Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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Being annoyed about Thant's disparaging comments about Walking Dead Straker has a bet running with Thant that he can take Thant's town with Walking Dead alone. This looks like a hazardous bet (some would call it just plain stupid) and the stakes are not exactly low... And, yes, you'll play Straker.
You still have no clue how this could happen to you. But fact is, at the last meeting of Necromancers and Death Knights suddenly Walking Dead were the issue and all made fun of them and your special ability with them. When one of them, an arrogant Vampire named Thant, called them Crawling Dead and the most useless creatures ever, that did it and, well... You can't remember everything clearly, but you made a bet with him that you would conquer his precious town within 3 months with Walking Dead only! What you still know is, that this Thant will have an army consisting of undead creatures except Walking Dead or Zombies. Who needs those buggers? was his comment. I'll beat your Crawling Dead with a few Ghost Dragons. He may be right! You can't remember all the rules for this little contest, but just as you struggle to remember you see a Dread Knight in shiny armor arriving. Without any comment he hands you a volume as big as a tombstone and rides back. The volume is really impressive, leatherbound with golden letters imprinted on it. RULES FOR THE THANT-STRAKER CONTEST, you read. You turn the first page. Rule 1: You begin with no money and resources at all. Furthermore you'll have no access to a town. You can't gain any experience. You will have the Cloak of the Undead King with Necromancy ability at basic level only... Disgusted you shut the book. You can't even remember the stake for this bet. Maybe a handsome sum of gold. Oh well, you'll probably be a poor Death Knight after this is over...
Rule 2: There will be 4 referees placed on the playfield, 2 Necromancers and 2 Death Knights. They will watch your progress to make sure no rules are broken, but they are just neutral watchers. They can't and won't act... Referees? That seems to indicate that it would be possible to break the rules. Hmm...
Event 3
Rule 3: Only 1st level spells may be used! You have an inkling that this can't be good for you. In fact you are quite convinced that you'll lose your bet without the benefits of higher level spells. You decide to record all higher level spells you can find in your spell book. Recording is not using, right? Who knows what will happen? Furthermore you remember vaguely that this Thant has access to an awesome spell called Animate Dead, a 3rd level spell, and you doubt that he won't use it. In a sudden impulse you tear the page that rule is written on out of the book. To hell with that rule! You look left and you look right. No referee to be seen. Good. No one has been watching you. No one except your loyal followers, that is. And they won't tell anybody. You find a message in the morning: All stacks of Walking Dead you'll meet will join you, but beware: Thant will try to have them killed! It seems, someone has a bet running on you or is there another explanation for this kind of help?
Event 4
Rule 4: This underground cavern is your playfield. You have 3 months to build your army there and only there. You are not allowed to leave the cavern except to visit my town through the Subterrainean Gate in the middle of it. I will stay in my town and await you and your puny army there. This gets worse by the day. Somehow you can't picture yourself NOT going overground if there is an entrance. You tear out another page. This tearing out of pages is becoming a habit... Another message from your unknown benefactors: There will be Scholars waiting for you who will help you further your cause. Not getting any experience doesn't mean you can't get primary and secondary skill advancements. Get to them before Thant gets them! Right. Good point!
Event 5
...Rule 7: You are not allowed to advance your secondary skills. Oops, too late. What a pity. Your face bursts into a wide grin. Shrugging you tear this page out of the volume... Another message from your benefactors: Don't believe that you will have to fight some Ghost Dragons only. Prepare to fight a force that would be able to wage a medium war! We will try to keep you informed about what you will have to face. Uh oh. This could get ugly.
Event 6
So the first week is over and you made some progress. Your army has grown steadily and you were able to lay your hands on some artifacts. The fights went well with Zombies being dumb without a leader and Skeletons and Wights doing not that much damage. You are a bit reassured. Maybe you can indeed do it!
Event 7
...Rule 18: You are not allowed the help of another hero... Should you dismiss Gunnar? Heck, what a silly question! Shaking your head you tear another page out of the volume. If you go on like this you'll end with a booklet thin as a leaf. Which would be just as well. The thing is still much too heavy anyway.
