Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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Nothing indicated troubles... It was the usual shining day... The darkness has set in suddenly, and from darkness came dragons, in a comparison with which the black winged giants of Dungeon seem babies. Who are their hosts and how to struggle with them?
Ever since as the Dark Lords have prohibited to use battle magic, it has become much more dangerous to go for a walk on night! Absolutely other business, when under a hand is valid Meteor Shower!
The darkness, which has covered a central part of this world, is dangerous not so much how many is inconvenient. You see so it is easy to lose the way in darkness.
Beasts, seized our mines are much stronger even than most high-power soldiers of our Lords! They should much work to return mines under the control!
Magic Guilds
It is said, that the real battle magic was still saved in great Magic Guilds. But hosts of Guilds is reliable fenced off from the remaining world behind magic barriers, to be quietly engaged in the magic experiments. They do not have business up to the simple people!
Sea monsters
It is said, that it is possible to get rare resources when hunting on marine monsters.
Introduction 1(blue)
The first rays of the morning sun have woken young Lord. He has mounted from a bed and has approached to a window. The court yard of the patrimonial castle, despite of early hour, was already full of people. Was heard moo of the cow, ringing of metal about metal in the blacksmith, voices of early birds. All was as always, only all horizon was closed by darkness. Not by the rain clouds, usual at this time of year in these places, no, it was just the Darkness - impenetrable neither for a usual sight, nor for a magic spell. The Lord has abstracted from contemplation of this phenomenon by delicate cough of his mage Erlin. My Lord- has told he, - with each day ever more petitions comes to you. There came times of trouble for the simple people.. Today early morning black envoy delivered the new decree of the Dark Lords imposing on the peasants the unreasonable tax. As it is sad, my Lord, you should select between civil war and war with the Dark Lords. You know, Erlin, that the Law of the Light Lords strictly prohibits to me to raise a hand on mine citizens. I never shall cause them a harm by my sword or by swords of my guards! - Lord has told. Then you have only one way out, my Lord, - has answered the old mage.
Introduction 1(purple)
The first rays of the morning sun have woken young Lord. He has mounted from a bed and has approached to a window. The court yard of the patrimonial castle, despite of early hour, was already full of people. Was heard moo of the cow, ringing of metal about metal in the blacksmith, voices of early birds. All was as always, only all horizon was closed by darkness. Not by the rain clouds, usual at this time of year in these places, no, it was just the Darkness - impenetrable neither for a usual sight, nor for a magic spell. The Lord has abstracted from contemplation of this phenomenon by delicate cough of his mage Argon. My Lord- has told he, - with each day ever more petitions comes to you. There came times of trouble for the simple people.. Today early morning black envoy delivered the new decree of the Dark Lords imposing on the peasants the unreasonable tax. As it is sad, my Lord, you should select between civil war and war with the Dark Lords. You know, Argon, that the Law of the Light Lords strictly prohibits to me to raise a hand on mine citizens. I never shall cause them a harm by my sword or by swords of my guards! - Lord has told. Then you have only one way out, my Lord, - has answered the old mage.
Introduction 1(teal)
The first rays of the morning sun have woken young Lord. He has mounted from a bed and has approached to a window. The court yard of the patrimonial castle, despite of early hour, was already full of people. Was heard moo of the cow, ringing of metal about metal in the blacksmith, voices of early birds. All was as always, only all horizon was closed by darkness. Not by the rain clouds, usual at this time of year in these places, no, it was just the Darkness - impenetrable neither for a usual sight, nor for a magic spell. The Lord has abstracted from contemplation of this phenomenon by delicate cough of his mage Yazon. My Lord- has told he, - with each day ever more petitions comes to you. There came times of trouble for the simple people.. Today early morning black envoy delivered the new decree of the Dark Lords imposing on the peasants the unreasonable tax. As it is sad, my Lord, you should select between civil war and war with the Dark Lords. You know, Yazon, that the Law of the Light Lords strictly prohibits to me to raise a hand on mine citizens. I never shall cause them a harm by my sword or by swords of my guards! - Lord has told. Then you have only one way out, my Lord, - has answered the old mage.
