Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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The necromancers have become tired of the ban put on their activities by human kingdoms. Having killed a great human general and resurrected him as a lich, they have put him on a mission to wreak havok in your kingdom. You must defeat him before it is too late.
Only the elves know a spell that can resurrect the fallen living...
Ninuaneth in the southwest
The dark necromancer city Ninuaneth lies in the far southwest of this region...
Shrine of Destroy Undead
There is a Shrine just north of the town of Silvermoon where those who have a spell book and the Wisdom can learn a spell that will attack only the undead...
Nanya waylaid
A ranger named Nanya was waylaid by undead in this region recently. She is said to be held captive somewhere in the western part of the necromancersґ lands...
There are numerous powerful artifacts in this region. I think they may have a major role to play in the coming battles...
Dragon in the west
The dragon living in the frozen heights in the west is said to be guarding some treasure...
Starting message - 1
One of the Kingґs most trusted and brilliant knights named Rindaros died recently of poisoning. It turned out to be the work of the hated necromancers.
Starting message - 2
The necromancers have long unsuccessfully been seeking acceptance from the crown for their unacceptable magic arts. Now they have come up with a new plan to achieve their goals. They have resurrected Rindaros as a Death Knight and put him on a mission to create as much disorder as possible to weaken the ability of the royal forces to stop their blasphemous activities.
Starting message - 3
So far, their plan is working well. Rindaros has gathered a quite large army and is wreaking havok in major parts of the kingdom. The region from which his forces are being directed has been located and he should be somewhere near. You have been sent on a special mission to remove him, and it is of utmost importance that you DO NOT FAIL!!!
Enemy Resources
Ninuaneth barricaded
Spies report that the necromancers of this region have barricaded the town of Ninuaneth, from where their war efforts are being directed. It seems that you will not be able to reach that town. However, one of your spies has also found out that Rindaros, the leader you are actually after, is not there. He seems to be hiding elsewhere...
Guild of thieves
A guild of thieves have learned of you efforts to crush Rindaros. They claim to know of his whereabouts, and say that if you pay them a handsome sum of gold, they will share this piece of information with you. They have an agent living in a hut in the far northwestern part of this region...
Message from Ninuaneth
A messenger arrived from the necromancer city Ninuaneth earlier today. He gives you this message: So, little humans!!! You think our new knight is causing you too much trouble. It is none more than you deserve. For far too long you have tried, in your self- rightousness, to prevent us necromancers from practicing our habits and arts. Now YOU pay!!! We are aware of your plans to bring down our great strategist and tactician. Your plan wonґt work now. Weґll focus our efforts on eradicating all your silly forces in this region. Then weґll show your pathetic fool of a king that we are far greater than he ever reckoned. In fact, too great for any of you to stop once we ha... At your sign, one of your men cuts off the messengerґs head with a sword. That act does not disturb your conscience, as it was only an animated corpse, and you did not actually order anyone killed. Weґll see about that!, you mutter to yourself as an answer to the scornful rubbish talk of the dead messenger.
Agent with artifact
One of you spies reports that an agent of your king who works with him has stolen an artifact from the necromancers that youґll need to reach some location where you have to go. He recommends that you visit the agentґs hut in the lands of the necromancers to find out what this artifact is and to recieve it.
Letter from the King - message
A letter arrived from the King this morning. It reads...