Event 8
Finally you turn the last page of the rules volume which isn't nowhere near as thick as it was when you got it. Stakes is written there. As you are reading your normally dark brown face takes on an unhealthy tan tint. Some would even call it ashen. The loser will serve the winner as a common Skeleton as long as his undead existence continues. And there, just under the ungainly scribble you prefer to read as Taint instead of Thant, you see your signature. People nowadays take things much too serious, it seems. There are even witnesses. Nagash and Xsi for the Necromancers and Isra and Clavius for the Death Knights. You stare at the rows of Walking Dead that you've massed already. Uncounted undead eyes meet your stare in a silent plea. At least that's what you read in it: Don't doubt us. Right. Every army is as good or bad as its leader. There is no time for desperation. You will lead your loyal followers to glory - and spare yourself the fate of serving Thant as a Skeleton in the process!
Event 9
One of your loyal followers brought you a message this morning: Thant raises a big army. It seems he doesn't want to take unnecessary risks. At this point we don't know what forces he can muster. However, he has a fully built up Mage Guild and is hiring all creatures available to him. Furthermore he paid a visit to some ancient graves to retrieve a couple of artifacts. As a hero Thant will have Attack and Defense level about 10 and better values in Spell Power and Knowledge. He won't get better in that department, but his army will continue to grow. You gulp down the bile rising in your throat. You wonder if undeath as a Skeleton is really so bad.
Event 10
The week began well, but now you have the feeling that things are stagnating. You have the help of another hero which is good, but you are lacking in the spell department and one or two more artifacts couldn't hurt. However, you are quite satisfied with the choice you made at the Universities, so all is not lost, even though thinking of Liches... *shudder*...
Event 11
We know now that Thant has expert Earth Magic and all kinds of useful and dangerous spells. Aside of Animate Dead, that is. However, his only pure damage spell seems to be Chain Lightning. In case this last comment is intended to reassure you it doesn't do a good job. While you have been able to muster a sizeable army you have no inkling how many Walking Dead you'll need to have a fair chance against Thant. And you'll still need some more useful spells and artifacts.
Event 12
Thant had a fully built town at the start of this contest, so his army grows every week by 2 Ghost Dragon, 4 Dread Knights, 6 Power Liches, 8 Vampire Lords, 14 Wraiths and 30 Skeleton Warriors except in the first week where he got only half of that. However, we don't know, yet, what he started with. We will keep you informed. Great, just great.
Event 13
We won't be able to garner more informations about Thant's army, but it seems that you'll have to mass at least 1000 Walking Dead if you want to have a chance to beat him. This is the last message you'll get. We wish you all the best of luck. So be it.
1, 2 подземелье
Okay, so you have broken rule, what was the number? You tear out another page. Not much left for tearing out, mind you. Looking at the thin booklet that has become of the once massive volume has a strange effect on you
Хижина предсказателя
4, 0 подземелье
The proper use of war machines is expensive. To teach you expert Ballistics will cost you 5000 gold. Deal?
4, 2 подземелье
Ballistics for sale.
Хижина предсказателя
6, 0 подземелье
With expert Logistics you don't need the Equestrian's Gloves anymore. They use up vital space, so give them to me.
6, 2 подземелье
Logistics for sale.
Хижина предсказателя
8, 0 подземелье
Air Magic is a precious skill, especially on expert level. I need 4 artifacts, one for each level. What? Yeah, I know that there are only three levels of mastery and that you have basic Air Magic already. You heard what I told you. 4 artifacts!
8, 2 подземелье
Air Magic for sale.
Хижина предсказателя
10, 0 подземелье
To prove you are worthy to receive this skill you have to kill the Vampire Lords south of the University. Did you do so already?
10, 2 подземелье
Tactics for sale
Хижина предсказателя
31, 4 подземелье
The Seer greets you with a smile. Thanks for ending the Zombie plague, Sir Death Knight, he says, and for sparing our villagers. This deed will find its proper reward. You ask the Seer whether there are other worthwile things to get here. Weeelll, he drools. Some days ago a stranger has arrived here. Furthermore the vicinity of the Graveyard is haunted. It's like the Earth itself is shaking. Houses build there tend to fall in after some time. It must be some kind of spell. But be warned, Sir Death Knight. There are terrible monsters lurking there...
30, 6 подземелье
Страж задания
20, 19 подземелье
Cheat control
21, 19 подземелье
Take your Crawling Dead and go ahead. Thant is waiting.
