Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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A slave revolt has thrown the realm into disarray. Whose side will you take: that of the poor rebels, the wealthy nobles, or the merchants caught in between?
I don't know where the grail is, but the laborers are most likely to have that information.
There is more than one way through the northern mountains, but only one pass.
I understand the valley is loaded with riches and resources. You know what they say, the grass is always greener!
I hear Caitlin got her nose fixed. And Aine got hairplugs.
The tomb of Gursek the Vengeful lies in the eastern valley. They say he was buried with powerful artifacts, but beware...they didn't call him vengeful for nothing!
If you want to be a great hero, study at the university. Unfortuately, their admission fees are steep.
Opening Spiel
The following is a Scholar's account of the events leading up to the present time-the truth of what has happened is for you to decide, but here are the facts: For the past several decades, Marciena has been a fairly prosperous kingdom, but one which was strikingly divided. Three distinct classes worked and coexisted within its borders. In the northern mountains dwells a pair of nobles, Aine and Caitlin, who form the ruling class. They are extremely wealthy and prefer to remain separated from the rest of the realm. The southern swamps and badlands are home to the two slave races that did the nobles' bidding-the Gnolls and the Skeletons (though why anyone would want Skeletons as slaves is beyond me). Between this startling contrast of rich and poor is a sheltered valley, where the merchant's guild is based and plies its trade rather successfully. This status quo had existed for two generations when it was shattered a week ago. Six heroes emerged among the slaves, claiming to be the leaders of a Laborer's Guild and declaring their people free. As if at some prearranged signal, slaves from all over the land traded their tools for weapons. Most of the nobles' forces were caught off guard, and in a series of bloody skirmishes across the kingdom, many were destroyed on both sides. The familiar peace and order have been shattered; lines of communication cut; the extensive (and previously secure) road system has become dangerous to travel; wild creatures are venturing forth to scavenge the battlefields. In the aftermath, the six Laborer heroes have fallen back to the south, and are consolidating their forces. The nobles are scrambling to gather enough Angels and Titans that they may regain control. And the merchants, realizing that this conflict will not only be bad for business, are fortifying the valley. Meanwhile, chaos reigns.
noble intro
As one of the two nobles that rule the kingdom, this sudden uprising has been disastrous, and your forces are decimated. The prosperity and security of the realm (as well as your own plans for the future) depend on plentiful slave labor...can't these pathetic commoners understand? You have fed and clothed them, given them places to sleep, and when you were forced to punish them; it was only out of need to see Marciena flourish. Now this petty insurrection will be taken by your powerful neighbors as a sign of weakness, an opening to exploit. You have no choice but to put it down quickly and ruthlessly, even if it means destroying every treacherous slave from here to the southern ocean. To make things worse, the merchant's guild has ignored your orders to suppress the slaves in their districts, preferring to retreat within their castles and protect their own interests. They, too, must be taught a lesson.
merchant intro
You and your ally are the preeminent members of the merchant's guild, and as such, wholly responsible for its survival. What a time you have chosen to be a leader! With the entire kingdom in an uproar, the stability your guild had depended on is in ruins. You curse the slaves for staging this revolt, and curse the nobles for failing to prevent it. Giants and Angels battle hordes of slaves across the land...even now, fighting continues within guild districts! And yet your hands are tied by the guild council. The council's decision to remain neutral in this conflict (and look after its own welfare) is likely to blow up in their faces. Shaking your head at your guild's inadequate defenses and lack of preparation, you thank the Gods that the council had foresight enough to hire guards for the few gates into this valley.
laborer intro
The waiting is finally over, and now is the time to lead your people to freedom. It is a glorious period in your history, a day when Gnolls and Skeletons stand up together to resist the forces of oppression. As allies in the new Laborer's guild, you will bring an end to the tyrannical enslavement of your two races. The injustices of those that call themselves Nobles will not go unpunished. Neither shall the merchant's guild stand in your way, as they have profited from the sweat of your people for too long. The first week of fighting has been difficult, but the former slaves have managed to cripple the royal armies, and even now, harry enemy forces across the kingdom. You returned home to quickly organize and equip an army. As a hero of the revolution, you have taken it upon yourself to secure independence for both peoples and their children for generations to come. You will not fail.
