Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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War is the statesmans' game, the priests' delight, the lawyers' jest, and the hired assassins trade. - Shelly. The uneasy truce between the Assassin's Guild and the Brothers of Sanctity is about to be shattered by a simple stab in the back.
It is said by wise watermen, the reefs and straits of the great river are haunted by the ghosts of drowned sailors.
Wanderers from the land of Wizards speak of a great sense of power and peace that fell on them as they traveled. They feared nothing and slept the sleep of babes while there.
A wise man told me this war will not end with the death of Edmond. All nations will sing the song of the Blade before peace comes once again.
Day 1
Hidden among the hedges of the courtyard, you think over the days events. Little did you know when you went to meet your purse it would bring you here, lurking outside the Brothers of Sanctitys' keep. There has been an uneasy truce between the Assassin's Guild and these over-zealous Zealots.
Day 1
You wonder for the hundredth time if this is the wisest thing you have ever done. Nonetheless, the risk seems minimal, and the pay good. Besides, this will be your 4th unassisted kill. This one raises you to Journeyman level! No more supervision, no more handing over the coin for your keep.
Day 1
You had recognized Felix the Younger immediately at the inn, and almost turned and left. But your curiosity drew you in. What would a son of the High Zealot, Edmond, need with a hired Blade? He greeted you as an old aquaintence and got right to the point.
Day 1
I wish to hire a Blade. There is one at court who designs my own death. I shall strike first She eyed him warily, a noble kill was good pay. It is my brother, Monroe the Elder. That did it! She rose to leave when he grabbed her arm. Hear me out.
Day 1
There will be no danger, he is easily lured to the courtyard for trysts with wenches. I will make certain there is no guard. The pay is double the price for nobles. Double! That would set her behind for many months to come. Still, being that close to Edmond again gave her pause.
Day 1
After much more talk, the deal was sealed. How would her former betrothed react when his oldest son was found in the garden stuck like a pig? Now she waits among the flowers and herbs for her kill. The moon says the time has past for his coming. Something doesn't feel right.
Day 2
After putting some distance between you and Hallow Hall, you ponder the nights' strange events. Your father betrothed you to the widowed Edmond years ago. When you refused to marry the vile old man, your father, the Duke of Langly Hall, sold you into slavery to the Sisters of Charity.
Day 2
Escaping the brothel soon after, you joined the Thieves Guild and learned the ways of the world. Quite a feat for a pampered Dukes daughter. It was natural to move from thief to assassin, thieves had much shorter life spans, and were highly despised. Assassins were almost revered, and better paid.
Day 4
Tonight under cover of darkness you finally get some answers. Ducina Fiana slips into your tent. My father has long coveted Edmonds lands, Josye, and when you refused his hand, father saw his chance. He sent rumors I was highly desirable and willing. The old fool Edmond fell for it.
Day 4
Now I carry an heir within me, All that had stood between father and the High Zealots lands were Edmonds older sons. Working one against the other was as easy as a few whispers in the dark, I even convinced Edmond they both sought his own death.
Day 4
The plan to put the blame on you was Edmonds, his revenge for your refusal of him. We were never friends El... Josye, but you have aided father and I, and I felt I owed you this. Now Edmond cries out for your head, yours and all the other Assassins. Take what you can and leave our land.
Day 7
You have been trying to block out Fiana's words. A pawn in a game of politics! That is all you were. You hate politics! You hate nobles! Many lives depend on you now to get them to safety, but someday you will return. They will pay for using you in such a way.
Day 9
It began to rain today. Just what you needed. Soggy britches to go with your drooping spirits. The Zealots are probably massing under their fine tents this day. Armor gleaming, swords sharp, and mounts covered in mail. What have you begun?
Camped among the firs tonight, the melancholy lute of a bowman brings back memories of your first kill. Khemi, your friend, was there. As apprentice you were used only as decoy. The purse was a wealthy merchant whose sister had married well beneath herself. Her husband was your kill.
