. He shrugs. Sorry, no power left
123, 105 подземелье
Finally you find the contact you seek. The elf, barely alive tells you to first find the Stones before you enter the Crypt of Manticore. He also informs you of a certain Nosey, a sailor. He was last seen in a shipyard and claims to have information about the whereabouts of the Dragons...
54, 10 подземелье
IceWater Bridge.
Накидка скорости
48, 131 подземелье
When the other mages recover from the fight, their oldest humbly gives you a beautiful cape. Here, you are worthy to wear this! May your quest succeeds... When you walk away he gives you an advice
97, 37 подземелье
Wraithlike forms are flying all around the ancient library. Too late you notice they are tightening in a circle around you and your men!
107, 39 подземелье
As you reach the body, stripped of its flesh by Vultures, you notice the rags of a familiar cloak. This is an Ice Wizard! Why would they be here?
141, 66 подземелье
The old man is grateful for freeing him from the hostile elementals. They never attacked me before! he says. Who is Khara'kan? you ask? why! It's a great mage, leader of the Ice Wizards who dwell in the Northern regions.
Доспех черного дракона
134, 12 подземелье
A beautiful armor is lying here. Some dragons are guarding it. Show yourself worthy and you may keep it. one of them says. Do you want to fight the dragons?
6, 137 подземелье
Prince Eric
8, 125 подземелье
This portal used to be functioning as a gateway between the Darsian Desert and the Kingdom, but it has been infested with Chaos Hydras for years. Actually, with this war going on, you hope the Barbarians do not get rid of the Hydra's!
110, 98 подземелье
Next to the mage tower you find another old portal. Where this one originates from you don't know.
20, 130 подземелье
An elf meets you on the road. My Prince! If you need help, we will gladly join you! Our village is to the north, where we already assembled a group of warriors.
17, 95 подземелье
Partly overgrown you find the entrance to an old dungeon. Rumbling noises sound from within. Could this be the Cave of Sacrifice? You decide to follow the small flow inside.
20, 80 подземелье
New Sargasso
78, 28 подземелье
ROAAARR!!! the Scorpicores roar. They are even more vicious than their cousins. Their vocabulary is not something to impress people with though...
134, 4 подземелье
A fairy Dragon welcomes your party. Finally you have found us! Son of the Dragon King. It is good to speak to humans again who taught us so much. We have gathered our forces to help you!
12, 118 подземелье
Suddenly your are ambushed by a band of Lizardmen!
38, 142 подземелье
Those Who Can Give Me An Orb of Silt I Shall Learn How To Walk on Water. Those Who Can't
36, 140 подземелье
A group of beholders is harassing an old mage living in a tree hut. Calling upon your honor you ready yourself to slay the foul beasts and rescue the poor man. You also hope for a reward of course, but that's not something to say aloud...
36, 141 подземелье
The mage living in the tree hut thanks you for saving him from the beholders. I have nothing to offer you, but for a quest he smiles. By the way, greet my collegue who dwells in a Fungus somewhere near Mushy waters. Never understood his decision...a Fungus! tsss
3, 123 подземелье
Those are indeed foul beasts! Although you loathe teachers, you decide to rescue them...
31, 141 подземелье
Tomb of King Azalon, founder of the Kingdom.
29, 142 подземелье
Suddenly an unearthly voice pierces through the air You! How could you rob the grave of your ancestor! Well...I...er...saw that heap of wood lying and... Lies! the voice says and an archangel appears. You curse under your breath...prickly beings! I HEARD THAT! the angel exclaims.
59, 137 подземелье
Turn back puny creatures! one of theTitans speaks proudly. Go back to your quests and stuff and leave us be!
Рыцарь Смерти
62, 134 подземелье
Flying Dutch
Волшебный свиток
79, 6 подземелье
Next to the hut you find a spell scroll. As you pick it up, you feel power cursing through your body. This must be a really powerful spell!
1, 101 подземелье
He! the witch from the hut shouts. Gotta pay for those baubles! Life ain't free! You really want those baubles, so you give her the money. Expensive boots, you think...
