Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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The Celestial Council has decided to rely on your military expertise to command the Elemental forces and conquer the continent of Betoria. As you approach the shores of Betoria, dark clouds begin to form in front of you. Just a few hours from land a fierce storm breaks over your invasion fleet...
The Celestial Council has decided to rely on your military expertise to command the Elemental forces and conquer the continent of Betoria. Your invasion force was almost completely destroyed in the fierce storm while approaching the continent. You narrowly escaped death and with a handful of warriors managed to save two ships. Establishing a foothold in a nearby fishing village was easy for fishermen put up no fight at all. Now you're left on your own devices once again...
A ragged fisherman is brought before you. Your Advisor urges you to hear his tale. You nod an agreement. The fisherman almost too terrified to speak mutters
Where is the enemy?
Things are not as they should be! The most important question is - where is the Betorian Royal Navy? They should be aware of our presence by now even though the invasion fleet is reduced to junk floating the seas. Not even a scout ship was sent! Betorians are either incredibly strong to ignore our growing presence or just plain stupid. You decide to send forth small scout teams to find out what are Betorians up to.
Near the road to the Faerie Dragon's dwelling there is an old hollow monolith. The monolith has some very strange runes written all over it. Just this morning Valerius came before you and announced that this is some kind of a portal to the mainland but, sadly, operated from the other side. You dismissed him, deeply troubled. This provides the Betorians a perfect back door to your castle. Certainly the Betorians are toying with us - their forces can walk in here any time. You summon the Advisor and order him to further fortify the town and always keep reserve forces in readiness.
Pixie Delegation
So much faith in me and all for naught. The invasion fleet is in ruin. Few sorry remains of once mighty army managed to get to this shore. At times I wish I drowned with the rest. All that remains for me now is to fortify this village and give the Betorians a fair fight. Your brooding is interrupted by your Advisor
Monolith - 2
This morning you took a ride round this tiny island. Stopping briefly by the Monolith you could almost feel the tension building on the other side. Intuition tells you it will be used in near future. Seen from here your stronghold looks fragile and easily breachable. If only there was a way to send some scouts to the other side or even better - destroy this cursed monolith.
Query for help
This morning you decided to ask the Celestial Council for help. Small delegation was sent on a rather small boat across the Ocean. You won't see the reinforcements for months even if they decide to help.
The Celestial Council was in good humor, they indeed have sent the requested reinforcements and furthermore have decided not to chop off your head and appoint a successor. You can't help but ask yourself if you were successful enough so far or rather there were no applicants for your position.
Walking the shore you notice two shipwrecks. You shudder at the thought of the power involved in such a fierce storm. Surely this one is a further confirmation that forces of nature are stronger than human. Scanning the horizon it occurred to you that there could be other survivors apart from your two ships. Retrieval of possible survivors and artifacts is now of paramount importance.
Request for reports
This morning you summoned your Advisor and ordered him to make a report on current situation. As an afterthought you added Make it brief!
You have found the requested report on the desk this morning. It really is short - you mumble scanning through it. It reads
Advisor intercepted you on your way to the kitchen. My Lord, another troubling... You cut him with a wave of hand. You really don't need more troubling news this morning. Last night's news on rogue water elementals was troubling enough. Right now food is the only thing that troubles you ... more stinking fish. It is past time to find another cook.
A ship appeared this morning on the southern horizon. Unable to suppress curiosity you rode to the harbour to wait for the delegation from the Celestial Council. You arrived at the same time as the ship. News is indeed good. Elemental forces were being gathered at the time of ship's departure and will arrive within two months. There also was a heated debate in the Council following the news on invasion failure - your destiny will be decided with the arrival of reinforcements.
Possibly the greatest loss for this campaign is the absence of Phoenixes. Few minutes before the storm broke over the invasion fleet they fled. You can only hope that when they reach the Celestial Council they will be summarily executed for their desertion. Well, one really can't blame them - in a storm that fierce they would have been extinguished for certain.
You had a very strange dream last night. You dreamt of yourself standing on a small volcanic island clad in shiny armour, wielding sparkling blade and lazily fending off angry dragons. An old man was standing beside you radiating content. You woke feeling good but soon realized it was only a dream. If only dreams were true...
Some good news at last. Your warriors have found your old friend and childhood tutor Valerius alive floating the seas near the island. He is exhausted and starved but will live. You spend half the day by his bed watching his uneven breathing. Thank heavens Valerius did not wear armour for he would be sleeping with the fishes by now, with majority of invasion force.
