Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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Mordred is about to unleash the ultimate evil magic upon Camelot. King Arthur, his knights, and Merlin must destroy Mordred and his minions. Warlords in nearby lands (and caves) try to sieze any opportunity they can in this time of chaos. Play as any color (all have their own stories and events).
You receive a letter from your most trusted general Lemmix Moss. It reads, 'Preparations are complete, we have the resources we need and the forces necessary to conquer every warlord in the land. King Arthur and Merlin should not be able to mount a counter offensive for several months.
Cursed Land
One of your Power Liches approaches you to speak, 'Overlord Mordred, all preparations are complete. The required sacrifices have been made. The spell can now be cast!' You turn to face Camelot's mighty walls, 'The time has come...'
Dead and Dying
You raise your arms skyward and begin the incantation. Your voice is amplified by the dark magic's force. Pitch-black clouds rush in from the horizon and begin to swirl overhead angrily. The lands below gray, all living creatures collapse and die, and all things green wilt and turn to dust.
Evil's Time
Upon completing the incantation you collapse to your knees. The spell has drained you severely. Nevertheless, you must proceed with the siege of Camelot. Looking up, you see the great castle before you and you know that it is weak. Once it is overrun you can rest within it walls and recover.
Merlin's Seers
You stand back from Merlin and his Seers as they chant their incantation. You are desperate to learn any news of Camelot and the siege. The chant stops and Merlin turns to give you a grim look. 'What is it! What is going on?' You demand.
The Answer
Merlin gestures and the seers exit Blue Sky's main hall. Merlin speaks, 'our spell revealed that Mordred has used an evil magic spell that I am not familiar with to slay most of Camelot's garrison. His army is of such power that he could have conquered the castle easily without the spell.'
The Answer II
Merlin continues, 'Lord Arthur, I fear the spell has some other dark purpose. Further, the power required for such a spell is far beyond Mordred's abilities. I believe he must be drawing mana from more than one cursed undead fortress in a nearby land.'
The Answer III
Merlin continues, 'I suspect the only way to remove his spell over the lands of Camelot would be to find and destroy his empire of the damned completely! We must act as soon as possible. We must marshal the Tower forces of my arch-magi allies to crush him.' You nod in silent agreement.
Mordred's Attack
One of your surface scouts returns with shocking news. He speaks, 'Sire, I witnessed Mordred's army passing through a valley below me. Legion after legion of undead! Camelot will surely fall soon if it hasn't already.' The scout watches his king awaiting a response. Ivor sits on his throne in quiet consternation. Finally he asks the very patient scout to help spread the word that he is calling a town meeting of critical importance.
The Arrival of Hell
One of your legion of spies returns with good news, he speaks, 'Sire, I witnessed Mordred's army passing through a valley below me. Legion after legion of undead! Camelot will surely fall soon if it hasn't already.' You grin at the thought of all the death and destruction to come.
Hell's Angels
It is time to use the chaos created by recent events to bring hell to earth. An opportunity such as this will never come again, your demonic hordes will march forth and destroy! Everyone shall die! You will personally welcome the souls of the new dead to your soul cages deep in the bowels of hell.
Cave Man
One of your legion of spies returns with shocking news. He speaks, 'Sire, I witnessed Mordred's army passing right over my head. Legion after legion of undead! Camelot will surely fall soon if it hasn't already.' The spy watches you, as you do not answer whilst in deep thought.
Cave Man Make Choice
It was a difficult choice. You could lay low (very low) and wait for things to calm down. Or you could utilize the chaos created by recent events to expand your empire below and above ground. You decide that an opportunity such as this will never come again, you must march forth and conquer!
The Desert Queen
Sandra Lorn the Desert Queen has long been known for her adventurous spirit. Her husband, King Crag Hack, is a legendary warrior and a great military leader. Both sense something big is about to happen. King and Queen agree to act quickly when it does. The dream may come true!
The Swamp Queen
Tallas Link the Swamp Queen is legendary for her seductive ways and fiery spirit. Her husband, King Tazar, is a legendary warrior that has led their armies time and again to victory. Both sense something big is about to happen. King and Queen agree to act quickly when it does.
The Caravan
One of Tazar's subordinates reminds him of the caravan that vanished a week ago. The subordinate speaks, 'Sire, some valuable supplies were lost in that caravan. We should make an effort to find it as soon as possible, before the resources are squandered by the thieves.' Tazar nods in agreement.
Mordred Strikes!
One of your legion of spies returns with shocking news. He speaks, 'Sire, I witnessed Mordred's army passing through a valley below me. Legion after legion of undead! Camelot will surely fall soon if it hasn't already.' The spy watches you, as you do not answer whilst in deep thought.
The Time Has Come
It was a difficult choice. You could lay low and wait for things to calm down. Or you could utilize the chaos created by recent events to expand your empire. King and Queen decide that an opportunity such as this will never come again, you must march forth and conquer! The time has come!
Ramparts Help
Sir Galahad brings something to your attention. 'Sire, scouts report that there are two rampart towns to the northeast.' You wonder what help they would be willing to provide for your cause.
Underground Paradise
Queen Aera and King Ivor have ruled over the lands of Shangri-la for many years. Both have ruled with the same ideals. They believe that all living beings are free insofar as their freedom does not infringe upon other beings freedom. There are no taxes in the lands of Shangri-La. The castle was built and is maintained with voluntary contributions from generous citizens. Ivor and Aera's popular ideals have made them the most beloved rulers of Shangri-la in its many centuries long history by bringing the citizens unprecedented prosperity through freedom.
The Good Fight
Both King and Queen know that there has never been a better time to destroy all of those who would be tyrants and despots both above and below ground. They promise each other that should one of them perish the other will continue fighting until freedom reigns!
Lemmix Has More Responsibilities
Both Lemmix Moss receives a message from Mordred that reads, 'Lemmix, I'm entrusting you with Morgan's safety. I don't want Morgan to be involved in my war. You are to expand the empire any way you can, but do not enlist Morgan's help. If she suffers one scratch, I will end your existence.'
Crag and Sandra's Dream
Sandra and Crag Lorn have long shared a sleeping dream. For both of them it is the same. They stand together on a high mountain peak. Under the clouds that are gracefully flowing beneath them, are the lands of Camelot. They know that all those who would subdue or rule them are dead.
Dream of Reality
These lands are for the individual's spirit. These lands are for the lone adventurer. Crag and Sandra made a decision long ago when they first realized that they shared this dream. They decided to build an army that was strong enough to destroy every other major power in the land.
The Plains of the Four Winds
For many years they have built this army. It has been guarding the mighty gates that protect the Plains of the Four Winds. But now it is needed to make the dream a reality. Once all those who would rule are destroyed, Crag and Sandra will return to these windswept plains with peace of mind.
The Only Way
Mordred's strength is daunting. But now is not a time to cower and be fearful. Now is the time to conquer! Crag Lorn is the greatest military leader that has ever lived. Sandra Lorn is the greatest mage to have ever lived. Together they must win this war.
The Goal
Once the war is won the army shall be maintained to enforce the anarchy. It will only be used when an upstart tries to gain power over or cheat others. There shall be no more rulers. Crag and Sandra will only serve to maintain and lead the army, which will be turned into a volunteer force.
Living in Fear
Queen Tallas and King Tazar agree that for far too long they have lived in fear. Fear of being conquered, fear of invasion, they must find a way to conquer these fears. Now it seems as the entire world has a hold of their throats. King and Queen agree that they must move quickly for theirs is not strategically sound position.
King Tazar is a master tactician who is capable of pulling stunning victories from seemingly impossible circumstances. However, both his and his wife's hopes are dim. They reassure each other that they can win the wars to come without truly believing ultimate victory is possible.
The Victory
The only way to settle their fears of defeat is to destroy all of those who have the power to invade the Bog of Eternal Stench. Every fortress, every stronghold, every castle must be conquered. Every opposing army must be utterly eliminated. Only then can Tazar and his lovely wife live in peace.
You convene your war council to discuss the problem of the warlords. Sir Galahad speaks, 'Sire, our spies have confirmed that several warlords from the northwest and southeast will attempt to use the chaos created by Mordred's attack to expand their empires. Something must be done!'
Galahad continues, 'We must complete our primary objective first, the elimination of Mordred and the destruction of his undead empire.' Percivale pipes in, 'I disagree, we should conquer the warlords first. Their lands will provide us with the additional resources needed for victory!'
The Choice
You raise your hand to quiet the din after Sir Percivale's words, 'I agree with both Sir Galahad and Sir Percivale. We should focus our main efforts on Mordred but we must not ignore the warlords in the process. We must fight this war on more than one front. Merlin nods to you in agreement.
The Real Objective
You can't help but grin. Camelot is yours and shall provide a central point from which to begin your search for the Holy Grail. Once it is found your power will be godlike. Still there is a slim risk that it could be found by Arthur or a warlord first. You mustn't allow that to happen!
Sir Galahad's Mission
You grant Sir Galahad's request for private counsel. Sir Galahad speaks, 'Sire, I believe that Mordred intends to find the Holy Grail. We will surely be crushed if he or a warlord finds it first. We must make it our top priority to locate and recover the Holy Grail!'
King Arthur's Order
You speak, 'Galahad, I believe that you are truly pure of heart. I agree that we must make finding the grail a priority. Therefore, I give you that mission. Your quest is to find the Holy Grail. You may enlist the help of all of our other generals in this quest.'
Greatest Hope
You send a message out to all your generals, 'our first mission must be to find the Holy Grail before King Arthur, Mordred, or anyone else. Its' power will be the key to our success. If we find it first we will be able to conquer Camelot and all of the surrounding lands!'
Ajit Ponders
Whilst examining one of your cartographers maps an interesting thought pops into your head. What is the source of that annoying light in the tunnels to the south and southeast? Neither you nor your scouts have been able to find any cave-ins or holes in the rocky ceilings of those areas.
Ajit Ponders II
Your curiosity is overwhelming. You must find the source of the light. You have wondered since you were a child why many tunnels to the south and east seem to be brighter than tunnels to the north and west. You have suspected that the answer lies in the realm of magic and mysticism.