77, 40 подземелье
As you walk through the pass, a wondrous cracked land expands all around you. A soldier informs you of it. This be the Cracked Lands. It acts as a buffer between the Ice Lands and the Blight. There's not much alive in this area, save for manticores, but we are bringing them quickly to extinction!
79, 42 подземелье
Finally! At the brink of exhaustion you reach the end of the Blight. Never have you seen such a desert, so devoid of life. Your soldiers start marching again. You really don't want to tell them they must return eventually...
108, 63 подземелье
You notice the puddle of lava and start wondering. Suddenly you remember
Волшебный свиток
108, 62 подземелье
One of your men stumbles about a scroll cask lying half-hidden in the sand. Inside you find an ancient spell scroll. When you realize the nature of the spell, you wonder whether the Blight orinigates from spells like this gone awry!
119, 45 подземелье
121, 47 подземелье
A close look at the ruins reveals it has been a bridge once. What once was Green Forest probably now is called Forest of the Damned. Countless wars have not been kind to this world...
82, 33 подземелье
The old mage in front of the tent looks very bored. I found myself a nice spell which allows me to travel to all cities in the world, but now I've seen all of them, I'm bored...*sigh* You ask if you can learn it too. He answers
79, 41 подземелье
You stumble upon a small band of mages. They are happy to see you. One of our collegues choose for a solitary life here, but refused us to teach him the handiest spell we ever saw. We are looking for him, but we had some trouble defeating these manticores! Do you want us to join you?
104, 82 подземелье
A deep breath emerges from the ranks of your army. You have reached the perimeters of the Blight... The sun is getting hotter and between the last outcroppings you see an enormous plain of sand.
104, 35 подземелье
Sacred Vault Of Kings
Могучий лич
103, 35 подземелье
The liches are outraged. Sacrilige! they scream and the first magic spells already fly in your direction...
Шлем небесного просветления
58, 136 подземелье
Just you are about to grab the helmet, a familiar gremlin pops out from the helmet. SURRENDER OR D...O! It's you again? Why can't you let me guard stuff in peace? Do you want to get rid of the creature again?
104, 79 подземелье
Now you start realizing what monstrous journey you are about to undertake. The sun is like an oven. It burns, your throat dries and your men already start complaining while they haven't even crossed the last mountains into the great wide open... the Blight!
104, 78 подземелье
You see a well known gremlin sitting on the heap of rocks. When he sees you he sighs and wipes the sweat of his face. Ok ok, I'll go and guard something else! When he leaves you hear him mumbling about this place being far too hot anyway...
30, 140 подземелье
The soldiers hesitate. One of them walks up to you. Are you sure you want to continue? The tomb of Azalon is said to be guarded by a heavenly force. You shake your head. We're just heading for the pile of wood. A lot of arrows can be made from that! Some of your soldiers aren't convinced...
16, 122 подземелье
A woodcutter steps into your path. My prince! I just got robbed by a band of brigands. They stole my cart! Could you help me retrieve my belongings?
Бесконечная повозка дров
13, 117 подземелье
You know what? says the woodcutter. I was enjoying myself greatly in your army! Keep my cart, I'm a soldier now!
115, 107 подземелье
Loud noises are heard from within the Arena. Suddenly something comes flying out of the arena and lands head first in front of you... It's a goblin. Now you remember! It's the annual Goblin-o-Lympics! You can't wait to go inside and see more of the goblin throwing contest!
9, 136 подземелье
Just a sand hole for children to play in... but wait! What's that shiny thing over there! Some kind of necklace! Could a child have lost this?
Черный рыцарь
122, 35 подземелье
ah one of the Dread Knights says, Come to free your puny little friend, are you? His voice resounds through all your bones. You should never have come , for only death prevails here!
10, 51 подземелье
Serpent Isle
Летучий змей
7, 40 подземелье
The serpent flies seem to be very obedient. The owner of this isle must have petted these beasts. The ones you met on the sea probably were their more agressive counterparts!