noble intro cont
While making plans to field a new army, you regret having limited yourself to only the best creatures, as it will slow your recovery. It means that although you've had your differences in the past, you must cooperate closely with your fellow noble. Thinking back, you also should have spent more time developing your combat skills than amassing great wealth. No matter, because soon you can afford a grand enough army to crush the impudent slaves, and restore your rightful place as ruler.
merchant intro cont
While you have managed to cope without slave labor, and your borders are secure, you do not feel that way-for trade has dwindled rapidly, and all the mines for precious minerals can only be found outside this valley. It would serve little use to worry the council, but you do not believe you can withstand a siege for long, if it comes to that. You must secure the resources to build your own army, before either nobles or peasants decide that the guild is a tempting target...
laborer intro cont
Although sure of the rebellion's final victory, you are not blind to your limitations. Your people are poor, too poor to wage war for very long. You also have an army of former slaves, facing near-immortal Angels and Giants. The key to success is in numbers. You must recruit aggressively-and the place to start is near the mines, where your people were toiling for the nobles just one week ago. That very fact will be one of the Laborers' strengths, because rebel forces control the areas where the mines are located. You can deny those resources to the enemy while using them to support your own armies.
You've never had to fight before...but now the situation seems to call for it. Perhaps the University Scholars along the Northeast valley wall know some things that could help you be an effective general...
Today, after your security forces capture several rebellious slaves around the castle, you have them rounded up in the courtyard and executed for treason. You MUST show your subjects that this behavior will not be tolerated.
You learn that the nobles captured several laborers in their castles, and had them executed for treason. Obviously, this move was meant to intimidate your people. Instead, they are more determined than ever.
A grievous result of this uprising is that you've lost your supply of precious minerals from the mines to the south. You will have to find alternate sources of these minerals, even trading with your ally, before you can march south to retake the mines by force...
Since the rebellion started, trade has decreased sharply. Several caravans have turned back, or simply disappeared. If the merchant's guild is to survive this crisis, the matter must be settled soon, and you may need to take matters into your own hands. You may even have to go outside the valley to capture key mines...
Just a few weeks into this cursed uprising, and already the Castle is a mess. What does it take to get some slave labor around here?
As the fighting worsens outside your valley, you realize that the mercenaries guarding your walls will not be enough. It is only a matter of time, now, before the fighting spills into your territory, and then the combatants will only be interested in plundering the guild's assets. You MUST keep them out long enough to build a formidable army, or your peaceful towns don't stand a chance.
Your advisors remind you that, to prepare for the task ahead, you should visit the training grounds prepared between the two Laborer strongholds. They stress the importance of seeing the Witch there, who holds the key to bringing down the Strongholds of those tyrant nobles!
A message arrives from the security company that handles your border gates. Since you're such a good customer, we want to offer you this special opportunity. We'll be sending out two 5th-level creatures to each of your towns, which you can hire at your leisure...that is, provided you have a place for them to stay.
Your latest supply caravan has been lost--your advisors blame the frequent snowstorms, but you suspect it is the greedy slaves trying to starve you out. Protecting your kingdom becomes more costly every day.
The revolution has been hard on many poor families. You donate to refugee relief on behalf of the Laborer's Guild, swearing that you'll take it out of noble hide later.
At last, good news: a trade caravan has arrived in your valley, and you manage to trade foodstuffs for many precious minerals. The council will be pleased. Perhaps this success will make them see things your way...
You finally make back some of what the filthy slaves stole, when your tax collectors reach your castle. Of course, the revenue is only half the usual amount. You torture a few collectors to ensure that never happens again.
