Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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In a land on the edge of tearing itself apart rises a new darkness, and it is up to the Wizard rebels to conquer this evil, and unite the land of Yresse. By Scrowe [email protected]
In ages past Wizards, fleeing the War of the Giants, came to the land known as Yresse and asked for sanctuary. The emperor at that time was wary of magic users, and especially of ones that he thought cowardly for running from the war. He did not allow them into his kingdom, but granted them the large island off the north east coast of Yresse, in the Bay of Winter. The Isle of Winter, so called because it snowed there all year round, was an inhospitable place, but the Wizards managed to scrape together an existance. Eventually they raised one great tower on the site, and later another, and they built a thriving community within a few hundred years.
A few thousand years later and a war gripped Yresse. The Wizards tried to stay out of the fighting between the races, although a few lent their support to the highest bidders. The war offcially ended after many long years of fighting with a settlement being reached. However still each of the factions that had been in the conflict were far from friendly, and were constantly at each others throats. One false move and Yvresse would have been plunged into war once again. The Wizards meanwhile stayed away from the mainland and holed themselves up on the Isle of Winter. Most did not want to intefere with the other four kingdoms. They became separate however they were far from united themselves. Internal squabbles over even petty matters was ripping the Wizards assunder.
Now it is fifty years since then, and events have taken a turn for the worse. The squabbling between the Wizards has lead to a split in the Isle of Winter. The east tower has declared itself independant of the west tower, where the Wizard Council sit. You are the head of the rebel group of Wizards that took the east tower. Currently you sit overlooking the surrounding terrain from the highest point of the tower as you plan what to do next. Looking out, the wind in your face, you only hope that the Wizard Council doesn't enlist the help of the other factions of Yresse. Not only because this would spell your doom but you are worried that if they are brought into the fighting Yresse could revert back to war.
You are pondering this when Hawthen, the second in command of the rebels and a good friend of yours opens the trapdoor and joins you on top of the tower. He shivers at the cold. You laugh. Hawthen, my friend. Not too cold for you is it? I've never seen you affected by the chill winds before. Well, Hawthen answers, I've never been up this high. You smile. So what news? The spies report the Wizard Council have just about pulled themselves together and it seems almost certain they will try to use force to retake the tower. Then we must act quickly ourselves. You answer solemnly Use force ourselves? Hawthen asks nervously. You nod and are silent in contemplation for a few seconds. Then you quickly turn and make your way to the trapdoor down. Come, let us escape these winds and remove the Wizard Council. You say to break the silence.
Suddenly the eath shakes violently. It is everything you can do to avoid staying on your horse which rears up in alarm. What was that? Exclaims Hawthen as the tremor subsides. It doesn't sound good. You muse. Suddenly the ground quakes again, even more violently than before. This time you are thrown from your mount and land in the snow. You men find it hard to stand. You see large amounts of snow slide down the hills and mountains around you. A fair distance away you see a huge tree topple over. You crawl back as the ground begins to crack underneath you. Then it is over, and the land is quiet once more. An earthquake. Hawthen gasps. Well, we cannot let it detract from our duty. You say getting to your feet. We must press on and ready ourselves to destroy the Council. You grab the reigns of your horse and are about to mount when a splitting headache hits your skull. You clutch your head as the pain lances through your brain. You fall to your knees in agony. Then that too is gone. You gasp for air and glance around. It seems Hawthen fealt it too, for he also rubs his head. Powerful magic! You excalim. It hurt so badly... it must be very powerful, or very concentrated. The Wizard Council? Hawthen asks. What are they up to? You say.
You could not sleep as you camped. So you offered to take watch. As you sat next to the fire you felt a slight pain in your head. Was this the Council again? However the pain was only small and lasted only a few seconds. You decided it was probably just stress. Then as you gazed into the fire your eyes began to get heavy. A minute ago you hadn't been able to get to sleep and now you can barely keep your eyelids open. You try to move but you find you have lost all energy. So you sit, your eyes half open, staring at the campfire. Then the fire moves. It begins to spread, arching out in two directions to from a circle of flames around you. You still sit there, unable to find the energy to move or even speak. The flames roar higher, until they have formed a dome of fire above you. Then the conflagoration grows, the walls of the dome moving inwards towards you. You rock back and forth where you sit, but find yourself unable to do anything. Then the fire hits. You are surrounded by flames. But it does not seem to burn, or hurt in anyway. You feel only slightly warmer. Now you are floating in a sea of fire. You try to swim through the flames but you cannot tell which was is up or down, which direction to swim in. Then you see another figure. You make your way towards it and come face to face with a hideous Daemon. You are repulsed, and try to flee but he floats effortlessly alongside you. There is no esape from the firey dreams. The Demon says. I am the Fire Lord and you are insignificant to me... just another maggot to be charred from the face of Yresse. What do you want with me? You ask. I just like to scare you. The other Wizards are having the same dream. So this is a dream... you can't hurt me if this is a dream. You gasp. Of course not. He laughs. But beware the flames. Your eyes snap open to gaze upon flames. But it is only the campfire brungin as normal. You glance around but there is no sign of what happened. Only a dream. Only a dream. You repeat to yourself quietly.
In the morning you decide to tell no-one of you dream. But it weighs heavily on your mind, since it is still so vivid in your memory.
Next Day
As you rest for the night once again you cannot sleep. You stare out into the night and watch the snow fall, wondering if this time the reason you cannot sleep is through fear.
Hawthen awakes you telling you it is time to set off against the Wizard Council. You must have fallen asleep eventually then... and it seems the dream was just a one off. And that's all it was... just a dream.
