Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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A small world large enough for only one Blonde Queen. Golden hair will fly in this satirical tale of two beautiful queens vying for one golden throne to match their stunning hair. Will you be it? The Gods are betting on having a good time in this contest of world conquest!
Why is a blonde like a bottle of wine?.... They are both empty from the neck up.
What does a blonde say when you blow in her ear?.... Thanks for the refill.
How does a blonde get hurt raking leaves?..... She falls out of the tree.
wind tunnel
What do you call a line of blondes standing ear to ear?..... A wind tunnel.
How do you make a blonde's eyes sparkle?..... Hold a candle to her ear.
How do you make a one arm blonde fall out of a tree?.... Wave to her!
How does a blonde kill a bird? ..... She throws it off a cliff.
What's the quickest way to drown a blonde?.... You put a mirror on the bottom of a lake.
Did you hear about the blonde&the brunette who jumped off a cliff?.. The brunette hit the ground first cause the blonde had to stop and ask directions
Do you know how to get a blonde to laugh on Sunday?.... You tell her the joke on Friday.
blind men
Why is beauty more important than brains for a blonde?... Because plenty of men are stupid but not many of them are blind.
glass wall
Why did the blonde climb the glass wall?.... To see what was on the other side.
brain cells
How do blonde's brain cells die?............... Alone!
There's a blonde, brunette, and a redhead all in the seventh grade. Which one is the prettiest?..... The blonde because she is 18!
lunch break
Why is it a blonde can not have more than a 10 minute lunchbreak?..... Because otherwise you have to retrain her.
What is similar between a UFO and a smart blonde?.... You always hear about them, but never see one.
Blood rules
A challenge has been issued! The gods roar forth that it is time for a Queen to take charge. As you rub your abused ears, thoughts of greatness swarm amongst your blond curls. Sounds like just the job for you... Boss of all the lands with a bunch of underlings to do the work. Quickly you summon your loyal squire to shine your new armor. As you gaze in wonder at your image in the mirror, the gods decide to clarify the contest. Contest? you yell. What do you mean contest? Don't I get the position since I look the most queenly in all the land? You hear agitation in the gods voices as they bellow. All will be fought with bloodrules. Blonde Rules? You ask. Suddenly one of the gods roars into your ears alone No, you idiot! Bloodrules! The one who spills the most blood without spilling her own rules!
gods stir pot
The seer rushes in, prostrates her mediocre brown locks at your dainty feet and exclaims! Oh wondrous golden queen, I was sent a dream by the gods during the night. They gleefully spoke of many traps for the unprepared and unwary traveler! Whimpering she whispers that they also said Let the blonde buffoon beauties hear this warning! Their heads are so full of blond fluff they probably won't even heed it, much to their destruction!
no mines
The gods have decided to make the contest a bit interesting. As you are brushing your gorgeous blonde locks and admiring your lucious looks in the mirror, suddenly a mist covers the mirror and a message appears telling all Queenly contestants they must find artifacts to accumulate resources. It appears one of the gods on a dare destroyed all the mines. You chuckle to yourself, well as long as they don't destroy your lovely golden hair, who cares? I sure wish they would quit messing with my mirror.
Your artisans come forth Oh wondrous golden one with the beautiful yellow hair, we have horrific news! As you comb your shiny locks What now? Can't you see I'm in the middle of my 500 hair strokes for ultimate hair beauty? The artisans exclaim Oh beauteous goddess, without resources we cannot make the combs and brushes which keep her majesty in such glorious looks They fall to their knees sobbing and pulling at their hair (thankfully they know not to touch hers else they lose their heads!) Shocked and dismayed you call your counselors and order them to find a solution to this terrible disaster.
go forth
Whimpering and begging for mercy, your counselors claim that the artifacts which the gods spoke of must be obtained to avert this disaster. As you twirl a golden lock Oh, so this is what the gods meant I guess we must search the land for these trinkets. Quick, summon the royal hair dresser to prepare my hair of sunshine for a long journey.
blond competition
Unsettling news has reached your ears, it appears there is another with a claim to blond beauty who wishes to rule the lands. Idly you wonder if she uses the fruit of the lemon to enhance her golden tresses. Your advisors exclaim oh golden queen, if it be your will, we will torture this vital information out of the pretentious beauty when you conquer this blond upstart
Spys report
Spies report that even as they speak, the other pale in comparison to your highness beauty is making plans to invade your beloved homelands to attain the queenly status she feel is deserved. You laugh loudly at such a joke that any one could even believe that they could come close to your golden queenly demeanor. Sweating profusely the spies assure you ole golden one, that is all too true and you must prepare to defend your homelands. Defend! you scoff. We will attack this brazen yellow haired harpy! Prepare the troops for long journey! Summon the royal hair dressor!
trade hampered.