Day 11
Dressed as an easy woman, you lured him to his death. He seemed a gentle man, if unfaithful, that first one. But it has gotten easier, and, a job is just a job. Luckily the rest of your kills have been well deserving the kiss of the blade.
Day 12
A band of dwarves come down from the hills to join you. They tell tales of Edmonds cruelty. Their children vanish, and reappear in Hallow Hall. They are dressed in colorful clothes, and made mockery for the entertainment of drunken knights and clerics. The dwarves bring what little they have.
Day 14
You have learned there is a spy among you! Before you are able to capture him, he makes away with much of your meager supplies. You send a small troop of centaurs after him.
Day 15
The centaurs have finally returned with the spy. He has little left of your supplies, and even less of life, the centaurs have not been easy with him. With his final breath he whispers Edmond has my wife and child, I had to. What manner of fiend battles thus?! With intrigue and evil cunning.
Day 16
Word trickles in from every direction. The Zealots have gone mad! They threaten and taunt their neighbors. What is worse, the madness spreads to other lands. All borders have been closed, and everywhere men march to battle drums.
Day 18
Your scouts reported seeing a huge cloud of dust to your south. The Zealots are fast on your trail. You must hurry to get the children and elderly to the safety of Noose Lodge.
Day 20
The numbers of your little band have swollen as the woodsmen trickle in. Centaur, elf, dwarf, and windriders, all feel the call of the sword. Today you had a grand ceremony. Men fight more valiant under a banner. Each and every one were sworn into the Assassin's Guild.
Day 24
Guildmaster Gregor sends a runner. 'You are summoned to Slayer Manor. Travel north as soon as you have raised and army fit enough to travel through the swamp. Be wary, the Beastmasters have grown strong since our last journey, and the thrum of war drums fills the night air.'
Day 26
Last night you had a dream, or was it a vision? A bright light hovered in the darkness as a voice spoke. We wait among the wizards alps. You heard a flutter of wings, and all was black once again. Whatever it was left you with a great sense of peace.
Day 29
The wordsmith Praed once said, Dame Fortune is a fickle gypsy and always blind, and often tipsy. His words rang true today. The supply wagon overturned as you crossed a narrow ravine, and bales tumbled and split open rolling to the rocky bottom. Much was lost.
Day 29
As your men scrambled to retrieve what they could reach, they stumbled across the opening of a mine shaft. Inside sat a cart full of gleaming yellow just waiting to be taken.
Day 33
The troops sing hearty war ballads as we march northward. Your voice joins with them. What are fancy armor and mumbling monks compared to these great warriors? Born of the forests and rivers, they are an army to be feared!
Day 37
News of your march has reached Edmond. He sends troops to & fro to block passages and close borders. The mighty Zealot may squash the weak. yet cowers at your coming army. You remember words once read. Cowards die many times before their deaths, the valiant never taste of death but once.
Day 42
The Brothers have laid siege to the Barbarian's lands. Edmond has always coveted their mines. You wonder if those in Wolf Run can stand against the battering ram and ballista.
Day 45
In the distance you watched a frantic rider racing towards your camp, a small band of knights close behind. The knights did not see you until it was too late, and were quickly dispatched. As the rider fell from the horse to your feet you gasped. Fiana! One word escapes her lips, Sanctuary.
Day 48
It has been days since Fiana fell in a faint at your feet. She has not recovered well, and the most you have gotten from her are the same words over and over. 'Mad, he's gone mad... murder... sanctuary... sanctuary' . As much as you despise her, you keep her alive. She may have information.
The light of sanity has finally come to Fiana's eyes. It seems Edmond in his quest for troops and resources took her fathers castle, slaughtering her family. When she dared to strike him, he ordered her execution. She escaped only with the help of her serving maids.
