Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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New World Computing
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Three factions, completely sequestered except for two lakes, the Swamp Trail, and a hellish assortment of liths. The only things that's kept these countries out of war is the fact that they have been separate for centuries. But not for long....
I hear the that there were three ancient portals, one for each land.
Rumor 2
Some of the great ancient citadels of our ancestors were lost when the portals were forgotten. You may find them again if you use the portals!
Rumor 3
I hear that there were actually six portals, the three for the three nations, and three that connected the ancient castles with the underground caves. The latter are supposedly two way!
Rumor 4
Some say that a cave lies at the bottom of the whirlpool.
Title Event
A Separate Peace v1.0 By Timothy Duncan
Descriptive Event
Three nations, three rulers, one land. The only thing keeping the angry tension between the three nations of this land from escalating beyond cowardly scare tactics and petty name calling has been the rather fortuitous existance of natural barriers.
2nd Descriptive Event
But no more. For some of your trusted men have unearthed an ancient magical portal that connecedt your country to the other two back when the three nations were at peace. Nobody is sure where the portal will take you, but your scholars are fairly certain it will lead, indirectly, to your enemy.
3rd descriptive event.
Quietly, you issue orders for your generals to prepare your army. You will have to reassert your military dominance over the locals of the area. Brutality may be necessary. The separate peace is about to crumble, and desperate times call for desperate measures.
Event day 27
One of your advisors, a twisted old root of a man with a knack for seeing into the future, warns that in exactly two weeks time, dire misfortune will befall your nation's economic security. You make a mental note.
Event day 41
Disaster strikes your treasury when a stray bolt of lightning fries open the front gate. Looters were quick to take advantage of your wrecked security.
15, 19 суша
The ancient citadel, Morath! This place has been lost for centuries. It will be of great use to you in the coming months.
32, 59 суша
The ancient stronghold of Barboan! It has been lost for centuries, but should prove very useful in the coming battles.
58, 18 суша
The ancient castle Darktooth. Nobody has been here for more than two hundred years! What treasures will you find within?
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