Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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There is an eternal struggle between good and evil in the land of Britannia. For a very long time evil has not been too much trouble but now they are becoming organized. If all the evil creatures band together to fight good then the future of the world is at stake. Will you choose good or evil?
The city of Serpent's Hold is a fortress located on an island in the southern seas. It has been overun by jungle monsters and everyone who lived there is said to be dead.
The shrine of Valor is located on a tropical island in the south. Watch out for the snakes down there. They are said to be able to swallow a man whole in seconds.
The shrine of Honor is located in the southern jungle.
The city of Jhelom is located on a southern island. It is the only place in the land with an arena. Many gladiators go there to compete in the annual fighting contest. But now Jhelom has been taken over by the lizard men.
The city of Trinsic is located on the fringes of the southern jungles. It is a heavily fortified town that is protected by the paladins and was home to the late high paladin who was slain by orcs. Trinsic has finally fallen to coutless orc seiges and is now under orcish rule.
The Shrine of Spirituality is located in the forest to the north of Trinsic. It floats above a pond that is inhabited by dolphins. To reach the platform a magic teleporter is located there. It is said that meditating at the Shrine of Spirituality will clense your soul and give insight of yourself
The dungeon of Destard is a dangerous place. Located west of Trinsic, it is home to drakes and dragons. Only the brave, or foolish, venture into this place. Ancient wyrms, the most powerful creatures known to exist live in the depths
The mysterious hedge maze east of Skara Brae is difficult to traverse without magic. It is home to rogue mages who conduct magical experiments. Many who venture into this maze never return....
The city of Britain is the heart of Britannia. It is where Lord British has his throne and rules over Britannia. It is the largest city and has the most powerful guard. It is a popular place for everyone, be it adventurer, merchant, miner and theif. Britain is know for its cutpurses.
Skara Brae
The town of Skara Brae is a small fishing town located west of Britan. A tranquil town by Britannian standards. Nevertheless, it is a popular place because of this. Many adventurers call this their home and also many merchants live here.
The dungeon of Shame is located south of Yew. It is called the elemental play ground because all sorts of elementals live here. As its name implies, many shameful murderers prey on adventurers here. Also there are tales of a mysterious cult of mages who live in the dungeon.
The town of Yew is the largest town in Britannia in terms of surface area. The town is home to most of the elves and dwarves of Britannia. Yew is well known for its high quality lumber and centuries old intelligent trees. Yew is home to the only prison in Britannia.
Shrine of Justice
The Shrine of Justice is located east of Yew. The worst criminels are sent to the prison in Yew. The lesser ones are kept in local jails. Execution is very common and not serious as it is very difficult for someone to be permently dead.
The cave to Delucia south west of Trinsic is one entrance to the new lands. The cave is full of poisonous creatures but is not considered a dungeon.
The city of Delucia was the first city established in the new lands. It has guard towers and a paladin barracks to fend of orcish raids. Delucia is a large producer of livestock.
The dungeon of Despise is north of Britan. It is the easiest dungeon but murderers often go there to prey on new adventurers. Watch out for the poisonous monsters there.
Cove is a small town north of Britain. It is under constant attack from the nearby orc fort and requires a lot of soldiers. The orcs have now taken control of Cove.
The Shrine of Compassion is located in a desert north of Britan. The castle of the evil necromancer Mondain is also located in this desert. It is now a monument to the great struggle that eventually lead to the death of Mondain.
The dungeon of Covetous, also known as thieve's hideout is just west of Vesper. The first level of the dungeon is filled with harpies. Their feathers are prized by archers. The lower levels of the dungeon contain many dangerous monsters like drakes.
The city of Vesper in the north is the second largest city in Britannia. It is built on many small islands that are connected by bridges. Being so close to Minoc, Covetous and Cove, Vesper is a very popular place.
The city of Minoc is located less than a days walk north of Vesper. It is the chief mining town in Britannia and is a popular place for miners, blacksmiths and dwarves. It is built around a mine and has many rich mountains to the north.
The dungeon of Wrong is located between Minoc and Yew. It is a large subterranean castle that is home to trolls, giants, orcs, lizard men and similar creatures.
The Shrine of Sacrifice is north of Vesper. Many people travel to this remote location and leave sacrifices to please the Gods or to atone for a crime.
The Dungeon of Deceit is home to the vile undead. It is located on Deceit island, the frozen island in the north. Deceit is a dangerous dungeon and is well known for the murderers that work there. Rumor has it that a powerful lich king lives in the depths of the dungeon.
The city of Nujel'm is on a desert isle east of Vesper. It is strange to find a desert island so far north in the middle of the ocean. Nujel'm was once a country separate from Britannia but has since joined Britannia under the rule of Lord British. The Nujel'm palace is a wonderful sight.
The city of Moonglow is located on a strange dragon's foot print shaped island east of Vesper. It is home to many mages and has the largest mages guild in Britannia. Most people who live here are mages or alchemists.
The city of Magincia is a small tropical island resort town. It is a popular place to go for vacation and as its name implies, magic is a strong aspect for the people.
The town of Ocllo is on a large island south of Magincia. It has a very good natural harbour and is a good fishing town. Many strange happenings are said to have occured on Ocllo island. Tales of giant dead bodies of some unknown creature are told by adventurers and locals.
Buc's den
The town of Buccaneer's Den is a town of thieves, murderers and pirates. It is on an island north of Trinsic. This place is a refuge for ciminels as Lord British and his guards have no authority here. This place is a dangerous place to travel to and now the people of Buc's Den made a teleporter.
The dungeon of Hyloth is on a large island in the south. It is the dungeon of devils. This dungeon is inhabited by all forms of infernal creatues. Demons, hell hounds, gargoyles and the incredible balrons. This is not a place for the faint of heart. The Shrine of Humility is on this island also
sealed gates
With the uprising of the monsters you ordered that all moongates be sealed to prevent the forces of evil from using them. The task is finally complete. We have nothing to fear from suprise attacks from the moongates. That is unless the forces of evil have a sorcerer powerful enough to break the magic. The only one you know of (and the one who put up the barricades) is your high mage Nystul. Not even the guild mistress of the mage's guild is skilled enough to break it.
sealed gates-good
Word arrives from Lord British via a messenger. Greetings m'lord. I bear a message from Lord British. He hast sealed all of the moongates to prevent the monsters from using them. He hast asked that thou dost not try to break the seals on the moongates unless tis an emergency. Farewell and godspeed. the messenger bows and runs off.
As you are polishing your armor a man in blue robes appears in front of you. Greetings. The man says. I am a counselor as you should know. I know of the trouble that is brewing. The monsters are rising together againts us and I am afraid they have the advantage. You need our help in order to save the land. I am a representative for all counselors and game masters. We will help you rid the land of the evil monsters that plague it but it will not be cheap.... Here is are plans for a portal to our world in the heavens. It will make it much easier for us to enter your world but tis only one way. The cost for our help is great and the game masters charge even more than we counselors do. Farewell and good luck The counselor vanishes. You do not know exactly how powerful the counselors are because you have never seen one in combat but you know that game masters can do some very powerful things, such as ressurecting people. The game masters are the best allies one could ever wish for, save the gods.
News from Britain and Vesper arrives. The counselors and game masters have agreed to help them with the war! Now this is incredible. The game masters are extremely powerful. They and the counselors will turn the tide of this war far in our favor.
sealed gates-evil
Our scouts report that there are poweful magic seals on the moongates linking their cities. They must have erected these shields to prevent us from using them. We'll see about that....you order your scouts and mages to try and discover a way to break these shields.
evil tamers
The evil tamers of Britannia are helping you by supplying your army with tame monsters. Many monsters refuse to help you rise against the humans so they need to be tamed and forced under your command. These tamers are constantly out taming wild animal-monsters for your army. Most giant serpents and basilisks will help you voluntairly but some need to be tamed. The tamers are also supplying you with more exotic animals such as the few wyverns that have escaped into Britannia. The tamers cannot get any dragons though because Destard has become a very dangerous place. There are many more dragons there and no tamer can live long enough to tame a dragon and none wish to lose their lives trying. We are taming the few drakes the venture close to the entrance and we get a nice few drakes from Covetous. None of these are free however. You must construct places for them to live and buy them from us. Wyverns and drakes are very hard to tame so expect them to cost a lot.
