Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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Each side has its own storyline. Choose one and fight for this remote corner of Antagarich. Note: All heroes have been set up so as to be able to exploit their specialties at full capacity - dream heroes :) The map probably works best in Multiplayer, but can also be played as Single.
You have been sent by the Mage Guild to investigate why nothing have been heard from this area in months. The once human genie, Fafner, was left in charge here. Not the first choice you would have thought of, considering the blue one's history. One that have proved such a lust for life as to force a bottled genie into giving him immortality, shouldn't be trusted to take care of the Guild's bussiness anywhere - that is if he should be trusted at all. And not to mention that there is quite an important nest of necromancers in this area as well. Anyway, your first day here was more than relevant. The place is a total mess. No working mines, no garrison, no golem facilities, no nothing. Bah! Fafner... HE should be bottled for an eternity, like that poor genie he thought he tricked.
Gundula intro
There were times when your only purpose in life was to die a honorable death in battle, like a true barbarian. Sometimes you dreamt that Boragus would be there to watch. It never happened. What happened was that everyone at Boragus' court started to fear you, including the Duke. Shunned by all, you received fewer and fewer battle calls. Until you decided to settle on this small island of refugees, occasionally preying on the passing by trade ships. Gundula, the pirate, you smile remembering all the Regnan heads that you bashed in the past. Oh, and speaking of Regna... Yesterday, one of your scout ships spotted Sylvia's banner on the open seas. She used to be Regnan that's for sure, but then you heard that she gave up the pirate life to enroll in the Erathian Coastal Guard. What would she be doing here? In any case you are anything but prepared to battle such a foe. No one cared about the possible pirate activity in this area yet. The seas are stormy and trade is scarce. And also you never exaggerated with the attacks. So this is not really a fully operational base. Well, perhaps is time to remember your old outstanding military record. Hmmm... let's see. First you need some working mines. Good thing some ogre magi set up a Casting Guild a while ago (you always thought that a battle mage is superior to any barbarian, even to that fierce human, Crag Hack). Now the tavern could be a problem. No one can wage a good war without a good tavern. And that thing outside can barely be called a tavern. You give some goblins one of your old ale recipes and order them to start brewing. Supposedly you will do all right without a tavern for a few weeks...
Orrin/Sorsha intro
I don't care if you two don't get along well, you are both capable troop leaders and your only thought should be to take care of that undead infestation at the Netherwatch Monasteries! said the General Commander prior to sending you two in the middle of nowhere. There isn't too much here: a fort and a couple of monasteries and lots of Netherworld stories among the peasantry. What could be so startling about a few zombies running around the graveyards? The Zealots could be fierce warriors when they want. But then what you saw here explained the Commander's fears. Infestation... indeed, not since the Deyjan invasion of Erathia you heard of something like this. Death magic surrounds you and the nights are filled with wraiths howling as ages and ages of past life are turning back to haunt the present. This is war. A few months ago you called for the help of the Mage Guild and you found out that an Alchemist named Fafner was operating in the area. So you invited him here to set up golem guards everywhere. He came, demanded a rather large payment (Wizards! When the earth cries in anger they want payment!) and did what he did. Nothing right, that is. You see no golems and what's worse is that your last refuge was attacked last night. You managed to survive and even to hold off the attack, but what is enough is enough. Time to make a stand.
Thorgrim/Mephala intro
You have lived for many years in this Ever-Autumn Forest and you even started to like the surroundings, despite the fact that it breaks your heart everytime you see how the magic of the trees is struggling to resist the foul death stench from across the bay. Now those Necromancers have been here since a long time and the forest was not affected by them as it is now. Something must be brewing there... Oh, and now this: Kreegans in this part of the world! It is true that the efreet ravaging the countryside in the south didn't appear to be perfectly sane (if that can be said about any of those demons) but how did he arrive here? There isn't here any Kreegan colony that you would know of and also no volcanoes were reported to rise up from nowhere - as it always happens when the Kreegans arrive somewhere. One good news is that Mephala, the famous human ranger of Av'Lee have just arrived at the southwest docks. Though she bears no news about the humans of Netherwatch Monasteries - if there is anyone who would know something more about the undead activity here, that would be them. Well, at least for now you have nothing else to do then, but to keep working your magic on the forest, while Mephala takes care of that efreet menace. Yet is becoming harder and harder each day.
