Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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A powerful witch has hidden her soul in the body of a dwarf and now seeks to reclaim it. You have been charged with locating and slaying this vessel of evil before she can reach him. There is no other option but to destroy this dark spirit and save the world from her diabolical designs.
{AMARANTH SOUL SHIFT} {Easy Version 1.0} {Created by Timothy E. Pulver} {Copyright 2000}
Introduction 1
The High Guild of Wizards has transported you here by magical means to fulfill a task. You are charged with locating the soul-vessel of Irlishi, a very powerful and extremely evil witch, before her minions do.
Introduction 2
Irlishi placed her soul in the body of a dwarf to avoid death. But now in order to regain her power, she needs it back. The High Guild is concerned because she is the key figure in an alliance of evil sorcery and dark designs.
Introduction 3
The dwarf who carries Irlishi's soul has been tainted. He is now a creature of evil and must be destroyed. Irlishi's servants will kill him too, but will capture the soul and take it back to their dark mistress. It seems the dwarf has hidden himself amidst the northern dwarven community of Crandor.
Introduction 4
Unfortunately, the dwarves of Crandor are a solitary bunch, mistrustful of wizards and not likely to cooperate.
Introduction 5
So here you are at Murrial, with only this motley crew who call themselves your army to keep you company. At least the lively chatter of Kirsti, Zondar, Tindel, Leanna, Tam, Jerhaan and all the rest should keep you from getting too bored.
Irlishi's Former Allies
The High Guild has learned that one of Irlishi's former allies has turned against her. This would be excellent news except that this faction of the Dark Alliance isn't very strong and will likely be crushed by Irlishi within weeks.
High Guild Gold 1
The High Guild of Wizards has arranged additional funding for your quest. The Dark Alliance is mobilizing and time is of the essence!
High Guild Gold 2
The High Guild of Wizards has sent some resources. It is extremely important that you destroy Irlishi's soul!
Vivid Dream
You awake from a powerful dream, filled with bright colours and strange images. You close your eyes and lie back down, remembering... In the dream, there was a purple tent, and harpies--many harpies, all screeching noisily and flapping their dirty-feathered wings. There was a portal too, with lightning flashing from its center. And there was a young woman, skilled in archery, but in danger and calling for help. Somehow you're certain that finding her is {vital} to your quest.
High Guild News 1
An oracle from the High Guild of Wizards has seen visions of Irlishi's minions emerging from the underworld. The time frame is a bit foggy but we suggest you hurry. The Dark Alliance could arrive on your doorstep without warning. But remember, your mission is to kill the dwarf and destroy Irlishi's soul. Do not waste time trying to wipe her out by force.
High Guild Gold 3
The High Guild has sent some more resources, but unfortunately, these are the last they can afford to spare. They wish you luck and speedy completion of your quest.
Explore the Sea
I want to go fishing! shouts Tegan. Yeah, let's explore the sea. agrees Stish. I love smelling the salty air and watching beautiful white gulls circling above the boat. Sailing around the island might be helpful in this quest, chimes in Tindel. You never know what useful things one might find floating upon the waves.
Irlishi Gossip 1-A
I don't get it, muses Sleebor, munching on some fish sticks. This Irlishi woman transfers her soul to some dwarf cuz she's dying, right? But what was she dying from?
Irlishi Gossip 1-B
Well the way I heard it, begins Jelid, eager to relate the tale, there was this incredible epic battle going on. It was Irlishi and her army against a fabulous golden city built by the elves centuries ago. Irlishi was intent on capturing the city and destroying everything. Well she almost succeeded too--thousands of elves died! But then this grand elven enchantress (Mirlandria or something) engages Irlishi in one-on-one combat and impales her with a magic dart of some kind. So she's mortally wounded and the elven city is saved. But unfortunately, Irlishi's minions manage to carry off their dying leader and escape.
Irlishi Gossip 1-C
Oh I see, says Sleebor. Hey is there any more of that bisselberry sauce left? It's delicious!
High Guild News 2
The High Guild has just received word of an ancient Grail buried in this area. If you can find it, this would greatly help your chance of success. The oracle sees an image of a small lake on the edge of the swamp with a whirlpool at its center. I sense that the grail was buried near this place.
High Guild News 3
A message from the High Wizards Guild appears in your hands, The Dark Alliance is gathering force, preparing for Irlishi's return to power. It is vital that you hurry! Just as you finish reading the scroll, a gust of wind lifts the parchment high up in the air where it vanishes. Like magic! exclaims Zondar.
Irlishi Gossip 2-A
You know what puzzles me about this whole quest? asks Berganna. No, what? says Nargrak. It's this dwarf thing, continues Berganna. Why did Irlishi choose a dwarf to transfer her soul to? I mean why not a giant or a gorgon or a vorpal bunny?
Irlishi Gossip 2-B
That's easy, chimes in Tindel. Irlishi didn't have much time before she would die, so her minions captured whatever creature was close at hand. And that turned out to be a dwarf.
Irlishi Gossip 2-C
Oh, says Berganna smiling, It's such a simple explanation really. No wonder I didn't think of it.
Irlishi Gossip 3-A
You awake to hear Zondar yelling in his sleep, I'll carve Irlishi's soul right out of you, stupid dwarf! Die Irlishi! Some of the others have woken up too. What's a soul? asks Randolph sleepily. And how do you carve it?
Irlishi Gossip 3-B
Jelid yawns, has a drink of water and begins another tale... It was a dark and stormy night. The wind whistled across the gelid moor and the tightly bound dwarf struggled against his bonds. He called out weakly for help, but nothing save that terrible wind answered back. Irlishi's evil minions just laughed while they prepared for the ceremony that was about to take place. Soon they were ready, and Irlishi, with the last of her strength, began the spell. It was the spell that would place her soul--her very essence of being--inside the dwarf's body, and was known as the Amaranth Soul Shift. The lightning flashed and the thunder crashed all around them while Irlishi chanted and made magical signs in the air. Great energies whirled about and her soul was lifted from her body. Then, like a bolt of pure evil, it entered into the dwarf.
Irlishi Gossip 3-C
So how did the dwarf escape? asks Tessa, caught up in the chilling tale. Alas, that's one part of the story I never heard, replies Jelid sadly. Perhaps we'll never know.
Irlishi Gossip 4-A
I was wondering, wonders Tegan aloud, while idly untangling some of her fishing line, how Irlishi plans to get her soul back. I mean, if her flunkies find that dwarf before we do, what will happen?
Irlishi Gossip 4-B
Well now, let's see, muses Tindel. Seems to me her minions must be carrying some sort of soul crystals--I've heard of them being used before. The crystals can capture the soul of someone when they die. But they can only contain a soul for a short time before they shatter, and then the soul is lost. I would guess that after Irlishi's minions capture her soul, they'll return it to her. Then she'll once again cast Amaranth Soul Shift and transfer the soul back into her own body, which I would expect is fully healed by now.
Irlishi Gossip 4-C
That must be a weird feeling though, says Tegan. I mean storing your soul in a stone? I think I'd rather have mine inside a fish.
Irlishi Gossip 5-A
You know, I still don't get it, puzzles Sleebor, busily cracking open gringlenuts with his teeth. How can Irlishi be separate from the dwarf? Is her life force different from her soul?
Irlishi Gossip 5-B
It's like this, elucidates the ever-helpful Tindel. While Irlishi's soul is in the body of the dwarf, her own body cannot die. However, she also has no power without her soul. And if the dwarf dies, she'll die too. In order to regain her power she needs her soul back. In the meantime, her soul has corrupted the dwarf and is probably driving him mad.
Irlishi Gossip 5-C
I still don't get it, says Sleebor, shaking his head and wandering off in search of more munchies.