Letter from the King - actual letter
My good general! I have a lot of news to tell you, and few of them are good, Iґm afraid. The raids of undead have become more aggressive since I sent you on your mission nearly one and a half month ago. Villages and towns are being constantly attacked. Many have been burned to the ground, and the countryside in large parts of the kingdom is now desolate. Those of the inhabitants of the raided settlements who are lucky enough to get away with their lives speak of horrors beyond comparison. Many of the less lucky souls are made by the dark arts of the necromances to swell the already great ranks of the enemy. Rindaros was always an outstanding tactician, and it seems that this ability has remained with him in his present state. It is likely that he was the one who came up with the idea to animate the corpses of dragons. The creation that results from this is a formidable creature, one almost as powerful as living dragons. These abominations are great trouble for our armies, who had never encountered them until recently. It may be only because of a great strain of luck on our side and because of the outstanding prowess and brilliant military performances of our ancient and wonderful allies the angels that none of the bigger cities have fallen yet. The angels seem to encourage and motivate our armies as well as give them hope. They also seem to be the only ones who can hold the undead at bay. I donґt know what we would have done without them. Unfortunately, however, we havenґt had any major military victories yet, and I donґt know if we will, with such a brillant military cammander leading the enemy. Everything is hanging in the balance for our kingdom, and the outcome of this hideous war is uncertain. Your attempt to remove Rindaros may be our best, and perhaps only, hope for victory. Fortunately, his full attention is focused on the planning of the attacks against our kingdom. He will have no choice but to leave the defense of the region where he currently is in other, less militarily brilliant, hands. Nontheless, it will be no easy task for you and I think many hard battles await you ahead. I rely on you, however, or you would never have gotten such a cruical mission as this one. If you cannot pull this off, no one can. May light prevail over darkness! Good Luck!!! His Majesty Elanor XI King of Noralia
Second letter from the King - message
A messenger arrived with another letter from the King at dawn. You unfold it and begin to read...
Second letter from the King - actual letter
My loyal vassal! I write to you in the gravest of circumstances. Nelanor, one of the major coastal cities of the kingdom and an important port, has fallen to the hordes of the necromancers. It was by some dark magic arts that we do not know about that the necromancers were able to conceal the movement of large forces. When the sun rose yesterday the city was, much to the horror of the garrison, surrounded by an undead army that by far outnumbered the defenders. Despite courageous fighting on the side of the city garrison, great losses had already been suffered by noon. Still, the city might have been saved had not a large force of angels flying in from another nearby city been intercepted by an almost as large group of undead dragons. Although the the angels eventually destroyed every last one of the undead dragons, the skirmish did cause fatal delay. When the angels arrived to the city in the late afternoon, it had already fallen, and the angels had to turn around and fly back. I have sent a messenger to the wizardsґ guild with a request for aid and advice. They are the arch rivals of the necromancers and have always thought that the crown of Noralia has done too little to stop the practice of the magic arts that they (even more than the common populace) hate. I think they may be willing to help us. Their military power is not significant enough that it will matter much, but their knowledge of magic is extensive. They just might be able to explain the mystery with the concealed army and perhaps even help us uncover similar tricks in the future to spoil the surprise for the enemy. Weґll see! However, the recent tragic events make it more urgent than ever that your mission succeeds. I therefore most fervently hope that your mission is progressing towards its fulfillment. The survival of the kingdom may be depending on you. Do not fail us!!! His Majesty Elanor XI King of Noralia
Short message from the King
You have recieved a short message from the King. Negotiations with the wizards have been going on for a couple of days and it seems that they are working out well. The wizards seem to be sincerely concerned about the growing power of the necromancers and are quite willing to cooperate in order to respond to this menace. The King has reached an agreement with them. The agreement says that they will lend the crown their magical aid and investigate the matter of the concealed army. The only thing the wizards are asking in return is that the necromancersґ guild be eradicated should Noralia prevail, and after the havoc the necromancers have caused recently that would probably have been done anyway.
Third letter from the King - message
Another letter has arrived from the King...
Third letter from the King - actual letter
My faithful Knight! I have good news at last. We have won a great victory. It was near the city of Eldaholm that the battle was fought yesterday. During the night before that, the necromancers had surrounded the city with a large army of undead, apparently planning that the city should suffer Nelanorґs fate. However, our new allies the wizards somehow detected the movement of their army in time, and we moved in forces and prepared ourselves for the battle. When dawn came yesterday the undead army surrounding the city was in turn surrounded by an army of ours, and the wizards struck out at them magically as our forces charged before the undead were fully prepared. Although the battle went on for a few hours, their army was routed soon enough. The losses they suffered were significant as they had gathered all the undead within a radius of several miles for the battle. Our forces could therefore easily reclaim the now empty lands surrounding the city. The undead have, probably as a result of our recent victory, begun to retreat from several of our regions and we are moving forces towards the city Nelanor which we lost a few weeks ago. We hope to reclaim the city and avenge the men we lost in the battle there. However, despite these good news I have no illusion that the threat is gone. Rindaros is a cunning foe and he will come up with a new strategy soon enough now that his earlier one with the raids has been foiled. This victory, great though it was, will merely have bought us time. The wizards say that their ancient rivals the necromancers are individualists by nature and that someone with a high rank among them is probably using Rindaros as a scary puppet to hold the others in line. If this is the case, which does seem very likely, our enemies have a fundamental weakness that we must exploit. The undead knight must be eradicated as this would make that someone lose his grip on the others and our enemies would scatter. May your mission succeed! His Majesty Elanor XI King of Noralia
Warning for counter-attack
An spy in Ninuaneth sends a warning that the necromancer Zerach is massing up an undead army in the city for a counter-attack against your forces. The agent estimates that the army will be ready to move in less than a week...