4, 29 подземелье
It took a while until your eyes adapted to the harsh sunlight, but now you see a glorious scene. Colorful tents [that you don't have to visit] have been erected around a big arena and the shooters of the whole country have flagged them with their banners. Is it already the time of the yearly shooter tourney? You have heard about it, but as usual neither Liches nor Gogs or even Medusas and Beholders are invited. The best will be promoted and fill the ranks of the higher quality shooters.
10, 21 подземелье
Considering what's the issue hereabouts you'd bet that those two spell shrines will be pretty much useless for you. Or won't they?
5, 29 подземелье
Speaking of promotion, there is a Hillfort! Now, let's see, your bet was all about Walking Dead, not Zombies. Until now you have broken a lot of rules, but this rule can't be broken, or can it? You consider the shooters arrayed here and some are not to your liking. Hmm... Of course there might still be a solution to your problem here. You think real hard and just as you reach a decision those stupid Archers spot you and heartbeats later arrows and bolts are flying..........
6, 26 подземелье
An inner voice whispers continually the same
33, 6 подземелье
Crystalville Population
Щит дракона
11, 15 подземелье
This could get ugly. You see three stacks of 8 Titans each guarding that shield. Losses are inevitably.
10, 15 подземелье
Uh oh, the stronger brethren of the cadets. It looks like they want revenge.
5, 5 подземелье
So you've made it through here. You wonder what this last part of your journey will be all about. It looks like you should get something else here. You just hope you can pay the price.
Хижина предсказателя
7, 7 подземелье
Let's see how desperately you want this one.
17, 19 подземелье
WARNING! Go through this monolith only if you feel ready to battle Thant!
3, 14 подземелье
More spell shines. You wonder what you will get here?
1, 11 подземелье
Hmm, Destroy Undead and Anti-Magic. Interesting combination.
23, 18 подземелье
Thant's Town
24, 19 подземелье
Your army of Walking Dead has suffered dearly, but
24, 20 подземелье
What a sight! Rows and rows of Walking Dead are lining the road and waiting ahead at the Monolith. They have met here to serve as your honor guard and greet you silently as you ride slowly past them. As you acknowledge there presence you are deeply moved. It was right to prove the worth of these loyal creatures. After all, it's not the troops that win or lose a war, it's their leader!
22, 19 подземелье
You can't believe what just happened! 100 Walking Dead are missing. Thant, you damn cheater! you shout. You'll empty latrines once you serve me as a Skeleton! Out of Thant's town a strange rattling can be heard. The sound is LOUD like from thousands of Bones. A hollow laughter booms over the town walls. This is ridiculous, Straker. I just wanted to see if you count them. Here is the rest of your Crawling Dead. Except one. I'll keep one as a memory. You don't mind or do you? You grind your teeth. You'll show that bastard who keeps what! Okay, enough of this little charade, Thant continues. You may have noticed that you can't go back and that there's no referee watching. You didn't really think I would limit myself to first level spells, now, or did you? So come on in for your last battle - you last battle as a human, that is. Suits me fine, you answer. You may be in for a surprise.
Хижина предсказателя
8, 6 подземелье
Wisdom is power and power doesn't come cheap, son.
Хижина предсказателя
9, 8 подземелье
And what's with this one? How desperately do you want it?
34, 0 подземелье
Uh oh. It seems, the villagers are not prepared to let you go further. A few seconds into the battle you ask yourself why they didn't kill the Zombies themselves when they are able to summon this kind of forces.
Страж задания
1, 30 подземелье
Well, the Seer says, this is where we part. We go west, while you have to go east. Thanks again, Sir Death Knight.
33, 15 подземелье
After your eyes have adjusted to the harsh sunlight you see a strange scene before you. Zombies are laying siege to a Trading Post where some villagers have taken shelter and try to defend themselves. The Zombies seem to have no leader and while you are pondering what's going on here you see two Zombies attacking an in a country way pretty girl and biting big chunks out of one of her arms and back and heartbeats after that the girl is down and out, probably dead, while her attackers lose interest in her. Cannibalistic Zombies? You never heard something like that. And it gets even stranger! The seemingly dead girl scrambles to her feet and joins the other Zombies, obviously herself a Zombie now! While this seems to be a most effective way to make Zombies out of living beings, someone has to control what seems to be a plague. If these Zombies who are obviously acting on themselves will further spread this plague it won't take long until there are only Zombies and nothing else. You can't let that happen! You will end this plague here and now! It seems like a good idea to spare the surviving villagers. You may learn something useful here!
