Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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New World Computing
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Everybody has to make a living, but not everybody enjoys it as much as you do. You have been hired to do a job, not just any job, but a specific one, a tough one. You must kill Lord Thorax before 6 months are up or lose your own life!
An old drunk says: The only way to get to Lord Thorax is to find the only ship yard on the abandoned lake.
Rumor 02
Let us eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die at the hand of Lord Thorax! HaHaHaHa!!!!!!!
Rumor 13
They say that finding Lord Thorax is like looking for a needle in a haystack! But I know a secret! Search the underground!
Rumor 07
Monica the Wench says: Since I lost my kneepads no one is interested in me anymore. I wonder why?
Rumor 16
The only reason all the kingdoms are all against you is because Lord Thorax has them under some sort of spell. Destroy Lord Thorax and the spell will be broken!
Rumor 15
I would love to join you sir, but mind you the bounty on your person is so high it would be easier to fight you and then go to Lord Thorax and collect the bounty!
Rumor 12
Since the Lake disappeared a fishing boat seems sort of useless. Now the only way for me to sail the seas is in a mug of ail! Curse Lord Thorax boy! I hope you find him and do him in proper!
Rumor 06
The underground seems to hold the key. From the evidence I've uncovered in the last few years it would seem that Lord Thorax is trapped down below in a device of his own making!
Rumor 08
Loose Skirtchaser says: can not tell a lie, Lord Thorax is paying you to carry out a contract on him! Or at least that's what Monica was telling me while I helped her adjust her new kneepads!
Rumor 11
I am told that Phil the Rumormonger thinks that up near the Northern Boarders is a Conflux called the Astral Wizard, the guy there who runs Magellion's Maps says that he knows exactly where Lord Thorax's stronghold is located!
Rumor 19
I know all of these five Lords very well, the only reason they are working together is because Lord Thorax has some kind of hypnotic spell over them. Kill him and the spell will be broken!
Rumor 18
Look for the Conflux called Olympus, that is the best one to own in the game.
Rumor 05
The Rampart called Lost Vegas is the second best one to own, it is located underground. The entrance is located toward the midwest a bit north of the Lion Inn Tavern by the road.
Rumor 10
I heard from an old miner that Lord Thorax's place is just south of old Lost Vegas. Can't miss it, just look for all the dead bodies!
Rumor 21
Listen to the old Miner, he really knows what he is talking about! He must know Hildifons personally!
Rumor 22
You should be able to solve this delima in six months, I should know, I saw Walter do it in three!
Rumor 01
Albert Gore says: Elect me President and I will personally guarentee you a more user friendly family orentated government sanctioned party approved map. You have my WORD on it!
Rumor 04
George W. Bush says: Elect me President and I promise you that all new Assassins will be Compassionate Conservatives!
Rumor 03
Drahkz Hildifons says: Don't go after Lord Thorax with a weak army, he will mop the floor with your blood!
Rumor 14
You know it's odd but I heard Skz Grogskum say: I like Al Gore, he's my sort of guy! Pretty strange for a human hating Orc isn't it?
Rumor 17
Don't worry about conquering the world, but do make sure that Olympus is your first conquest! If you take Olympus and still manage to lose then you deserve it!
Rumor 20
Search the underground! All things begin and end in the underground!
Rumor 23
Once the Dwarves used to rule this land, that is why you find so many dwarver treasuries. Everybody knows they still have the first gold nugget they ever mined!
It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it! Get Lord Thorax before your employers get you! Remember, you only have 6 months and this is a mighty big world!
Your Merry-Men are not feeling too merry! They warned you not to take this job, some actually left your service. Hope you have enough left to carry out the contract!
Mild Sweat
A messenger from the Council enters your quarters with a note from the Head Cheese: Wren, this is the council. We were wondering why your mission has not been completed yet. If it's more money, here, let us help you out. The Council
Medium Sweat
A messenger arrives in your camp with the following note: Wren, Please tell us it is not true! Some say that you are near to quitting! Please accept this gift from the council as a token of the high regard we hold you in. Whiner, Head Banana
Major Sweat
A messenger bursts into your quarters and in the name of the council demands to know what is taking so long. You send his head home on a silver plate!
You hear a voice in your head saying: If you haven't defeated him by now you never will! Here, take this, eat drink and be merry, for tomorrow you die!
69, 86 подземелье
80, 92 подземелье
There you are boss, we've been waiting for you. May we rejoin?
