Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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The final meal has been eaten; the final words, spoken; the rope has snapped. What will you do now? {This map must be played on hard (rook) -- all} {other settings may render it unwinable.}
For larceny, horse theft, and arson, I sentence you, Deptaesius, to hang from the neck until dead. Sentence to be implemented on the morrow. Case closed. Thus it began. But this is the story of what came ...
Intro II
AFTER. A HoMM III SOD map by Fizbin the Magniloquent {IMPORTANT} This map is designed to be played on hard (rook) difficulty.
plight I
Awaken, for time is short! a voice booms. You really don't want to hear it. You've just experienced an awful nightmare, and are hoping that a bit more shut-eye might supplant it with a pleasant dream. But the voice is implacable. Would you squander your only remaining chance to act with human virtue? Awake I say, and NOW! It feels as if the voice has shouted the air out of your lungs, shouted your neck stiff, shouted your heart to silence. Then you look up -- at an angel, staring across your dead body, directly at you. And you know it was true. They did hang you. And they even had the audacity to use your own wood and ore to construct the gallows.
restore resources
Of course they did credit your estate with what they claimed to take.
plight II
The angel looks at you sadly. Time is of the essence. This is your chance to make peace with the world, to resolve outstanding debts, to reconcile the broken and repent of its breaking. In short, you have this time to act in death as you ought to have acted in life. But beware: your soul's grip on this world will become increasingly fragile, and within a week, you will leave forever. Let this week be your legacy! Oh! And in case you need motivation, it has been granted that the elixir of life may yet restore you. But be warned; it can only be assembled by the purest of heart.
Get up! Somehow this is not as you envisioned an angel. You have far to travel today, and much to do. The good awaits. But I am not here to play alarm clock; I give you warning. Galleaga's path is his own; it is not for you to follow. And since you probably know little of death, I'll tell you one other thing. Possessions are a condition of the material world, and that world no longer concerns you. Shed the weight that would sink your soul, but do so consistently with the cause of goodness. This is your last chance. And, obviously, waste no time, already the summons' of the afterworld have sounded.
finding the needy
Your angel speaks, To do good to mankind, you must first find mankind. Look near structures constructed and used by the people. Avoid the dangerous, but do not dally. You must be ready to begin the final leg of your quest by day 5.
This morning, you need no angel to waken you. After months in prison and your scramble underground, the surface air is invigorating. But already, it is happening. Your body, or what ever this is starts to float away, and you remain only by clinging to the planks of your boat. Actually, it is not really a physical clinging -- you can now pass your hand through objects at will, but a mental clinging, one you expect will become more tenuous with time. This morning, your angel does not appear, but his voice rings in your head. Seek first the good of your fellow man; help all who ask -- and those in need who don't ask. Visit those who labor, but garner not for yourself. And fight evil with good. Above all, avoid direct conflict with the pirate Kanstan M'Orgh, for such would crash the world. Fight him instead, with goodness in your wake.
The great swamp sea is a place of many needs, but the land has needs as well. By the end of the day, you must have thrown off the last of your travesty of wealth, and have reached a dock. Your time grows ever shorter. You aren't sure whether you prefer the angel in person, or his voice in your head. But you resolve to attempt to follow his advice. Dying is not something you can practice.
As the day wears on, you become a bit frantic. It's hard to use up all your wealth doing purely good. You were told that you had to leave the swamp by day's end and you must leave with no wealth, but it may not be possible to do both! Here you spend your entire life learning to beat the system (not very successfully, judging from your present plight). Now in death, you may have to do the same! Good luck.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. But is it too late for that? This morning, you hear your angel not at all. It seems rather odd. The less you remain of this world, the less substantial your angel has become. Is it because the angel works in the world, or is it because you have less need? You almost wish you could re-live your life. You'd be a different person. But then, maybe that's the purpose of this week.
Well, one more day. What can you do with it?
3, 33 подземелье
How delightful -- an unexpected snowfall!
2, 35 подземелье
Beware the dread pirate Kanstan M'Orgh!
13, 28 подземелье
A shipwreck! And surely the survivor won't last long in this weather! But how can you rescue him? If you dimension door, you won't have the strength left to get out! But then, there are more important things than getting out!