Introduction 1(pink)
The first rays of the morning sun have woken young Lord. He has mounted from a bed and has approached to a window. The court yard of the patrimonial castle, despite of early hour, was already full of people. Was heard moo of the cow, ringing of metal about metal in the blacksmith, voices of early birds. All was as always, only all horizon was closed by darkness. Not by the rain clouds, usual at this time of year in these places, no, it was just the Darkness - impenetrable neither for a usual sight, nor for a magic spell. The Lord has abstracted from contemplation of this phenomenon by delicate cough of his mage Rodgar. My Lord- has told he, - with each day ever more petitions comes to you. There came times of trouble for the simple people.. Today early morning black envoy delivered the new decree of the Dark Lords imposing on the peasants the unreasonable tax. As it is sad, my Lord, you should select between civil war and war with the Dark Lords. You know, Rodgar, that the Law of the Light Lords strictly prohibits to me to raise a hand on mine citizens. I never shall cause them a harm by my sword or by swords of my guards! - Lord has told. Then you have only one way out, my Lord, - has answered the old mage.
First news
There is first news from the eyes, my Lord! - by entering in a marching tent has told mage. The Darkness has not covered all world - other three provinces of the light Lords, as well as yours, are not covered with it. They too make dispositions for war - the castles are full of soldiers, the supplies and meal are delivered. In spite of the fact that you completely rely on yours warriors, I believe, will useful declare a set of hirelings. The war will be heavy and each warrior will be necessary.
Spell casting
Envoy of darkness has appeared unexpectedly. Just now there was nobody in a main hall of your castle, except for you and your mage - and suddenly a black figure of envoy appeared before you. The high-power black wings, folded behind a back, gave him a likeness with Gargoyle, and in speed of flight he could for certain argue with Griffin. Under the order of new hosts of this world - Dark Lords, anyone battle spell casting henceforth is forbidden. For protection against predatory animals my mercy hosts leave to you a spell Magic Arrow. The order comes into effect immediately. The figure was dissolved in an air earlier, than the last words have sounded. I knew it beforehand, but nothing could make, - has told mage. Now we should battle without the help of magic, at least until then, when ours army will become rather strong to take by an attack one from magic Guilds. One from Magic Guilds? - Lord has asked again. Yes, my Lord. It is ancient citadels of knowledge, which were created by great mages of the past. There are four Guilds in the world - on quantity of magic schools. After arrival of Great Darkness the hosts of guilds have abandoned this world, but have left reliable protection. Besides they have closed entrances in guilds by magic barriers. In turn, keys to these barriers are closed by one more barriers. I think, that your groups already have found keys to the second barriers in old caves. It is necessary only to find the first keys.
The fishermen, supplying your army with a fish, have told to you, that from some times it has become very dangerous to float on the sea. They told histories, which reminded fairy tales more than reality, history of tornados, which suddenly occur from a water and deliver of fishing ships in chips, about marine monsters, occuring from the depth. Your mage has advised to you do not disregard these warnings.
Just now is obtained news from the magic eyes, my Lord, - entering in a marching tent has told mage. They managed to make the way through a veil of darkness. We can see that they saw, - with these words mage has made some motions by hands, accompanying it by spells. The brilliant full-sphere has appeared before you, in which an image begin to occur slowly. The eye flied above strange grey desert, covered, o horror, with HUMAN bones! In a field of sight of eye has got the castle , which top enclosed eight towers. Suddenly, the figure of the person in black clothes has appeared on the top. Also has begun to sound a voice: The insignificant people! You try to resist to power of the Dark Lords! You think, if we not undertake any operations against you, we nothing know about your preparations for war? What naivety! We have business much more important, mortal. A maximum that you could make is to destroy our servants, that protecting mines. But it is enough, now you'll pay for your impertinence! With these words mage from a full-sphere has raised hands and has thrown a fiery edge in your side. But old mage was faster. By imperceptible motion he has thrown a magic full-sphere under a ceiling. The deafening explosion was distributed, in which outcome the top of a tent has carried away. We were rescued by a miracle, my Lord, - wiping drops of sweat has told mage. Or maybe someone helped us? But who can it be?