Counter-attack ready
The agent who sent the warning a few days ago sends a new message telling that the undead army in Ninuaneth is indeed ready to move now...
Undead from other regions
The agent in Ninuaneth sends a third warning. The dark city has begun to recieve a large flow of incoming reinforcements of undead from other parts of the lands of necromancers. Nothing indicates that the rate of this flow is going to lessen. It seems obvious that the necromancers intend to try to push you out of this region...
Rindarosґ new strategy
The King has sent you a new message. It tells that Rindaros has indeed changed his overall strategy. Although the armies of Noralia were victorious in the battle at Eldaholm and even managed to retake the city Nelanor, the undead forces that retreated after that have regrouped and are now marching in just a few large armies. These armies, increased in numbers by animating the dead victims of the war, are too powerful to handle with all the means the kingdom has available. They defeat anything and everything in their path. The tide must turn soon or...
Undead army advancing
The King sends you a message telling you that the unstoppable undead armies are advancing quickly now. In less than two weeks, they will reach the capital of Noralia should you fail to stop their dark commander...
Last chance to win
The King sends you a message that the undead armies are now within a dayґs march from the capital. If you fail to defeat Rindaros today, Noraliaґs centre of power will surely fall and all will be lost...
One of the Unicorns comes forth and says that Nanya the Ranger, an old friend of the Unicorns, was captured recently in an ambush by the undead and is being held captive in a prison somewhere in the undead lands. If you rescued her and brought her here, they would happily join your cause. Further, the Unicorn leader says he has a beautiful ring he would give you as a reward.
Хижина предсказателя
86, 30 подземелье
Hello! I am a magicain and an artifact maker who has decided to dismantle evil artifacts, and this near the lands of the necromancers there is a lot of them, I can assure you. I know of a sword named Blackshard of the Dead Knight. Could you bring it here? The last I learned was that it was in the hands of a group of dead knights guarding a large treasure west of here, and as far as I know, they still have it. And one more thing, if you would want to keep it for its power, donґt. I have another sword for you if you do this task for me, and its raw power is greater.
Боевой гном
2, 70 подземелье
No, none shall have this disgusting artifact, whose sole purpuse is to make our race more vulnerable to those horrible spells...
Хижина предсказателя
12, 3 подземелье
I have a great artifact for great heroes in my possession. If you should manage to achieve Skill level 15 in Attack Skill, Defense Skill, Spell Power and Knowledge, I would be most honoured to meet you. Iґll give you my artifact then...
Хижина предсказателя
24, 75 подземелье
A lich approaches you and says that the path to the Haunted Forest, his home, has been blocked by a sizable group of Zealots, who have apparently strayed far abroad to do good. He also tells you that he has an artifact for you if you would but clear the path.
Хижина предсказателя
63, 39 подземелье
My son, Kebor, was once a well known and respected warrior in our tribe. Greed won over honor, though, and he now serves the dark and evil necromancers for gold. Our familyґs reputation has suffered greatly within the tribe since he went over to the black magi. Please, remove the blight from our familyґs name! I beg you!!!
Изобильная накидка кристаллов
16, 1 подземелье
A couple of hundred goblins and lots of orcs seem to guard this cloak. Will you try to take it from them by force?
20, 9 подземелье
A few of the stones around you begin to move. No, not a few, several of them. As they come closer, you can see that they are not just stones as you had thought, but Stone Golems, and there is a score of them...
Ожерелье навигатора
81, 34 подземелье
A group of two dozen water elementals seem to guard this artifact. Will you try to take it from them?