49, 143 подземелье
You curse the hermit who decided to create this floating tent and started living at this particular spot. A mile to the west and he would have been at 2 days travel from Elfheim instead of 2 months or more!
109, 125 подземелье
Your soldiers warn you that this border guard was meant to keep pirates out. Opening it means free access to the main land for any who roam the ocean...
106, 86 подземелье
The owner of the inn is very talkative for the right amount of money... You must watch out for that Guardian guy. He has an device which prevents you from retreating. A battle with him is to the death! And not his death!
110, 85 подземелье
You learn lots of information from the students. A way to enter the blight? You should visit the old man living in Elemental Canyon!
111, 142 подземелье
Your men cheer as they reach the end of the jungle. You have learned alot about pathfinding!
106, 137 подземелье
Glad to be out of the jungle, you spend some time at a gypsie camp. They teach you a thing or two!
102, 109 подземелье
You ask a peasant for the Blight. His eyes bulge. You be goin' to Blight? You be good as dead! He directs you to the north.
130, 105 подземелье
The black market is an ideal place for hirelings. You quickly find soldiers to recruit! However, one of the groups, a band of Ogres sneer at you. Prove yourself first! they shout. The other hirelings also hesitate now. Do you want to advance on them?
130, 104 подземелье
You decide to show the ogres a lesson and charge right into them! The other hirelings are watching from all sides, ready to follow however is victorious!
27, 109 подземелье
The leprechaun does not seem to notice you. He's totally enthralled in his eternal dance. He sings in a angelic voice... Dragons of Black, Dragons of Gold, Dragons of Red, Dragons of Green, Dragons of... You sigh. You expected a hint to help you on your quest, not a rehearsal!
1, 114 подземелье
The Dendroids warn you only to go northwards with a decent force. The scouts of SS'hrlass may appear at any moment! 4 of them decide to join you...
5, 108 подземелье
Hesitating you enter the small pass between the mountains. This would be an ideal spot for an ambush...
5, 106 подземелье
You should have trust your instincts! Suddenly a shower of arrows rain down! Your forces throw up their shields and ready their axes. From all sides, gnolls storm down on you...
14, 84 подземелье
A monk is sitting on the beach. When you reach him, he looks at you gently. Ah! a tutor! And what do you teach? you ask him politely. Why! Navigation of course! You look at the ocean in front of you. Navigation might not be so bad to learn for one of your men!
131, 137 подземелье
You arrive at the gates of Darseth, a beautiful city, founded at the edges of the Darsian Jungle. Going west will lead you to the Shipyard where Nosey was seen for the last time.
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From the local population you have heard you are facing a very dense part of the jungle. Insects and mosquitos follow you wherever you go...
111, 136 подземелье
Mosquito Coast.
58, 137 подземелье
Surpised about such impertinence, the ancient giants attack!
103, 85 подземелье
Welcome to the Blight...
14, 19 подземелье
You find yourself on an island with a huge gate. An aura of magic radiates from all sides. A dark sense of foreboding creeps up to you. Will this be the climax of your quest?
13, 18 подземелье
A patrol returns with a captured mage. When he is brought before you, recognition stuns you. You know this mage! You saw him through the scrying ball sneaking past the Guardian! You must have taken the Vial! Where is it? you shout. The mage refuses to speak...
13, 17 подземелье
When the mage returns from a couple of hours with your Dragons, he's more talkative. He said he was to hide it near the Fountain of Youth behind Khara'kan's castle. Suddenly his face becomes ashen grey and he grabs for his heart. Within seconds he's dead!
13, 16 подземелье
The gate is guarded by a huge force of mages. Having fought many battles, you are quite confident in winning this battle.
8, 142 подземелье
The statue of Azalon once stood here. It was recently stolen by Wyverns, minions of SS'hrlass. 15000 reward for he who retrieves the statue!