Tazar intro
You just received a letter from an ogre named Dessa. Me set up big Stronghold here. Me strong and brave. Know magic of the puny wizards. Now new humans build armies at the monasteries. You both weak. Me protect you. Eat humans and their armies. You pay protector for gerenosity. Maneater Dessa Why, that smelly, hairy piece of... Gerenosity? Hah! Well, at least he knows how to write. Must be one of them battle mages. In any case there really wasn't the right time for this. You still haven't received the necessary troops for properly securing this area.. Yet your name is Tazar. The one and only Tazar, the pride of Tatalia, THE Hero... No stupid ogre warchief has ever broken your defenses and you plan for things to stay this way. You clench your fists in anger. Protection!? A smelly ogre wants to PROTECT me? ME?
Malekith intro
You just received a letter from an ogre named Dessa. Me set up big Stronghold here. Me strong and brave. Know magic of the puny wizards. Now new humans build armies at the monasteries. You both weak. Me protect you. Eat humans and their armies. You pay protector for gerenosity. Maneater Dessa You stare in shock and awe and the piece of leather in your hands. Like you would have been struck by lightning or something. You open your mouth, yet no words come out anymore, just a long and loud and angry bellow. Fiery breath comes out of your nostrils yet you manage to calm yourself a little bit as you tear down the goblin courier piece by piece. You once heard that one of the Dragon Fathers lived in this area and that's why you are here. It is said that by wearing the symbols of his power one can become nearly invincible. Just what you need for being recognized as the uncontested Lord of Nighon. But now this... Well, perhaps it wouldn't hurt to take over a surface area too, while you're searching for the fabled artifact. And what did that puny ogre meant by you both weak? What both? Is there someone else digging here? Is true that your troglodytes reported a while ago an underground river to the north and they also spotted some beholders on the other side. Ajit? That human won't pose you any problems. If it's him digging there, that is. It doesn't matter. Time to show everyone here who Malekith really is.
Tazar - final info
And what did he mean by both? Who else is in this area? You remember that your scouts have reported a cave entrance to the north west. Overlords? Here? nah, it couldn't be... In any case you've already dispatched Gerwulf to work on a secret, devious defensive plan - indeed worthy of the name Tazar. Let them come, whoever they are... And you might also want to try reaching that island which is supposed to be a bit east of here. They say that the sea witch, Voy, leaves there nowadays...
Gundula - msg sent
You have spotted some barbarian heroes to the north a while ago. Some allies would definitely turn the tide in your favor. You send some goblins to dig into this matter.
Malekith - msg Gundula
A bunch of goblins have been caught nosing around the western tunnels. At first you thought they are employed by Dessa, but upon a closer inspection you find out that they were carrying the message of a more distant barbarian. One named Gundula, who thinks is a pirate, of some sort. The goblins said that they were sent to look for allies. Right... a large grin covers your face and you stop just in time to avoid burning the last goblins. Pity, that fireball looked pretty nice, but you had anything else in mind: You go back and tell your pirate master this: You don't need to look for allies anymore. You just sit tight and I'll conquer the world for you. The goblins scatter and you think that perhaps it would have been better to just burn them. They did mentioned a portal to the west though...
Gundula - msg received
The goblins that you've sent a while ago to contact the northern barbarians have returned today. Fewer than they were, dirty, tired and scared. They didn't find any barbarians, instead they found a strange gate and an angry minotaur behind it. They said that the angry minotaur spared their lives so that they can send you this message: You don't need to look for allies anymore. You just sit tight and I'll conquer the world for you. The goblins said that his name was Malekith.
