Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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Armageddon map. Enter the world at the first millenium and relive the First Crusade. Learn history or remake it. Three conflicting factions of Christians, two Muslim, and the Evil One himself trying to destroy all. Equally insulting and thought provoking to all faiths. Remember, its just a game.
Godfrey, who leads the Celts, is a Godly man and a brave warrior.
Prince Bohemond, who leads the Teutonic Knights, is selfish, proud, and cruel. Never turn your back on him.
Pope Urban
The Pope started the Crusades to get land and revenge on the Emperor.
The Emperor is strong, but he is surrounded on all sides by enemies. His lands are ripe for taking.
It is said the there is great wealth in the Catacombs under Jerusalem and Eygpt. It is also said that there lie the gates to heaven and hell. Hogwash, I say.
A particularly nasty demon named the Grinch has been seen sneaking out of Pope Urban's Castle at night.
I had a dream last night that Elvis is alive and doing hell. Man, you should have seen the imps rocking. Guess I got to lay off the wiskey, huh?
The Moors have the best women. Stay away from Turkish women, bad tempers.
Blue Dragons
Blue Dragons have been seen in the frozen North. Can you believe that?
I had an Aunt who lived in Whoville up in Siberia. Haven't heard from her in months. Wonder why?
Saladin is uniting all of the Muslims of the South to crush the Crusaders.
The World in 1000 AD
The World at the end of the first 1000 years after the death of Christ was in complete turmoil. Europe and the Middle East was torn by conflicts between three main groups of Christians; the Celts, the Roman, and the Eastern Orthodox, and at least two main Muslim factions; the Sunni Muslims of Turkey and the Fatimid and Abbasid Muslims united under the great hero Saladin. Each fought among themselves as often as they fought the other faith. In a sermon at Clermont, France in 1095, the Roman Pope, Urban II commanded all Christendom to take up arms to free the Holy City Jerusalem. The Muslims had taken the city but had graciously permitted Jews and Christians to live and worship there. The Pope declared the Muslims heathen and stories were spread concerning the desecration of holy sites and relics. An astonishing number of Christians responded to the Pope's call to arms. By 1096 three massive armies were headed for Jerusalem by land and sea. The Crusaders went for adventure and to serve God, but they also went for greed and revenge. While they were away, the church and other neighbors siezed many Crusaders' lands and wealth for themselves. The Emperor, Alexius, who ruled in Byzantium had no idea the Crusade was coming until the armies were almost on top of him. In any case his armies were weakened by the constant conflict with the Muslims so that he could do little to control the mobs of Christians. The Muslims were also ill prepared, divided and fighting among themselves. Little good came as the result of the Crusades, lives were thrown away and good men died because of the greed and blood lust of their leaders. If there was a winner it was the Evil One who seeks to destroy all God's children.
Evil One
You are the Evil One. Your sole purpose is to destroy what is precious to God, his world and especially his people. As Christians and Muslims kill each other and the world is in chaos you are celebrating. With your armies you stir the poisonous pot. Perhaps in the end you will destroy both Christians and Muslims and rule yourself or perhaps you will watch while they slaughter each other. In either case you win. You will note that you have some unique helpers. If you are going to be the big jerk we might as well make fun of you a bit. I would wish you well, but I don't so I won't.
Emperor Alexius
You are the Emperor Alexius, equal of the Apostles, Commander of the Immortals, and ruler of all Christendom, except that a large portion of Christendom could care less. You have been holding off invading barbarians so long your once invincible armies are depleted. The Turkish Muslims under Arslan have taken a large chunk of your empire and the German and Francish Christians have been fighting you trying to take chunks for themselves as well, especially a cunning rogue named Prince Bohemond and his ruthless father. It was in answer to your plea for more soldiers that the Pope came up with the idea for a Crusade. You had no idea what was happening until three huge armies of Christians marched onto your lands burning and stealing as they came. You must gather your might to defend your lands and take advantage of any victories the Crusaders might win over the Muslims. God help you and your advisers and commanders.