5, 143 подземелье
Please rate this map at www.astralwizard.com! Tell me of your playing experience at [email protected]! -=Doriando the Mapmaker=-
102, 141 подземелье
At the docks, you ask for Nosey. A sailor tells you he set sail a while ago. He also warn you to watch out for pirates. The chaos in the world has made them strong.
93, 140 подземелье
Your soldiers warn you that this border guard was meant to keep pirates out. Opening it means free access to the main land for any who roam the ocean...
119, 86 подземелье
When you approach the Mage tower, a band of mages comes rushing out. Go away! their leader shouts. We have failed our leader and he has punished us by sending a force of elementals... with that they run off, leaving the tower and its riches alone... and a host of elementals somewhere near!
120, 86 подземелье
You decide to search the tower for riches and continue. Suddenly the earth seems to erupt and a storm whirls around you! Their master must be quite strong in magic to summon such a force! Enraged, the elementals attack!
39, 111 подземелье
This portal leads to the underground passage to the Darsian deserts and Crystal garden... Guards warn you that the Barbarians recently have allied against you and wage war against the Kingdom now!
9, 86 подземелье
135, 92 подземелье
It look like somebody didn't do a good job trying to hide the burying here. When you dig, you find a treasure chest! It must be the savings of a Goblin king who didn't want to share it with his people...
140, 16 подземелье
Your men are stopping you. Wrong way sir!
115, 94 подземелье
This tomb belonged to a great Ogre king once. You do not feel nice about robbing graves, but the shield lying next to the tomb radiates a great power. You decide you could make good use of it!
120, 92 подземелье
Your men discover a partly overgrown gate to the underground. You are very lucky! Who knows what kind of treasure lies within!
6, 42 подземелье
The keeper of the Serpent Fly Grove is delighted to have visitors. He offers to teach you some magic. Very cool magic this is! he grins Cast this on these little insects and they go mad! I love to watch the effect hmmm, you think...Sadistic little man!
138, 38 подземелье
Reaching the gates, you now know why this city is called Hellgate... Dantes inferno really comes alive in this place! Devils, demons and other spawn are roaming around everywhere!
34, 9 подземелье
Frozen to the bone, you reach an old sailor's home. You wonder why he wants to live in a cold place like this. A doctor said it was good for my health, but now I start to doubt! he croaks.He learns you quit a lot of the oceans!
135, 61 подземелье
The forest of the damned is very depressing for your men. Evil seems to lurk everywhere...
21, 124 подземелье
Lands of SS'alazar
37, 142 подземелье
You want to do the quest? he asks. You nod. He frowns To solve my quest you must visit the four sages first!
118, 140 подземелье
Hacking and sweating you find your way to the dense foliage. Some of your men fall prey to the dangerous jungle. Your morale decreases...
Могучий горгон
39, 138 подземелье
You are painfully aware that you wear a red sash... Mighty cows do not like red... A soldier whispers in your ear
93, 143 подземелье
Dear Mom, I was just going home to tell you what I found in the Cyclops cave! A strange portal, leading to a real Dragon city! Nosey
122, 106 подземелье
As you enter the prison, you notice the terrible smell hanging in the air
122, 105 подземелье
Seeing your victory against the prison guards, the slaves brighten up immensely! As one they decide to follow you...Your contact is not one of them. Maybe he is among those elves near the cells to the right.
64, 94 суша
Mushy Waters. Beware of Harpies!
Красный дракон
17, 97 суша
The dragons drool about seeing another meal and charge. You hope you are luckier than the last visitor, now a bundle of bones behind the dragons!
99, 35 суша
These are the sacred vaults of Manticore. May intruders die a painful death...
20, 11 суша
Buildings for final war
titans & other buildings
money money money
127, 59 суша
36, 87 суша
The minotaur hirelings sneer at you! We got paid lots of gold not to let you through. Ha! We wouldn't let you through anyway! You wonder who paid them. Probably the poisoner of your father! But why?
97, 31 суша
Suddenly your feet touch nothing but air! A trap! In a whirl you tumble down into a dark pit... When you look up, you know you are doomed and should have heeded the warnings!
