Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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New World Computing
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Rumors of fabulous wealth have brought you and your ally to an island to compete with rival nations for the relics reputed to be guarded closely on islands in an underground lake. All five surface armies are perfectly balanced for optimal internet play <1vs2vs2vs1> By: Zodiak
The center of the wilderness has a lake that has sank over 100 ships in the land's 150 year history.
Each of the armies that has arrived at the island is contained within a magical garrison.
Magical garrisons are occupied by elemental forces, and magic is worthless in fighting them
Rocky Lake has an entrance to a vast dungeon on a small volcanic island.
Another great warlord has sworn to protect the underworld, and prepares his forces for any army that breaks into his realm.
The underworld contains a vast array of guarded artifacts, awaiting any crafty adventurer who dares its depths.
Day 1
You and your four competitor nations have landed on the fabled island. The sparkle of gems and gold rivalled that of the sea from the vantage of the crow's nest. Your vassals build your first structures and look to your leadership in the weeks ahead.
Day 15 play 1,3,5
Some unknown person has left cloth-wrapped gift outsode your castle walls!!
Day 25 player 1,2
A local woodsman offers you part of his goods in exchange for your protection!
Day 30 play 2,4,6
An ambassador from a neighboring island arrives at your city and offers you a gift from his meager peoples!
Day 36 play 3,4
A grizzly dwarf offers your town a share of his trade in exchange for your protection!
Day 42 human
Your king decides that his rich, prospering nation can afford to help you a small bit. You grumble at his ship as it leaves your harbor, and the gift only took one man to carry!
Day 50 play 5,6
A rich merchant accidentally drops a box of his goods on your road. You wave bye-bye to the receding dust cloud his team of horses makes on the horizon.
Day 70 Player 1,3,5 Bandits!!
Bandits have attacked one of your caravans. Your guards bring in the bodies of your fallen merchants, and you groan as you notice all of your boxes are empty!!
Day 81 Player 2,4,6 Dark Marauders!!!
From atop a moonlit hill, a horde of dark marauders descends upon your caravan, utterly destroying it. Your coffers lie empty and your crops lie fallow for a period of time.
Day 95 Quelling!!
Your troops report that the marauding bandits have been put down, and some of your resources are recovered!
53, 51 подземелье
Beyond the garrison is untamed wilderness.....all travellers are advised to proceed with caution and to keep all foodstuffs locked away.
61, 23 подземелье
The local sherriff wants to inform all passing through that his jurisdiction ends here, and from here hence, you are on your own.
15, 26 подземелье
Civilized land ends here, so it is suggested that you check your provisions before proceeding into the wilds.
16, 51 подземелье
The sign is half torn from its post with the terrible claw markings of a great cave bear. The howl of some wild creature can be heard in the distance
40, 4 подземелье
From the yawning pit, a large group of vampire lords and venerable liches emerge and commence battle with your troops.
41, 6 подземелье
Beware the dungeon.....the undead guard the entrance with great ferocity!!
35, 39 подземелье
You find a note in your pocket Greetings, I am a thief of some repute and I have some information to impart unto you. Underground there are artifacts unimagined, and abandoned cities to help start a campaign to gain the relics. Dont worry about paying me for the info, I already took care of it
41, 56 подземелье
A dead man lays on the side of the road.....rummaging through his remains, you pull out a diary. The most notable passage reads
31, 37 подземелье
From the yawning pit, a large group of vampire lords and venerable liches emerge and commence battle with your troops.
2, 68 суша
Dread Deep
Могучий горгон
38, 60 суша
You come upon what looks like a bunch of discarded fur cloaks on the ground before you. Looking more carefully, you decide that these rugs are bears that were trampled by.....something. Noxious ooze emanates from the bodies as the ground begins to shake. Mighty gorgons! your men cry.
Красный дракон
66, 21 суша
A group of red dragons await your arrival, licking their lips with forked tongues.
Королева наг
8, 6 суша
A large bunch of naga queens sharpen their many blades on the rocks; when your army rounds the corner, they immediately disappear into the jungle. A momet later they are upon you, writhing out of the trees on either side of the trail.
41, 59 суша
As you land on the mysterious isle, a nimbus of eerie magical aether hovers over the distance, heralding the presence of relics on this isle.
54, 65 суша
As the ship narrowly misses the jagged cliffs of the isle, the clariant call of a large community of rocs can be heard, and dark silhouettes loom in the sun. The crew member in the crow's nest slides down the rigging, fearful for swooping death from above.
67, 71 суша
From the seemingly quiet city, a vicious army of barbarian races rush from the gates to engage your surprised army. The soft glow of artifacts in the distance illuminate the battle with an eerie glow.
12, 16 суша
The ancient wizard that occupied this old abandoned town long ago has died some centuries previous, although the results of his many magical piddlings still remain, and have decided to eat you and your army for lunch! Five very confused giants watch your battle, determined to join whomever wins.
2, 13 суша
Over the jagged rocks, a town can be seen on the island, and amongst the trees of the jungles, titans can be seen as silent sentinnels to your presence.
63, 17 суша
The soft glow of hoarded artifacts illuminates the back of the island. Also, an observation tower can be seen in the distance, hovering over what looks to be an underground mushroom forest.
64, 8 суша
Your man in the crow's nest shouts,Watch out for those rocks, port and starboard!. Your helmsman grits his teeth as your ship passes through, scraping your hull only enough to remove the barnacles. Because of the experience, your helmsman has learned much.
49, 12 суша
Your man in the crow's nest shouts,Watch out for those rocks, port and starboard!. Your helmsman grits his teeth as your ship passes through, scraping your hull only enough to remove the barnacles. Because of the experience, your helmsman has learned much.
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