Guilds (blue)
My Lord, due to my scouts at last to us has become known a site of Magic Guilds. The guild of the Earth is located to the east from your castle, Guild of Air far to the east, Guild of Fire - far to the south, and at last Guild of Water - to the south. I hope that my informations will be useful for you, my Lord.
Guilds (purple)
My Lord, due to my scouts at last to us has become known a site of Magic Guilds. The guild of the Earth is located far to the north from your castle, Guild of Air to the north, Guild of Fire - to the west, and at last Guild of Water - far to the west. I hope that my informations will be useful for you, my Lord.
Guilds (teal)
My Lord, due to my scouts at last to us has become known a site of Magic Guilds. The guild of the Earth is located far to the north from your castle, Guild of Air far to the east, Guild of Fire - to the east, and at last Guild of Water - to the north. I hope that my informations will be useful for you, my Lord.
Guilds (pink)
My Lord, due to my scouts at last to us has become known a site of Magic Guilds. The guild of the Earth is located to the west from your castle, Guild of Air to the south, Guild of Fire - far to the south, and at last Guild of Water - far to the west. I hope that my informations will be useful for you, my Lord.
useless spells
My Lord, my magic eyes inform, that under a cover of darkness, in this strange grey desert there is not enough advantage from the magic spells . But it does not signify at all that you can not be engaged any more in magic. The last night I was visited by vision, from which I could understand for myself only one - you'll not win the last fight with Dark One without magic. I think, that gods direct you, my Lord. So that let's continue our daily occupations. Combine together hands, be concentrated and call a spell of a fiery full-sphere...
At this time behind walls of a Dark Citadel... Gloomy hall of a Dark citadel. On the walls - skulls of the people and creatures, unknown in this world. On a large throne made of an single-piece of black obsidian sits the creature, similar to human but not being them. Before him, admired the knees there is a person in black clothes. All goes under the plan, foreman. Our surveys in the field of dark magic are successfully advanced. Very much soon we can grant to you the most mortal weapon in all worlds. Our enemies, it is necessary to recognize, have reached some successes. Let they'll be pleased... Before death.,- has told a creature on a throne.
Goddess help
This night the strange dream has dreamed you. You stood on small wood glade, from different directions enclosed by trees. There was a woman; you did not meet more perfect women for all life. I'm the goddess Airis, mortal, - has told she. Your struggle with the so-called Dark Lords has become interesting to me. I could destroy them in one instant, but believe me, freedom, that was obtained without struggle, costs a little. Nevertheless I shall help you. In nearest thirty days the population in your castle will be considerably increased. I shall help you only once - farthest will be depend on you and your troops. Good luck, mortal. With these words the goddess has disappeared also you wake up.
Bad news
Bad news, my Lord,- has told mage, crossing a threshold of marching tent of Light Lord. I am afraid, that the news I have learned from my magic assistants, can very and very much not like to you. In what business?- Lord has asked, wrap oneself in the raincoat. Business, that the Dark One - the creature not from our world, that accepting appearance of the human. And now his deadly plan has entered the final phase. Equally through a month he will finish the researches, which will destroy our world. After that here can live only the creatures such he is. You must stop him - or all will be lost!
In a Dark Citadel... Dark One changed the appearance. The wings, covered with transparent viscous slime slowly have appeared from the back. The legs were replaced with paws as at an insects. Behind the first number of teeth has appeared the second. The body was inflated twice. Already there is no sense to mask. Absolutely soon, after I shall let out new darkness on this world, darkness, which will be poisonous for living here the same as the air of this world is poisonous for me, this world will become mine. For ever!!!
Случайный город
2, 4 подземелье
New troops came at your order, my Lord. They have left native houses to introduce the contribution to business of clearing their province!
The military tax is delivered to your patrimonial castle .
Airis has executed the promising. These troops should serve as good help in struggle with Dark One and his evil hordes. She also gave you some resources, that you'll need soon.
Your scouts have reported to you, that during construction of defensive facilities they found an ancient treasure. It will be delivered to you in parts within three days.
The second part...
...and the third.
Случайный город
100, 97 подземелье
New troops came at your order, my Lord. They have left native houses to introduce the contribution to business of clearing their province!