Former slaves coming down from the north bring an unexpected bonus--resources from the ill-gotten royal hoard. You dedicate this windfall to the eventual overthrow of the imperialist pigs.
laborer trouble
Though the Laborer's Guild has been quite successful, you grieve at the high number of casualties in the past month. So many have given their lives for freedom, and you wonder how many more must do the same before this rebellion is complete. Your troops may put their trust in you, but you feel reluctant to lead any more to their deaths...
noble trouble
It seems the alliance with your fellow noble is coming apart. Each of you accuses the other of not doing their share, withholding troops while the other takes unaffordable losses. Arrogance may be your undoing, if this cursed uprising doesn't get to you first.
merchant trouble
As the war drags on, and stores begin to dwindle, the council is losing the will to fight. Some are calling for a mass exodus of the entire guild. The lengthy conflict has worn on you as well; but at this point, you refuse to give up on all the work you've done to keep the guild secure.
12, 7 подземелье
Посещение Клерик:
As you sit, frustrated at your inability to quickly raise an army and crush this petty uprising, you realize that the merchant's guild has attracted many more creatures to its banner. If only you could gain access to them...
As your slaves abandoned you for the uprising, they made off with most of the wealth in your storehouses. You were ill prepared for this setback, but you do have several stashes of resources hidden in the mountains, if you can remember where they are...
Escape Tunnel
While the slaves may be causing trouble along the roads, you doubt they could have completely blocked your escape tunnel, which was finished months ago. Little do they know that you still have access to the lower valley, and ultimately, could strike quickly at their base of operations...
marching home
At least there was SOME good news today
After your army has stripped everything valuable from the dead slaves in the area, you have them build improvements onto your Portal of Glory with what they found. Even in death, the slaves WILL serve your purposes.
You've received reports that your best general, Christian, was trapped behind enemy lines with the remnants of his armies, and may now have trouble making his way back. He went south with his forces two weeks ago in order to stabilize the slave laborers and ensure production...which may have been the spark that started this uprising. Collecting your officers in the war room, you start work on a plan to rendezvous with him before the slaves finally catch up...
Случайный город
54, 38 подземелье
I owe
The mercenaries you hired to guard the borders have placed an excellent complement of troops at each gate. The drawback, of course, is that you must pay them a signing bonus, plus a thousand gold each week...regardless of whether they are successful or not. Next time, you'll read the contract more closely!
Still paying
The mercenaries drain another thousand gold from your coffers.
lost business
Your debtors come calling, with no concern for how much your profits have dropped. This war is increasingly costly for the guild, and soon you will need to find alternative sources of income. Perhaps the mines to the northeast and northwest could provide a solution.
The mercenaries have arrived, and are ready for hire...if you can afford them.
Случайный город
34, 52 подземелье
The mercenaries have arrived, and are ready for hire...if you can afford them.
94, 87 подземелье
Посещение Некромант:
As you continue to organize the locals into an effective fighting force, you find yourself wishing you had more money to finance the rebellion. While the wealthy nobles may be out of your reach at the moment, the merchants are living comfortably just to the north...
Unfortunately, in the confusion as the slaves were throwing off the yoke of royal oppression, the tax collectors still managed to escape with nearly all your people's worldly goods. The nobles will suffer greatly for their transgressions!
Scouts report that a caravan taking treasure north has been trapped in a box canyon by your rebel forces. They are nearby to the east.
Since the start of the rebellion, your people's village near the royal castle has been undefended, and it will probably be stormed soon if it hasn't already. You feel a renewed sense of urgency, hoping to liberate the town and its innocent citizens as quickly as possible. It has also come to your attention that one of Aine's best generals was cut off inside your borders. You must hunt this force down quickly, not only to deny them an experienced leader, but also to prevent them from doing any serious harm...