With all the evil monsters rising up against the forces of good the creatures of the forest are trying to protect their realm. For if the evil monsters win the war then all good creatures will perish. Strange winged horses that have only been seen by a few have come out from wherever they were all the time and want to help rid of world of evil. These pegasi will make excellent mounts for your soldiers so you begin training them. Also the forest itself has given you its assistance. Some of the trees have come to life as walking, grabbing creatures and wish to provide your army with powerful soldiers. Also, unicorns, which are even rarer than pegasi are coming out from hiding and offering to join your army. They refuse to be mounts though. They wish to fight on their own. This is the first time you have ever seen a unicorn in battle, it is the first one you have ever seen in the first place. You never imagined they could be so strong! They are more than a match for any adventuerer.
evil tamers-evil
It seems that evil tamers are selling tame monsters to the lizardmen of Jhelom. These monsters will be a great asset to us because the lizardmen and ratmen are almost useless. The strongest of the monsters that the tamers are selling are wyverns and drakes. These are formidable monsters and are well worth buying. You must keep a look out for these tamers and see if you can buy some.
giant experiment
For a very long time the mages of Moonglow have been experimenting with magic. Now that this war has begun experimentation has been stepped up to try and find some way to gain an advantage over the enemy. The experimenters seem to be on to something right now. They are researching a permanent polymorph spell. So far it is going well and they just need to work some things out. They are limited to polymorphing people into giants and once they managed to polymorph someone into a titan. The only problem is that it only lasts for a few seconds. We need some more resources to continue our research. We should be finished sometime very soon, perhaps in a few weeks. It is very expensive to perform this spell and few people are willing to go through it so our numbers of giants will be limited.
Travelers from Yew are spreading rumors that creatures of the forest have allied themselves with Yew. There is talk of flying horses, walking trees and unicorns! These are creatures of legend and you have trouble believing this is true. But these are strange times so you never know.
Spies from Britain and Vesper report that the conselors and game masters are helping the humans. This is very bad news. The monsters do not know much about the counselors and game masters but you know what they can do. The counselors are always helping people with problems. They are very wise but you have no idea how powerful they are. You can only assume that they are very powerful. As for the game masters you know that they are almost like gods. They can do just about anything and this a huge threat to your campaigne. You know that game masters very rarely use their powers so you hope that they will not use their full power in this war.
bone dragon experiment
Necromancers and liches have long dreamed of creating undead monsters stronger stronger than lich lords. Nightmares from the new lands are very close to lich lords but they are not powerful enough. We need something more powerful. The idea of trying to animate a dead demon or dragon came up. We need to work up a way to animate a corpse like that into something other than a skeleton or zombie, which current necromancy is limited to. Skeletal knights and bone magi are also created by necromancy but only experienced necromancer can animate these. Also bone magi require the corpse to have had magic ability in life. Liches are created by a slightly different process known only to necromancers and liches. To create a lich one must find a living magic using humanoid and then perform a fairly complicated ritual involving killing the would be lich. A mind control spell is necessary to transform a non willing victim into a lich. You decided that it would be a better idea to try and make undead dragons rather than demons because the demons raise their dead back as less powerful demons, so we are unlikely to get many corpses from them. Dragons however are being killed all the time and their corpses are just left lying around. We will collect dragon corpses and try to find a way to animate them. This is not going to be cheap though.....
A messenger from Moonglow arrives. He states that the wizards from Moonglow have received help from the ophidians. It seems that some ophidians do not like the idea of the terathians allying themselves with the orcs. So from now on the wizards will be using ophidians in their army. You think to yourself that the ophidians cannot be trusted, but we have no choice if the terathians have really allied with the orcs. You wonder where all the ophidians are coming from though. The entrances to the new lands were sealed. You send the messenger back to Moonglow with your input on the matter.
We are working on convincing the monsters of Hyloth to help up in our conquest but most seem unwilling to help us. When we can convince the greater demons and balrons to join us we will be unstoppable. There is no creature alive that is more foul, wretched, cruel and evil than greater demons and balrons. They will reck havoc on the towns of Britannia. Muhahahaha!
The messengers you sent to your allies have returned. They all say that your allies do not trust the ophidians. You do not trust them either but you need their help. None of your allies are pleased about the terathians allying themselves with the orcs. This poses a great problem. Your allies also wish to know where all the ophidians are coming from. You send the messengers back with a reply.
Spies report that the wizards of Moonglow are being helped by the ophidians. Those cursed fools! Why must they interfer with our rise to power now? It is all because of the damn feud between the ophidians and terathians. Well the ophidians shall die. Every last one of them for their trechery. But where are all the ophidians coming from? The entrances to the new lands are sealed.
Your spies report that the ophidians are helping the wizards of Moonglow! This is unavoidable since you have allied with the terathians. You were bound sooner or later to fight with the ophidians. Well the terathians are ready for confrontation with the ophidians. All they need is some backup to get the armies of Moonglow off their backs. The orcish army will provide this support. We must march on Moonglow!
You receive word that the mages of Moonglow are experimenting with some sort of permanent polymorph spell that transfroms people into giants. Now this is something that will affect the outcome of the war. These giants will surely turn the tide in our favor.
It has come to your attention that the demons will soon be using greater demons and balrons in their army. Now this is why we allied with the demons in the first place. Their greater demons and balrons are more than a match for anything the lousy do gooders can throw at us. The balron is one of the strongest, if not the strongest, creature in Britannia. With them on our side we will surely win.
You receive news from the Orc Warlord. He says the terathians have allied with them. The terathians! Now this is good news. The terathians are a powerful race and will prove to be a very useful ally. But the one thing you do not understand is where the terathians are coming from. The entrances to the new lands are sealed so how are the orcs going to get terathians for their army?
You get a reply back from Moonglow. They say that some ophidians managed to get though the teleporter and that the entrance was not sealed. The mages have sealed the teleporter and killed the ophidians that came though but some ophidians wanted to help us get rid of the terathians instead of attack us. We have a matriarch who is breeding more young for us.
lizard quest
Malabell returns from a meeting with Minax, leader of the undead and the person who is behind the entire idea of joining forces against the do gooders. She tells you that before entering Minax's chamber she overheard her talking about the ultimate artifact. The only piece of information that she overheard that you and her did not know was about what to do after visiting all 8 shrines. You must visit every dungeon and then go to Wind, the city of magic.
Today you have finally realized what the demons could do if they ever escaped from the island of Hyloth. They have greater demons and balrons down there. Balrons! Just thinking about the word sends shivers down your spine. Is there a creature more foul, evil and cruel than a balron? You do not want to think about what balrons could do to Britannia. They are bad enough down in Hyloth. We must be on guard against them because the demons will surely send them to attack us.
You are having a meeting with your generals discussing battle plans when a messenger bursts into the room. You take the messenger up in one hand by his collar and sneer as you look at him. What do you want now?! Can't you seem I am busy? The messenger snivels and manages to get out his message. He says that the mages of Moonglow are developing a new spell that can permanently polymorph people into giants! Impossible! You yell as you smack the drinks of the table. This war could prove more of a challenge that I first thought. You think to yourself.
A group of tamers come to see you. They wish to do their part in the war effort and offer to supply your army with dragons. There is plenty of room in Yew for the dragons to live. The tamers say that you will need to construct special lairs for the dragons and on top of that buy the dragons from the tamers. The tamers have to make a living and dragon taming is a very hazardous job. We have to charge extra because Destard has become much more dangerous. We can only safely tame the dragons that wander near the entrance. The number of dragons that we can tame is low. There are also evil tamers going around taming monsters for the forces of evil. We have prevented them from taming any dragons but they sneak in and tame drakes. They dare not oppose us with our dragons and will kill all evil tamers we find but we cannot kill them all. We think they are getting a lot of drakes from Covetous but that is too far away for us to deal with. Anyway you may purchase dragons from us whenever you have the lairs constructed.
A message arrives from Yew. It states that the tamers of the land are supplying the armies of Yew with tame dragons and that evil tamers are supplying the forces of evil with drakes. Hmm this is one of those messages that has good and bad news. Those dragons will certainly help our war effort but the drakes will cause problems. One good thing is that dragons are much stronger than drakes. So we have the advantage.
