{PROLOG} The hooded figure glanced nervously over his shoulder for the Constable that had been tracking him since he had lifted the Sword of Judgment from the Erathia National Museum. A worried smile formed on his face as he sighted the gate up ahead where his boss had told him to go. Why his boss wanted him there he could not guess, but he new better than to ask questions. No, No, No, his boss did not like questions. He knew of only one person who had dared to question the boss's orders and what had happened to him, he wouldn't wish on his worst enemy.
{PROLOG} This whole job just didn't make sense, though. Why did he have to carry this blue banner? And why did the boss have him steal the Sword of Judgment, activate the ancient portal, then have him hide the sword again after he had went through? If he didn’t know better, you would think the boss had no plans of returning. But he knew better than to ask questions. He would simply be content to dwell on the gold the boss would reward his faithful servant with when he returned. He knew the boss would give him just what he deserved.
Tan Resources
Pink resources
orange resources
Purple resources
Stay Put
As I watched Holmes sail off, he shouted one last word of warning to me... {Remember} {Watson,} {don't} {move} {an} {inch,} {stay} {by} {the} {sign} {till} {I} {send} {word} {to} {you.}
Rules of the game
{ NOTE FROM MAPMAKER} There will be several mysteries you will be asked to solve or give a summary of what you think took place throughout the course of the map. Some mysteries will have to be solved in order to progress through the map. There is no need to write anything down, I have provided the answers in strategic locations. You will always be asked to solve it 1st, sometimes given additional clues. Then finally given the answer. At the end of the game you will be ranked on your deductive reasoning skills. Rankings will be based on how many required artifacts you locate without aid. Time it took to complete the map, Identifying certain characters real identity, Deciphering encrypted messages, and if Holmes and Watson are there for the final battle. It is recommended that all Diplomat Rings be kept with Holmes. If you lose one in battle the game will become unwinable. For that reason any hero that surrenders carrying a Diplomat’s Ring or Ambassador's Sash should be rehired on the level he is on..If no castles are available on that level the game also becomes unwinable. Now without any further interruptions we return to our special presentation of 221 B. Baker St.
Red resources
Ferry Message
Holmes could hear the whistle of the ferry blowing. It must be ready to depart for the National Museum. I had best be onboard very soon he thought to himself. Clara my dear, would you mind staying here? It wouldn't do having both of us out and about. I'll send word as soon as I find out anything of interest.
red, orange & purple resources
pink release
Tan release
0, 0 подземелье
{Required Artifacts}
129, 140 подземелье
Many signs throughout this map will contain valuable clues!
5, 10 подземелье
{Mystery of the unknown artifact.} Can you identify it? Do you know its location? The answers are posted just up ahead on the sign posts.
Страж задания
128, 141 подземелье
Watson tried to open the gate, but it would not budge. Then he noticed the sign that read
142, 143 подземелье
Watson tumbled out the other end of the vortex into a hot burning sand .He rose to his feet and began to take assessment of himself to see if he had suffered any injuries from the journey. He was shocked to find he was now dressed in a suit of armor and a mighty war-horse nuzzled at his back. It seemed to be telling him to move along, that it was not safe to stay here. He looked to the Griffins for advice, but they no longer spoke. They simply stared blankly ahead with unintelligent bird eyes.
127, 134 подземелье
Watson, I shall need your assistance. I am going to the National Museum of Erathia to see what clues the local authorities have missed. But first I have a meeting with a fellow of ill repute, that has come into a map that might be of interest to me, for a price that is. While I follow up on this lead. I shall need you to dig up what you can on this so called Mayor-Rit. But be careful Watson, he's a very dangerous man and I could not forgive myself if any evil befell you. Keep an eye out for Lestrade and Gregson I sent them ahead to scout out the land. They should have been back by now. Well my dear friend this is where we part paths. Where I go you cannot follow. But don't lose heart. Im certain that we shall meet again. Now, wait there by that sign, Watson, while I see if I can find a way for you to pass through that gate.
141, 141 подземелье
A group of marksman ask if you are the one known as Watson? You reply yes. Good we've been waiting for you. We are to escort you the rest of the way.
123, 124 подземелье
A group of Rouges stood before the castle entrance. {Their} {leader} {spoke
84, 105 подземелье
{Phsst Phsst,} Im in here. Let me out and be quick about it. It wouldn't be good if were caught trying to escape.
120, 80 подземелье
Inspector Gregory, is an extremely competent officer. Were he but gifted with imagination he might rise to great heights.