You are the Caliph Arslan leader of the Sunni Musclims of Turkey. Your people are fierce and proud warriors who are fast and deadly but have little use for armor. You have been winning a war with sheer numbers against an honorable enemy, the emperor Alexius. Now you are about to be caught by Crusader armies advancing on Jerusalem from every direction. You can't turn to your fellow Muslims for help as you have not fallen in line with all of the commands and beliefs of the leadership in Baghdad. There are more than a few Muslims who would just as soon see you defeated. Alas, Allah, your God wills it. This will only make you stronger.
You are the Celtic Christians under the leadership of the most liked of all Crusader leaders, Godfrey of Boullion and his less admired brother Baldwin. Your lands include Northern Gaul and England and parts of Ireland conquered by the Normans. As such the Celtic Monks of the order of Cele De agreed to join you. The Pope and many Roman Christians consider the Cele De heretics but you have found them far less pompous and proud than the Romans and accept their help under the leadership of their Abbot Ronan. The Cele De is cheifly out to rescue holy relics from the catacombs of Jerusalem. The Celts and Godfrey often found themselves peacemakers between argueing Christians. Godfrey was a truly valiant warrior, but was often over pious and aloof among his fellow leaders. You have the longest distance to travel and many neighbors seek your lands while you are gone. God go with you, my son.
You are the great Saladin. By the age of 14 you were already fighting for the Syrian Kurds. Your cunning and skill grew with age until you were able to unite much of the Muslim world from the Moors of Algeria to the Abbasid in Baghdad. It was Saladin who took back Jerusalem from the Christians and defeated the 2nd Crusade. Truly you are Allah's vengence on the wickedness of the Christians.
You are Prince Bohemond. Although you currently rule in Southern Italy, your brothers and father rule in Northern Europe. King Magnus of Norway, a good king and a Godly man, is one of your vasals. The Monk Bernard would be the founder of the order of Tuetonic Knights. This order was sworn to protect the Holy Land and its relics. However, their piety and the wealth they gained made the church jealous and ugly rumors were spread concerning them. It was said they were motivated by greed and performed dark and evil rituals in the night. Others claimed only good things about these knights. Bohemond himself was greedy, cunning, and self serving. He bullied, slandered, stole, and smoozed whenever it served him. I would ask God to go with you but I am not sure if it is God you serve or the Evil One. Probably the one who will give you the most land and money.
You are Pope Urban II, the guy who started this whole thing, Bishop of the Roman Christians. You feel it is your right to lead all of Christendom and for a time this did come to pass. It is difficult to say whether you are a pious fool or cunning rogue. Most historians think the later. You offered complete forgiveness for all sins to all while on Crusade knowing that the armies would be marching through the emperor's lands, the same emperor who only recently had threatened to kick you out of the church. Before Crusaders left you had many of them sign their lands over to the church for protection. Of course when half of them didn't return, well, the church did the right thing and took over their lands, often before it was even known if the owner died or not. Even God's servants can make mistakes you know. Did you go on the Crusade yourself? Of course not. You sent Count Raymond, an arrogant and pompous fool, and Bishop Adhemar, a proud and cruel clergyman who seized leadership by the throat and demanded nothing less. The only Godly man among your leaders was Stephen, a Duke who was kind and loved among the Lords and soldiers. Unfortunately he died early. Oh, and one other you'll hear more on soon, Peter the Hermit and his horde of peasants. God help you Urban, you will need it. And if there is any justice at all, this version of history will bring the Muslims to your door.
Peter The Hermit
The first of many great tragedies of Crusades happened when a pious fool name Peter the Hermit led a horde of peasants to conquer Jerusalem. They felt God would give it to them. They had only to walk there. The Turks slaughtered them to a man and no one ever saw Peter The Hermit again.