Those blasted tamers are taming dragons for the army of Yew! This is unacceptable. We are going to have a lot of trouble with those dragons. This is very bad for our plans. Yew is top priority for our assault. Yew must fall!
bone dragon-evil
Your allies, the undead tell you that they have a new secret weapon. They say that they have discovered how to animate dead dragons and that soon they shall have an army of undead dragons. Undead dragons! Who has ever thought of that before? These undead dragons must be very strong and they will help our war effort greatly. You wonder if these undead dragons still have their breath weapons and magic that they had in life.
bone dragon-good
Reports are pouring in. Adventurers who have braved Deceit talk of the roaring of dragons. But not like the dragons of Destard, more like a ghostly wailing. Can it be? Is there a new form of undead in Britannia? One that will make all other forms of undead a pushover? If this is so then we must rethink our strategy. Or is this something else? Perhaps a tamer with some dragons? Or a wraith's wailing that was mistaken for a dragon's? But can that many people on different occasions make that mistake? Perhaps it is just a trick to scare adventurers away?
dupre meeting
Some of your officials report that Lord Dupre has snuck off somewhere during the night. You question him about it and he says that he went out to visit a friend. Something about this is not right....
malabell meeting
Some guards tell you that Malabell snuck out during the night and was gone for several hours. You wonder where she could have gone. You ask her where she went last night and she responded by saying she went to meet one of her friends. Something about this seems odd....
77, 137 подземелье
As you approach the chest and try to open it many monsters appear. They are defending their treasure. They attack immediately
Щит королей гномов
75, 124 подземелье
You see a young man and several bodies of ogres in this clearing. You ask the young man how he defeated so many ogres by himself. He said that he found a magical shield that seemed to parry attacks on its own. You think such a shield would come in handy. Do you wish to kill the young man for it?
23, 135 подземелье
You are the exalted lizard king. Now is the time to liberate your people from human suppression and to drive them out of the land. They have killed your kind for long enough, now it is pay back time. You will have help from the orcs, demons and undead. The humans must die! There are many lizard men who have chosen not to join your revolution. They are enemies and must be killed but if you can convice them to join then good. Make use of the creatures who have allied with us. The rat men and drakes. Also our tamers are taming armies of swamp creatures. Malabell, a powerfull sorceress who has long helped your kind tells you of a powerful artifact that may grant immortality. You see the usefullness of this and you must have it. With it you can destroy the humans and rule over all other creatures. You must find this artifact before the humans and before your allies so that you may rule all of Britannia. Malabell says that finding it will not be so easy. She says you must first visit all 8 shrines. But after this she does not know what to do. You must find out what else to do to find this artifact. Your advisor comes up to you. He says that the orcs are in search of a hermit who lives in the swamp north of Trinsic. You think to yourself This hermit must know something.... We must find him! An orcish messenger arrives and says that Lord British has sealed the entrances to the new lands with powerful magic. Now we are not able to recieve reinforcements from the new lands. We must make do with what we can get here.
57, 97 подземелье
You are the great orc Warlord of Britannia. Your clan has grown to a substantial size and the time has come for you to drive the humans out of this land and take it for yourself. The goblins, ogres, cyclopses and other creatures have joined your clan to help in your conquest. Many orcs and other allied creatures refused to join your clan. They do not believe in you and wish to live like they always did. They are all traitors and must die but if you can convince some of them to join then do so. The demons, undead, lizard men, rat men and others have allied with you, make good use of them. Your high shaman talks about a powerful, lost artifact that is hidden somewhere in the land. It is rumored to grant immortality. With this you will be the ruler of all Britannia. You must find this artifact before the forces of good and preferably before your allies. You will rule all of them. Now in order to find this artifact you must do several things. You must visit all 8 shrines to get clues to the location of the artifact. It is not known what must be done next but there are rumors of an ancient hermit living in the swamp to the north. Seek him out. Spies report that Lord British has sealed all entrances to the new lands with powerful magic. This is a problem as our brothers and allies in the new lands cannot help. This especially damages our cyclops army. Keeonean the mighty has agreed to lead your armies to victory. He will be a very useful minion.
The evil spider-like terathians from the new lands have offered to ally themselves with us. They admire our goals to eliminate a common enemy and take the lands and loot for ourselves. You readily agree to their proposal knowing that their help will greatly increase your power. There is a catch though. The ophidians or snake people, are arch enemies of the terathians and you must slay all you find. This seems a small price to pay since all ophidans are stuck in the new lands. The only problem is that the terathians are also stuck in the new lands. But some, including a matriarch, managed to get though before the entrances were sealed. The matriarch is busy producing eggs that will hatch into your new super weapon. This will take time though, and you must provide food and shelter for the young.
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This is a small band of murderers and thieves. They are outcasts of Britannia and their idea of dealing with monsters is killing and stealing their gold. They are good to no one, not even the evil creatures and must be killed.
57, 110 подземелье
You see many people surrounding a cauldron. Upon closer inspection you see the fallen body of an adventurer. They are brewing something and examining many things. They must be murderers. They notice you and begin casting their magic upon you, shooting arrows and charging.
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This is the arena of Jhelom. It is where mighty warriors fight each other or ferocious monsters to prove themselves. You decide to have a go at it and test your skills against a fearsome beast.
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Shrine of Valor
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66, 136 подземелье
The horsemen up ahead look very hostile and they appear to be admiring some item. You try to get a closer look but they see you. They mount their horses and charge.
50, 120 подземелье
You come across some adventurers. They appear to be wandering through the jungle looking for monsters to fight. You approach them and ask them if they want to fight in your army. They ask for a few minutes to discuss it with each other.
Ящер воин
42, 112 подземелье
You come across a camp of lizard men who have a women in shackles. You attack the lizard men and free the woman. Greatful she gives you a family heirloom.
46, 108 подземелье
You come across a group of heavily armed miners mining away at the mountain face. They see you and being sick and tired of being attacked at the mine they charge your army.
35, 115 подземелье
As you approach the cave of group of mages in blood red robes immediately start casting offensive spells upon you and your army.
80, 129 подземелье
This temple used to be a teleporter to the new lands until Lord British had it sealed. It is no longer a teleporter but what is left of the temple is still serviceable. You may pray for victory if you wish.
24, 101 подземелье
You find some mages guarding a house. You ask what they are doing and they say that they are guarding an alchemist's lab for Lord British. You decide to take this lab.
34, 105 подземелье
You fine some dwarven miners happily hacking away at the rock. They see you comeing and try to hide to no avail. They then beg for their lives offering to make you a piece of armor.
29, 98 подземелье
There are many dead bodies of wandering healers in this area. They must have gathered here and fought a terrible battle with the monsters. Then some healers come out of the nearby cave. They say that they hid from the monsters because they knew they had no chance of winning.
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You come across a group of wandering healers. Apparently they have all gathered here. They sense your evilness and begin to run away. You charge them.
19, 87 подземелье
20, 88 подземелье
AHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Run for your lives! Tis horrible! AHHH the death! Please let me run! All of my friends were struck down where they stood by drakes! In the dungeon! Do not go in their unless you want to die. Now get out of my way!
Случайный город
17, 99 подземелье
Swamp Castle
11, 101 подземелье
You happen across a wandering wisp. Normally no one can understand a wisp's gibberish language but this is different. It is communicating without speaking. It says ,the key to the world is the shrines. You do not fully understand what this means but think that you should visit every shrine.
35, 58 подземелье
You are Lord British, ruler of Britannia. For years your kingdom has been relatively peaceful, except for the occasional monster seige and the Followers of Armageddon. But now there is a new threat. The monsters are banding together to stand a better chance of killing us and taking the county. You must stop the monsters before they can take over Britannia. The country is divided into 4 factions. Knights of Britan, elves of Yew, Mages of Moonglow and the Knights of Vesper. You must work together with these to eliminate the monster threat. Lord Blackthorn will be your general. But there is a problem. Your high mage has recently discovered information about an ancient artifact hidden somewhere in the land. It supposedly grants immortality. If the monsters get their hands on this then all is lost. You must find the artifact before the monsters. You should try to find the artifact before your allies just in case they use the immortality for something evil, however unlikely this may seem. Your high mage says that you must first visit all 8 shrines and then to visit all of the dungeons. You must then go to Wind to locate the artifact. You have ordered that all entrances to the new lands be sealed off. As many people as possible have been evacuated from the new lands. You do not want the added threat of the monsters from the new lands to affect this war. The monsters in Britannia are strong enough.
1, 72 подземелье
Skara Brae
40, 89 подземелье
Shrine of Spirituality
39, 83 подземелье
After spending many hours digging you find a buried chest. You unlock the chest and open it. A trap goes off reducing your army's moral and several monsters appear from nowhere. After defeating the guardians you open the chest and find treasure.
36, 74 подземелье
You find two adventurers fighting a grizzly bear. They appear to be losing so you give them a hand by healing them. They thank you and you gain experience for the act.