Day 52
Fiana has been of some help to you, at least. Edmond has sealed off every entry, but with help, she managed to open the portal that stands Northeast of Garrote in the forests. After getting all you could from her you send her back to Slayer. May Gregor find a fitting punishment for her.
Day 59
The spies have told the truth. There is hostility everywhere we turn. Neighbor has turned against neighbor. The Zealots madness has infected even those sworn to peace. You send a hurried message to Guildmaster Gregor.
Day 60
Word has reached you of Fiana. She never made it to Slayer Manor. Choosing the quicker river route, her boat capsized in rough weather. The guards tried in vain to save her as the volumes of cloth in her garments pulled her down. You feel only relief you dress in leggings and tunic.
Day 64
You sit and read the reply from Gregor over again. We are the Masters of the Blade. We must cut this disease from our lands. Let none live on in hatred and distrust. From Death we shall bring forth new Life pure and innocent.
Day 64
In other words, Kill them all! Well, it is what you do for a living, isn't it? The difference is that today the 'kill' is clad in battle armor, and your 'purse' is a multitude of innocents caught in the middle.
Day 72
For days now the ground has shook beneath your feet. One who knows says it is the earth dwellers preparing for war. As if there are not enough enemies to contend with!
Day 76
The skills you learned as a thief paid off today. You came across a supply house hidden among the hills. The sign read, Brother's of Sanctity - Death to Trespassers! You smiled as the locks fell away one by one.
Day 82
You grow weary of war. But the weariness makes you even more fierce. You know there will be no rest until this war is over. In every battle your blade moves faster, it hacks and slices any who draw close. Your army rolls across the land like a great wave, leaving only the silence of corpses behind.
Day 85
Just when you think you have seen it all, something happens to prove you wrong. Today as your spirits seemed lower than ever, the most wonderful thing happened. The dwarves came marching from their tents singing at the top of their lungs!
Day 85
O death where is thy sting-a-ling-a-ling, O Grave thy victory? The bells of Hell go ting-a-ling-a-ling, For you but not for me. After that, you vowed to lead them as a conqueror should, and bring them back alive. Every off key one of them!
97, 60 подземелье
Hallow Hall
81, 103 подземелье
Wolf Run
71, 50 подземелье
Down from the hills
Clans from the farthest reaches have heard the battle cry and come to defend Garotte. Their bravery touches you. May the spirits of the forests protect them.
4, 85 подземелье
Noose Lodge
6, 5 подземелье
Slayer Manor
Mage guild
The seers have come together for the war effort. They have to build a bigger room to hold all their equipment.
24, 59 подземелье
Mud Flats
97, 61 подземелье
76, 91 подземелье
98, 5 подземелье
White Cragg
7, 8 подземелье
This was not the greeting you had expected! Gregor tells you that much double dealing and treachery has come from the hated truce with the Brothers. Many had waited and hoped for a reason to declare war once again on the self-righteous asses. The ruse played on Josye was a welcome excuse for war.
6, 7 подземелье
As you near the Manor, several beaming guildsmen step out with arms laden with gifts. You have broken the peace, and we salute you. Now you may do us the honor of leading us into battle. Refresh yourself, then visit the spy camp to the northeast to plan your invasion.
6, 6 подземелье
Take these Holy items for the priests to bless. The blade will strike fear, for your army will do double damage. The ring brings life to your troops by sapping the strength of your foe. The cloak will hide your army from spying eyes. The boots give such speed, your enemies are but snails.
8, 9 подземелье
As you approach Slayer Manor, Guildmaster Gregor comes out to greet you warmly. Welcome! I see you have stirred up the hornets nest this time. I hear the Zealots have their cowls all in a bunch over the deaths of Edmonds' 2 worthless offspring.
71, 51 подземелье
As you reach the outpost a frantic mother runs into your arms. Her youngest daughter is lost in the forests to the east. Your instructions were to leave in haste, but can you abandon this child?