Хижина предсказателя
101, 56 подземелье
My ship was wrecked on sea south of this island recently. I survived and managed to float ashore here on a raft. There might be others of my crew who survived and are still out there somewhere. I have sent other on my men by boats to find them, but they only report that a group of hostile Water Elementals are blocking the way to the place where the survivors might be found. If you could help us by defeating them or driving them off, I would reward you richly.
Башмаки скороходы
32, 32 подземелье
There seems to be some Archers and Marksmen guarding these boots. You can see a score of them, altogether. Will you challenge them for the artifact?
68, 89 подземелье
Halt! No one enters this cursed forest...
Сфера небесного свода
106, 16 подземелье
There seems to be a group of over fifty Air and Storm Elementals guarding this orb. Will you challenge them?
66, 88 подземелье
Haunted Forest
Хижина предсказателя
58, 87 подземелье
Welcome to the lands of the necromancers...
Волшебный свиток
69, 41 подземелье
A lot of magi seem to guard this spell scroll. Will you challenge them?
Хижина предсказателя
94, 50 подземелье
HelIo! I am a maker of magical artifacts. A very rich noble has offered me a fortune for an artifact that would protect him from hostile magic. I have both the materials and knowledge to do it. Unfortunately, I need the aid of an enormously powerful magician. Use magical artifacts if you must, but please achieve Spell Power 30 and return here! Weґll make two copies of the artifact, I have materials enough for it, and you can keep one!
99, 103 подземелье
At last, you have cut yourself through some of the considarable hordes of Rindaros. However, his last forces of undead are great and powerful. Despite this cursed fog, you can see the unholy necromantic creations in front of you and hear their groans. As you prepare your men for the final confrontation you think that today, at last, will the spirit of the great knight be turned to rest...
25, 34 подземелье
You look south from the garrison towers and see that the green lands that you call your home end here. To the south is the land of the necromancers, where death and decay are suitable words to describe the landscape. Even though these lands arenґt entirely empty of life, the very soil seems less fertile than the green fields in the north. Your men are reluctant to walk further into this unwelcoming region...
57, 17 подземелье
Хижина предсказателя
53, 74 подземелье
A necromancer walks out of his hut and greets you. He tells you that his master once created an artifact, an orb that could make a spell caster ignore the inherent protection of an enemy towards his magic. However, the dwarves, who have a great such inherent resistance, were not happy about his creation. They raided his home and stole the orb. He died recently, without ever having been able to recreate this artifact. I want it, though. It is guarded by a horde of battle dwarves in the west. If you would return it to me, I can teach you new tricks to enhance you magical power.
5, 103 подземелье
27, 97 подземелье
Extra Black/Dread Knights
106, 102 подземелье
Passage is only allowed for the truly dedicated!!!
25, 24 подземелье
13, 97 подземелье
The necromancers seem to have built these garrison towers to prevent people from reaching this lake. They have also put an enchantment on the towers that will block any magic even if someone made it past the guards. You can spot a tent beyond the lake that you assume is what the necromancers donґt want anyone to visit...
91, 19 подземелье
Green Vale
72, 55 подземелье
55, 39 подземелье
To the south lies the rough wastelands. Here lives a small goblin tribe. They usually want to be left alone, and would probably not join either you or the necromancers. The agents of the enemy may roam this area though, and they might have conquered the goblin tribe already, so it would be wise to take caution...
Страж задания
3, 4 подземелье
Hello! I am a member of the guild of thieves. We have found out where your chief enemy Rindaros is hiding, and offer to share this piece of information with you for twentyfivethousand gold...
2, 3 подземелье
The thievesґ guild member informs you that Rindaros has a large army of undead and that he is a proficient spellcaster as well as a great tactician. Any attack against him must be carefully prepared...
21, 8 подземелье
Leave this stone formation alone! Walk around it, not through it!!!
18, 9 подземелье
Leave this stone formation alone! Walk around it, not through it!!!
Страж задания
5, 106 подземелье
Only the masters of Ninuaneth (purple) have the authority to activate this Monolith.
Бездонная сума золота
72, 47 подземелье
A large group of Rogues have gathered around this bag of gold. Trying to take it from them will most likely result in bloodshed. Will you go ahead to lay claim to it anyway?
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