Gathering Armies
As the armies of the West made their way to Byzantium they burned and plundered villiages along the way to get provisions that had run out. Many thought the journey would take weeks, instead it would take years. Many a Christian village suffered at the hands of their own brothers in faith. The Emperor was outraged and forced the troops to swear allegiance to him when they got to Byzantium with holding food from them until they swore. Raymond and Adhemar nearly starved their men before they relented. From Byzantium the Emperor provided them ships to cross the straight, all to happy to be rid of them.
Crusaders on their way to Jerusalem have plundered and burned another village under your protection. You pay money to help the peasants rebuild. You have dreams of getting the bishop of Rome close enough to strangle him.
The first victory of the Crusades was at the captial of the Turks, Nicea. The Sultan Arslan was away making raids when the Crusaders surrounded the city. Upon returning the Arslan attacked, but seeing that he was outnumbered rode away on their faster horses. Nicea, seeing their leader run, surrendered to the Emperor. Raymond was furious for he was denied both plunder and glorious fight. Worse still, the Crusaders had made a terrible enemy in Arslan.
Siezed Lands
Several less honorable bishops and abbots have begun to sieze lands entrusted to them by Crusaders away from home. Naturally they send you, the Pope, a tithe. Certainly it wouldn't have anything to do with buying your support for their wickedness.
As the Crusaders marched from Nicea they found all towns abandoned and stripped. Wells were poisoned and no water found anywhere in the brutal heat of that barren land. Seeking water the Crusaders split into two groups. Finding a river, one group, under Bohemond, refreshed themselves. As they were leaving Arslan and the Turks attacked slaughtering the Crusaders. They were almost wiped out when the second group under Raymond found them. They charged into the Turks turning the slaughter on them. The Turks were routed, leaving their tents and treasures. But the Crusaders paid a terrible price. More than half were dead and Jerusalem still a long distance away.
The patriarch of the East and archbishop of Byzantium has taken in several of your more Godly priests who were seeking justice against the wickedness you have turned a blind eye too. Unfortunately, they also took with them their offerings.
A major obsticle for the Crusaders on their way to Jerusalem was the great city Antioch, located at the North East corner of the Mediterranean Sea. They surrounded and starved the city nearly to death. When Antioch surrendered and the Crusaders moved in out of the heat. The Turks immediately surrounded the city and began to starve the Crusaders. The Crusade would have ended there had not, as the legend is told, one of the monks had a vision of the Holy Lance. This was the Roman spear used to pierce the Savior's side after death. The vision said it was buried in Antioch. After frantic searching, the lance was unearthed below an altar in one of the churches in Antioch. With Godfrey carrying the Holy Lance, the Cursaders charged from the city, surprising the Turks and won a miracluous victory on the plain outside Antioch. Bohemond insisted on staying behind to guard Antioch and make himself king. The rest of the Crusaders rested and marched on to Jerusalem.
In the summer of 1098 the Crusaders took Jerusalem by swarming the walls, Godfrey and the Holy Lance leading the charge. It was a bloody battle. The Crusaders, having been so overwhelmed by the hardship and staggering losses they had endured and the brutal heat and countless near deaths, went crazy, slaughtering the people of Jerusalem including Jews, Muslims, and Arminian Christians. Horrors were committed on women and children. Homes and temples were looted and burned. The retaking of Jerusalem became a nightmare in which only the Evil One celebrated victory. Afterward many Crusaders sailed home licking their wounds and counting their wealth. Godfrey was set up as Lord Protector of Jerusalem and Bohemond made himself king of Antioch. Baldwin took for himself the small city of Edessa.
Through all the terrors of the 1st Crusade a man named Saladin was growing and learning serving under the Syrian Muslim Kurds. By 1144 Saladin had grown in such skill and fame that he began to unite the formerly divided tribes of Muslims into a powerful nation. That year they took back Edessa from the Christians. Bernard of Clairvaux began preaching the 2nd Crusade, forming the order of Teutonic Knights. In 1187 a Saladin led horde of Muslims crushed the Crusaders at the Battle of Hattin and Jerusalem fell back into the hands of the Muslims.
