Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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New World Computing
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Blackbeard, dead long ago, left an inheritance to no one. You've heard that he left his greatest treasure somewhere in Tokelau, a virtually uninhabited region in the South Pacific. You don't know where the map is, but several old natives may help you, for a price. Can you find it first?
You heard about this years ago-- a supposed lost inheritance of Blackbeard, still buried somewhere in the South Pacific. Delighted in your personal secret, you began planning your vacation. You bought a nice castle, rented a shipyard, and even hired somebody to do some work!!
more day one
Finally, your trip was planned. Then you heard the horrible news-- 5 other people from around the globe, with a similar mindset, also have castles set up about the region. You vow to beat them, and befriend the natives that have lived in this area for so long. The treasure WILL be yours.
day 2
So far, so good. Some natvies, as you can only assume, so conveniently left a little artifact and a note right by your castle. You smile. Surely, the natives like you best. You know that the artifact must be of some greater importance than it seems. You decide to follow the note.
blackbeard's treasure
You begin to wonder how long this treasure-seeking will take. You recall hearing that Blackbeard's lost inheritance was beyond mountains, trees, and inpenetrable things to man. Surely Blackbeard's Secret must be known by someone around here. But who? You must find this noble person.
a clue
One day, while tending your garden, you notice a most pecular stone, on the very outskirts of your property. Under a small sack of gold, you see an old inscription etched on the surface, saying, And a child shall lead them to their life's quest. You wonder if the inscription was meant for you.
After settling yourself nicely into this region, you begin to notice that the natives all speak in riddles. You find it quite annoying, but decide to just listen more carefully. You're sure that those riddles must have some important clues hissen in them.
You wake from a dream that you are sure has meaning. In the dream, a child comes to you and asks that you find him. He complains that you are getting distracted and need to follow your heart. You sit and think a while. Have you forgotten what you came here for?
day 85
As you pass a group of conversing natives, you hear some snickering. You turn around and find them looking at you. When you ask what is going on, the tallest says, Blackbeard's lost inheritance has been found!!! Go home!! You ignore them. It can't be true. Still, you redouble your efforts.
day 105
You wake one morning to a chest full of resources and gold. Attached is a note from your national government. They've found you out!!! The note reads, Our entire nation is behind you, dear friend!! Find the treasure and bring glory to your nation!!! Rats, you think. Now I'll have to share.
day 140
You had befriended a native months ago, but hadn't seen him again until this afternoon. The first thing he said once you opened your front door was, Have you found the treasure yet? You sigh and shake your head. He laughs. You are slow. The secret is just an old woman in a mushroom!
his kid
The next day, you find the same friend's child at your doorstep. He gives you a big grin and asks, Have you found it yet? Keeping your stature, you look down at him and say, Had I found it yesterday? The child shakes his head. Well it takes more than one day, so no. You say goodbye.
that kid
The doorbell rings and you find yourself face-to-face with your friend's kid again. A bit annoyed, you ask, Are you going to ask me something different this time? The child pays no attention and says with a big smile, Have you found the treasure yet? You shut your door.
34, 30 подземелье
Pull up the anchor, we're sailing off!!
37, 33 подземелье
Treasure, you say? Aye aye, Captain!
Знак мужества
35, 26 подземелье
You pick up the artifact and see a hurried, handwritten note attached, saying
8, 84 подземелье
Pull up the anchor, we're sailing off!!
5, 83 подземелье
Treasure, you say? Aye aye, Captain!
37, 124 подземелье
Pull up the anchor, we're sailing off!!
Наездник на волке
42, 128 подземелье
Treasure, you say? Aye aye, Captain!
121, 125 подземелье
Pull up the anchor, we're sailing off!!
120, 128 подземелье
Treasure, you say? Aye aye, Captain!
Клевер Фортуны
124, 133 подземелье
You pick up the artifact and see a hurried, handwritten note attached, saying
Эльфийский лук из вишневого дерева
45, 126 подземелье
You pick up the artifact and see a hurried, handwritten note attached, saying
Каменная горгулья
81, 74 подземелье
Treasure, you say? Aye aye, Captain!
82, 77 подземелье
Pull up the anchor, we're sailing off!!
121, 35 подземелье
Pull up the anchor, we're sailing off!!