97, 38 суша
As you reach the tomb of King Nepotakis, a breath of relief escapes your army. Quickly you examine the tomb. The Vial of Lifeblood is not here! Somebody has been here before you and must have taken it... The mage was right!
18, 15 суша
In front of the castle, you see Khara'kan haughtily looking in your direction. Suddenly he makes a weaving motion with his hands and shouts an ancient spell word. Airy beings start to materialize before you...The man is one heck of a spellcaster!
85, 90 суша
Crystal Garden
Огненный элементал
89, 78 суша
Your path is blocked by a large group of fire elementals. When you ask them for a safe passage they just laugh. These are our lands! And we just decided not to let any cold beings like you through! In fact, we'll make sure you will never return...
16, 95 суша
Dragons! Here? Soon you notice however, these Dragons are of a degenerated species. They are just semi-intelligent predators. Quite big though...
35, 88 суша
An old feeble man, smelling like a fungus meets you. Well met travellers! I once was in possession of the Greatest Sword but I gave it away to a hero. I've lost track of it since. Find it and I'll give you what you need... For now, I hope this will do... Suddenly you feel righteous!
80, 88 суша
Finally! Your scouts return with the news they have spotted Crystal Garden, only to find it guarded by a flock of Thunder birds. Probably bred by Barbarian hordes...
43, 112 суша
Some adventures share tales at the tavern. You overhear them ...Once I crossed the Blight and found a row of ancient stones. When I passed between them I suddenly had a glimpse of the past! a Vision! It showed me the life of an ancient people...
43, 107 суша
The orcs sneer at you Be gone! We control pass now! You pay to cross! Another orc whisper something in the speaker's ear. In fact, you pay and still not cross! Ha! They don't want to let you cross it seems...
21, 12 суша
14, 16 суша
A wondrous sight expands around you! Fire, ice and water are mixed in a beautiful pattern. Bushes that normally grown in swamps are florishing in the snow! This surely must find its roots in magic... Then you notice the castle to the east...A booming voice cuts the air...So Eric, we finally meet!
17, 15 суша
Your Dragon King is a sick cripple! Khara'kan sneers. You are about to shout something back as suddenly the voice of your father sounds softly in your head. You are not my son. Though you might not be king yet, Dragon Prince is a worthy title to uphold! Then the voice is gone...
16, 16 суша
Nothing can stop me! Your anger rises. The whole world in chaos just to satisfy this psychopath's lust for power! In the name of the Dragon King, you will pay for this! Adrenaline rushes through your body; a thrill of excitement waves through your army. For the Dragon King!
15, 16 суша
You recognize the voice immediately. You! You are the one hindering me all the time! Who are you? The voice answers in an arrogant tone
19, 12 суша
So, you resisted my elemental pets? Well, enough played. See if you can fight me! Crackling bolts of lightning circle radiate from his hands...
19, 14 суша
When the fog of war settles down, you notice the final black gate next to the castle. The Fountain of youth must be behind it and so will be the Vial of Lifeblood!
109, 92 суша
You wonder where the brigands did get all this money? Did someone pay them? But for what? Blocking the trade route? But why would someone wants chaos in the Kingdom?
101, 35 суша
The Guardian
103, 35 суша
The Guardian seems amused when it sees you. Ah...adventurers! Correct
24, 6 суша
HAHA!! a ghostly sound reverbs in the cave. Did you really think I would let you just get the vial? A bright flash explodes before you and more elemental beings appear in front of you...a trap! Khara'kans last...
Сосуд с кровью жизни
24, 5 суша
In the shadow of the beautiful fountain, you finally find it
26, 99 суша
These foul Wyverns do not seem to freely hand you the statue of Azalon. You don't care. The statue should be returned to it rightful owner! Besides, 15.000 reward is no peanuts!
38, 87 суша
You see a band of minotaur hirelings standing ready to throw anyone boarding here back into the water.
103, 103 суша
The entrance to the upper world is shimmering with heat. It must be very hot out there. Stories tell you that the Blight is even hotter. It said nothing can grow there!