33, 63 подземелье
Tavern Construction Begins
{MURRIAL TOWN NEWS} Surprisingly enough, it seems that the gremlins' lobbying and protests have paid off. Construction on a new building has begun. The gremlins dance on the rooftops and celebrate. It shouldn't be more than a week before the tavern is complete.
Tavern Lobby
{MURRIAL TOWN NEWS} The local gremlins are lobbying for a tavern inside the castle but the town planning council is being difficult. It's all a lot of red sticky leaves and parchment work as far as you're concerned.
Tavern Lobby 2
{MURRIAL TOWN NEWS} It's been a week and the gremlins' tavern lobby is slowly making progress. The town planning council has scheduled a meeting at the end of the week to hear the tavern proposal.
Tavern Lobby 3
{MURRIAL TOWN NEWS} It's the day of the planning council meeting and for the most part it goes well. Unfortunately, one old codger on the town council still has doubts, Taverns bring out the riffraff. We don't want that kind of gremlin here! The gremlins grumble and protest.
Tavern Lobby 4
{MURRIAL TOWN NEWS} Some of the gremlins believe the town council has no intention of building a tavern, so they're marching up and down carrying signs and banners. This town needs a tavern to grow! they shout out. Otherwise it will stagnate and die!
Building Completed
{MURRIAL TOWN NEWS} The building of the tavern is finished and it's time for the grand unveiling! The gremlins gather round, cheering and shouting as the last of the scaffolding is torn down. Then follows a long silence.. That's not a TAVERN! scream the furious gremlin youths. You tricked us! And indeed they did. The town council has constructed a brand new Spell Library For the improvement of active young minds and for a greater knowledge of magic. The gremlins are not amused.
Contract and City Hall Construction Begins
{MURRIAL TOWN NEWS} The gremlins, justifiably annoyed with the planning council, are making dire threats and causing much unrest. An emergency meeting is called; after much negotiation, a contract agreement is reached between the two sides. We cannot relax while the threat of Irlishi remains. We will agree to build a tavern, but not until she's defeated. For now, we offer you the chance to work for us, constructing a new city hall. You will be well-paid of course.
City Hall Completed
{MURRIAL TOWN NEWS} Gremlins are hard workers when they're well paid. Before a cheering crowd, they proudly unveil the new City Hall they've constructed.
Capitol Construction Begins
{MURRIAL TOWN NEWS} The gremlins are getting restless again while the quest to destroy Irlishi drags on. The council members notice, and are so pleased with their city hall they decide to commission the building of a capitol. The population of this city is increasing and we need the extra office space. The gremlins negotiate for higher wages and then begin work on the new building.
Capitol Progress Report
{MURRIAL TOWN NEWS} Work is going well on the new capitol building. It should be completed in another week.
Capitol Construction Completed
{MURRIAL TOWN NEWS} The capitol is completed! A public holiday is declared and mages entertain the crowds with fantastic feats of magic! The gremlins are extremely proud of the work they've done and look forward to Irlishi's demise and the promised tavern. This time they KNOW they'll get it--they have it in writing!
8, 4 подземелье
11, 4 подземелье
These dwarves are carving little stone figures and laughing. Then they see your army..
6, 6 подземелье
The unicorns are giving your army some odd looks.
21, 6 подземелье
The dwarves, looking agitated, stop their work as you approach them.
Боевой гном
13, 6 подземелье
Take me to your leader, you command the dwarves. No deal! shout the dwarves. But we're more than willing to send you to your maker!
24, 3 подземелье
These dwarves are angry at your army invading their homeland. They attack you savagely!
Боевой гном
12, 3 подземелье
These dwarves seem surprisingly mellow and offer to join your cause. They assure you that the dwarf carrying Irlishi's soul is definitely not among them. Perhaps he's hiding in one of the smaller communities to the east.
Боевой гном
5, 7 подземелье
Surely you must wish this evil destroyed! you implore the dwarves.
Боевой гном
17, 8 подземелье
By our grandmother's beard, shout the dwarves as they rush your army with blazing eyes and sharp axes.
11, 6 подземелье
You try once again to explain to the stubborn dwarves about the evil of Irlishi.
Боевой единорог
7, 9 подземелье
The war unicorns whinny and their horns flash in the sun.
Боевой гном
24, 7 подземелье
The dwarves appear hostile but you still decide to tell them about the evil witch, Irlishi, and ask for their assistance.
Сфера небесного свода
3, 49 подземелье
A great whooshing sound like a small tornado comes from within the Orb. Are you sure you want to keep it?
8, 52 подземелье
The genies' voices boom out, This island was created by the great wizard Nyndethal and we are its guardians!
Кольцо заклинателя
7, 52 подземелье
You find a magic ring and pick it up because magic rings are always handy to have around.
11, 50 подземелье
We are the guardians of the Isle of Magic, boom the genies.
30, 7 подземелье
You recount your tale to the dwarves and ask that they join forces with you to battle this evil enemy. Go away! shout the dwarves. And stay away from the water!
Боевой гном
25, 10 подземелье
Despite your explanations, the dwarves seem distrustful of your intentions. But without their help, how are you to ever find the dwarf you must kill to complete your quest?
7, 44 подземелье
These magi seem annoyed about something and attack immediately!
Щит львиной храбрости
71, 71 подземелье
We shall protect you! Make you stronger! Make you braver! shouts the ancient shield when you dust off the dirt and grit.
Огненный язык красного дракона
71, 70 подземелье
Take me into battle, urges the magical blade. Let my flames lick at your enemy's wounds and make us victorious!
62, 61 подземелье
Ooooooooooooh. I feeeel awwwful, moan the wraiths.
70, 60 подземелье
The wights silently attack you, their non-corporeal presence making your skin tingle with unearthly fear.
58, 40 подземелье
Flames surround the efreeti and they chuckle at some joke known only to themselves.
Накидка скорости
59, 39 подземелье
This red cape would go well with my armour, says Durbalk, trying not to tangle himself up in it.
71, 42 подземелье
You interrupt a group of efreeti laughing and telling bad jokes to each other. How many genies does it take to change an oil lantern? asks one. How many? the others chant. Ha ha. Five! The first genie wishes he didn't have to change it and every oil lantern in the world vanishes. The second...
15, 65 подземелье
There are dead bodies buried under this pile of ore. And they're moving! Maybe you should run away. Or do you stand your ground?
11, 63 подземелье
Why are gems so smooth and sparkly? asks Randolph. Tessa shushes him with a gift of a crystal necklace.
16, 64 подземелье
Berganna says she's found a way to make gems grow bigger but I need a big pile of them to experiment on! You laugh and brush her off. After all, you didn't get to be a powerful hero by being taken in with every con game someone tries to pull. Berganna sulks for the rest of the day.
13, 67 подземелье
Moving the ore reveals a pile of severed heads. One looks a little like your great uncle Wimbly and you giggle nervously.
0, 71 подземелье
The crystals sing and vibrate wildly!
1, 71 подземелье
The wights sneer at you and dribble ectoplasm.
Скелет воин
14, 62 подземелье
The skeleton warriors walk towards you laughing silently (no tongues).
Скелет воин
12, 67 подземелье
Some of these skeletal warriors appear to be assembled incorrectly
16, 68 подземелье
Their dry bones rattle and shake in a terrifying way as the animated skeletons attack you!
Черный дракон
70, 69 подземелье
The dragons blow smoke through their nostrils and fry small clouds of airborne insects with spouts of flame that emerge from their many-toothed mouths. Who dares disturb us! roar the dragons.
Вождь орков
37, 33 подземелье
This factory is ours! shout the orc chieftains, viciously hurling their axes at your army!