The military tax is delivered to your patrimonial castle .
Airis has executed the promising. These troops should serve as good help in struggle with Dark One and his evil hordes. She also gave you some resources, that you'll need soon.
Your scouts have reported to you, that during construction of defensive facilities they found an ancient treasure. It will be delivered to you in parts within three days.
The second part...
...and the third.
Хижина предсказателя
7, 22 подземелье
Dear Lord. Help us please. Though we only poor peasants, but for protection from the monsters we studied to battle in local Marletto Tower. Now the terrible creatures on ours path - well exactly as skeletons, only are enveloped by bandage. We tried to defeat them - and we does not. Destroy this creatures, please, and we shall not stay in the debt - we shall send our home guard to your army.
14, 16 подземелье
Another peasants? How it is wonderful!
11, 19 подземелье
Хижина предсказателя
9, 33 подземелье
My Lord! Come in, it is cold outside. Could not you help me? I need small quantity of resources, that I could finish my magic development. And I in turn shall learn you to a secret of one magic spell.
Случайный город
100, 6 подземелье
New troops came at your order, my Lord. They have left native houses to introduce the contribution to business of clearing their province!
The military tax is delivered to your patrimonial castle .
Airis has executed the promising. These troops should serve as good help in struggle with Dark One and his evil hordes. She also gave you some resources, that you'll need soon.
Your scouts have reported to you, that during construction of defensive facilities they found an ancient treasure. It will be delivered to you in parts within three days.
The second part...
...and the third.
Хижина предсказателя
104, 33 подземелье
Long ago, powerful wizards were able to create magical spells, but time has caused us to forget how to make new one. I would like to learn these techniques myself, but I need one of artifacts first to do it. If you could bring me, the Stoic Watchman, you would be well rewarded.
Случайный город
9, 100 подземелье
New troops came at your order, my Lord. They have left native houses to introduce the contribution to business of clearing their province!
The military tax is delivered to your patrimonial castle .
Airis has executed the promising. These troops should serve as good help in struggle with Dark One and his evil hordes. She also gave you some resources, that you'll need soon.
Your scouts have reported to you, that during construction of defensive facilities they found an ancient treasure. It will be delivered to you in parts within three days.
The second part...
...and the third.
Хижина предсказателя
1, 107 подземелье
I am old and wise, and I do not admit just anyone into my home. When you'll reach the eighth level, my Lord, I not only shall let you come to my house, but also I shall learn to a secret of a magic spell! And now go away!
11, 80 подземелье
Has wanted a water? At first defeat us!
Хижина предсказателя
11, 93 подземелье
Horde of Trolls has trapped our pond, from which we took a drinking water. Help to us, Light Lord!
100, 91 подземелье
Magic plains
58, 103 подземелье
Fire Guild
13, 57 подземелье
Water Guild
104, 51 подземелье
Air Guild
56, 20 подземелье
Earth Guild
80, 44 подземелье
39, 58 подземелье
Хижина предсказателя
84, 105 подземелье
I am an agent for an emperor of a distant land, Light Lord. Recently, his armies have fallen on hard times. If you could bring 12 Sharpshooters to me, I could pay you handsomely.
14, 62 подземелье
From the walls of Guild hundreds of miniature waterfalls are going downwards and are broken below about acute coastal rocks, continuing the path to the sea as millions small streams. Ripple of a water is so melodious, that it would be desirable to listen to it by hours...
59, 99 подземелье
Above towers of Guild of Fire it is visible fiery glow; the fountains of scintillas fly up highly in the night sky, illuminating neighbourhoods on many miles around. The smoke of volcanos becomes red, the fiery full-spheres fly up above the mouthes, adding the contribution to this enchanting fireworks of fire.
105, 53 подземелье
The air in this strange magic place seems twisted in the tight spirals. If the usual air is transparent, this air shines by all nuances - from violet up to red. There is a pleasant lightness in the body, it seems that to fly here - easier than walk.
54, 26 подземелье
The heaps of ground and huge stones closely rise to walls of Guild of the Earth. The sounds of displacement of the whole layers of ground rather one another are audible, the strange trees without leaves by any miracle grow on these lifeless stones.
