Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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New World Computing
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Once upon a time, many hundreds of years ago, the country of Denmark was divided up between seven different landlords. Can you unite the country without losing Harald in battle?
The year is 983 A.D. You, Harald Blaatand, the proud emperor of Vendsyssel, the northernmost part of Jutland, are satisfied with life and yourself. A little fighting, a little hunting, a little fishing, a little loving, and everything is fine.
Starting message Two
Or maybe it would, if it wasnґt for those jerks over in Aggersborg, a town to the southwest. They sent you a message last night, saying that they regarded themselves as independent from now on, and that youґd best stay out of their way.
Starting message Three
Youґre irritated a bit, but not much. The guys from Aggersborg use to be full of words, but when it comes to fighting no one can stop you and your army anyway. A few weeks preparation and a fast little expedition to their town should be enough to convince them to join your little kingdom again.
Henrik enters the scene (I)
Suddenly the sky opens in front of you, a man plunges out of the clouds and right into the haystack beside your horse. You get the poor fellow out of the haystack, get him to your castle, give him a bath and something to eat. As he starts to speak to you, he is a bit difficult to understand because of a strange dialect which youґve never heard before - but his story is staggering !
Henrik enters the scene (II)
My name is Henrik, the man says, while looking at you closely, and am I right that youґre the legendary Harald Blaatand ? Yes, I am, you confirm astonished, as youґre sure that youґve never met that guy before - and with the clothes he is wearing he certainly doesnґt come from Vendsyssel. Well, I thought so...I remember your picture from my history book. Maybe I should explain... Pretty good idea, you think for yourself, not knowing what to say anyway. Iґm born more than a thousand years after today, in a time where time travel just has been invented, and I planned to visit the year 1983, but by mistake I entered the year 983 into the computer instead, and now Iґm here. Now my only hope is to find the famous underground city called the Towers of Time, find the time machine that has been hidden there for a million years, and to travel back to the year 2001. By the way, it is told to be hidden in the south of Denmark underneath an island. Being the proud emperor you are expected to be, you wonґt show that you merely havenґt understood a word of what Henrik just has told you. But one question seems to be important. Where does this country Denmark lie ?, you ask, I only know Frederikshavn, Aggersborg and the rest of Vendsyssel You havenґt even crossed the Limfjord yet ? God gracious. Well, donґt you think itґs time to get started to conquer and unite the lands to the south of the Limfjord and to found Denmark ?, Henrik cries. Well, honestly, I havent thought about this yet...But it sounds like a whole lot of fun, by the way... What about a deal?, Henrik asks. I can help you with my knowledge about the lands of the other side of the Limfjord, and you can help me to reach the Towers of Time. Hmmm...what if I donґt like to ? You have to... itґs history. Well o.k., you agree, but first we have to conquer Aggersborg...Iґve had some problems with the folks from Aggersborg lately.. Sounds like a good start, Henrik states with a smile.
The future
Well you ask Henrik tell me about the future then. What is it going to be like? What is supposed to happen during the next thousand years? What does the world look like in your time? Henrik hesitates, and then finally answers: Well I donґt think I should tell you too much about it, because it may only confuse you or make you uncertain about your destiny. But I can tell you things have changed a lot. People become a hundred years old and are more than six feet tall. They can travel to any other place on earth in a few hours, they live in comfortable houses and things that are taking you a few days to produce can be done in a few minutes. Sounds great you say, and think for yourself that maybe you should try to travel into this fantastic future together with Henrik. But our problem is, Henrik continues, that not only have we effectized the good things, but also the bad things. Weґre producing that much that weґre destroying the whole planet on the way, and in our last major war not a few hundred but tens of millions of people died. Your future sounds like a really crazy place to live in you conclude, lean back, and, after having a good look at the stars in the clear night sky, you decide to concentrate on this reality and the things you do understand, and you agree with yourself that the pork being grilled on the campfire in front of you will be a really good start to this indeed.