Ожерелье скорости
36, 34 подземелье
When you pick up the necklace, you hear the sound of feathers crackling and feel great heat. Do you hang onto the necklace anyway?
40, 34 подземелье
I bet I could build a boat that goes twice as fast as the one we've been using, exclaims Tam, eyeing the pile of wood excitedly.
Боевой гном
2, 3 подземелье
The battle dwarves yell at you (something about interrupting their tea break) and enter battle, swinging their deadly axes in wild circles!
22, 68 подземелье
In the bottle is a piece of parchment, Black dragons in the east guard a wondrous relic and an enormous pile of gold. I've seen it with my own eyes!
Сфера буйного пламени
62, 35 подземелье
Spirits of fire and tendrils of living flame reach out to grasp at you as you approach the Orb of Tempestuous Fire. Do you continue nearer?
Хижина предсказателя
55, 20 подземелье
My daughter Lamphlocke has gone missing. Although an excellent shot with the bow, I fear she may have fallen into the hands of the evil creatures that live below the ground. If you could return her safely to me, I would be extremely grateful.
Боевой единорог
50, 8 подземелье
The unicorns flick their tails and waggle their horns.
31, 48 подземелье
Go away! shout the giants, attempting to hasten your journey with their swords.
39, 60 подземелье
Bet I can kill their leader! shouts one of the enemy marksmen, readying his crossbow and aiming for your head.
29, 57 подземелье
The griffins ruffle their feathers and blink at you suspiciously.
30, 62 подземелье
Hey wiz. You want we should work for ya?
24, 66 подземелье
Kirsti tries to pocket some of the gold but you slap her hand away. Everyone will be paid in good time, you assure her.
29, 67 подземелье
Stand and be chopped into little bits of chopped things! shout the swordsmen.
37, 61 подземелье
Tessa helpfully loads the gems into saddlebags and starts polishing them one by one. I know how to make these into jewelry, she announces to nobody in particular.
Королевский грифон
41, 62 подземелье
The royal griffins seem pleased to see you. Or are they just hungry, you wonder?
Капитан кентавров
41, 66 подземелье
Halt! We challenge you to a fair fight. If you win, you get this lovely sawmill. If you lose, we write up your humiliating experience in our bardic tabloid 'Centaur Tails' and you'll get laughed at in every tavern. May the best centaur win!
42, 66 подземелье
I wish I were a carpenter and knew how to build cool things, mutters Tam.
31, 60 подземелье
Kirsti accuses Zondar of stealing, whereupon he gets mad and attacks her. The two have to be forcibly separated.
25, 60 подземелье
Why is sulfur so smelly? asks Randolph. Randolph's always asking dumb questions but he's got good reflexes.
Каменная горгулья
25, 56 подземелье
The gargoyles make grotesque faces at you!
26, 55 подземелье
This pile of gold's not as big as it looked. Some kind of weird optical illusion maybe.
36, 65 подземелье
Ewww, says Leanna. There's a ton of spiders and little crawly things living in this wood pile. Yuck!
32, 68 подземелье
All that glitters isn't gold! But luckily this mountain of coins is real! At least they taste real (according to Zondar).
32, 57 подземелье
Put us down! Put us down! shriek the crystals!
Топор кентавра
34, 69 подземелье
The axe is surrounded by a rather odd looking multi-coloured mushroom ring. Do you pick it up anyway?
Подзорная труба
25, 66 подземелье
You discover a magical tube that makes far away things appear closer. Tindel explains how to use it and Bonwin takes up birdwatching.
Глиф доблести
29, 62 подземелье
A genie materializes from within the glyph of gallantry. This is a test, says the genie. See if you can beat me. Do you accept the genie's challenge?
49, 55 подземелье
The unicorns act playful until you approach within striking distance. Then they charge your small army with their ever-polished magical horns at the ready!
47, 54 подземелье
To everyone's delight, Tessa demonstrates how to string crystals together to make necklaces. Aren't these great? she beams happily.
54, 57 подземелье
We are the Circle of Arlash. Having heard of your mission, we wish to aid you, the Arch Magi inform you solemnly. Irlishi must be stopped! We can offer you but a few small gifts that may be of use, and of course, our humble services too. We suggest you travel westward to the Island of Magic.
53, 65 подземелье
This stuff tastes AWFUL! says Bikkle, making a horrible face. I HATE sulfur!
Зеленый дракон
47, 65 подземелье
We are the Grandean Dragons. We guard this pass against tasty little morsels like yourselves. Shall we do lunch?
49, 64 подземелье
Zondar and Kirsti eye each other suspiciously as the gold is counted and stowed away.
48, 67 подземелье
The pile of gems explodes in a shower of glittering light as black glass gargoyles emerge and engage you! Do you stay to fight?
Черный меч мертвого рыцаря
48, 64 подземелье
I recognize this sword! shouts Leanna. It once belonged to an evil knight named Terongie (weird name, eh?). Anyway, she was really unpleasant and roamed the countryside looking for innocent villages to sack and burn. But my great great great uncle Sylvester took care of her. He dug a big pit, and for months the townspeople emptied their chamberpots into it. Then when Terongie was spotted approaching the town, they covered over the pit, disguised it and lured her there. She was rather gullible really so it wasn't hard to make her fall in--I think she drowned. I wonder how her sword got here...
52, 61 подземелье
Thieves! cry the Crusaders as they rush you!
46, 58 подземелье
When Kirsti isn't looking, you notice Zondar slipping a few coins into his boot. Fearing more arguments, you decide to let it pass.
54, 61 подземелье
Tam is pleased to find some more wood. She's been learning how to whittle little gremlin replicas in her spare time.
54, 59 подземелье
The pile of gems starts to shake and tremble. Uh oh...you think. But it turns out to just be a cute little hedgehog hiding beneath them. Stish feeds the hedgehog some sweet grass and befriends it.
9, 47 подземелье
The crystals hum tunelessly and Tessa hums along with them.
4, 47 подземелье
Why are crystals so strange? asks Randolph. Are they magic? Tiffa quiets him with a game she has devised which casts the crystals in a circle to tell fortunes. Your own fortune appears to be excellent and that puts everyone in a good mood.
5, 50 подземелье
Inside the crystals are a million dazzling colours of light.
9, 51 подземелье
The crystals glow and feel cool to the touch.
5, 45 подземелье
When you touch the crystals they fragment into a million tiny pieces and then magically become whole again. Wow! says Randolph, overcome with amazement.
Щит короля гноллов
49, 65 подземелье
This magical shield should do you well in battle!
25, 50 подземелье
We warned you! shout the giants as they rush to attack you!
1, 65 подземелье
The crystals whine and whimper when you gather them up.
14, 36 подземелье
Groar grungle rahr!! shout the ogre magi. Too bad you never learned to speak ogreish or it may have made more sense to you.
27, 34 подземелье
While you load the sulfur into Bikkle's sack, Nargrak clanks his scales annoyingly until Sleebor slaps him into silence with a large trout.
Вождь орков
21, 35 подземелье
Why are orcs so stupid? asks Randolph. The orc chiefs protest loudly, We're not stupid! You're the stupid one. And you have stupid-looking feet! Randolph glances at his feet, obviously upset. Are my feet really stupid-looking? he whispers to Tessa. Of course not, says Tessa, reassuringly.
20, 34 подземелье
This enchanted helmet appears to be fashioned from the skull of a very large humanoid. Eww! says Berganna. I sure wouldn't want to wear that on my head.
Великий василиск
34, 15 подземелье
The basilisks froth at you and beat their tails slowly upon the marshy ground.
25, 19 подземелье
The wyverns decide you'll make a tasty snack.
Ящер воин
16, 21 подземелье
The lizard warriors flicker their tongues and hiss.