Ajit's Concern
If the source is indeed magical, you may have potential enemies in the Underearth. They could be as dangerous as King Arthur or even Mordred. But how could they have hidden themselves for so long? You have never heard any tales of other civilizations in the Underearth. It is a mystery.
Ajit's Concern II
You have made your decision. You must find and destroy the source of the light. The Underearth must be thoroughly explored and charted before conquering the surface dwellers. In order to conquer all of the surface dwellers you must have complete control of your cool, dark, and damp home.
Pain Bringer of Pain
Long have you awaited times such as these. With every war comes a great wind through hells chambers and halls. The wind brought about by thousands of souls quietly passing by. They all have the same destination, a bundle of nerves entangled in a body that you created to expierence pain.
Pains Pleasure
Indeed, you spend most of your days during peaceful times designing new ways for damned souls to experience pain. With each passing day hell brings with it more hurt. And that pain is what drives you. It is what gives you power. Pain is what you crave more than anything else.
Plan Pain
This craving, this need, it has become overwhelming. Your desire for it cannot even be satiated by the new souls that a great war brings you in bundles. No, you must now have a hand in this conflict. You must have control.
Pain Killer
If you have control over life and death, you will be able to satisfy your need for fresh souls whenever you want. Whatever stands in your way must be destroyed. You dream about your future rule. What a splendid time it shall be, all the fear...all the sorrow......all of the PAIN!
24, 125 подземелье
Orange Sky
Боевой маг
38, 8 подземелье
Sandra Lorn
Sandra met Crag Lorn long ago before he was a Lord when they both were teenagers. They shared everything together including their philosophies. They have shared a dream of true freedom for everyone since they met. In their travels they met an ogre mage who shared their philosophy. They traveled with him to his home of Dolere where they soon discovered that he was actually the King of Dolere. Sandra and her husband soon gained the acceptance of the towns residents. One day, two years after Sandra and her husband settled in Dolere they received word that the King laid on his deathbed. They rushed to see him. His final decree was to give his thrown to Sandra and now Lord Lorn. The king said 'I have given you an opportunity to fulfill your dreams. Do not waste it!' Sandra and her husband were devastated by the loss of their king. What a stunning gift he had bestowed upon them! Sandra wept tears of sorrow and joy the entire night. In the morning she awoke to find her husband in the war room examining troop reports and maps.
85, 75 подземелье
The halberdiers raise their weapons and yell, 'For Camelot! CHARGE!'
88, 78 подземелье
The halberdiers raise their weapons and yell, 'For Camelot! CHARGE!'
81, 83 подземелье
The halberdiers raise their weapons and yell, 'For Camelot! CHARGE!'
78, 79 подземелье
The halberdiers raise their weapons and yell, 'For Camelot! CHARGE!'
77, 84 подземелье
The halberdiers raise their weapons and yell, 'For Camelot! CHARGE!'
86, 68 подземелье
The halberdiers raise their weapons and yell, 'For Camelot! CHARGE!'
83, 66 подземелье
The halberdiers raise their weapons and yell, 'For Camelot! CHARGE!'
79, 62 подземелье
The halberdiers raise their weapons and yell, 'For Camelot! CHARGE!'
69, 82 подземелье
The halberdiers raise their weapons and yell, 'For Camelot! CHARGE!'
65, 77 подземелье
The halberdiers raise their weapons and yell, 'For Camelot! CHARGE!'
62, 80 подземелье
The halberdiers raise their weapons and yell, 'For Camelot! CHARGE!'
86, 84 подземелье
You extend an offer for the zealots to join your force. The zealot who hears the offer responds by launching a bolt of energy in your direction, which misses your head by inches! You yell, 'Kill them all! Bring me that monks head!'
85, 85 подземелье
You know that zealots have arranged an ambush for you. Confident in your vastly superior force you order your army to march straight into it.
93, 87 подземелье
The leader of the marksman yells, 'You shall not defile our school fiend!'
96, 86 подземелье
The leader of the marksman yells, 'For King Arthur and all that is holy we shall never submit to your evil!'
98, 85 подземелье
The leader of the marksman yells, 'For King Arthur and all that is holy we shall gladly sacrifice our lives in battle!'
63, 57 подземелье
A large group of champions guard this library. Their leader speaks, 'we shall defend this library and the knowledge it contains with our lives. King Arthur's armies shall never give in to the forces of evil! Good shall prevail!'
71, 55 подземелье
You enter what appears to be an empty coliseum. Zealots appear in the stands all around you and a battle begins! You yell, 'its and Ambush!' and duck for cover.
66, 51 подземелье
The leader of the marksman yells, 'For the glory of Camelot and the knights of the round table! Attack!'
84, 49 подземелье
The leader of the marksman yells, 'King Arthur shall return and Camelot will be free! We shall never give up!'
78, 57 подземелье
The halberdiers raise their weapons and yell, 'For Camelot! CHARGE!'
72, 60 подземелье
The halberdiers raise their weapons and yell, 'For Camelot! CHARGE!'
52, 86 подземелье
139, 134 подземелье
Murky Bog
Случайный великий артефакт
143, 0 подземелье
A large pack of snarling cerberai is guarding an artifact atop a huge pile of bones. Shall you attack the hell dogs and take the artifact?
139, 135 подземелье
King Tazar
King Tazar has grown out of his wild youthful days of adventure. He now focuses his attention on the rule of his kingdom. He is a harsh ruler, but ignorant peasants must be ruled harshly. He believes that order can only be maintained in his kingdom through the employment of intimidation. Those who would commit acts harmful to the kingdom must fear the consequences of their actions. Many peasants believe however that Tazar's sentries enjoy beating up peasants a little too much.
6, 18 подземелье
Lord Lorn
Crag Lorn met Sandra long ago before he was a Lord when they both were teenagers. They shared everything together including their philosophies. They have shared a dream of true freedom for everyone since they met. In their travels they met an ogre mage who shared their philosophy. They traveled with him to his home of Dolere where they soon discovered that he was actually the King of Dolere. Crag and his wife soon gained the acceptance of the towns residents. One day, two years after Crag and his wife settled in Dolere they received word that the King laid on his deathbed. They rushed to see him. His final decree was to give his thrown to Crag and Sandra. The king said, 'I have given you an opportunity to fulfill your dreams. Do not waste it!' Sandra and her husband were devastated by the loss of their king. What a stunning gift he had bestowed upon them! Sandra wept tears of sorrow and joy the entire night. In the morning she awoke to find her husband in the war room examining troop reports and maps.
115, 137 подземелье
West - Dragon's Eye Pennisula East - The Bog of Eternal Stench
129, 40 подземелье
North - Land of Fire South - Land of Hellfire
114, 70 подземелье
North - The Lands of the Dead South - The Bog of Eternal Stench
98, 86 подземелье
Northwest - Camelot Southeast - The Bog of Eternal Stench
41, 69 подземелье
East - Camelot North - The Plains of the Four Winds
54, 5 подземелье
West - The Plains of the Four Winds South - Camelot
42, 110 подземелье
North - The Plains of the Four Winds South - The Quiet Forest and the Griffan Keep Mountains Southwest - Blue Sky and the Lands of Magical Cold
11, 26 подземелье
North - The Plains of the Four Winds South - The Quiet Forest and the Griffan Keep Mountains
40, 109 подземелье
You sense that Merlin's power source must be nearby. You chant as you march onward. Your magical words cause all living things in the landscape around you to wither and die. Soon, all life in the lands of Camelot will be extinguished and your undead armies will be invincible.
76, 15 подземелье
The stench of death is almost overwhelming. The warm, damp air seems to make the stink palpable. You feel as though you are gulping down quantities of rotting flesh with every breath. Praying that this ordeal will soon be over you press on. A rotting humanoid fist punches up through the ground.
5, 115 подземелье
The Forever Dunes
31, 26 подземелье
As you approach the town you see a large group of ogre magi milling about. The largest ogre spots you and yells, 'Me will crush you! Die puny weakling!' The orges cheer and begin to charge your army.
Султан ифритов
140, 8 подземелье
Efreeti fill the skies here. Looking skyward you see countless fire trails darting in and out of the dark ashen clouds. A group of them bar the way into the town. Their leader looks at you and laughs, 'I have ruled here for centuries! You dare challenge my rule?' You signal a charge.
Летучий змий
126, 113 подземелье
As you approach the town ahead, a buzzing sound grows louder and louder. Every time you look to where the buzzing is coming from you only see a fast retreating shadow. The town gates yawn before you. As you step forward the air roars and the sky darkens with a swarm of dragon flies.
Капитан кентавров
39, 118 подземелье
A group of haughty centaur captains approach you as you enter the town. Their leader speaks, 'Entrance fee is 10,000 gold! Pay or leave!'. You turn your back to him to face your army, 'All forces.... FULL ATTACK!'.
Высокий эльф
47, 113 подземелье
A group of grand elves approach you as you near the town. The lead elf speaks, 'Sire, I'm afraid that our town is free and shall always be free as long as I'm alive. I do believe you fight a good fight, but my town and my people needn't be a part of it.' You signal your army to charge.
121, 26 подземелье
West - The Lands of the Dead East - The Lands of the Damned
132, 101 подземелье
On this side of the gate you notice a slight stench of death. Something or someone must be rotting nearby. You shrug it off and proceed.
3, 66 подземелье
Your eyes ache. The brightness of the surface world is very difficult to take. Your sole wish now is to kill all of the threatening surface-dwellers as quickly as possible. Then you can retreat back to the quiet, cool darkness of your underground home as the supreme overlord of Camelot.
3, 64 подземелье
You can't help but feel ill as you approach the source of Merlin's sickening good magic. Oh, how you wish you could torture and kill all of those who live in the lands to the south from afar. Alas, you must go there and do the job yourself. It is the only way to make sure that it is done right.
118, 77 подземелье
Even though you and all of your troops have a piece of cloth to breathe through, the stink is still almost unbearable. The hot wind seems to carry the stench of a thousand rotting corpses with it. Many of your soldiers have become ill. There is no turning back now, you must press on.
