Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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John Carter begins his adventure on Barsoom, Mars of the Imagination. Find and capture the fabled city of Helium. If John Carter is defeated in battle, all is lost.
I opened my eyes upon a strange and weird landscape. I knew that I was on Mars; not once did I question either my sanity or my wakefulness. I was not asleep, no need for pinching here; my inner consciousness told me as plainly that I was upon Mars as your conscious mind tells you that you are upon Earth. You do not question the fact; neither did I.
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After a day of wandering on Mars, I came to the end of a barren trail. Try as I might, I could detect no way to continue forward. As I mentally prepared for a long backtrack, I rounded a large rock and came upon a pack of dog-like animals devouring the carcass of a huge but vaguely human creature. Whether by scent or sound, they sensed my intrusion on their grim feast and turned in unison to attack. I drew my sword and prepared for battle...
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A small green Martian stepped forward and greeted my large companion. Despite the size disparity, they seemed to be of the same race. I learned that the smaller adult green Martians are the females and the larger ones are the males. The young resemble females in size. Males attain their large stature during what Earth humans call puberty.
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In my time with the Green Martians, I learned their language. They called their planet Barsoom. They named themselves the Tharks. My companions were named Tars Tarkas, vice-chieftain of the Tharks, and Sola, his daughter, who taught me what I needed to know to survive. She also gave me an old shield used by their young for combat training. My Thark name was Dotar Sojat, a contraction of the names of the two Green men I had defeated in combat. Far from earning me the enmity of the tribe, killing them earned me a place of honor. Their ways were enigmatic. I was an enigma to them as well. They told me I resembled the race of Red Martians in general appearance except for my light skin, but they could not account for the great strength in my limbs that went far beyond the strength of Red Martians, exceeding even their own. This was no doubt due to the greater gravity of my native planet, Earth, or Jasoom as they called it.
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After a strenuous trek through the mountains, we approached a remote building. It was an incubator for the Green Martian young, who are smaller than adults when they hatch from their eggs, but ready to fight. Such is the cruel necessity of existence on Mars, where life is a constant struggle for the diminishing resources of a dying planet.
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Ape's Pass
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As we marched through the mountain pass, Tars Tarkas paused. Here, we make another difficult decision. To the northwest is Ape's Pass, a deserted city guarded by a pack of white apes. To the northeast is a normally unguarded pass leading to trackless wastes avoided by the Tharks.
Доспехи из Чешуи Дракона
11, 57 подземелье
I spotted pair of white apes fighting over an elaborate piece of armor. While I could certainly use the armor in the fighting to come, white apes are among Barsoom's most ferocious fighters. Should John Carter fight the apes?
2, 9 подземелье
Щит из Чешуи Дракона
0, 57 подземелье
As we approached the end of the trail, we surprised a group of thoat riders. Their leader held a strange shield of some type. Should John Carter fight the thoat riders?
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As we departed the encampment, Tars Tarkas turned to me. John Carter, you must choose your path wisely. You are welcome to live among us, yet I sense your destiny lies with our mortal enemies, the Red men. To the north, the difficult and dangerous paths are rarely walked by my tribe. Two war parties recently went that way, but we have not heard from them and fear they are lost. To the east lies our chief city, Thark, capital of our Jeddak, Tal Hajus. Your close resemblance to a Red man guarantees you a poor reception by Tal Hajus. A difficult dilemma, John Carter.
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As we descended from the highlands, Tars Tarkas explained the path ahead. Thark lies on the edge of an ancient sea bed, a relic of the time long ago when Barsoom held great oceans of water as Jasoom does today. I asked him how he knew of the great oceans of Jasoom and he handed me a small telescope, explaining that his father's father had taken it from a captured Red man.
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Bar Comas
Bar Comas rules the city of Warhoon, Jeddark of the Warhoon tribe of Green Martians. He is a rival of Tal Hajus.
