You stagger into the sunlight and fall on your knees, clutching at the earth. Tears course from your eyes and for several minutes you lose it and sob. Sob for your freedom, sob for your sister, sob for your people. What has become of them!? King Corribus? a voice calls behind you. You whip around, prepared for a fight. Did the guards find you already? A man you don't recognize is staring at you. He is tall and handsome, with blond hair and pale skin. A man from the north. He wears a suit of mail and a surcoat bearing the black wolf of Nortland, confirming your assignment of his race. You do not recognize him, but are thankful of his origins. King Edward, ruler of a small country to the north of Holbark, has long been a friend and ally. This must be his emissary. Actually, I'm his son, the man says, extending an arm. You are not Charles, you say, suddenly suspicious. No, I'm not, the man replies. My name is John. I'm not his... er.. official son, you might say. But I am still in my father's employ. A lieutenant, actually, in his army. Well, then, you say, drawing yourself up. Well met, then, John. I apologize if I am untrusting. You will understand, of course, after my ordeal. Of course, your majesty, John says. Please, let me assist you. You let him help you up. Why are you here? you ask. Not that I don't appreciate the help, but it's a long way from Nortland. Suddenly you realize that you really have no idea WHERE you are. Or is it? It IS, John confirms. Why I am here is a long story, and we do not have time. Surely Kyle's men will be after you by now. We must get you hidden, and then all shall be explained. Hide? you say, horrified. No, I will go immediately with whatever army I can find and rescue my sister. That would be foolish, John says. And fatal. You will be slain on sight. We must explain to you the situation. Do not worry, we won't hide for long. Please, follow me. I promise, we will explain all. Reluctantly, you agree. John seems relieved, obviously aware that convincing you to come with him was going to be a hurdle. We leave as soon as you are ready, sire. We have a boat. My men - YOUR men - are waiting by it. But first, you must collect yourself. Change. We have a suit of mail and sword for you. In that hut to the southeast. Take your time and wash up. We can wait that long. You thank John, for his kindness and his council. He is right, of course. Rushing off to save your sister in your present state would accomplish nothing. You will follow this bastard child of your friend, Edward of Nortland, for now, and see what you can learn. But first, a bath.
33, 60 подземелье
61, 48 подземелье
The Dead Swamp - Enter at your Own Risk
59, 10 подземелье
67, 24 подземелье
Factory A46
40, 25 подземелье
18, 47 подземелье
Factory B64
48, 49 подземелье
East - Winscott West - Southford North - Tilworth
Хижина провидца
67, 46 подземелье
A large but dead tree sits awkwardly on this little patch of grass overlooking the ocean to the east. From the door carved into the bottom of it, someone has made a home out of it. You knock on the door, thinking that anyone who lives in a tree must be interesting. The door opens and an old man pokes his head out. Yes? he asks. Hi, good fellow, my name is Corribus, and I am king -- Before you can finish, the old man drops on his knees and starts weeping. O! My king, Corribus, I had thought you dead. We all did. But we are saved, by the gods! You have returned! You roll your eyes and lift the man up. Now, none of that. What do you mean 'we' had thought me dead and that 'you are saved'? It takes some coaxing but what you learn is this
60, 12 подземелье
Welcome to Edgeton Your Last Stop Before Amn's Gap!
29, 23 подземелье
Lethosium Abbey, the Order of Earth PRIVATE PROPERTY
29, 34 подземелье
Ginko's Training Facility
9, 64 подземелье
A handfull of pikemen, wearing the colors of Holbark, salute you. Some of them look uncertainly at each other and you can read their thoughts
63, 62 подземелье
Mosquitos circle around your head and you swat at them absenty. This swamp is dreadful. Mud sucks at your feet, lizards croak, the bugs bite and you're hot as hell. Robin is hiding HERE? you ask, incredulous. There's an old tomb to the north, Tale replies, hacking at the underbrush with a large knife. Some ancient warrior whose deeds have been long forgotten. Locals think this swamp is haunted. Maybe it is. But if Kyle's soldiers are too scared to come in here, then all the better. Anyway, a long time ago, Robin made the tomb into a secret hideaway for just such an occasion and it has served him well. We are safe here. Safe but uncomfortable, you think as you follow Tale into the darkness.
57, 56 подземелье
The Tomb of Karkow Midfan NO LOITERING
60, 58 подземелье
If Tale wasn't leading you into it, you wouldn't have known it was there. The entrance to Karkow's Tomb is so small and hidden by foliage it is the perfect hiding place. You have to get on your knees to enter, but you do so reluctantly. After months of being in prison, the thought of going back underground is sickening.
