Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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Far back in time, The Intruders attacked the winter castle of Iceguard. That year came to be known as the Year of The Great Miracle. Now the Year of Encroaching Darkness has fallen upon the lands of Acathia and Iceguard has sent out a hero to find out what is happening. You are that hero, Garth...
The Great Golden Bow is carried by Ivor, the Elven Lord.
The nights seem to come earlier and last longer. Could this be the doing of the Netherworld?
The Netherworld is a place from which nobody returns. A place from where the Undead are risen and sent to battle the living.
Lord Skel
The Undead Knight, Lord Skel, has vowed to kill Lord Garth and to crush anyone foolish enough to enter the Netherworld.
Axtrodus, the Warlord, was a Prophet, mentioned in the Chronicles as a wise warrior who disappeared during the time of TGM.
There are many large and small Islands in Acathia. Beyond Acathia lie the Dragon Dunes and other lands.
I once had a nightmare of a terrible master of dreadful beasts, roaming a land of swamps. The master glared into my eyes, his armour shining of gold, then laughed and vanished.
These are the lands of Acathia, a continent that used to be somewhat peaceful, at least in your neighbourhood. Your land is called Iceguard, a name that goes back far in history. Legend has it that this cold land was once the last outpost of your ancestors in their struggle to defend
against an unknown intruder of huge strength. A terrible war was fought, in which thousands of people died. When everything seemed lost, the few remaining Monks of Iceguard joined in a prayer as a last resort to salvation. Their prayers were answered, in what is mentioned as The Great Miracle.
The story says that a handful of glorious winged creatures appeared, raising the fallen soldiers of Iceguard and inflicting terrible damage to the intruding armies. The tide seemed to turn and with the boost of morale, the brave Knights of the Realm and Royal Rangers drove the intuders
into a wild escape. They then erected a barrier somewhere in the far North, from where the intruders had first invaded, so that they would never ever return. Now, ever since that day no intruders have ever shown themselves in Iceguard. You have grown into a belief that the whole story is just
a story. Iceguard has developed into a rather isolated and peaceful community with little knowledge about the surrounding world and little interest in exploring it. This has been the case until recently, when we suddenly lost contact with Ellard who lives at the waterwheel, just a few miles
to the Southeast. The young and adventurous son of the Captain in Iceguard (namely you, Garth) and a few of his friends have decided to find out what has happened. Meanwhile, in Iceguard, the village council has decided that the village needs to grow in case of danger.
Therefore they have decided to make the village a town. What nobody suspects is that a grave danger to all of Iceguard and beyond is underway and this time it may be unstoppable. [Part 1, Strange Happenings, starts now]
A young boy hails you in the distance and you reign in your horses and wait for him to catch up with you. You see that it is the mayor's youngest son, Aden. Father told me to say that you need to find resources for the village, we are running out of them. You nod and send him back home.
Today Aden hails you in the morning. You silently wonder how he can find you all the time. Greetings, Garth. Our best trackers have returned from scouting missions and they have told us that we should not venture too far away this week without at least a medium sized force. The gravel road leading
South is not safe according to Fengan. You can be sure that the 40 year old, experienced tracker is telling the truth, but further questions as to what sort of danger can be expected isn't revealed by Aden. I don't know he responds, a bit ashamed that he didn't ask Fengan.
A message carried to you by pigeon arrives in the morning. It comes from the town magicians and reads: We have been researching the guild libraries concerning the world around us. The information is old but anyway. Although we live rather isolated on this island, there is an island South of ours,
namely the island of Illuria. We did have contact with them long ago through South Gate, but we don't know of any means to contact them now. We will let you know if we uncover any more useful information. Oh, and by the way, be nice to the pigeon and let it return. -End of message.