Forbidden Texts
The news is grave. Hawthen explains to you. Our seers in the East Tower have told us that the earthquake that hit a few days ago was not just an earthquake, but a volcano! It seems someone has raised a volcano on mainland Yresse. You stare at the skies. When you awoke that morning the sky was darker than usual. The sky is always cloudy on the Isle of Winter, where it always snows, but this morning it seemed as though a much denser cloud was obscuring the sun. Now you have what could be the answer. The dark cloud must be ash from this magically raised volcano. Still think it's the council? Hawthen asks behind your back. You turn to him. This is an extrememly powerful spell. I know of no-one of the mainland who would have this power. I'm not even sure it is within the Council's reaches... unless they had accessed some new source of power. The Forbidden Texts? Hawthen asks quickly. You nod. The Forbidden Texts are a series of tomes, each binding the knowledge of a powerful Daemon. A normal man would go mad just opening the cover. However a group of wizards could possibly control the power that flows through the texts, and even manage to call forth the Daemon contained within. But releasing such a fiend to the world would have terrible reprecussions. The last refuge of doomed Wizards. You whisper. On your mind is the dream you had a few nights back. The grotesque features of the Fire Lord. You have never looked at the Forbidden Texts, so you do not know if the Daemon was one bound within, but it certainly seems likely. And the volcano seems a perfect example of such a flaming abominations power. You remember studying a tome which suggested volcanoes were homes for fire Deamons... So now you have a new problem. Not only must you defeat the Wizard Council but you cannot let the Daemon stay in this world. You only hope that he will be weak, having only just been summoned. He would therefore be resting somewhere where he could recharge his powers... such as the volano on the mainland. But although he will be realitvely weak his power will still be far greater than any mortal. You must act quickly and make up for the terrifying mistake the Council have performed. You must defeat the Fire Lord.
Thank you. Says a deep voice. You are floating in the sea of flames once more. The Fire Lord is not far away. It's a dream. You whisper. True. The Daemon nods, smiling. Sadly I do not yet have the power to crush your mind from the inside. But soon I will, and it is all thanks to you. You stare at him, wondering what he means. Well don't you see? He grins, showing his disgusting fangs. If it hadn't been for you rebels the pathetic Council would never have summoned me. And now you've destroyed them there is no longer anyone with any control over me. I had to do it... You whimper. They would have killed me. Save yourself to doom the world. Most poetic. The Fire Lord laughs.
Wake Up
You snap awake and sit up rubbing your forehead, with one question on your mind... 'have I damned the world?'
You review your position and check a map of Yresse to see what could lie ahead. To the far south east are the Witch-Swamps, inhabited by many fearsome beasts... and witches. Eastern Yresse, south of the Isle of Winter, is Tallpine forest which is inhabited by evil tree spirits. To your west are the Old Lands. These was once fertile areas but are now cracked and broken and inhabited by evil barbarians. Then there are the green fields of the south west, ruled over by the might armies of the Princes. Finally central Yresse was ruled from one great castle belonging to The Emperor and his legions... although this is where the volcano has erupted and you are unsure as to what will have happened to The Emperor.
Nasty Deamon
I wish there were more like you. Huh? You murmer, opening your eyes to find yourself in the fiery sea once more facing the Fire Lord. I said, I wish there were more like you. You know, willing to help a struggling Daemon into the world. I tell you it was tough on my plane of existance. Oh how terrible. You answer sarcastially. Bet you thought I'd forgotten about you? The Fire Lord laughs. How could I? I watch your every move. It's fun trying to work out what you will do next. And now you're coming over to the mainland to try and destory me! I'm flattered at the attention I'm recieving, I really am. So why do you keep appearing like this? You ask impatiently. Just for a chat with my possible rival. Oh and to tell you that you have absolutely no chance of success. The odds are impossibly stacked against you. Better to try than wait a die. You smile. You could run. The Daemon shrugs. Where? If I leave you alone you will gain enough power to kill me wherever I go. Well... yes. You know I'm really dissapointed in you. I hoped you might listen to reason and give up now. But it seems you're not that type. I'm afraid I'm going to have to make you suffer. I'll give you one more chance to stop trying to defeat me. You pause and laugh. Of course I'll give up. You say sarcastically. The Daemon's smile drops from his face for a second, and then reappears. Then you will suffer. He replies.
You wake up with a splitting headache. Will what the Daemon says come true? You guess it will. But how will he make you suffer?
No Dreams
You have suffered no disturbing dreams over the past week. Could what the Fire Lord said have just been a front to cover up the fact he has no power over you?
D1 - Childhood
You run through the streets of the West Tower. You dodge past the tall adults and between the carts at the marketplace on your way home. One man grabs your shoulder as you knock over a basket of fruit and spill the contents onto the road. Pick it all up now, young man. The man begins, then sees the tears in your face. What's wrong? Please sir. You answer through your sobs. I must get home. The man releases your shoulder and begins to speak, but you run before he can say a word. Through blurred eyes you leave the market and turn left down one street. You spot a golem dragging your mother out into the street from your house where there is a crowd of people watching. You run up to the golem and leap upon him screaming for him to let go of your mother. But he just bats you away. As you land a man dressed in the garb of the town watch walks up to you. Sorry lad. But your mother is a criminal and must now be punished. You can't disrespect the law. Your mother screams and stretches out her hand towards you, as the golem lifts her and effortlessly carries her away. You jump to your feet and begin to run but the town watch official grabs you. Sorry lad. He says, holding you as the golem carrying your screaming mother walks slowly away. You glance at your father who stands at the fornt door. He looks so old and tired, his face emotionless. He stands perfectly still watching your mother being taken away. So a mother killed by the Council and a father withering away? And all at only eleven years old? No wonder you beame a rebel. You look to the town watch official puzzled. But it is not the official anymore. It is the Fire Lord. You glance around. The street, the people, they are all still there, except they are all frozen still. You step back from the Fire Lord. This was what caused you to resent the Wizard Council? The Daemon says. So this is why you became a rebel, siezed the East Tower, and thereby allowed me to come into existance here in a volcanic palace with no-one cotnrolling me. All because your mother was a crook. She... wasn't... You says quietly. You know she was. I created this from your thoughts and memories. And so I know that you, deep down, knew it was all true. You stare at the street in silence. I said I would make you suffer. The Fire Lord says.