69, 92 подземелье
Посещение Рыцарь Смерти:
83, 95 подземелье
Посещение Рыцарь Смерти:
In a show of solidarity, many of the wounded skeletons in your camp give donate their bones to the construction of a castle. Not only will it protect your headquarters, but their sacrifice will actually increase skeleton production. Now, more than ever, you are sure that you cannot fail.
A particularly high mortality rate in recent battles has filled your storehouse with skeletons. Good thing, as you could use the reinforcements.
20, 88 подземелье
Посещение Зверолов:
Gnolls from distant settlements in the west, hearing of your struggle for freedom, have come to your aid. You welcome the much-needed reinforcements with renewed hope.
25, 100 подземелье
Посещение Ведьма:
As you continue to organize the locals into an effective fighting force, you find yourself wishing you had more money to finance the rebellion. While the wealthy nobles may be out of your reach at the moment, the merchants are living comfortably just to the north... Your advisors also remind you to visit the seer in the Dead Forest to the northwest, as he has wisdom and power that can contribute to your fight.
Unfortunately, in the confusion as the slaves were throwing off the yoke of royal oppression, the tax collectors still managed to escape with nearly all your people's worldly goods. The nobles will suffer greatly for their transgressions!
In a show of solidarity, the local populace bands together to build a castle around your headquarters. Not only does it offer protection, but it will also draw more troops to your cause. Now, more than ever, you feel like your cause is just, and nothing can stand in your way.
34, 93 подземелье
Посещение Зверолов:
You learn about a shipment of treasure chests that were to travel north to the nobles, but now has been cut off by your rebel forces. They have the enemy pinned against the ocean to the southeast.
Since the start of the rebellion, your people's village near the royal castle has been undefended, and it will probably be stormed soon if it hasn't already. You feel a renewed sense of urgency, hoping to liberate the town and its innocent citizens as quickly as possible. It has also come to your attention that one of Caitlin's best generals was cut off inside your borders. You must hunt this force down quickly, not only to deny them an experienced leader, but also to prevent them from doing any serious harm...
95, 7 подземелье
Посещение Чародей:
As you sit, frustrated at your inability to quickly raise an army and crush this petty uprising, you realize that the merchant's guild has attracted many more creatures to its banner. If only you could gain access to them...
As your slaves abandoned you for the uprising, they made off with most of the wealth in your storehouses. You were ill prepared for this setback, but you do have several stashes of resources hidden in the mountains, if you can remember where they are...
Seeing Eye
Thankfully, your network of seeing eyes was in place on all major roads before the uprising began. Now you can still keep track of the unsuspecting slaves, and the merchants as well, since you're not too sure about how they'll react...
You've received reports that your best general, Torosar, was trapped behind enemy lines with the remnants of his armies, and may now have trouble making his way back. He went south with his forces two weeks ago in order to stabilize the slave laborers and ensure production...which may have been the spark that started this uprising. Collecting your officers in the war room, you start work on a plan to rendezvous with him before the slaves finally catch up...
marching home
This morning, two giants from Torosar's original force managed to make their way home. You allow them to rest in the Cloud Temple until they are ready to fight.
After your army has stripped everything valuable from the dead slaves in the area, you have them build an even more glorious Cloud Castle with what they found. Even in death, the slaves WILL serve your purposes.
19, 3 подземелье
Before you lies one of the pathetic slave villages, built here to house your castle's servants. Unfortunately for the town's inhabitants, they support this little uprising. It is time to recapture this town, and make an example of it to those who would oppose your rule!
83, 75 подземелье
The son of a wealthy landowner, Torosar has led Noble Aine's elite forces since his victory at the Dead Forest Incursion. He has also spent much of that time training crack ballista crews in preparation for future border conflicts.
89, 4 подземелье
Before you lies one of the pathetic slave villages, built here to house your castle's servants. Unfortunately for the town's inhabitants, they support this little uprising. It is time to recapture this town, and make an example of it to those who would oppose your rule!