16, 27 подземелье
An angel appears before you. Because you performed such a selfless act, sacrificing your last days of freedom to save a helpless one, I grant you an escape. And I will also help you distribute this wood. The poor are suffering greatly in this weather. Oh -- if you should pick up more -- just return here. I'll be waiting.
Страж задания
33, 13 подземелье
Why do you want in here? That man is a thief. He is a convicted felon; he stole my Mistress' ring. Under no circumstances will he be released.
0, 0 подземелье
25, 10 подземелье
26, 10 подземелье
Страж задания
31, 12 подземелье
An angel guards the tower. Welcome to the pearly gate. Ahead, you will find four guards, much like myself. Assuming your soul is no longer weighted by earthly possessions, they will guide you safely through the clouds to the wise who can grant you life. Be sure to visit the guards twice, left to right, and mark their words.
Страж задания
30, 10 подземелье
I am guard one, my message comes first. Have you rid yourself of all gems? If so, speak with me further.
Хижина предсказателя
34, 1 подземелье
You have done well. Take this, my gift of life.
29, 6 подземелье
The clouds here cannot support your weight. A fragile air spirit grasps for your hand, but it lacks the strength and you slip away from the earth for the final time.
30, 5 подземелье
The clouds here cannot support your weight. A fragile air spirit grasps for your hand, but it lacks the strength and you slip away from the earth for the final time.
30, 7 подземелье
The clouds here cannot support your weight. A fragile air spirit grasps for your hand, but it lacks the strength and you slip away from the earth for the final time.
31, 6 подземелье
The clouds here cannot support your weight. A fragile air spirit grasps for your hand, but it lacks the strength and you slip away from the earth for the final time.
32, 7 подземелье
The clouds here cannot support your weight. A fragile air spirit grasps for your hand, but it lacks the strength and you slip away from the earth for the final time.
32, 6 подземелье
The clouds here cannot support your weight. A fragile air spirit grasps for your hand, but it lacks the strength and you slip away from the earth for the final time.
30, 4 подземелье
The clouds here cannot support your weight. A fragile air spirit grasps for your hand, but it lacks the strength and you slip away from the earth for the final time.
28, 5 подземелье
The clouds here cannot support your weight. A fragile air spirit grasps for your hand, but it lacks the strength and you slip away from the earth for the final time.
28, 4 подземелье
The clouds here cannot support your weight. A fragile air spirit grasps for your hand, but it lacks the strength and you slip away from the earth for the final time.
31, 5 подземелье
The clouds here cannot support your weight. A fragile air spirit grasps for your hand, but it lacks the strength and you slip away from the earth for the final time.
30, 3 подземелье
The clouds here cannot support your weight. A fragile air spirit grasps for your hand, but it lacks the strength and you slip away from the earth for the final time.
28, 3 подземелье
The clouds here cannot support your weight. A fragile air spirit grasps for your hand, but it lacks the strength and you slip away from the earth for the final time.
28, 2 подземелье
The clouds here cannot support your weight. A fragile air spirit grasps for your hand, but it lacks the strength and you slip away from the earth for the final time.
30, 2 подземелье
The clouds here cannot support your weight. A fragile air spirit grasps for your hand, but it lacks the strength and you slip away from the earth for the final time.
28, 1 подземелье
The clouds here cannot support your weight. A fragile air spirit grasps for your hand, but it lacks the strength and you slip away from the earth for the final time.
28, 0 подземелье
The clouds here cannot support your weight. A fragile air spirit grasps for your hand, but it lacks the strength and you slip away from the earth for the final time.
Страж задания
31, 10 подземелье
I am guard two, my message comes after the guard to my left. Have you rid yourself of all ore? If so, speak with me further.
30, 0 подземелье
The clouds here cannot support your weight. A fragile air spirit grasps for your hand, but it lacks the strength and you slip away from the earth for the final time.
31, 1 подземелье
The clouds here cannot support your weight. A fragile air spirit grasps for your hand, but it lacks the strength and you slip away from the earth for the final time.
31, 3 подземелье
The clouds here cannot support your weight. A fragile air spirit grasps for your hand, but it lacks the strength and you slip away from the earth for the final time.
31, 4 подземелье
The clouds here cannot support your weight. A fragile air spirit grasps for your hand, but it lacks the strength and you slip away from the earth for the final time.
32, 4 подземелье
The clouds here cannot support your weight. A fragile air spirit grasps for your hand, but it lacks the strength and you slip away from the earth for the final time.