60, 41 подземелье
Before entering the portal you check to make sure all are accounted for. This is a one way ticket home. Gazing back at the outpost that had become your home, you curse the treachery of the nobles. You vow to return someday and reclaim what you have been forced to leave behind.
19, 87 подземелье
You are curious how things fair on the eastern continent, and pay a hefty fee for the village seer to do some scrying spying.
35, 95 подземелье
The sound of battle training comes over the hedges. The clash of steel against steel in the morning hours is comforting. A long hard journey lies ahead. It is good the Assassins prepare, the Zealots will not be an easy foe.
Бездонный сосуд ртути
54, 106 подземелье
So you wish to take our mercury do you? Over our dead bodies! Fight for the mercury? Yes/No
94, 66 подземелье
Capt Edric
94, 65 подземелье
Standing over the body of the young captain your heart is racing. What treachery have you walked into? For a second time another familiar voice breaks into your shock. Well done Eleanora. Looking up you see Ducina Fiana, Edmonds new bride. Eleanora died when her father sold her into slavery.
73, 4 подземелье
It is time to call Edmond to account, 'The ultimate result of shielding men from their follies is to fill the world with fools'-H Spencer There are far too many fools as it is, and others learn from his bad example.
77, 4 подземелье
It is well known, 'The fates lead the willing, and drag the unwilling.'-Seneca We shall go with you willingly. Your troops spirits rise with each encounter. The dark days ahead will shine brighter with these powerful allies.
93, 67 подземелье
My poor weak undeserving sons. It seems they have fallen to an assassin's blade. Much like that dripping red in your hand. Luckily my captain here came upon her in the act and slew her before she escaped. With that he turned away as a grim young man stepped forward sword drawn.
94, 64 подземелье
I am Josye, soon to be Journeyman Assassin. What goes on here Ducina? There is little time to explain, my husband looks there from the balcony to see what keeps his captain. Here is payment promised by Felix, and some extra for your trouble. Now flee before the alarm sounds.
85, 66 подземелье
A message comes from the Guildmaster. War has been declared! We hear rumors this is your doing? Garrote cannot stand against an army. Evacuate the outpost quickly and return to Noose Lodge. Gregor
65, 26 подземелье
Ahead you can see the gate to your old outpost Garrote! Many of the forest folk have come to take refuge in the mountains. Their camps dot the countryside as they await the outcome of the war. If Edmond is successful, you realize more than your own people will suffer.
76, 9 подземелье
Stepping into the mountain haven, you see many majestic winged men. Could these be the ones Falcor claimed were willing to join your cause? The winds from the cliffs riffle the pages of many leather-bound books laying on tables and gathered on shelves. You approach with trepidation.
1, 2 подземелье
He may already have breached this portal and expanded to the wizards mt. stronghold. The underground tunnel leads to our training ground which has been cut off since the war began. We have just now reached the other side & have no way of knowing if the camp still stands. Choose wisely.
1, 4 подземелье
The portal sends you to the wizards mts, where you will have to battle through them to reach your goal. Secreted somewhere is rumored to be mighty warriors sympathetic to our cause. The only drawback is the way out is through the barbarian lands. Edmond is reported to be taking their city.
1, 8 подземелье
Coming into the spy camp, Falcor, the captain, greets you. Hail my warrior friend! We thank you for this war. My men were growing large bottoms and cobwebs. Walk with me, and I will give you the lay of the land.
1, 6 подземелье
There are 3 passages to the Brothers keep. One by sea, one by portal, one by underground tunnel. By sea, the only landing is on Edmonds lands and only an army horde would succeed this way. The other 2 paths, though slower, may offer additions to your troops.
26, 60 подземелье
Mud Flats - Come on in! The critters are hungry!
Неиссякаемое кольцо серы
66, 59 подземелье
Sulfur is too precious to give away my friend. Take it from us if you dare! Fight for the sulfur? Yes/No
94, 37 подземелье
This is the portal to Edmonds lands. You thank the wisdom of the Guildmaster for having a lock put upon the gate years ago.