You awake with tears in your eyes. The Fire Lord can unlock your worst memories and force you to relive them in your dreams. Well you had better prepare for the next time.
After a bit of reading you find something that could be useful - a dream potion. It may take a while to get the ingrediants and prepare but hopefully it will loosen the control the Fire Lord has over your dreams. It will not stop him completely though, he is certainly very powerful. You will have to keep searching for a way to stop that. You wonder if you should tell Hawthen, but in the end you decide not to worry him.
D2 - Class
They are all laughing at you. The whole class is pointing and laughing. You glance around, but you are right, each and every one of them is laughing at you. You look at the master. He isn't laughing, he looks very cross. Then you look at the table in front of you at the pile of dust that was your magic staff. Never have I seen such a pathetic display. The master growls, and the class laugh again. I don't even know how it's possible. Your face burns with embarassment. You desperately want to cry but choke back the tears. You bolt and run out the room into the corridor where you collapse on the floor. Weren't very good back then, were you? Says the university janitor standing over you. Except it's not the janitor, it's the Fire Lord, back to torture you. Couldn't even conjure a rabbit without reducing your staff to a pile of dust. I improved. You sigh, still on the floor. Now I'm a powerful wizard. Eventually, yes. I just thought I'd take you to one of your worst moments as a young man. And this is light compared to what is to come. Of course you could always just give up now. Hah! You laugh.
You awake in a sweat, vowing to make that dream potion.
Potion Complete
After a few days of searching, your gargoyles bring back the ingrediants needed for the dream potion. You mix them together and cast the required enchantments. Then you drink the mixture. You only hope when the next dream comes you will have more control.
D3 - Liquelle
I'm dreaming. You are standing on a hill not far from the East Tower. It is about ten years ago, when you were in your late twenties. Memories come flooding back. You are in a group of underground rebels tired of the Wizard Council's' squabblings. You have shown a hatred for the Council that has risen you to high ranks within the rebel group. You have come up this hill with another rebel, a young woman called Liquelle, having heard of a colony of gremlins that fled the Council and now are hiding out. You believed you could recruit them in the rebel army that was being formed. You never found them. You know why you have been bought here in this dream. Come on. Liquelle shouts. You turn round to see her. Now you almost wish you never had taken the potion. If you hadn't this would all seem so normal. But now you have, and you see that you are dreaming it just means you miss her. And even though you know you are dreaming it wont take the pain away. Fire Lord! You scream. I know this is a dream! There is no answer from the Daemon. Come on. Shouts Liquelle. You look at her as she brushes the snow flakes from her long blonde hair. And soon you know that hair will be stained with blood... unless... I can change things! You exclaim, running towards her. I know it's a dream now, I can change things. What are you talking about? Liquelle asks. Liquelle. You say, hugging her. She pushes you away and laughs. What's brought this on? She smiles. We'll never find the gremlins... they're just a story. Let's give up the search. She stares at you blankly for a few seconds. You say that now? She says angrily. So what did you bring me out here in the middle of nowhere for? You are about to say something but she interrupts you. Oh... I see... you make me sick! She screams. Li, listen. No! She shouts. I can't believe you. She turns and storms away. You run after her but trip on a rock hidden in the snow. You fall forwards and land on Liquelle, who is thrown forwards. She screams as she rolls down the slope of the hill towards the edge of a cliff. You pick your self up but can only watch as she slides right to the edge. just at the last second she stops her movement and steadies herself. Liquelle! You shout and run to her. I'm alright. She says, breathing heavily. She attmepts to stand but slips once more, her foot moving over the cliff edge. She screams as she topples down. You manage to stop yourself at the edge a few seconds later. Looking down you see her crumpled body on the rocky ground below. Went far worse this time, didn't it? Says the voice of the Fire Lord beside you. You nod. I mean first time she fell by accident, after you two had declared your love for eah other. this time you pushed her, after she said she hated you. He says flatly. It doesn't matter what I do. I'll always suffer. You say, looking at him. The Fire Lord nods.
You awake not crying, not sweating, just with depression heavy in your heart.
Not only do you have terrifying dreams sent by the Fire Lord once a week, but each night you have nightmares of death, destruction and fire.
D4 - Marr
Five years ago. The West Tower. Someone has betrayed one of the main rebel hideouts to the Council. Now you are evacuating following a rebel meeting. With you are Hawthen and Marr, two of your greatest friends in the rebels. According to your memory Marr should die as he runs out into the street and is hit by a mage's magical energy blast. But what does it matter? It's all a dream. Come on! Shouts Hawthen over the chaos of people running around you. Quickly! Bellows Marr. He was always a very loud person, you remember. He used to bellow from beneath his bushy beard. You wont be shouting much longer. You whisper, almost laughing. You watch as he runs out into the street. A flash of light comes from outside the door and you hear Marr scream. The desperately running people have mostly left the room now. Some fled into the street where almost all were caught or killed. The rest took the secret tunnels. But the turncoat who betrayed you also revealed to the Council the whereabouts of most of the exits to those tunnels. This was your main hideout in the West Tower, some of the most important rebels were gathered here in a meeting. The rebels were strong then, you lost many good men here and it took four years to regain your strength. But why does it matter? You smile, sitting on the cold floor with your knees tucked to your chin and you arms around your legs. It's all in the past now. The room you are in is quiet, although outside you hear shouting and screaming. Hawthen stands over you. Hello. You say. You look up at Hawthen, now the frowning face of the Fire Lord. Dissapointed in me? You smile. I've realised you see... that the past doens't matter. You cannot change what happened so there is no good looking back and wishing you could. What matters is the future, and how you change that in the present. There is silence for a few seconds. What matters is the future. The Fire Lord says flatly.