121, 81 подземелье
Quick get me out of here. The guards should be back soon.
Страж задания
119, 62 подземелье
The entrance to the thief’s guild is guarded. They ask to see your diplomats ring as proof of your membership.
84, 104 подземелье
Lestrade is absolutely devoid of reason, but he is as tenacious as a bulldog when once he understands what he has to do.
127, 139 подземелье
My mind rebels at stagnation. Give me problems, give me work, give me the most abstruse cryptogram, or the most intricate analysis, and I am in my own proper atmosphere. My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence.
142, 96 подземелье
You find a cape on the ground that belonged to Inspector Gregson. It has many rips in it. From the look of it, Gregson put up a good fight.
53, 102 подземелье
You inquire about the Mayor-Rit. You are told that he has made an alliance with the Necromancers as well as some of the unaligned creatures of the land. It is rumored that he is planning to invade some distant country.
12, 133 подземелье
You ask the gatekeeper about the Mayor-Rit. He informs you that he is out of town on vacation.
122, 34 подземелье
You ask about the Mayor-Rit. The gatekeeper whispers, he is no mayor and that Rit is not his real name.
48, 124 подземелье
Holmes took note that only the symbol at the end of the message {<}as well as the signature remained unchanged. He was sure the symbol pointed to some key that would unlock the code. He thought that looking at it from a different perspective might help. He was also sure that the signature {L0L0} was not someone’s name at all. He thought it strange that the O's were not quite the same shape as the rest of the O's in the message. He was sure the name held vital clues that would reveal the location of the missing artifact.
5, 9 подземелье
4, 7 подземелье
Coded message reads right to left
4, 6 подземелье
Signed L0L0
142, 98 подземелье
The Angels that hold the Garrison inform you to be very careful, as the road up ahead is heavily guarded. They also inform you, not to expect any help as all of the mercenary heroes for hire, have moved further inland.
98, 141 подземелье
You spot a ring and a pair of gloves lying on the ground. You recognize it as belonging to Inspector Lestrade. No doubt he ran into trouble and dropped it as a sign.
97, 140 подземелье
The in habitant of the witches hut informs you that there are no heroes to be hired in the immediate vicinity. She also tells you that an ancient order called the Brotherhood of Peace has built many sanctuaries nearby where no harm can befall you. Make use of them in troubling times and all will be well.
43, 20 подземелье
The guards announce that the Honorable Mayor-Rit has declared this to be a levy road. All who wish to pass into the Magical Triad must pay a tribute, whether they are coming or going.
47, 125 подземелье
28, 10 подземелье
120, 133 подземелье
Tracker 2
127, 129 подземелье
Tracker 1
126, 130 подземелье
I am an expert tracker. If you let me out, I will find the one you call Inspector Gregson. I last saw him heading towards the swampland, located to the N.E. of here.
121, 132 подземелье
Hail, kind Sir. I am a professional Tracker. I will locate Inspector Lestrade for you if you release me. I last saw him headed towards the parched land past the Blue Garrison located to the S.E. of here.
Страж задания
50, 123 подземелье
The guards here are charging a toll of 50 Wood, 50 Mercury, 50 Ore, 50 Sulfur, 50 Crystal, 50 Gems and 99999 Gold to enter the recruitment center.
49, 123 подземелье
Price of admission to the recruitment center is $99,000 + 50 of each resource.
132, 139 подземелье
A group of Champions fall in along side you. They ride silently, simply staring straight ahead with grim expressions on their faces.
130, 140 подземелье
As Watson approached the house he could hear violin music coming from within... {Holmes is that you in there?}.. Indeed it is, my good friend Watson. I have been patiently awaiting your arrival. We are about to embark on our greatest and gravest case to date. You see Watson, about a six weeks ago when our housekeeper Mrs. Hudson asked me to find her missing niece Clara, the reports of spectral entities roaming the countryside had just begun My investigation led me to a vortex where I watched all manner of strange creatures entering. I decided to follow, so I enlisted the aid of Inspector Lestrade and Inspector Gregson. Then I wrote out that letter to you. When we entered the vortex, we found ourselves transported to this world, with no way to return. I fear now that it was all a ruse to lure me away from London for some evil plot. {Then I} {said.} Who do you suspect is behind this plot Holmes? {He replied,} I have my suspicions Watson, but it is a capital mistake to theorize before one has all the facts. It's a wicked world, and when a clever man turns his brain to crime its the worst of all. Well, Watson, we seem to have fallen upon evil days.
