Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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New World Computing
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For many years the war has raged and now only 2 kingdoms remain. However, the discovery by the Magi of the lost city of Atlantis could swing the battle. For the first to reach this magical city will gain great magical knowledge. For best game use Random towns. By Defiant_6
Know we now the location of the lost city of Atlantas we need a brave hero such as yourself to bring us back the magical knowledge that lies within.Im afraid none of the creatures of Atlantas will follow you(cannot build any creatures)although the rest of the town is fully built(no skyship or cptl).
The Magis Promise(cont)
However we believe the spells will be as usefull to you as they will be to us.Make sure you return through the correct portal as Satans minions await you through your oppenents.(100 Arch Devils)
The Magis Promise(cont)
One more piece of information wich will aid your quest.We have heard rumours of powerfull relics in both the North and South swamplands but also of the terrible beasts that roam them.Beware we have given your enemy the same information as we gave you.Who gives us the knowledge is not our concern.
42, 26 подземелье
30, 44 подземелье
Knowledge is Power but at what cost.....Visitors not welcome here!!!
Случайный город
3, 5 подземелье
The Magis promise
Know we now the location of the lost city of Atlantas we need a brave hero such as yourself to bring us back the magical knowledge that lies within.Im afraid none of the creatures of Atlantas will follow you(cannot build any creatures)although the rest of the town is fully built(no skyship or cptl).
The Magis Promise(cont)
However we believe the spells will be as usefull to you as they will be to us.Make sure you return through the correct portal as Satans minions await you through your oppenents.(100 Arch Devils)
The Magis Promise(cont)
One more piece of information wich will aid your quest.We have heard rumours of powerfull relics in both the North and South swamplands but also of the terrible beasts that roam them.Beware we have given your enemy the same information as we gave you.Who gives us the knowledge is not our concern.
42, 29 подземелье
Only followers of the correct banner may enter.RED to the left and BLUE to the right.Entering an oppenents portal will send you to hell!!(100 A/DEVS)
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Комментарии к файлу "
Conflict Over Atlantis TOH-sod"