32, 2 подземелье
The clouds here cannot support your weight. A fragile air spirit grasps for your hand, but it lacks the strength and you slip away from the earth for the final time.
31, 0 подземелье
The clouds here cannot support your weight. A fragile air spirit grasps for your hand, but it lacks the strength and you slip away from the earth for the final time.
32, 1 подземелье
The clouds here cannot support your weight. A fragile air spirit grasps for your hand, but it lacks the strength and you slip away from the earth for the final time.
33, 2 подземелье
The clouds here cannot support your weight. A fragile air spirit grasps for your hand, but it lacks the strength and you slip away from the earth for the final time.
32, 5 подземелье
The clouds here cannot support your weight. A fragile air spirit grasps for your hand, but it lacks the strength and you slip away from the earth for the final time.
33, 5 подземелье
The clouds here cannot support your weight. A fragile air spirit grasps for your hand, but it lacks the strength and you slip away from the earth for the final time.
34, 5 подземелье
The clouds here cannot support your weight. A fragile air spirit grasps for your hand, but it lacks the strength and you slip away from the earth for the final time.
35, 5 подземелье
The clouds here cannot support your weight. A fragile air spirit grasps for your hand, but it lacks the strength and you slip away from the earth for the final time.
35, 4 подземелье
The clouds here cannot support your weight. A fragile air spirit grasps for your hand, but it lacks the strength and you slip away from the earth for the final time.
35, 3 подземелье
The clouds here cannot support your weight. A fragile air spirit grasps for your hand, but it lacks the strength and you slip away from the earth for the final time.
35, 2 подземелье
The clouds here cannot support your weight. A fragile air spirit grasps for your hand, but it lacks the strength and you slip away from the earth for the final time.
33, 4 подземелье
The clouds here cannot support your weight. A fragile air spirit grasps for your hand, but it lacks the strength and you slip away from the earth for the final time.
34, 4 подземелье
The clouds here cannot support your weight. A fragile air spirit grasps for your hand, but it lacks the strength and you slip away from the earth for the final time.
Страж задания
32, 10 подземелье
I am guard three, my message follows that of my neighbor to the left. Have you rid yourself of all wood? If so, speak with me further.
Страж задания
33, 10 подземелье
I am guard four, my message follows that of my neighbor to the left. Have you rid yourself of all gold? If so, speak with me further.
Хижина предсказателя
33, 1 подземелье
You have done well. Take this, my gift of life.
Хижина предсказателя
9, 27 подземелье
Oh dear! My furnace has gone out. I don't suppose you could loan me some coal. It's getting awfully cold in here.
Хижина предсказателя
2, 23 подземелье
Celestial music can be played on only the finest of instruments -- and those must be carved from pure crystal. I am a craftsman of such instruments, but I have fallen upon hard times. My crystal provider has refused me credit; now I must plead like a common beggar. But I do plead
6, 25 подземелье
You don't know whether mermaids have any use for gold, but you toss her some in the hope she might be able to fashion a brooch to match her golden hair.
19, 30 подземелье
You make a sizable donation toward the upkeep of the watchtower.
13, 24 подземелье
How often, in the past, have you rejoiced at the presence of a shrine like this? And how often have you actually helped support one? You decide to make up for your lapse now.
2, 25 подземелье
Minors are often under-paid. You decide to help them out.
11, 35 подземелье
You find an old fisherman struggling to get a drink from the well. After helping him, you surprise him with a gift.
7, 33 подземелье
Promoting artistry and technical knowledge is never a bad use of gold. Just be certain you can find no better uses for it. Otherwise, return here to make repeated donations.
19, 11 подземелье
A herd working mill keeper is surprised and delighted at your gift.
7, 17 подземелье
You buy 3000 gold worth of lumber, with the request that it be donated to a worthy person.
Хижина предсказателя
2, 1 подземелье
This isolated in the northern swamp, an artisan must have a difficult time. You marvel that the craftsman is still in business. You would like to give him a gift, but you sense that might not be appreciated. Instead, you commission an expensive item.
Хижина предсказателя
10, 17 подземелье
Have you smelled this smoke! I'm studying the effects of sulfur on vegetation. But I'm so busy here in my workshop that I have no time to gather the sulfur I expect to need.