124, 27 подземелье
You feel as though you're inside a blacksmith's furnace. There are mirages everywhere; the earth is boiling beneath your feet. The air is so hot and thick that you find it difficult to breath. You know you and your brave army must press on. All the creatures in these lands must be banished.
10, 143 подземелье
Finally you and your army reach the highest point of the mountain pass. You cannot believe your eyes as you gaze into the valley. The entire landscape appears to glow and the sky seems to sparkle. You imagine what wonders await you in this mystical land as a sweet wind rushes from the valley.
38, 64 подземелье
The sky overhead begins to clear as you progress north. The eastern horizon still has the unending blood red hue. The dying lands of Camelot lay behind you. The graying hills and dying forests fade into the distance. You are glad to leave those forsaken lands.
98, 87 подземелье
The skies crackle overhead with an evil energy. The western horizon has a seemingly permanent blood red hue. The dying lands of Camelot lay before you. The once rolling green hills and fertile forests have begun turning a dull, dead, and dusty gray.
99, 88 подземелье
The sky overhead begins to clear as you progress east. The western horizon still has the unending blood red hue. The dying lands of Camelot lay behind you. The graying hills and dying forests fade into the distance. You are glad to leave those forsaken lands.
Доспехи из окаменевшего древа
22, 113 подземелье
Mounds of sand seem to move about on their own here. It looks as though something is crawling around just beneath the surface. You shrug it off. You notice a strange artifact half buried in the sand. As you near it, the sands surrounding the area seem to shake and shift. Do you try to take it?
Колье заклинателя
100, 131 подземелье
Elemental energies fill the air here crackling all around you. Fire and water ripple across the ground moved by the swirling winds and quaking earth. A man runs to you from the chaos, 'Take it, I don't want it! The elements are trying to kill me!' Do you take and defend the artifact from the elementals?
Часы недоброго часа
142, 0 подземелье
You come upon three arguing arch-devils. They seem to be having a disagreement regarding an artifact. The biggest devil keeps waving the artifact in front of the other two. The big one notices you and speaks, 'Here we go! Test subjects, I'll prove you two wrong right now!' Do you challenge them?
73, 68 подземелье
73, 72 подземелье
The scene before you is horrific beyond description. Corpses and skeletons lay strewn about the landscape. 'They were only humans, who cares.', you think to yourself. You hear an anguished cry from one of your soldiers. You turn to see a corpse gnawing at the screaming soldier's ankle.
122, 27 подземелье
Ahhh, the invigorating smell of the dead. The air is thick with it here. Standing in the breeze, you pause for a few moments to take in the sweet aroma. There are so many souls to claim in these lands and the rest of the world. You are giddy at the thought. With each death your power grows.
73, 73 подземелье
The scene before you is truly beautiful. Corpses and skeletons lay strewn about the landscape. 'I can feel their souls passing through me!', you think to yourself. You hear a cry from one of your soldiers. You turn to see a corpse gnawing at the screaming soldier's ankle.
73, 70 подземелье
Mordred is the bastard child of King Arthur. The evil witch Morgan raised Mordred after he was abandoned as a baby. While he respects and listens to Morgan's words he forges his own path. With each undead fortress that he and Morgan built using their evil magical powers his power has grown. Finally he has the power he needs to cast the spell, which will bring an end to King Arthur's reign. The spell shall be cast on the castle Camelot itself. It will radiate from Camelot draining the life from all that it touches as it slowly spreads. As the spell curses more and more land Mordred's power shall grow immeasurably! Soon he will murder his father King Arthur and all those who follow him so that he may take Arthur's crown. Mordred intends to keep Arthur alive long enough to see the last acre of the lands of Camelot blanketed by his evil spell. He will have vengeance on his father. Then he will rule the cursed lands with an iron fist, and all those who would oppose him will die horrible deaths.
73, 71 подземелье
Finally you have reached the gates of mighty castle Camelot. There are skeletons and rotting corpses strewn everywhere. These bodies were once the noble townsfolk who lived in and around Camelot. You hear a startled yell from one of your soldiers. One of the corpses is chewing on his foot!
74, 69 подземелье
A friendly request to all visitors of Camelot
Карты пророчества
17, 47 подземелье
You find a deserted encampment. It appears that its inhabitants have met with an unfornate end. Their bones litter the area. You hear strange noises comming from the surrounding dunes. Some bizzare creatures must nest nearby. There are some luminescent cards here, do you take them?
52, 66 подземелье
Zealots guard the University. Their leader steps forward to speak, 'This is a place of higher learning! This is a place of god! Remove yourself and your pagan army of heretic scum from these holy grounds immediately! If you do not, I shall have you forcibly removed!' You laugh, and your lieutenants follow suit. The zealots don't appear to be amused.
38, 65 подземелье
The sky overhead begins to clear as you progress north. The eastern horizon still has the unending blood red hue. The dying lands of Camelot lay behind you. The graying hills and dying forests fade into the distance. You admire Mordred's evil magic. You almost want to spare him. No! All must die!
Земной элементал
59, 28 подземелье
A large group of earth elementals slowly emerge from the nearby bubbling pools of mud. They don't appear to be very friendly.
Земной элементал
58, 21 подземелье
A large group of earth elementals slowly emerge from the nearby bubbling pools of mud. They don't appear to be very friendly.
25, 74 подземелье
The skies overhead are swarming with angels. Spectacular golden rays of light pierce the billowing cumulous clouds above. It seems as though you have found the very gates of heaven!
30, 74 подземелье
'This mine is the property of GOD!' screams an angel guarding the mine you're approaching. The angel froths at the mouth and has the look of a madman. He yells again, 'you will leave immediately! Or I will personally rip your beating heart out of your chest and show it to you as you die! HAHAHAHA!'
24, 70 подземелье
Agni is a philosopher and teacher. His beliefs have frequently come in conflict with various religious factions. He believes in science before religion. He believes in total personal freedom so long as that freedom doesn't interfere with others freedom. Long has he taught such things at his university. Recently he was taken prisoner by a few zealots outside of his home. The zealots turned him over to several angels who were visiting the zealot's monestary making collections. Agni was told he had a choice. Either he could admit that he is wrong about many of his ideas concerning theology and science or he could be imprisoned until he was an old man. One angel made of point of telling him that if he tried to run and hide he would be found then tortured and executed. Agni being a stubborn sort refused to admit having wrong ideas while insisting he was free to think and say whatever he wants. Seeing no other avenue to resolve the matter, he stoicly accepted his prison sentense.
24, 71 подземелье
As you approach the prison a group of angels swoop down out of the sky to confront you. Their leader speaks, 'I hope you haven't come to free our prisoner! He is pagan agnostic scum! He has been, and always shall be in prison for his dangerous beliefs! If you try to free him, we will kill you!'
27, 70 подземелье
A group of angels are guarding the gold mine here. However, they appear to be rather bored. One of them casually approaches your force, 'Hey, we have been here a long time man. Jeez.u...ah-hem, I mean a LONG time, like we are talking centuries here man. We need some action in our lives! Say, would you want some company?'
24, 72 подземелье
31, 25 подземелье
Ogre Haven
Случайный монстр 2
10, 126 подземелье
There is an extremely long line waiting to get into the coliseum. Curious about how much one must pay to be a spectator, you stroll to the front of the line to ask a ticket taker at the entry gate. The line becomes rather disturbed by your apparent attempt to cut to the front and a brawl breaks out. You and your men are forced to fight for your lives.
Ящик Пандоры
1, 95 подземелье
Will you foolishly open Pandora's box? Are you really that stupid?
4, 99 подземелье
Isle of the 7 Theives Come visit our Island where all seven of the greatest theives in the history of our world made home base.
52, 87 подземелье
You always get that warm fuzzy feeling when you kill zealots. It appears that the fanatical zealots here have dismantled the once great walls of Titangel castle. They probably used the stone from Titangel's walls to build their nearby monasteries. It is time for them to reverse the damage and rebuild Titangel. You will take glee in handing out the whips.
41, 110 подземелье
You hear one of your soldier's shout, 'Ambush!' The earth shakes as a legion of centaurs appear on every horizon! You scream, 'ATTACK! Kill them ALL!'
24, 126 подземелье
In the distance, you notice a lot of movement around Orange Sky's mighty gates. As you get close enough to see what it is, you cannot believe your eyes. Legions of gremlins and master gremlins are pouring out of the gates! You gesture toward one of your lieutenants who then gives the signal for a full attack.
3, 103 подземелье
After anchoring for the night in the calm waters of this channel an inventory check reveals that you have lost a great deal of gold, gems and crystal. Thieves must have boarded your vessel at night and stolen the goods right from under your sleeping guard's noses. They were bold thieves indeed.
16, 102 подземелье
All is not well.
34, 31 подземелье
To ye who reads this message, Help! Angels have unjustly imprisoned me near the gates of heaven!
80, 37 подземелье
I can't stand it anymore. I have to tell someone! The Isle of the Seven Thieves is located in the far Southwestern sea.
118, 105 подземелье
Death! Death to all who oppose us!
6, 36 подземелье
Have you ever had that sinking feeling?
77, 111 подземелье
Damn! I almost survived my shipwreck.
53, 15 подземелье
Hey, I'll bet that you can't say that you have been shark bait before! Well....I can!
84, 121 подземелье
The last time I saw dry land I killed someone. Well, you ask, why did you do it? I guess it's because I don't like land.
91, 81 подземелье
The gates of heaven can be found on an isle just Northwest of Titangel! Trust me I know, because I'm dead.
56, 20 подземелье
The Bottomless Abyss Beware of ocean winds and unstable ledges.
51, 22 подземелье
Legend has it that looking into the abyss brings bad luck. The temptation is irresistible. You lean over the edge to see what appears to be a truly bottomless pit. Just then, a powerful gust of wind hits you from the ocean to the west. Several supply carts tumble into the waiting abyss.
Дендроид воин
47, 127 подземелье
You come to a clearing in the forest. A great library has been overgrown by trees here. As you near the library's steps you hear creaking and rustling noises growing louder and louder. Some of the trees around the library are moving! Roots burst from the ground and begin to entangle your army!