62, 48 подземелье
The vibrant fields of Winscott lie before you. In the distance, sitting on a small hill, you can see majestic Winscott Keep, but it is anything but majestic. The signs of siege and battle are evident. Much will need to be rebuilt, Tale laments. Lord Winscott, recovering from his amputation, is still back at the cave, but Tale wouldn't miss this for the world. He is quite excited. All excitement has left you, unfortunately. Absently, you rub the pendent Cat gave to you. It will be a long road. Complacent or not, this area is unlikely to fall easily. But it will start here. Our men are undersupplied, Tale observes, looking at your motley army, But they are brave. And I have a surprise for you. You look at Tale, a man you are coming to like very much, and raise an eyebrow. He smiles and whistles. From behind a boulder, a group of men emerge. They all carry large bows and their faces are painted in greens and blacks. They salute. Bowmen? you ask. Not any bowmen, Tale says. These are the remnants of Winscott's elite ranger tactical unit. Shemus tried to kill them all, fearing their power, but some of them escaped with us. Surely, you will find a way to use them in the assault on Winscott. Surely... you reply.
10, 56 подземелье
These fortifications are manned by Kyle's troops and will be difficult to overrun. They were built years ago by local wizards and offer protections to all sorts of magics. They'll have to be taken the old fashioned way, with steel and sweat.
15, 57 подземелье
North - THUNK Containment Area and Production Facility #3 Unauthorized Personnel will be Squashed
51, 25 подземелье
THUNK Containment Area and Production Facility. #2 Unauthorized Personnel will be Subjected to Scientific Experiments of Questionable Morality
62, 14 подземелье
THUNK Containment Area and Production Facility #2. Unauthorized Personnel will be Cuisinarted
36, 19 подземелье
THUNK Containment Area and Production Facility #1 Unauthorized Personnel will be Tickled Mercilessly Until Death
11, 46 подземелье
THUNK Containment Area and Production Facility #3 Unauthorized Personnel will be Mercilessly Scratched and then Submerged in Boiling Lemon Juice
2, 13 подземелье
Narrow canyons wind their way to the west. You can smell and see harpy guano everywhere. You are sure that Kyle's fortress must be around here - only warlocks would keep company with such filthy creatures. Already, you are itching to take him apart piece by piece. If only he would be a man and face you head on instead of skulking in his cave.
57, 13 подземелье
Erwin's Rope and Twine Emporium
9, 3 подземелье
Tucked into a recess in the mountains is an enormous carved statue of a woman holding a jug. Water pours out of the jug and falls at least twenty feet into a pool at the base of the statue. This must be the statue of Saint Exus that Arnold Oxus spoke of. Almost as you think this, something shiny catches your eyes. Could it be the artifact Arnold asked you to retrieve?
18, 48 подземелье
38, 8 подземелье
67, 25 подземелье
30, 21 подземелье
The grounds outside of the Abbey exude a magical aura. You can feel it. A druid rushes out of the abbey, pleased at your arrival. Finally, you have come! he says. Please, hurry inside.
3, 3 подземелье
This must be the entrance to Kyle's underground fortress... but regrettably, a river of boiling lava surrounds the entrance. There must be some way to bypass this obstacle.
Король минотавров
3, 6 подземелье
Kyle's elite guards do not appreciate your intrusion here. They attack without preamble. Looks like Kyle only uses humans to guard places he feels are not important - like the prisons below.
57, 44 подземелье
Winscott Keep
Посещение Клирик:
38, 7 подземелье
Factory Prime
48, 36 подземелье
These fortifications are manned by Kyle's troops and will be difficult to overrun. They were built years ago by local wizards and offer protections to all sorts of magics. They'll have to be taken the old fashioned way, with steel and sweat.
17, 2 суша
You are Catarina Artan, sister to Corribus, the 17th King of the nation of Holbark in the Artan line. Your father was a strict man with little love in him, especially for a daughter. While he spent much time instructing your brother in the arts of war and diplomacy (though with little compassion), you he completely neglected. A daughter was no interest to him, and after your mother died some time ago, you were left to fend for yourself. As a political figure you held very little influence or power while your father was alive, but your brother has fought to change that, particularly after retaking Last Hope. It was a long, hard road convincing your brother's loyal troops that you deserved their trust and admiration, but bringing your brother back to Holbark safely went a long way towards elevating your position in his (and your) kingdom.
12, 11 суша
Cells - East Warden's Office - West
12, 24 суша
You had better hurry while your disguise is active. Who knows how many more guards you're going to need to sneak past... George said to head south - to the storage cache.