4, 4 подземелье
Guild Hall
1, 15 подземелье
Каменная горгулья
17, 5 подземелье
Gargoyles are flying aimlessly around this quarry. With a sigh you proceed to take over the operation. The Guild's days are surely numbered if they will continue to trust such counterfeits like that Fafner fellow...
15, 10 подземелье
The gremlins shout all at once
Мастер гремлин
22, 10 подземелье
Get back inside! you shout to the Master Gremlin. I'm sorry master Wizard, I haven't seen you before. Master Fafner ordered some war machinery not too long ago but he never came back for them. Are you here on his behalf? You throw him an angry look. If I hear another word about Fafner I'll exile you in the barbarian lands! Now get back inside!!!
Алмазный голем
25, 16 подземелье
Just another proof of Fafner's incompetence...
13, 18 подземелье
Grrgh! Brrgh! Balalalaaah!!!! shout the trolls. Yeah, that's what I was thinking you say to yourself and proceed to chop off the trolls into tiny little pieces.
Ледяной элементал
12, 17 подземелье
Watching the elementals moving around in the icy river you start imagining how are you going to freeze Fafner and break him into tiny little pieces... That is if you will ever find him. And hey, what's with those Mountain Trolls over there?
4, 14 подземелье
More Mountain Troills... One of them is wearing a Guild necklace, which makes you wonder what kind of a meat they are just eating. Nah, it couldn't be Fafner, it's not blue. But then again...
3, 16 подземелье
So, this is where that petty excuse for an alchemist set up his lab. What a dump! Swarming with flawed golems too. Your head begins to hurt thinking about how long it will take to clean up this mess.
7, 19 подземелье
The nagas shout at you from a distance
7, 21 подземелье
Ogres? Trolls? Rocs? Hmmm... perhaps the Barbarians are no strangers of what is going on here. You should pay them a visit, just in case.
7, 23 подземелье
You see some orcs camped near the garrison. You captain? asks one of the orcs. Noooo, captain no come from there, says another, me think this enemy! Noooo, captain comes, this captain! Shut up stupid! Why we need captain anyway? Me thinks me can be captain. Right, thinking must be really hurtfull for these guys...
22, 5 подземелье
The wind brings a terrible smell down from the north east. You also think you hear some harpies screaming.
11, 10 подземелье
Hey, isn't that Theodorus? Master Wizard, please take us with you, let us bask in your infinite wisdom!...
13, 31 подземелье
13, 57 подземелье
Town Hall
You pay your goblin workers 2500 gold to enlarge the central town building.
A blacksmith would be nice. You always loved the smoke and smell...
City Hall
More additions to the central town building...
Finally, one of the goblins comes to you with a mug full of some questionable liquid. That's the ale? you ask. It must be. Well, since they made it, they should be able to enjoy it too. All right, free rounds for everybody today, we just got ourselves a brand new tavern!
Хижина предсказателя
35, 50 подземелье
If you bring me that hat, that Sylvia was wearing I think I can do a trick or two on it...
19, 55 подземелье
Dirty Roc Inn
11, 64 подземелье
Shipyard off-duty
11, 95 подземелье
23, 67 подземелье
Split Skull
7, 131 подземелье
28, 114 подземелье
Hill Manor
Страж задания
36, 130 подземелье
Now this looks like one of the garrisons that Fafner fellow was supposed to set up. The problem is that the garrison is not where it's supposed to be! Fafner was given specific orders to do something to protect this village from some menacing liches in the north... And another thing, the golems were supposed to let you through! You prepare to file a complaint to the Mage Guild.
15, 121 подземелье
If it weren't for these troubled times you would have thought that these wraiths are the result of the alchemist's experiments. Hmmm... but then again, maybe they are... Nah, let the man be, he always helped you with a potion or two.
23, 130 подземелье
Like the undead weren't enough, now you have to deal with bandits too.
27, 130 подземелье
None shall pass! desperately scream the zealots. Not even you.