3rd Crusade
The 3rd Crusade sought to recapture Jerusalem again under the leadership of Richard the Lionheart, the Emperor Fredrick Barbarossa, and King Augustus of France. They fought among themselves so much that they failed even to reach Jerusalem. The 4th Crusade, stirred up by Pope Innocent III, was aimed at Egypt in an effort to crush Saladin at his home base. This also failed. Finally the Crusaders focused their attention on Byzantium which they captured. They killed the Eastern Emperor, deposed the Eastern Orthodox Patriarch, and set up Baldwin to rule. This so weakened the Christian empire in the East that in 1453 the Turks took Byzantium for themselves.
130, 121 подземелье
132, 133 подземелье
Ruins of Sodom & Gomorrah
105, 136 подземелье
Хижина предсказателя
100, 132 подземелье
Christian raiders have stolen a ancient family relic called the Pendant of Life from the tombs of the pharaohs. Return it and I will give you an orb of great power.
60, 126 подземелье
Хижина предсказателя
14, 142 подземелье
You come across the camp of Moors. Their prophet has seen that Allah will bring one carrying the golden Eye of Osiris. They must follow him in Jihad against the pale Christians. As you look around you see hundreds of Moors all dressed for battle.
6, 138 подземелье
Imad Zangi
106, 138 подземелье
108, 76 подземелье
134, 76 подземелье
95, 63 подземелье
75, 94 подземелье
44, 86 подземелье
108, 65 подземелье
Peter Hermit
110, 77 подземелье
Calif Arslan
Боевой маг
130, 76 подземелье
91, 133 подземелье
Nizm al Mulk
93, 64 подземелье
42, 87 подземелье
25, 75 подземелье
32, 62 подземелье
Paris 5 miles
40, 77 подземелье
Alps Mt. pass
22, 93 подземелье
South Spain, North Gaul
41, 78 подземелье
Хижина предсказателя
10, 95 подземелье
Moorish raiders from the South have stolen a family treasure. It is a ring called the Still Eye of the Dragon. Return it to me and I will give you these red boots. You think the boots might be blessed by God and would make a handsome gift to the Pope.
31, 58 подземелье
87, 65 подземелье
61, 70 подземелье
Mt. Olympus 5 miles
Хижина предсказателя
95, 41 подземелье
An Azure dragon has stolen my spyglass and flown away for the far North. Return it to me and I will give you the Titan's Gladius.
Хижина предсказателя
113, 100 подземелье
I am a young lady who has studied long and hard to learn how to fly. You may have heard of my distant relatives Deadalus and Icarus. Anyway, find me a harpy and I will make a set of wings for you as well.
133, 3 подземелье
140, 4 подземелье
143, 26 подземелье
Boy are you lost!
Хижина предсказателя
109, 81 подземелье
Greetings, Most gracious war leader. Allah demands much from those who are given much. Return when you have achieved an attack level 20 and Allah will reward you with wealth as well.
42, 83 подземелье
You catch some rather attractive young ladies sneeking out of Pope Urban's back door. Surely they must have been at confession. As you offer to let the ladies join your troop for saftey's sake you wonder why anyone would wear such slinky dresses for confession.
35, 20 подземелье
36, 43 подземелье
33, 39 подземелье
Хижина предсказателя
24, 2 подземелье
Norse raiders have stolen from me a golden torc called the collar of conjuring. Return it and I shall give you this old beat up sea captains cap.
Хижина предсказателя
21, 25 подземелье
Devils have stolen the Sword of Justice from the catacombs of Jerusalem. This is the ancient sword which King David took from Goliath to behead him. This holy relic should not be in the hands of the evil. The Lord has told me you must enter hell, no small task, and that you will find the devils standing in a river of lava near the gate of hell. Should you rescue the weapon use it for God's good purpose. Destroy the devils and I will reward you greatly. God go with you, my son.