Breakfast / Eye
You had breakfast this morning with Valerius. He is recovering well from hypothermia. Taking him on a tour through the city you eventualy arrive to the Eye. Valerius is thrilled and starts examining the Eye. After several hours you start yawning but Valerius takes no notice of you. You rode to the city and upon arrival order your cook to send some food to Valerius. Knowing Valerius he will spend weeks examining the Eye.
The Eye
There are stables to the south of the city. You decided it is time to get yourself a mount. But as you approach the stables you notice a monstrous thing. There is a huge eye(!?) standing on a number of tentacles just off the road. It slowly rotates and scans the entire area. As you approach it cancels its rotation and focuses on you. You slowly circle the huge eye but its gaze never leaves you. After a few moments you realize it makes you nervous. With a flick of your fingers you cast a magic arrow and hurl it in the Eye. It just blinks and absorbs the arrow. This is making you very angry. But with the blink of eye the Eye absorbs your lightning bolt and fireball. You spend several hours trying to kill the Eye but it just continues blinking and absorbing your magic. Finally you admit defeat but not before ordering your soldiers to hack at tentacles. In the end you are left with a lot of broken weapons and you are fit for bed.
The Eye - 2
This morning Valerius joins you at the breakfast. He asked you if you have found out the Eye is indestructible. You stare at him for a while and he finally drops his gaze. Guess you know. he mumbles. After a while he continues rather excited This eye is probably one of many on this continent and is built for purposes of spying... He continues, but you stop listening to him. So! This is a reason why the Betorians aren't sending any scouts. They know perfectly well what we are doing and are probably amused with our weak efforts to stay alive.
Monolith - revelation
Valerius invites you for a ride. As you have nothing better to do, you agree. Stopping by the monolith he quickly dismounts and you realize he took you here on purpose. He slowly touches the monolith and elaborates My friend, did you know there are two kinds of monoliths. This is a one-way monolith and there are two-way monoliths. Naturally this one has an entering point that is almost identical to the exit point. You see, the difference is in the runes. For a set of runes on an exit point there is one and only one possible set of runes on an entering monolith. Can we reverse the process? Let's suppose for a moment that the entering point is in fact exit point. Then there is one and only one possible set of runes for entering point. What I propose is to create a temporary illusionary entering point with this monolith's entry point acting as exit point. He looks at you. Yes, get on with it please! you reply. You could almost kiss him for that. You mount your horse and quickly ride to the town to find some volunteers for the mission.
Illusionary monolith
The day is hot and there is no wind. One hundred volunteers stand and sweat near the monolith and wait for Valerius to start creating an illusionary entry monolith. After ascertaining everything is in order Valerius begins a high pitched chant. And in a few minutes time an illusionary monolith starts appearing. Warriors shouting encouragement started to run through the illusion not appearing on the other side. It works! Warriors have had very simple orders. Scout the entry area; send messengers back and deactivate the monolith from the entry side - no matter how Valerius feels about it. Suddenly Valerius shrieks and drops collapsing the illusion. As you run to the prone figure you realise with dismay that not even a third of soldiers passed through illusion. You crouch by Valerius but he has already left the lands of the living.
You summoned the Advisor and dismissed him fast. There will be three days mourning for poor Valerius. You can't stop blaming yourself for what happened to him.
No news
This morning you visited the cursed monolith. It just stands there without a care in the world. The officer on duty informed you no one came through in the past two days. You assume the worst has happened to your men.
Lookout tower
You order your builders to build a lookout tower for early threat warning. They looked at you strangely for a moment but started working right away. Even the builders know the worst attacks will come through the monolith not by sea. Little do they know...
Lookout tower - 2
The chief builder informs you the requested tower is built. You dismiss him with a wave of hand. These days you find it difficult to talk to anybody. Most of the daily routine you delegated to the Advisor. Now, this lookout tower will be your sanctuary from the world.
A section of the lookout tower collapsed in the night killing the night watchman stationed in the tower. It could have been you up there. Outraged you order your Advisor to bring you head of the chief builder. And he does... but still on his shoulders. He begs for mercy blaming the quality of local wood. This is outrageous... the wood is boards and furniture salvaged from shipwrecks. And our ships are made of finest wood in... Well if they were they would not sink in a storm so easily, wouldn't they? You pardon the chief builder but order rebuilding the tower.