128, 140 подземелье
In spite of his capacity for concealing his emotions, I could easily see that Holmes was in a state of suppressed excitement, while I was myself tingling with that half-sporting, half-intellectual pleasure I invariably experienced when I associated myself with him in his investigations. I proceeded to tell Holmes of the eternal snowstorm that had struck London about the same time as his journey through the vortex and that the spectral entities were now being blamed for all of the missing person reports. I told him of the horseman whose face looked of death and the race to the vortex. {Then I said,} I know its not much to go on, Holmes. But what do you make of it all?
126, 137 подземелье
The same old Watson! You never learn that the gravest issues may depend upon the smallest things. Facts are facts, Watson, and after all you are only a general practitioner with very little experience and mediocre qualifications. Don't be hurt by my words, dear fellow. You know I am quite impersonal. {Holmes proceeded to tell me what he had learned} {so far}...There is no hope of returning the way we came, that vortex only travels one way. But I have learned of another vortex that may take us back to London. Two rare artifacts are needed to access it though. One is called the Sword of Judgment. It was stolen from the Erathia National Museum about 6 weeks ago. The other one remains a mystery. I suspect someone has both in their possession and is making use of them to travel between Erathia and London. I also suspect that it is the same person who sent that Rider of Death for you and is behind those spectral sightings. {Then Holmes went on to tell me} The man who rules this country is called Mayor-Rit. They say he's an evil man, who's not above having one of his men stick a knife in your back to get what he wants. Not much more have I been able to learn about him though. He is a very illusive character. Always lurking in the background. He concerns me Watson. Because I concern him. I know he's been watching my movements since my arrival here. I have also heard tell of another group, who oppose the current political structure, called the Brotherhood of Peace. They may prove to be of assistance to our plight.
126, 135 подземелье
{Holmes paused for a second then spoke again.} These are much deeper waters than I had first thought, Watson . I fear that something dreadful is about to befall London. {He paused again, then said.} There's an east wind coming, such a wind as never blew on England yet. It will be cold and bitter, Watson and a good many of us may wither before its blast. But it's God's own wind none the less and a cleaner, better stronger land will lie in the sunshine when the storm has cleared.
99, 143 подземелье
141, 100 подземелье
Страж задания
42, 72 подземелье
To enter the recruitment center it will cost 50 Wood, 50 Mercury, 50 Ore, 50 Sulfur, 50 Crystal, 50 Gems, and 25000 gold.
119, 94 подземелье
The inhabitants of the city inform you that Mayor-Rit arrived only a few months before you, by the same vortex that you came through. They also tells you that a few dissident creatures off to your right would be more than willing to join your cause.
88, 128 подземелье
The blacksmith of this town tells you no one has ever seen the Mayor-Rit face to face. He implores you to run the Mayor's cronies from the castle. He also mentions that a group of Cyclops Kings, off to your right, would be willing to help.
Страж задания
113, 60 подземелье
Recruitment Center price of admission is 50 Wood, and 50 Ore.
47, 69 подземелье
---MESSAGE DECODER--- ~{AD}$~{AC}?%{EF}*%{F}?{R}*@*%$< Signed L0L0
Страж задания
49, 126 подземелье
The goblin consortium is guarded. the guards demand to see proof of membership in the form of a diplomats Ring.
48, 126 подземелье
As Sherlock crept up on the Goblin's Guild he listened intently, and caught only a few words that he could understand
12, 8 подземелье
Devils Keep
43, 18 подземелье
Your pockets suddenly feel lighter.
Рыцарь Смерти
20, 12 подземелье
44, 14 подземелье
A rouge causes a distraction, while his partner picks your pockets.
51, 122 подземелье
The Enchanters tell you that the Magi Hut will reveal what you have been looking for.
86, 139 подземелье
{Welcome Brother.} People travel to wonder at the height of the mountains, at the huge waves of the seas, at the long course of the rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motion of the stars, and yet they pass by themselves without ever wondering. Enter in and be at peace.
66, 137 подземелье
{Welcome traveler.} It is said that we are not rich by what we possess but rather by what we can do without. Come inside my brother, all are welcome here.
94, 121 подземелье
{Welcome traveler.} It is important that people know what you stand for. It's equally as important that they know what you won't stand for. Enter in and still thy heart.
77, 118 подземелье
{Welcome brother.} In each of us are places where we have never gone. Only by pressing the limits do you ever find them. Come inside friend no harm may befall you under are roof.