100, 98 подземелье
So, my Lord, if you rigidly are going to begin war with the Dark Lords, you need my help. Nevertheless I am more experienced in magic than you, my Lord. I am going to send magic eyes - special patrol spirits, created by my magic, in all directions. We need to know maximal about our opponents, besides even I do not know, what there was on the Middle continent after the darkness fell on it. Earlier it was the fertile blossoming land, and what there now - it is possible only to guess. With your permission I shall inform you in accordance with obtaining the new information.
9, 101 подземелье
So, my Lord, if you rigidly are going to begin war with the Dark Lords, you need my help. Nevertheless I am more experienced in magic than you, my Lord. I am going to send magic eyes - special patrol spirits, created by my magic, in all directions. We need to know maximal about our opponents, besides even I do not know, what there was on the Middle continent after the darkness fell on it. Earlier it was the fertile blossoming land, and what there now - it is possible only to guess. With your permission I shall inform you in accordance with obtaining the new information.
99, 7 подземелье
So, my Lord, if you rigidly are going to begin war with the Dark Lords, you need my help. Nevertheless I am more experienced in magic than you, my Lord. I am going to send magic eyes - special patrol spirits, created by my magic, in all directions. We need to know maximal about our opponents, besides even I do not know, what there was on the Middle continent after the darkness fell on it. Earlier it was the fertile blossoming land, and what there now - it is possible only to guess. With your permission I shall inform you in accordance with obtaining the new information.
2, 5 подземелье
So, my Lord, if you rigidly are going to begin war with the Dark Lords, you need my help. Nevertheless I am more experienced in magic than you, my Lord. I am going to send magic eyes - special patrol spirits, created by my magic, in all directions. We need to know maximal about our opponents, besides even I do not know, what there was on the Middle continent after the darkness fell on it. Earlier it was the fertile blossoming land, and what there now - it is possible only to guess. With your permission I shall inform you in accordance with obtaining the new information.
89, 95 подземелье
Something speaks to me, that these caves - important place, which is necessary for visiting, if we want to win this war, my Lord, - has told mage, when your group has approached closer to an entrance in the underground caves. I do not know, this feeling whence has come, but precisely I know, that it does not deceive me!
84, 3 подземелье
Something speaks to me, that these caves - important place, which is necessary for visiting, if we want to win this war, my Lord, - has told mage, when your group has approached closer to an entrance in the underground caves. I do not know, this feeling whence has come, but precisely I know, that it does not deceive me!
3, 18 подземелье
Something speaks to me, that these caves - important place, which is necessary for visiting, if we want to win this war, my Lord, - has told mage, when your group has approached closer to an entrance in the underground caves. I do not know, this feeling whence has come, but precisely I know, that it does not deceive me!
21, 102 подземелье
Something speaks to me, that these caves - important place, which is necessary for visiting, if we want to win this war, my Lord, - has told mage, when your group has approached closer to an entrance in the underground caves. I do not know, this feeling whence has come, but precisely I know, that it does not deceive me!
65, 89 подземелье
The tornado has appeared suddenly. Just now sea around was quiet - and already your command desperately struggles for the life. This time dangers managed to be avoided, but some wood has left on repairing of damages.
99, 42 подземелье
The tornado has appeared suddenly. Just now sea around was quiet - and already your command desperately struggles for the life. This time dangers managed to be avoided, but some wood has left on repairing of damages.
39, 49 подземелье
The tornado has appeared suddenly. Just now sea around was quiet - and already your command desperately struggles for the life. This time dangers managed to be avoided, but some wood has left on repairing of damages.
20, 67 подземелье
The tornado has appeared suddenly. Just now sea around was quiet - and already your command desperately struggles for the life. This time dangers managed to be avoided, but some wood has left on repairing of damages.
29, 43 подземелье
Suddenly the head of a disgusting marine monster was showed under a water, behind it - one more, then more and more. Similar, it is necessary to accept fight!
46, 95 подземелье
Suddenly the head of a disgusting marine monster was showed under a water, behind it - one more, then more and more. Similar, it is necessary to accept fight!