17, 120 подземелье
You see the earth cracked open, sulfurous streams coming out... and this band of scared peasants. For our children! For our wives and mothers! Back to the Netherworld, you Knights of Death and Horror! They attack.
10, 112 подземелье
Chaaaarge!!! Great. Berzerked knights. Curse this Vokial and all his foul treachery!
5, 113 подземелье
My Liege, is so good to see you. says the crusaders' captain. We were about to descend in wrath and anger upon these abominations. Come let us smite them back to the wretched hole from which they crept!
12, 119 подземелье
The Netherguard is in great peril, my Liege! Come, let us join the others, there's another squad of crusaders and champions waiting just north of here!
3, 132 подземелье
The champions' encampment is a total mess, my Liege. Something strange happened last night and now they are turning into wraiths. Some of the horses turned foul too, nightmares in their eyes, death in their trail and all...
17, 129 подземелье
Foul horrors creep towards your army. Their moaning and the wicked stench darken your vision and you start thinking that Vokial alone couldn't have caused all these nightmares.
10, 115 подземелье
Хижина предсказателя
104, 33 подземелье
A fine escort of pegasi.
Хижина предсказателя
106, 33 подземелье
Ever seen Unicorns before? These two are not trained for battle but they will serve you just as well.
Хижина предсказателя
108, 34 подземелье
What can be better than a tamed Green Dragon?
103, 34 подземелье
Escorts and Caravans
Страж задания
108, 31 подземелье
The port will stay close unless someone assigns an elven detachment to guard it.
119, 61 подземелье
These are our sacred grounds! Leave now, or face our wrath!
115, 13 подземелье
Eyeless creatures from the deep...
119, 21 подземелье
It's too quiet around here... and you feel some greedy eyes stalking you. Perhaps you shouldn't touch that gold.
118, 0 подземелье
123, 134 подземелье
92, 123 подземелье
66, 85 подземелье
63, 65 подземелье
47, 88 подземелье
58, 105 подземелье
Золотой голем
91, 135 подземелье
Are these golems really guarding something?...
45, 118 подземелье
70, 138 подземелье
47, 45 подземелье
Страж задания
120, 86 подземелье
Bring us a worthy creature of fire.
Страж задания
114, 87 подземелье
Bring us a mighty winged creature.
Страж задания
120, 89 подземелье
Bring us a mighty swamp dragon.
Страж задания
127, 88 подземелье
Bring us a mighty creature from the icy mountains.
Страж задания
46, 29 подземелье
There's a prison to the north. Perhaps you will find Fafner in it.
Лазурный дракон
100, 64 подземелье
How come dragons always fiercely guard all kind of swords, orbs, tomes and rings, is something that you never understood...
Клинок Армагеддона
99, 63 подземелье
The sword seems to emanate wormth, but you notice a small fissure in the blade. Are you sure you should use it?
68, 5 подземелье
By the looks of it, this is the one way portal to the snowlands...
19, 21 подземелье
Now THIS dosn't look good at all.
102, 36 подземелье
Good heavens, Mephala! the townsfolk greet you. We were in dire need of a true hero! There is a mad efreet laying waste to our lands in the east, he keeps saying that he's name is Xyron and that he will burn everything to the ground, and then he laughs like the maniac he is. Foul creature... Look to the north, our welcoming offices will assign a new guard to you. And be careful, Xyron wields fire like you humans wield your swords. Choose your guard wisely.
18, 55 подземелье
This is one ugly tavern. The slime and the smell are unbearable even to a battle hardened ogre, but it'll have to suffice for now. Now where is that bartender? Hmmm... must be in the eastern forest picking up berries for that thing he dares to call booze.