14, 22 подземелье
Well, here you are at last, Slayer! Your knees feel a little wobbly. You have wondered often over the past weeks what your punishment will be for the fouled kill in Edmond's back yard. Your hopes of Journeyman seem all but a dream now. You hope Gregor will be swift and merciful.
92, 69 подземелье
Ah, Ducina Eleanora, nice of you to finally join us. You whirl to find Edmond, Master Zealot, and father to the 2 lifeless bodies before you. Josye! I am Eleanora no longer, you do well to remember that Edmond. What evil have you begun this time?
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The dagger! Pulling it from the corpse you see it is the duplicate of the one in your sleeve harness. Someone managed to get it from the tinker who was to mend it for you.
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Your unease draws you from your perch. Rounding the hedge, you stop short. Barely breathing you stare at the bloody carnage before you.
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Edging closer you see your kill, Monroe draped across a garden bench. His throat gapes dark, blood turning ebony in the moonlight. At the foot of the bench lies what used to be your purse, Felix, or what is left of him. Protruding from his mangled corpse is the hilt of a dagger.
100, 35 подземелье
You have found the missing child! Her father, the head groom, speaks his special magic to your horse.
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Langly Hall
10, 8 подземелье
Waiting at the entrance to the meadow are several majestic unicorns. We hear you are taking an army to invade across the water. Surely you wouldn't leave without us would you?
15, 19 подземелье
Slayer Manor - 'At the door of life, at the gate of breath, there are more things waiting for men than death'. Swinburne
63, 41 подземелье
As you scout out the area around the portal to make sure it is safe for your charges, a whisper draws you to a hut among the trees.
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Unlike our cousins, we abhor war. Leave us to graze among the pines in peace, or feel the prick of our horns!
101, 37 подземелье
Those timber wolves ahead seem to have found a meal. They look hungry, and mean. Then again, you have always hated wolves.
104, 46 подземелье
Hey! Over here! We were coming to join you when we stumbled across this abandoned mining camp. Looks like the timberwolves may have scared off the miners. What a lucky day! Battle & Gold, who could ask for more?
99, 47 подземелье
No wonder the child lost her way. This forest is a maze. There is howling in the distance. The centaurs look uneasy at one another. Wolves are a centaurs worst nightmare.
Гончая ада
105, 37 подземелье
Centaurs! Why don't you join us for lunch. We haven't quite finished our breakfast in the pen, but they aren't going anywhere.
105, 35 подземелье
Thank you! The wolves ambushed us as we slept. We have secreted our families in the mountains and are ready to go to battle for our land. Will you have us?
91, 53 подземелье
The assassin! We will bring your head to Edmond on a pike!
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All forest folk are to be brought to Hallow Hall to the inquisitors. Lay down your weapons, and they may show mercy. Resist, and the pain will go with you to your grave!
97, 45 подземелье
We are Edmond's eyes. We fly now to tell him where and how many you are. You dare not stop us earthbound insects!
30, 44 подземелье
Gazing out over the graveyard, you feel a shiver run down your spine. Bleached bones litter the ground along side broken caskets. This must have been a feast for the bugs and lizards. With the swamp city razed, the dead can now truly rest in peace.
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The mouth of the tunnel gapes open, and the dwarves seem eager to descend. The rest are a little skittish, used to the open sky and fresh air.
32, 6 подземелье
You have been through a portal often enough, but usually you know where you are going to land. This one leads to the unknown. Are you ready to face the wizards? You dread the gargoyles should you meet any. Flying rats, they are, and smelly.
31, 12 подземелье
As you activate the lighthouse for your journey, the light keeper offers a gift to speed you on your way. 'I left it just over there for you.' He says pointing. 'You will have the most difficult time of all. Best not let Edmond steal your boat', and he hands you a magic tome.