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Tal Hajus
Tal Hajus, cruel Jeddak of Thark, tortured and killed Tars Tarkas' lover. Tars Tarkas has sworn vengeance.
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Tars Tarkas told me something of Tal Hajas, Jeddak of Thark. Some years previously, Tal Hajas had become jealous of the love of a young Green woman for Tars Tarkas. In Green society, it was accepted custom for a Green female to submit to any Green male who had earned his place by killing an enemy in combat. The most desirable females were reserved for the Jeddak. When Tars Tarkas' lover refused Tal Hajas, expressing her love for Tars Tarkas instead, Tal Hajas was so outraged that he ordered her tortured and executed. Tars Tarkas swore revenge. John Carter, friends of mine to the northeast may join us in our quest to overthrow Tal Hajas. They are members of the elite Jeddak Guard who witnessed the torture and execution of my lover. They are ready for a change of leadership.
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We were ambushed in the mountain pass!
Магические Доспехи
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A discarded piece of armor rested in the dust at the end of a trail. It must have come from a warrior smaller than my green friend, since it fit me quite well.
Адская гончая
13, 71 подземелье
Torn and bleeding, but alive, the outcast calot licked my hand in gratitude. Dogs are dogs on Earth or Mars. I called my new friend Woola.
Адская гончая
14, 70 подземелье
Exploring the Martian wilderness, we discovered six canine creatures, called calots. They had cornered a seventh and were preparing to attack it. Always a champion of lost causes, I sprang into action.
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We entered the grounds of the atmosphere plant, the great machine that continually breaks down the oxides in the rocks and soil, adding oxygen to the atmosphere of Barsoom. Without the atmosphere machine, life on Barsoom would soon be impossible. Thanking us for clearing the route back to Helium, the plant manager invited me into his tent to teach me the secret passwords that would gain us access through the gates of Helium.
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Departing the lands of the Thark tribe, we entered the lands of the Warhoons. Although the Warhoons are also Green Martians, they consider themselves as much the enemies of the Tharks as the Red Martians. Tars Tarkas told us of the rumor that their Jeddak, Bar Comas, had discovered how to tame white apes and use them in his army. This would be an ill omen for us, John Carter, because Bar Comas is even more cruel than Tal Hajus. If we are to go against Bar Comas, our army must be mighty indeed!
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The scouting party of Green Martians hailed Tars Tarkas. They told us the pass was blocked by a pair of white apes in the deserted city. Another pair was spotted in the vicinity.
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Tars Tarkas informed me that the Green Martians waiting just outside the deserted city looked like Tharks who had been sent out to scout some weeks before.
Наездник на волке
6, 55 подземелье
A group of thoat riders approached. Thoats resemble calots, adapted for riding in combat. They greeted Tars Tarkas, informing him that they had been chasing a rogue band of thoat riders through these hills for weeks. The rogue riders had stolen a powerful heirloom from the Tharks and were seeking to sell it to the Warhoons.
41, 36 подземелье
A group of six Green Martians readied their weapons and surrounded the crystal. We're guardin' this for the Warhoon army. Get lost if you know what's good for ya. Should John Carter attack?
71, 7 подземелье
Four white apes of Barsoom guard a pile of crystal. Should John Carter fight the white apes?
28, 2 подземелье
A squad of twelve thoat riders eyed our group with suspicion. We're not supposed to give this to anyone but a Jed or Jeddak of the Warhoons. Should John Carter attack?
5, 48 подземелье
I looked down upon the Great Canal of Barsoom. Tars Tarkas explained that this artificial river had been maintained from time immemorial by the Red Martians to compensate for the loss of water on Barsoom. Ages past, our mountain road would have led down to the canal. Unfortunately, rockslides barred our way.
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Dak Kova
Dak Kova became Jeddak of the Warhoon tribe after killing Bar Comas.
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I heard a low growling sound to the southwest.