46, 27 подземелье
There you are! Feel comfy enough in your prison Mister Fafner? You know, I would set up a prison for you myself, but you're lucky enough. The Guild wants you for itself... alive and unharmed, so that they can harm you themselves. Do you have a reasonable explanation for all this mess, by the way? Fafner is cowering in the back of his cell. S.. Sir Theodorus... ooh, things must have gone terribly wrong if they sent you mylord... Cut the crap and tell me what happened, you incompetent fool! Uh... I swear I just wanted to set things right, I swear. I mean it was the knights of the Netherwatch Monasteries that first ask for help. They had quite an undead problem there, you know... So I went to help them, set up some golem garrisons... Yeah, I noticed how 'well' do you know to set up a golem garrison... And you call yourself an Alchemist. ...uh... yeah... well, anyway, while I was working on their garrisons I noticed a Kreegan colony to the east, so I went there to investigate. Wait a minute. Who was in charge here while you were working for the knights? Fafner blushes (if that would be a right word for a blue face human). Things were going pretty peaceful here, only some barbarian pirates in the south but they never landed on these shores. And I called for the Erathian Coastal Guard anyway. I guess they've sent Sylvia to hunt them down. But you know, that Kreegan colony really gave me the creeps. I mean they popped out of nowhere, with all their volcano stuff and everything. And there is another one right here, a little bit to the east, but luckily the road to it was flooded. You know, I heard they used some artifact to do all that, 'Armaggedon's Blade' they were calling it. After they've set up their colonies the artifact broke so they dropped it on an island somewhere. That's when I met Crag Hack. You know, when I heard about that supposedly broken sword, I wanted to take a closer look at it. So... I asked him to try and retrieve it for me. Of course, for the right price... You burst into a loud and honest laughrter. You mean you asked Crag Hack to bring you an artifact? You poor thing, it's a wonder you're still alive. All right, I heard enough of this. I'll keep you around until I'll find out what's with that Kreegan problem. What can you do? What skills do you have?... Oh. Oh, no, you're useless. Go now, go and... do something. Anything.
8, 27 подземелье
Well, well, if it isn't that Mister Hack... You wouldn't know anything about a Braccadan envoy named Fafner, now, would you? Crag Hack screams an answer from atop of his stronghold. Puny wizards! I will not go and fetch anymore artifacts for you! You go battle the smelly ones and fetch the artifacts yourself, I am nobody's fool!... And it's CRAG Hack, not Mister Hack!!! Hmmm... who would have thought that the old Sandro affair would still be remembered in the minds of some people? Especially the likes of him.
55, 4 подземелье
25, 113 подземелье
The Ghost Dragon in Vokial's army says everything. He might be an elder vampire but he couldn't have caused all these by himself. He had help. Help from beyond the Dark Border. And you realize that eliminating Vokial won't stop the undead infestation. The corruption runs deeper and you have no other choice than to pass the Dark Border and solve the Necromancer problem in this area once and for all. Most probable the Deyjan Lords will look the other way, but even if they won't, what is enough is enough. If it is to be another Deyjan war, then so be it.
42, 126 подземелье
This must be another stupidity branded Fafner...
Хижина предсказателя
50, 131 подземелье
You see the local Bounty Board. On the top of the list, with a reward surpassing all the others, you see Fafner, the Alchemist.
48, 117 подземелье
To the north and northeast lies the Dark Border. The Necromancers beyond never crossed it since they settled here, after their banishment from Erathia.
41, 139 подземелье
A Kreegan Colony! That volcano in the east wasn't suppose to be here. Actually none of your maps show ANY volcanoes in this part of the world. Good Heavens! What is going on here?
67, 132 подземелье
-----> Tatalian colonies beyond. Visitors are not welcome.
139, 136 подземелье
On this island resides Voy, the fabled Sea Witch of Tatalia. Perhaps you can persuade her guards to grant you an audience...
Алмазный голем
26, 6 суша
There is no spell in the world that would make these golems listen to you. Harpies or wizards seem to be just the same for them. Hey! That sulfur could be useful! It's like talking to the walls.
101, 22 суша
Border Fort
119, 74 суша
116, 108 суша
This mine belongs to Dessa!
122, 107 суша
You pay us, we let you in...
135, 135 суша
Dig and you shall be rewarded
78, 84 суша
What the...? Who put this here and why??? On the side of the teleport you see a small inscription
126, 102 суша
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