Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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You are merrily participating in your favorite pasttime of wenching and drinking. Unfortunately this happy state of affairs is disrupted as a messenger from the Capitol brings grave news of your parents. It is up to you to restore order by conquering the underworld and capturing Chateau Douleur.
There is a legend that angels exist in a magical place and wait for a mighty warrior to lead them.
Training Ground
An excellent training ground is said to lay in a dusty place far to the South.
They say there is several Magi in a frozed wasteland who offer their services to those who ask.
The party continues.
The Festival of the Favored Son begins today. The townsfolk are gearing up for a week of wine, women and jousting. You grin, polish your sword, and smack your lips as you contemplate being the guest of honor.
Messenger interuppts festival
A messenger bearing grave news begs admittance to your presence. It's only day 2 of the festival and you aren't too happy to be interuppted and send him away.
Messenger waylays
Later that evening just before dawn the messenger waylays you while you are on the way upstairs with a lusty wench. He begs you to listen for he has news of your parents. Shocked you drop the wench, grab the hapless messenger by the throat and demand why he didn't say something sooner! The fellow swoons and bounces off the floor.
bad news
With a few buckets of water and several stiches to his head, you finally get the messenger to revive. He carrys a grave tale of your fathers death and your mother's abduction by Lord Dread. He claims the Capitol is lost, all are dead, and he barely escaped with his life to bring this horrible news. You stumble with shock and quickly call for your advisors.
the Advisors
You want to rush to the underground to save your mother, but your advisors remind you that your life has been spent partying and enjoying the lazy life as a favored son. They feel you are ill prepared to face the devilish horde and must go through rigorous training before attempting this quest. Reluctantly you start building your forces and gathering supplies from the townsfolk.
Four Keys
While lifting weights and sweating profusely, your advisors approach you and bear news that you must first obtain 4 keys before you can venture in the underground lairs. You are absolutely furious. Why didn't these imbeciles mention this fact earlier, now you must set out immediately to locate the keys scattered across your country. With a pout you dump the weights on the closest one's foot and stalk off to round up the troops. A nice satisfying scream follows as you are walking towards your captains.
Titan's Lair
To the east lies a great castle nestled in the snow capped mountains in the Land of Fire and Ice. The Castle of Titans Lair is said to be preparing a mighty army for a chosen warrior. Your advisors encourage you to prepare an army and visit the mages who are said to be friendly there.
Yellow Key
Your advisor from the Southwestern region of the world cautiously approaches you and claims the yellow key may be found in his part of the world. He tentatively suggests carrying extra water and says you should not need extra troops. You roar with laughter and slap him on the back. With a smile you tell him you will need volunteers to carry the water. Sobbing uncontrollably the advisor limps off to pack. It's turning out to be a great day!
Dusty Plains
Some nomads came through the town today and spoke of the Dusty Plains in the Southern Region. They claim that a warrior can receive great training deep in the lands of thirst. Your advisors suggest filling your canteens and heading there quickly. You suggest that if they would like to keep their heads they need to get them out of your face.
Green Key
Your advisor from the Southeast confidently struts up to you and claims the green key may be found deep in his lands. He speaks of snakes and other creepy crawly creatures in the denizens of the swamp. He quickly informs you that due to a skin problem, his doctor forbids him to venture into wet places. He wishes you luck in your quest and turns to leave. You place your hands on his shoulder, flip him around to face you and calmly tell him to bring his doctor with him or the second option is to peel his skin from his worthless frame so it will no longer be an issue. The stunned advisor scampers off and truely wonders which is the better option.
Forbidden Lands
Vaguely you remember your father telling you stories when you were just a lad of a place in the Southeastern region of the world full of swamps and monsters. He called this place the forbidden lands and said only foolish warriors dare to travel through its steamy plains.