26, 79 подземелье
As you approach the mages they shout Begone from this sacred place lest we be forced to kill ye! You realize that this is the hedge maze where evil mages gather to practice their art. This place is rumored to be where evil mages work on new powerful spells and have many magic items.
19, 79 подземелье
The sound of ghosts wailing frighten your troops.
19, 80 подземелье
A ghost appears to you and says that he and his friends were brutally murdered by some men a while ago. They are now cursed to haunt these woods until their deaths are avenged. When that happens the murderer's ghosts will be cursed to haunt these woods forever. Please help us.
16, 82 подземелье
You spy four men sitting around a camp fire laughing, bragging about killing people and sorting out loot. These must be the murderers. You attack them before they even knew you were there. You indulge yourself in their loot afterwards.
37, 66 подземелье
Britain ---> north Trinsic ---> south
31, 66 подземелье
You come across some miners. They recognize you and agree to join your army. They warn you about the ever present murderer problem just past the mines.
86, 71 подземелье
Buc's Den
The thieves and pirates of Buccaneer's Den make a fair sum of gold from stealing and plundering. They pay up some of their loot for the extortion tax.
9, 23 подземелье
You are the lord of Yew. You rule Yew and the surrounding land and serve Lord British. Yew is mainly inhabited by elves, dwarves and centaurs. The monsters do not cause much trouble around here because the pegasi, unicorns and dendroids keep the forest safe. But now the monsters are stronger. The monsters are banding together to conquer Britannia. They must be stopped at all costs. You must work together with Lord British and the rest of Britannia to suppress the monsters. The good dragons have appeared to help the forces of good prevail and the forest creatures are helping also. The monks of Empath Abbey have known about a sacred artifact that can grant immortality. We must prevent the monsters from getting this at all costs. If they get it then all is lost. You must find the artifact before the monsters. Also, try to find it before your allies because immortality is a very nice thing to have. The ancient texts of the monks say that to find the artifact you must first visit all 8 shrines and every dungeon. After this you must go to place known as Wind. Magus Quelan, High Monk of empath Abbey will be leading your forces to victory. Lord British has declared that all entrances to the new lands are to be sealed to prevent monster invasion. Some troops have been sent to seal the prison entrance to the north
The lumberjacks of Yew contribute some of their wood to help the war effort.
8, 14 подземелье
FOA Leader
Little is known about the leader of the Followers of Armageddon. The only thing that is known about him is that he founded an organization bent on discovering the most powerful spell. One that is strong enough to destroy the world. They failed at trying to develop this spell and Lord British had all the followers execuited or imprisoned. The FOA did make progress however. They did create the most powerful spell but it is far from strong enough to destroy a world.
66, 121 подземелье
Bandits leap out of the trees and attack!
5, 49 подземелье
23, 69 подземелье
You come across some adventurers who have apparently just found some buried treasure. They notice you and attack thinking that you want to steal their treasure. These must be those murderers who were attacking the miners.
Сфера небесного свода
24, 143 подземелье
You come across a genie holding a strange orb. Around him are many lesser genies worshipping him and countless air elementals. You see the genie summon another air elemental. That orb must be very powerful. Do you wish to challenge the genies and air elementals for it?
Башмаки скороходы
8, 69 подземелье
The leader of the tiny village comes out to speak to you. These are troubled times. he says. I will give you these magic boots in exchange for your protection of this village. Realizing a good deal when you see one you agree.
18, 68 подземелье
You come across a demon wandering around in the forest. It notices you and roars. You have no choice but to fight it.
34, 53 подземелье
As you approach the graveyard skeletons emerge from the ground and attack!
21, 60 подземелье
An orc raiding party storms out from the trees and attacks!
13, 53 подземелье
Excuse me, this is the master's private mine. No visitors allowed. If you do not leave immediatly we shallt attack!
11, 58 подземелье
This is master Bostov's private property. No one is allowed past here without authorization and I see that you do not have it. Prepare to die trespassers!
16, 57 подземелье
This is master Bostov's private property. No one is allowed past here without authorization and I see that you do not have it. Prepare to die trespassers!
14, 57 подземелье
This is Bostov's tower. He should not mind too much if you have a visit in his tower. Suprisingly he allows you to come inside and even teaches you a few tricks.
Лесной эльф
18, 52 подземелье
You find some bandits who are guarding a horde of loot just outside of their fort. You take this opportunity to kill the bandits.
66, 45 подземелье
65, 49 подземелье
Why humies always attack us? Trying get our shinies! Die stupid humies!
43, 128 подземелье
Shrine of Honor
26, 29 подземелье
Yew Crypts
57, 98 подземелье
Keeonean is a mighty warrior. Little is known about his past but some speculate that he is part orc. His skin color is similar to a cross between orcish drab and human flesh. He is also a huge man. Standing well over 6 feet and having a large bulk of muscle. Keeonean has a special suit of golden armor and a sword that has been passed down through his family. The armor provides no special bonuses but the sword is enchanted with the darkest of evil magics. Although he is very powerful he is not very intelligent and struggles with magic. When he heard the monsters were joining forces against the humans he sought out to serve Minax. He is now leading the orcish armies under the command of the orc Warlord.
61, 85 подземелье
You find a camp of lizard men who are preparing to cook a man. You charge the lizard men and free the man. The man thanks you and returns to his home. For saving the man you gain experience.
23, 136 подземелье
Malabell is a powerfull sorceress who was trained by Minax herself. It is thought that Malabell was abandonded as a child and reared by lizard men but there is no proof for this rumor and Malabell says nothing about her past. But nevertheless she has a respect for the lizardmen race. Malabell is not truely evil but she is not evil either. She serves Minax and helps her carry out her evil plans. Malabell has a deep hatred of Lord British because Minax convinced her that Lord British imprisoned and tortured her lover. Malabell vows to extract revenge on Lord British and by leading the armies of the lizardmen and their friends the ratmen she is doing just that.
62, 85 подземелье
That man must be the hermit your shaman talked about. You question him about the artifact. For saving my life I shall tell thee. You must visit each dungeon for the rights of passage. Then venture to the magical city called Wind.
63, 85 подземелье
You come across an old man walking through the swamp. He must be the hermit so you question him about the artifact. He says. You must visit each dungeon for the rights of passage. Then go to the mysterious place called Wind.
35, 59 подземелье
Lord Blackthorn was once at war with Lord British. Since then, however, they have become the best of friends. Their battle continues though. Many citizens fight for the beliefs of either Lord British or Lord Blackthorn. Lord Brithish controls the forces of order which include the royal guards. Lord Blackthorn controls the forces of chaos. They must combine forces to combat the monsters now though. Lord Blackthorn is 2nd in command of Britannia and is an experienced cleric. He personally trains clerics and monks for the forces of chaos and has taken up training them for the forces of order also. Clerics and Monks trained by Blackthorn are more powerful than others.
9, 24 подземелье
Magus Quelan
Magus is a long time druid and shows great potential to be a great mage. He first started out wandering the woods until he joined the ranks of Empath Abbey. Magus loves to read and write and spends a lot of his time researching ancient tomes and writing stories and history. This has caused him to become very intelligent. With all of his hard work and magical skill he rapidly rose through the ranks of Empath Abbey until he became the High Monk. He is now serving the Lord of Yew, leading his armies to victory against the hoards of monsters.
19, 27 подземелье
You come across some adventurers at the bank. They appear to be conning other adventurers into giving them their gold. An eye witness reports this to you. You immediatly call the guards. But then you realize you are the guards and charge them. Gratefull victims let you have some of their gold.
18, 28 подземелье
Empath Abbey
Хижина предсказателя
15, 35 подземелье
You enter the rickety tree house of strange old man. What can I do you? He says. You do not know what to say and just idiotically stand there. Ahhh, so you have no idea why you are here then. Well I am a great blacksmith. If you can bring me the helm of chaos I can upgrade it into something better. The old man says. With this he shoos you out. Hmmm the helm of chaos. You had better keep an eye out of that.
22, 34 подземелье
As you approach the tavern you find your self in the middle of a battle. Apparently a band of adventurers became irritated by a local's comment and began attacking people. You attack the evil adventurers. Some of the locals at the tavern are inspired to join your army.
23, 37 подземелье
You come across a small band of ettins. They are charging tolls for crossing through their territory and the bodies of a couple adventurers lie nearby. You must put a stop to them.
25, 26 подземелье
The gruesome sight of the dark tent of death where smugglers sell high quality goods makes you feel uneasy. A strange eerie howl begins to come from all around that frightens your troops.