False hope
A tiny fleck appeared on a southern horizon early this morning. Thinking this is a Celestial Council ship you quickly rouse the entire castle. But no ship came to the harbour. At lunchtime you are visited by chirurgeon who prescribes you some medications for better sleep.
Good morning
You really had a good night's sleep with no nightmares. In the morning you feel wonderful. Everything is as it should be - bright, shiny day; happy people around you. You summoned the Advisor and dictated him terms of surrender. He asked terrified Ours, my Lord!?. Of course not - theirs!
The chirurgeon must have overdosed on the drugs he gave you. You barely recall what you did yesterday. Everything seems shrouded in a fog. But after a few minutes of hard concentration you remembered everything. With remembering came the terror and you quickly summon the Advisor. I hope you have not sent those silly, silly terms of surrender? Of course not my Lord. You had me worried. Right, they either surrender without terms, either are completely destroyed.
Thinking out loud
The reinforcements should be on the move by now. Surely the Celestial Council would want to go all the way with this invasion. All seven invasions undertaken by the Council in the past were successful. Revoking the invasion fleet now would paint a real bad picture of the Council. When this is over I am retiring. At least from active military service. I could even take a seat in the Council if I pull this one.
Day D
Early in the morning you summon your war cabinet. The time has come to take the battle to the enemy. Let us bring the glory of the Celestial Council to Betorians. Time of blood, sweat and tears is before us. We shall not fail the Council. That is all. Striding out of the room you feel great. With the reinforcements added to the battle hardened troops you are certain you will prevail. Yeah, right! You know you can not fool themselves, they have seen the reinforcements with their own eyes. But battle is what they came here for and battles they will have.
Where are they?
The reinforcements should be here by now. Two months have passed. What happened? Was there another storm like the one our forces encountered?
Still no one...
You order constant watch to be posted on the lookout tower. Nearly a month has passed and there are no signs of the reinforcements yet. You can only hope the debate in the Council hasn't delayed the reinforcements. It may be the Celestial Council is unwilling to lose more troops in a hopeless cause.
Scout ship
Small scout ship docked this morning in the harbour. Its captain was brought before you. My Lord, I was sent here to scout the way ahead. We have transports ships only and we feared an ambush should Betorians be warned of our arrival. With Your permission I will return to my fleet and proceed here in full speed. We will be here in less than a week. You grant him permission to leave. This is it! Soon we will be able to launch a full-scale invasion on Betorian mainland.
You can not hide disappointment while watching the procession entering the barracks. Were there casualties, battles fought ...? No, they answer, the Celestial Council has decided they could not spare more forces. There is trouble brewing in the west and majority of forces already collected to aid you was sent there. Those here are fresh recruits hastily gathered and trained. Surely, situation is not that desperate...
You find it hard to concentrate on the current tactical situation. The promised reinforcements were supposed to be here. In the unlikely event they used transport ships instead of war ships they would be here by now. Your forces are engaged in skirmishes with the Betorians but there are no decisive victories so far. As soon as one side starts to lose too much forces it retreats. You can't help but feel this is all just testing each other's strengths and weaknesses. And heavens know your forces are weak. Hordes of pixies and occasional Faerie Dragon are a poor substitute for phoenixes.
Our battles are costing as far more than they do enemies. If reinforcements don't come soon who knows how much longer can we hold out. Faerie Dragons are wonderful beasts but they are no match for Phoenixes.
This morning while observing the island from the lookout tower you noticed a huge plume of smoke rising far to the northeast. Volcanic activity is a rare event and in a few hours hundreds of spectators thronged the city walls. Why are there not so many of them on the walls when the city is under siege?
130, 89 подземелье
132, 17 подземелье
Heart of Pain
30, 13 подземелье
Northern Star
34, 86 подземелье
Green Moors
130, 90 подземелье
Next to nothing is known about Gelu's childhood. A youngster by elven standards he marshalled legions in his mid twenties. His men are rumoured to be the best archers in the world.
9, 113 подземелье
Isle of Enlightment
Ящик Пандоры
17, 102 подземелье
A pack of strange looking Dragons are sleeping around the box. As you approach one of them raised his head for a moment and you felt dread so deep you almost forgot the promise given to the old man. After a few moments the Dragon dropped his head and continued to sleep. They are not a least bit concerned about you.
Бездонный мешок золота
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You see enormous pile of treasure defended by several hundred pirates only. Will you attack?