136, 89 подземелье
{Welcome my brother.} It is said that the eye sees only what the heart is prepared to comprehend. Enter herein and let the cares of the world trouble you not.
107, 90 подземелье
{Welcome traveler.} Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside awakens. We serve the brotherhood of peace. No harm may befall you here.
20, 15 подземелье
Watson felt a tinge of fear as he approached the Magic Triad. He knew he would have to watch his step if hoped to survive.
94, 98 подземелье
The Angels who guard the garrison tell you that Elven Warlords rule the land up ahead. Beyond there lies the lands of the Phoenix, Titans, and Devils. who have made an alliance. They fly the teal and the green banners. Beyond there no one has ever returned. But it is rumored that a Triad of castles built on sacred magical ground exist.
94, 90 подземелье
Prisoners serving a 4 month sentence for drunk and disorderly behavior. Venture near the bars at your own risk.
112, 61 подземелье
---MESSAGE DECODER--- ~{A}!$~{A}&?%${E}*%{F}?+*@*%$< Signed L0L0
118, 62 подземелье
As Sherlock approached the Thieves Guild , he overheard one of them say
12, 77 подземелье
You ask the gatekeeper about the Mayor-Rit. He informs you that he is said to be a great mathematician. He is believed to have been behind the construction of the Great Magical Triad. It could have been used to unite the over and the underworld. Instead he has used it as a means to separate us and as an end to his own desires. It lies due north of here, behind a black Garrison. Beyond there old wives tales speak of an ancient portal to other worlds.
142, 52 подземелье
Welcome Brother, we serve the Brotherhood of Peace. This Sanctuary marks the boundary of our order. Beyond here you venture at your own risk.
46, 141 подземелье
Welcome Brother, we serve the Brotherhood of Peace. This Sanctuary marks the boundary of our order. Beyond here you venture at your own risk.
46, 70 подземелье
As Sherlock crept up on Nomads Guild he overheard one of them say
Страж задания
46, 71 подземелье
The entrance to the Nomad’s Guild is guarded. they ask to see your ambassadors sash as proof of your membership.
78, 35 подземелье
You ask the Gatekeeper what he knows about the Mayor-Rit. He tells you that he doesn’t know as much about him as the Mayor knows about you and your friends
12, 9 подземелье
83, 11 подземелье
You ask if anyone has seen the Mayor. They reply
129, 136 суша
Dr. Watson
41, 8 суша
There up ahead Holmes spotted the body of another Sharpshooter and just like his 12 O'clock appointment he seemed to have known more than was good for him. Also just like his earlier appointment the earth had been disturbed and the symbol of a cross drawn into the dirt. Holmes thought this was an obvious sign left by someone. Whatevers hidden in the area, I was meant to find.
139, 4 суша
There, that should do the trick. Now Watson, Make a run for it, and whatever you do, don't get sidetracked.
143, 10 суша
Standing the by the side of the road was a paperboy hawking his wares....{Extra, Extra, read all about it.} Sherlock Holmes identified as prime suspect in disappearance of the Sword of Judgment stolen from the Erathia National Museum 6 weeks ago. He is also believed to have been involved in the disappearance of Constable Hicks who was said to be hot on his trail.. The Honorable Mayor-Rit has offered a reward of 100,000 in gold coins to any who bring in Holmes or any member of his gang, {DEAD OR ALIVE!!!} Holmes smiled to himself as he thought. There's nothing more stimulating than a case where everything goes against you.
129, 32 суша
As Holmes approached the Erathia National Museum a group of assassins suddenly appeared.
132, 7 суша
Dead silence permeated the air. There was no sign of his 12 O'clock appointment. Holmes proceeded with caution.
133, 4 суша
As Sherlock searched the Rouge leaders body, he discovered a message stuffed in his boots. It read, Kill Holmes, then return to headquarters with the map and await further instructions. Holmes thought it might be worthwhile to pay a visit to their headquarters. He was sure some valuable clues could be found there.
134, 3 суша
Near the castle, protruding from some bushes was the body of his 12 O'clock appointment. Whatever information he had no doubt had cost him his life.