26, 18 подземелье
You come across some mounted adventurers. You cannot tell what their intentions are. Will they attack you, leave in peace or offer to join?
8, 18 подземелье
What is this! Wyverns have come through the passage from the new lands. You thought the entrances to the new lands were closed off. These must have gotten through when Lord British tried to close the entrance. You should check to see if the entrance is closed or not.
48, 28 подземелье
Shrine of Justice
36, 25 подземелье
As you travel along the banks of the river you notice valuable metal deposits in the river. You send some troops down to get it.
40, 20 подземелье
You come upon a large ship wreck. It seems to have run aground just days ago. Some survivors come out of the ship to meet you. They say that they were on their way to Yew from Vesper with supplies. You tell them that you serve Yew. They give you the supplies and offer to join.
40, 37 подземелье
Bandits are guarding this road. They demand tribute for crossing. You attack them instead.
27, 67 подземелье
You come across some more miners. Greetings m'lord. We just got out of a battle with some murderers. We dared venture outside the protection of the guards but ran right back as soon as we were attacked. We want to help you get those bastards!
41, 84 подземелье
You find a troll reading something. From the looks of it he is reading a map, most likely a treasure map. There must be buried treasure around here somewhere. The troll notices you and begins to run away. do you wish to attack him?
38, 77 подземелье
These horsemen are guarding the bridge across the river. You recognize them as known murderers and ready your army. They charge you just as they notice you charging them.
92, 34 подземелье
Lord Dupre
Lord Dupre is one of Lord British's finest generals. He is a battle hardned war veteran and has proved himself on many occasions. He is always doing something different for Lord British. Sometimes he leads strike forces and sometimes he is assigned to protect a town or other area. He is currently assigned to defend Vesper and is instructed to do as the Lord of Vesper says. Rumor has it that Dupre is secretly meeting with Malabell, who is leading the lizardmen and ratmen and working for Minax.....
Хижина предсказателя
12, 97 подземелье
You come across the hut of an old hermit living in the swamp. Hey you! The old man shouts. You turn around to see the old man running out yelling at you to come back. Wait! Wait! The old man shouts and as he reaches you he stops to catch his breath. I was recently robbed by some thieves. They mugged me and stole a priceless heirloom. Tis the only thing I have left of my dear wife. Would you please find it for me? I cannot live without it. I will give you something very usefull if you do. You think for a while. Sure why not. Try Buccaneer's Den. That place is a hole for scum. The old man says.
73, 11 подземелье
95, 26 подземелье
The bridge appears to down....
92, 29 подземелье
The bridge appears to be down....
92, 33 подземелье
You are the lord of Vesper. The recent attacks by the monsters have left Vesper cut off from Britain and you are now on your own until help arrives. Lord British has assigned one of his finest generals, Lord Dupre to defend Vesper. Dupre is a very capable general and he is always ready to defend the good against the forces of evil. Dupre has alot of experience battling evil and he specializes in leading mobile armies. But there is another problem. Just recently a messenger from Britain got through and he had some bad news. There is an ancient artifact that can grant immortality. It is hidden somewhere in the lands and the monsters are looking for it. If they find it all is lost. The only clue we have to its location is to visit all 8 shrines and dungeons. You think to yourself, hmmm immortality. That would be nice to have. I think I will try and get that artifact before everyone else. You look at the rest of the letter. It also says that the mages of Moonglow and the elves of Yew are on their own like you and that Lord British has sealed up the entrances to the new lands.
45, 20 подземелье
Upon landing on the island you hear fluttering and giggling from all around. Upon investigation you find many small fairy women spying on you and your army. They fly around and dazzle your men for a while and then you stamp your foot and shout enough!. One of the faries approaches you and asks if they can come with you since their little island is no fun.
39, 59 подземелье
Some disgruntled peasants have had enough of Lord British. They are rebelling against you!
Лесной эльф
8, 40 подземелье
You come across a farmer and his wife. He asks if they can join your army because their farm is too dangerous with the increased monster activity.
7, 13 подземелье
This is it. The secret entrance to the new lands. You go through the passageway and discover several corpses. These must have been the people Lord British sent. You check to see if the entrance is closed. Unfortunately the entrance is not closed but there are no monsters nearby. You search the corpses and find a magic device. You assume it must be for closing the entrance so you use it. It works!
50, 43 подземелье
58, 35 подземелье
Yew ---> west Britain ---> south Vesper ---> east Minoc ---> northeast
52, 40 подземелье
Shrine of Compassion
39, 44 подземелье
Страж задания
42, 41 подземелье
This is the entrance to the fabled city of Wind. Only those who have mastered magic to power level 20 may pass into Wind.
51, 51 подземелье
A bunch of murderers spring from the forest and attack!
58, 42 подземелье
These ratmen are holding a young girl captive and are planning on having her for diner. Once you take care of the ratmen you rescue her. She thanks you and give you a key for the ratmen's chest. Upon opening the chest you find treasure.
3, 56 подземелье
This looks like where that ship went down. You get your men to try and haul up the wreck. Upon doing so you awake a nasty sea serpent. After killing it you find the wreck and loot the treasure on board.
2, 59 подземелье
Help us. We are going down. Our coordinates are 56 N 3 E
55, 36 подземелье
While strolling down the road one of your troops spots something in the trees. You send some men to go and check it out. The men yell back that it is the corpse of an adventurer and he looks badly burnt. Then from out of the trees comes his killer! After killing the monster you take the gold and equipment of the adventurer knowing that it will be of more use to you than him.
48, 40 подземелье
Chaos shrine
73, 38 подземелье
106, 11 подземелье
Shrine of Sacrifice
72, 56 подземелье
To whoever finds this note
81, 23 подземелье
The miners of Minoc are working very hard and donate some of their produce.
90, 34 подземелье
It seems that some of the peasants are revolting against the lord of Vesper. They are desperate and have no where else to turn. Violence is the only thing on their minds....
64, 28 подземелье
As you are crossing the river something shiny in the water catches your eye. You peer down into the water and see a pile of gold and some bottles. You reach into the water and pull out the treasure.
74, 40 подземелье
Ambush! A group of thieves assault your army!
70, 45 подземелье
You meet some exhausted soldiers running from the direction of Cove. Cove.....is taken....over by orcs! One soldiers yells stopping to catch his breath. There were too many....Most of the garrison died. We had to run away. Another soldier says. We will join up with you to defeat the orcs!
87, 34 подземелье
Sir! The monsters are closing in on the city. They will soon be upon us. We must make haste to slay them. Come let us help you.
82, 6 подземелье
Museum of Memories
85, 13 подземелье
Up ahead is a large fort where the miners take their ore. It is heavily guarded. Then from out of no where you are attacked! A dragon tamer with a dragon is going around murdering people!
109, 22 подземелье
Up ahead looks like a treasure hunt gone wrong. Several dead bodies lie on the ground but where are all the monsters that killed them? You look further down the pensinsula and see them coming. Prepare for battle!
131, 20 подземелье
Shrine of Honesty
128, 17 подземелье
129, 17 подземелье
What is this? A group of adventurers have come to attack Deceit. They must die!
132, 45 подземелье
Some ophidians come up to your castle and ask to speak with you. It is difficult to communicate with them as they do not speak common very well and then tend to put an S sound in almost every word. They say that they know the monsters are rising up in unison against the forces of good. The others saw this as a chance to claim land and treasure but us few wise ones knew differently. Our arch enemies, the terathians, have sided with the orcs. We absolutely refuse to fight along side them and even though we would rather kill all humans we wish to ally with you. We want to kill all terathians and they will surely win with their allies unless we ourselves find allies. We are the only wise ones who made it through before the teleporter stopped working. You need all the help you can get so we advise you to accept our help. We will begin breeding to produce and army for you right away.
You are the lord of Moonglow and like most people who live here, you are an accomplished mage. Moonglow has long been the center for magic activity in Britannia and most mages come here at some point in their lives to study. The island of Moonglow is very suited to mages, with many facilities to accomodate them. Moonglow is also the home of mage's guild, which has branches is every city. Normally Moonglow is a peaceful place but now the monsters are rising up together to exterminate the forces of good. You are pretty much cut off from the other cities of Britannia and must fend for yourself. Eleana Corie, the high guildmistress of the mage's guild will be leading your armies against the monsters. Another thing is that a sacred artifact, rumored to grant immortality has resurfaced. The forces of darkness are looking for this and if they get it all is lost. Mages have done much research on this artifact and you found out from the library that in order to find this artifact you must visit every dungeon, all 8 shrines and then go to the magical city of Wind. You must find this artifact before the monsters and if you can find it before you allies you can study it. And just think of what you can do if you can never die. A messenger from Britain arrived a little while ago. You read the message which states that Lord British has sealed all entrances to the new lands to prevent those monsters from attacking Britannia. A group was sent to disable the teleporter to the new lands at the mage's guild to the north. Now you must set out to destroy the forces of darkness. But first you must deal with the increasing hordes of mongbats the are plagueing the island.