65, 98 подземелье
Silver Anvil
79, 88 подземелье
Dragon Cliffs
34, 121 подземелье
The leader speaks My lord, pirates looted our village and stole our treasures. We will join you and help you crush the pirates.
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Mage Haven
112, 109 подземелье
Black Cliffs
64, 64 подземелье
Bull's Eye
86, 115 подземелье
Клинок Армагеддона
64, 77 подземелье
Storm clouds form above this fragile looking sword. This is it - the famous Armageddon Blade. With it you will be almost invincible. But those ferocious Dragons around are not inclined to give it up without fight. Will you attack?
Хижина предсказателя
45, 142 подземелье
I am the Royal Seer in the Betorian court. I am undergoing an important research and I need two Crystal Dragons. If you bring them to me I am willing to part with three hundred of my newest constructions - steel coated golems.
Хижина предсказателя
114, 129 подземелье
Ho, there wanderer. Come closer for I have a proposal for you. A group of villains stole a family heirloom from me
Талисман маны
72, 72 подземелье
There is a group of Rogues gathered around the Talisman of Mana. Rather a large group at that; no less than several hundred. Is it time to pile up some more bodies around you?
Хижина предсказателя
102, 73 подземелье
I am researching a way to turn base metals into gold, but I am short of materials for my workshop. If you could bring me 500 Wood and 500 Ore, I'll enchant you so you will never run out of spell points. Almost.
12, 141 подземелье
A young genie, even by their standards, Brissa joined the Elementalists not completing her Wizard training. An excellent all-rounder, she devoted herself to personal gain, rather than specializing in any school of magic.
72, 14 подземелье
Help me!
Фиал драконьей крови
143, 143 подземелье
There is a strange looking bottle at the bottom of the Conflux. As you slowly approach, Elementals stir in the Conflux. Will you try to grab the bottle?
Оковы войны
100, 124 подземелье
Roaming the desert you locate a huge pile of bones all heaped together. Binding them together are the infamous Shackles of War. If you are unlucky those are Bone Dragons bones but if you are lucky those are human skeletons. Dare you unbind those bones?
Кулон жизни
111, 30 подземелье
An Azure Dragon guards a pile of bones. You glimpse the Pendant of Life amidst the bones. The Dragon approaches you. Defeat me and this artifact is yours. If I defeat you I get all your artifacts. Do we have a deal?
Башмаки скороходы
131, 143 подземелье
All that stands between you and the Boots of Speed are those weaklings - Gremlins, Peasants, Orcs, etc. Let's end their miserable lives, shall we?
2, 75 подземелье
0, 139 подземелье
You stumble upon some Dragons resting in the woods. One of them approaches and inspects you and then hisses - This is a sorry excuse for an invasion force. After some thinking he continues - My fellow Dragons and I are a bit bored. I'll make you a proposal - defeat us in a fair fight and we'll join you, for a price. We especially love Gems but some of our brethren love Crystals, and some even love Sulphur. Yuk; can't stand Sulphur. Well - so long. You are a bit puzzled, but these Dragons are certainly tough looking beasts and could be invaluable aid in your conquest. Maybe this invasion will not be doomed, as it seemed from the start.
10, 136 подземелье
Sir Roger
Sir Roger is a mercenary attracted by loot and pillage. He is an outstanding leader with excellent battle skill. Nothing is known about his childhood but those few who doubted his knighthood in his vicinity, never lived to regret it.
103, 61 подземелье
14, 103 подземелье
On a path to the volcano an old man approaches you. He speaks
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My Lord, so good of you to have come.
137, 78 подземелье
Cursed Island Stay away!
130, 70 подземелье
Cursed Island Stay away!
140, 70 подземелье
Cursed Island Stay away!
94, 84 подземелье
There is an old hut nearby. It looks deserted but you decide to inspect it for valuables. As you dismount a pretty girl comes out of the house and smiles at you speaking
Ящик Пандоры
136, 62 подземелье
Mortal! Run back with your tail between your legs while you still have any! The voice booms seemingly from nowhere. Do you dare open the box?
Ящик Пандоры
92, 33 подземелье
It is unnaturally quiet here. You can not hear anything from the non-stop volcanic activity in the area. Your sixth sense warns you of the danger lurking in the box. Dare you open the box?
Ящик Пандоры
70, 8 подземелье
A thin voice is barely heard coming from the box
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