Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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200 years after the peaceful era, the war between good kind and devil begin. Three factions unite their force. The good kind lead by the castle, the eternal enemy, the evil side ruled by the necromancer, and for the neutral lead by barbarians, they need to survive in this brutal battle.
In the 200 years that have passed since the Armageddon war, every clan has tried to recover from the war. Erathia, Bracada and AvLee have joined together in a strong alliance to prepared for enemy attack, they are known as the Good faction. Just like them, the Evil faction is also building a strong army containing the Necromancers of Deyja, overlords of Nighon, and the demonic forces of the Kreegans.... The final faction includes the Barbarians and the Beastmasters which together with Elementalist of Conflux try to separate from this rivalry but also prepare to anticipate future war... This is the intro of the Three Faction war.
Intro 2
And the day has come... We are in the middle of battle now. The Good are set in norteast, the evil in underground and the neutral at west. The three regions are meet at the sea, that's the only way to invade each other. Queen Catherine will lead the good alignment, Lord Haart again leading the Evil march from the underground and Kilgor the new Krewlod King will lead the neutral forces. Beware, as every clan has sent its best heroes for this unlimited battle.
Blue's Info
Elleshar : Greeting my Queen... Let me explain the field situation Catherine : Continue Advisor .. Elleshar : Our best hero already settled in each area, we have Gelu in the Sleeping Forest and Dracon already scouting through the snow where one of our Tower exist... We have several town but still heavily been guarded,... for now our objective will be as soon as possible to reach the keymaster and seize back the town to enforce our strenght...
Tan's Info
Andra : My King... Let me explain the field situation Kilgor : Yes and hurry up .. Andra : Our best hero already settled in each area, Adrienne already scoutting the swamp where one of our Fortress exist,... We have several town but still been guarded ... for now our objective will be as soon as possible to reach the keymaster and seize back the town to enforce our strenght...
Purple's Info
Malekith : Hail, my Lord!. Let's look at our strategy. Lord Haart : ...... Malekith : Our best heroes have already settled in each area, Mutare is already scoutting the deepest tunnels, where one of our Dungeons exist, ... We have several towns that are still been guarded. For now our objective will be to reach the keymasters tent at soon as possible, as well as seizing those towns of ours which are still occupied by monsters.
Heroes Info
Your scout just arrived with informations : This will be a hard battle my Lord, 'cause every clan seem to have their best heroes in this war. Gelu the Famous Sharpshooter is setting up ambushes in the Sleeping Forest ... the AvLee special forest, Dracon the Dragon Slayer is trying to defend the Snow Tower. It will be interesting to watch him face to face with Mutare, the Dragon Overlord that is raising an army in the underground. Their leader Lord Haart is heavily guarding a place call a Soul Tunnel, where a Deyjan skeleton is often hiding in the shadows. In the West the new Krewlord King, Kilgor, is in the Silent Desert. A lot of hungry wolves live there. Also, their powerful witch Adrienne settled in the wet swamp....
Other Info
According to our sailors, there are several interesting places at sea....
12, 69 подземелье
HI... are you playing with the fire ?
20, 43 подземелье
You and your necro army just arrived in the vast death desert. Admiral Xsi
12, 45 подземелье
Sir! Did you hear that?
7, 45 подземелье
Watch out... !
20, 44 подземелье
You and your centaur army just arrived in the vast death desert. Queen Catherine
41, 12 подземелье
All these trees are moving?!?
36, 16 подземелье
Hey! Don't touch me? What? Who are you ?
50, 26 подземелье
Finally we enter the Sleeping Forest, one of Avlee's mysterious areas. Ciele the Elementalist
49, 26 подземелье
Finally! The Sleeping Forest, Avlee's mysterious area. Admiral Ayden
30, 26 подземелье
Pirate ambush !
48, 60 подземелье
Sea of Battle
45, 58 подземелье
Welcome to Market Island !
Хижина предсказателя
33, 49 подземелье
Nothing, eh? I'm sure you will find the Pendant of Negativity soon. Please keep looking.... last time I heard that an ancient hero had thrown it into the sea... you might want to travel every corner of the water...
23, 65 подземелье
You have met these Gnolls before. They agree to join your cause.
54, 64 суша
You and your knights just arrived in underworld. The place literally stinks, and you can see bones and corpses everywhere. General Tyris
54, 63 суша
Your Witch army just arrived in underworld, the place stinks, and you see a lot of bones and corpses all over the place. Tiva
Ящик Пандоры
51, 56 суша
You have found an ancient box, and you take a risk to open it.
42, 47 суша
.... did you see that shadow ?
46, 42 суша
..... did you smell something ????
54, 6 суша
Suddenly your ship enters a part of the ocean that has a different colour! Perhaps this is the secret area where you can find the Pendant of Navigaty.... And....
46, 22 суша
That dragon looks familiar, but the bandit skeletons guard the way.
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