A week has passed and your town Iceguard has received a rugged messenger from South Gate. He explains that he managed to sneak past Demonic forces including howling Hounds, en route to South Gate from an unknown place. We need a relief force at once, please aid us. We have sent a message to
the Illurian city of Akrelion and we have asked them for additional aid but you never know if it will get through to us and in this time of the year the seas are harsh, so the aid might not be able to arrive in time. The town council decides that you shall lead a relief force as soon as possible.
The town council further advices you that helping South Gate is of higher priority than any resource gathering missions, at least for now. So what you should do is to gather all available troops and head South using the fast gravel road.
People from South Gate report that they have received a message from Akrelion. It stated that a force of Halberdiers, Marksmen and Crusaders would arrive within a week. We will send them on to you in Iceguard, so be sure you have prepared quarters for them within a week.
This morning the pigeon returns with a message from Iceguard: Extensive studies of our chronicles have revealed that you need to travel to the island of Illuria, where as a matter of coincidence, Akrelion is situated. Somewhere in the Eastern parts of that land, the intruders were first seen
by humans. This information was mostly found in the Tavernial Libraries of South Gate, since we have almost no records of our own concerning events from afar. You know how to treat our pigeon, yes? --End of message.
At noon a glorious sight reaches Iceguard. A force of men in shining armour march in to town, reporting that they are the force from the Brother City of Akrelion. Unfortunately they also bring bad news. Our city is in need of help. We have been invaded by forces from the city of Ecayon, led by
their ruler, Ikar Daar. They will soon have us defeated, no doubt. As much as we were sent to relieve South Gate, we were also evacuated from Illuria. The idea was that we, combined with our brothers in Iceguard, would be able to liberate Illuria from the claws of Ikar Daar and his cruel soldiers.
This night you had a strange dream, in which you were wading through swamps, ferocious insects biting you all over. In this horrible land you saw a King riding on a serpent beast with wings, swinging a tremendous club at you.
You woke up all sweaty hoping that this dream was just another dream. However, an odd feeling that you will meet this man soon, lingers all morning.
Suddenly you are standing in a glade, cool air caressing your head. A white-bearded man dressed in a white robe is standing in front of you and he hails you: Well met young friend. The Year of Encoaching Darkness has fallen upon us and we are once again in need of a great hero to save Acathia from
the claws of the Infernal Lords. Since you have come so far it seems only natural that you be chosen to be the champion of the Angels. Now, listen closely as I will only tell you this once (spoken with a strange accent [French]): Visit me in the lands of Arcana where we are now standing.
I will instruct you and help you to get past certain barriers erected by myself in order to preserve the balance of things. Who are you, you manage to insert just as the old man is about to leave and he replies Know me as The Arcane Archmage, at least for now.
Having said those words the Archmage disappears with a puff of smoke which wakes you up. You think the event over all the day, but you just can't tell if it was a dream or not.
You are contacted by the Archmage early this morning: The forces of the Infernal Lords are tremendous and I doubt you would last long if you would confront them directly. I have been to the Netherworlds before and I know that during the time of TGM our heroine (Avali) tried to build some Fortresses
to keep the remaining Demons at bay. She reported that strange portals were emerging close to these Garrisons shortly before we lost contact with her and I believe that she was killed by the undead forces emerging at that time. I went there to investigate, and true enough, the undead had indeed
risen and they captured me and sent me to the Infernal Plane for interrogation. As I finally managed to escape I discovered that new cities were being built in the Netherworld and that they were all connected by magic gates. Therefore you should disguise yourself evading most attackers and try
to find their main city, where the gate to the Infernal Plane is located. Capture this city and destroy the gate. Once you have achieved this objective I will locate you and send you back to Iceguard and then I will release a huge flood clearing up all of the Netherworld in Acathia. This will ensure
our safety and will crush all the Infernal and Undead presence in Acathia. I would advice you to bring along a backup force from Tazaar's realm just in case you should get attacked. Remeber to tread carefully down there. Good Luck.