40, 67 подземелье
The skies crackle overhead with an evil energy. The horizon has a seemingly permanent blood red hue. The dying lands of Camelot lay before you. The once rolling green hills and fertile forests have begun turning a dull, dead, and dusty gray.
Рыцарь Смерти
88, 12 подземелье
Lemmix Moss
Lemmix Moss died in a battle against King Arthur long ago. It was King Arthur himself who had slain him in the fight. Mordred discovered Lemmix's grave as a child and always remembered his story as local peasants told it. Lemmix was the first undead to be risen by one of Mordred's dark spells. For last few years he has earned Morgan and Mordred's trust as an advisor and leader of an undead army. Lemmix's true goal is to slay the one who had taken his life long ago on the battlefield...King Arthur.
Волшебный свиток
26, 68 подземелье
Ahead you see a pair of archangels examining a scroll. One yells at the other, 'you idiot, for it to work we need to be next to some water! What are we going to do? Carry it to the ocean?' The angels notice you and assume a defensive posture. Do you wish to fight them for the scroll?
Случайный монстр 5
38, 127 подземелье
These creatures appear to be guarding some sort of artifact. Your approach triggers an aggressive and swift response!
38, 79 подземелье
There is still time to rescue me! I'm sure that I'm almost alive! Please hurry, I'm on a volcanic Isle near the land of the dead!
126, 27 подземелье
And you thought the air in the Land of the Dead was hot. You wonder what hellish horrors await you beyond these mountains. It seems as though there is an evil supernatural force laughing at you somewhere nearby. The laughter doesn't seem to cease. You may be going mad.
125, 27 подземелье
The volcanic cliffside to the north sounds as though it is crumbling. Rocks tumble down the slopes periodically. You and your nervous troops glance up the cliffs every few seconds. You hear someone yell, 'Heads UP!' The cliffs turn a red as a legion of familiars come pouring down like a wave.
132, 103 подземелье
There is a lot of noise on this side of the gate. The swamp is a buzz with animal life and running water. The thick fog that drapes the land here keeps you from seeing very deep into the bog. Sensing danger, you suddenly hear what sound like an army of dogs growling. A legion of gnolls emerges from the fog!
90, 86 подземелье
The leader of the marksman yells, 'We shall never submit! For Arthur and for Camelot we will fight to the end!'
74, 141 подземелье
I done got me 157 dead pikeman killed..... they were all certified!
0, 98 подземелье
The pirates that stole gold and resources from you whilst you were anchored in the channel must be based nearby. Perhaps you can discover their enclave and retake what is rightfully yours. You look forward to killing them.... in a slow painful manor. Yes, a very slow, very painful manor.
0, 94 подземелье
You come to the peak of a huge sand dune. On the west side of the dune you discover a massive pirate enclave. Some pirates are guarding a giant pile of gold and treasure while others are digging huge holes near a large palm tree. A pirate notices you and yells, 'Arrr, thieves be spyin' our gold!'
50, 77 подземелье
The Lands of Camelot South - Titangel East - Camelot North - The Plains of the Four Winds Southeast - The Bog of Eternal Stench
72, 106 подземелье
Underearth Entrance, Extinguish all sources of light before entering the Underearth or face capital punishment. -Underearth Overlord King Ajit
78, 52 подземелье
The leader of the marksman yells, 'The knights of the round table shall prevail over evil! We shall never give in!'
Случайный ресурс
135, 134 подземелье
As you near the theives guild you notice a ragged looking group of gnoll marauders guarding a shack. One of the gnolls jumps up and examines you by sniffing and prodding you with his dagger, 'You don't look very...friendly. Act nice or I kill you! I took from caravan leader, he nice, he agreed to give.' Do you fight him?
Случайный ресурс
48, 128 подземелье
After hours of hacking your way through the forest you come to a small clearing. At the opposite end of the clearing you see a huge tree. It is the tallest and widest tree you have ever seen. There is a small cave dug out of its base. It looks safe, do you wish to explore the cave?
139, 87 подземелье
You come to an altar of sacrifice. The bodies of hundreds of marksmen lay in a sea of gore around the altar. The few remaining marksmen beg for mercy. They get on their knees and pledge their undying loyalty to you. You say, 'See, it isn't so hard to make a deal with me. I can be fair, hahaha!'
136, 125 подземелье
You find a massive pile of glittering gold next to a large murky pond. Your gleeful troops begin to grab handfuls of it when the pond water begins to swirl and churn. Suddenly the water explodes skyward as two angry chaos-hydra's emerge! Do you wish to fight them for the gold?
130, 141 подземелье
Tallas Link
Tallas Link is a beautiful temptress. She was born a peasant but one day caught the eye of the King as he led a military procession down the capital Murky Bogs' main street. He immediately proposed to her and she accepted with a sly grin. She enjoys every minute of being a Queen. Tazar has given her free reign so long as she doesn't interfere with any of his plans. She relishes her royal status and will do anything for her husband to keep it.
6, 17 подземелье
7, 132 подземелье
Red Sky
140, 138 подземелье
'Sire! Sire!', one of your subordinates asks for a word with you. You nod approval, 'Sire, legend has it that there is a haunted temple in this part of the bog. Indeed as a child I ventured this way once and came upon a temple. I heard terrible noises from inside it. We should turn back now!' You promptly remove the subordinate's command lecturing him on the finer points of bravery.
141, 138 подземелье
You come to an ancient temple. Vines overgrow its entrance. You order the temple doors cleared. The job is done quickly. As you walk up the temple steps you notice strange noises emanating from inside. You see small lights darting through the darkness. You boldly enter anyway.
23, 138 подземелье
You find a beautiful hidden glade at the end of a long path through a forest. The air here seems to sparkle with even more magical energy than the rest of this astonishing valley. There is an old monk sitting on a rock near the middle of the glade. He speaks softly, 'I am a teacher, and I can see that you wish to learn. Allow me to impart my wisdom upon thee.'
3, 140 подземелье
Blue Sky
134, 23 подземелье
This town has apparently been overrun by cerberai! A large group of the hell dogs charges toward you!
Боевой гном
55, 125 подземелье
The legends of a great war machine factory in this area appear to be true. There are many dwarves wandering around this area. Some dwarves are obviously scouting about for potential mine sites and other foundry materials. A large group of battle dwarves block the path ahead.... guards.
Случайный ресурс
55, 124 подземелье
You come to a quarry where a large dwarven mining operation is in operation. The dwarves are stacking their resources in large piles out in the open. Do you wish to commandeer the materials to aid your war effort?
36, 25 подземелье
Exploring this area you come to a wind swept dusty valley on a beautiful clear night. Ahead, you can see several ogre magi sitting around a campfire. You wait as they finish their spell chant before you approach. Their leader offers the services of his tribe and his weapon to your cause.
Случайный ресурс
142, 38 подземелье
You find a group of horned demons hanging out by a large pile of resources. You ask what they are doing there. One of them responds, 'None of your damn business!' Do you wish to attack?
Случайный ресурс
137, 1 подземелье
It appears that you have found an efreeti stockpile of resources for the nearby town. The stockpile is heavily guarded by efreeti and efreeti sultans. Do you dare attack them?
Случайный ресурс
138, 1 подземелье
It appears that you have found an efreeti stockpile of resources for the nearby town. The stockpile is heavily guarded by efreeti and efreeti sultans. Do you dare attack them?
143, 37 подземелье
You find a group of horned demons hanging out by a large pile of ore. You ask what they are doing there. One of them responds, 'None of your damn business!' Do you wish to attack?
143, 38 подземелье
You find a group of horned demons hanging out by a large stack of lumber. You ask what they are doing there. One of them responds, 'None of your damn business!' Do you wish to attack?
117, 137 подземелье
The swamp air is humid and rank. The ground squishes with each step. There is a strange buzzing noise that seems to be emanating from every corner of the bog. As you progress the buzz grows louder. You notice a green fog approaching from the east.... Wait! That is no fog!
50, 141 подземелье
West - Blue Sky and the Lands of Magical Cold East - The Quiet Forest and The Griffan Keep Mountains
1, 100 подземелье
The isle is crawling with bandits and brigands. You feel as though you have thousands of eyes looking you over. A group of bandits begins to form in your path in front of some sort of thieves den. As your force nears the den the bandits begin to form ranks. You yell to your troops, 'Show them no MERCY!'
34, 43 подземелье
You have discovered the fabled fortress known as the Azure Spire. You have always believed it to be nothing more than a legend. It is a wonder to behold. You direct your attention skyward noticing lights moving in and about clouds. The lights are beautiful and conjure up fond childhood memories of watching your torch carrying guards wander through fog around your castle at night. But the lights begin to swarm angrily overhead. One of your scouts wielding a telescope shouts, 'They are birds! Giant birds made of hellfire!' You run to the scout and grab the scope from his trembling hands. You watch in horror as the swarm begins a dive straight toward you and your army.
34, 42 подземелье
Azure Spire
Водный элементал
33, 45 подземелье
It appears that many sailors have tried to enter this water elemental guarded alcove. The debris of many ships lay smashed on the surrounding rocks. The water elementals notice your ships and begin closing in on you at an alarming rate of speed!
86, 12 подземелье
Morgan is a powerful witch with dark ambitions. After finding an abandoned Mordred she felt that she had found a way to get back at Merlin and King Arthur for their transgressions against her. She taught Mordred the dark ways of necromancy and nurtured his anger against Arthur and Merlin. The day Morgan has dreamed of has come. Soon Arthur and Merlin will be dead and she will rule by her adopted sons side! All the peasants and nobles of Camelot who rejected and despised her witches' ways shall pay dearly.
140, 84 подземелье
Pain has ruled in the plane of the damned for eons. Long has he dreamed of escaping from hell to rule the world of the living. Only death brings him comfort. His quest for a gateway to the world of the living has finally ended. An ignorant Warlord who believed a mass sacrifice would grant him magical powers instead caused a portal between the world of the living and hell to open. Pain emerged with his wife Villia Scume to begin their rule of eternal terror and pain!
71, 78 подземелье
The halberdiers raise their weapons and yell, 'For Camelot! CHARGE!'