Случайный город
53, 67 подземелье
I owe
The mercenaries you hired to guard the borders have placed an excellent complement of troops at each gate. The drawback, of course, is that you must pay them a signing bonus, plus a thousand gold each week...regardless of whether they are successful or not. Next time, you'll read the contract more closely!
Still paying
The mercenaries drain another thousand gold from your coffers.
lost business
Your debtors come calling, with no concern for how much your profits have dropped. This war is increasingly costly for the guild, and soon you will need to find alternative sources of income. Perhaps the mines to the northeast and northwest could provide a solution.
The mercenaries have arrived, and are ready for hire...if you can afford them.
Случайный город
77, 63 подземелье
The mercenaries have arrived, and are ready for hire...if you can afford them.
Гнолл мародер
5, 3 подземелье
We will fight you to the last man! Down with the oppressive tyrant pigs!
5, 15 подземелье
You'll never get out this way...even if you defeat us!
42, 8 подземелье
You shall pass only over our dead bodies.
49, 3 подземелье
The Angels of these peaks will not be involved in your petty disputes. Begone!
55, 10 подземелье
As you prepare to lead your troops south, a single Angel meets you on the road. Sir, I've scouted the enemy position. They are amassing huge armies as we speak. We must move quickly to crush this revolt! You couldn't agree more.
57, 15 подземелье
Here you are, on the nobles' doorstep. You have learned much on the long road here, and can now proceed with confidence that your army is up to the task.
66, 9 подземелье
As you travel the road leading south, you meet a lone Giant, the last remnant of an entire regiment. He immediately joins your forces, eyes burning hatred. You promise him that his chance to crush slaves will come soon...
77, 3 подземелье
We Titans have better things to do than use peons for target practice. Leave us alone!
75, 5 подземелье
If you want to get by, you'll have to throw us a bone!
Скелет воин
104, 7 подземелье
We're through working ourselves to the bone for you! Long live the revolution!
69, 32 подземелье
As you approach the gates, a bit uncertainly after seeing the opposing force, you are met by an Archangel and a Titan. They have been awaiting your arrival, expecting that conquest of the merchants was inevitable.
65, 39 подземелье
Ha! You will not escape this way!
96, 40 подземелье
With all the boulders lying around it looks like this is a dangerous canyon to wander into--as long as the Cyclopes keep playing dodge ball!
91, 32 подземелье
With all the boulders lying around it looks like this is a dangerous canyon to wander into--as long as the Cyclopes keep playing dodge ball!
100, 63 подземелье
The steady ring of hammers and plume of smoke above the trees remind you that this is Dwarf country...and Dwarves are, in general, grumpy. Not happy. Or bashful.
92, 70 подземелье
The steady ring of hammers and plume of smoke above the trees remind you that this is Dwarf country...and Dwarves are, in general, grumpy. Not happy. Or bashful.
39, 30 подземелье
All around you, the grass has been trampled and heavily grazed. It looks like a herd of cattle have blocked the road here.
30, 33 подземелье
All around you, the grass has been trampled and heavily grazed. It looks like a herd of cattle have blocked the road here.
28, 76 подземелье
You recognize the old church by the road, but the Gargoyles littering the clearing are new...
18, 66 подземелье
You recognize the old church by the road, but the Gargoyles littering the clearing are new...
Хижина предсказателя
10, 73 подземелье
When the gnoll king died, he entrusted to me an artifact for the next hero to lead his people. You could be such a hero, but you must show me that you are experienced enough for such a responsibility. To bear this artifact, a hero must have reached 5th level.
15, 98 подземелье
The Gnolls working in the sawmill let out a cheer as you ride in, and swear their loyalty to the rebellion.
2, 80 подземелье
You have often heard of an Artifact of great power, one that could make any creature tougher, and entire armies able to withstand more damage. You also heard that it was guarded by a terrible denizen of the swamp. Steeling yourself against the danger ahead, you resolve to win that Artifact, for the greater glory of your armies.
