Deep under the surface exists the gates which allow to travel by the means of the magic.
The Crystal Cross-road
The Crystal Cross-road will not stand for ever.
The changes
For years an impassable mountain range, created by Peacemaker The Great, separated four war-loving neighbours. Now the balance of power in the world of gods has changed and the gods of the war came to power. They not only destroyed some of the montains but even build The Road of Sudden Death in order to stimulate the appetite for blood of the mortals.
The last turn of Peacemaker The Great
However it seems that Peacemaker The Great had his last chance to put some magical crystals on the cross-roads of The Road Of Sudden Death. But his power is vanishing quickly and the appetit for destruction is growing quickly...
Faraway tales
Waiting is not the most value in the nowdays world where the only rulers are sharp swords and evil magic. May be it is worth not to wait on the cross-road and to seek another way? Some old druidian maps speak something about magical gates which connects all four kingdoms...
The gift
The gods of war want blood and send some resources for all warlords to encourage their bloodlust.
37, 37 подземелье
As you touched the crystals, the smell of the magic fills the air. Still minerals start to move and form the arms, the legs, the jaws... big jaws... Do you really need the crystals so badly?
38, 36 подземелье
As you touched the crystals, the smell of the magic fills the air. Still minerals start to move and form the arms, the legs, the jaws... big jaws... Do you really need the crystals so badly?
37, 36 подземелье
As you touched the crystals, the smell of the magic fills the air. Still minerals start to move and form the arms, the legs, the jaws... big jaws... Do you really need the crystals so badly?
37, 35 подземелье
As you touched the crystals, the smell of the magic fills the air. Still minerals start to move and form the arms, the legs, the jaws... big jaws... Do you really need the crystals so badly?
36, 36 подземелье
As you touched the crystals, the smell of the magic fills the air. Still minerals start to move and form the arms, the legs, the jaws... big jaws... Do you really need the crystals so badly?
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