134, 78 подземелье
Villia Scume
Villia Scume is actually a collection of the most evil women's souls bound together by Pain's hellish powers. She exists to serve and bring pleasure to Pain.
70, 48 подземелье
Gelu had vanished many years ago after undertaking a journey to the fabled dragon utopia north of Camelot. He had always dreamed of exploring that region. Everyone assumed him to be dead after he did not return for more than a year. The year stretched into a decade. But Gelu had not been killed; in reality the dragons had captured him. The dragons were curious about how intelligent such a small being could become. They intended to study him and test him over the remainder of Gelu's pitifully short lifetime. The dragons would take him to the dragon utopia once a day so that he could participate in their chess tournaments. Gelu proved to be a worthy opponent and before long had earned the respect of a few of the elder dragons of the dragon utopia. The eldest dragon named Meldavor told Gelu that if he were win the chess tournament that he would be set free. Three times Gelu has made it to the final round, and each time he had to play against Lord Meldavor. Meldavor, a great azure dragon, had never lost the tournament. And to this date still has not. Gelu didn't believe it impossible to defeat Meldavor. But, had in the back of his mind, resigned himself to the belief that he would have to find a way to escape or be rescued to ever leave his prison. Gelu's brilliance extends to his skills with the bow and his ability to teach archery, something the dragons hadn't discovered about him.
45, 143 подземелье
Finally you have discovered the bandit camp which has been plaguing your empires trade routes. The bandits quickly realize you have a superior force and being the devious scum they are they offer to join you rather than face certain imprinsonment or death.
19, 110 подземелье
There is a rather large group of nomads guarding some sort of tent here. You hail them and ask what it is that they guard inside the tent. The response is a cold one; silently the questioned nomad turns his back to you and walks back to his friends. They appear to get into a rather heated argument, over what, your not sure. When the argument ceases all the nomads silently turn to face you and draw their weapons in unison. Judging by their angry expressions you assume that they won't be letting you leave peacefully.
3, 141 подземелье
Finally you arrive at the mighty gates of Merlins home. Blue Sky's tallest spires appear to stretch into the heavens disappearing in clouds high overhead. You expected a great deal of resistance, but to your suprise as you approach there doesn't appear to be any garrison at all. One of your seers informs you that there is some sort of magical barrier here that conceals anything thats living in the area. You order the seers to begin their incantations and cast a spell that can bring the barrier down. After several hours your exhausted seers inform you that it is about to break. You turn and observe as the castles image begins to shimmer and sparkle. All at once there is a bright flash and the illusion collapses. The real Blue Sky is revealed a good distance further up the snowy mountainside mostly obscured by clouds. Between you and the castle is a mammoth army. This force represents Merlin's and Arthur's last hope, and you shall crush it!
78, 2 подземелье
You discover a large manor nestled against a hillside here. Black clouds swirl angrily overhead as the wind picks up when you approach the estates steps. You stop a moment on the patio and take note of the trees here. While dead, they almost look as if they are reaching out for you with their creaking branches. The door appears to be ajar, a mere tap causes it swings wide open with loud creaking. It quickly becomes apparent that this place must indeed be lived in. The interior is ornately decorated without a hint of the dust and grime that has accumulated on the exterior of the building. You feel a firm tap..tap..tap on your shoulder. You heart almost stops as you slowly turn to face a tall figure wearing a black suit and black cloak. The stranger speaks, Welcome to the house of Baron Von Vedesburg. You are welcome to stay and rest for the night if you wish, as our guest. However we ask that you take your leave on the morrow. I would also ask that you kindly avoid exploring the house. I must inform you that certain areas here are off limits, and are guarded. Despite his ominous tone, you chose to stay for the night. While eating dinner with your host in an extraordinary dining hall with an enormous marble table at its center some things come to light. Your host speaks, I am prepared to make you an offer. As you know the lands around my home are dead. My kind has been unable to taste the blood of a living soul in many months! Errr, the hunting here has naturally been very poor forcing us to live off of sea creatures. We have grown weak and now realize we must resist Mordred's corruption. I, and many like me who..live....nearby, are prepared to join you and your struggle against his tyranny! We are adept warriors, and have wondrous natural healing powers. We number a robust 247, allow us to join you! Certainly we can be of service! You judge that he is sincere in wanting to help you. However, there appear to be other motives behind this offer as well. What shall you do?
7, 133 подземелье
As you expected Red Sky is protected by a large army. This time it will be no ambush. Gargoyles swoop down off of Red Sky's walls. There are so many that the sky begins to turn dark as the swarm ceaselessly grows. The gargoyles form a giant swirling vortex through which lightning begins to arc. An impressive sight, but one you do not fear. You instruct your lieutenants to prepare to charge. But before you can give the order, the vortex begins to unravel as wave upon wave of gargoyles swoop in to attack!
11, 134 подземелье
It appears that Merlin's allies are making a last stand here. Their battlements stretch as far as the eye can see. They are many, but you do not fear them. The time has come to banish Merlin and take the towers that are the source of his powers. Looking at your army, you can tell that your troops eagerly await the coming battle. It is a wondrous sight to behold. Two great armies blanketing the earth for as far as the eye can see. Finally after the armies watched each other nervously for a few hours of dawn, there is enough daylight for the battle to commence. With the sun burning brightly overhead, you give the order the charge!
5, 142 подземелье
King Arthur
King Arthur is a noble king whose honor is never questioned by those under his rule. He has maintained order, peace and prosperity in his kingdom ever since he ascended to the thrown. Only Merlin, Morgan and Mordred himself are aware of the truth about how Mordred was conceived. Arthur is continually fighting a battle within himself over that despicable act he committed years ago. He has such painful regrets and cannot seem to find a way to put them behind him. He feels that he is destined to resolve the matter on the battlefield against his own bastard son. He is utterly devoted to his kingly duties lately and thus has been unable to spend much time with his young and beautiful wife Guinevere. He knows he needs to spend more time with her. But he has reserved himself to the fact that certain matters must be handled before he can do so.
73, 69 подземелье
Sir Bedivere
Sir Bedivere is an honorable warrior who follows his King's orders without question. Perhaps King Arthur's most loyal subject, he always honors his king's wishes to the letter. His faith in god and his king are absolute, and he would die for either if the opportunity arose. Deep in his heart he hopes his good service and faith shall someday be rewarded when he becomes the next king in Camelot. His peers respect and trust him and his good judgment, and he feels like he could rule Camelot much like Arthur has done. Dark times and great battles are on the horizon and he now has a chance to prove that he is a great leader. It is an opportunity he has long been waiting for.
7, 141 подземелье
Sir Lancelot
Sir Lancelot is a dashing and daring young knight. His adventures have already made him most famous and the most popular knight of Arthur's court. The other knights of Arthur's court have started to notice that he likes to spend a great deal of time with Guinevere. He and Guinevere share a bond after Lancelot rescued her in daring fashion from Mordred's prison two years ago. But nobody yet believes that he is romancing the queen.
7, 140 подземелье
Guinevere is Arthurs Queen. She has grown anxious in recent years, as her youthful exuberance isn't present in her husband. There are rumors circulating in the court of her dalliance with a knight of the round table. But this certainly cannot be true! Indeed, she does share a friendly bond with Lancelot but nobody dare think they are romantically involved.
7, 134 подземелье
Sir Galahad
Sir Galahad's honor and faith are unquestionable. King Arthur trusts him implicitly. Galahad has devoted his life to the righting of wrongs. His courage in battle is driven by his profound faith and fearless spirit. Arthur has tried to calm Galahad's exuberance in battle but it has been to no avail. Galahad fights with reckless abandon because he knows in his heart that god shall reward his faith with good fortune.
9, 134 подземелье
Percivale is a dedicated and skillful knight. He can usually be found practicing his skills with sword and shield. His king often overlooks his talents, but he does not resent him for it. Percivale's deep faith tells him that if he remains honorable and true, his time of glory shall come. In the meantime he continues to practice and perfect his knightly skills.
3, 142 подземелье
Merlin is King Arthur's most trusted friend and advisor. His wisdom is unquestionable. His days of youthful exploration and adventure are behind him but that doesn't mean that his powers have weakened. In fact Merlin's power has grown over time and continues to grow. He is aware of Arthur's past transgressions. But Merlin senses that Arthur's heart is now pure, and his cause is just and true. He is uncertain if Arthur will be victorious in the great conflict that will soon begin. Merlin can sense that many will die as a great war between good and evil will rage in the months ahead.
105, 56 подземелье
Finally you come to the first of Mordred's vile undead fortresses. As everywhere else in these cursed lands there is a thick black fog cloaking the castle. Though, it seems to be particularly thick here. You could not see the gates until you were practically on top of them. This siege shall be the beginning of the end to Mordred's spell over Camelot! Or perhaps not...Apparitions begin to form out of the soupy black fog! Before you can give the order the battle has begun.
Волшебный свиток
10, 6 подземелье
You discover a deserted shack town. The shacks are very small, perhaps the dwellings of halflings or dwarves. Further exploration reveals that the inhabitants made a hasty retreat. Pots with frothing stews boil over recently tended to fires. Food served but left uneaten lay on crude wooden tables in other shacks. Footprints in the area appear to be fresh. Did your approach cause them to flee? Certainly your army is a very imposing sight, but these people have nothing to fear from you. You call into the surrounding forest for them to come out and that there is nothing to fear. Finally a lone halfling male emerges from the forest and speaks, 'Sorry I am for a greeting so poor. Aware you should be, that attacked we were when last an army visited. The sulfur dune we work, to the north it is. Convince I cannot, my people to stop hiding. Gift I give to you, for you to go. Friends we are, but to ourselves we keep.' Your troops watch the halfling closely as he disappears into a shack and emerges with a scroll in hand. He cheerfully offers you the scroll, which appears to have magical properties.
Случайный великий артефакт
0, 2 подземелье
Broken stone statues lay strewn about the land here. It is clear that many of these poor souls were turned to stone as they reached for an artifact on a pedestal. Crumbling statues whose faces share surprised, horrified, and terrified expressions now surround the pedestal. It is clear that the medusa that curse this area do not want this artifact to fall into foreign hands. But surely they cannot stop your force from taking it. You order your troops to grab the artifact. You can hear the medusa approaching as a hiss grows louder and louder from the east. The hiss grows loud enough that you begin to fear the medusa's numbers. Perhaps you should leave the artifact behind and run?
