Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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New World Computing
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The time has once again arrived. Every thousand years the Cornucopia is shattered into its component parts. The one who gathers tham all will have the power to expand his power, at the cost of everyone else, for the next thousand.
Magic is a dangerous thing- it has a mind of its own. Once anyone could have the benefit of magical energies- until upstart wizards started destroying the land to gain all they could have. Knowing that the power hungry would never be satisfied, Magic placed the majority of itself within the Cornucopia. Every thousand years, Magic breaks the bonds which it placed upon itself. This causes most known magic to be lost, and a power struggle to regain the lost knowledge arises. One piece of the Conucopia is given to each of the four greatest wizards of the land. The one who reconstructs the artifact will hold dominion over the others for the next thousand years. The rules are quite simple: 1) No outside help may come. 2) Your mind has had all skill and ability wiped from it- though any natural ability you have remains intact. You may wish to get a spellbook quickly. 3) To avoid an unfair advantage by the wizard with the Infinite ring of Gems, no cloud temples my be built. 4) You have been given a set of shackles to prevent an enemy from fleeing with a piece of the cormucopia- it is suggested you keep it equipped at all times. 5) To prevent the devistation that mage wars cause, all knowledge of Wisdom is stictly prohibited. 6) Magic itself has enlisted Dracon to represent it. He does not suffer the above restictions, and if defeated will return to fight again. If he manages to gather the cornucopia, then magic will be lost from the realms until the next millennium. Magic's stronghold is inaccessible to the warring factions. 7) You will be granted three weeks before Dracon will be permitted to enter your lands. If you are fortunate, he will attack your enemies before you.
Wood and ore guardians....
Although the Tower is the traditional seat of magical power, there are other factions who would love to claim the Cornucopia for themselves. It is very likely that denizens of the other towns have been sent to block your progress. Indeed, your spies report that even now they have set up ambushes around your mines. Do not travel without your troops. Your scouts will try to leave you warning, but they may not always be able to.
There aren't many loose resources near home (or anywhere else, for that matter!), think carefully before building. You advisor suggests that you do not upgrade any dwellings or build a second level guild until you have magi. A resource silo is also suggested for use with the marketplace to generate needed material.
Viewing ranges...
The forces that we seek to control are preventing us from building a lookout- you wil have to explore your rivals' lands by yourself. However, there IS an observatory somewhere in your land that will reveal much of your quarter.
The valuable resource mines are well guarded. Perhaps you would be best off making your way to the friendly Golden Pavillion that has been provided for you. Your scouts say that there seems to be a clear route there- but it IS possible they missed an ambush.
The dragons of the Utopias seem to have several cornucopias. I wonder if they could be convinced to part with one?
hidden giants/titans
It is rumored that the Empress Naga will replace any retainers you give her with stronger forces- but you must look for them near any other reward you are given.
AI release
Your grace period has ended. The forces of magic are on the loose...
Although the battles will be difficult, it is confirmed that if you can gain entrance into all 4 dragon utopias, then you can assemble a second copy of the cornucopia. This is good, since if an enemy is defeated by any but another hero, that enemy's component will be lost! Of course, those Azure Dragons guarding the utopias won't willingly help you.
40, 42 подземелье
The enchantment that prohibits your economy from growing weakens just enough. Quickly you have the capitol building erected.
Suddenly, without warning, you feel that the restrictions on ganits are gone. Before you can puzzle this out, a cloud temple appears. This is good news, but it makes you wonder- if YOU can now have giants, then what now awaits you? You better gather the cornicopia parts fast!
32, 34 подземелье
The enchantment that prohibits your economy from growing weakens just enough. Quickly you have the capitol building erected.
Suddenly, without warning, you feel that the restrictions on ganits are gone. Before you can puzzle this out, a cloud temple appears. This is good news, but it makes you wonder- if YOU can now have giants, then what now awaits you? You better gather the cornicopia parts fast!
31, 42 подземелье
The enchantment that prohibits your economy from growing weakens just enough. Quickly you have the capitol building erected.
Suddenly, without warning, you feel that the restrictions on ganits are gone. Before you can puzzle this out, a cloud temple appears. This is good news, but it makes you wonder- if YOU can now have giants, then what now awaits you? You better gather the cornicopia parts fast!
27, 34 подземелье
Sprites and elementals attack you, keeping you from your precious wood! Hand over that vial of mercury! they scream as they engage. You notice, in the few moments before battle, that a couple of your diviners have been captured- They should greatly help in your early exploration.