Случайный монстр 3
87, 12 подземелье
You try to persuade the harbour guardians that resistance is useless, but to no avail. Instead they charge straight at you. Maybe they're guarding some sort of treasure.
105, 35 подземелье
All of a sudden the sparkling river water comes to life revealing a few Water Elementals. They are very upset with your disturbing their(!) new toy, the waterwheel. They apparently wish to teach you a lesson. Having no time to try to communicate you must now defend against the Elementals.
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105, 36 подземелье
Oh dear, Ellard and his wife are being chased by a few horrible horned beasts. When you show up with your party, Ellard and his wife see you and start running towards you. Prepare to defend against the beasts!
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South Gate
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A group of strange, but not too dangerous looking creatures snarl at you and try to look intimidating. They are blocking the dirt road which seems to be leading to an abandoned lumber mill.
Щит королей гномов
100, 43 подземелье
You come upon a small wooden shield with engravings depicting some small but sturdy, axe-swinging humanoids battling a large bull-like creature with a fiery breath. The Shield is Enchanted with a glowing protection rune.
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As you approach the town, a group of armed peasants hails you; Are you from Iceguard? You affirm and their leader continues
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Just to the North lies the big lake, Aunt Nelly. Nelly is the main water source of Iceguard. You warmly recall when you were a child, playing fondly at the lake with your friends. To the West lie rocky grounds. Nobody has been there in ages. Townsfolk say that Trolls live there.
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So the rumours were true. Your childhood friend Darill whispers
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The trolls had a small treasury that you manage to find after little trouble. It isn't guarded any longer, but you have heard that robbing the treasures of anyone, especially trolls, will curse you. Though you don't like the prospect of being cursed, you send the gold back to Iceguard.
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Seeing your force, the Trolls grab their heavy clubs and prepare for battle, bellowing words in their Trolloc language.
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Another large group of more terrifying Trolls have a camp nearby. The commander of the scouting group (Darill) reports
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This part of the land seems deadly quiet. No birds are singing but there is a strange humming sound, originating from the interior of the woods. The party is uneasy and you get the notion that it could be dangerous to venture any further.
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Shrugging the fears off, you decide to continue. The humming sounds increase in strength and you sneak forward to investigate. Finally you come across a frightening ceremony where enormous fiery creatures are being summoned by a large group of minions. You must attack and stop them at once!!
Скелет воин
82, 24 подземелье
You are welcome to join the dead, the Skeleton soldiers hiss. You draw your weapons and prepare to resist the assault of the undead warriors.
84, 26 подземелье
Further ahead, nestled among rocks and trees you see a large Crypt glowing faintly in the darkness... Whispering sounds deliver a ghostly message
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A large pile of gold catches your attention. As you close in to secure it, a few large Griffins fly down from the nearby pinetrees, placing themselves protectively around the pile. Do you really wish to kill a few innocent, beautiful animals over a pile of gold?
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Almost hidden among the trees are a few unusual pieces of golden wood.
Черный рыцарь
96, 6 подземелье
Some silent mounted Knights approach you and you notice the chill around them. Their horses are as black as ebony and they have burning red eyes. What the... is this Darill shouts and you prepare to defend.
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Nobody in Iceguard has been South of this point in years. You start to realize just how isolated you have been. The only contacts have been with the townsfolk of South Gate. The area looks like a good place for lumbering, but strangely quiet.
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Something is definitely wrong. Smoke is rising from the waterwheel and strange growling sounds emanate from the same direction. What has happened to Ellard the wheeler and his family?
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There shall be a time of great strife among the living ... The undead corpses shall rise... And the souls of the damned shall rule! --Axtrodus.
90, 39 подземелье
You recall the old town of South Gate. This road used to lead to that town. They are a friendly bunch of people... ...what's this - something is coming out of the woods?! Stop thinking and draw your weapons!, Darill cries.