15, 27 суша
Ghosan Production Facility - East AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY NO LOITERING. If you're reading this, {YOU ARE LOITERING}
13, 31 суша
11, 22 суша
The guards, seeing a prisoner escaping, attack immediately!
12, 14 суша
Back to the north, you can hear the chatter of a group of guards passing towards the cells. Likely they are doing the inspections George warned you about. You pray they don't find anything amiss.
12, 30 суша
The storage cache appears to be behind that door to the south. The stairs just to the north are tempting, as sunlight can be seen filtering down from above, but that likely leads into the heart of your enemy's stronghold. Going up there would be folly.
11, 31 суша
Inside this little structure are rows of keys. With these you could easily go back and free Cat. Shaking your head, you put the idea from your mind. George was right, she will have to wait, as much as it pains you. You will come back with an army, and all will suffer your wrath.
8, 12 суша
Guards' voices can be heard from the office to the north. You question your decision to come this way. It can only end badly for you... unless.... you suppose you could use the scroll George gave you to fool them, but to what end? Perhaps it might be better to follow his instructions to the letter.
40, 28 суша
The Complex
Посещение Чернокнижник:
Страж прохода
40, 32 суша
The passage to the south is blocked by a massive gate glowing with blue pulsating energy. From the looks of the great arcs of electricity that are coming from the massive citadel to the north, it would appear that whatever mechanism is responsible for powering this giant gate is getting it's power from there - or, more likely - whomever lives inside.
Страж прохода
46, 28 суша
The passage to the east is blocked by a massive gate glowing with blue pulsating energy. From the looks of the great arcs of electricity that are coming from the massive citadel to the west, it would appear that whatever mechanism is responsible for powering this giant gate is getting it's power from there - or, more likely - whomever lives inside.
Страж прохода
38, 24 суша
The passage to the north is blocked by a massive gate glowing with blue pulsating energy. From the looks of the great arcs of electricity that are coming from the massive citadel to the south, it would appear that whatever mechanism is responsible for powering this giant gate is getting it's power from there - or, more likely - whomever lives inside.
14, 28 суша
Strange noises can be heard from the east. Guarding a large set of oak doors you can make out bizzarre shapes. They don't seem to be paying attention to you, so you should give them the same courtesy, though if you were to make a wager, you swear those are the creatures that belong to warlocks. What are they doing here? you wonder.
15, 59 суша
Finally, the mouth of a natural cave. You're free! The air is clean and fresh, the sun is bright and you can hear birds. BIRDS!!! With a whoopee you rush forward, and for a moment, your sister is forgotten.
14, 56 суша
You are able to walk standing up now. Another abnormal stone catches your eye. You push it and it moves. You hear a scraping behind you and are further relieved to see a stone sliding in place, covering the opening through which you just came. This means you won't be followed. Just out of curiosity, you try tugging the stone again, but it won't budge. Looks like this path is one-way. Which means when you come back for Cat, it's going to have to be through the front door.
62, 59 суша
The cave is hot and humid and the entrance is choked with strange plants and vines. The faint outline of a sarcophagus can be seen poking out from underneath the blanket of plantlife. Who could be hiding in here?
66, 60 суша
In the back of the tomb, a small fissure in the rock wall opens up into an immense, well-lit cavern which is well hidden by hanging vines. You would never have found it if you had not known it was here. Hiding place, indeed. Tale motions you to go first.
67, 61 суша
The transition from dead jungle-tomb to bustling underground fortress is sudden. Soldiers, all dressed in full armor and armed to the teeth, are walking about on various errands. Some are sitting in large groups around raging fires, set about cooking food. They stare at you and your men as you enter the cave. Some pay no attention to the approach of their overlord, since you are hardly dressed for the role, but most seem to recognize Tale, and by virtue of knowledge of his mission, complete the equation and realize who it is that is staring at them. These soldiers become silent and take to their knees, and it is not long before all of them are doing so. Come, Tale says, walking by you. We go to see Lord Winscott.
69, 63 суша
These men, some of Winscott's surviving castle guard, are eager to take up arms with their overlord. They willingly join you.
68, 65 суша
These archers, some of Winscott's surviving castle archers, are eager to take up their bows with their overlord. They willingly join you.
Хижина провидца
65, 64 суша
Tale stops outside the small hut and says, Lord Winscott resides here. I should go and let him know you are here first. I will return in a moment. You wait several minutes and then Tale emerges, his face ashen. What is it? you ask. You must come, quickly, he says gravely.