Хижина провидца
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My father's father was a scientist studying long-term climate changes on Barsoom. He headed south from Helium with his Spyglass, a family heirloom, to pursue his research. We never heard from him again. Doubtless, he fell prey to the cruel Green men. If someone could bring back word of him, or at least his Spyglass, that person would be well rewarded.
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As we neared our objective, armed guards sprang from the forests lining the road. Hey, what are you dirty Greens doing here? We had no choice but to defend ourselves. Would death follow my every step on Barsoom?
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Helium Advanced Training Area Greens -- Keep Out!
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The secret source of young apes to be trained for the Warhoon army was finally revealed. If I could subdue the guard beasts in combat, I felt certain I could train them to serve in my army.
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Red Martians jumped out from behind rocks. We guard this pass for our advanced training. You must be our final exam!
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I discovered the dwelling of the elder Green Martians. Few Green men reach old age -- most die in battle. Those who live past 500 years undergo a strange metamorphosis.
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The people of Helium pointed at our band, shouting angry words. They thought we were there to overthrow their beloved Jeddak, Tardos Mors.
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My path was blocked by two large green creatures that sprang suddenly from behind rocks. As they advanced, their threatening gestures were impossible to misinterpret. Retreat was not an option; there was nowhere for me to go but forward. Cold steel must again be my best friend, as it had been so many times before.
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Another green Martian, even larger than the first two, had watched the combat without moving. Fearing he was of a mind to avenge his comrades, I prepared my defense; but he did not raise his club against me. As he looked me over, it slowly became clear that he would not attack if I did not. I sheathed my sword and continued. He followed at a discrete distance.
47, 9 подземелье
The nomad green men in camp tell of an old War Master who lives in castle surrounded by drifting sand to the northwest. For a fee, he will train troops to a higher level of skill.
Адская гончая
22, 5 подземелье
This spot seemed to be a gathering place for calots. They looked hungry.
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L. Ptomel
Lorquas Ptomel was a Jed among the Tharks.
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Tars Tarkas reacted with joy when he recognized his friend, Lorquas Ptomel, leading a troop of the elite Jeddak Guard. The elite Jeddak Guard riders greeted Tars Tarkas and agreed with his plan to overthrow Tal Hajas.
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Here was another hatchery for young white apes. This one appeared undiscovered by the Warhoons. We were forced to subdue the adult guardians.
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The guardian of the tower motioned Tars Tarkas aside. My friend, he said, Thank you for bringing honor back to Thark. Now that you will be Jeddak of Thark, you will need your own Jeddak Guard. Remember the hidden training base in the eastern mountains.
69, 32 подземелье
The warning of Tars Tarkas echoed in my mind
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Tars Tarkas motioned me aside, and spoke in an uncharacteristically quiet voice, I do not like the way the rocks seem to close in from both sides. I smell an ambush. I paused for a moment to consider my next move.
69, 38 суша
Old Dominion
2, 70 суша
10, 55 суша
Fleeing the pursuing band of nomads, I found myself at the end of the canyon. There was an abandoned mine ahead to the left and a strange cave to the right seemingly filled with starry points of light. As I decided which way to go, a gang of bushwhackers jumped me...
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John Carter
I am a very old man; how old I do not know. Possibly I am a hundred, possibly more; but I cannot tell because I have never aged as other men. So far as I can recollect I have always been a man, a man of about thirty. My name is John Carter; Captain John Carter of Virginia.
10, 61 суша
My prospecting partner, Captain James K. Powell of Richmond, was killed by a marauding band of nomads on horseback. They were pursuing me as I made my way north in a narrow canyon. I feared that soon they would have me trapped and determined to give a good account of myself before I met the same fate as my partner.
9, 63 суша
Crazy Horse
Crazy Horse is a brilliant tactician when fighting in open terrain. He dislikes intruders on the lands he claims as his own.
20, 62 суша
Tan Home 1
1, 55 суша
Tan Home 1
10, 63 суша
Wrong way! Better head north -- quickly!
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