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A bronzelike plate reads
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This must be the barrier that was mentioned in the legend. So was everything true after all? Something evil did exist and something may be threatening to happen again? The only way to find out what is really happening, and possibly find out how to stop that, would be to pass this barrier...
98, 14 подземелье
Having passed the barrier fills you with hope and reassures your spirits. You vow to continue until the bitter (or sweet) end. When this 'danger' has been resolved, I will find a way to bring you back, Darill you promise yourself (again) and then continue onward.
104, 3 подземелье
Damned, no way back! Is this why we haven't been attacked ever since... you ponder but are awakened by your scouts who tell you that another strange portal has been discovered a bit North of here... [This marks the end of part 1 of the story. Part 2, Unwanted War, starts now]
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You follow a narrow passage leading South through the mountains when your scouting party returns, fear in their eyes. They report that there is a strange magic location beyond this passage. However, some ferocious beasts live here and they would notice you if you would continue.
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The relieve force has taken quarters in your barracks.
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Ikar Daar
Зеленый дракон
102, 65 подземелье
Puny humans!, they snarl. Why have you dared coming here? We want nothing from your kind!. You try to explain that you wish them no harm, that you are seeking powerful allies in the struggle against forces that could destroy their habitats. But are the beasts impressed? Well, you'll see now..
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A timetorn sign reads
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The pigeon returns today carrying a message from the magicians
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An old Arena is situated ahead. You try to recall something from the legends of the past... Illuria was hardly ever mentioned...hmmm... no, no use. There is something important gnawing at you however, something that you have overlooked...
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You wonder why Akrelion is never mentioned in the legend. It probably didn't exist at that time. There was mention of a city named Ecayon. It was a human Stronghold, allied with the intruders. Why have they attacked Akrelion now? There are many questions waiting to be answered here in Illuria.
77, 88 подземелье
Then it strikes you as you approach the Arena! The divine beings who answered our prayers at TGM! They called themselves Illur..., no Angulians? No matter, the important thing is, could they have originated from this land?
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You feel a sensation of wonder as you pass the border. No one has been here for eons and everything around you looks so ancient yet so untouched by time... A road made of some stone you have never seen before... So smooth and so easy to travel on... Where could it lead?
Алмазный голем
102, 81 подземелье
Guardians from ancient times are frozen in place outside this strange Crypt. You stare in amazement at the strangely furnished walls of the Crypt, when all of a sudden a grinding noise echoes around you. The guardians have come alive!
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Almost hidden on the other side of the river you notice a small blue tent where a levitating blue creature resides. It seems worried, maybe even frustrated over something - you aren't sure. You carefully approach it when something surges through your minds. Then the creature vanishes...
Боевой единорог
88, 87 подземелье
These seem to be sacred grounds to the Unicorns living here. There is no way these creatures will be able to tolerate your intrusion.
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Ecayon can be seen glowing faintly in the distance, this chilly evening. The sun is just disappearing behind the mountain tops as you ride forward, determined to end the rule of the hostile Ikar Daar and his servants. Once this has been achieved, Illuria will return to peace, at least for now.
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You spot a big structure to the NE. Light flickers from its strange windows in the darkness. This is a sanctuary for the students of Light and Dark, protected by spells so potent that no force ever can disrupt its presence. Traces of battles can be found on the path leading to the building.
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A number of tremendous, fierce, winged green beasts block the narrow passage in front of you. In the distance you can hear them communicating with each other. They seem intelligent...
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83, 68 подземелье
At last you can see the gates of Akrelion. There is a small harbour next to the town which will allow you to land a ship with reinforcements for your armies, should you need it. The question is, from where will you get a ship? You'll have to find that out.
81, 12 подземелье
We were en route to Akrelion through the whirlpool just east of here when suddenly the whirlpool went beserk and threw us into the reefs, we are si...
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The captain manages to find a small passage through the reefs and the first mate asks you if we should really sail East. It could be a timewaster and time is not in your favour at the moment.