132, 46 подземелье
Eleana Corie
Eleana Corie is the High guildmistress for the mage's guild of Britannia. She grew up in Moonglow, the daughter of the former high guildmaster. She was taught magic at a young age and showed great promise. She now oversees all activities of the mage's guild from Moonglow. She also helps keep order in Moonglow by leading groups of soldiers against monsters and evil people. She is the most experienced tactician in Moonglow and now she is leading the army of Moonglow against the forces of darkness.
128, 40 подземелье
The Lycaeum
142, 41 подземелье
This is the telescope of Moonglow. It is used to look into the heavens and study the cosmos. The mages believe that the cosmos are very important to magic and by learning about the cosmos they can learn more about magic. This telescope can be used to look at distant things on the ground also but it is far less effective. You decide that it would be useful to use this to find the sacred artifact.
137, 56 подземелье
Royal Zoo of Britannia Only those deemed worthy may enter and learn all there is to know about Britannia's wonderous animals No killing the animals
138, 51 подземелье
This is not a good sign. Undead from the graveyard are increasing in numbers and venturing outside the graveyard.
Ходячий мертвец
131, 49 подземелье
This is bad. The number of undead in the graveyard is steadily increasing. Stopping the undead is the first order of business.
142, 42 подземелье
Thank goodness you're here. We have been guarding the telescope from the hoards of mongbats. Where are they all coming from? We will help you fight the evil in this land. Come lets go.
137, 35 подземелье
What! Ophidians! They must have come through from the teleporter to Papua. Lord British send some people to disable the teleporter. If they failed then we will have serious problems. We cannot afford to deal with the ophidians along with the other monsters.
137, 34 подземелье
As you enter the mage guild you see the reminants of a large battle. Corpses of mages, alchemists and adventures who fought bravely against the ophidians are everywhere. They took their toll upon the ophidians, there are many ophidian corpses also. You attempt to use the teleporter and breath a sigh of relief when you cannot get it to work. You look around at all the corpses. Even though it is dishonorable you loot at the corpses for you war cause.
115, 57 подземелье
Kyre Longcas
Kyre is a tamer who grew up in Serpent's Hold. He is also a thief and a murderer. If he was not taming creatures he was using them to murder people, stealing from people or conning others out of their gold. Once he went to Nujel'm and tried to kill someone just outside of town. He was caught and thrown in prison for the rest of his life, along with his dragon.
115, 53 подземелье
142, 56 подземелье
Looks like some ophidians who strayed away from the ones at the mage guild have taken up residence here. They must be exterminated from this land.
118, 70 подземелье
117, 87 подземелье
109, 94 подземелье
In this clearing you see a small hole dug in the ground and a shovel on the ground nearby. After a closer inspection of the hole you can see what appears to be part of a treasure chest revealed. You grab the shovel and start digging. You uncover the chest and try to open it but it is locked. You cast magic unlock on it and get one of your expendable troops to open the chest. BOOM! The troop who open the chest is blown to pieces but now the treasure is yours. As you begin removing treasure monsters appear from out of nowhere!
111, 88 подземелье
Survivors from Ocllo attack!
111, 87 подземелье
Some survivors from the attack on Ocllo come out from hiding and offer to join your army
Сфера проливного дождя
128, 9 подземелье
You come across a large group of ice elementals guarding a strange orb. They appear very intent on keeping this orb away from anyone who wants it. Do you wish to attack the ice elementals for the orb?
125, 137 подземелье
Shrine of Humility
143, 140 подземелье
139, 132 подземелье
You come across a group of murderers. They attack you at once!
Сфера тверди земной
141, 141 подземелье
Sitting on the jungle floor is a strange brown orb. It seems to be radiating a strange brownish-green glow. As you approach the orb the ground starts rumbling and begins to move. You see coutless things coming up from out of the ground. You can make out large hands made of earth, wooden claws, other claws and some lava hands. Are you sure you wish to risk going for the orb?
59, 71 подземелье
Under this library is a secret entrance to the new lands. It is a small cave and it is very unlikely that there would be anything dangerous down there. You go down to check if the entrance is sealed. You are not suprised to find that the entrance is sealed. You decide to take a take a look around the library.
48, 138 подземелье
This looks like a place where a ship went down. You and some of your men try to see if you can fish anything up. After several hours of fishing you have pulled up a sizeable amount of treasure and a couple sea serpents. You have several valuable works of art and some other items. You sell these items for a small fortune.
5, 3 подземелье
This looks like a place where a ship went down. You and some of your men try to see if you can fish anything up. After several hours of fishing you have pulled up a sizeable amount of treasure and a couple sea serpents. You have several valuable works of art and some other items. You sell these items for a small fortune.
90, 55 подземелье
This looks like a place where a ship went down. You and some of your men try to see if you can fish anything up. After several hours of fishing you have pulled up a sizeable amount of treasure and a couple sea serpents. You have several valuable works of art and some other items. You sell these items for a small fortune.
89, 98 подземелье
This looks like a place where a ship went down. You and some of your men try to see if you can fish anything up. After several hours of fishing you have pulled up a sizeable amount of treasure and a couple sea serpents. You have several valuable works of art and some other items. You sell these items for a small fortune.
83, 38 подземелье
Vesper ---> east Minoc ---> north Bucaneer's Den ---> gate
137, 137 подземелье
You come across the body of a dead adventurer. You search his body and find a small amount of treasure and a spell scroll. This could be useful.
Страж задания
28, 133 подземелье
This is the barricade that Lord British erected to prevent acess to the moongates. It is bound by very powerful magiks and only very powerful sorcerers stand even a chance of dispelling the barrier.
Страж задания
52, 103 подземелье
This is the barricade that Lord British erected to prevent acess to the moongates. It is bound by very powerful magiks and only very powerful sorcerers stand even a chance of dispelling the barrier.
Страж задания
34, 71 подземелье
This is the barricade that Lord British erected to prevent acess to the moongates. It is bound by very powerful magiks and only very powerful sorcerers stand even a chance of dispelling the barrier.
Страж задания
3, 66 подземелье
This is the barricade that Lord British erected to prevent acess to the moongates. It is bound by very powerful magiks and only very powerful sorcerers stand even a chance of dispelling the barrier.
Страж задания
23, 22 подземелье
This is the barricade that Lord British erected to prevent acess to the moongates. It is bound by very powerful magiks and only very powerful sorcerers stand even a chance of dispelling the barrier.
Страж задания
23, 23 подземелье
This is the barricade that Lord British erected to prevent acess to the moongates. It is bound by very powerful magiks and only very powerful sorcerers stand even a chance of dispelling the barrier.
Страж задания
22, 23 подземелье
This is the barricade that Lord British erected to prevent acess to the moongates. It is bound by very powerful magiks and only very powerful sorcerers stand even a chance of dispelling the barrier.
Страж задания
87, 27 подземелье
This is the barricade that Lord British erected to prevent acess to the moongates. It is bound by very powerful magiks and only very powerful sorcerers stand even a chance of dispelling the barrier.
Страж задания
111, 71 подземелье
This is the barricade that Lord British erected to prevent acess to the moongates. It is bound by very powerful magiks and only very powerful sorcerers stand even a chance of dispelling the barrier.
Страж задания
135, 49 подземелье
This is the barricade that Lord British erected to prevent acess to the moongates. It is bound by very powerful magiks and only very powerful sorcerers stand even a chance of dispelling the barrier.
Страж задания
135, 48 подземелье
This is the barricade that Lord British erected to prevent acess to the moongates. It is bound by very powerful magiks and only very powerful sorcerers stand even a chance of dispelling the barrier.
123, 134 подземелье
Ahh excellent. Some fool has left a boat here for us. This will be very useful....
136, 114 подземелье
Along the shore are many humans wearing brown robes. They must be those acursed wandering healers who have been plaguing this island. Looks like they're trying to get off the island. They will suffer.
136, 124 подземелье
You notice a little rustling in the jungle. You stop and look trying to see what it is. Too late, ambush!
141, 140 подземелье
It is a nice sunny day outside. The kind of day that puts you in a bad mood. Cursed sun and fresh air. you mutter. We really much conquer this land and get rid of all this fresh air.