32, 30 подземелье
Once again, your scouts were accurate. You decide to pay close attention to the gogs- with your magic drained, you may be able to relearn their skill.
29, 34 подземелье
Don't go anywhere without a spellbook! You never know what you'll want to scribe.
43, 35 подземелье
Don't go anywhere without a spellbook! You never know what you'll want to scribe.
45, 36 подземелье
Fortress troops suddenly leap out at you- good thing you were fore-warned, or your quest would have already ended. Two of your magi that were aiding the scouts are tied up- they will be a great help if you can free them.
41, 30 подземелье
As expected, a small assortment of Dungeon forces jump out at you. You decide that during the battle you will keep a close eye on the beholders- perhaps you can reclaim one of your lost spells.
27, 26 подземелье
Your spot a message hidden in a fallen log. Only the carefully planned signs that you worked out years ago allowed you to find it. The alchemy lab has been left alone- we can only surmise that our enemies believe that we won't need any more. I guess they never heard of marketplaces. The other mines are protected, but they don't have appropriate cover to allow an ambush.
35, 17 подземелье
A group of behemoths are easily using their incredible claws to carve out large chunks of crystal. They don't appear to like your intrusion into their mine. To the East, in the debris pile, you spot what looks like an ancient lamp. Perhaps someone is home?
37, 17 подземелье
As you rub the lamp, a couple of genies emerge. In gratitude for driving away the behemoths, they offer to help you.
7, 20 подземелье
A small pack of hydra are lazing about, protecting the sulfur dune from any who would take it. Too bad for them that you will.
53, 37 подземелье
Removing the rubble, you discover a frazzled naga, who is very grateful for your aid. She offers to aid you in obtaining the Cornucopia.
Зеленый дракон
53, 36 подземелье
Using their acidic breath, these dragons have been literally eroding away the rock, to easily remove the acid-resistant crystal. After watching for a little while, you see one toss aside a flawed crystal into a pile to the south. After a few such crystals are shattered in the pile, you think you muffled cry of pain. Someone is trapped under the useless crystal!
65, 23 подземелье
Attracted by the pools of mercury within the laboratory, several firebirds have set up residence here. Is the mercury really that important? It's not like you need a large mage guild.
45, 27 подземелье
A message is delivered from your scouts. Apparantly the sulfur dune is unguarded. The Magic certainly has a perverse sense of humor- the one resource you have in abundance is free for the taking. At least you can use a marketplace, so the sulfur doesn't go to waste. The other mines, though not situated well for ambush, have fairly strong protectors.
31, 35 подземелье
You are approached by one of your scouts. We have located a group of Conflux forces by the sawmill, and Infernal forces by the ore pit. We believe they are after the mercury that they need for thier phoenix and devils.The former have lots of pixies and sprites, several air elementals, and a few water and earth creatures. The latter of a horde of imps, a few gogs, and several hellhounds. Your master gremlins should be sufficient to defeat them, if you have some gargoyles to back them up.
41, 36 подземелье
One of your scouts arrives with grim news- apparantly your nearby sawmill and ore pit have been occupied by Dungeon and Fortress forces. They figure that you should be easily ambushed, and relieved of your sulfur ring. No doubt they intend to use it for their reptilian monsters- the dragons and hydra. They each have about a week's worth of their weakest three creatures, although maybe twice that amount of the grunts.
30, 44 подземелье
Don't go anywhere without a spellbook! You never know what you'll want to scribe.
31, 43 подземелье
As you set out, one of your trusted spies comes to you. He informs you that there are modest armies, consisting of the weaker half of the Rampart and Necropolis hiding in ambush near the wood and ore mines. They shouldn't be too much difficulty, but be certain you have some golems with you, as insurance.
26, 40 подземелье
As expected, a small force of Necropolis troops leap out at you. Without the warning, you would have been slaughtered, but now the tables have turned. You notice a single lich in the force- this was unexpected, but perhaps you can relearn a spell by observing it.
33, 46 подземелье
Big surprise- the Rampart forces were raiding the sawmill. Those homesteads need quite a bit. They appear to have a couple prisoners- and you recognize a glimpse of a teal robe, as those worn by your magi. Hopefully they are still able to fight!