43, 9 суша
Holmes located what someone had wanted him to find. But who had left it? and why?.... I'd best keep hold of this. No telling when I might need it. {(Necessary} {Artifact)} Along with the Diplomats Ring Holmes found a piece of parchment written in the form of a treaty. {It Read
56, 6 суша
PROLOG {Suddenly a group of sharpshooters emerged out of the shadows}...So here is the help the Boss promised me..... Just in time, I might say. That nasty little Constable will get the surprise of his life when we turn about on him. Suddenly the hooded figure got a puzzled look on his face as the sharpshooters took aim at him. Without even time to let out a cry of protest he fell to the ground in a heap. Moments later the same fate befell the Constable. The sharpshooters quickly drifted back into the shadows unseen from any prying eyes, save one. But not before they pocketed the maps. They didn't understand why the boss ordered their comrades assassination. But they knew better than to ask questions. After all no one ever questioned boss!!!
141, 138 суша
Suddenly a thick black cloud swirled before Watson's eyes, and his mind told him that in that cloud, unseen as yet, but about to spring out upon his appalled senses, lurked all that was vaguely horrible, all that was monstrous and inconceivably wicked in the universe. Vague shapes swirled and swam amid the dark cloud-bank, each a menace and a warning of something coming, the advent of some unspeakable dweller upon the threshold, whose very shadow would blast his soul.
141, 137 суша
Watson raced up the path as fast as his legs would carry him. He glanced over his shoulder and a freezing horror took possession of him. A dense black cloud had formed around his home. His hair began to rise and his eyes protrude. His mouth was open as he gasped for breath. His tongue felt like leather. He felt the turmoil within his brain was such that something must surely snap. He tried to scream and was vaguely aware of some horse croak which was his voice, distant and detached from himself..... Watson ran on.
129, 137 суша
Suddenly there was a loud rap at the door. Watson wondered who on earth would be out in this ungodly weather. It had been snowing day and night for the last month and a half. The whole country had come to a stand still. Then there was the reports of spectral beings roaming the countryside along with the disappearance of many of the locals, including the housekeeper Mrs. Hudson's niece, Clara. Many claimed it was the end of the world. Watson did not care one way or the other. He had lived a full life. Watson opened the front door and a page handed him a letter. {It} {read
129, 138 суша
Watson stepped out into a blinding snowstorm. The wind seemed to scream out with contempt for him. He wrapped his overcoat tightly about his body and shivered uncontrollably. He knew very well just how dangerous it was to be out in this weather. But he was not one to let a friend down no matter what danger lay before him. Watson locked the door behind him and began his journey, headed to where the letter had told him to go.
130, 139 суша
Suddenly Watson felt a chill run up his spine. A morbid dread seemed to claw at his heart. Out of the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of a shadow racing in his direction. He knew instinctively that shadow was coming for him and if it caught up to him it would be his end. {One wrong} {move} and it would be his last. There would be no time for good-byes. No time for anything but the race of his life.
134, 141 суша
The road yet traveled
Страж задания
123, 114 суша
The Sharpshooters Guild requires you to show proof of membership by showing your Ambassadors Sash.
124, 114 суша
Sherlock overheard the sharpshooters debating which one of them would enter the jail and retrieve the Diplomats Ring they had dropped. No one wanted to risk their life around these dangerous mercenaries. Suddenly they became aware of Holmes and took aim.
129, 134 суша
221 B. Baker
135, 3 суша
Holmes scoured the area and found near the dead sharpshooters corpse a encrypted message scratched into the dry earth. It read
135, 14 суша
My afternoon appointment should be just up ahead behind that blue garrison.
132, 6 суша
Hidden among the bushes was a group of Rouges. They sprang out and surrounded Holmes. The leader hissed the words
67, 40 суша
Another dead Sharpshooter. They just seem to keep popping up everywhere. Whatever these Sharpshooters are looking for it would seem that someone doesn't want them to have. As Holmes examined the area, he took note that two branches had been lain on the ground in the form of a cross and sitting in plain sight, in the middle was another Diplomats Ring. {Necessary} {Artifact}
67, 53 суша
Hidden on this Island is 1 necessary artifact, if you can locate it. If not look at the sign.
Кольцо дипломата
127, 33 суша
A glimmer of light caught Holmes eye. Upon the ground partly hidden by the bushes was a Diplomats Ring. Holmes suspected whoever dropped it must have been in a hurry..Diplomates Rings were very valuable as they would allow passage to places the average person could not gain entry to. Holmes Theorized, it belonged to whoever had been involved in the robbery of the Sword of Judgment. {(Necessary Artifact.)}
132, 5 суша
Holmes heard a cry for help coming from a shed to his left. {Please,} {whoevers out} {there, let me out}.{ My {name is Clara} {and I've been} {kidnapped.}
126, 113 суша
---MESSAGE DECODER--- {TAD}${TAC}?%{EFI}%{F}?{RI}@I%$< Signed L0L0
14, 122 суша
123, 139 суша
J. Ripper
Верховный лорд
12, 69 суша
Baron Gruner
33, 102 суша
36, 90 суша
Price of admission is $198,000 gold and 100 of each resource for each purchase. Creatures come in bundles of 10.