142, 140 подземелье
This is it, the entrance to the foul dungeon Hyloth, where the demons thrive. The smell of sulfur eminates from the depths and grunting can be heard down below. Time to rid this world of those vermin.
55, 98 подземелье
This is the city of Trinsic. A once proud and glorious city that was home to the only paladins of the land. Now it serves as the orcish stronghold. Its walls covered with blood and war trophies.
Хижина предсказателя
106, 22 подземелье
Inside this hut lives an old magician. He knows pretty much all there is to know about magic and has long since retired from his adventuring days. Hello there young one. Have you come to learn about magic from me? Why am I asking this, of course you have. Well before I teach you the ways of the mage I will need something for my time. Enough to tide me over for a while. Bring me 10000 gold, 10 gems and crystal, 5 mercury and sulfur and 2 wood and ore. The old mage says.
118, 88 подземелье
This is the human city of Ocllo. It is the closest city to Hyloth. We have already sent a contingent of troops to capture the town and from the looks of it they succeeded. But there is the problem. These demons have gone rogue. They must enjoy having this place to themselves. Fools, they shall pay for their insolence.
116, 72 подземелье
You see a womanly figure coming out from the jungle. You feel strangely compelled to follow her so you do. After following her for a little while she disappears and you have no idea where she went, but you feel rejuvenated.
89, 74 подземелье
You should have been expecting this....a town full of thieves. You have been pickpocketed.
136, 48 подземелье
These must be the seals Lord British put on the moongates. They look very difficult to break.
126, 17 подземелье
This is the path to Deceit, the dungeon of undead. The smell of death radiates from inside and inhuman groans and sighs can be heard. Blood and gore covers the trail and the snow but no bodies can be found. Whenever something dies it is brought back to Deceit to be raised into undeath. Untold horrors await you down below. Are you ready?
Безмолвный глаз дракона
48, 97 суша
This is it, the still eye of the dragon. Now I just have to get it back to that seer.
38, 113 суша
Poisonous gas from gysers make some of your troops sick. This lowers their moral.
46, 111 суша
You come across some fighters who are blocking the way onward. We demand a toll of 500 gold before you can pass through here. Pay up or feel our wraith. You refuse to pay and they attack.
50, 109 суша
You find 3 soldiers hiding some rocks. They come out and introduce themselves as engineers for Lord British. They say that the evil power that is causing the monsters to unite is coming from the new land. Lord British has ordered all entrances to the new lands sealed. We blew up the entrance.
4, 76 суша
Oh thank the gods. We thought we would be down here forever. We do not have enough reagents to get out of here and we cannot take those dragons. Please take us outside or get out of our way so that we may escape.
8, 44 суша
You find an adventurer running and screaming Help! Pk! Acting quickly you intercept the murderer and slay him. The greatful adventurer thanks you and lets you keep all of the murderer's items. You gain experience for your helpful act.
28, 49 суша
As you pass through here you see a strange statue on the rocks. Upon examining it you believe that it is magical. You attempt to use the statue.
26, 27 суша
This must be the evil mage cult deep in the dungeon. They attack all who trespass on their territory and have noticed you.....
9, 27 суша
This must be the evil mage cult deep in the dungeon. They attack all who trespass on their territory and have noticed you.....
18, 32 суша
You find a fishing net on the beach. This is a strange place for a fishing net indeed. You examine it and find something attached to it. It is a scroll.
28, 16 суша
As you walk past this area a rare kind of subterranean mushroom explodes sending dangerous spores over your army. These spores lower your army's moral and make you feel strange....
Хижина предсказателя
8, 8 суша
An old retired warrior lives in this underground hut. Greetings child, come in, stay awhile. After some ale and exchanges of war stories the old warrior begins to speak again. Yes I was a mighty warrior in my time. I could kill anything one on one but there was one creature that I never conquered. Not even with the help of my friends. The mighty azure dragon. If you would slay one for me I will teach you all I know about fighting. You have potential young one.
63, 12 суша
Ross Head
Ross is an experienced adventurer from the city of Vesper. He came to Wrong seeking riches but found something else. He attempted to rescue a peasant trapped in a cell but was tricked by the monsters. He has been locked up with the peasant for several months now. He is willing to serve whoever can get him out of this hell hole.
Хижина предсказателя
63, 10 суша
You come across the strange mushroom house of an old ogre. Hey! Wut u doing in here?! Well me prison boss and me want to leave this place. Me no can leave without enuff gold and stuff to pay off guards and stuff. Bring me gold and other stuff and I give you small slave women I use for fun. The ogre grunts in poor english.
63, 14 суша
You should have known better. Some murderers in league with the monsters ambush you!
Страж задания
78, 14 суша
A mad, but powerful, wizard lives in this tower. Who are you? No matter. I want 30 pixies and 50 sprites to study and perform experiments on. If you bring me them I will let you take whatever you want from my tower and my cyclops cave. Now hurry on and capture those sprites and pixies!
Страж задания
79, 13 суша
This cell grate is very strong and magically enchanted to prevent passage. The only way you can think of to get past it is to get some enchanters to break the seal.
Страж задания
50, 7 суша
Some mighty titans occupy this tower. They will grant you access to the inner area if you can prove your worth. Bring them one rust dragon to prove that you are strong enough to beat one. This tower is so well constructed that a seige would result in a slaughter of your men even though there are only a few titans in the tower.
Страж задания
49, 7 суша
Some mighty titans occupy this tower. They will grant you access to the inner area if you can prove your worth. Bring them one rust dragon to prove that you are strong enough to beat one. This tower is so well constructed that a seige would result in a slaughter of your men even though there are only a few titans in the tower.
43, 26 суша
An overwhelming sense of peace fills you.
44, 26 суша
An overwhelming sense of peace fills you.
44, 66 суша
As you march through the shadowly depths a figure emerges from the shadows, heads for your supply cart and is gone again in almost lightning quick speed. You take inventory of your supplies. You have been robbed!
35, 68 суша
You come across a lone mage just walking around in this swamp. He appears to be evil. Upon noticing you he begins to cast recall.
35, 69 суша
From out of nowhere monsters attack! It appears that the mage you killed was only a shadow or illusion for the mage is back!
44, 45 суша
What is this?! A bunch of murderers and thieves hanging out in the dungeon!
41, 28 суша
You happen across the ghost of a hapless adventurer. He appears to be lost and frustrated because of that. You ask him if he needs any help but he just replies in ghostly moans. You give him directions to the exit and for you kindness he shows you a hidden cache of treasure in the rocks.
81, 37 суша
Several jets of flame are erupting from holes in the ground. Your army must be careful not to be hit by these flames.
56, 19 суша
Right here is the throne of this dungeon. You notice a piece of paper stuck under the throne. The note reads Alas, my castle is doomed and my love killed. This note is my legacy..... The note goes on and on about things this person did in their life, people he wishes to thank and so on. You keep reading until you find something interesting. My prized posession, the necklace I gave my love will never fall into enemy hands. I prey that someone good finds this note and will put my necklace to good use. The necklace is hidden where fire meets water. The note is signed King Fredroth. Hmmm where fire meets water. You are thinking lava but you have seen none in this dungeon and it must be near this castle.
71, 29 суша
Badistar is an alchemist from the city of Vesper. He is also an accomplished mage. He did not do much adventuring other then a little around Vesper so he decided to venture to the nearby dungeon of Covetous. But inside the dungeon he came across some warriors and thieves, about 5 of them. They beat Badistar over the head with a club and knocked him unconscious. They then traded him for their companion who was taken hostage by the growing lich population in the dungeon depths. When he woke up he found himself locked in prison, with no one else nearby. The liches used him as target practice, took his spell book and forced him to teach them more about magic and alchemy. He only survived so long because of his extensive knowledge of alchemy, the liches found him very useful.
40, 15 суша
Ah ha! Where fire meets water. There is a volcano out in this water. You fish around in the water and come up with the necklace!
114, 18 суша
Juo'nar is an ancient lich king who has lived in the depths of Deceit for centuries. Few have seen him and none have returned to tell the tale. He lurks in the dungeon, some say he can become a shadow and move almost unnoticeably. Juo'nar is much more powerful than any ordinary lich and could take on several lich lords. When Minax came to him to ask for his help he at first refused. After some convincing from Minax he agreed to help. Minax told him of the riches and undead armies they can raise if they attack the towns of Britannia. She also said that they have help from the other monsters but the most stimulating thing that convinced him was the wraith of Minax. He could sense the evil in her, even greater than his and she could destroy him. Now Juo'nar, the lich king leads his army of undead against the Britannians.