33, 27 суша
The narrow passage opens up into a huge natural cavern, large enough to house an equally huge citadel. How the warlocks are able to locate natural caves large enough to hold such massive structures has always been a mystery. This must be the seat of Kyle's power. In addition to making him pay for your imprisonment and Catarina's treatment, the answer to how to destroy the THUNK factories once and for all likely lies within that castle.
43, 15 суша
The large snow drifts almost preclude entrace to this cave. The air is also quite frigid, but there are warmer gusts of wind coming from the depths ahead of you.
29, 62 суша
It took some time, but your army finally all made it down the well, and without any falls! The great underground river gurgles past you to the south. It suddenly occurs to you that you don't have a boat. You'll just have to create one!
68, 12 суша
It's been a long, dark journey down this river, and several times you wondered to yourself if that Arnold Oxus wasn't completely full of it. But then, finally, you saw a light other than your own torches coming from the north. This must be Kyle's security checkpoint. You tell your men to get ready.
39, 20 суша
The cavern has collapsed ahead. There is no way to proceed.
54, 28 суша
Kyle's minions, alive and well. They must be terminated, for two reasons
54, 41 суша
More of those vile sorceresses. Maybe they'll make a nice base for a soup.
54, 18 суша
More of those vile sorceresses. Kill time.
39, 40 суша
From the looks of the large cavern to the south, the quake did considerable damage here as well. There appear to be people alive here, though. Hopefully, they are not hostile.
24, 2 суша
George eyes you angrily. What are you doing? he demands. Go, before it's too late! As you turn to leave, you swear George mumbles something like stupid idiot beneath his breath.
26, 1 суша
Don't get too close--I haven't bathed in weeks!
4, 9 суша
The guards, seeing a prisoner escaping, attack immediately!
7, 8 суша
The guards, seeing a prisoner escaping, attack immediately!
13, 33 суша
The guards, seeing a prisoner escaping, attack immediately!
13, 12 суша
Remembering what George told you, you know that your destination lies to the south. That is where you must go.
14, 55 суша
The passage opens up and you are finally able to stand. You had gotten lost in a natural cave by Holbark castle as a child, had wandered for days in the dark (actually it was only a few hours, but to a child that feels like days) until Jeremy, your retainer, finally found you. For years, well into your teens, you'd had a fear of dark, cramped places, and had woken many mornings after nightmares of dying lost in a cave. When your torch went out a few hours ago, your childhood fears seemed to close in on you and not once did you consider turning around. Thus it is with great relief when the faint glimmer of natural sunlight to the south illuminates the space in front of you.
Король минотавров
58, 7 суша
With a bellow, Kyle's guards attack. They obviously aren't aware that Kyle is dead!
62, 5 суша
Bubbling lava prevents your progress to the south. You wonder if finding a safe way across it has something to do with using those towers to the east and west. It's too bad you can't cross those ravines. Perhaps you can access them using the river... but how to get there?
4, 7 суша
This must be the treasure hoarded by the guards. Thieving bastards... well, you're the warden, so it's yours now! Horray!
6, 7 суша
This looks like it might have been a way out of the dungeon ... but your way is blocked by a river of boiling lava!
6, 5 суша
The warden's chamber is littered with old food and rubble. Several corpses are laying on the ground, crushed by massive rocks that fell during the quake. There is no sign of other guards. Presumably they fled after Kyle's death. You only hope Catarina is not lying in her cell, flattened by a giant boulder.
62, 12 суша
Access to the monolith is blocked by a river of boiling lava--you'll have to figure out a way to get around this obstacle.
Король минотавров
66, 7 суша
Surprised by your appearance from the underground river, these guards attack without parlaying with you.
63, 10 суша
Weaker than Kyle's elite guard, these lesser beings still pack quite a punch and they mean to bar your progress...