143, 108 подземелье
You are taken aback by this valley's beauty. The air here is like sweet nectar, thick, damp, and musty. You wonder if it could be any better. There is a dense shroud of fog at treetop level through which even your well-adapted eyes cannot pierce. Your presence seems to have disturbed some wyverns. You can hear their flapping in the mists overhead but cannot see them. The flapping grows louder as you progress deeper into the valley. Finally, as you reach a clearing at the bottom of hillside the mist overhead clears a bit. You immediately spot the wyverns gliding majestically overhead. The wyverns, in turn, spot you. As soon as the great beasts saw you they began their decent to your position. You yell to your troops to close ranks and prepare for battle!
Волшебный свиток
143, 120 подземелье
Out of the fog blanketing this valley emerges a long abandoned ghost town. An unnaturally dark fog swirls about here. Your troops appear to be very anxious to leave this place. You reassure them that it is only the wind. You order that every crumbling building be searched. Who knows what valuables might turn up? The frightened troops reluctantly and carefully begin their explorations. You hear a clatter as a gnoll soldier runs screaming from a building clutching a glowing scroll in his paw. Before the gnoll gets far he is suddenly grabbed by an unseen force and pulled violently back into the building. The yelps come to an abrupt end. You order that the building be surrounded. Your terrified troops await your next move. You order several gnolls to enter the building and retrieve the scroll. After your lieutenant cracks the whip on them a few times they proceed to follow your orders. Not long after they enter, do you hear several anguished yelps. One of the dogs runs out of the building with the scroll and quickly throws it in your direction. Just as you catch it several black shapes explode forth from the buildings entrance! Do you take the scroll and fight the shapes? Or do you throw the scroll toward the shapes and run?
126, 118 подземелье
A group of trolls block the road here. The largest of the trolls steps forward and speaks, None shall pass! Unless you pay! Price be.... 10,000 gold! Pay now or we soon have you in pot over fire! Mmm Mmm you look tasty, I hope you no pay. The trolls begin to laugh. You order the trolls immediate execution and tell your lieutenants to bring you the big talkative ones head.
126, 117 подземелье
A group of trolls block the road here. The largest of the trolls steps forward and speaks, None shall pass! Unless you pay! Price be.... 10,000 gold! Pay now or we soon have you in pot over fire! Mmm Mmm you look tasty, I hope you no pay. The trolls begin to laugh. You order the trolls immediate execution and tell your lieutenants to bring you the big talkative ones head.
56, 7 подземелье
Your army is confronted by a legion of goblins, orcs and wolf riders that seem intent on preventing your progress. Their numbers are impressive but they lack power. These scums will know suffering! They will know pain! They will die horrible deaths! You order your dark army to march forth and bring hell to these pitiful creatures that dare oppose you!
16, 136 подземелье
You discover a tavern nestled into a hillside overlooking a beautiful verdant forest. What a perfect spot to relax your weary bones for a while you think. You sit on the taverns deck under an overhang so you can enjoy the perfect weather. The sweet smell of blooming flowers and honeysuckle is carried on the soft breeze washing over you. You sip on a few fine ales whilst listening to the taverns exceptionally talented house musicians for a few hours. Alas, duty calls and you and your troops must be going before the sun sets.
88, 135 подземелье
Elemental energies swirl around the gate ahead. As you get closer to the gate it becomes clear a formidable force of elemental beasts garrisons it. One of your seers informs you that there is an anti-magic barrier surrounding the gate and it will not be possible to use magic against it or its guardians. This will not be an easy challenge.
45, 76 подземелье
The halberdiers raise their weapons and yell, 'For Camelot! CHARGE!'
77, 31 подземелье
Wanting to get a better view of this stunning volcanic isle you decide to sail right up to its shores. The constant roar of volcanic activity pounds on your ears. Combine that with the constantly blasting steam where lava meets ocean, it is difficult to even hear oneself think! One of your lookouts perched on your ships bow shouts, 'Dragons! Dragons are emerging from the volcanoes! Prepare for battle!' These dragons appear to be flightless. As they emerge from the volcanic peaks they shake off great chunks of charred earth and globules of lava. It is the most awe-inspiring sight you have witnessed. The massive beasts begin to charge down the slopes of the volcanoes causing a thunderous roar that even drowns out the blasting steam!
Случайный ресурс
51, 0 подземелье
Because it appears the cyclops were unable to fit much of their treasure inside their nearby stockpile, you order a thorough search of the surrounding hills and dunes. Your search pays off with the discovery of a large cache stacked against the stockpiles back wall facing the ocean. You won't be able to simply grab the goods and run however. Cyclops sentries heavily guard the cache. Do you attempt to liberate the cache from the cyclops?
10, 134 подземелье
It appears that Merlin's allies are making a last stand here. Their battlements stretch as far as the eye can see. They are many, but you do not fear them. The time has come to banish Merlin and take the towers that are the source of his powers. Looking at your army, you can tell that your troops eagerly await the coming battle. It is a wondrous sight to behold. Two great armies blanketing the earth for as far as the eye can see. You order your army to hold their positions until nightfall. Your hope is that you can attack after sunset when you and your troops will be much more comfortable. But the enemy will not have it as they begin their charge. The battle has begun!
105, 60 подземелье
You feel a dark presence stalking you from the mountains to the west. You chose this route for the cleansing ocean winds, to avoid as much of the stench and smog that blanket these lands as possible. But something terrible is watching your progress through this pass. You notice many strange clouds overhead. Their movements seem unnatural. Taking a telescope from one of your scouts you aim it skyward. Those are no clouds! They are ghosts...dragon ghosts! It seems that the ghost dragons know they have been spotted. The huge smoky wisps in the sky descend upon your army with terrifying swiftness. Your horrified men begin to scream and scatter. You shout, 'Hold your positions, they are many but this is a battle we shall win! We have won many battles together before this day and we shall be victorious again! Form ranks and prepare for battle!' Your troops follow their orders and the battle begins!
Случайный великий артефакт
107, 0 подземелье
A few ghost dragons are perched on top of a large pile of bones beside some sort of artifact. Do you dare challenge the guardian dragons?
85, 59 суша
Stoney Keep
6, 74 суша
The Cave of Death Somebody carved the following message on the back of the sign - 'Few have dared enter. Nobody has left.'
96, 3 суша
The cave floor seems very unstable here. You wonder if you should proceed any further lest you should fall through the floor into an endless black abyss. Your troops are more nervous and rebellious than ever.
134, 32 суша
A pleasant breeze steadily flows from the yawning cave ahead of you. A strange but welcome light illuminates this place. One of your troops shouts, 'Finally a light at the end of the tunnel!' You smile for the first time in a long while. Perhaps your journey to the depths is almost over.
Верховный лорд
83, 83 суша
King Ajit
King Ajit ascended to his thrown at a very early age. Right from the beginning of his reign he has been obsessed with extinguishing all sources of light. Despite his warnings to above worlders, spelunkers continue to descend into his kingdom every now and then. They bring with them infernal torches and magical sources of illumination. After capturing the invaders he has them detained and tortured for several weeks. Once it appears they can stand no more he allows them to heal and sets them free at the Underearth entrance above ground. His hope is that they will spread the word that the Underearth is not for above worlders. If the invasions continue, as King Ajit believes they will, he will have no choice but to extinguish the lives of all the above worlders by invading their lands. It appears to be the only way to keep it from happening ever again. He would not mind resorting to such measures as he has an overflowing reservoir of resentment for above worlders with their beady little eyes and ways of illumination. For the opportunity to bring the above worlders to extinction he is willing to tolerate the surface light for as long as the campaign requires. King Ajit doesn't trust easily. In truth he only trusts one individual to always tell him the truth, the commander of his elite guard, Lord Gunnar.
63, 55 суша
This spelunking expedition has been a long one. You can sense that many of your warriors are going insane in this endless pitch. Will they dare mutiny if you proceed much further? You are not sure.
134, 33 суша
A sickening breeze of clean air comes from the cave mouth ahead. If that wasn't bad enough, this area seems to be bathed in some sort of benevolent light. You wonder what horrors await you further down the cave.
20, 3 суша
'How much further can this cave possibly go?' wonders one of your lieutenants aloud. You stare daggers at him for blurting out such a thought in front of the troops.
129, 113 суша
The proud leader of the Pegasai steps forward. Should you defeat me, the Equestrian's Gloves are yours. Should I defeat you, you will die! The pegasai leader gestures to her troops and shouts, 'Charge!'
Птица проницательности
91, 117 суша
You enter a clearing next to a cliff. You can see a silver glimmer in a cave mouth high above. Green dragons glide gracefully overhead. They land on, and launch themselves from the cliffs with amazing ease. Do you dare climb the cliffs and enter the cave to find the source of the glimmer?
134, 104 суша
You pause a moment to gaze that the glowing tower before you. The mages of this school of magic have kept the Eternal Light magically burning for centuries. Without this light and its keepers these caves would be as dark and cold as one could imagine.
132, 105 суша
You pause a moment to look skyward. A great hole in the roof of this massive cavern yawns at you. Two giant waterfalls pour from each side of the hole into the river Tethys. Without that leaky hole in the ceiling, and a few others that aren't quite so huge, Shangri-la wouldn't exist.
67, 53 суша
You laugh at the thought of a living army or an army not under the command of your iron fist attempting to travel this far into this dark, dank cave. Worries of mutiny do not exist in a necromancer leading his undead horde.
131, 56 суша
The Cavern Tavern
120, 85 суша
As you approach the town you hear louder and louder rumbling noises. A group of Minotaurs step out of the shadows. Their growls shake the very earth under your feet. Their apparent leader thumbs his axe blade whilst looking you over with a sinister grin.
Королева медуз
85, 60 суша
The entrance to this town is decorated with numerous lifelike statues. You look forward to meeting their maker. Strangely, the statues all seem to have a look of horror on their faces. You notice a strange chittering noise growing louder and louder. An ambush!