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Гидра хаоса
38, 77 подземелье
The ground around you is littered with the remains of long dead Gladiators. Local legends claim that they fled to this area, following a revolt that failed. ( Maybe they found a secret way to pass the barrier). Obviously they were surprised by the monsters lurking all around.
Призрачный дракон
36, 75 подземелье
The undead spirits reach out to embrace you with a chill of a thousand deaths. You will be lucky to have survived such an experience. The saintly heroine Avali is rumoured to have converted spirits like these to serve her on a mission to the Netherworlds. If only you could do the same...
37, 77 подземелье
Heartbreaking moaning cries from a lonely Dragon can be heard eminating South of here. It really has an impact on your winged allies (the Angels) who plead with you to go and try to help the great creature. ( Remember, if Angels die they may still visit your mind and tell you things like this one).
Черный дракон
39, 82 подземелье
A large black Dragon swiftly flies towards you, observing you with its large intelligent eyes. I have been waiting a long time for someone to aid me. Please take the eye of my sister and bring it to the seer in Arcana. He has promised to restore her. Do this and we will aid you in return.
Неподвижный глаз дракона
40, 83 подземелье
This is what's left of Aglaash, a Dragoness of great beauty (among Dragons). She was captured before the time of TGM by infernal beings of incredible powers and imprisoned in this ring. She will reinforce your spirits for as long as she is with you.
36, 77 подземелье
To the North, some tormented spirits of the once noble Dragons of the Dragon Dunes have been enslaved and forced into guarding a magic device of mystique. If you approach them they may well attack you, but in order to leave this place, you'll have to take that risk.
17, 46 подземелье
You find yourselves in an entirely new environment. At last a place as cool and fresh as Iceguard. The voice from Aglaash tells you that this is the legendary land of Arcana, a land as ancient as the Dragon Dunes and populated by creatures that hate everything from the Dunes.
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You find some gold deposits in the river.
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The seer can not be disturbed. He is not allowed to aid any of those cursed Dragons and since you seek to aid these damned beasts we see little choice but to send you to a place where all Dragons belong!
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[Part 5; Liberation of Anglia] Leaving the lands of Sylvani you must head North, where The Arcane Arcmage has told you a Gate leading to Anglia is to be found. The winds are good and the salty sea winds refresh you all.
Оковы войны
6, 13 подземелье
Next to the Arcane Archmage's Tent lies a pair of shackles as a reminder of the origins of the Archmage. He had been a slave of the Infernal Lords of the 6th Circle. With these equipped nobody will be able to flee our revenge. They could help you capturing enemy artifacts , you hear from the tent.
18, 42 подземелье
Stop! How dare you enter the lands of the Giants? No human has ever sat foot on these icy grounds before, let a lone in the company of Black Dragons! You must be punished for your insolence!
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Here rests Atlas, do not disturb!
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Many horned beasts are trying to block the passage to and from South Gate. You can't imagine how they got there. Something is in the doing and you are determined to somehow find out what it could be.
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Черный меч мертвого рыцаря
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Lying next to a long destroyed Dread Knight is his sword. (This item will be claimed by the computer player - For free).
Щит неупокоенных
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Lying next to a long destroyed Dread Knight is his shield. (This item will be claimed by the computer player - For free).
Щит проклятых
6, 107 подземелье
This shield was lying in the far end of the Dragons' lair. (This item will be claimed by the computer playe -For free)
8, 72 подземелье
5, 76 подземелье
The last outpost of the Angels from the time of TGM lies to the north. You will need all the forces you can get in order to defeat Axtrodus and his allies. Alas, Anglia has never been visited by others than Intruders trying to capture it, so you can't be sure what kind of welcoming you might get.
Клевер Фортуны
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This clover will be picked up by Tazaar, long before you arrive here.
