Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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New World Computing
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Tarnum must defeat the Fire Elementals who enslaved the Phoenixes. All Heroes will be limited to level 35, but Tarnum and his three best Heroes will transfer to the next scenario with their spells, skills and experience.
You receive word from your Conflux that the Fire Elementals have already arrived. Apparently, they can travel nearly anywhere on their own plane in the blink of an eye. Too bad your entire army can't do that.
11, 19 подземелье
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This will give the computer money.
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You see a Magma Elemental sitting among the flames as if it's waiting for someone. As you approach, it comes to its feet. You prepare for battle, but the Elemental raises its hands to let you know it means no harm. I've come to teach you, and any other members of your army, how to summon Earth Elementals. Just have your Heroes return here - I'll ask no reward except to use what I have taught you to defeat the Lord of Earth, the Magma Elemental says. Why do you do this? you ask. Because even some of my kind do not want to destroy that which we helped create!
34, 35 подземелье
You walk among the tongues of flame, barely noticing them until they suddenly start climbing up your legs. You try to pat the flames out but nothing happens. It spreads to your arms, chest, and finally surrounds your head. Just when you thought you would die, you hear a whisper in your ear. The flames are trying to teach you how to summon Fire Elementals, and you now understand that it will teach this spell to all who come to this spot.
5, 20 подземелье
Warily, you approach the Conflux. This has been too easy, and the Lord of Fire is not likely to allow you to waltz through his territory unnoticed. The flames of the Fiery Fields begin to dance higher and higher, and suddenly you realize you have been ambushed.
26, 3 суша
From high above a group of Sprites fly down and reach you. We heard you were going to free the Phoenix and wish to help you. It was the worst thing for us to be enslaved, and even though the Phoenix is not like us, we cannot stand for their enslavement. Please accept us as part of your troops. This is wonderful!
28, 34 суша
You realize too late that you have fallen into a trap when the fire spread out before you suddenly takes form as lots of Phoenixes burst from the ground. At first, you just stare at these beautiful creatures as they soar above you - a living, brilliant inferno. Then they attack.
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