Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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Things that are beautiful are often also deceiving. A rose may draw you in but it can also cut you by its thorns. Like a rose, this world in its whole is seductive to the lords it holds yet each of them is a thorn to the other. Will you be the lord able to keep the rose without leting it wound you?
The time of war is drawing near. You can sense it. The lust for battle in your veins give you the ability to predict these events. It's probably all for the best! After all, you were getting a bit bored in your stronghold and your green fellow goblins, orcs and ogres were getting rather agitated. War is good news.
News for the first day.
After holding a meeting with your most trustworthy councilmen, you are informed that the seers of every clan are having visions of bloodshed in your lands caried out by the other races of the world. A dark cloud of lust is poisoning the minds of the lords against each other. This is good news indeed. The beauty of your lands always made you curious what other greatness this world holds. Now you have an excuse to do so.
The rally.
Every creature in this land is willing to test their might, strenght and cunning in your upcoming quests. Expect them to join you on your way.
The promise.
Your father, the king, has died of old age. You are now the ruler of his lands. Lands that seem to have passed through a golden age and into a present state close to ruin with empoverished people. During his last few months he told you stories of how great this kingdom was, of the glory of days past when he ruled over the lands, the seas, and the caves of this world and how good your people were living. His final words were ones of regret that he was not able to hold on to the greatness of past times because of his aging body. You then promised him that you will do your best to take on the world and bring glory to the land and give to the inhabitants of your lands a better life.
The elements.
Nature is restless. The flows of magic are oddly out of line. The waters of the land are boiling, the fires are scorching, the earth is trembling and the winds are hastening. This has been your latest vision you had while meditating in the lands of the sprites. It is not a good one. War is upon you. The time has come for you to bring equilibrium to the elements which are being disturbed just by the doubtful cravings of the rulers of the creatures inhabiting this world.
Death will come to this world. You have been awakend from you slumber. The Lord of Darkness has begun to fuel your broken body with unequaled strenght. You have been chosen as the one to bring the Dark Lord's wishes to pass. You need no motivation, no reason, no prize. You will end all life.
The marshes.
Swamplands have always been avoided by the other creatures of the land for reasons unknown to you. The bog has always been your home. Yet you feel left out from the world and this makes your blood boil. It has come to you, one born from the mire, to make yourself known in this world. The might of your Fortress will become famous.
The swamp creatures.
Your might is known and respected troughout the marshes. The creatures that inhabit the place dread you. They will fearfuly obey your commands. All you need to do is to let them see you.
The wilderness.
The beasts of the wilderness are growing restless. They sense something foul coming. You sense it as well. The best thing you could do is to prepare yourself for the worst.
The creatures of the wild.
Word comes from the centaurs and from the elves that they also share your concern. The best way to confront the coming threat is to be united. It is for this reason that you decide to rally every creature of the wild to your side. It is for the good of all the untamed beings.
The thirst for power.
You are the master of the underground world. The power you hold over the monsters lurking beneath the soil is unchallenged. Yet power is adictive. Your thirst for conquest is begining to grow from a simple sparking tought to a flame engulfing your entire being. You must subdue every living or undead thing, be it on the ground, or beneath it, in the water of in the air. It is with this eagerness that you set out to subjugate the world and it is also the reason for which you will be victourious.
The peace is vanquished.
As a resident of the Tower, you are quite used to living high in the sky, cut off from the rest of the world, with a great collection of books as your sole companion. Nothing else seemed to matter except for the pursuit for knowledge. Yet, this has changed. Thanks to the knowledge acquired in the many long years of study, you have learned how to sense the overall status of the world. So far, things have been quiet, but it seems that you forecast dark times ahead.
Time to prepare.
It appears that you need the help of the magically bound creatures of the tower, you need the help of artificial constructs once more and the old alliances need to be called upon yet again. Be it a titan, a gremlin, a naga or a golem, you need the help of each of them in order to succeed. This is the reason for which you set out into the world now, to gather an army worthy of respect, so that later on you will be able to restore the quiet state of the world so that you may return to your beloved studies once more.
Неисчерпаемая вагонетка руды
111, 98 подземелье
The rocks around the cart come to life. The earth trembles beneath your feet. Suddenly you see yourself before an army of stone beings.
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Water Haven
A gift to you
The inhabitants of water haven have all agreed that you, for being such a great ruler, deserve, as a gift from your people, a beautiful dock built so that you may take on the neverending blue seas.