27, 46 подземелье
You leave the snow-covered fields of home, and enter the slushy marshes, on route to the grasslands further on. A messenger bird arrives with a note
Красный дракон
33, 59 подземелье
A few red dragons have taken over the sulfur dune! It appears that they are having fun tormenting a few of your subjects, who cower in the small protection afforded by the tree to the East. You must rescue them!
34, 59 подземелье
With the dragons removed, the newly-freed eagerly offer to help you.
Зеленый дракон
24, 67 подземелье
More rampart troops! All these dragons want is to be left alone with their crystal. With the lack of wisdom, a mage guild doesn't need to built up much- do you really need the crystal that much?
6, 53 подземелье
A troop of devils is methodically gathering the mercury to be sent home. Will they never leave you alone? Still, this is YOUR property, and so they must be destryoed so you can reclaim the lab.
22, 5 подземелье
Your quest for power is sinful! the angels boom, We will not allow you to take this, your most precious resource. Apparantly they do not realize that you cannot recruit giants from your home. Either way, there are a dozen of them, and THAT is a significant threat. Perhaps building a resource silo would be easier than claiming the gem pond. Unless YOU don't know something that they do...
53, 6 подземелье
Now this is not fair! The forces of magic won't let you have a cloud temple, and yet they set out twelve giants to impede your progress! Of course, this might mean that there ARE giants to be hired, if only you can figure out how to get them to come!
43, 41 подземелье
Forewarned, you confidently walk into the trap that has been set up. You are surprised that your scout didn't mention the lone monk coordinating the attack, but perhaps by keeping an eye on him, you can recover some of your spell-casting power.
44, 46 подземелье
Although you love the snow-covered fields of home, it is still pleasant to get out of the cold. Your scout returns with more information. Although the terrain doesn't allow for ambushes, most of the mines are occupied. Ironically, the Crystal mine has been left alone. Oh, well. Perhaps with enough crystal, you can use the marketplace for other resources.
39, 46 подземелье
You had been wondering why only one scout returned, when you had sent several. Now you know- two of your magi were caught while investigating the ambush being set here. Now you need to free them!
36, 56 подземелье
You approach the figure. Freed of the terror of the bone dragons, she comes forward and offers to help you in your mission.
Костяной дракон
37, 56 подземелье
A small group of bone dragons are preparing to fly back to the necropolis with a load of mercury. Who knows what unholy experiments this will be used for. Hiding in the woods, you see an indistinct form- obviously someone was overcome with the aura of fear that these creatures seem to produce.
Гидра хаоса
44, 66 подземелье
You were never able to understand how these huge creatures could stand the stench of sulfur, yet they are always looking for more. Granted, this is the least useful resource for you. Maybe you should just ignore them and look for your rivals. Getting the ring of sulfur may just be easier than fighhting the hydra.
66, 50 подземелье
Why would there be firebirds protecting the gems? They have no need for them. Only a strong compulsion could force this. Is Magic trying to tell you something. Your advisor thinks that if you haven't already done so, you should build a resource silo for extra gems.
Страж задания
22, 13 подземелье
The Empress Naga has decided to increase the size of her court. She desires ten more naga to attend her on her journey to the fabled lands of Nahash. She leaves at the start of the third month. If you can bring her these attendants, she will provide you with compensation.
20, 13 подземелье
You almost overlook a well-concealed trap-door in the ground. Upon opening it, you see several very large forms sleeping. One of them mistakes you as an invader and attacks before the others are awake enough to stop him!
Страж задания
57, 24 подземелье
The Empress Naga has decided to increase the size of her court. She desires ten more naga to attend her on her journey to the fabled lands of Nahash. She leaves at the start of the third month. If you can bring her these attendants, she will provide you with compensation.
Страж задания
47, 58 подземелье
The Empress Naga has decided to increase the size of her court. She desires ten more naga to attend her on her journey to the fabled lands of Nahash. She leaves at the start of the third month. If you can bring her these attendants, she will provide you with compensation.
Страж задания
14, 49 подземелье
The Empress Naga has decided to increase the size of her court. She desires ten more naga to attend her on her journey to the fabled lands of Nahash. She leaves at the start of the third month. If you can bring her these attendants, she will provide you with compensation.
12, 48 подземелье
You almost overlook a well-concealed trap-door in the ground. Upon opening it, you see several very large forms sleeping. One of them mistakes you as an invader and attacks before the others are awake enough to stop him!