You stomp your dainty foot, toss your golden curls over your shoulder and demand the royal spy come forth. Your patience is thin not to mention it seems your beautiful hair seems to be thinning along with it. How can you get the lovely hair treatments from the east if you can't get resources to trade. The situation is dire and calls for drastic measures. The resident wizard claims to be able to make a magical hair potion if he can get the right ingredients. You send out troops to scour the countryside for lemons and eggs to make this magical treatment. They return with one measly gem and claim that this is the only round object they could find. You immediately order their heads shaved. Feeling much better you promptly summon the royal hair dresser to freshen your curls.
Nomads from the south report that Queen Gildyn is gathering not only troops, but has scoured the countryside to obtain all lemons in the land. Leaving no tree unshaken she has accumulated quite a supply and it is rumored that her shiny hair rivals the sparkle of the most costly gems. Shrieking with rage you call for a mirror and immediately send out troops to shake all trees in your land. No rotten egg haired witch is going to outshine your golden locks! Thanking the nomads for the information you send them off for some food and of course a tour of your picture gallery (which of course contains only pictures of beautiful you!)
Jealous Fairy
A jealous fairy with long golden locks, dumps a yellow powder on your head. Before she can use her magic to ignite the powder, you swat her like a troublesome fly. You royal hair dressers rush forward to comb the offending powder out of your hair. Maybe it can be put to some use. Shaking your once again gleaming curls you continue on your way.
Singing troop
A traveling singing group offers to entertain your troops. You pay them for their services. You have some concern. One of them appears to be blonde.
rid of singers
You are sick to death of the traveling entertainers. Unfortunately they seem to know only one song. Besides one of them is a blonde chick who some of the soldiers have dared to compare to her queenly beauty. You pay them a goodly sum to leave.
Azure dragon
A beautiful but deadly Azure dragon flys over your troops. Fortunately he already has his mouth full with treasure and doesn't appear to be interested in eating gorgeous queens. He drops a bit of treasure as he soars toward his lair.
A messenger brought grave news. It appears a long lost uncle while harvesting mushrooms disturbed a great behometh. The messenger hands you a small bag and exclaims Oh beautiful queen, we tried our best but we were unable to seperate your uncle from the mushrooms. I brought back this small bag so he can have a proper burial. Sobbing uncontrollably the messenger also drops what is left of your uncles wordly treasures in your other hand. With a heavy sigh you notice that neither lemons or some hair potions are amongst your inheritance.
pet cat
Lucky day! Your pet cat coughs up a hairball. It appears there is something it it.
party time
The troops appear to be getting tired of this whole conquest thing. To cheer them up you throw a party and pass around your photo album!
One day while cleaning your hair treasure chest you find several vials of odd looking silver liquid. Seeing no use for the stuff you ask a local merchant if he has any hair care products to trade of the stuff. Remorsely the old trader said No oh beatueous golden one, but I have some pretty yellow powder. Although it cannot compare to the lovely blond color of your royal hair, it may be used to create light on those dark nights. This will please your subjects to be able to gaze worshiply at your golden locks no matter the time of day. Realizing the intelligence of this wonderful man you agree to the trade.
Случайный город
18, 18 подземелье
Castille Gold
0, 34 подземелье
Did you hear about the blonde who died drinking milk?...... The cow fell on her!
18, 20 подземелье
Queen Gildyn
They say her yellow tresses make the daisy weep. A purer gold has yet to be found even in the deepest mines. Some would call her a blonde, but she is much more. She is a blonde with power!
28, 33 подземелье
How do blonde's brain cells die?............... Alone!
29, 31 подземелье
Blast, this white fluffy stuff keeps settling in my hair. Horror upon horror it is making my gorgeous tresses limp. There appears to be a nice dry spot up ahead where you can dry your lovely hair. Surely the people of this land will appreciate your queenly attributes if you look your best. Eagerly you approach the frosty leanto. As the snow swirls around your head, glittering creatures attack!
18, 28 подземелье
My goodness it will take forever to get all that sticky sand out of my scrumptious yellow locks. Surely all this lush fauna and fresh air, will be good for you golden curls. With a happy cry you rush forward to claim the lovely land for your own. Unfortunately some of the current tenants object. Jeering at their wrinkled faces and ugly white hair you vow to teach them to appreciate true beauty.