95, 106 подземелье
The Skeletons cease laboring in the ore pits, and quietly mingle with your troops.
105, 75 подземелье
Ahead lies the lair of a fearsome trio of Dragons, and also, an Artifact that can speed the feet of any soldier...if rumor holds true. Knowing how useful such an item could be to your cause, and feeling particularly lucky, you press forward.
Хижина предсказателя
76, 86 подземелье
Any true necromancer knows the key to power is sacrifice. Bring me fifty-one skeletons, and I will grant you the power to raise hundreds more.
37, 104 подземелье
These chests are the property of Aine! Keep away!
35, 102 подземелье
We've held them here for you, sir! That's one rich haul they were taking!
47, 91 подземелье
You slaves will pay for your insolence!
49, 82 подземелье
Rogues attack your army, thinking you to be simple travelers. These are not bright Rogues.
63, 80 подземелье
Our masters are watching. There is no escape.
63, 82 подземелье
The Angels ahead have herded rebel forces south, which readily join with your army.
104, 82 подземелье
Begone, peasants! You will not touch our master's treasure!
100, 83 подземелье
Glad to have you here, sir. The enemy is holed up in the canyon ahead, and they're carrying a rich load!
85, 64 подземелье
As you enter the Valley of the Running River, you notice that the waters have been stained with blood. A great battle has been fought here, and the bodies of many titans and many more Gnolls lay about. Apparently, the Gnolls were victorious, and the survivors have gathered around some prize that you cannot see clearly...
89, 65 подземелье
As you approach, you see what spoils of war the Gnolls are protecting.
76, 51 подземелье
Welcome to the University District! Please keep an open mind and a closed mouth.
77, 50 подземелье
As you approach the University District, you notice the ordinarily welcoming portal is blocked by forbidding doors. It looks like the Scholars have holed up in their valley now that the uprising has begun.
106, 55 подземелье
You see a crowd of Enchanters milling about their mystical stones, passing a curious helmet around in a circle. Suddenly, they spot you, and attack!
Страж задания
77, 49 подземелье
We of the university prefer to remain neutral in this troubled time. However, we do crave knowledge. Return here with the Helm of Chaos, and you may learn what you can in our classrooms. The Helm was last seen being carried east by a pack of enchanters...
103, 39 подземелье
Entrance to the tomb of Gursek the Vengeful. Enter at your own risk!
42, 72 подземелье
You stand before the underground tunnel you had dug several years ago, in case of dire need. Now you must make a grave choice. This passage can give you safe and quick access to the east, provided you give the black border guard the password. However, once you've used it, any army can march back and forth through the tunnel, making all the other safeguards on this valley useless.
33, 80 подземелье
Our masters are watching. There is no escape.
32, 83 подземелье
A group of rebels that had been stopped short by Giants quickly attach themselves to your army.
Сказочный дракон
41, 76 подземелье
You see a Faerie Dragon gleefully toying with the warriors of this Hill Fort. If you can rid them of this mischievous beast, perhaps they could train your troops in the art of fighting...
4, 61 подземелье
A crowd of Gnolls greet you with cheers, grateful to be free of the monsters in this valley.
23, 34 подземелье
Veteran troops, decimated by skirmishes, still seem almost fresh as they add to your ranks. Their enthusiasm infects your army.
20, 29 подземелье
Even this far north, former slaves continue to trickle into your army. You can feel momentum gaining for your cause. Soon, the corrupt nobility shall fall!
Случайный малый артефакт
13, 18 подземелье
Several champions circle this artifact, guarding it jealously. Do you wish to challenge them?
61, 78 подземелье
As you approach the gates, you discover that a mass of crack rebel troops have already gathered in anticipation of the assault. They even teach you a thing or two about warcraft. It seems fortune favors the bold, after all. On to liberate the valley!
61, 77 подземелье
As you approach the gates, you discover that a mass of crack rebel troops have already gathered in anticipation of the assault. They even teach you a thing or two about warcraft. It seems fortune favors the bold, after all. On to liberate the valley!