Swamp key
While dining on a fine boar steak, one of your cousins says he remembers that your father sent a mage deep in the swamps to hide the swamp key. You ask him why would he do such a thing in the Forbidden Lands. Your cousin replies that your father felt this was the safest way to protect the entrance to the damned lands. You sigh heavily as you realize there is no choice but to go forth and find that key. Your mother needs you and you will not fail her....... Again.
White Key
Your advisor from the North Eastern region claims that the white key may be found in his refreshing lands. He pats you on the back, and tells you to dress warmly. You in turn bounce him off the wall, and tell him to get his own coat because he'll be joining you.
Great Weapons
Deep in the frosty mountains in the land of Fire and Ice, the traveling bards say there are tales of weapons with great power in the snowy banks.
Black Key
Your advisor from the Eastern Region of the world claims he has seen the black key in his area. He says it won't be easy to get and you might want to take an extra man or two. You grin, and tell him to pack his bags since he just volunteered.
Rust Dragons
The Land of Fire and Ice is a land in deep contrast. The seers say a willing warrior and a powerful army can obtain a mighty ally by traveling the path of fire and subduing the monsters of flame.
Frustration is setting in, your are tired of the snickers from those around you and whisperings that if you had been a bit less lazy you would already be prepared and could have headed to the underground already. You immediately draft the pesky folks into your armies ranks and feel a bit better for it.
Thinking of your mom
You are thinking of your mom and the fact that she has been in Lord Dread's hands for 45 days. You feel the need to hurry and squeeze some more recources out of your townsfolk.
A memorial for your dad
In shock you suddenly realize that no memorial has been erected for your father. You immediately send funds and commission a skilled artisan to begin a statue worthy of such a noble man.
More funds for statue
The artisan says the work is almost complete for the statue but he needs more supplies.
Statue completed.
Messengers bring news that the memorial for your father is complete. You send the artisan a bonus for his efforts. Idly you just hope you leave to see the result of his work.
4 months mom has been gone
You are bone tired from this quest. Your bones ache, your feet hurt and not a single decent meal has past your lips since this nightmare began. As bad as you have it though, you know your mom has it much worst. You must get to her. The advisors see your concern and they look at each other as they see evidence that the favored son is finally becoming a caring warrior. There may be hope for the heir yet.
64, 7 подземелье
Castille Glace
A Clan of titans
More kinfolk of the resident Titans have come to join the party
Меч правосудия
56, 0 подземелье
Many warriors have died and gave of their strength to forge this mighty sword. You must prove yourself to us before you will be allowed the honor of carrying it.
Щит львиной храбрости
60, 20 подземелье
A warrior of great courage created this sheild and through the years has only allowed his ancestors to bear it. His ghost has decreed that if you can prove your worth, then it may be used in your quest.
Корона дракона
71, 4 подземелье
This crown goes only to the warrior with the strength to carry it, the wisdom to use it and the knowledge to understand it. Come forth and be tested!
71, 5 подземелье
This crown belonged to your mothers people with the promise that the won who wore it proved worthy to have this precious relic.
57, 1 подземелье
Your father entrusted the guardianship of the sword of judgement to me many years ago with hope that one day you would prove warrior enough to weild it.
61, 20 подземелье
This shield has been in your family for many generations. It awaits the warrior with enough courage to take it.
71, 21 подземелье
The land of fire water is not for the faint of heart. Your lazy days of wenching and drinking does not prepare you for the trials within!
68, 28 подземелье
Catch these if you can grass dweller!
66, 32 подземелье
Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrf, bones to chew!
63, 39 подземелье
No stupid mortal, we do not grant wishes, we make nightmares come true!
69, 42 подземелье
My pretty pets are not for the likes of you, come get them if you dare!
Владыка бездны
66, 45 подземелье
Come closer dragon bait and I'll let you feel the wrath of my whip!
71, 18 подземелье
Ah my friend, I'm not sure you are ready for the trials ahead. The mighty rust dragons can give you a great advantage but they will not be easy to persuade. Many unwary travelers have been lost in the land of fire but if you wish to continue, I will go with you.