16, 10 подземелье
While you are approaching the spell shrine you take a closer look at the monolith. It seems to be a one way monolith, so there will be no easy way back. You apprehensively wonder, if you have anything you need before going through it. Somehow you can't escape the feeling that you should have both skills you learned what seems to be a year ago at the universities on expert level before you go through that monolith. That feeling may be treacherous, but somehow you doubt it...
34, 4 суша
Just a little fight to warm up, a message reads. You'll surely beat this puny group of Skeletons, right? Right.
33, 4 суша
Right. No losses thanks to the Cure spell you have somehow. Still, that were just a few Skeletons. How will you beat Ghost Dragons? You get some consolation out of the fact that you and your Walking Dead have no morale. Otherwise it would be down now, this little victory notwithstanding.
32, 12 суша
Look at this, a Shrine for a 2nd level spell. Rule 2 states that other than 1st level spells are forbidden. On the other hand, KNOWING a spell isn't USING it, right?... Suddenly you have a notion what kind of spell there is to learn here considering the name of the path you are on. As you are approaching the Shrine you can read a sign
Шлем Хаоса
26, 6 суша
Someone seems to have lost his or her helm. Since you have none... heck, why not?
30, 22 суша
You see a Prison. The guarding Skeletons seem to be very excited about something. As you observe them while approaching you get the impression that they are searching for something. Hmm, what can they possibly have lost? Suddenly you have an idea. Could their prisoner have hidden something what they are now struggling to find? You look closer and indeed you see a wooden something not far behind the prison. You decide to help the Skeletons searching...
26, 15 суша
Walking Dead University
17, 16 суша
You see the Scholar behind the gate and sigh. Why is the guy hidden so well? His first words answer your question
3, 2 суша
32, 5 суша
Luck's Way
32, 15 суша
34, 0 суша
Straker's Base
Щит королей гномов
27, 21 суша
It seems, one Skeleton Warrior just found it. His loss, you think, while your Walking Dead hack him down. Gunnar is overjoyed that you freed him and offers you his services as well as his Shield. You take both. This Gunnar is a fast guy. He can help collect the Walking Dead from the Graveyards and will spare you a lot of Legwork. Furthermore it will be nice to have someone around you can talk with once in a while. After all, Walking Dead aren't notorious for their talkativeness. Alas, you have a notion that it can't be wise to let him explore unknown paths. Who knows what might lurk in this caverns?
23, 8 суша
33, 24 суша
On your way to the Magic Well you see what's guarding the mountain pass. You decide that this battle will have to wait!
18, 2 суша
As you hurry to reach the Scholar before the Black Knights chasing him you charge past a cavern in the mountain range where some Walking Dead try to defend against 4 Bone Dragons swooping down on them. You stop undecidedly, but then the decision is made for you as the Bone Dragons attack you!
Перчатки всадника
9, 6 суша
Wow, at last. A useful artifact. Not bad. How many guardians?
25, 8 суша
This isn't going as bad as you thought it would. You feel yourself filled with new vigor.
9, 18 суша
Your face broadens to a wide grin as you enter this little forest. It seems you will get a serious boost here. Suddenly you see a couple of Walking Dead stagger from out of the trees. The leading one hands you a message then breaks down. When you see the shadows swooping down on your forces you can guess what the message contains. This is of course a trap.
18, 23 суша
30, 29 суша
The landscape is getting more and more barren here. Steep cliffs, no greenat all, what a forlorn place!
31, 29 суша
Time to tackle those Liches!
31, 31 суша
This landscape is nightmarish. The narrow way winds itself through naked cliffs and you expect boulders to fall down on you every moment, but nothing happens. Strange. Then you see the Black Knights waiting in front of the School of War. It seems, the barren loneliness comes to an end.
Огненный язык красного дракона
26, 26 суша
Dragons as Guardians. Somehow that is fitting.