104, 93 суша
A small but sturdy force is guarding the campement. hey you! one of the guards shout. You be bringin' us gold? We made deal right? You bring us gold, we block pass!
89, 87 суша
The road splitses itself in two. To the north the temperature is steadily rising. The Firelands must be over there. Southwards lies the gate to the Darsian Desert.
Туника короля циклопов
140, 136 суша
A beautiful tunic is lying here and guards are nowhere in sight...
139, 132 суша
The Cyclops cave looks very peaceful. There are no cyclopses near. Most of them probably sleep in their caves. To the south you notice two pieces of armour.
Корона дракона
126, 94 суша
Not again! a Gremlin is sitting on the crown, watching you intensely. You don't know when to stop eh? the Gremlin exclaims. With fear in your eyes you see the Gremlin moves his hands to cast a spell. Then both of you remember Gremlins don't have magic... The Gremlin curses and walks away...
121, 92 суша
You find yourself back in an ancient underground cavern.
Щит дракона
139, 136 суша
A powerful shield is lying here and guards are nowhere in sight... When you try to touch it however a force of wights appear out of nothing. Only those who defeat us may wield the Dragonscale shield! they scream in a ghostly voice. Do you want to fight them?
24, 94 суша
The monk is delighted to see you. Finally! I was afraid those dragons would eat all of my visitors... You have come for my knowledge? You nod. Beware that my knowledge can only be fully understood by those who are really smart!
73, 84 суша
Wandering through the passage brings back your sense of geography. You will reach the Crystal garden soon. When you continue eastwards, you will arrive at the gate to the Darsian Deserts. Going south from there will bring you to the Darsian swamps.
74, 84 суша
Following the passage northwards will drastically increase the temperature, because you will arrive at Everfire. Everfire is a vulcanic region, filled with elemental beings from the plane of Fire. Going east from there will let you arrive at Hellgate and the forest of the Damned.
75, 84 суша
Hellgate is inhabited by Devilish creatures, ruled by the Demonlords. They have recently allied with the barbarians and are very agressive. The Blight should be eastwards from Hellgate and Northwards from the desert.
76, 84 суша
Far beyond the Blight are the reclusive Northlands where Ice wizards roam. One never knows what these scheming and plotting wizards are up to! Their towers are famed for their beauty, just as the sometimes mechanical inhabitants of these towers are famed for their deadliness...
Золотой голем
103, 99 суша
The golems laugh evilly. Our master never allows you to find the vial! Again! Who is that master? Then the golems attack mindlessly...
97, 32 суша
Suddenly your feet touch nothing but air! A trap! In a whirl you tumble down into a dark pit... When you look up, you know you are doomed and should have heeded the warnings!
97, 34 суша
Suddenly your feet touch nothing but air! A trap! In a whirl you tumble down into a dark pit... When you look up, you know you are doomed and should have heeded the warnings!
97, 35 суша
Suddenly your feet touch nothing but air! A trap! In a whirl you tumble down into a dark pit... When you look up, you know you are doomed and should have heeded the warnings!
97, 36 суша
Suddenly your feet touch nothing but air! A trap! In a whirl you tumble down into a dark pit... When you look up, you know you are doomed and should have heeded the warnings!
106, 60 суша
You discover a boat. hidden in the mists!
102, 64 суша
The smell of sulphur really makes you want to go back to the surface again! These lands are absolutely not made for mankind! Plenty of imps though...
Ожерелье скорости
101, 59 суша
The gremlin guarding the amulet looks very sick. You again? he exclaims followed by a lot of gurgles. Come on! you answer, What kind of gremlin are you to torture yourself like this in these sulphurous lands? Grudgingly the gremlin admits this isn't exactly the right place to be and walks away
25, 136 суша
50, 85 суша
Khraa Khara Kaann Khraa! the harpies scream. It almost seems like a word! Then they swoop down on you...
83, 97 суша
Finally! The Kingdom has regained access to the crystal mines again. Your army are marvelled by the pure beauty of the crystal formation everywhere!
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