Good Morning
You awake feeling fine... the first good night's sleep you've had in ages.
No Nightmares
The nightmares you were having have no longer appeared. It seems the Fire Lord no longer controls your dreams.
D5 - Chess
Your move. Huh? You are sitting at a small table upon which there is a chess set. The pieces are all on the board, lined up in their starting positions except for one black pawn which your opponent has just moved forwards one space. You look at your opponent. It is a large figure wrapped entirely in dark robes. You cannot see its face through the cowl. However you do notice its hands. They are certainly not human, or at least aren't now - they are just bones with no flesh or muscle. Then you look around you, but see nothing. It's not even blackness or darkness, it's just nothingness spanning in all directions as far as you can see. Your move. Your opponent says again. You sense no movement when it says this, as though the words just appear without it even talking. You pause, then smile. What sort of a dream is this? You says out loud. I mean, I've never been here. Where am I anyway? Where it matters. Says a voice. You cannot be sure if it came from your skeletal opponent, because it makes no movement. You ponder the meaning of this for a while. Your move. The figure says again, gesturing slightly to the chess game. It's a dream. You sigh. I don't have to play. Not now, but some day. It says. You pause again. What you said to the Fire Lord in your last dream comes back to you now. Where are you know? Where it matters. The past doesn;t matter. You told him the only thing that mattered was... The future? You say meekly. What sort of a future is this where I'm playing chess with... You stop, suddenly realising where you are, and who your opponent is. with... death? You whisper. The figure removes the cowls from its face. You expect an empty skull but see the face of the Fire Lord. I could never work out how the horsey moved. He smiles, looking at the chess board. So in the future I'll die. You say. But we all die at some point. This could be at any point in time, before or after you are defeated. True. The Fire Lord says. But that was not the point of this dream. No, this is to prepare you for our next encounter. I'm getting to quite enjoy our little meetings. This isn't a game. You reply, angrily. The Fire Lord looks at the chess board. Looks like it to me. He says.
You awake almost angrily. You wonder what the Fire Lord meant when he said he was preparing you for your next dream. You had always found it interesting to imagine playing chess with death once you died. But of course death will always win. So what comes next, after that? Will you see the afterlife?
Tomorrow the dream will come. You wonder if it is best to try and stay awake all night. It'll probably be pointless. And besides, you are almost curious to see what the Fire Lord has prepare for you.
D6 - Zombie
You stand flanked by rows of people. They stretch in a great line either side of you. Looking back you see they stretch back into the distance, apparently for ever. You appear as though you are at the front of a vast regiment lined up in formation. Then you look at the figure to your left. Immediately you turn your head away. You turn to look at your neighbour to your right. Once more the sight repulses you. On your left the man has barely any skin, his is all bone. From one socket in his skull an eye ball hangs lifeless. To your right the corpse - that's how you think of him - is fresher, having more flesh on his body. Still though the sight repulses you, as maggots crawl over an open wound on the side of his head. You look behind you, and all around, but everyone you see is a walking skeleton or zombie. You look in front of you. The lnadscape looks barren and charred. The land is black and you can see nothing growing. This is the afterlife? You ask quietly. You move your hand up in front of your face. You are missing a finger, the others have so little flesh upon them you can see the structure of the bones. Your other hand, holding a rusty sword, looks similar. Then you move your hand over your face. Your nose appears to have rotted away, there is an open wound on your forehead. There seems to be a crack in your jaw and you are certainly missing half your teeth. Actually... no. Says the skeleton to your left. But I'm glad you realise you're dead. The skeleton is no longer as you remember him. He has taken the form of the Fire Lord, wielding his scythe. Then... where? You stammer. Well once Yresse is taken over I plan to make an alliance with Taur, the Necromancer from Northern Leath. They're always such unwitting fools, the Necromancers. Ready to help out wherever they can in exchange for a large supply of the dead, and... well... I do plan on creating a lot of those. I'm undead. You whisper with dread in your voice. Taur's greatest retinue. Over ten thousand skeletons and zombies. You're in the front rank. Hawthen's around here somewhere... as is everyone you've killed. Don't worry, their souls are bound to the Necromancer, they wont come looking for you. He laughs. My soul shall never sleep. You say hoarsly. Don't cry. The Fire Lord says. Well you can't... you have no tear ducts. But this doesn't have to be the future. You say, trying to sound confident. It doesn't have to end this way. True. But you can't protect your body once you're dead, can you? And you will die... you know that. I know. You whisper. The Fire Lord is right though. What can you do? You know you will die sometime and in the meantime you will fight to keep that happening for as long as possible, but what happens afterwards? Your corpse could join the ranks of the undead, your soul bound to you body which is no longer under your control. Eternal servitude. I'll ininerate myself when I'm dying. Makes sure my body is destoryed. Make sure it can't rise again. You say, with not much hope in your voice. You can make sure of that can you? The Fire Lord replies. And even if you do, the Necromancers could raise your soul as a wraith. You pause. Neither of you speak for over a minute. Why did you bring me here? You say eventually. It wont make me give up. If anything I'll fight with even more ferocity to defeat you and make sure you cannot bring this Necromancer to Yresse, make sure this does not happen. Perhaps. The Fire Lord says. He stares into the horizon for a few seconds. I just wanted to remind you of something. You'll die someday. Maybe I'll kill you, and since you are Yresse's last hope the chances of my defeat will die with you. Then maybe I'll employ Taur to raise your body. Maybe your soul shall be a eternal prisoner. On the other hand you could die some other time. Myabe then your body shall be at rest, but maybe not. Your point? You say impatiently. I wont die. The Fire Lord replies. You can defeat me but you can never kill me. Some other fool shall call me from my plane of existance if you manage to banish me back there. You are but mortal. In comparison I am a god. You say nothing. After a few seconds the Fire Lord continues. And I am but a representative of the evil that festers on this world. There are a million like me, ready to crush humanity. All that stands between us and that goal is frail and vulnerable mortals such as yourself. But Evil is immortal.
