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Герои 3 - карта Capture the Flag

29/05/2015Файл к игре: Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia

Capture the Flag
Трейнер к игреHeroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
Ещё называютГерои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
Вышла на платформахPC
РазработчикNew World Computing
Дата выхода1999-03-01
You know the rules, get the flag in the middle and take it back to your base before the other teams can tag you. Or invade the other teams' areas and get the keys to their mines.



Capture the Flag0.01МБh3m

Capture the Flag


  • Gold Mines
    The keys to the Sea Captain's Hats are behind the Gold Mines.
  • Opposite
    The opposite corner is looking for something in your cave.


  • Welcome!
    You have been chosen to represent your kingdom in a massive game of Capture the Flag. Everybody starts out equal: One square of land, and a cave of mines underground sealed away from your opponents. All you have to do is reach the island in the middle, dig up the flag, and return to your castle.
  • Oh, Yeah...
    Oh, I almost forgot. To reach the obelisks, you not only have to sail to the four islands at the cardinal points, you have to venture to the enemy's territory. While you're there, find the tent to access their mines, or take them out all together! Just remember that they're out doing the same thing.


  • Указатель
    • 35, 36 подземелье
    • Сообщение: The grail is buried somewhere on the island. Hurry up, the eye sees all!

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