16, 27 подземелье
There's a blonde, brunette, and a redhead all in the seventh grade. Which one is the prettiest?..... The blonde because she is 18!
5, 23 подземелье
You are tired of this damp hair unfriendly land. It seems to just get worse each passing day. Thank goodness there is a well up ahead to wash your delicate golden locks. As your steed daintily steps into the muck to find a path to that glorious watery beacon, the swampy waters begin to swirl!
5, 25 подземелье
Why is it a blonde can not have more than a 10 minute lunchbreak?..... Because otherwise you have to retrain her.
6, 10 подземелье
Wonderful, up ahead you see an arena. What a neat idea. Now instead of being at the rear of your troops where none can gaze at your glory, you can stand in the middle of the arena with your troops surrounding you. Your gold gorgeousness can be shared with all. With an elated cry you rush toward the ampitheator of beauty. Unfortunately some medusa queens feel your blonde beauty cannot compete with their slithering locks!
3, 16 подземелье
What is similar between a UFO and a smart blonde?.... You always hear about them, but never see one.
8, 3 подземелье
Do you know how to get a blonde to laugh on Sunday?.... You tell her the joke on Friday.
30, 19 подземелье
The harsh humidity is ruining a perfectly good hair day. Water travel has never been beneficial to your golden tresses. Flouncing off in a huff you order your troops to continue. After all it is very important to keep up queenly appearances. Unfortunately as you are flouncing you disturb a nest of water creatures taking a bath.
32, 18 подземелье
Why did the blonde climb the glass wall?.... To see what was on the other side.
27, 5 подземелье
Why is beauty more important than brains for a blonde?... Because plenty of men are stupid but not many of them are blind.
23, 6 подземелье
All this dust is surely not good for the complexion not to mention what it is doing to your lovely hair. As your advisors grovel at your feet and swear to your unmatched beauty, their groveling appears to have disturbed some unfriendly snakes!
26, 28 подземелье
A group of pixies jealous of your long golden locks attempt to snatch you bald. You quickly order your gallant troups to attack the blond fluzzies!
2, 18 подземелье
Oh look! Some pretty red kitties. Wouldn't they make some lovely furs to frame your golden curls. Quickly you order your troops to attack before they can escape.
18, 19 подземелье
Ah another castle to conquer. This must be that pretentious blonde fluzzy who thinks she can rule all. Well, I'll just have to show her who has the truly most beautiful golden locks. Gosh, I sure hope there is lots of mirrors and plenty of hair dressers. I sure could use a bit of pampering after all this traveling. As you reach for the door knocker, you are attacked!
21, 11 подземелье
How convenient, a lovely witch hut. Surely she has some miraculous hair potion products which will make my lovely locks shine even brighter! Her pets rush forward to deter any unwanted visitors. Knowing their mistake you rush forward to correct their misinterpretation.
2, 3 подземелье
Oh look! One of your special funded hair schools for the especially blonde repressed. You send one of your scouts forward to warn of your impending visit so all those lovely mirrors can be sparkling clean for queenly viewing. As the royal hair dressers prepare your queenly tresses, some hags with really bad hair attack your troops. You offer small discounts at your hair school, but they appear determined to seperate your lovely locks from your head...... One strand at a time!
12, 5 подземелье
Blast, if it's not cold enough to freeze a fire elemental, it's hot enough to boil a water elemental. It sure will be nice to get back to your comfy castle with it's flattering mirrors, refreshing water and golden combs for golden locks. It just doesn't make since why you have to work so hard for world conquest. Your gorgeous hair alone should give you the title of Queen of the World. Why even the nice signs talk about blondes alot All of a sudden the pretty red pond starts to move!
15, 35 подземелье
Goodie! A nice dry camp by the river. Should offer a wonderful opportunity to relax and of course, wash my beautiful blond hair! Espying a bottle of shampoo in one of the mercenary saddle bags, you grab it and head for the river. Unfortunately the mercenary does not care to share and rounds up his comrades.
13, 11 подземелье
Did you hear about the blonde&the brunette who jumped off a cliff?.. The brunette hit the ground first cause the blonde had to stop and ask directions
Случайный город
18, 17 суша
Golden Goddess
35, 34 суша
Why don't blonde's ever eat pickles?........ Because they can't get their heads out of the jar.
18, 19 суша
Queen Goldyn
A beautiful queen with golden hair that rivals the sun, some would call her blonde but she is much more than that. She is a blond with power!