103, 45 подземелье
As you force your way past the guardians of the valley, the Skeletons that were trapped silently take their place among your ranks.
97, 27 подземелье
Even this far north, former slaves continue to trickle into your army. You can feel momentum gaining for your cause. Soon, the corrupt nobility shall fall!
99, 30 подземелье
Veteran troops, decimated by skirmishes, still seem almost fresh as they add to your ranks. You feel as though their mere presence increases your fortunes.
Хижина предсказателя
0, 65 подземелье
So, you think you're some kind of general? Hah! I am not as generous as my fool brother to the southeast. Prove your worth by slaying the manticores in the southwestern mines...they've been feeding on the gnollish slaves for years.
50, 63 подземелье
Welcome to the Atlantean Gardens!
53, 56 подземелье
These gardens are not for you. Feel the bite of our blade!
43, 58 подземелье
We'll guard this entrance to the gardens until our master returns. None shall pass!
57, 65 подземелье
Ahead, you see remnants of the nobles' armies squaring off against the rebelling laborers over some Artifact...
Гнолл мародер
43, 67 подземелье
It seems the once-safe roads have become plagued with rebellious slaves!
Скелет воин
40, 66 подземелье
Apparently, these former slaves have been acting as highwaymen, robbing unwary travelers of their valuables. It looks like business has been good along this road.
17, 74 подземелье
Christian is a rich horse breeder, as well as Noble Caitlin's most trusted military advisor. He has overseen the peace and security of Marciena for a dozen years. He is especially adept at the use of war machines on the battlefield.
Случайный ресурс
95, 49 подземелье
These resources are the property of the Elven Alliance. Do you wish to fight for them?
Случайный ресурс
98, 50 подземелье
These resources are the property of the Elven Alliance. Do you wish to fight for them?
Случайный ресурс
96, 51 подземелье
These resources are the property of the Elven Alliance. Do you wish to fight for them?
Случайный монстр 2
26, 80 подземелье
Since the rebellion started, throwing the kingdom into chaos, wild creatures and highwaymen have made travel dangerous. It seems moving your army will be a difficult task.
Случайный монстр 3
90, 82 подземелье
Since the rebellion started, throwing the kingdom into chaos, wild creatures and highwaymen have made travel dangerous. It seems moving your army will be a difficult task.
96, 48 подземелье
Skeleton slaves, abandoning their posts at the mines, add to your ranks. Their toothy grins give you a warm, fuzzy feeling. You hear rumors that more Skeletons are to be found in the tunnels north of here...
19, 47 подземелье
Several Dnolls have stopped their labors to join your glorious band. In celebration, you instruct the cooks to give everyone doggie treats at supper.
Хижина предсказателя
106, 6 подземелье
If you seek to regain control quickly, the key is in defeating the Naga Queens to the west. Then I will teach you the way.
Случайный малый артефакт
79, 16 подземелье
This artifact is watched over by several Efreet Sultans. Do you wish to challenge them?
Случайный монстр 6
57, 14 подземелье
Since the rebellion started, throwing the kingdom into chaos, wild creatures and highwaymen have made travel dangerous. It seems moving your army will be a difficult task.
3, 96 подземелье
The Gnolls working in the sawmill let out a cheer as you ride in, and swear their loyalty to the rebellion.
11, 88 подземелье
The Gnolls working in the sawmill let out a cheer as you ride in, and swear their loyalty to the rebellion.
13, 105 подземелье
The Gnolls working in the sawmill let out a cheer as you ride in, and swear their loyalty to the rebellion.
22, 83 подземелье
The Gnolls digging in the ore pits let out a cheer as you ride in, and swear their loyalty to the rebellion.
23, 80 подземелье
The Gnolls digging in the ore pits let out a cheer as you ride in, and swear their loyalty to the rebellion.