125, 104 подземелье
As you walk trough the shaprshooters' teritory you stumble upon a beautiful bow.
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Going still down the old sharpshooters' road you stumble yet again upon something, yet it is not a bow but a beautiful string of some sort.
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A sharpshooters emerges from some shrubs near the road. My good fellow, you've managed to best my brothers, you've managed to aquire some of our most precious items as well. We will not let you pass. Yet, if you manage to defeat us, you will recieve our most precious gift. Until then, we fight!
133, 95 подземелье
As you go down the course of this great river the waters seem to boil, swelling, creatures of the sea come to life. They seem to be friendly
91, 78 подземелье
As you step on the cloud that seems to hang lower than your angles vortexes begin to apear. The wind becomes faster. The air seems to take form. A firendly form apparently.
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The land is pulsatin. It emits magical energies. When you step on it begins to sparkle. Magic begins to spread into the air and begins to take form. You feel safe in front of the aparitions.
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News of your endeavours have already gone to the far reaches of this land. Some warriors have decided to join your cause to test their might!
Stronger warriors.
Your fame has caught the attention of some of the stronger creatures of your land. They have come to aid you in your battles!
The strongest creatures.
Some of the strongest creatures of the land have learned of your endeavours. Your successes make them deem you worthy of their companionship!
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You can hear some dogs' barks. This can mean only one thing. More people of the land wish to join your ranks. As you forsaw, a group of wolf riders rushes toward you. Saying nothing more than
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The large tower ahead and the swirling axes flying trough the air can only mean one thing. The orcs are near. You need naught but yell aloud a brutish word and a small army gathers before you, every soldier banging axes, a signal that they're yours to command.
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As you go down the river some large figures appear from nowhere. The ogres have come before you. Their wise mage steps forth and declares
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A huge creature yells from afar
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The Sun is suddenly blocked by a flock of birds. As you see that these birds are not ordinary, they come speeding down towards you and gently land all around you in a friendly manner. The rocs have joined your ranks.
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A brutish creature appears at the horizon, a few behemoths. A rather dangerous encounter. But a smaller creature seems to be friends with the beasts. A goblin that comes to you saying
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A beautiful day to die it is this that comes trough your mind while you audaciously step into the world. Your second step is yet latened by the screams of a group of rambling goblins yelling waaaaaaaa..aa!, rushing toward you. One fellow soldier from your troops then comes near you and says
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As you bravely walk on to take this world for a ride you suddenly stop. Some small creatures startle you. A bunch of beautiful sprites buzz around your ears. Might we join you Milord?
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As you step trought the ashes the earth begins to vibrate. The ashes begin to swirl and take shape. A Phoenix has been reborn and gently bows before you.
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As you enter the old forest you feel watched, you feel unwelcomed. You can sense great secrets lie within the grove and thus you walk forth. But you are stopped. The branches begin to stir and great beings made of wood come to live before you. We've left others pass, they began to cut our families down. We will not allow others
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A shipyard
Your undead residents have granted you the ability to spread death over the seas. A shipyard has been built for you.
Амулет некроманта
18, 125 подземелье
I have been asigned to guard this wretched artifact. I would rather die than let you have it! Yells the champion, the guard of the Amulet of the Undertaker. Would you like to challenge him?
Башмаки мертвеца
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We are the archangels that guards this vile object. You may not have it. Dare you challenge us?
Плащ вампира
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Three angels look down at you and say
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Your undeath stench spreads across the cursed ground. The bodies of the fallen begin to move. The army of death is begining to asemble.
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The hall of darkness and the cursed ground on the ground mark the place of a great battle that was once fought. Death won. It will prevail again. Some recently revived dark knights join your ranks.
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The hall of darkness and the cursed ground on the ground mark the place of a great battle that was once fought. Death won. It will prevail again. A few recently revived dread knights join your ranks.
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The spirits of the dead still linger across the cursed land. They join you in you ominous quest.
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Your inauspicous presence spreads across the cursed ground. The bodies of the fallen begin to move. The army of death is asembling.
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The portentous lands ahead begin to come alive. Your presence has awekend the vampires of this forgotten place.
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The mausoleum ahead dwarfs the surroundings. As you go near it becomes active. Powerful undead creatures, the liches, come to you.
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The resting place of the great dragons begins to darken. Your dark presence has awakened the great creatures. One of the beings comes to you.
