Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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New World Computing
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What happens when two young farmers, full with abitions and pride, decide to make an agricultular business together? Find it out in an extra fast game, where the choices are simple - charge or be the target!
Once upon a time two friends, hard-working farmers decided to buy a piece of land, which would be just for themselves. Each one builded a small house for himself and started to work.
Day 2
Well, one day of a hard work is gone. You are all of a sweat, but the partner looks fresh as he had slept all the day. Hmm... The feelings of dislike roots into your just heart.
Day 3
Trustful source (a group of old women with no teeth, but with long, long tongues) delivers stories about some dishonoring deeds of the neighbour. The feeling of dislike inside your just heart starts to grow...
The nasty neighbour usurpated the only timber mill in the country! How did he dare!? The woods are the gift of the nature and should be treated as such - half (at least) of the output should be given to you. If not, the justice will be enforced...
The nasty neighbour usurpated the only ore pit in the country! How did he dare!? The precious pieces of ore are the gift of nature and should be treated as such - half (at least) of the output should be given to you. If not, the justice will be enforced...
Day 5
Nearby living eldery witch (who, by coinsidence, fulfills the duties of the higher judicial institution in this region) after deep contemplation regarded your claim against your neighbour well founded and decided to give all the land to your control.
Day 5.2
However, the common property of you two lay in a wild region far from major state authorities. That means - enforcement of all judgements is in the hands of applicants themselves...
Some of your workers incidentially have found a chest with engraved wording: Use when bad days come. When opened, it reveals a bunch of percious resources.
Workers 2
Случайный город
3, 13 подземелье
The Farm
Some of your workers, who's major task now is to seek justice by sweeping out your former companion, convinced their relatives on the matter of glorious life of the justice-ensurers and they marshed to your castle full with a desire to join your army.
27, 18 подземелье
It seems that some time ago this place was full of holiness, but now it is haunted by the evil creatures. They should be banished from land of hard working farmers!
21, 20 подземелье
Some local inhabitants told you that the bridge over the river is the secret way towards the farm of your former companion. However, they also told, this road is used seldom. And when you approached towards the bridge, you understand why...
Случайный город
2, 21 подземелье
The Farm
First week
Some of your workers, who's major task now is to seek justice by sweeping out your former companion, convinced their relatives on the matter of glorious life of the justice-ensurers and they marshed to your castle full with a desire to join your army.
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