60, 104 подземелье
Having just left the portal you realize that there is no way to return to your home, Iceguard, anymore. The air here is a terrible mixture of heat and humidity and you desperately wish you could breathe the cool fresh air of Iceguard's. Howevever you must focus on the task ahead.
59, 103 подземелье
From now on you can't rely on any more pigeons from the mage guilds of your cities. You will have to find a way through this jungle and you may be forced to face hostile creatures who will try to stop you from reaching your goal. Your goal has yet to be revealed to you but not here.
103, 104 подземелье
You ponder over your dream about the swamps. Hopefully you have a large enough force to be able to face whatever dangers that might lie before you. Once you have passed the magic gate ahead you'll know... [Part 3, The freeing of Aglaash, commences]
10, 15 подземелье
the Demons return to Acathia. They were once temporarily defeated by a heroine named Avali, shortly after the time of TGM. However, as could be expected, the Demons didn't give up their expansionistic plans and now they have returned, aided by the Undead. Come to my tent and I will teach you how to
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pass the gates leading through the Elven Kingdom to Anglia. Anglia is our final outpost and it is the link to the Angelic forces that saved Iceguard long ago. Go there and request aid to destroy the portal from where the Demons come. I have a Tome of my works waiting for you on the way.
61, 36 подземелье
You are close to the magic Elven Castle of Sylvani. Long ago, Golden Dragons from the North settled here to help protect the Elves from the Intruders. Now it would ironically seem that you are the intruder. Nevertheless, if you could enlist the aid of the Dragons you would have an advantage.
61, 22 подземелье
These cliffs are the birthing grounds of the Golden Dragons. Only youngsters live here now and you can tell by their Green colour, preceding the Golden one that comes when they are older, wiser, bigger and more experienced.
Топор кентавра
104, 69 подземелье
As you prepare to lay fingers on some very nicely crafted axes, a roar sounds through the valley. Just a few feet above your heads, a Green Dragoness has emerged, seemingly from nowhere. She is ready to fight you if you proceed. Do you?
6, 24 подземелье
The glorious bastion of the Titans awaits your arrival. The city is not ready to be ruled by a mere mortal such as yourself though, so you have to convince the Giant Captains that you have overhelming forces and that further resistance would be futile.
8, 14 подземелье
You should be aware that the Elves don't like trespassers and once you open the gate to Sylvani they are likely to act with hostility towards you and your troops. They are a mighty tribe so be well prepared of any eventuality. I will contact you again, later.
57, 2 подземелье
In the distance the faint glowing of the promised Gate can be seen. The dark skies are towering above you, creating a feeling of despair that Anglia has fallen to the forces of the Undead.
33, 26 подземелье
[Part 4; Decisions] To the East lie the lands of the Elven Tribe of Sylvani, currently ruled by the strong Elven Lord, Ivor. The rumour has it that the Elven Lord posesses a Great Golden Bow which is a very sought after Artifact amongst the Titans.
6, 46 подземелье
You happen to encounter a Priest (feeding the ducks near a small pond) who has had a vision of Angels, visionizing their holy Rite of Resurrection. He agrees to teach you what he has learned from the vision, should you wish to. [If you do - Go and learn from him!]
14, 99 подземелье
The forces of the Undead have already invaded the lands above ground. They have established a base here. If you don't wish to have any undead forces invading Anglia, then you must conquer this lifeless keep.
25, 33 подземелье
And don't mind the twaddles of the seer. He's afraid that you wouldn't help him if you knew you were actually helping Black Dragons. Those Titans got him all scared Aglaash adds.
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Aglaash seems happy when you tell her that you are close to the seer. Thank you my human friend. 8 of my brothers are waiting nearby and will join us when you have restored me. East of here live our cousins, the Gold Dragons. They could be of great help against the Infernal Lords.
Королева наг
13, 35 подземелье
The way to the City of Arcana is heavily guarded by many female creatures with beautiful faces but multiple arms and slithering bodies. They eye you coldly and you sense that they are not empathic creatures, rather as cold as the surrounding ice. They are certainly formidable warriors.