125, 38 подземелье
Treasure, you say? Aye aye, Captain!
Колье заклинателя
126, 37 подземелье
You pick up the artifact and see a hurried, handwritten note attached, saying
Талисман маны
86, 73 подземелье
You pick up the artifact and see a hurried, handwritten note attached, saying
18, 129 подземелье
The seer says, You say you're after Blackbeard's lost inheritance? I would revel his earthly wealth to be unearthed by a brave hero as yourself. If you have what I seek, I will give to you the tool that you need to continue your quest. A little hint
21, 66 подземелье
The seer says, You say you're after Blackbeard's lost inheritance? I would revel his earthly wealth to be unearthed by a brave hero as yourself. If you have what I seek, I will give to you the tool that you need to continue your quest. A little hint
17, 2 подземелье
The seer says, You say you're after Blackbeard's lost inheritance? I would revel his earthly wealth to be unearthed by a brave hero as yourself. If you have what I seek, I will give to you the tool that you need to continue your quest. A little hint
95, 90 подземелье
The seer says, You say you're after Blackbeard's lost inheritance? I would revel his earthly wealth to be unearthed by a brave hero as yourself. If you have what I seek, I will give to you the tool that you need to continue your quest. A little hint
140, 15 подземелье
The seer says, You say you're after Blackbeard's lost inheritance? I would revel his earthly wealth to be unearthed by a brave hero as yourself. If you have what I seek, I will give to you the tool that you need to continue your quest. A little hint
142, 135 подземелье
The seer says, You say you're after Blackbeard's lost inheritance? I would revel his earthly wealth to be unearthed by a brave hero as yourself. If you have what I seek, I will give to you the tool that you need to continue your quest. A little hint
10, 33 подземелье
The border guard wishes you farewell, and the rather scholarly-looking man in front of you raises an eyebrow. Blackbeard's treasure? I remember once knowing about it. I have a friend who knew. He lives in the swamp south uh here. He can help you. Watch out for Manticotes. Good luck!!
69, 7 подземелье
An old man from the tent comes out, unsmiling. So I hear you're looking for treasure? He laughs dryly. Ol' Blackbeard's still terrorizing us poor folks. If it'd help you leave any sooner, I'll tell ya that this here border guard's a ways south o' here... some tiny little subterranean island.
91, 27 подземелье
An old man from the tent comes out, unsmiling. So I hear you're looking for treasure? He laughs dryly. Ol' Blackbeard's still terrorizing us poor folks. If it'd help you leave any sooner, I'll tell ya that this here border guard's way south o' here... some tiny little desert island.
108, 47 подземелье
An old man from the tent comes out, unsmiling. So I hear you're looking for treasure? He laughs dryly. Ol' Blackbeard's still terrorizing us poor folks. If it'd help you leave any sooner, I'll tell ya that this here border guard's a ways west o' here... some tiny little swamp-island.
49, 57 подземелье
An old man from the tent comes out, unsmiling. So I hear you're looking for treasure? He laughs dryly. Ol' Blackbeard's still terrorizing us poor folks. If it'd help you leave any sooner, I'll tell ya that this here border guard's a ways southeast o' here... some tiny little desert island.
33, 83 подземелье
After the border guard wishes you farewell, a rather scholarly-like man in front of you raises an eyebrow. Blackbeard's treasure? I remember once knowing about it. I had a friend who knew. He lives on a wintry island in the north. See if he can help you. Watch out for Unicorns. Good luck!!
10, 98 подземелье
The border guard wishes you farewell, and the rather scholarly-looking man in front of you raises an eyebrow. Blackbeard's treasure? I remember once knowing about it. A friend once knew. He lives on a dirt-island northeast of here. See if he can help you. Watch out for Efreet & good luck!!
117, 104 подземелье
After the border guard bids you farewell, the rather scholarly-looking man in front of you raises an eyebrow. Blackbeard's treasure? I remember once knowing about it... I once knew a friend who'd heard, on a grassy island northwest of here. He'll help you. Watch out for Wyverns. Good luck!!
88, 121 подземелье
The border guard wishes you farewell, and the rather scholarly-looking man in front of you raises an eyebrow. Blackbeard's treasure? I remember once knowing. I had a friend a while ago who knew & lives on an island of fire in the west. See if he can help you. Watch out for Nagas. Good luck!!