Хижина предсказателя
16, 5 подземелье
See that crystal clear lake? Do you know what even a little mercury would do to it? Man in his greed risks poisoning the wonders around him! Thus I seek toxins, metals, and other wastes, that they are sure to be disposed of properly.
8, 5 подземелье
An historic battlefield. You donate a monument.
Дух угнетения
33, 35 подземелье
An evil fetish has been left outside the castle walls. But how can curses hurt you now. You happily remove it.
34, 35 подземелье
You can just feel it -- the spirit of oppression is draining your power.
1, 9 подземелье
Minors are often under-paid. You decide to help them out.
Сосуд с кровью жизни
34, 13 подземелье
For you AI.
Хижина предсказателя
18, 34 подземелье
Bring me a hundred wood -- no bring me a thousand wood -- and I'll build a box to keep the world safe in.
0, 30 подземелье
Now that you have escaped from underground, you are finding your spirit increasingly etherial. Movement through and past objects becomes increasingly easy. Perhaps this, too, is a sign of your weakening bond with the earth. And perhaps, this letting go is a good thing, an essential transition into the future. But first, you resolve to do more good here!
Оковы войны
32, 2 суша
You can find no way to rescue those in the slaver's compound. But at least without the shackles, new captives will be more difficult to manage.
20, 2 суша
It appears you have found an exit -- but what could be blighting the land? Perhaps you should investigate before leaving.
33, 22 суша
The Royal Treasury! If only you were a thief. But King Juris uses these resources for vital needs of the region -- building roads, paying clerks, subsidizing family farmers. Anything you take, someone else will have to pay. And that's not fair.
1, 32 суша
You have entered the legendary Hall of Heroes. For just a moment, you feel a tinge of shame that your name will never be scribed amongst these heroes of the people. Then you remind yourself that it's not the fame, but the deed which counts -- and you still have time -- though precious little. You toss a few coins in the wishing well, and proceed to look for good you may yet do.
34, 34 суша
Oh no! The sewers. It's not the muck -- surely you've endured worse, even created worse. But this certainly appears to be a dead end. The drain may lead to the swamp, but it cannot be reached. And what good can you do down here?
32, 35 суша
Is that somebody's lost ring? Perhaps you could retrieve it for its owner. But how do you get there?
Кольцо здоровья
28, 33 суша
The ring clings precariously to a ledge. You are barely able to lean over and grab it without capsizing your small craft.
6, 19 суша
Do these innocent witnesses deserve your wrath? Leave them!
5, 19 суша
Do these innocent witnesses deserve your wrath? Leave them!
4, 19 суша
Do these innocent witnesses deserve your wrath? Leave them!
6, 18 суша
He may have been your executioner, but your actions were your true undoing.
Боевой маг
5, 18 суша
Тетива из гривы единорога
4, 17 суша
Go ahead. Take the rope that hung you. It will do you no good now -- unless it reminds you that this is your last chance to serve a purpose in the world. Greed, selfishness, vengeance, hate have destroyed your life. Don't let them destroy your death.
Страж задания
5, 16 суша
That body no longer belongs to you.
Страж задания
8, 8 суша
Ah, it's still here. Your attempt at an escape tunnel. Even though you knew it was futile (fingernails are no match for stone), something drove you to keep digging. Perhaps now you know why.
4, 11 суша
Your cell. You never expected to return here! Yet somehow, you couldn't leave without one last look around. It was, after all, your final home.
Ящик Пандоры
3, 8 суша
Your footlocker. And they haven't cleaned it out yet! Most of your things are useless now, but there are a few that you may as well gather.
4, 8 суша
Behind this door is the cell of your friend Galleaga. He too, was executed this morning. You can only hope he has been given the same chance as you -- to redeem himself. Perhaps in the next week, your paths will cross; for now you each best find your own. Give each other a chance!
Ящик Пандоры
4, 1 суша
computer only
31, 18 суша
The naga guards, seeing you have not attacked the bank are content to leave you alone, but their cold, hard stares drain any magic you had left.
6, 20 суша
Do these innocent witnesses deserve your wrath? Leave them!
4, 20 суша
Do these innocent witnesses deserve your wrath? Leave them!
26, 2 суша
Oh no! Slavers. But what can they do to you now? This is an opportunity! Perhaps if you could snatch their shackles, that would slow them down. But you would have to get to the shackles.
7, 1 суша
4, 16 суша
King Juris
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