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The cursed ground has a greenish glow. Deadly fumes are in the air. A mausoleum is ahead. The creatures around it, the leeches, join your ranks.
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The haunted lands ahead draw you near. The ghosts come to you. Wraiths are being drawed to the darkness around you.
25, 106 подземелье
The cursed ground has a greenish glow. Deadly fumes are in the air. A mausoleum is ahead. The creatures around it, the leeches, join your ranks.
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A gift from the people
The people of Ravendock have agreed that it would be nice from their part to build a shipyard in you honor, and a lighthouse too. You must really be a great ruler!
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As you step onto the live like earth, it begins to swell. It begins to come to life and it seems to befriend you.
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It is you, Master of the quagmire. We will serve you.
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It is you, Master of the quagmire. We will serve you.
16, 80 подземелье
Making your way trough the marsh you see a group of creatures in the distance. You decide to make your presence known and draw your weapon. As you rush towards them you behead one with lightning speed. The other creatures are awed by your act and dare not but say
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Being born in the marshes you know all its secrets. One such secret is the presence of riches shallowly buried. As you move with awareness of this you finaly find some useful resources.
15, 91 подземелье
The familiarity of the place makes a glistening small object, seemingly from another world, grab your atention. You find a marvelous ring.
2, 83 подземелье
You sense the presence of a creature. You know it should come forth and pledge obiedience and this makes you angry. Drawing your weapon, you swiftly move to attack it... Yet it was nothing more than a simple lizard. You then realize you should weigh your actions more carefuly. Any more such actions might lead to disrespect amongst your ranks.
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Audaciously wandering trough the marsh, you are suddenly ambushed! It seems that some creatures dare to challenge your thirst for war in a very unwise manner.
22, 87 подземелье
You see a lone gnoll on your path. You decide to kill it. Upon inspecting its still body you notice it was a high ranking creature carrying a masterfuly crafted shield and good morning star. Yet.. your actions are not without consequence. The group under the command of the killed gnoll rushes at you for vengeance.
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As you try to pass the lava river the heat goes up. Flames begin to stir and pure fire seems to be alive. Acting rather friendly towards you.
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Passing by the Mercenary Camp you take a second to watch them train. Their exquisite moves astonish you. You've learnt something today.
Хижина предсказателя
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Long ago, powerful wizards were able to create magical artifacts, but time has caused us to forget how to make new items. I would like to learn these techniques myself, but I need one of these artifacts first to see how it was done. If you could bring me, the Centaurs Axe, Shield of the Dwarven Lords, Helm of the Alabaster Unicorn and Clover of Fortune, I will craft you the Statue of Legion.
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The Shypyard
The people of the marshlands consider you to be a figure of respect. This is why they have decided to build a shipyard for you.
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Milord! speaks a noble centaur I have a gift for you, unfortunately, if it was not for the centaurs' code of honor, i would have simply given it to you. This is why I must fight you in order to deem you worthy.
Сфера небесного свода
50, 41 подземелье
The Orb of the Firmament is guarded by 40 monks. Do you wish to have it?
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A group of gruesome wyverns rushes at you. A curious thing. While the flying creatures aproach from the bushes a small army of gnolls emerges. A seemingly leading one, a gnoll marauder, yells at you
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As you pass by the Dwarven Treasury you hear a powerful voice saying
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As you go by the Enchanted Spring you cannot help yourself but stop and have a drink. Hello there, friend. Might I have a bit of your time? Word is out that you're setting out for war in order to preserve our home. Says a beautiful woman mounted on a majestic pegasus. If that is the case, then i have a good tale for you. You might learn something useful. Just listen carefuly...
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Pasing through the great forest you see the branches begin to move and a loud, old voice says
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Might we join your cause, noble one? Says an elf that apparently apeared out of thin air. You look at him with a curious face. He is alone. I see that you don't know many things about the elves... The forest is a part of us Saying this, a group of elves seems to unmeld from the trees and appear in front of you.
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A majestic unicorn emerges before you. Its stunning beauty awes you. It comes toward you and it somehow makes you understand that it wishes to join you.
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An old pikeman leading a group of soldier comes before you
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You meet a peasant on the road
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The body of a slain cavalier is on the road, the horse's as well. Signs of a fight are everywhere. You take a closer look at the still body and find letter which reads
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The monastery by the road looks oddly unusual. You decide to investigate and find that the monks are training. As you watch them you learn something....