2, 104 подземелье
One of your magicians taps you on the shoulder
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40, 99 подземелье
67, 5 подземелье
Upon a pedestal rests a book of snow, glowing with the power of water. Take my book, the voice of the Arcane Archmage echoes. You will probably need it to defeat the forces of the Infernal Lords. I have also summoned some Angels to assist you. They are resting in a place near of here.
90, 18 подземелье
You come to a halt, realizing that this border can't be passed. It doesn't appear that this would be the border mentioned in the legend, rather a strange barrier erected in later times. You have no idea why or what this barrier is doing here. Maybe time will tell...
95, 35 подземелье
Ominous howling sounds can be heard from the South. The town council has dispatched scouts to investigate. Until they return, you'd better not follow this road further South.
11, 16 подземелье
As you approach the snowy lands to the Northwest the voice returns
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A platinum sign reads
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You have come Near But the Undead can Hear A Foot under Ground Makes a Hell of a Sound!
91, 21 подземелье
The old road suddenly comes to an end at an old fortification. Nobody in Iceguard has ever been North of here... (-Well at least not since the time of the Great Miracle) This old fortification is reeking with a chill of evil. The legend did state something about a barrier in the North...
Ящик Пандоры
4, 19 подземелье
The lid is really stuck! You'd have to use your sword to open this strangely ornated box!
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As you investigate the box, you notice that the lid is stuck. Opening it could require force.
14, 19 подземелье
A golden plate reads
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The wind grows stronger and all kinds of shapes seem to materialize and dance around this strange box...
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Map Maker
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Whispering voices say
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Whispering voices say
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Whispering voices say
19, 22 подземелье
The mages ahead don't seem to be as hostile as the other creatures here in Arcana. Maybe you could persuade them to join you...
Лорд вампиров
106, 29 подземелье
An ancient Tomb is situated here. A sign outside the Tomb reveals that a powerful Demoniac named Astaru rests there. Astaru obviously fell in battle with the 'hated' humans, commanded by Avali. A sickening reek of blood turns your stomaches as scores of undead attack!
18, 46 подземелье
Aglaash continues
19, 45 подземелье
That's where souls are recruited by the War Lords to fight each other. The survivors are then put to work as soldiers in the Demonic forces of (for example) Axtrodus' armies. I will tell you more when we reach the seer, she finishes and urges you to hurry up.
19, 44 подземелье
Oh, I almost forgot, Aglaash says. I would advise you to find the city of Arcana first. We might need to reinforce our troops before visiting the seer. Arcana lies to the NW.
42, 76 подземелье
Your faithful mount rears and seems uneasy, as if wanting to say
Ящик Пандоры
0, 21 подземелье
You carefully open the box, expecting a trap, but nothing happens. The box contains nothing. Disappointed you put the box onto the ground again and it disappears! You realize that it is an illusion and you are suddenly bestowed with some illusionary powers. [- Choose yes on the coming pop-up]
12, 17 подземелье
You recognize this as the place you visited in the dream of the Arcane Archmage that you had. 'What joy! The Archmage is real and is willing to help us', you think to yourself. Suddenly you hear a voice in your head, telling you to approach a tent not far away to the Northwest.
Волшебный свиток
8, 46 подземелье
The Priest also wrote down his revelations on a piece of shimmering paper. Reciting this scroll would have the same effect as performing the ritual normally. (- Of course, you'd have to keep the scroll handy!)
88, 9 суша
An ancient scroll half buried catches your eyes
95, 7 суша
You enter the Netherworld's dark and damp surroundings. The torches flicker and you have a feeling that you should have stayed above ground. Ahead, the chilly whispers of cursed spirits moaning with fury and torment is filling your hearts with reluctance and fear.