'Evil is immortal' - the Fire Lord's last words are in your mind the second you awaken. Maybe you should stop now. Why does any of this matter? As he said you will never defeat him, he shall rise again whilst you wither away. Ah, you're awake at last. Says Hawthen entering your quarters. You look at him as he stands there. You wonder whether you should tell him about what has been happening. Tell him how uterly pointless and hopeles it all is. Well are you getting up now? He asks. We can't delay in our attempts to thwart the Fire Lord. I wanted to go over a few tactical suggestions with you as we march. The men are almost all ready outside. Hawthen doesn't realise how pointless things are. Your troops don't either. Maybe you should jsut leave them now. Well? Hawthen presses. But then again they are all so eager. Hawthen and your men are ready to die in your fight against the Fire Lord. It doesn't matter to them, they don't know evil is immortal, but they don't want to know. The Fire Lord cannot break you down. It is not the past that is important, nor is it the far flung future. It is the present you must concentrate on. Well? Hawthen says again. I'm ready. You say with conviction in your voice.
More Power!!!
You suddenly develop a splitting headache, as though some great power were being released. Hawthen feels it also. What could it mean? He asks after the pain has subsided. The Fire Lord must be gaining more power. You reply. We have to hurry and stop him soon before his power grows too much.
Even More Power!!!
You and Hawthen both reel in pain from inside your skulls. The Fire Lord... You gasp, holding your head. He must be gaining even more power... we have to defeat him before it is too great!
Too Much Power!!!
YSuddenly your head is ripped by a pain so bad you want to cut off your own head with your sword. It must be the Fire Lord gainign even more power... this time too much!
46, 12 подземелье
West Tower
Посещение Чародей:
Morphor was leader of the Wizards Council in Yresse before it was destroyed by Cyaph and his rebels.
63, 8 подземелье
East Tower
68, 33 подземелье
Посещение Рейнджер:
The ranger known as Strong Oak has never revealed his real name, if indeed he has one. He is more in touch with the tree spirits than anyone else in the Tallpine Forest.
55, 5 подземелье
You must be the rebels who overthrew the Wizard Council!
Ожерелье скорости
54, 5 подземелье
The mages were guarding this pendant. Watch it swing in the wind. Says Hawthen, holding it by the chain. Looking closely you see as it moves its edges blur. That indicates it is an artifact of speed. Hawthen tells you.
Черный меч мертвого рыцаря
57, 15 подземелье
All great warriors need a sword - if you are to save Yresse you need one too. This once belonged to a cursed undead champion. Quite what it is doing here is anyone's guess. Hawthen remarks. I forgot you studied ancient artifacts in your youth. You reply. Well now those skills could be handy. I'll try my best. Hawthen answers.
54, 12 подземелье
Rebel scum! You think you can go against the Council like this?
Щит короля гноллов
51, 15 подземелье
Nagas often like to hoard precious items, such as this shield.
37, 39 подземелье
Посещение Одержимый:
More Power!!!
Even More Power!!!
Too Much Power!!!
48, 36 подземелье
Forgemaster Factories
51, 31 подземелье
Workshops belong to the Forgemasters - keep out
44, 33 подземелье
A large stash of wood could be useful...
55, 41 подземелье
Посещение Друид:
Gyla is a master of the healing arts, which she uses not only on humans and animals but also on the trees themselves.
67, 68 подземелье
Посещение Ведьма:
Morat-tar had an inate talent for spell casting from the moment she was born. It was said before she was one month old she had managed to set her parent's hut on fire with magic.
55, 62 подземелье
Посещение Ведьма:
The gnoll witch known as Holan-tar began her career after stealing a magical time from her tribes own witch. After Holan had killed her she became master of the tribe.
7, 65 подземелье
Посещение Рыцарь:
Prince Olaf trains the armies of the Princes personally, taking especial care to train the archers and marksmen.
22, 30 подземелье
Посещение Рыцарь:
Prince Tor is perhaps the most important of the Princes. He is the one who plans the main strategic and tactical decisions the Princes undertake.
6, 49 подземелье
Посещение Рыцарь:
Prince Fygal is a mysterious figure. He generally shuns human contact, prefering to spend his days in the wilderness where it is said he communicates with wild griffins. He returns only for battle.
8, 7 подземелье
Brass Eye Mt.
10, 23 подземелье
Red Talon Mt
45, 60 подземелье
Enter he who seeks enlightenment
47, 69 подземелье
The Witch-Swamps
Сфера подавления
2, 2 подземелье
What is this? You ask Hawthen. Be sure to keep it safely kept away. He tells you. For it will drain not only the magic of your enemies but also yours too. Doesn't sound very useful, maybe I should sacrifice it at an altar. I don't think so. Just keep it safe for now. These things can come in very handy from time to time. Okay, I'll keep it safe. You answer.
12, 31 подземелье
Secret Grove
Щит дракона
31, 56 подземелье
Made from Dragon scales, this shield is quite effective even on the offensive. Says Hawthen. A worthy prize for defeating those Rust Dragons. Should be useful. You remark.
63, 9 подземелье
Cyaph is leader of the rebels that seized the East Tower from the Wizard Council.
Символ знания
51, 22 подземелье
This artifact may come in handy. Hawthen tells you. ButI remember tales that it had some other use.
Сфера буйного пламени
31, 53 подземелье
The highly polished orb seems to contain burning flames, despite there being no oxygen or an apparent source of fuel. Pure Fire Magic. Hawthen tells you.