114, 17 суша
You are Minax, the dark mistress. You are the esscence of evil. Your life goal is to spread your evilness throughout the world and kill all good creatures. Everything must be contaminated with evil. Knowing that you cannot possible do this alone your first set out to Deceit to get the help of Juo'nar, the lich king. After some convincing he agreed to help you. You had the undead construct a castle for you in the first level of Deceit and steped up security to keep adventurers out. Your master plan involves using the other monsters of Britannia, particuarly the orcs, lizardmen and demons, to attack the humans all at once. However, many monsters refused to help your cause and just wish to roam the lands looking for people to kill and rob. These must all die. This about evens the playing field and you will need more to completely destroy the forces of good. You have discovered an ancient artifact that can grant immortality. This must be yours if you want to rule the lands with an iron fist. You know that you must visit every dungeon to gain access to where this artifact is kept but you have no idea where it is. Juo'nar overheard you talking about this and told you that you must visit all 8 shrines to find the location of the artifact. You do not like it that Juo'nar knows of this artifact so you warn him harshly not to try and use it for himself. To prevent that you cast a curse on him that allows you to take complete control of his body at will. Keeonean, your contact with the orcs, tells you that Lord British has sealed up all entrances to the new lands with powerful magic. This is bad because the bulk of our mummies reside in the new lands. We will have to make do with what little we can get here.
bone dragon
At last! All the hard work has paid off. We have found a way to animate dragon corpses. But this process is expensive and each bone dragon will be costly. Soon we shall have a sizeable army of bone dragons to assault the forces of good. Our necromancers are continuing their research and they believe they can find a way to harness the actual spirit of the dragon and control it. They believe they can have it done very soon. You await results.
128, 16 суша
You find a lever on some kind of platform. You pull the lever and can hear the grinding of stone nearby. Ahead of you a small compartment in the wall opens up and a secret treasure room is uncovered. You take the treasure.
128, 22 суша
You find a central room here that seems impossible to enter. Upon further examination you find a lever in the back room that opens up a small door leading you to the treasure inside.
129, 28 суша
You are attacked by murderers!
110, 44 суша
None shall pass, that is unless you wish to pay the toll. The toll is your lives and every possession have. Prepare to die!
103, 43 суша
The archers eye your army suspiciously as they point their crossbows at you. Get lost fore we have to puncture up that pretty face of yours.
108, 43 суша
Who d'you think you are? Bargin' into our hideout like that. We'll show you.
134, 96 суша
You are an ancient demon lord who lives in the depths of Hyloth. It was centuries ago that you came to this world from your home in the 9 hells. One day you accidentially stepped through a portal and ended up here with no way back. This is how most demons come to this plane. You and your kin have tried very hard to make this dungeon like home but it is difficult with all the adventurers looking for treasure, fame and to rid of world of evil. You have slayed many an adventurer yourself but there are just too many of them for us to go anywhere. But now something is happening. A human female called Minax came to you asking for help. She dreams of evil over running the land and already has the undead, orcs, lizardmen, ratmen and others combining forces in organisation agains the forces of good. Hmmmmm, this is very interesting. This is a good chance for you to spread your evil across this pitiful land of goody goodies. You agree to help her. You begin organising your forces but find that most will not obey you. They do not wish to leave Hyloth and like killing and plundering any hapless soul who wanders here. Very well then, you shall leave them be....for now, but if they get in your way they will perish. You leave the lower levels to them and make the entire first level into a large base of operations. The central area of the first floor will contain a castle and places for your troops but the rest will be unused and most likely taken over by monsters. You have called forth Phakebrus the mighty from his home in Wrong. He jumped at the chance to lead an army against the Britannians in hopes of turning the land into another hell. There is also the matter of an ancient artifact that can grant immortality. You have known about this for some time but have never been able to leave Hyloth long enough to look for it. To find it you know you must visit every dungeon and all 8 shrines. Luckily you live in one dungeon and have a shrine on the island above. But there is some bad news. Your allies tell you that Lord British has sealed the entrances to the new lands so we will not be able to get reinforcements from there.
134, 97 суша
Phakebrus is a very powerful demon who lives in the dungeon of Wrong. He is very cruel and delights in torturing those to visit Wrong. He is pretty much the ruler of Wrong but has to keep to a low profile to avoid being attacked by a large army of goodness again. Phakebrus has a lust for blood and battle. He loves killing things and instills a little bloodlust in some of those he commands. Phakebrus is an excellent warrior but he tends to get carried away sometimes.
Хижина предсказателя
102, 104 суша
An ancient demon lives in this hut. He is very wise and powerful but he has no desire to fight. Prove to me that you are capable of becoming wise and powerful and I will teach you something to help you on your conquest. If you can attain an experience level of 15 then I shall consider you worthy of my help. The elder demon grunts in an unnature voice.
114, 100 суша
You come across an adventurer who has managed to avoid the demons and other monsters. He says that he came here looking to kill some demons until he seen how many there were. He gasped at the sight of so many demons in one place and tried to escape but he could not. He was stuck down here and was hiding away from the monsters. You tell him the way out is safe enough to walk. The man thanks you and offers to give you some pointers on spell casting.
121, 97 суша
There is some kind of strange phenomenon that keeps teleporting your army back to the altar. It takes a while to figure out how to get past it and you feel this has some kind of magical negative effect on you.
Хижина предсказателя
126, 33 суша
A lich lord lives in this hut. He gleams at you and speaks with a cackle in his voice. We need more skeletons, zombies and wraiths to replenish the stock of Deceit. Barely any adventurers come here and almost none of them die so we are short on corpses. With the lack of undead the adventuers that do come here have little to fear. The best way to get more corpses is to kidnap peasants from Britannia. Bring me 300 peasants and I will give you a magic shield that has been in Deceit for as long as I can remember.
75, 82 суша
63, 93 суша
At last, the city of Wind. There are strong enchantments here that prevent those unworthy from passing. If you can get past these blockades then you will have access to the mystical city of Wind.
75, 84 суша
The city of Wind! It looks like the mages that live here are doing all they can to keep the city out of everyone else's hands, wether they be good or bad. You will have to find some way past this gate and then defeat the guardian mages.
61, 79 суша
There appears to have been a cave in up ahead.
68, 77 суша
There appears to have been a cave in up ahead.
66, 82 суша
This teleporter is the exit of Wind.
61, 67 суша
Just beyond this point is the mystical enchanted garden, one of the most beautiful places in all of Britannia.
113, 25 суша
You meet a wounded lich staggering towards town. Greeetingsss masster. It cackles. I am done...in. The adventurersss outside....get them. Let me sshow you how to ccasst a spell before I am terminated. The lich manages to get out its final words before collapsing. You use necromancy to reraise him as a skeleton.
14, 32 суша
You should have known that a graveyard would not be abandoned. Zombies rise from the grave and attack!
137, 95 суша
What is this?! The demons have constructed a large castle in the first level of the dunegon. This gives them a real tactical advantage.
94, 93 суша
Ahead of you is a very powerful looking mage surrounded by elementals. It looks as if he is trapped down here and is using all of his power to summon creatures to protect him. Strange how the elementals and demons are not returning to their natural plane once the spell duration is over. He is even summoning demons to help him. Fool, he will know the wraith of true demons.
114, 19 суша
This is it, the first floor of Deceit, where Minax and her minions reside. It is finally time to purge the land of her vile influence. She has no escape now. You tell your men that the war is almost over and they can go back home soon. When Minax is killed the other monsters may lose their moral.
Волшебный элементал
88, 17 суша
Oh great, poison elementals. They think they own this part of the dungeon, they would own the entire dungeon if there were more of them. But there is something wrong. You have never seen more than 3 here at one time before and that was a once in a lifetime experience. There are a lot of them. Who know why there are so many of them, no adventurers killing them, feeding off the organization and rise of evil or some kind of natural or unnatural event. Whatever the cause they are there and they're tough.
109, 53 суша
This is the heart of the dungeon, the tomb of the lich lords. All of the lich lords spend their time here along with many normal liches. The lich lords detest intruders but if you can get past them a sizeable treasure awaits.
106, 41 суша
It appears as if many murderers and thieves are hiding out down here. They are holding off the liches and stealing treasure. They look very hostile and in the mood for a fight.
71, 124 суша
Created by Sir Chovus Please email me at [email protected] with suggestions, criticism, etc.
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