The football match
Why did you do this, you ask Henrik, why did you take the risk to travel through time? For a change, Henrik looks like he doesnґt want to tell. But finally he mutters that it was because of a football match that heґd like to watch. And before you ask, he continues a football match is a game where twenty two men run behind a ball and try to spark it into a certain place called goal. Who could possibly be interested to look at such a stupid game !, you say. Well, the match I wanted to see was followed by about 40.000 people, Henrik defends himself. You wonder for yourself how your species could degenerate that fast that in only about a thousand years it would spend its time this way and like it !
Living on an island
Well then, you ask Henrik what do the people in your time think about my time? They pity you a bit for the lack of all the comfort and the hard way people have to earn their living. But most of all, they prefer to look at it in quite a romantic way. They envy you for your life in harmony with nature and without all the pleasures and curses of civilization ! Actually, some people like the idea of living this way that much, that they retreat to small uninhabited islands to live a simple life in peace. You silently agree to all of this but the peace and think that living the medieval way maybe isnґt that stupid anyway...
I noticed, you hear Henrik saying, that Alchemistґs lab of yours. What exactly are they producing in there ? Just the normal stuff, you reply, mostly Mercury. Thatґs fine, Henrik says. I was afraid they were working on producing gold by alchemy. For one thingґs for sure - even in the year 2001, people still havenґt found out how to do that. Youґre right, you hear yourself say, I also wondered who on Earth could be that stupid to believe in such things. Never mind, you think to yourself. Stopping your secret gold-producing program will save you some money to buy troops for!
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As you ride towards the learning stone in front of you, Henrik gets this strange look of deja-vu on his face again. You reckon this place ? you ask him. Actually this stone will still be standing here in a thousand years he answers. When this war finally is over, youґll engrave the foundations of Denmark into it. In my time, everybody knows this place as Jelling, and everybody knows you, and the stone, as the start of modern Denmark. As an emperor, youґre used to be filled with self-confidence - but now your morale is on the way to heights unknown even to yourself !
3, 101 подземелье
This is the most sandy place youґve ever seen. Of course, also in Vendsyssel there are a lot of sandy beaches, but down here the sand seems to be about everywhere. It slows down your army, creeps into your shoes, your clothes, everywhere. Itґs really disgusting. Actually, Henrik tells you, this area is quite popular in my time. A lot of people come to spend their holidays here, espacially from Germania. Their holiday? In this desert? Yeah, they say that itґs a nice contrast to the towns they use to live in, and they pay a lot of money to be allowed to stay. Feeling nicely confirmed in your opinion that a) your time is a bit more logical than this future Henrik is talking about and b) that the folks from Germania are a bunch of complete jerks, you take of your shoes and let the sand drizzle out of them. You decide to lead your army out of here to avoid a complete morale breakdown - but then you get an eye on a red tent on the horizon and continue towards it.
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You stand in front of the gates of the town of Roskilde, a dreaded Inferno Castle. What kind of creatures shall we expect to meet in here?, Henrik asks. A lot of different horrific species, you reply, and if weґre very unlucky, we might have to confront some devils. I guess thatґs why the locals call this island the devilsґ island. Probably youґll never understand that guy. Right now you surely donґt. Or can anyone understand why Henrik just keeps on laughing and laughing ? A few minutes later, youґre starting being concered if Henrik will remember to breathe in between all his laughing. Certainly this is one more of those jokes which only the Danes of the year 2001 can understand. Anyway, your troops seem to take his laughter as a sign of being fearless, and you can feel how everybodys spirit is rising. Attack, you shout.
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Ribe, Henrik narrates, is a well-known town in the Denmark of my time. Not because itґs that big, but because itґs known to be Denmarks oldest town, with a lot of old-fashioned buildings. Certainly not older than 983 A.D., you think for yourself, as your troops start to attack !
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I know, Henrik admitts, all this conquering of Denmark was my idea, but couldnґt we have waited til springtime with attacking Eastern Jutland? I told you its a cold and hilly place. Youґre right, you say. No one could possibly be so stupid to attack in the middle of the winter. And, you smile at Henrik, because everyone in Eastern Jutland thinks the same way, itґs exactly what weґre doing.