37, 54 подземелье
You disturb our munchy lunch. We add you to our meal.
Меч адского пламени
22, 70 подземелье
Now this is a rare sword. Says Hawthen, picking up the weapon with a blade which dances with flames. He places his other hand on the blade. Isn't it hot? You ask, shocked. Hawthen shakes his head. The blade is cold, but if it cuts you it will burn like molten lead.
Неиссякаемое кольцо серы
27, 44 подземелье
What sort of ring is this? You ask Hawthen. Let me see... He muses, taking the ring a placing it on his finger. He waves his hand over a rock. It buzzes for a moment and then disintegrates into yellow dust. What is that? You ask. Sulphur. This must be a Ring of Sulphur. Once a day you can create some Sulphur. It could be handy if you have few Sulphur mines.
Голова Легионера
19, 47 подземелье
What does this do? You ask Hawthen about the huge statues head you have found. I'm sorry but I don't know where this came from... but it appears to be broken. Sorry. Hawthen replies worried. Don't worry, my friend. You say. You rarely fail me when it comes to artifacts, I'll let you off this time. He smiles. If I were you I'd keep it safe, in case we find out where it came from.
Доспехи самородной серы
35, 24 подземелье
46, 13 подземелье
This shall end the squabbling... if only the fools would have listened there would be no need for this. You announce. Hawthen nods. The Council isn't what it used to be, and soon it shall be no more.
Сосуд с кровью жизни
19, 69 подземелье
Vampires can survive of such a vial. Hawthen tells you. And it will help your own troops to survive as well.
Страж задания
19, 43 подземелье
The gate between the land of the Princes and what used to be the Emperor's lands is guarded by a magically animated statue of a phoenix. Will you let me pass? You shout up. No. Squarks the bird statue. First you must prove yourself. Defeat the Phoenixes to prove yourself worthy of passing through the Phoenix Gate.
Страж задания
15, 53 подземелье
The gatekeeper is a huge statue of a Rust Dragon. Will you let us pass? You shout up. You must prove yourself worthy if you wish to pass through the dragon Gate. Defeat the pair of Rust Dragons and I shall allow you access.
63, 39 подземелье
Perhaps the magic fountain can tell you something of your quest, you pnder as you approach the magnificent spring. How does this go..? You plunge your head into the pool. Immediately you feel compelled to pull it out again and gasp for breath. You rub your eyes, then realise that the lands around you have changed. The fountain still stands as before, but the forest is now little more than a collection of charred tree stumps. The ground is black and scorched, it feels warm under your feet. You turn around and see nothing but a burnt wasteland in all directions. The only change in this view is in one direction, where you see a huge volcano rising above the landscape. You hear movement behind you. You spin round and are starled to see the Fire Lord standing only a few feet away. You turn to run but he raises his scythe and swings it at you. You gasp for breath and collapse backwards out of the pool. You fall onto the grass below and glance around at the forest. Are you okay? Hawthen asks nervously. You nod and splutter, coughing up some water. Truly the pool showed a chilling image of what could become were the Fire Lord not defeated.
9, 31 подземелье
You pause to gaze around the grove. It sparkles with a magical shine that astounds you. You sense that there is something more than meets the eye here.
Страж задания
27, 64 подземелье
The river gatekeeper will not let you pass unless you presents the a pass. And that is? You ask. The Emblem of Cognizance. He replies.
26, 16 подземелье
Black Hand Mt.
Сфера проливного дождя
50, 69 подземелье
Inside the glass orb is a liquid which looks like water but you would expect water to just sink to the bottom. This liquid appears to flow anyway it chooses even against gravity. Water Magic concentrated into it's purest form. Hawthen tells you.
Хижина предсказателя
16, 69 подземелье
The man living in the hut greets you and invites you in. I used to be a sculptor. He tells you. But as I was creating my finest work a terrible earthquake struck and my huge sculture fell apart. Then a few days later the head was stolen by a flock of Harpies! I am too old to go look for it myself, but if you ever find it and bring it back to be I would reward you.
4, 31 подземелье
The magic path leads you here, to the secrets of the grove. You feel the power of aeons flowing through you, and the air around you coalesses into a perfectly smooth orb. Looking inside the glass orb you see what appear to be miniture clouds. This orb contains pure Air Magic. Hawthen tells you. But such things are usually guarded by... His words are cut short as around you the air coaleses and attacks!
49, 34 подземелье
You see the lava flowing over the land. It sickens you to see how stupid the Wizard Council was. Once this land belonged to The Emperor but now that empire is in ruins and he must be no more.
6, 50 подземелье
An envoy from the Princes appears to give you an ultimatum. Vile magic user. The envoy says. We suggest you stop your pointless attempt to invade our glorious kingdom. Not only are our proud regiments more than a match for your own, but with have allied ourselves with the Fire Lord who sees how powerful we are and will send us aid if we require. So leave now and we may decide not to invade your own island. The Fire Lord! You shout at the envoy. Tell your Princes they are fools. That Daemon will promise everything and deliver nothing. Begone! The envoy runs back to the castle. You wait a few minutes then order the attack.
59, 33 подземелье
Tallpine Forest is home to dangerous wild men who raise the spirits of the trees to fight for them. You had better have come prepared for fierce fighting, for the inhabitants will not give up their home easily. You almost feel sad to have to destroy their culture, but it is the only way the Fire Lord will ever be defeated, and the men here certainly wont reason with a Wizard.
48, 68 подземелье
The Witch-Swamps are home to a number of witches who command the fearsome beats of the marshes. You doubt such evil spell casters will listen to any reasoning.
41, 30 подземелье
You easily jump over the small stream of lava that flows towards the sea.
