Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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New World Computing
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Battle to the last and, behold, the city of Bloodream is the key. Choose to be the Undead King and defend against all others or be one of the others.........
Your town is the key to total victory. Everyone is against you. Can the Lord of Darkness prevail over the living? This will help.
The start 2
The Lord of Darkness is strong in his mountain top. The quickest may be underground. Join the others and rid the land of the Undead King! This will help.
Liches for hire
We are the Liches of fate. Come to the East, past the gate and we shall join your cause. We guard the gloves of movement that shall help you move through the wretched swamp. We await you master!
Bloopers 1
Sir, the spy has struck again. Oops, wrong scenario. Sorry!
34, 36 подземелье
45, 37 подземелье
Those who enter, may never return! Be prepared when you enter here for the old ones will test your strength, but the reward is great indeed!
60, 34 подземелье
Here lies Ventersa, The foolish man who thought he could brave the whirlpool. He was wrong!
Ящик Пандоры
18, 43 подземелье
I am one of 5. Seek the others through the keymaster tents and the greatest treasures in the land shall be yours! With these treasures lies the fabled Helm of Enlightment which will grant you victory over the Lords if you can grab it first and bring it to Bloodream!!!
Ящик Пандоры
17, 53 суша
The gift that keeps on giving. Continue the way and you shall receive the gift of the Gods.
Ящик Пандоры
10, 48 суша
The monsters of the Gods are now yours!
Ящик Пандоры
15, 46 суша
The best is for the last. May these aid in your quest!
Ящик Пандоры
12, 52 суша
Gift #2!
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