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Going down the road you see an old swordsman standing by the road. You salute him, Good day to you sire! A nice day, isn't it?.. after a brief pause he looks up to you and says
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The cursed ground has a greenish glow. Deadly fumes are in the air. A mausoleum is ahead. The creatures around it, the power leeches join your ranks.
71, 11 подземелье
As you go by the Water Wheel, an old man hastly comes to you. Great, wise one! He gushes and then pauses to breath. I've been robed! A group of disgraceful rogues has raided my home, the Water Wheel! I beg you, bring the heathens to justice and I will reward you 70 gold coins for each one you kill!
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Making your way trough the snow, you see an old, lone mage contemplating. He salutes you after aproaching and says
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The cobblestone road you walk on is apparently a favourite place for leisure activities for the gremlins of the area. You spot some of them ahead, playing an odd game with their iron balls. You approach and salute them. Hail to you, great one. Are you going to do something fun today? We're getting a bit bored! What would you say if we'd join you?
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As you go on with your quest down the road, you pass under a great statue of some sort. Its ability to speak startles you. You hear a booming voice saying
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Your attention is drawn by a magical object on the dirt road. A crystal of some kind. You sense its power and you are compeled to pick it up. As you touch it, it shatters, unleashing imense power. You feel infused with magic.
68, 17 подземелье
You've always tought that the snow is a beautiful thing of this world. This is your first tought as a gentle snow falls down. After a few moments, your toughts change, you see that this is no ordinary snow, it is a true blizzard. You don't really like bad weather so you challenge the elements for a fight, just to have a sunny day.
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You see strips of linen cloth hanging from the trees. It is not a good sign. The black-greenish color of the cloth indicates that these are pieces of riped from the outfit of sharpshooters. They make this gesture as a ritual for gaining good luck and affecting the luck of the adversary in the battle to come. Another purpose is signaling to any incoming army that it will engage battle if it continues on the path.
85, 128 суша
The deity of fire.
The squables of the beings of this world have tickled the curiosity of the Great Deity of Fire. This is why the great being has decided to grant a special prize, in his honor, at the settlement called Furnace, the place he will visit from time to time. Praised be the God of Fire!
As long as it will be the week of the imp every week from now on, the Deity of Fire has also decided to grant the town of Furnace an Imp crucible and some birthing pools.
Thanks to the presence of the great Deity of Fire, Imps have began to flood the surroundigs of Furnace.
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Go back! These waters do not tolerate the presence of any foreign being!
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Go back! The water is evil!
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Go back!
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A powerful echoing voice shatters the silence
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Going down the road, you see a pretty mushroom. Being bored and all, you order one of your soldiers to eat it. He complies and unfortunately dies. Good thing you didn't eat it. You've learned something today, apparently mushrooms sometimes poisonous.
69, 60 суша
Near the lake you see a curious thing, a group of peasants. Who would have guessed that they would be all the way here, underground? It seems that they are collecting ore and wood. As you don't really like peasants because they are weak beings, you decide to attack them and take their belongings.
65, 76 суша
Going down the road you see a group of harpies feasting on the body of an unfortunate creature. The savagery with which they eat sets you in a good mood. You wait until they are finished and decide to invite them to join your army.
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The creatures from the surface are not all evil and today you find that some of them hate you. You're being ambushed. A good thing at last, you were getting a bit bored. You were wondering what was going on, this sort of thing used to happen a lot in the past.
56, 77 суша
Passing by the Marletto Tower, you decide you want to learn something so you go into the tower. The people there are so generous that they ofer to teach you some exquisite new skills. After a short session of torture of course...
70, 86 суша
You've been walking all day and yet you feel like you've covered such a short distance... For a while, you decide to take a break and gather around you some of your troops and hold a council of sort. After asking some of them for some good advice on how to cover greater distances, and after recieving some moronic advices, followed of course by capital punishments, you actually learn a few tricks from your wiser soldiers...
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The flow of underground air mixed with the surface air coming from the subterranean gate is sickening. Your troops, as well as you feel down.
82, 14 суша
The flow of underground air mixed with the surface air coming from the subterranean gate is sickening. Your troops, as well as you feel down.
130, 14 суша
The flow of underground air mixed with the surface air coming from the subterranean gate is sickening. Your troops, as well as you feel down.
10, 13 суша
The flow of underground air mixed with the surface air coming from the subterranean gate is sickening. Your troops, as well as you feel down.
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