Бесконечная повозка дров
35, 29 суша
As you are trudging through the snow, you come across a rather large tree pulling a small wooden cart. Suddenly it crosses you mind that the cart could be used to carry your assorted hair accessories. Evidently the tree doesn't really need the cart, since it appears to be empty. Feeling a sense of self-importance and extreme generosity, you offer to take the cart off the old trees hands.........mmmmm you mean limbs. The old tree starts creaking and making noises that almost sound like it was pleading to keep its child. You brush it's silly protests aside, after all a child of a large tree would be a small tree not a wooden cart. Pulling the small cart out of it's wooden arms, it suddenly tries to snarl your beautiful hair! Furious, you order your troops to cut the old thing down.
11, 30 суша
How do you make a blonde's eyes sparkle?..... Hold a candle to her ear.
7, 26 суша
What do you call a line of blondes standing ear to ear?..... A wind tunnel.
Бездонный сосуд ртути
6, 19 суша
Feeling the dirt seeping into your skin, you call for a stop and an emergency hair wash. On the ground you notice a pretty silver bottle. Furious and thinking one of the hair dressers dropped one of your precious bottles of shampoo, you stomp over to the bottle. Picking the bottle up, you dust it off and pull out the cork. Expecting to smell the sweet perfume of lilacs to enhance your hair, you are surprised to see smoke ooze from the bottle. Dropping it, you scream for a mirror! There is just no telling what that awful grey stuff is doing to your golden hair!
2, 9 суша
Up ahead is a nice spring where it will feel heavenly to wash your gorgeous hair. Just thinking about the opportunity to get the sand out of your hair sends shivers down your gorgeous body. With a cry of excitement you kick your faithful steed and fly toward the refreshing waters. Unfortunately it appears some of the refugees from the camp do not want to share the sparkling water.
3, 12 суша
How does a blonde get hurt raking leaves?..... She falls out of the tree.
Неиссякаемое кольцо серы
2, 0 суша
A very old man with long white hair approaches your troops. In his hand you see a glittering ring the color of your beautiful golden hair. It is obvious the ring will compliment your hair and you really must have it. The old man claims the ring belonged to his deceased daugther that was sacrificed to the dragon gods. Twirling a blonde curl softly you whisper I don't care, it will be mine! with that statement you snatch it out of his hand and tell him he is welcome to join his daughter.
14, 3 суша
As the heat rises from the lava fields you feel your hair beginning to friz. This is not good, you feel the need to return immediately to the castle for emergency hair conditioning treatments. As you turn your mighty steed, the advisors scurry forth and plead Oh beautiful queen, we really must continue. Pour a bit of this oil on your lovely head and as we travel through this steamy land your hair will get a lovely hot oil treatment Reluctantly you comb the sticky mess through your golden locks. Giving a You're gonna die if this don't work look to your advisors, you continue. Suddenly it appears the oily smell has attracted a pack of dogs.
9, 0 суша
What does a blonde say when you blow in her ear?.... Thanks for the refill.
Бездонный мешок золота
35, 15 суша
Our of the corner of your eye, you catch sight of an ugly dwarf dragging a large sack of pretty gold rocks. Exclaiming you order your troops to catch the wee man. Those rocks would make really pretty earrings to go with your beautiful golden hair. As your troops reach for the sack the little man swings his axe!
30, 16 суша
You ask your advisors if all this traveling is necessary. Surely this humidity is ruining a perfectly good hair day. They stress the importance of resources in able to replenish your comb supply. Flouncing off in a huff you order your troops to continue. After all it is very important to keep up queenly appearances. Unfortunately as you are flouncing you disturb a nest of bugs.
33, 16 суша
How does a blonde kill a bird? ..... She throws it off a cliff.
22, 7 суша
Finally some friendly looking land. Surely all this lovely green landscapte and fresh air, will be good for you golden curls. Anxiously you gallop into the lush lands. Your steed stumbles into a nest of birds.
15, 12 суша
What's the quickest way to drown a blonde?.... You put a mirror on the bottom of a lake.
10, 17 суша
Amazing, I can see my reflection in the lovely shrine. Isn't it simply incredible how gorgeous my hair looks even when traveling. As you gaze in wonder at the true testament of your beauty a group of jealous sprites attack your lovely hair.
6, 2 суша
Surely this quaint little beauty shop would be a place to freshen up. Eagerly you approach the stone building. As you open the door a group of ugly bald creatures attack!