59, 30 подземелье
Hawthen laughs. The Yresse mainland. The old laws forbid us from coming here. And just look what's happened to its inhabitants now. First decades of war and now those they spurned have destroyed the heartland. You think there would have been no wars of they had let us in? You answer. Oh there would have been. It's human nature to argue and fight, remember that we are rebels. Yes, but we had a cause. Hawthen argues. I'm sure whatever our cause was for going against the Counil was as good as any of the mainlanders' causes. Are you saying you regret going against the Council? No. You shake your head. I'm just saying that war is inevitable, no matter anyone's intentions. It can start for the smallest reasons and end up threatening everyone.
Накидка скорости
21, 51 подземелье
Hawthen holds up the cape and as it ripples in the wind it blurs feroiously. One of the rarest speed artifact. He tells you. Wears this and your own troops shall be a blur.
33, 40 подземелье
So here you are. The Emperor's castle one stood in the centre of this plane, now it is nothing but ash. But that is not of your concern. It is time for you to face the Fire Lord and defeat him, even if he will only be banished and not destroyed.
38, 54 подземелье
After defeating the Trolls you notice they were preparing to feed. But along with the usual goblin legs and Snargle hooves is a living person! You untie the unfortunate captive and remove the gag from his mouth. Thankyou... thankyou. He gasps. Why were you wandering out here in these dangerous parts? Hawthen asks him. You don't know who I am? You didn't come to rescue me? He looks puzzled. You stare at him, but shake your head. He looks from you to Hawthen and back again buts sees only your blank faces. He sighs and sits down on a rock. It seems things are worse than I thought. He sighs. I'm The Emperor. My kingdom and most of its inhabitants were destroyed in the eruption but I managed to escape through the secret ways only I know. But I had to avoid the other kingdoms where I would surely be killed or tortured. And now it seems that my fears were correct... and Yresse has forgotten about me. And now I have been captured. We haven't come to capture you. You say, looking at the man who claims to be the Emperor. He is short and bald and is wearing tattered rags. You don't know whether to believe him or not. We had no idea who you were. Hawthen adds. As the man looks at his feet you glance over at Hawthen. He looks back and shrugs his shoulders. So Yresse really has forgotten about its Emperor. The man says sadly. He looks up and stares at your face. And you don't even believe me. Well... You begin, but are not really sure what to say. I am the Emperor! He shouts, jumping to his feet. Then he stops, looks around, sighs and sits back down on the rock. Or at least I was... but no-one will ever believe me. You stand in silence. I can tell you the secret way into the centre of my kingdom. He says, suddenly brightening up. Only I know that, because I am the Emperor. There is a one way monolith somewhere beneath north-west Yresse. That will take you into the centre where the volcano is now. See! Now do you believe me? He looks at you again but sees your disbelief. Already I've been forgotten about. He sighs, standing up. I suppose I'll tyr and find someone who knows me. He walks away in the direction you just came from. You wait a minute to watch him go. Do you think...? Hawthen says. You shrug your shoulders. We better not let it concern us. True, true. Hawthen replies. But still.... I wonder.
Книга магии Огня
34, 50 подземелье
5, 35 подземелье
Travelling over the magical ground you feel as though it is somehow changing you.
Золотой лук
46, 7 подземелье
Сфера небесного свода
41, 12 подземелье
take it
10, 41 подземелье
You are sure you catch a glimpse of a Pond Snargle swimming through the lakes. Perhaps it was just your imagination.
Кольцо странника
35, 34 подземелье
Another speed artifact. Hawthen tells you.
33, 0 подземелье
Help, I'm shipwrecked! If you help me I'll let you have my magic ring that I hid behind the mountains where The Emperor's castle sits.
42, 2 подземелье
Captain Baha's Diary 'twas a magical place indeed - and even more magical when I found the magic path
44, 65 подземелье
What did I ever do to you? Put me back right now!
57, 25 подземелье
Captain Baha's Diary We set sail for the Cape of Beasties in two days time. I expect favourable winds.
35, 14 подземелье
Captain Baha's Diary The storms are terrible, and we cannot risk landing on those lands belonging to the Barbarians.
31, 6 подземелье
Not far from the ship wreck you come across a skeleton lying on a number of planks hastily tied together. You guess some poor man must have escaped the ship and made a raft, but then died of hunger. You take a look at his belongings and find a piece of paper, which is blank except for the heading
45, 20 подземелье
Captain Baha's Diary No sign of any fearsome sea monsters, but rations are wearing thin. The biscuits have already gone stale..