Туника короля циклопов
18, 23 подземелье
You hear clomping behind you. Like someone (or something) is coming to reclaim their lost tunic. Do you keep it anyway?
68, 49 подземелье
Tillis is covering Lydia up with sulfur and Bikkle is trying to figure out a good argument for leaving the smelly stuff behind.
68, 48 подземелье
The magogs juggle their fireballs with a demonic gleam in their eyes!
63, 40 подземелье
These gogs are happily roasting swamp nuts when you encounter them.. Mmm...swamp nuts, moans Sleebor.
63, 43 подземелье
These demons are busy feasting on barbecue basilisk when you come upon them.
Владыка бездны
71, 34 подземелье
Eww stinky! Why don't pit lords ever take baths? asks Randolph, holding his nose.
Гончая ада
65, 32 подземелье
The hell hounds snarl and snap, drool dripping from their bone-white fangs. Why do I suddenly feel like a slab of fresh raw meat? wonders Durbalk aloud while trying to untangle his sword from his belt.
Ящер воин
15, 18 подземелье
The lizard warriors yell battle cries in their native tongue.
Ящер воин
15, 19 подземелье
These reptilian beast men look rather unfriendly.
Разбойник на волке
17, 30 подземелье
God, I'm starving, shouts Sleebor, his belly rumbling ominously. After we hack these wolf raiders to pieces, how about we stop for something to eat. Want to join me for lunch, Tessa? Tessa smiles and nods, agreeing to Sleebor's lunch date.
52, 21 подземелье
The crystals start to sing a weird little rap tune but Tessa quickly tosses them into a sack and their voices are muffled beyond recognition.
71, 38 подземелье
This pile of ore seems normal enough.
Башмаки левитации
65, 13 подземелье
These boots seem to float above the ground. How extraordinary!
Огрова дубина разрушения
15, 35 подземелье
This is more like a tree trunk than a club. But perhaps it could prove useful for bashing large things. Like Irlishi's army.
Боевой гном
47, 6 подземелье
The dwarves tell some funny jokes but you and your army completely fail to get the punch line, much to their annoyance.
Боевой гном
51, 8 подземелье
You tell these dwarves about Irlishi's evil soul but they just scowl and try to kill you!
62, 41 подземелье
Did you know that inhaling mercury fumes lets you see visions? inquires Jelid. A really close friend of a friend of mine saw the location of a buried relic when he tried it. Odd thing was he inexplicably died before he could lead us to it. Jelid takes a long sniff before Tindel pulls him away.
16, 33 подземелье
Why do I have to carry all the sulfur? complains Bikkle. It's heavy and it stinks!
Водный элементал
43, 55 подземелье
The water elementals toss dead fish and make gurgling noises as they flow into battle!
39, 52 подземелье
Go back. Go baaack, moan the wraiths.
45, 48 подземелье
Seek the grail in the sannnnd, moan the wights.
54, 48 подземелье
Life is wasted on the living, whisper the wraiths.
Мастер гремлин
40, 69 подземелье
The Master Gremlins' eyes twinkle with mischief as they experimentally heft their ball and chains. You think you're a big shot wizard, don't you? Well you'll never survive the Swamp of Smelliness! pipes up one of them.
39, 64 подземелье
Eeeeeeeeeeeeee! shriek the crystals, hurting your ears a little.
Водный элементал
64, 64 подземелье
The water elementals toss harpoons and then wetly board your boat, muttering darkly about stupid land-dwellers.
Водный элементал
67, 66 подземелье
The water elementals interrupt their seaweed net-making to angrily swarm aboard your ship!
37, 67 подземелье
Why...these mushrooms are MAGIC. Wow! When you nibble on them your whole body tingles with energy!
35, 68 подземелье
Hey look, it's an axe! Do you think it's safe to touch it? Remember what your dear old aunt Berwanda always said about picking up sharp objects you find lying around on the ground.
36, 69 подземелье
I once knew an alchemist who mixed sulfur with some other gunk and put it in a metal tube. Made some kind of noisy weapon I think, Leanna informs you. But then he blew himself up trying to make the perfect fruit drink.
39, 63 подземелье
A mouse scurries quickly out of the way of your noisy army.
28, 61 подземелье
I'll bet we could build things with this ore, remarks Tam.
29, 58 подземелье
Kirsti and Zondar are fighting again. 'Why can't mature creatures enlist for service?' you wonder. Suddenly they knock over the mercury you just picked up and it splashes all over your tunic. Grrr! How are you ever going to get this stuff off?
28, 64 подземелье
My friend Bartholomew owns more than a score of ore pits, brags Jelid.
27, 49 подземелье
Come no closer to the sacred cloud temple or we shall be forced to whack you mightily with our swords! bellow the giants.
29, 49 подземелье
Do not try to take our cloud temple, warn the giants, or we shall be forced to beat upon you without mercy!
28, 51 подземелье
The giants charge a modest fee of two gems to enter or leave their Peninsula.
28, 54 подземелье
Welcome to the Peninsula of Knowledge. Enjoy your stay and please, come again.
29, 53 подземелье
The Pin-soola of nah-leege. I bet ya could larn a thing or two 'ere, remarks Wintal, your chief cook. Yes, you say, rolling your eyes and sighing, I'm sure I could.
31, 51 подземелье
Bewaaarrre the Isle of Death moan the wraiths.
33, 58 подземелье
You stop for a drink at the stream and spy little silver fish swimming in schools. The sunlight glints off their delicate scales like magic.
50, 61 подземелье
Standing in front of this small lake, you see a shimmering eel-like form making crazy patterns in the water. As you continue to observe it, a spell forms in your mind. {Summon} {Water} {Elemental}
Лесной эльф
33, 13 подземелье
Yes, we will help you. We know of Irlishi and believe she needs to be stopped before it's too late. Our bows and nimble fingers are at your service.
Высокий эльф
35, 10 подземелье
I believe it was Irlishi who killed one of my cousins. She is surely a terror who must be destroyed!
Лесной эльф
36, 12 подземелье
We've never really trusted the dwarves. It hardly surprises me that one of them has become the vessel of evil for a witch's soul. Of course we will help you locate him and slay him!
Высокий эльф
31, 11 подземелье
We will gladly join you in your quest to destroy Irlishi. Lead the way!
Хижина предсказателя
40, 49 подземелье
For many years I have wished to visit my dear sister who lives in the eastern Isles, but alas it is too far a journey for one so old, and my navigation skills are sorely lacking. If I had magical aid though, I'm sure I could do it. Bring me the Necklace of Ocean Guidance and you will be well rewarded.
48, 49 подземелье
A commotion below deck alerts you to trouble just in time. Pit Fiends somehow managed to stow away on your boat (though bog only knows where they came from). They engage your army with their nasty-looking whips cracking in the air!
58, 53 подземелье
You rescue an injured and half-drowned scorpicore and the creature decides to stay and help you with your quest.
44, 59 подземелье
LET'S MAKE A DEAL! At Ali's Aquatic Artifacts we give you amazing deals. Prices like you've never seen before!
33, 64 подземелье
Cyra originally sought to learn magic so that she could cast spells on men to make them love her. She gave up that dream, however, when she discovered that she had real mystical talents that could be put to better use. At the urging of her parents, Cyra enrolled in one of the academies run by the High Guild of Wizards and studied hard for several years. She found she was a natural born leader, and after her third year, transferred to the Military Magics branch where she learned how to lead troops into battle. Having just recently graduated, Cyra quickly found employment with the High Guild itself. The quest to vanquish Irlishi's soul is her first major mission.
64, 69 подземелье
You can hear the roar of dragons and smell the unforgettable stench of a black dragon lair.