95, 48 подземелье
Suddenly the head of a disgusting marine monster was showed under a water, behind it - one more, then more and more. Similar, it is necessary to accept fight!
62, 34 подземелье
Suddenly the head of a disgusting marine monster was showed under a water, behind it - one more, then more and more. Similar, it is necessary to accept fight!
48, 2 подземелье
What strange monolith! Inside it continuously beat discharges of green lightnings, the huge emeralds on it top rhythmically flash and die away. Doubtlessly, this construction - most ancient from all that you saw for all life. All this very much reminds teleport - device for movement in space, - has told mage. But where it conducts?
49, 3 подземелье
What strange monolith! Inside it continuously beat discharges of green lightnings, the huge emeralds on it top rhythmically flash and die away. Doubtlessly, this construction - most ancient from all that you saw for all life. All this very much reminds teleport - device for movement in space, - has told mage. But where it conducts?
50, 3 подземелье
What strange monolith! Inside it continuously beat discharges of green lightnings, the huge emeralds on it top rhythmically flash and die away. Doubtlessly, this construction - most ancient from all that you saw for all life. All this very much reminds teleport - device for movement in space, - has told mage. But where it conducts?
51, 3 подземелье
What strange monolith! Inside it continuously beat discharges of green lightnings, the huge emeralds on it top rhythmically flash and die away. Doubtlessly, this construction - most ancient from all that you saw for all life. All this very much reminds teleport - device for movement in space, - has told mage. But where it conducts?
61, 50 суша
Dark Citadel
Посещение Элементалист:
20, 65 суша
When the moving was finished you have appeared in a strange place. It was underground cave, but very exotic. The air here is filled with buzzing of any latent gears, it is very light inside, though it is not visible of any plumes. Scattered light is poured from all around. Under legs not ground or stone, but the smooth material recalling iron by the brightness, but is much softer. Where are we? - Lord has asked, exposing the sword. If the old legends will appear by the truth, we in the last secret shelter of ancient race, at one time ruled by this world, my Lord,- has answered mage. They named themselves of Eterians, that in their language meant the Hosts of knowledge. They were very powerful, but in any moment they have disappeared from this world, by leaving after themselves some spells and magic subjects. I at all could not assume, that ever I shall see their shelter. Well, let's pass further, there can be we shall find something, that will help us in our war!
21, 65 суша
When the moving was finished you have appeared in a strange place. It was underground cave, but very exotic. The air here is filled with buzzing of any latent gears, it is very light inside, though it is not visible of any plumes. Scattered light is poured from all around. Under legs not ground or stone, but the smooth material recalling iron by the brightness, but is much softer. Where are we? - Lord has asked, exposing the sword. If the old legends will appear by the truth, we in the last secret shelter of ancient race, at one time ruled by this world, my Lord,- has answered mage. They named themselves of Eterians, that in their language meant the Hosts of knowledge. They were very powerful, but in any moment they have disappeared from this world, by leaving after themselves some spells and magic subjects. I at all could not assume, that ever I shall see their shelter. Well, let's pass further, there can be we shall find something, that will help us in our war!
21, 64 суша
When the moving was finished you have appeared in a strange place. It was underground cave, but very exotic. The air here is filled with buzzing of any latent gears, it is very light inside, though it is not visible of any plumes. Scattered light is poured from all around. Under legs not ground or stone, but the smooth material recalling iron by the brightness, but is much softer. Where are we? - Lord has asked, exposing the sword. If the old legends will appear by the truth, we in the last secret shelter of ancient race, at one time ruled by this world, my Lord,- has answered mage. They named themselves of Eterians, that in their language meant the Hosts of knowledge. They were very powerful, but in any moment they have disappeared from this world, by leaving after themselves some spells and magic subjects. I at all could not assume, that ever I shall see their shelter. Well, let's pass further, there can be we shall find something, that will help us in our war!