69, 136 подземелье
The border guard wishes you farewell. You see a scholarly-looking man in front of you . Blackbeard's treasure? I remember once knowing about it... I have a friend who knew. He lives on a desert island in the far north. See if he can help you. Watch out for the Dead Knights. Good luck!!
124, 70 подземелье
An old man from the tent comes out, unsmiling. So I hear you're looking for treasure? He laughs dryly. Ol' Blackbeard's still terrorizing us poor folks. If it'd help you leave any sooner, I'll tell ya that this here border guard's a ways west o' here... some tiny little grassy island.
48, 67 подземелье
A small child walks out to you. He tells you to come see a flower garden he had grown himself. You see it's small but beautiful, with a little fountain. He looks at you wide-eyed. You're almost done!!! Go to the east and find where the waters tumble and flowers bloom! Like this, but bigger!!
26, 114 подземелье
A small child walks out to you. He tells you to come see a flower garden he had grown himself. You see it's small but beautiful, with a little fountain. He looks at you wide-eyed. You're almost done!!! Go to the east and find where the waters tumble and flowers bloom! Like this, but bigger!!
109, 4 подземелье
A small child walks out to you. He tells you to come see a flower garden he had grown himself. You see it's small but beautiful, with a little fountain. He looks at you wide-eyed. You're almost done!!! Go to the east and find where the waters tumble and flowers bloom! Like this, but bigger!!
82, 49 подземелье
A small child walks out to you. He tells you to come see a flower garden he had grown himself. You see it's small but beautiful, with a little fountain. He looks at you wide-eyed. You're almost done!!! Go to the east and find where the waters tumble and flowers bloom! Like this, but bigger!!
23, 45 подземелье
A small child walks out to you. He tells you to come see a flower garden he had grown himself. You see it's small but beautiful, with a little fountain. He looks at you wide-eyed. You're almost done!!! Go to the east and find where the waters tumble and flowers bloom! Like this, but bigger!!
63, 17 подземелье
A small child walks out to you. He tells you to come see a flower garden he had grown himself. You see it's small but beautiful, with a little fountain. He looks at you wide-eyed. You're almost done!!! Go to the east and find where the waters tumble and flowers bloom! Like this, but bigger!!
140, 88 подземелье
A crabby-looking old lady waddles out of an odd-looking house. It's about time you half-wits got here!!! What took you so long?!?! You have them.., uhhh.... bow 'n' arrow shootin' things?? Oh, good. At least you can do something right.
141, 88 подземелье
Here, I'll teach you a good ol' fashioned trick, it'll get ye you're little... treasure. Only way to get in the Ring o' Fire!!!! He he he he!!!!!! Y' ol' fool. It's the only way to get in thar though. Come on now, gimme that thing ya got. Come inside we'll have a little chat.
4, 2 подземелье
Fire Island Beach
59, 23 подземелье
Wintry Island
100, 19 подземелье
The truth is out there. Will you discover Blackbeard's Secret before any one else does? You are falling behind your opponents!
121, 8 подземелье
Elephant Island
22, 70 подземелье
Aye, Matey. Looks like they had a wee bit'a rain.
72, 82 подземелье
The Island of Might and Magic
85, 137 подземелье
Forest Island
74, 102 подземелье
A sign reads, To whoever comes upon this island
87, 97 подземелье
Treasure Island
35, 47 подземелье
The Fifth Dimension
51, 35 подземелье
An old man from the tent comes out, unsmiling. So I hear you're looking for treasure? He laughs dryly. Ol' Blackbeard's still terrorizing us poor folks. If it'd help you leave any sooner, I'll tell ya that this here border guard's a ways south o' here... some tiny little swamp-island.
Доспехи из окаменевшего древа
3, 79 подземелье
You pick up the artifact and see a hurried, handwritten note attached, saying
46, 5 подземелье
To the one who discovers Blackbeard's secret, belongs Blackbeard's treasure!
69, 52 подземелье
On an island covered with fire, lays the treasure of Blackbeard.
31, 85 подземелье
The one who finds the garden island, filled with many fountains, also finds the key to Blackbeard's secret.
136, 117 подземелье
First the garrison, then the tent, then the barrier, then onward to the key to finding Blackbeard's treasure.
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