55, 64 подземелье
A parrot lands on your shoulder and you name her Polly. Polly just adores crackers! Zondar teases Polly and almost loses a finger. Kirsti laughs at Zondar and quickly hides behind Tam. Tam ignores everyone and continues her game of poker with Tessa who she beats (yet again). It's a typical day.
25, 9 подземелье
This dwarven community is bustling with activity. Dwarves are carting sacks of gold to and fro and laughing among themselves.
8, 11 подземелье
Jelid shouts, Look! There to the north lies Crandor, ancestral home of the dwarves! Ancestral home? What's he been smoking, you wonder. You sigh as you think of the task ahead of you--locating the dwarf you must kill among the vast hordes that live here.
11, 9 подземелье
You tell your tale to the dwarves and ask for their help.
Боевой гном
20, 4 подземелье
While you talk about evil witches and soul vessels, the dwarves eye you with suspicion.
19, 3 подземелье
A band of dwarves emerge from some of the cottages. They seem to be arguing among themselves. Some of them seem eager to join you while others curse at you and shake their axes with menace. Then suddenly a group of them rushes you while the others stand by, awaiting the outcome of the battle.
18, 68 подземелье
I don't know about anyone else but I'm hungry, announces Sleebor. A sudden scream pierces the air when Sleebor discovers his sandwich is full of worms! This island is EVIL! shouts Leanna.
17, 59 подземелье
This island's haunted, I just know it, whimpers the usually fearless Zondar.
11, 68 подземелье
You hear a tiny giggle and then silence.
9, 67 подземелье
As you draw near to the magic well, six one-eyed monsters with scary tentacles climb out of it and attack!
Волшебная сфера маны
9, 61 подземелье
When you touch the orb, you hear the wail of evil spirits. Do you choose to stick around regardless?
11, 59 подземелье
There's an enormous CRASH and the earth suddenly opens, swallowing Durbalk whole! He screams and everyone panics! When they finally calm down you discover it was just a hole that was covered with branches--the klutzy oaf fell through! Luckily he wasn't hurt but everyone feels a little jumpy now.
1, 66 подземелье
Go away! shout the crystals. We like it here.
Сфера постоянства
4, 44 подземелье
When you lift the Sphere of Permanence, a band of mighty warriors appear in a cloud of purple smoke and a flash of brilliant blinding light! Do you fight them for the artifact?
3, 50 подземелье
We guard the ancient treasures of the Isle of Magic, announce the Arch Magi proudly.
10, 51 подземелье
The magical power on this island flows through your veins and strengthens your aura!
8, 50 подземелье
Bursts of magic energy crackle around you with every step you take.
7, 46 подземелье
Magic in the air seems almost tangible. You are filled with power and your mind expands without limit!
5, 44 подземелье
The island's magical ambiance makes you feel one with the universe!
5, 47 подземелье
You feel alive with energy. Magic power runs up and down your spine!
42, 28 подземелье
An old harpy hag screeches at you, Don't go through that portal or you'll regret it! That's where the Swamp Kings live! She then takes to the air and flies off, grey feathers fluttering to the ground behind her.
8, 48 подземелье
This island is filled with magic energy. You feel it infusing you with power and knowledge!
Сфера тверди земной
64, 6 подземелье
It's a magical orb!
64, 7 подземелье
The gorgons stare at you as only gorgons do.
61, 67 подземелье
There's a hidden waterway almost directly north of Murrial. Follow it to a magic portal and you can gain entrance to the mysterious underworld.
65, 31 подземелье
The swamp smells evil and sickly. From time to time you see foul gasses erupting from the bogs. Your stomach churns while Tessa holds her nose and makes funny faces.
28, 24 подземелье
This swamp is loathsome. Icky things swim, crawl and scuttle through the foul-smelling bogs. Sleebor loses his lunch and it actually improves the air quality for a few minutes.
18, 63 подземелье
A dozen tiny skeletal spiders crawl out from rocks and attack you. Tindel smashes them with his boot and they dissolve into gray powdered dust.
46, 40 подземелье
The harpies screech at you and throw dung. Sleebor ducks and Zondar gets a load right in the face. He's fighting mad!
33, 70 подземелье
Durbalk has fished a strange white foamy jelly out of the water. It smells sweet and he somehow convinces everyone to try it. It has a wonderful taste, unlike anything you've tasted before. Your insides tingle and you feel happier than you have in a long time!
33, 56 подземелье
Squinting slightly, you think you can make out some movement over there by the flotsam and kelp.
43, 50 подземелье
Jerhaan fishes a dead elf out of the water. You're unable to learn too much from the fishy-smelling corpse, but find some crystals in the elf's pockets that you keep.
39, 50 подземелье
You come upon a little hut on stilts. What a cute little hut, bubbles Tessa, When you retire perhaps you'll live in a place like this. But then again, you would probably get tired of eating fish every single day of the week.
20, 62 подземелье
Durbalk is helping you count your money when a sudden gust of wind tosses the boat and he falls overboard! You save him without injury but a large bag of gold he was holding is irretrievable.
21, 70 подземелье
Tegan is fishing over the side of the boat. Suddenly she shouts that she's caught a big one! Everyone helps pull and you land an enormous bass. Filleting it for supper reveals a magic ring that the fish swallowed.
53, 17 подземелье
Welcome to Witch Land, cackles a pointy-nosed crone before flying away on her broomstick.
4, 32 подземелье
There is an area of the swamp in the northeast where many witches live. Nobody knows why, but they seem very eager to impart their knowledge.
17, 40 подземелье
A boatload of master gremlins clinging to bits of driftwood are being menaced by ravenous demons! It's a good thing you showed up when you did.
11, 53 подземелье
Brrrr! shivers Tessa. Does it feel cold to you or is it just me? The air does feel somewhat chilly here. Bonwin lends Tessa his jacket.
14, 54 подземелье
The sea breeze is starting to feel a little cool here. Kirsti puts on her heavy woolen sweater.
55, 21 подземелье
You meet a young apprentice seer and recount your quest to destroy Irlishi's soul. So what advice do you have for us, young seer? you ask. The seer thinks a moment then gives you an old treasure map that says to seek the ancient shrine and walk south, then west past the reef. You thank him for his help.
15, 16 подземелье
This appears to be a shrine to some ancient god. Standing here, you feel power flowing into your veins and a voice in your mind is urging you to complete your quest!
26, 17 подземелье
You're running low on rations so Tillis and Lydia boil up some bog-weed and nettle soup. It actually doesn't taste as bad as it smells but an hour later half your army is violently ill.
31, 67 подземелье
This island seems awfully cluttered, remarks Nargrak while noisily adjusting his weapons.
5, 65 подземелье
The zombies on the shore are eating sticky dead things and making silly faces at you. Zondar and Durbalk are anxious to rough them up a little but it appears there's no way to reach them.
7, 65 подземелье
Oogle boogle, say the zombies, utterly astonished that you found a way to reach them.
37, 43 подземелье
It was Nessie! I'm sure of it, shouts Jerhaan, excitedly waving his arms and pointing over the bow. Don't be ridiculous, says Tiffa, Nessie's just a myth. There's no such thing as the Loch Erathness Monster. Tegan casts her fishing line out in the roiling froth singing, Fishing time!
67, 51 подземелье
As you sail past this densely overgrown island, giant bats with black leathery wings dive-bomb your ship! Tessa shrieks and tries to run for cover (with Sleebor in tow) but Randolph bravely rallies everyone to battle!
69, 49 подземелье
This rather large pile of gold is covering up a hole in the ground. Kirsti and Zondar are drooling. But what if something really nasty lives down there? asks Tindel. Then we kill it and take the gold! shout Zondar and Kirsti in unison. Do you order them to take the glittery metal?