31, 42 подземелье
Duke Godfrey
2, 24 подземелье
32, 23 подземелье
58, 45 подземелье
67, 36 подземелье
49, 37 подземелье
73, 33 подземелье
Рыцарь Смерти
76, 41 подземелье
Рыцарь Смерти
87, 27 подземелье
Рыцарь Смерти
64, 37 подземелье
128, 5 подземелье
131, 12 подземелье
Hi! My name is Cindy Lou Who. Ruin our Christmas? How would you do that? No! You wouldn't dare!
132, 15 подземелье
You butchered Cindy and the people of Whoville! You fiend! I will run for help. She turns to fly away as you motion to one of your troops...
128, 14 подземелье
74, 75 подземелье
131, 123 подземелье
You are the first Christians to retake Jerusalem. You have been starved, raided, blistered in the sun, and parched till your tongue swells. Your friends and family have been slaughtered by raiding Muslims. Now in revenge you slaughter all the innocent people of Jerusalem to the last woman and child. The horror of what you have done devastates the moral of your troops.
105, 137 подземелье
Servants bring your equipment to you.
2, 8 подземелье
The monks here teach you and give you a gift.
42, 77 подземелье
The knights of this tower so admire your leadership that they give you a special gift.
94, 64 подземелье
Your servants bring your armor.
109, 77 подземелье
Your servants bring your shield.
67, 37 подземелье
Your servants bring your equipment.
Лазурный дракон
79, 3 подземелье
You see a spyglass clutched in one of the dragon's claws.
Древнее чудище
135, 73 подземелье
You notice a shield in one Behemouth's slobbering mouth. Yuuuuccchh!
Хижина предсказателя
80, 30 подземелье
An ancient shield call the shield of courage has been desecrated by Behemouths North of the Turkish city of Antioch. Slay the Behemouths and take the shield. Use it to serve God. Return and I will reward you with some trustworthy boots.
Хижина предсказателя
124, 122 подземелье
Crusaders have stolen the crown of the Caliph of Baghdad. It is gaurded by Gold Dragons in the dwarf mines of England. Destroy them for this sacriledge and I would reward you with a tome of magic.
Хижина предсказателя
143, 35 подземелье
Bring me some new cards of prophecy and I will reward you with a tome of fire.
Боевой маг
101, 82 подземелье
Malik Shah
Хижина предсказателя
99, 82 подземелье
The Crusaders swept through here and stole everything of value, even my cart of lumber. Return it and I will give you a worthless orb that does absolutely nothing that I can see. It is pretty and red. Perhaps it would please a concubine?
116, 143 подземелье
Nur ad Din
119, 77 подземелье
This is Dorylaeum, the site of the most terrible battle of the Frist Crusade. The Crusaders, dying of thirst in the heat, had split into two groups to search for water. Bohemond's group found this river and refreshed themselves. As they were leaving the Turkish horde fell upon them and slaughtered them almost to a man. Just as the Turks were about to win, the second group of Crusaders, led by Raymond & Adhemar, found the river and charged the weary Turks. This time the Turks were slaughtered and their treasure taken. The Crusaders had won, but more than half lay dead in the field and Jerusalem is still far away.
133, 77 подземелье
This is the City of Antioch, Holy City of the early church, home of St Paul and Barnabus of Bible fame. It was here that the Crusaders won their third great victory. After surrounding the city for months in siege, the people inside dying of starvation. They overcame the walls and took the city. No sooner had they gotten inside than the Caliph and his army surrounded the city with the Crusaders inside. They would have starved or been slaughtered except for an astonishing story. It is said one of the monks recieved a vision that the spear which a Roman soldier used to pierce Christ's side on the cross was buried in the city. With this holy relic leading their army they would win. Frantically they searched and found buried under an altar in the church, the Holy Lance, as it was called. Bohemond carrying the Lance led the charge from Antioch and a great victory was won, again at a terrible cost of lives on both sides. Had additional Crusaders not arrived by sea, the 1st Crusade would have ended at Antioch. Bohemond himself remained behind to guard the city and make it his own. The rest of the Crusaders marched on to Jerusalem.