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The swamps of Germania arenґt really your cup of tea. Itґs wet everywhere, hundreds of millions of mosquitoes seem to be interested in your blood, and a surprise attack may happen any moment. The only positive thing is that these mosquitoes arenґt bigger, you think for yourself. Or arenґt they ? Ambush ! you cry to your men.
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Well, Henrik says, now that weґve conquered and explored about all of Vendsyssel, it is time to have a look at the rest of the country to be called Denmark. Actually, he wanders, Iґm a bit surprised that you havenґt tried to cross the Limfjord yet. Itґs not that big, isnґt it... You knew that you would be asked that question at one point, and as itґs clear you canґt escape from answering any longer, you decide to get things said straight. Thereґs only one reason, you mutter. Iґm getting seasick just looking at the sea. That night, youґre quite close to executing this irritating time traveller, who canґt stop walking around the camp laughing to himself The great Harald Blaatand...seasick..., but you finally decide to let him be, because you donґt want trouble with fate, history or anything similarly important. The next morning, youґre happy to find out that this was a good idea. We should start with having a look at the island called Mors, just southeast of here. Iґm sure we will find some kind of treasure there., Henrik says.
Хижина предсказателя
92, 22 подземелье
Iґm an old and sick man, and my only hope for survival is the Vial of Lifeblood. Sadly my family has lost it some years ago, and the last time it was seen was in the region of the border to Germania. I need to get the Vial of Lifeblood before the third month is over, so if you could bring it to me by then, you would be well rewarded.
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All the creatures on this island look as if theyґre part of a fairy tale you say to Henrik. Actually, he replies, in some hundred years, one of the worlds best known writer of fairy tales, Hans Christian Andersen, will live and work on this island. Well, now I know at last, where he got all his strange ideas from. Youґre looking at the town in front you. You know one thing for sure - the things which are going to happen in a moment or two shouldnґt be used in a story for children...
74, 17 подземелье
52, 80 суша
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Ящик Пандоры
119, 69 суша
Well, you didnґt REALLY think this was for free, did you ?
58, 66 суша
Tower of Times
54, 68 суша
A fantastic city rises in front of you. Even the regular Conflux towns are spectecular, but this one beats them all. And this is because of the four thin towers which are rising high above the city. They must be nearly a hundred metres high, and theyґre made out of some strange material that youґve never seen before. In addition, the four towers seem to be connected on their tops by a kind of everlasting lightning, which illuminates the dark caverns in a frightening way. There they are, Henrik shouts. The towers of time ! Youґre not that euphorical. Youґre sure that only an extremly powerful hero can inhabit such a fantastical town, and youґre taking yourself in having a feeling that youґve never felt before at any time in your life. Youґre frightened. After all, Henrik seems to able to read your thoughts... The hero living in this town is told to be very, very powerful, he says, but with all our troops and your fighting experience it should be possible to defeat him. Then the last enemy will be defeated, and Iґll be able to return to my time. He looks at you straightly. I wonder if you have considered if you should join me and travel to the year 2001 together with me ? I have you admit. So what are you going to do ? Well, you say silently, Iґve thought about it a lot, but I think I stay where I am. The future may sound fabulous and promising, but also quite frightening. And this is my time, Iґve conquered a whole country, and now I have to rule it wisely. This is not the right point in time - you smile about your own little joke - to leave. Well, Henrik says, I understand that, and actually Iґm quite glad to hear that. You wonder why he suddenly looks at you with a sad look in his eyes. Honestly, he suddenly continues, Iґm not that sure myself that all this mucking through time is a good idea alltogether. You know, history and that kind of stuff... You wonґt tell Henrik now that youґve already decided to destroy the time machine in this town as soon as he has left to his reality. After having a long look at the fantastic structure in front of you, you start to feel the rising unrest and impatience of your troops, and you know that thereґs only one thing left to be done right now. Attack !!
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Weґll thatґs exactly how you thought that the underground would look like. Dead, dead and utter dead. Or maybe not that dead anyway ???
55, 68 суша
(Harald Blaatand really lived. He founded the modern Denmark, but died already two years later in the year 985 A.D.)
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