25, 58 подземелье
Wow! That looks like a pretty big pile of gold over there behind those gargoyles!
44, 66 подземелье
Uh oh. Dragons, says Tindel. I think maybe we should turn back. They look pretty mean.
53, 71 подземелье
Wow! Mermaids! shouts Jerhaan excitedly. I've never seen a mermaid before. But they're the other side of that whirlpool so I don't see how we can reach them.
47, 71 подземелье
Cool! Mermaids! shouts Tessa. She and Tam try to get their attention but the mermaids take no notice. I wish there was a way around this whirlpool, muses Tam.
29, 44 подземелье
I love Ali's Aquatic Artifacts, says Jerhaan. They sell such neat stuff!
Водный элементал
3, 37 подземелье
The water elementals swim swiftly towards you shouting, Drown the land dwellers! Drown them all!
70, 8 подземелье
71, 9 подземелье
67, 34 подземелье
10, 28 подземелье
Feeling bored, Tiffa pulls out her tarot cards and starts reading fortunes. I see a small dark stranger in your future, she tells Stish. A loud caw and flapping of wings heralds the arrival of a crow, searching for crumbs of food. Stish is delighted and befriends the bird, naming it Fortuna.
4, 21 подземелье
Bonwin picks a beautiful enchanted water lily for Tessa. While retrieving it, three tiny frogs hop on board the boat. How cute, says Tessa. Cool, shouts Stish. Then the frogs rapidly begin to grow and change, becoming hideous beasts that attack ferociously!
3, 30 подземелье
Everyone waves to the mermaid and she waves back, smiling brightly.
56, 37 подземелье
This is awesome! shouts Jerhaan. I've never seen a fire elemental conflux before. It's much more impressive than I imagined!
Башмаки полярности
22, 17 подземелье
Oh wow, antimagic boots! shouts Jerhaan. These are just so cool.
24, 15 подземелье
The gorgons look at Durbalk and snort derisively.
68, 46 подземелье
Your chief cook, Wintal, eyes the gold suspiciously and asks D'you s'pose thar could be something under that thar gold? Do you grab the gold and tell Wintal to stick to peeling carrots and leave the gathering of loot to everyone else?
65, 44 подземелье
The cerberi snarl and snap with demonic hunger! It appears all they've had to eat lately is an old pair of boots they've been chewing on.
41, 12 подземелье
Looks like this is the end of the line, states Tindel. Unless we can get past that border gate.
41, 25 подземелье
Argh! Billocks and dasherall!! yells Wintal, your chief cook. Thar be weevils in the ship's biscuit and I havta toss the lot of it overboard or it weel mak ya all seek! Everyone is despondent at this terrible news.
41, 17 подземелье
Berganna procures some glowing green moss as you sail slowly past an overhanging cliff. I've heard of this stuff, she shouts. It makes you super smart when you eat it. Tillis, Lydia and Randolph eagerly buy the 'magic' moss and Berganna grins to herself, having successfully conned them.
43, 37 подземелье
Where to now, captain, north or east? inquires Tindel. Let's go north, says Berganna. I want to go east, states Bikkle. How about we just stop and fish for awhile? suggests Tegan.
38, 7 подземелье
How do islands stay afloat? asks Randolph. After we figure out that riddle, laughs Sleebor, what say we get something to eat? I'm starving!
54, 9 подземелье
Jelid spots something moving in the tall grass and you stop to investigate. It turns out to be a large group of iron golems who lost their way and have been squelching here for years. We serve the great wizard, Nyndethal, the golems tell you as you help them aboard and wash the mud off them.
26, 66 подземелье
Hi. I'm Joe and this is Sam. Oh and this is Sam's cousin, Pete..and Pete's brother John. And these are his kids, Bob, Jack, Flint, Robert, Baiden, Lee and Link. And here's Samantha and Jane and Eowyn. Over on the left are Rita, Bill, Croyden, Sally and Smith. And my uncle Barnie's the big guy.
Страж задания
34, 14 подземелье
The elves wish proof that you are indeed a friend to elf-kind. Perhaps a specific item will identify you as such...
Бездонная сума золота
35, 9 подземелье
The magic bag doesn't seem to want you to open it. Perhaps it would be safer to leave it be. Or do you foolishly open it anyway?
Боевой единорог
39, 11 подземелье
The unicorns snort, snuffle and flick their tails at you.
Меч правосудия
38, 10 подземелье
You have found the fabled Sword of Judgement! Surely this will help you complete your quest!
Элементал мысли
7, 49 подземелье
From this magic hut you can keep an eye on the dwarves of the north! echoes a voice in your mind. The psychic elemental seems to study all your thoughts, which makes everyone rather nervous.
3, 46 подземелье
We serve Nyndethal. For he was a mighty wizard indeed. He stood for what was right! If we aid you, we trust you will bring honour to his name.
47, 58 подземелье
The archers see you and break into song, Oh...we're twenty-three archers on land or on sea. We shoot rabbits and foxes and dogs pedigree. If ever there was a great band it is we! (No we don't! We don't what? We don't shoot dogs. It's just what rhymes in the song silly. Oh I see.)
6, 47 подземелье
The genies are playing a strange game with square wooden tiles and a checkered board. One of the genies looks up and his voice booms out, What's a four-letter word meaning powerful magic?
20, 50 подземелье
The dwarves have set up a border gate to control access to Crandor through the main northern waterway.
47, 41 подземелье
The grail is buried close to a whirlpool and next to a mountain.
33, 42 подземелье
The grail is buried south of Crandor and north of the Island of Magic.
8, 25 подземелье
The grail is buried next to flowers.
59, 45 подземелье
The grail is buried next to a reef.
45, 40 подземелье
Zondar claims the gold is his. I want a bonus! But Kirsti won't have it! No way, I fought just as hard as you did. And I killed more of them too! Just as things are about to turn nasty, yellow-green lizards crawl out of the gold and snap at everyone's toes distractingly.
44, 40 подземелье
The gold is quickly stowed while Zondar and Kirsti quietly growl at each other and the others glare at them, tired of this stupid bickering.
29, 4 подземелье
Hundreds of slimy green monsters emerge from the water and clamber aboard your boat.
21, 24 подземелье
The lively chatter of your army seems to have diminished. You think maybe the seriousness of your quest is starting to sink in. Then again, it's probably because everyone has their hands covering their nose and mouth, trying to block out the foul stench of the swamp.
56, 56 подземелье
You stub your toe on an old hat buried in the sand. When you bend down to pick it up, horrible monsters rise up from beneath the dunes and attack you!
0, 6 подземелье
You tell the dwarves of your quest and ask for their aid.
2, 8 подземелье
At the outskirts of this busy dwarven community, you sense abundant prosperity but also hostility to strangers. Especially strange wizardly types.
12, 64 подземелье
A strange old woman offers to teach you some spells. She seems a little kooky but you keep quiet while she writes out the rituals on bloodstained parchment. When she's done she cackles cruelly, turns into a ghost dragon and tries to eat you!
38, 55 подземелье
Wintal, your chief cook, is experimenting with a new stew recipe using some exotic herbs. Ere ya go. Try it. Try it. Ye'll loike it! Everyone who tries the stew is pleasantly surprised by the wonderful taste. In fact, it's so good that fights break out with a dozen hands grabbing for the stew pot. Everyone's kicking, scratching, screaming and going totally nuts. Maybe I shouldn't 'ave included those magic 'zerker leaves, remarks Wintal after everyone has calmed down and stopped killing each other. P'haps ya could device a spell with tha remainin' leaves?
43, 8 подземелье
The creepy evil eyes wriggle their tentacles, and you can hear them crackling with deadly energy. Kill them quick, screams Leanna. Those things make my skin crawl!