39, 43 суша
There are a handful of druids here, whom you approach cautiously. After all, this IS the lair of your enemy (even though he's dead), is it not? However, your caution is unwarranted, as the druids are clearly relieved to see you. Oh, thank the gods, one of them declares. Someone to save us! How did you get down here? I was trapped down here, just as you were! you reply. So it was YOU who slew that nasty warlock, our captor. We are most thankful. You put two and two together and come to the realization that these are the druids from the Order of Earth. You tell the druids that Arnold Oxus helped you out. They appear happy that Arnold is still alive, and then tell you that, deprived of Kyle's magic, the magic generators in his fortress that supplied magical power to the fortress itself and the THUNK factories overloaded. While we're happy Kyle is dead, the druid tells you, Likely the THUNKs are roaming about up there, wreaking havoc. You know too well the damage a THUNK can cause. They weren't finished, of course, as Mok Choi has not rendered the final step of creating the Ghosans. But they are still formidable. In addition, Kyle has three magic generators to the east of his fortress that provide them with invulnerability to magic. If you have armies up there trying to fend off their attacks, deactivating those generators would greatly help. Agreed. I will do so, you reply, But a more pressing problem is how do we get out of here? You explain to the druids about Elfrendril and how it would make quick work of those proto-THUNKs. Not to mention, I don't want to spend eternity down here. Right, the druids reply. Well, we have a magic portal leading to our abbey just to the east of here, but it is blocked by fallen rocks. If we had a creature strong enough to move them, we could get out of here. Sorry, you reply, All my men are human. Kyle employed several giants in the tunnel to the north. Did you check there? Yes, the tunnel is blocked. Hmmm, the druid says. There is another entrance to that cave, but it is through one of the THUNK factories. Perhaps we could have one of your generals above bring one of them to us. How will you do that? you ask. Leave that to us, the druid replies. We can still communicate with those above. You concentrate on the magic generators to the east. We need to keep your generals alive if they're to be of help, and they won't last long against those THUNKs without magic to assist them. You can recruit from our numbers here to help you if you need to. By the way, you ask, thinking they might know, I dearly need to access Kyle's prisons, as my sister was last seen there. With the tunnels collapsed, is there another way there? The druid replies that there is a portal outside of their abbey that leads directly to the canyons by the dungeon entrance, but of course you have to get out of here first to use it.
61, 10 суша
Weaker than Kyle's elite guard, these lesser beings still pack quite a punch and they mean to bar your progress...
12, 35 суша
The door shuts behind you, muffling the laughter of the guards. You stand for a second and shut your eyes, trying to convince yourself that what you're doing is right, trying not to think of what the guards said. How can you live with yourself for leaving your sister here to suffer the depredations of such filthy people? Because you must, you tell yourself, smacking a fist into your hands. It is the only way. You've been given a chance. Don't blow it, stupid. You breathe deeply and then exhale, collecting your thoughts. You'll be back, you promise yourself now for the fiftieth time. And you'll kill anyone who touched her. You inhale and exhale again (it smells of ale) and then open your eyes. It's a dark room, lit only by several untended torches. Some of them have burned out; the rest sputter unhealthily. To your eyes, long bereft of light, however, it seems as bright as a bonfire. Stacked against the rough stone walls (this is clearly a natural cavern) are oak barrels. Whiskey or mead? you wonder. Either way, the thought of drinking something other than putrid water is delightful. How many days had you licked the walls of your cell to soak up every drop of water you could because the guards had forgotten to feed you? Too many. The rest of the room is occupied by piles of all sorts of resources
20, 2 суша
You approach your sister's cell and call out her name softly. To your relief, she is awake and she comes into the scant light. She is badly bruised (you shudder to think what the guards did to her) and as dirty as you are but she is alive. For a moment, you consider going back to George and demanding to know where the key to her cell is. Then you sigh. He's right, and it's good that he hid the key, because you would have thrown sense to the wind and freed her, the consequences be damned. Still, the sense of injustice is not lost on you, as she saved you from certain death back on that river so many months ago, and here you are, about to leave her to the fates. My sister, you croak. The tears are already flowing. If she's surprised you are free of your prison, she does not show it. You do not have to explain, she whispers, reaching out and placing a finger over your lips. I understand. You look into her eyes and you see that she does. So you don't insult her by trying to explain. Instead
22, 5 суша
Row upon row of cells, most of them filled with prisoners. What did these sorry souls do? Are they all falsely accused of crimes like yourself? You promise that you will return and free them.
21, 3 суша
You start down the poorly lit hallway when you catch a cough coming from Catarina's cell. In some ways it'd just be easier to leave, but you'd never be able to live with yourself if you didn't say goodbye.
18, 2 суша
The commotion in the cell to the east, your brother's cell, wakes you up. What is all that noise? The guards coming again to torment you with lewd jokes and cruel laughter? Perhaps they'll beat you again, or worse?
Карты Пророчества
4, 36 суша
You stop to pick up a deck of playing cards on the floor. Perhaps one of the guards dropped them.
6, 10 суша
The guards, seeing a prisoner escaping, attack immediately!
22, 2 суша
You are Corribus Artan, the 17th King of Holbark in the Artan line. You were made king when your father committed suicide approximately three years ago. He had been a strict man with little love in him, yet he was meticulous in your training. As such, you are talented in the arts of war and diplomacy, but suffer from some confidence issues. Still, your heart is pure, and ever since rescuing them from certain starvation by begging the aid of neighboring nations, your people have loved you.
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