Трейнер к игре | Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia |
Ещё называют | Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии |
Вышла на платформах | PC |
Разработчик | New World Computing |
Жанр | Strategy |
Дата выхода | 1999-03-01 |
Хранилище файлов
{Wogify Map} Centuries ago, the four Elements arisen and created this land. But now, only one can rule them all. Chose your magic school: Fire(Red), Earth(Tan), Air(Purple) or Water(Teal). Defeat all others and then become the true Master of Magic!
Герои 3 - карта Battle of the Elements
26/05/2015Файл к игре: Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of ErathiaСкачать
Название | Вес | Расширение |
Battle of the Elements | 0.05МБ | h3m |
Случайный город
- 23, 25 подземелье
Имя: Air Citadel
Имя: Tavern
Имя: Mercenaries
Сообщение: New mercenaries have arrived..
Случайный город
- 72, 64 подземелье
Имя: Fort
Случайный город
- 8, 44 подземелье
Имя: Fort
Случайный город
- 60, 83 подземелье
Имя: Fort
Случайный город
- 63, 27 подземелье
Имя: Fort
Случайный город
- 66, 45 подземелье
Имя: Water Citadel
Имя: Tavern
Имя: Mercenaries
Сообщение: New mercenaries have arrived..
Случайный монстр 3
- 72, 65 подземелье
Сообщение: You have came to the forgotten old village... It was once cursed, then burned down and abandoned.. Now it seems that there are some inhabitants. And you must fight them!
Случайный монстр 3
- 60, 84 подземелье
Сообщение: This is an evil place.. well guarded and forsaken. Everybody who lived here became soon too fascinated by death and leave this world through suicide.
Случайный монстр 3
- 8, 45 подземелье
Сообщение: This village become soon famous with its luck fields - everyone want to be the lucky-one! But it seems that luck is only for those who live here, so people came and leave... There is no real luck in life between arid plains and mountains.. Only the strongest remains!
Случайный монстр 3
- 63, 28 подземелье
Сообщение: This village was once shrine, built on the holy ground. Later here came more and more peasants until priests forbidden entrance to everyone. You must first defeat its guardians, if you wish to enter.
Хижина провидца
- 38, 96 подземелье
Сообщение: I am researching a way to animate flame and create true Phoenix, but I am short of materials for my workshop. If you could bring me 10 Mercury and 25 Sulfur, I would be most grateful.
Хижина провидца
- 40, 43 подземелье
Сообщение: Faerie Dragon is troublemaking the northwestern region of this land. If you could defeat him, I can reward you.
- 23, 27 подземелье
Сообщение: You stand before the mighty Air Citadel..
- 25, 92 подземелье
Сообщение: You stand before the awesome Fire Citadel..
- 66, 47 подземелье
Сообщение: You stand before the powerfull Water Citadel..
- 23, 26 подземелье
Сообщение: Do not forget - you have choosen the Knowledge...
- 25, 91 подземелье
Сообщение: Do not forget - you have choosen the Power...
- 66, 46 подземелье
Сообщение: Do not forget - you have choosen the Might...
- 35, 41 подземелье
Сообщение: You have come to an ancient Altair of Air...
- 103, 33 подземелье
Сообщение: You have sailed to an ancient Altair of Water...
Случайный город
- 25, 90 подземелье
Имя: Fire Citadel
Имя: Magma Pit
Сообщение: Your smelters produces new resources from the magma pool underneath the Fire Citadel!
Имя: Tavern
Имя: Mercenaries
Сообщение: New mercenaries have arrived..
- 41, 56 суша
Имя: Elemental Gate
Посещение Странник: Имя
Биография: Nothing is known about this hero...
Имя: Start
Имя: Gather
Имя: Grail
Имя: Lose
Имя: Pixies (1)
Имя: Air (1)
Имя: Water (1)
Имя: Fire (1)
Имя: Earth (1)
Имя: Mental (1)
Имя: Pyre (1)
Имя: Pixies (2)
Имя: Air (2)
Имя: Water (2)
Имя: Fire (2)
Имя: Earth (2)
Имя: Mental (2)
Имя: Pyre (2)
Имя: Slowing
- 41, 57 суша
Сообщение: You stand before Dragon Lord's Elemental Conflux... Here are the powers of the Fire, Water, Earth and Air gathered, and then channeled to the Magic hollow. If you can conquer this Citadel, you will gain acces to its energy. And then - noone can resist You!
Случайный город
- 65, 77 суша
Имя: Earth Citadel
Имя: Tavern
Имя: Mercenaries
Сообщение: New mercenaries have arrived..
Хижина провидца
- 79, 62 суша
Сообщение: I am old and wise, and I do not admit just anyone into my home. You may enter only when you have reached some more experiences.
- 65, 79 суша
Сообщение: You stand before the massive Earth Citadel..
- 65, 78 суша
Сообщение: Do not forget - you have choosen the Hardness..
- 19, 88 суша
Сообщение: You have came to an ancient Altair of Fire...
- 84, 88 суша
Сообщение: You have come to an ancient Altair of Earth...
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