104, 104 подземелье
The Skeletons cease laboring in the ore pits, and quietly mingle with your troops.
104, 94 подземелье
The Skeletons cease laboring in the ore pits, and quietly mingle with your troops.
97, 99 подземелье
The Skeletons cease laboring in the ore pits, and quietly mingle with your troops.
72, 86 подземелье
The Skeletons cease chopping down trees, and quietly mingle with your troops.
79, 83 подземелье
The Skeletons cease chopping down trees, and quietly mingle with your troops.
Случайный монстр 3
30, 79 подземелье
Since the rebellion started, throwing the kingdom into chaos, wild creatures and highwaymen have made travel dangerous. It seems moving your army will be a difficult task.
Случайный монстр 3
79, 78 подземелье
Since the rebellion started, throwing the kingdom into chaos, wild creatures and highwaymen have made travel dangerous. It seems moving your army will be a difficult task.
Случайный ресурс
11, 55 подземелье
These resources are the property of the Elven Alliance. Do you wish to fight for them?
Случайный ресурс
12, 57 подземелье
These resources are the property of the Elven Alliance. Do you wish to fight for them?
Случайный ресурс
13, 54 подземелье
These resources are the property of the Elven Alliance. Do you wish to fight for them?
68, 62 подземелье
Halt! There is to be no traffic on this road, by royal decree!
43, 93 подземелье
Before you lies the arena, where the cruel nobles used to pit gnolls and skeletons against each other, in order to entertain and subdue their own peoples. Luckily, the experience from that barbaric practice can be used to your advantage.
61, 79 подземелье
You find yourself on the border between the merchant's valley and the squalid slave camps. Prior to the uprising, you had never had reason to travel this far south. Even now, you plan to spend only as much time here as it takes to exterminate the rebellious slaves!
48, 49 подземелье
As you approach, you recall that the man imprisoned here was once the merchant guild's greatest caravan master, but once caught smuggling gems out of the north, the nobles locked him up as a warning to the guild. The Archangels guarding him waste no time in falling upon your army.
Хижина предсказателя
6, 18 суша
Those that would rule must present the open hand of diplomacy as well as the closed fist of authority. Show me the former by bringing the Ambassador's Sash, and I will provide you with the latter.
12, 27 суша
Near here, you see the hidden garrison of five Angels, charged with protecting your back door. The faithful troops assigned to this post will defend the tunnel to the last. Hopefully, this minor uprising will not come to that.
14, 30 суша
The intelligence about tunnel guards was correct
20, 37 суша
Your spies report that the nobles may have placed a small force to guard the tunnel ahead. Proceed with caution...
13, 51 суша
Your faithful comrades-in-arms have succeeded in digging a connection to the filthy Nobles' escape tunnel. Now, your forces have an opportunity to strike directly at the heart of their corruption...if you can only exploit it.
15, 48 суша
You realize, to your horror, that the peasant laborers have actually managed to mine their way right into your private escape tunnel. They will pay dearly. Still, you are hesitant to venture down into their mines, as the stench of Gnoll is very thick.
1, 105 суша
You are welcomed to the subterranean mines by the stench of sweat and blood. Here, the Nobles forced your people to dig in horrific underground conditions, where they were hunted by unspeakable creatures of the dark...and now, you have arrived to reclaim them. These mines also hold the laborer's greatest secret
43, 71 суша
Secret Passage to east...Never Use!
95, 37 суша
Beware--you are entering the tomb of Gursek the Vengeful! Turn back now or suffer his curse!
95, 25 суша
Perhaps you should have heeded the warnings...you are set upon by a horde of undead!
89, 30 суша
Anyone else would be deathly afraid at this point, fearing the wrath of the undead. Being undead yourself, you shrug and go ahead anyway. In fact, as you press deeper into the tomb, your army attracts even more Skeletons!
12, 58 суша
You should have been more careful...a Gnoll ambush pours out of the walls!
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