22, 48 подземелье
Walter Ray
121, 73 подземелье
56, 14 подземелье
Посещение Еретик:
Queen Hillary is the sworn enemy of all mankind. She dreams of subjugating the world for the pure pleasure of it! Her only real enemy is the Princess Ruby Redd, whom she hates more than any man she has ever met. Few know the true reason for this hatred, but rumor has it that it centers around Ruby's ward Dominique. Be that as it may, Hillary's uncontrolled anger and pent up frustration makes her a force to be reckoned with.
111, 111 подземелье
Посещение Рыцарь:
Crown Prince of the Misty Mountain Dwarves, since it's fall years ago now makes his home in the City State of Gondolin. He is your basic hero type, feed the hungry help the poor. His only mission in rescent years has been to expand the realm of his friends and fellow adventurers Smeagol and Menion Brandywine, whose kingdom, founded as a Ranger School, is open to all who obey the laws. The only place that is still closed to all but Rangers and special guests is Castle Gondor, where the school is still going strong.
48, 75 подземелье
Rumored to have been trained by the Black Guard, Wren's parentage is unknown. Some say he is the eldest son of Smeagol and Menion Brandywine, of Gondor fame. Others say he is just a rouge in search of a good time. Either way it is known that he is the only Druid in history to ever hunt down and kill all who mistreat the enviornment! It has become his calling card, he only takes contracts on those who are enviornmental murderers!
67, 109 подземелье
New World Inc
Посещение Зверолов:
Emperor Morantha is his own first love! There is absolutely nothing he would rather do than show the rest of the world why they should love him too! Not known to be very bright, he is however known for taking excellent care of those under his charge who show him the proper devotion and respect. It is solely for this reason that many peasants flock to his banner. Since he has inherated the kingdom from his parents it has grown by leaps and bounds. It seems that his subjects are more than happy to feed his ego for a price.
101, 134 подземелье
Fort Bliss
Посещение Рейнджер:
An Amazon Princess who wishes nothing more than her own little nich on Achenar Ruby Redd has managed to hold her own in these tumultuous times. When greater kingdoms have fallen she and her trusted advisor, General Dominique have managed to not only stay alive, but to thrive. Although she has the smallest kingdom in all the realm she has shown to be a very astute tactician and leader.
106, 139 подземелье
Found abandoned and half starved in the Elo Woods by Ruby Redd when she was just a child, she has grown up to become a very powerful and capable General in Ruby's army. Loved and respected by all Dominique has become more than just a citizen in the kingdom, she has become Ruby's right arm. Between the two of them they have managed to keep the kingdom stabalized even in the worst of times.
81, 11 подземелье
Mt. Rakab
Посещение Чародей:
The most powerful Wizard of our time, not since the old world Blue and Red Wizards has there been one as powerful as he. Unlike many of his ilk he is very humble. He runs an elite School for Wizards from his sanctuary in Mt. Rakab. Although many wizards are feared and ostrasized from most levels of society Exidor is well known and loved by those realms in which he serves.
27, 27 подземелье
Welcome to Magellions maps. We have maps to everywhere! If we don't have it mapped it doesn't exist! Reasonable prices extracted from reasonable folk!
24, 29 подземелье
Welcome to the Astral Wizard, please dismount and stay a while!
26, 97 подземелье
25, 137 подземелье
Vilcomen zum Airbus Indistri
67, 28 подземелье
AMC Corporation; Customers Wanted!
63, 31 подземелье
116, 43 подземелье
Посещение Верховный лорд:
One of the most feared and respected orcs to ever walk the face of Achenar! His only dream is to rid the planet of all non-orcs. Unfortunately he is the first Orc in centuries with the intelligence to pull it off!
32, 71 суша
There you are boss, sorry we ran! Forgive us?
Ящик Пандоры
119, 119 суша
Hard work deserves a good reward!
14, 80 суша
Hell's Gate
Посещение Одержимый:
Lord Thorax is the most evil of all residing on Achenar today. Born of an Elvish mother and a Demon father his only goal is the total conquest of Achenar!
75, 46 суша
Посещение Рыцарь Смерти:
Evil for evil's sake, who needs needs motivation when killing is so much fun! Dr. Damion Orion Syn is a product of a dig gone bad. The once handsome and adventurous son of a rich land baron sealed his fate when he unwittingly sprung a trap while investigating an archaeological find in the Meersham Desert. He and all his crew were killed instantly in the explosion, but Lord Thorax, the being who was released by him, brought him back to life. Now he is second in command and the most trusted of all Lord Thorax's henchmen!
1, 17 суша
Lost Vegas
Волшебный свиток
0, 59 суша
Need a lift Sailor?
5, 45 суша
Welcome to Lost Vegas
105, 65 суша
Todd's Shipyard, Will build to suit. Inquire within.
3, 29 суша
Are you the one?
34, 12 суша
Welcome to Boeing, Where we aim to please!
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