91, 10 суша
A message etched in the ground says
105, 3 суша
Finally you have reached the keymaster's apparition. The Ghost sighs deeply as he recognizes your Iceguard language and his voice echoes hollowly
102, 76 суша
This sign is covered with hieroglyphs
47, 92 суша
Death Gate
36, 51 суша
Castle Skel
Посещение Некромант:
37, 7 суша
Demon Gate
66, 32 суша
Demon Gate
Посещение Одержимый:
2, 104 суша
[Part 6; Terminus] The final battles lie ahead. You must quickly find a way to reach Axtrodus' base of operations, and destroy it so that you seal the door to the Infernal Plane. It's a difficult task, demanding all your skills, since hordes of undead also roam this part of The Netherworld.
Рыцарь Смерти
36, 52 суша
Lord Skel
66, 33 суша
Случайный ценный артефакт
62, 58 суша
This one's for free.
Случайный малый артефакт
62, 59 суша
This one's for free
Огненный язык красного дракона
69, 70 суша
Red Dragon Flame Tonge
Сандалии святого
47, 41 суша
Амулет некроманта
55, 75 суша
Случайный малый артефакт
50, 102 суша
This one's for free.
12, 99 суша
Famous Sacrifices
64, 35 суша
In front of you, a terrible looking Citadel rests on sulforous lava grounds. Strange noises can be heard everywhere and you get the notion that this might be where the gate is located. The citadel is protected by powerful magics which drain you of your determination and try to enslave your souls.
69, 35 суша
In front of you, a terrible looking Citadel rests on sulphurous lava grounds. Strange noices can be heard everywhere and you get the notion that this might be where the gate is located. You carefully make your way forward, but all of a sudden you are discovered by some terrible Guards!
36, 53 суша
Ahead of you lies Castle Skel. It is the place where Lord Skel was once raised by unknown forces (-maybe Noor). It is a terrible, unholy place which makes you shiver with fear. You manage to pull yourself together and must now decide wether to try to destroy the place or move on to find the Gate.
47, 94 суша
In front of you, the dreadful Citadel of the Dead towers aloft with skulls piling both sides of the bony road. Chilly cries emanate from all over this place. You have found Death Gate but you must act quickly. Now that you have exposed yourself, the forces of the Netherworld will come after you...
95, 6 суша
Sadly, your friend Darill was slain by the Black Knights and you buried him early this morning, before descending down to this strange underground place. You thought of all the good times you spent together as children and promised yourself that you would find a way to bring him back to the living.
43, 23 суша
You struggle not to fall into any of the treacherous lava pits that surround you. The heat is almost unbearable but you know you have to keep moving. Demonic noises both from the north and east frighten you and you hope that the Archmage will bring you back again once the proper gate has been shut.
67, 89 суша
Design Info
68, 64 суша
Demon Gate
Зловещий рыцарь
106, 105 суша
The dreadful Knights seem to have been expecting your arrival. Somebody must have sent them here to stop you! Chaarge.., Let nobody survive!, their commander shouts with a terrible hissing voice.
93, 39 суша
Древнее чудище
98, 82 суша
Fierce beasts of an ancient species guard a strange Pyramid. They have obviously been guarding this place for centuries and are immensely hungry!
96, 81 суша
These terrible beasts don't seem as cunning as those guarding the lost Temple of Avali, but they are probably just as hungry!
Королевский циклоп
92, 78 суша
Your curiosity seems to have taken control, since you ignored the creatures' warning. They are grunting loudly and lining up on a battle stance!
104, 76 суша
It is very dark in this part of the dungeon. You will have your combat ratings lowered until your men has accustomed to the environment.
94, 87 суша
One of your priests comes up to you, saying
93, 76 суша
In the distance you can see some large creatures, obviously on guard. All of a sudden a large rock comes crashing from above, creating a huge dust cloud and a big 'Thunk' as it lands. This seems to have been a warning from the creatures ahead, meaning Don't come any closer or we'll crush you!
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