39, 40 подземелье
Behind the mighty fortress of the Fire Lord, the volcano belches its thick black smoke into the sky, blocking out the sun in the sky. The lands are lit by the fiery glow of molten magma as it pours from the hills and mountains and across the landscape. It gives everything an eerie red tint, and makes the fortress ahead look as though it were on fire. And standing on a protrusion in the volcanic ground is the Fire Lord. He stands with his scythe by his side, glowing red. Welcome. He says. You motion your troops to stay where they are then walk a little ahead of them to get closer to the Fire Lord. You almost succeeded. You almost did it. You almost managed to break me down. You say confidently. I did nothing. He replies. I am a master of fire, not dreams. I was able to observe but not create or affect in any way. You pause. The confidence in your voice falters. Then the dreams... they were not sent by you? You did not control what happened? Then who did? You turn around, wondering who else would have done this to you. Your eyes rest on Hawthen who stands a little way behind, not quite close enough to hear your conversation with the Daemon. You. You turn back to look at the Fire Lord. Pardon? The dreams were created from your own self doubt, from your attempts to reconcile your past and your greatest fears of the future. He says. So... You stammer. So... I thought you were trying to tear my mind apart... But all the time my mind was trying to pull itself together. You are full of self doubt and pity. You feel you cannot cope with what has happened and will not be able to cope with what will occur. But... but... I can... I'm fine now... You really think so? The Fire Lord asks. Yes... well maybe... I... I... You try to blurt out the words, but it is as if your mind has indeed collapsed around you. Now you realise you could never deal with what happened and you begin to see how the future holds too many fears. The past and future... how will you cope? The Fire Lord says as you stand shivering and staring at the ground. The Fire Lord raises his scythe and swings. At the last second you leap backwards away from its deadly arc. The Daemon growls as he misses you. The past matters no longer. You say. And the future hasn't happened yet. So there's only the present. And that I can deal with. The Fire Lord bellows in anger, but with a quick movement of your hands you shoot an ice bolt straight at him. He roars as it explodes, knocking him backwards. If I can't destroy your mind, then I'll have to kill you with more conventional means. He screams, then in a flash and leaving behind nothing but red smoke he vanishes, spiriting himself away back into his volcano fortress. You stand still for a moment, then collapse to your knees, breathing heavily. Are you alright? Hawthen asks, running up behind you. You nod. The Fire Lord plays terrible mind games. He tried to make me believe my own mind was collapsing in on me. You pant, the encounter has taken your breath away slightly. But you appear to have succeeded. Hawthen says, helping you to your feet. And now it's time to defeat him once and for all. You are about to tell Hawthen about the immortality of evil, how the Fire Lord will merely be banished, never destroyed. But you stop yourself. You look at his expectant face. In the present this is the right thing to do... the Fire Lord may be released again some day and be able to take over the world, that is not your concern. Crusaders against evil may wither and die, but new champions are born and created. The future wil be saved by someone else. It is up to you to save the present. It's time. You say.
64, 0 подземелье
Captain Baha's Diary Some of the men have been getting ocean madness, I'm quite concerned at the amount of land lubbers on my ship.
22, 57 подземелье
You come across a man sitting on a rock in a clearing. As you approach he looks up and smiles. You are about to dismount when Hawthen leans over to you and whispers. Look at the orange colour on his face - be careful. Wondering what he could mean you jump down from your horse and approach the man. Good day! The man says excitedly. Good... You begin, but the man jumps suddenly jumps at you with madness in his eye. You are forced to draw your sword and slice him in two. Hawthen shakes his head sadly. You look at him puzzled. It is the Maladay of the Mad Orange. A rare disease that I did not think had reached Yresse yet, but it seems otherwise... Wondering about this strange disease you jump back on your steed and ride on.
7, 13 подземелье
It amazes you that even in the cracked and broken Old Lands, such a magical stream has burst forth. You guess it must be this that allows the trees around to grow.
40, 53 подземелье
Look at the burnt and charred trees. Hawthen remarks. It makes you sad to think that this is the Wizard Council's doing, and that you might have prompted them to this.
6, 63 суша
Hall of Heroes
Фиал драконьей крови
62, 27 суша
Hawthen gasps. I read about this once. It contains amix of blood from each type of Dragon. It will inspire Dragons under your control. Could be useful. You reply.
Страж задания
33, 30 суша
This barrier appears to have been sealed with powerful magics still in place today. Only something that could drain this magic would open the gate, such as the Orb of Inhibition.
Башмаки скороходы
59, 22 суша
The boots seem to blur as you pick them up and move them around. Boots of Speed. Hawthen says. Useful for getting around Yresse quickly.
Древнее чудище
28, 30 суша
Behemoths like to hide in abandoned places such as these where they may sleep. Now you have disturbed a pack of them, and they don;t liek their sleep interupted.
Сфера тверди земной
44, 54 суша
The orb is covered in dust and dirt, but wiping it off reveals a shiny surface of glass. Inside appears to be a swirling brown gas. Distilled Earth Magic I presume. Hawthen says.
39, 34 суша
You must be entering the caverns underneath the volcano, it is very warm.
26, 35 суша
Look! Excalims Hawthen. A portal ahead. And since we have searched the whole of Yresse this must be the one that leads into the Fire Lord's volcanic lair. You reply. So this is it... but are you strong enough to challenge the Daemon?
54, 40 суша
The Forgemasters have had a presence in Yresse for many years, selling their mechanical wares to those offering enough gold.
38, 40 суша
Directly under the volano, and the heat is intense.
26, 25 суша
Dragons' Lair
35, 29 суша
Dragons' Lair - Do Not Enter for fear of releasing the Dragon King - by order of Thorgol the mighty.
6, 66 суша
Where are we? Asks Hawthen, but you can only shrug. Welcome, brave Wizards, saviours of Yresse. Says a booming voice form all around. Welcome to the Hall of Heroes. We have waited a long time for your presence. What is this place? You shout to nowhere in particular. The Hall of Heroes rests on different plane to your own land. Yet I, the Keeper of the Hall, watch the progress of our Wizards on your own plane. When I feel they are in need I allow them access. You are in need of the Hall's services, it is a mighty task that you undertake. Thank you! You shout. You wait to hear if the Keeper has any more to say but he does not. So you ride on to the Hall of Heroes ahead.
34, 13 суша
You're going to sacrifice those precious artifacts? Hawthen asks, shocked. Not all of them are that useful to me. You reply. I suppose... it's just... I can't bare to see such things go to waste.
Верховный лорд
25, 26 суша
Dragon King
The Dragon King has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, since the Age of Dragons. It took the warrior Thorgol to seal him up here under Yresse, where he awaits someone to release him.
67, 6 суша
50, 52 суша
You have to look again when you think you see a rock moving. You rub your eyes and look at it again, but you are corret, that rock is moving! Don't be so shocked. Hawthen laughs. It is only a Rock Snargle, which looks like a rock to disguise itself against predators.
2, 6 суша
Scrowe's Wolrd'o'Maps http
66, 8 суша
Keep your grubby fingers off these --by order of Scrowe--
49, 6 суша
Shhhh... this is a hidden sign Don't tell anyone
9, 15 суша
You think us sign writers have an easy job?
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