21, 63 суша
When the moving was finished you have appeared in a strange place. It was underground cave, but very exotic. The air here is filled with buzzing of any latent gears, it is very light inside, though it is not visible of any plumes. Scattered light is poured from all around. Under legs not ground or stone, but the smooth material recalling iron by the brightness, but is much softer. Where are we? - Lord has asked, exposing the sword. If the old legends will appear by the truth, we in the last secret shelter of ancient race, at one time ruled by this world, my Lord,- has answered mage. They named themselves of Eterians, that in their language meant the Hosts of knowledge. They were very powerful, but in any moment they have disappeared from this world, by leaving after themselves some spells and magic subjects. I at all could not assume, that ever I shall see their shelter. Well, let's pass further, there can be we shall find something, that will help us in our war!
Золотой голем
21, 53 суша
These gold statues remind to me the golems, which the wizards make,- has told mage. At sounds of its voice statue has opened eyes and in turn something has told. It was easy to guess by her further operations, that intruders here do not welcome.
14, 72 суша
One more teleport...
15, 72 суша
One more teleport...
16, 72 суша
One more teleport...
13, 72 суша
One more teleport...
37, 3 суша
After the second jump through space you have appeared in a corridor similar on previous. The bas-reliefs were visible on the walls, on which were represented battling Eterians and strange entities similar to huge insects. In an air above them soared... No, there could not be an error... The dark envoys!!! What all this signifies?- Lord has whispered. It can mean only one, my Lord,- has answered mage. It seems, we just have opened a secret of vanishing of ancient race. By all, the Dark Lords already visited this world many centuries ago and tried to conquer it. But Eterians have risen on their path and could repulse them, but also have spent so much forces in this war, that were compelled to leave in the secret shelter, and to leave this world to northern barbarians, from which Light Lords were descend. If they could resist to this insects, there should be any weapon of those times, more high-power than ours. My Lord, it's doubtless. And we should find it here at any cost!
39, 3 суша
After the second jump through space you have appeared in a corridor similar on previous. The bas-reliefs were visible on the walls, on which were represented battling Eterians and strange entities similar to huge insects. In an air above them soared... No, there could not be an error... The dark envoys!!! What all this signifies?- Lord has whispered. It can mean only one, my Lord,- has answered mage. It seems, we just have opened a secret of vanishing of ancient race. By all, the Dark Lords already visited this world many centuries ago and tried to conquer it. But Eterians have risen on their path and could repulse them, but also have spent so much forces in this war, that were compelled to leave in the secret shelter, and to leave this world to northern barbarians, from which Light Lords were descend. If they could resist to this insects, there should be any weapon of those times, more high-power than ours. My Lord, it's doubtless. And we should find it here at any cost!
38, 3 суша
After the second jump through space you have appeared in a corridor similar on previous. The bas-reliefs were visible on the walls, on which were represented battling Eterians and strange entities similar to huge insects. In an air above them soared... No, there could not be an error... The dark envoys!!! What all this signifies?- Lord has whispered. It can mean only one, my Lord,- has answered mage. It seems, we just have opened a secret of vanishing of ancient race. By all, the Dark Lords already visited this world many centuries ago and tried to conquer it. But Eterians have risen on their path and could repulse them, but also have spent so much forces in this war, that were compelled to leave in the secret shelter, and to leave this world to northern barbarians, from which Light Lords were descend. If they could resist to this insects, there should be any weapon of those times, more high-power than ours. My Lord, it's doubtless. And we should find it here at any cost!
40, 3 суша
After the second jump through space you have appeared in a corridor similar on previous. The bas-reliefs were visible on the walls, on which were represented battling Eterians and strange entities similar to huge insects. In an air above them soared... No, there could not be an error... The dark envoys!!! What all this signifies?- Lord has whispered. It can mean only one, my Lord,- has answered mage. It seems, we just have opened a secret of vanishing of ancient race. By all, the Dark Lords already visited this world many centuries ago and tried to conquer it. But Eterians have risen on their path and could repulse them, but also have spent so much forces in this war, that were compelled to leave in the secret shelter, and to leave this world to northern barbarians, from which Light Lords were descend. If they could resist to this insects, there should be any weapon of those times, more high-power than ours. My Lord, it's doubtless. And we should find it here at any cost!
Алмазный голем
44, 8 суша
Another statue? I am afraid, that it so!
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