24, 33 суша
The barrenness comes to an end and is slowly replaced by an increasingly lush surrounding. Good for the eye.
Чешуя большого василиска
4, 22 суша
Power Liches now as guardians.
Сосуд с кровью жизни
3, 12 суша
You can't believe your luck, the Vial of Lifeblood! Sure, there will be guardians, but who cares? You need that one. Badly!
Кольцо странника
8, 12 суша
Now, THAT one would come quite handy. So let the guardians come.
Корона верховного мага
5, 33 суша
No Magi, but Liches. To hell with them!
30, 17 суша
You spot the prison to the immediate southwest. Furthermore there are Walking Dead under attack that will surely join you plus there's a Scholar, also under attack, waiting to teach you something. Picking up the Walking Dead, relieving the Scholar and then freeing the hero to have someone visiting the Graveyards and collecting those Walking Dead for you seems like a good idea!
22, 14 суша
The Vampire Lords ahead look mean and, more important, numerous. It might be better to tackle them from the other side.
21, 7 суша
Three Universities lie ahead Just before entering the first a Walking Dead comes out of the brush and hands you a message
1, 34 суша
At least this is a two-way monolith so you will be able to come back. Even though you see no reason why you should.
14, 15 суша
You see the Throng of Wraiths before you and you asking yourself if you are prepared to deal with it. Having at least one expert secondary skill would seem prudent in case you want to go on.
18, 22 суша
You see the underground portal looming up before you and the monolith exit. The exit seems to be quiet conveniently placed here, while you will go through this portal when you are ready to face Thant. You are about to move on when something crosses your mind. Odd, that this portal would be guarded. Isn't it? You can see about a dozen Ghost Dragons and after observing them a while you get the impression that they are excited. While a dozen Ghost Dragons is no small force they can't harm you much when you come back here eventually to face Thant. Hmmm....
26, 11 суша
Referee 1
30, 14 суша
You reign your horse. In the northwest you see a glimpse of the first referee. He's in the company of a lone Ghost Dragon and watches you - pretty haughtily, you think. A closer look reveals him to be Sandro, a Necromancer. Well, let him watch. There's not much to be seen at the moment.
23, 6 суша
You notice that this first Necromancer referee is somehow ill placed if his purpose is watching that you don't break any rules. He can't for instance see the universities. Which is a good thing, too, but you can't imagine that this is just an accident. There's more to the picture than meets the eyes, that's for sure.
Рыцарь Смерти
1, 4 суша
Referee 2
4, 5 суша
There's the 2nd referee. Galthran, it seems, a Death Knight in the company of 1 Walking Dead. This referee is obviously in a very good position to watch certain sensitive points of interest in the immediate vicinity. When you meet his gaze he blinks, then pointedly turns his horse and looks in the direction of the mountains where he seems to find fascinating things like cliffs and trees to warch. That's more than a hint, actually. It's a demonstration. Those Death Knights not only seems to be on your side, they seem to be more clever than the Necromancers at that having apparently occupied key points. You are beginning to get an idea of who's helping you here.
19, 26 суша
You see the 3rd referee, and you know that dumb face well. It's Nimbus, another Necromancer, and it seems that this guy isn't placed better than Sandro. Of course he is acommpanied by a Ghost Dragon, what else could it be? Grinning broadly you wave to him and greet him, but his only acknowledgement is a glare so venomous it could be used as poison. Let dumbface glare as much as he likes, he won't see anything important.
23, 30 суша
Referee 3
Страж задания
3, 30 суша
An ugly Vampire greets you at the underground portal. Aside of being sickly pale he's continually rubbing his hands like he wants to set them on fire. He greets you with the bogus smile of a horse trader seeing a chance to sell his oldest mare. Passing fee is 100 of your Crawl..., uh, WALKING Dead, he grates with a voice as cold as a tombstone in winter. Warning bells are sounding in your head. There must be another way through here!
Рыцарь Смерти
0, 30 суша
Referee 4
4, 32 суша
You recognize Tamika as the 4th referee and when you wave she waves back. She then frowns in the direction of the quest guard you see looming before you and dismounts. She looks around then goes to a tree lies down and yawns pointedly. Moments later she seems to be soundly asleep. You can't help but laugh. You always liked Tamika well - for a Vampire, that is.
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