Птица счастья
143, 75 суша
You spot a silver shimmer in the distance. As you approach it, you notice numerous creatures soaring near the high cave ceiling. You can't quite make out what kind of creatures they are. The closer you get to the shimmer, the angrier sounding 'caws' you hear from above. Do you continue?
140, 97 суша
King Ivor
King Ivor like his wife believes that the ideal society is a free society. For centuries, generations after generation of rulers in Shangri-La have maintained freedom in their kingdom. Ivor is a quiet leader. Preferring a peaceful walk through the forest surrounding Shangri-La to the confines of the castles walls. His favorite activities always involve his skill with a bow and arrow. Whether practicing his archery on wooden targets in Shangri-La, or on a hunt with his wife, it is with a bow in his hand when he is happiest each day.
Боевой гном
100, 108 суша
The socialist dictator of this town challenges you on the battlefield. Never have you felt a stronger urge to brutally slaughter an opposing army. The dwarves must be crushed!
139, 97 суша
Queen Aera
Queen Aera like her husband believes that the ideal society is a free society. She was born the daughter of the royal armorer in Shangri-La. Aera was always fascinated by her fathers work and observed it closely. She has always been eager to share her knowledge of armor crafting with others. It is in fact the means by which she met her husband. The young prince Ivor one day was dropping in the royal armory to pick up his new suit of armor. Aera, being an admirer of Prince Ivor from afar, decided to take the opportunity to meet him by being the one who presented the suit to him. After presenting the suit of armor to Ivor she proceeded to discuss the finer points of balancing armor's weight with its flexibility. The conversation, which Ivor politely participated in, didn't end for many hours. By its conclusion she had convinced him that she would make a perfect wife, and that their love would be everlasting.
141, 98 суша
Jasmine is the teenage daughter of King Ivor and Queen Aera. She spends most of her days riding horses in the forest surrounding Shangri-La. Her favorite spot to ride is near the magical tower that illuminates her underground home. However her mother and father have told her many times not to venture past the centaur stables a short ways south of the castle. Jasmine doesn't care, she has never seen a bandit or brigand in her life. She doubts that such horrible beings even exist despite her parent's words. Besides that, her favorite thing to do is hunt for treasure. Jasmine believes that she has found every last bit of lost treasure in the land and forest immediately around her home. Thus, she continues to sneak further and further away from Shangri-La each time she goes treasure seeking.
130, 39 суша
The crudely constructed and engraved sign reads
72, 106 суша
As you approach the subterranean gate you notice that your eyes are already watering from the light. You hope that you will be able to vanquish all of the surface dwellers quickly so that you won't have to tolerate that blasted sun and moon for too long!
71, 106 суша
After having traveled through dark, dank underground passages for a good long time your eyes aren't adjusting well to the light from the gate. It will take to grow accustomed to the light levels on the surface.
Случайный малый артефакт
94, 81 суша
The seer angrily emerges from his hut. He yells, 'That is my artifact, leave it be and go! I will not help you should you steal it! You would take it, knowing what a great assistance I can be to you? You speak, 'I'm afraid your mistaken! Your assistant has assured us that he has learned all your tricks. He has assured us that he can be of even greater assistance than you! So you will be leaving now, or you shall see the inside of my dungeon!' The seer is clearly about to explode in rage but thinks better of it. After making a rude gesture in your direction he casts a spell and vanishes.
Лента посла
41, 123 суша
An item for sale in a merchants display looks familiar. 'Isn't that the Ambassador's Sash?' you ask the merchant. His eye twitches nervously, 'I, I found this item in a cave northeast of here. Yeah, yeah, it had been...discarded, right.' You yell, 'Liar! Thief!' Do you fight his guards?
110, 126 суша
Wind swirls as you near the Monolith entrance. On the other side of the gate bright swirls of magical energy trail off to infinity. As you get closer the gates pull on you becomes stronger. You have the strange feeling that you are falling toward it as you walk whilst leaning backward.
29, 124 суша
130, 56 суша
An old drunk gets up from the Tavern's steps. He staggers your way. Just as he starts to get close several of your troops step in front of him. The drunk yells over your protector's shoulders, 'I'll bet you plan on tak-ing the same tunn-el out of 'ere you came in! Ha! The trogs will get you!'
135, 107 суша
There is treasure to be had in the oceans. One must search them thoroughly to find it!
20, 84 суша
I'm six phathoms under.
7, 83 суша
I think that sirens and harpies are related! If I could only find a way to prove it!
29, 69 суша
The top great lighthouse before you looks as though it comes within a few feet of the cavern's extraordinarily high ceiling. Who could have built such a grand structure? Why is here of all places? It appears to be ancient. You walk around its base in amazement. There don't appear to be any markings on the outside. As you approach its drawbridge sized entrance, mouth agape at its scale. You notice an ankle deep layer of dust covering the entrances steps and the inside. Grabbing several torches from your lieutenants you thrust them into the dark interior. The flames illuminate a wonder. Your footsteps on the stone floor echo and resonate back to you after what seems to be an eternity. The base must cover more ground than a large castles foundation would. You turn your attention to the ornate spiral staircase ascending into the pitch above. The staircase has what appears to be a hollow pipe as its central support, which echoes with a metallic rumble with each step you take. It is a climb you're not eager to undertake but your curiosity overwhelms you. Taking some hearty volunteers with you, the climb begins. After several breaks you begin to doubt that you'll ever reach the top. Peering over the edge of the staircase into the darkness below, it seems as though your troops at the bottom are the size of ants. Finally, after what seem to be hours of climbing your torch illuminates a stone ceiling through which the staircase ascends. You reach the top, and it is immediately clear it was worth the arduous climb. Directly over the staircases support pipe sits a massive lantern who's reflective surfaces appear to be spotless. So to, are the windows that are the room's walls. You walk around the lantern wondering who has been maintaining all of this when one of your men brings your attention to a pedestal. On the pedestal lies a book. While carefully lifting the book from the pedestal you hear a loud 'click'. Beneath the book was a switch which has just been triggered. The lantern ignites with a blinding light. As your eyes slowly adjust you see that the lanterns flames have formed a human head which has a voice, Thou hast made a choice. Thou art a thief and a scum. My minions shall slay thee, your death is certain. There will be no escape from this tower! After the long hurried decent down the staircase you find the towers base abandoned by your troops. Storming outside you find your force backed up to the towers walls facing off against an endless sea of skeleton warriors. One of the lieutenants you left behind speaks, Sire, they close in on us and tighten their ranks if we approach them. I fear we must fight our way out. You nod and give the order, Ready for battle! The only way out of this god forsaken place is through that undead army! Shall you fight or will you lay down and die like dogs! The troops cheer and you order the charge!
142, 45 суша
Freya Fraulm
Freya Fraulm is a bitter peasant girl. Long ago both her parents where slain by a local warlord's soldiers during a protest against his tyrannical ways. The warlord recently imprisoned her with the intent of having her executed before her townsfolk. All she had done is call the warlord a 'petty murdering scum' within earshot of one of his guards.
132, 37 суша
Suddenly you hear a thunderous rumble. The cavern walls shake and dust clouds rise. 'My God!' you exclaim as holes open in the cave walls all around you. From the holes pore a seemingly endless stream of troglodytes!
80, 81 суша
For a long time you wondered where all of the gold stolen from your treasury went. A careful search of this area reveals a secret passage that leads straight up to a loose foundation stone in your treasury. The sound of digging leads you to a small cave near the passage. Do you dare enter?
135, 50 суша
The leader of a group of magi approaches you and angrily speaks, 'If you are here to rescue that traitorous bitch Freya Fraulm, you are too late! She is to be executed right...about..... now. Just because my lord enjoys torturing and killing peasants, that gives her no right to protest his cruelty!'
71, 103 суша
The Underearth Anyone caught with a torch or any other light source shall be buried alive. -Underearth Overlord King Ajit
19, 3 суша
Ahhh, the sweet cool darkness soothes you. You consult your cartographers as you progress down this unexplored tunnel. You have them mark the maps in places where you might want to settle down in the future. This cave is particularly dark, truly an ideal living space.
122, 8 суша
You wonder who in Hades thought it would be a good idea to build a pillar of fire here. It ruins the caves perfect darkness for several kilometers. You have your cartographers mark this spot with a big red X. You also have them add a note to have this structure demolished as soon as possible.
135, 30 суша
Argg, more light from the tunnel ahead. What in blazes is causing it? You shall soon know the answer. Your eyes burn and water as the light grows brighter. You ponder about possible sources for the light and imagine destroying them in brutal fashion. Your troops are becoming restless.
139, 96 суша
Ржавый дракон
137, 48 суша
You come upon a huge rust colored temple. The stairs to its entrance on its crest are a long and arduous climb. Gasping for air and sweating profusely as you reach the top you notice loud growling noises coming from within the temple. As you march toward the temples dark entrance a sudden blast of wind from within knocks you backward. You fall to the edge of the steps and almost begin to tumble down them. You can feel your flesh burn, raising your hand you realize that the blast covered you with some sort of acidic residue. You begin to scramble down the steps while removing your now ruined equipment and garments. Behind you a titanic roar emanates from the temples entrance! You yell to your forces at the temples base as you descend, 'Prepare for battle! Ready yourselves! Fall into ranks immediately! Ready for Battle!' You reach the bottom of the temple having removed the acid covered clothing and equipment. You grab a sword from one of your troops and face the temple at the ready. Something begins to emerge, 'My God!' a solider behind you gasps, then another emerges...and another!
Сказочный дракон
108, 52 суша
A bizarre organic structure of purple flora has overgrown this area. Whatever kind of forest this is, it appears to be larger than the castle of Camelot and all its grounds! Despite hearing odd whispers and a dull crackling noise akin to distant thunder emanating from its depths you decide to explore it. As you approach you are confronted by the strangest kind of dragon that you have ever seen. Without a word or gesture it charges straight at you! You quickly realize that it isn't alone in this place as the strange dragons begin crawling out from every corner of the forest of giant purple mushrooms!