45, 18 подземелье
The odour and stench of the swamp fills your nostrils and makes you gag. Little plops and whooshes of evil-smelling swamp gas assault your senses. Kirsti looks a little greener than usual.
Ящер воин
9, 15 подземелье
With unblinking eyes, the lizard warriors prepare to attack!
52, 44 подземелье
You rescue a strange little gnome who you discover clinging helplessly to a rock. The gnome is all smiles and grins at being rescued. At supper, you're surprised to find two gnomes, both identical! Then at breakfast, four of them! The gnomes refuse to tell you what's going on until Bikkle befriends them and learns they know how to duplicate themselves with magic. You figure this would be a wonderful tool to use against Irlishi's evil army, and since you've been so kind, the gnome says he'll try and teach the spell to you.
35, 59 подземелье
The zealots humbly bow to you, their faces a mask of pure energy. Oh good, I think they're friendly, says Nargrak. Are you sure? asks Tegan?
36, 58 подземелье
A gang of ruffians with sharp pointy stick-things are singing drunkenly outside 'Ms. Murphy's Freelancer's Guild and Pie Shoppe'. When you suggest that they 'move along' they decide you would look better with some of their pointy stick-things stuck inside you!
35, 52 подземелье
Water sprites playing in the kelp share their seafood treats with you while they chat. You tell them of your mission and they tell you of a small community of elves who may be willing to help. They live near the dwarves but they're MUCH friendlier, enthuse the bubbly sprites.
15, 59 подземелье
When you approach, you see that the skeletons appear to be involved in a macabre game of leapfrog.
Боевой гном
5, 3 подземелье
Leave our gold alone, you mean and nasty squalks! shout the dwarves. Tam seems to recall that a 'squalk' is a small squidgy creature that lives in cesspools. You are not amused.
Боевой гном
35, 2 подземелье
He's innocent, I tell you! cry the frenzied battle dwarves as they charge at you, intent on mayhem and mutilation!
Страж задания
36, 4 подземелье
A funny old guy with bat ears, a long beard and extremely bushy eyebrows, giggles at you and demands the Sword of Judgement. Gimme the sword and then I might open the garden gate. Hee hee hee hee.
Боевой единорог
25, 5 подземелье
The war unicorns lower their heads and charge at you full tilt!
14, 58 подземелье
Almost the entire pile of gems dissolves into cockroaches when you investigate closer. Ewwww! says Leanna, They're gross!
16, 66 подземелье
Welcome to the Island of Death. Please stay...FOREVER!
Боевой гном
21, 1 подземелье
A dwarf and his gold mine are not easily parted. The dwarves attack!
23, 2 подземелье
The dwarves stand guard outside one of their treasuries, quick to defend it against all enemies.
48, 31 подземелье
The wyverns look hungrily at Stish's pet hedgehog, green saliva dripping from their fangs.
15, 5 подземелье
Charging unicorns are scary!
Щит королей гномов
38, 4 подземелье
We should open a store and sell our spare artifacts, suggests Bonwin. Want to help me run it, Tessa? he says winking at her slyly. Umm..., says Tessa, grinning, let me think about it and get back to you, okay?
Боевой гном
37, 0 подземелье
Finally you face the single lone dwarf and know your quest is truly at an end, once and for all. With a heavy heart, you order his execution. I actually feel sorry for him, says Tessa. We all do, says Tam, squeezing her hand gently. But we have no choice. I know, sighs Tessa. Kill him quickly, Sleebor. No need for any more suffering. Sleebor lifts his huge sword and smiles at Tessa, It will be so fast, he won't even know he's dead. Besides, he says with a grin, it's way past lunch time and I'm famished!
37, 2 подземелье
A lone dwarf stands before you, evil radiating from him like heat radiates from a lava-spewing volcano. His too-bright eyes betray the madness caused by Irlishi's soul, and he laughs maniacally as you approach him. So, you've found me! Well you won't stop me! he cries. Now I can place the Curse of the Rats on you! 'Mad as a hatter' you think, breathing a sigh of relief that your quest is finally over. Why do really evil things always have eyes that glow like that? asks Randolph, preparing to chop the dwarf in half. You roll your eyes and Tessa shushes him with an amused smile. The clanking of steel alerts you to the fact the dwarf isn't alone after all. From behind rocks and bushes emerges a vast army of dwarves and unicorns. Their eyes are glassy and distant, but their intent to kill is plain as day. Uh oh, says Tam, warily eyeing the approaching hoards. There sure are a lot of them, remarks Kirsti, biting her lip. Let's kick dwarf rear! screams Zondar, wading into the fray.
Боевой единорог
37, 3 подземелье
These unicorns seem a little weird, like they're under some sort of evil spell. They attack you with glazed staring eyes.
Хижина предсказателя
23, 19 подземелье
An old woman lives here; when you enter she relates her tragic tale. Two years ago, my eldest son went exploring with several friends. There's a portal to the underground a little east of here, by the north-south waterway. They were all strong and able lads, but when they were gone three days my husband and I began to worry. He prepared some supplies and took my younger son in search of them. Two days later my husband found their remains near a Crystal Dragon lair. Before they could escape, the dragons attacked them too! My younger son was killed instantly and my husband was mortally wounded. With the aid of a magic transportation spell, he was able to return home, but he died in my arms within the hour. As far as I know, the dragons still make their lair underground in the northwestern region of this land. If you and your army are strong enough to slay them, and bring back my sons' bones, I could give them a proper burial and set their spirits at peace. If you do this task I shall reward you handsomely.
Волшебный свиток
11, 65 подземелье
Upon picking up the scroll, you feel an intense rage and hatred for everyone around you! Do you keep the scroll (it's surely possessed)?
2, 57 подземелье
Rainbow-hued flying fish leap over your boat, bringing you good luck!
4, 42 подземелье
Wheeeeeeee! shout the crystals happily when you pick them up.
Боевой гном
51, 53 подземелье
You want our gold? Well you can't have it! shout the grumpy dwarves.
54, 53 подземелье
I wonder why gold is so sparkly, wonders Randolph out loud. Good kid that Randolph, you think. Not too bright though.
53, 53 подземелье
Yay! More gold! cries Kirsti excitedly. Everyone celebrates with wine and choova leaves.
52, 53 подземелье
The dwarves of Crandor operate an extensive lith system that's rumoured to even extend underground. If you could take control of it, it would speed your quest greatly.
19, 28 подземелье
Approaching the swamp, you notice an awful smell. It smells like dead fish, rotting carcasses and forgotten chamberpots all rolled into one. You feel a little queasy and Randolph throws up on Zondar's boots.
59, 30 подземелье
As your army approaches this odd looking gnoll hut, a funny old gnoll with one bad eye and a twitchy mouth pops his head out the window and shouts, Bring me a shrubbery! He laughs likes a mad jackal and pops his head back inside, slamming the shutters after him. What a crazy old gnoll, remarks Bonwin. Absolutely bonkers!
Боевой гном
9, 6 подземелье
The dwarves scowl and grumble as you approach.
8, 5 подземелье
You implore Thorgrim's aid to fight the battle against Irlishi but he refuses. It's obvious the only way you'll get the resources of Crandor is if you take the castle by force.
30, 33 подземелье
Kirsti and Zondar race for the gold excitedly but Jelid tricks them both with a cunning bit of illusion and gets there first. Of course, it makes little difference since it all goes to you anyway, but your troops often seem to forget this detail.
27, 35 подземелье
We SEE you, sing the Cyclops, lifting enormous boulders above their heads.
24, 36 подземелье
These ogres seem rather hairy and Tam can't help laughing at them.
