The Wizards are getting mobilized. Time to follow the path of Kyracor,and strike against them. There will no longer be peace!
Intro (wizads)
The time to strike is now. The grail must be found. Prepare your armies well for the Barbarians know of our advancements.
26, 17 подземелье
War will never come, Gaod wants peace. And he will go to war to get it. Prepare to die in the name of peace!
Королева наг
19, 18 подземелье
You will never get to him, unless of course you join him in prison!
Волшебный свиток
25, 22 подземелье
You come upon a group of monks practicing the arts of magic to increase the performance of warriors. They challenge you to a duel of wits, and coming out victorious you recieve the scroll of counterstrike!
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