63, 45 подземелье
The stench is almost unbearable and the smoke obscures your view. The troops are nervous as they hear the flapping of wings get nearer and nearer.
54, 14 подземелье
This land seems so quiet, and yet it also seems to have a great sense of anticipation. You cautiously continue on your way.
29, 33 подземелье
40, 9 подземелье
I don't know how these demons managed to get into our frozen lands. The gate protecting our fair land must have been breached. If you can convince them to give up their cape, it can lend a definite advantage in the trials ahead.
Накидка скорости
41, 9 подземелье
Warrior, you can't move quickly enough to get away from us. Prepare to speedily go to your doom!
63, 65 подземелье
Welcome son, you have much of the look of your dad. It seems you also have his courage, for it was he who personally brought me here many years ago. I have no use for coin, maybe this will help in your noble efforts.
44, 47 подземелье
The air is heavy. Creatures slither in the shadows and you wonder how your father got the strength to roam this savage land. With much muttering and complaining your troops inch forward.
51, 55 подземелье
As you go deeper into the swamps you heart your troops are disheartened but you trudge on forward.
62, 65 подземелье
Ambush! Your tired warriors prepare to defend theirselves.
5, 4 подземелье
5, 5 подземелье
Sir Reginald
Sir Reginald is the spoiled son of Lady Grace and Lord Fairchild. He is a handsome fellow with a knack with the ladies, but little else to recommend him.
66, 4 суша
Chateau Flamme
65, 55 суша
Welcome brave warrior, I was your father's guardian angel. He asked that I tell you how very proud he is of his only son. He watches you from above and sends his wings to aid you in your quest. If you like I will join you on your journey and aid you as best as I can.
Страж задания
24, 30 суша
The wizard agrees to let you by in exchange for the Breastplate of Brimstone. He also tells of a place of peace up ahead where a weary warrior can rest without worry. Do wish to pass at this time?
48, 68 суша
Рыцарь Смерти
48, 69 суша
Lord Dread
Lord Dread rules the underworld and strives for the day when he can rule upper reaches too.
41, 69 суша
Your blood is pounding. In the distance you see the House of Pain and vow this day it falls!
47, 70 суша
Now it is not a question of faith, it is a matter of Honor. The dead must be avenged, your mom must be saved! 5 angels are moved by your conviction and offer to join you.
Рыцарь Смерти
5, 7 суша
Lady Dread
66, 5 суша
Prisoners claim that the Lady Grace is not being held here, but what little information they give is not enough. You must take the castle and squeeze the resident fiends for more information.
24, 29 суша
The quest wizard claims that a beautiful lady, who could very well be the Lady Grace was brought through here as a prisoner. Seeing the concern on your face, he quickly assures you that the lady appeared to be in good health at the time.
32, 18 суша
You can see the morale of the troops lift and they approach this peaceful setting. You decide to spend a day or 2 resting the weary army before traveling the hellish lands soon to come. You can feel your mothers tears even from here. Your tortured soul receives some comfort from the fact that the end of this journey appears to be getting closer. .
12, 58 суша
You have lost some good troops along the way, but you have no choice but to continue. Maybe by restoring peace to this devastated land it can once again become a place of hope and beauty. Maybe through your efforts you can become the son of which a father could be proud.
23, 65 суша
Your father's ghost appears suddenly in front of you. I'm so very proud of you son and know that you will do well in the coming battle. If you find that more troops are needed there is a portal close to here that will allow you to return to your castle and replenish your troops. Give your mom my love and you take care of her. Rule well son. Rule with honor!
32, 17 суша
At last our long wait has been rewarded. A mighty warrior who dares to end the tyranny of Lord Dread. May we join you in your quest?
42, 23 суша
This place reeks of evil. The thought of your mom being here is to horrible to contemplate. You must find and save her before it is too late.
63, 52 суша
You see an angel who seems to be patiently waiting for someone. Could this majestic messenger actually be waiting for you.
25, 2 суша
We admire your spirit and wish to join your ranks.
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