50, 59 подземелье
You almost overlook a well-concealed trap-door in the ground. Upon opening it, you see several very large forms sleeping. One of them mistakes you as an invader and attacks before the others are awake enough to stop him!
60, 25 подземелье
You almost overlook a well-concealed trap-door in the ground. Upon opening it, you see several very large forms sleeping. One of them mistakes you as an invader and attacks before the others are awake enough to stop him!
12, 55 подземелье
Beware! In preparation for Domination time, the dragons have enlisted extra help, and have well hidden their treasures.
Страж задания
56, 20 подземелье
The dragons, now seeing your determination, agree to give you a little of their treasure- for a fee.
Страж задания
13, 23 подземелье
The dragons, now seeing your determination, agree to give you a little of their treasure- for a fee.
Страж задания
14, 57 подземелье
The dragons, now seeing your determination, agree to give you a little of their treasure- for a fee.
Страж задания
56, 58 подземелье
The dragons, now seeing your determination, agree to give you a little of their treasure- for a fee.
56, 61 подземелье
Beware! In preparation for Domination time, the dragons have enlisted extra help, and have well hidden their treasures.
Лазурный дракон
56, 59 подземелье
The Utopia's elite forces are guarding the gates!
Лазурный дракон
13, 57 подземелье
The Utopia's elite forces are guarding the gates!
Лазурный дракон
14, 23 подземелье
The Utopia's elite forces are guarding the gates!
16, 24 подземелье
Beware! In preparation for Domination time, the dragons have enlisted extra help, and have well hidden their treasures.
Лазурный дракон
55, 19 подземелье
The Utopia's elite forces are guarding the gates!
53, 20 подземелье
Beware! In preparation for Domination time, the dragons have enlisted extra help, and have well hidden their treasures.
57, 20 подземелье
After all that work, you are given a small sack with your reward. These dragons have a VERY sick sense of humor- perhaps they are simply annoyed at having been beaten. Once you have gathered the cornucopia, you can return here and seek revenge. Still, they may have given you a key to winning this contest.
55, 57 подземелье
A faerie dragon shows you to your reward- a fairly large sack. You feel that you are finally getting somewhere- until you hear what sounds like laughter as the dragon disappears.
12, 22 подземелье
Knowing that Magic is trying to make this a fair contest- well, at least fair between the four factions, if not with itself- then this gives you an alternate way to win. Hopefully you are right, since those azure dragons hurt your forces a lot!
40, 35 подземелье
The enchantment that prohibits your economy from growing weakens just enough. Quickly you have the capitol building erected.
Suddenly, without warning, you feel that the restrictions on ganits are gone. Before you can puzzle this out, a cloud temple appears. This is good news, but it makes you wonder- if YOU can now have giants, then what now awaits you? You better gather the cornicopia parts fast!
44, 57 подземелье
If you have enough time to search these small lakes, you should finish the map already!
55, 13 подземелье
Just because you can see it, doesn't mean it is worth the effort!
22, 17 подземелье
An enscription on the bottle says Redeem for 5 cents in CT, 10 cents in NY What could this mean?
16, 45 подземелье
A note reads
41, 45 подземелье
Don't go anywhere without a spellbook! You never know what you'll want to scribe.
40, 44 подземелье
As you set out from your castle, one of your scouts runs up to you with grim news
Страж задания
6, 26 подземелье
The sage within does not like to be bothered, but for enough gold will speak to you.
Страж задания
66, 55 подземелье
I will give you knowledge that will aid you on your quest. Give me but 2 gold pieces for each year since the last tourney!
Страж задания
27, 58 подземелье
Knowledge is free, but the person who you want to teach you is not. 2000 gold, and I will give you a useful skill.
Хижина предсказателя
55, 11 подземелье
I have found a way to turn lead into gold! However, I need 2000 coins worth of the genuine article to begin the process. I will make it worth your while if you give me the funds!
67, 4 подземелье
ARTS (AI Rapid Transpot System), Northwest sector. Purple
4, 4 подземелье
ARTS (AI Rapid Transpot System), Northeast sector. Purple
4, 67 подземелье
ARTS (AI Rapid Transpot System), Southeast sector. Purple
67, 67 подземелье
ARTS (AI Rapid Transpot System),Southwest sector. Purple
3, 7 суша
release the AI
gems, and cash
Хижина предсказателя
64, 4 суша
This is an impossible quest, simply to get rid of the error in map validation, since it doesn't recognize the presence of all the pieces of a combination artifact!
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