19, 32 подземелье
Tillis and Lydia have had a fight and are determined to prove that they don't need to rely on each other. Seeing the rocs, they both charge straight at them, throwing caution to the wind!
Ожерелье навигатора
70, 63 подземелье
Spinning in mid-air, mere inches above the water, floats a golden magical necklace in the shape of a fish, with many fine details carved intricately into the metal. It's wonderful! breathes Tessa, awestruck by the necklace's beauty.
70, 29 подземелье
Join us in death! invite the wraiths evilly.
31, 19 подземелье
The evil spirits that guard this portal eagerly await your soul...
Птица счастья
32, 20 подземелье
I thought a ladybird was a bug, not a female bird, says Nargrak, rearranging his weapons to a more comfortable position.
32, 21 подземелье
I've been in cesspools that smelled better than this swamp, complains Tindel, holding his nose and trying to unstick his boot from a particularly foul bog.
14, 14 суша
To Hell with you! say the Arch Devils, laughing wickedly.
Черный дракон
24, 17 суша
The fearsome black dragons spread their wings and fly straight at your army, eager to cook their next delicious meal! Perhaps out of bravery or perhaps out of desperation, Sleebor pulls out a Really Big Sword and charges the dragons, shouting nonsensical war cries with every swing of his razor-sharp blade!
Огненный язык красного дракона
28, 17 суша
Wow, a sword that burns like a candle but never melts!
Доспех черного дракона
27, 18 суша
It's armour made from dragon scales. I bet the dragon wasn't too pleased!
Ожерелье из зубов дракона
26, 17 суша
Poor little dragon. Lost all its teeth.
Поножи из кости дракона
15, 19 суша
Some poor dragon died for these. I hope you realize that!
Корона дракона
13, 19 суша
Why do dragons stick their teeth on crowns? asks Randolph. Uh..I don't think it's their own choice, says Berganna. Poor Randolph. Maybe one day he'll get a clue.
Безмолвный глаз дракона
17, 19 суша
When you pick up the ring, the dragon eye winks at you and the ring adjusts to fit your finger snugly.
Неподвижный глаз дракона
22, 18 суша
The eye in the ring stares at you, unblinking.
Огненный элементал
27, 25 суша
The fire elementals crackle and burn exuberantly at your approach. I wonder how they take baths, wonders Randolph. Oh shush, says Tiffa, cranky from the heat.
Бесконечная повозка дров
49, 55 суша
A magical cart of lumber. Now *that's* amazing!
64, 4 суша
The harpies fly at you, scratching with dirty claws and screeching foul insults!
Боевой цеп гнолла
58, 7 суша
This is a pretty neat weapon. It's got all kinds of spiky bits!
67, 9 суша
Eeeee! Go away! screech the harpies!
Огненный элементал
20, 23 суша
The fire elementals burn silently; red, orange and yellow tendrils of flame leap from their fiery bodies into the smoke-filled air.
21, 24 суша
More sulfur? says Bikkle, Ugh. I HATE sulfur!
Торс Легионера
21, 2 суша
Looks like a part of a statue, says Tam. I bet I could rebuild it.
Алмазный голем
4, 37 суша
We are the guardians of the portals.
20, 42 суша
68, 11 суша
Everything feels very damp and claustrophobic here. Looking up, you see a craggy rock ceiling several hundred feet above you. This must be an ENORMOUS underground cave! The vast expanse is lit by an eerie green light. Eww, what's that smell, asks Tiffa, holding her nose. Yuck, it's harpies, says Stish. Look at them all, they're everywhere!
Кулон святости
48, 7 суша
You find a pendant radiating good and wholesome energy. It makes you feel safe and protected when you put it on.
62, 4 суша
I am Lamphlocke. Thank you so much for rescuing me. Alas, I was foolish and entered the portal alone the other day--usually I travel with my elven friends. Please take this Bow of Elven Cherrywood as your reward. Lamphlocke chats with you awhile, and you learn that she too wishes the evil Irlishi dead and has been seeking some means to kill her. Perhaps you could accompany me back to my father's hut. He's a seer and lives in the swamp on the surface, a little ways northeast of the portal that brought us here. I'm sure he must be worried about me by now.
66, 6 суша
The harpies have taken a prisoner
Ящик Пандоры
59, 4 суша
There's a great rumbling and thudding inside the box.
68, 31 суша
Красный дракон
19, 20 суша
The red dragons roar, their eyes blazing with hunger and their nostrils smoking!
Кристальный дракон
6, 7 суша
The crystal dragons' scales reflect the eerie green light of the underground cavern. They grin at you, perhaps in anticipation of the fine meal your army will make.
Изобильная накидка кристаллов
5, 7 суша
This cloak appears to be woven out of fine crystal threads. Tillis hands it to Lydia who tries it on. It looks quite good on her too.
Гарпия ведьма
68, 7 суша
The harpy hags take to the air, dive-bombing your army and dropping rocks and rotting fish on you from above!
Золотой дракон
21, 21 суша
The gold dragons give you a disparaging look and prepare to turn you into barbecue dragon snacks.
51, 34 суша
Tessa screams as the ground gives way beneath her. Bonwin and Sleebor grab her hands, trying to save her. Without warning, more ground collapses, and your entire army falls into a huge and smelly pit, landing on top of each other. Is everyone okay? asks Berganna, untangling herself from Durbalk's chain leggings as the dust settles. It seems everyone has survived with only a few minor bruises. This good news is quickly overshadowed by the sight and sounds of thousands of starving basilisks heading your way. Are we going to die now? asks Randolph.
2, 47 суша
30, 2 суша
63, 55 суша
Золотой голем
55, 2 суша
The Gold Golems advance upon you, chanting, Go back. Go back. Go back. Go back.
41, 42 суша
Tillis and Lydia are celebrating their eight-month anniversary together. Tegan gives Lydia a gift of a good luck charm she fished out of the water. Moments after putting on the charm, Lydia slips and twists her ankle. Tillis takes the good luck charm and tosses it overboard. Unfortunately, the charm hits an angry water spirit on the nose and she curses the evil boat people and summons shadowy forms to kill everyone on board! Morale is low and Tindel suggests turning the boat around and sailing elsewhere.
38, 15 суша
So what is this place? asks Jerhaan, It looks really cool! I don't know, says Tessa, but it sure is sparkly. I think maybe it's where the Astral Wizard lives. Too bad no-one's home right now.
1, 22 суша
59, 16 суша
15, 31 суша
8, 67 суша
21, 57 суша
16, 59 суша
38, 48 суша
Out of the water rises a dragon. It's an incredibly huge beast and it looks hungry! Let's kill this thing and then get out of this place fast! screams Tiffa, trying to hide behind Nargrak's armoured form.
Водный элементал
40, 45 суша
Begone, surface dwellers, gurgle the water elementals as they prepare to attack.
38, 42 суша
The Grail is buried on the surface.
51, 33 суша
Ржавый дракон
16, 19 суша
A lone dragon sits here. When you approach he speaks, I grow bored with sitting here, year after year, waiting for something interesting to come along. If I were to attack you, you would probably slay me with your magic and spells. I have heard rumbling of a quest to kill a mad dwarf, so I shall join you; I have always found dwarves to be rather tasty morsels.
33, 24 суша
This place sure is hot, complains Stish. Sure is, grunts Zondar, removing some of his armour and sweating profusely. Yuck! says Bikkle. I smell sulfur!
24, 27 суша
Hey, it's a scorpion! shouts Stish excitedly! Keep it away from me! screams Leanna. Aww..it won't hurt you, says Stish, scooping up the scary-looking arachnid and tucking it safely into his backpack. I'm sure I can train it.
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Amaranth Soul Shift (Easy Ver)"