Нескончаемое кольцо самоцветов
34, 1 суша
You notice a pretty multi-colored cow with a stunning ring in it's nose. That ring would make a lovely hair ornament. As your troops attempt to corner the illusive creature, he gives a mighty snort. Even with this disgusting development you insist on having that ring. Of course, your soldiers insist on hazardous pay. Giving each soldier an additional small picture of your gorgeous self, you merrily order them to get that ring!
Неисчерпаемая вагонетка руды
19, 35 суша
Wow! What luck! A large cart that looks like it is big enough to carry all your hair products! A rather large metal man appears to be attached to the front of it. With a toss of your blonde locks, you tell your men to detach the rusty man from the lovely cart. Snatching a mirror before it is loaded, you take a quick gaze to assure yourself that your blond beauty is still impecable. The glare from the sun reflecting from the mirror appears to shine right into the rusty metal man's eyes. It begins to stir. As it reaches toward your sacred mirror, your order it destroyed!
6, 24 суша
Oh look, you see a herd of cows hiding amongst the tall bushes. How lovely. You remember your mother mentioning what wonders cow milk does for the complexion and especially the hair. Merrily you send some servents to milk them. Unfortunately it appears they are not the milking kind.
11, 35 суша
What a lovely place to camp. Maybe there's a nice warm shower inside for me to wash these curly tresses.
25, 14 суша
As you travel across the river you are suddenly struck by the beauty of the place. Just seeing your gorgeous reflection has enhanced the loveliness of the scenery by 100%! You quickly order your troops to ease on by without causing ripples, as your raptly watch your image dance across the water. The image appears to be shifting...........
0, 28 суша
Up ahead you are encouraged by the sight of a man dancing with joy in these damp and forbidding swamplands. Obviously he has seen your gorgeous golden locks and merrily awaits your charming presence. As you continue forward to lavish him with your beauty and wit, some damp ugly creatures with ...... non-blond hair rush forward with sharp blades to shorten your lovely locks down to your neck!
29, 31 суша
Blast, if it's not cold enough to freeze a fire elemental, it's hot enough to boil a water elemental. It sure will be nice to get back to your comfy castle with it's flattering mirrors, warm water and golden combs for golden locks. It just doesn't make since why you have to work so hard for world conquest. You know you have the prettiest blonde hair and that should be recommendation enough. Why even the nice signs talk about blondes a lot As you stumble over a frozen root, a bunch of popsicles attack!
3, 3 суша
Surely a golden comb or two can be found in this lovely box. As you open the casket wraiths pluck at your hair. Screaming Protect my Hair! Protect my Hair! you order your troops to attack the dead harpies. Sobbing you reach for a comb to repair the damage, as your army stomps the ugly little fluzzies!
2, 12 суша
As you approach the camp to search for hair care products, some harpies take offense.
27, 3 суша
Rumors say that dwarves make the softest skin cream. I wonder how many it takes for a dozen jars.
28, 35 суша
A well! What a lovely thought. The gods must have knew I would need to wash my gorgeous hair.
26, 25 суша
Oh my, I really applaud the natives attempt to worship my beauty. Yet, it seems that no true artists live among them. It is evident these people are in serious need of help. An artisan is sent immediately from the castle to locate the gentle folks who made this statue and help them to erect a proper tribute to your blonde perfection. You send a servent to cleanup the food droppings and mutter at the inconsideration of some picnikers. Incredibly some strange creatures seem upset at your noble efforts!
24, 21 суша
Look! A lemon tree. Happily you rush forth and start shaking the tree. Drat! Things start falling out of the tree, but they don't appear to be lemons.
22, 3 суша
Why is a blonde like a bottle of wine?.... They are both empty from the neck up.
13, 28 суша
You are mad! Burning angry! Gonna blast somebody, mad! All this dratted sand is making your golden tresses hang in clumps. Some fool is gonna pay. How dare some stupid god destroy the mines and force you on this torturous mission to build your castle. You are sick and tired of it. Flipping a clump of sticky hair over your shoulder, the sand peltering against a nearby tomb appears to have disturbed some shrouded tenants.
Изобильная накидка кристаллов
2, 33 суша
How odd! A dried up old corpse has been left outside with a simply beautiful cape. With the high color, the cape would frame your golden tresses to perfection. The old man has obviously been dead for quite some time and should have no need for such beautiful clothing. There is not doubt the cape would look better on me and my looks would only enhance it's value. Eagerly you reach to take the cape off the dried up old man. All of a sudden, the bag of bones starts to move!
31, 33 суша
How do you make a one arm blonde fall out of a tree?.... Wave to her!
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