Кристальный дракон
4, 116 суша
A spectacular crystalline cave yawns before you. You wave your troops to advance with you toward its entrance. You come to a sudden halt as a crystalline dragon emerges from the entrance! The dragon appears to be almost translucent. Your torchlight glints off the dragon's body almost as if it were a mirror. The mighty beast speaks, 'You are trespassing on the domain of the Order of Crystalline Dragon Lords! Leave or DIE!!!' it roars! You face your army and yell, 'Do we leave like cowards or do we fight like HEROES!' a great cheer rises through the ranks. You grin and signal a charge.
72, 29 суша
The narrow passages and low ceilings of the cave give way to a huge dusty cavern here. The abnormally thick dust makes it difficult to breath and see. When you forge onward a giant pyramid forms out of the cloudy air. The pyramid seems to almost reach the caverns ceiling perhaps a hundred meters overhead. Strange shuffling noises approach through the dust on all sides and from within the pyramid. You are ambushed by a swarm of cursed mummies!
131, 100 суша
There is a stunningly beautiful glade here. A single gigantic tree dominates the scene. You decide to camp you army here for the night to allow your troops a peaceful break in beautiful surroundings.
45, 119 суша
Indeed as you suspected you find a pillar of fire here illuminating the surrounding caverns. Angrily you make note of it on your map with a few words to your engineers to have it destroyed as soon as the resources become available to do so. Who are the scum who build such things in your domain? Suddenly a rogue appears before you out of a shadow and speaks with a sly smirk, Good sire, and surely you don't wish that my orders tower be demolished. We use these tunnels as our main transport routes for the loot we plunder from the surface dwellers. We need the light to assist our...couriers. Surely you don't wish to destroy this tower knowing that its facilitating harm to the above worlders. You speak, I don't need your help in dispatching the surface dwellers! I don't need this light polluting my homelands! Your order shall extinguish this towers light immediately and then shall go about destroying it! The thief retorts, I'm afraid we cannot allow that to happen, my order is more powerful than you think. You shall regret threatening us! Brothers, come forth from the shadows and help me slay this fiend! Thieves emerge from the shadows in great numbers surrounding your force! With a bit of trepidation you order your troops to charge, and the battle begins!
46, 118 суша
This appears to be a thieves stash. Trunks filled with gold lay beside holes dug in the earth. You can tell some have been buried already, but much work has been left undone. Suddenly thieves leap from the shadows yelling, 'Thou shall not steal from us! Not our hard earned plunder!' Shall you crush them and take their loot?
Верховный лорд
82, 84 суша
Lord Gunnar
Gunnar is the commander of Ajit's elite guard and caretaker of his precious maps. Gunnar once worked in the castles kitchen until an incident got him noticed one day by the king. A fire had broken out in the kitchen of which he was the boss. He personally executed the cook on the spot for causing the fire and the resulting blinding light. After explaining his distaste for bright light to the curious king he was immediately promoted to captain of the kings personal guard. Gunnar better than anyone else understands the king's motives and ambitions. He shares his dreams of creating the perfect Underearth by whatever means necessary. He will follow even if he and his king must ultimately go above ground to exterminate all the above worlders and their infernal ways of illumination. For his distinguished and loyal service to the king's crown Gunnar recently was granted the title of Lord.
14, 88 суша
You notice that the waters of the subterranean sea here are much warmer than to the east. You also can see a faint orange glow in the caverns ahead. Undoubtedly there is some volcanic activity here. Such things are to be feared and avoided, however you feel the time is right to continue your exploration into the western caverns anyways. It is imperative that this infernal light source be located and destroyed. You suspect there may be intelligence behind the source of the light, so you advise your lieutenants to be alert.
12, 88 суша
There appears to be some volcanic activity ahead. Steam rolls in waves over the land and waters here. Ahead is a faint orange glow. The air has become thick and there is a faint sulfurous odor wafting about. Your troops seem reluctant to proceed, but you are committed to exploring further. You know that the greatest treasures are often hidden in the most inhospitable terrain.
54, 78 суша
It is clear that your troops wish that this journey weren't necessary. For centuries you people have lived in an isolated paradise. You'd think that most would not want to get involved in the great conflicts to come. Yet virtually every able inhabitant of your kingdom is willing to fight for you and what you stand for. While your peoples may be out of practice on the battlefield, they are a willing and tough lot. Should you prevail over Mordred, Arthur and any others you encounter, Shangri-La will be able to continue its isolated and peaceful existence for centuries to come.
53, 78 суша
You feel a chill as gust of wind washes over you from the caverns to the east. The cold wind carries with it a dank stale odor. There appears to be a road ahead that goes north and south. Why would someone build a road in a dank dark cave such as this? Or perhaps a better question would be who?
140, 112 суша
Roy P. McCormack's Irish Tavern Relax! And enjoy the folk music and Guiness Ale! MapMaker
86, 19 суша
You discover the source of the heat and light, a small lake of lava boils here. You wish there were a way to cover this lake over, but you know that would be impossible. Alas, some things must be tolerated, from a distance.
66, 40 суша
You are astonished to find a lone human skeleton here. Beside the skeleton is a well-preserved campsite. Somehow this lone soul managed to venture this far into the tunnel without company. What ended his life and why will likely remain a mystery. Judging by the perils you have past, any number of things could have ended his life. A brave soul he must have been...brave and rather stupid.
85, 19 суша
Ahhh, a break here finally grants some relief from these chilly tunnels. You pause your march and allow your minions to enjoy the lava lake.
108, 102 суша
For the last few hours you feel as though someone or something has been following you in the forest. Your suspicion is confirmed when one of your scouts drags a shabbily dressed elf to you. The scout speaks, Sire, I found this man who was following us in the forest. I do not know how he was able to track us being blind. He only says that he wishes to speak to you. The shabbily dressed elf speaks, Sire, thank all that is holy that I was able to find you! While spying on Mordred's army I was captured by a group of liches. They gouged out my eyes and set me free. They yelled to me as I stumbled away clutching my face that I would surely die alone in the wilderness long before finding help. Little did they know that I am a master pathfinder! I have been able to track your movements with the help of the locals. I am here to offer my services as a pathfinder! I may be blind, but I still can feel, smell, and hear my way to a destination. Such courage and determination must be rewarded. You have your healers tend to him while others fetch him some clean clothes.
133, 105 суша
It appears that you have discovered the source of light. As you suspected there is intelligence behind it. Ahead is the tower, your seers inform you, that houses a magical light source maintained by the Enchanters that live here. You immediately begin to dream up ways to torture the enchanters when a group of the vile beings suddenly appears before your army out of thin air. One of the enchanters speaks, We are aware what you intend to do with us and that you wish to destroy our tower. This is something we cannot allow, we shall send you to straight to hell where you belong fiend!' The battle begins.
141, 56 суша
A rather large force of sprites guarding a tent meets you. Before you can ask their permission to pass they attack! Their numbers prove to be far greater than you first anticipated as they swarm upon you!
Случайный монстр 7
126, 42 суша
It is apparent that these great beasts do not intend to let you enter the underground paradise just ahead. You have come this far, and nothing will stop you now!
128, 40 суша
Finally, you have discovered what is at the end of the tunnel. You hadn't imagined that the trek here would be worth it, until now. The tight corridors give way to a huge underground paradise. A breeze carrying the most wonderful aromas you have ever inhaled washes over you and your troops. Green strands of magical energy slither over the rolling grassy hills that fade into the far distance. It as bright in this wondrous place as it would be on a clear sunny surface world day. The roof of this paradise seems impossibly high; magical forces of unimaginable power must support it! There is a mountain range visible in the distant west and a lake visible in a valley to the southwest. A huge formation of puffy white clouds soaks the lands to your south with a blanket of rain. You ask one of your lieutenants which way he would like to head first? The lieutenant, mouth agape at the wonder before him, straightening himself he speaks earnestly, 'Sire, I shall go where ever you lead me!'
116, 53 суша
This monolith appears to be rather unstable. Strands of lightning regularly arc out of its entrance and scald the earth nearby. You are more than a bit reluctant to approach it.
5, 117 суша
Just like its twin monolith this one seems to be equally if not more unstable. It is likely the only way out of this cave. As you did with the other one, you shall simply have to make a sprint and take a leap of faith into it when the time comes.
Лазурный дракон
23, 70 суша
Never in your life could you imagine a more spectacular sight. A giant crystalline mountain rises almost out of your sight near the ceiling of the Underearth. The entire mountainside shimmers with some sort of magical power. The glow illuminates the clouds and makes the surrounding waters glitter as the oceans would above ground in the moonlight. You decide to lead an expedition as far up the mountainside as you and your force can go. It is a treacherous climb as finding hand and footholds is difficult on the smooth crystalline surface. After climbing for many hours you happen upon a cavern in the mountainside. The cavern glows brighter as you progress deeper into it. It comes to sudden stop at a ledge that you almost fall off of before being grabbed by one of your lieutenants. You cannot believe your eyes peering over the ledge; it seems to go down forever. You gaze out across the ledge and see the other side of the inside of this apparently hollow mountain! Looking up you can see the top the inside of the mountain still a great distance above you. There are many caves similar to the one your looking out from all around hollow interior. You notice a distant high-pitched roar that resonates through the mountains caves shaking the crystal beneath your feet. You decide to make haste out of the cave and down the mountainside. When you reach the bottom of the mountain you find a beautiful azure dragon blocking your progress. It sits before you as though it had been waiting for you there for some time. He speaks, 'Thou hast disturbed my home and awakened my kin! We built our home here eons ago to get away from the likes of thy kind! We cannot allow thee to leave here alive for thou will tell others of our existence. Apologies, but I and my kin must exterminate thee and thy army.'
Случайный малый артефакт
139, 67 суша
You discover an artifact sitting on a pedestal in a clearing here. You do not see anyone or anything around, so you make your way toward it. As you reach for it a giant, hairy, gray hand descends from the sky and slams onto the earth covering the pedestal. When the hand is lifted the artifact is gone. Looking up and to the west you see the owner of the hand behind a stand of trees. The trees creak then snap as the beast angrily strides toward you! The earth quakes with its every step. You turn and begin to run back to your force that stands entirely motionless mouths agape, petrified by the beasts charge.
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