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Here at last is Hallow Hall! There across the garden wall you see where this all began. Treachery and deceit, the Brothers keep reeks with the smell of them. In those wretched hallways, the cries of the innocent echo. The rage of vengeance courses through your veins. Ride on!
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The battle with the wizards took all the spell power you had managed to save up. Stepping into the valley, it is suddenly bright with twinkling lights. It's as if the stars have come down to aid you! Your new friends just smile and nod. There is an awesome power surging through you.
14, 21 подземелье
Well, nothing to do but get it over with. You spur your mount on to the Manor.
77, 7 подземелье
We have watched all that has happened from our mt. Edmond's crimes have not gone unnoticed. 'It is a sin to believe evil of others, but is seldom a mistake.'-Mencken We 3 will go with you. Fear not to disturb the others.
79, 6 подземелье
One mighty warrior leans down to the smallest of your band and quotes, The Dwarf sees farther than the Giant, when he has the Giants shoulders to mount on.-Coleridge His gentle manner gives no offense, and your short ones clasp the huge hands in friendship.
Щит королей гномов
99, 35 подземелье
The dwarves al begin to speak at once. 'The shield!..thought it was lost for good...wolves must have stolen it...the shield of the Dwarven king... hewn of a magical yew tree...a good sign'
38, 15 подземелье
You are hailed by a damaged schooner passing into port. Beware the straits! We left buoy markers as a guide through the rocks.
47, 61 подземелье
The pass looked safe enough, and you try to cut some time from the voyage. You hear a scrape, then a grinding noise. The rocks have torn a hole in the hull! Repairs are costly.
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Looking for a quicker way to your destination, you forego the warning to follow the buoys. Suddenly the water foams about you, and sea creatures swarm the deck.
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The sound of a harp in the distance draws your men from their posts. Sirens! Steeling yourself and steering the ship away with all your might, you escape. The men, ashamed and afraid, shiver to think what might have been their fate.
45, 69 подземелье
Hulks of smashed ships do not bode well for this passage. The sky darkens, and suddenly you realize it is a host of dead sailors come to pay respects!
38, 72 подземелье
Ahead you see the last buoy! Glad to be through the cursed cliffs, the men wipe their brows and finally relax.
60, 4 подземелье
The camp lays before you, seemingly deserted. Does anyone remain? The windows glow faintly, and smoke curls from several chimneys. In the meadows can be heard the whinny and rustle of hoofed feet. There be help ahead!
Серебряный пегас
59, 19 подземелье
Hail! We were to bring the Idol of Legion to Slayer Manor, when we were caught in an updraft from the mountains. The idol slipped our ropes and dashed to pieces on the ground. All we were able to find was the loins, but are sure the rest is lying about here somewhere.
Дендроид страж
24, 103 подземелье
The Garden of Wisdom can only be entered by a test of wills. We are slow but mighty. Can you prevail against the Forest Folk?
88, 74 подземелье
An ambush! From the hedges spring a troop of Royal Guards!
18, 98 подземелье
70, 90 суша
Burrow Deep
6, 59 суша
98, 98 суша
Ah yes, the road to Burrows Deep. The musty air settles on you like a cloak. A dank, damp cloak. You are going to have to check your packs for mildew when you reach fresh air again.
34, 82 суша
It looks as if the caverns have erupted once again blocking the way to Edmonds lands. There will be no sneak attack this way!
39, 77 суша
Bridge Out!!
40, 4 суша
Looks like the tunneling crew has stirred up the natives! Portals make you nervous, and boats make you seasick, so , tunnel it is. They will just have to make way, Assassins coming through!
3, 98 суша
This is the road to the Demonics hold, Char. Soot flies through the air from the smoking pit. The centaurs, always quick witted, aptly name it Ash Hole. That gets a nervous laugh from all. The place gives your troops the willies. It gives you the willies, too.
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