111, 77 подземелье
This is the city of Nicea, the home fortress of the Sunni Turks. The Crusaders captured this city without a fight. After starving the city for period of time the Sultan returned to his city from a raid and discovered the Crusaders. He escaped and the city immediately surrendered peacefully to the Emperor. This angered the Crusaders who got no gold or fight out of the deal. Sullen and over confident they marched on for Antioch. But they had made a terrible enemy in the Sultan Arslan.
68, 59 подземелье
63, 64 подземелье
You plunder and burn one of the Emperors villages. Hey, you were hungry and the Pope forgave all your sins. At least you didn't take one of the women back to your tent like some of the other soldiers.
47, 20 подземелье
Seek the Catacombs of Jerusalem, but beware the gate to hell.
110, 120 подземелье
The Evil One will face down the most fearsome of Behemouths, but will run in terror before a praying old hag.
103, 54 подземелье
Wide is the road that leads to eternal torment and many walk it's path.
96, 143 суша
89, 143 суша
An Ancient Pharaoh rises from the crypts to serve you.
Золотой голем
88, 141 суша
Since you have found the Eye of Osiris we will join your forces.
136, 119 суша
As you enter the Catacombs of Jerusalem it is dark and deathly quiet. You the drip of water and smell of decay. Supposedly many great warriors are buried here, even kings. Many of whom were buring with their treasures. Hmmm...
124, 138 суша
Hell's Gate
117, 5 суша
118, 8 суша
123, 6 суша
124, 29 суша
Welcome to Hell! We've been waiting, hee, hee, haaaaa....
108, 38 суша
Welcome to Paradise! No more tears and no more grief.
124, 140 суша
Your men are terrified to go on. You aren't really going to step through that gate are you? You explain that there really isn't any hell. Hell is just made up by a bunch of church people to scare the rest of us into being good. This statment immediately begins a heated arguement. Your sargeant, a massive creature who has won you countless battles, says, Sir, in all respect, what if there is a hell? Hmmmm...
123, 32 суша
You walk into a nightmare of fire. The heat sucks the breath from your lungs and the skin blisters on your arms. Hideous laughter echoes in the darkness and the stench of sulfur is putrid. Your men fall to the ground weeping and clawing at the gate which is now dead. Nuts, there really is a hell. Now you have done it.
124, 23 суша
Out of the lava hideous creatures attack!
111, 128 суша
Heaven's Gate
110, 130 суша
Your troops are terrified. You aren't really going in there they cry! You explain that there really isn't a heaven. It's just something religious people make up to scare others into being good. This immediately begins an argument. Your sargeant, a massive creature who has won you countless battles says, But boss, what if there is a heaven? Hmmmm...
107, 37 суша
Each step on holy ground burns your troops and scream and howl and claw at the gate that is now dead. You gaze across the lake at hell and for the first time in eternity long to be there again. The holiness of this place is is agony to your corruptness. Seeing the gold and the beautiful women in the distance you summon the courage to move on.
107, 39 суша
Suddenly the forces of heaven attack!
116, 47 суша
You hear a voice thunder from all around you. You may have escaped this time, but next time there will be justice! The ground shakes and your terrified troops scramble for the gate so fast they drop much of the gold and jewels they had gathered.
107, 40 суша
As you walk in this wonderland of delights the spirits of your men leap like calves released from the stall.
125, 4 суша
You scramble to get out of hell as fast as you can. Your remaining troops are burned and bleeding, some have gone crazy and druel from open mouths. A hiddeous voice echoes from everywhere. Go now, but one day you will be mine forever! Laughter echoes and chills run your spine. If there is a way never to return here after death, you swear, you will find it.
117, 6 суша
Your servants bring your weapon.
Хижина предсказателя
135, 14 суша
There is one disgusting artifact that we must destroy at all costs. It is called the pendant of holiness. Several of the Christian leaders might be carrying one. Bring to me to destroy and I will grant you an orb of fire.
Золотой дракон
45, 5 суша
You notice a gleaming crown on one of the dragon's heads.
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