49, 9 суша
Страж задания
1, 56 суша
Halt!! I am the guardian of the gate. No one may pass unless they have the Elixir of Life.
114, 143 суша
120, 143 суша
Life is infinitely stranger than anything which the mind of man could invent.
139, 41 суша
Thieves guild due west of here.
24, 51 суша
Welcome traveler. I am one of the last of the Ancient Brotherhood. We formed our union in the very beginning. Even before Enroth came into being was the Brotherhood of Peace. Our people by their very nature are a war-like nation. We alone hold the nation from spiraling into utter chaos. Our fore-fathers discovered the portals to your world and in their wisdom kept them secret, knowing that if they were found, your world would be at their mercy. Alas, we have failed. We were tricked by one of your kind. He said he happened upon our land by chance and only wished to return from whence he came. He left just as he said he would, but then he returned, bringing with him more of his kind. By the time we found out what he was really up to, it was to late, He and his agents had already taken control of Erathia. I sense that you wish to set things right, but you must prove yourself worthy before we will give you the key that unlocks the ancient portal. You must visit the last two of my brotherhood. Do this and the way will be revealed. Take this Ambassadors Sash, it will gain you entry to the Nomads Guild. {Neccessary} {Artifact}
61, 108 суша
Welcome traveler. I am the second of the brotherhood, after me there is only one. I know what you come in search of. You seek the keys that will unlock the way home. The one who came before you has hidden one of them on the surface world. We have gained possession of the other one. If you should prove yourself worthy and retrieve both of them, you will not be able to take them back home with you. They must be left with the Gate Guardians, forever sealing the way behind you. Know this also, traveler, the one who came before you has taken with him the Armor of the Damned and the Power of the Dragon King. He and his Captain are not to be taken lightly.
46, 104 суша
{Required Artifacts.} Welcome traveler. I know what you seek. My brothers have sent word that should you survive I was to give you the key. Take it and journey south where you will find the a quest gate. Show them the sash and they will let you pass. Then follow the path south. The way is guarded by three mighty warlords. You will need 2 artifacts to gain access to the portals. Yes, there are two portals that will lead you back home. They are both one way portals. Know this, that once you pass through the way will be locked forever more. You may find your home has been taken over and the land changed. Expect your home to be overrun with the most foul and heartless creatures who will fight to the death. Traveler, I have one more thing to speak of with you, that may aid you in your quest. We have left mighty spells of magic by the portals. They will teach you the secret of town travel. We have also left special gifts there, should you make it that far. Go now traveler, and may victory be yours and peace returned to the land.
142, 132 суша
If you are reading this sign, it means that you know the meaning of {one wrong move!}
142, 126 суша
As Watson passed through the gate headed towards some unknown vortex, he took one last glance over his shoulder and looked into the eyes of Death. As he did so, the skeletal specter let out a long loud piercing scream at the loss of its prey. The sound rang off the snowcapped mountain tops and echoed in Watson's ears. It would be a sound that haunted his dreams for many years to come.
Королевский грифон
142, 128 суша
Watson laughed and thought to himself, I must surly be near my end to imagine such a sight as a talking Griffin. Watson lay in the snow motionless awaiting the arrival of the taker of souls. Then the Griffin spoke again, this time much louder and in a commanding voice....{RIZZES UP} {WATZZINS}. {RIZZES UP}, {THE GAME IZZ AFOOTZZES}. With the utterance of that last phrase, Watson bolted upright and made a dash for the gate.
142, 130 суша
In his haste, Watson slipped on a patch of ice. He fell to the ground and rolled to his back. He felt his last ounce of energy drain from his body. Snowflakes floated down and lightly touched his face as he thought to himself....So this is how it ends. A tear ran down his cheek and froze in place as he realized he would never see his old friend again. Then in the distant he heard a bird like voice calling to him. He turned his head in the direction of the sound and saw a Griffin high among the clouds. It said....{Rizzes up} {Wazzsins....Rizzes up or all shallzzes be lost.}
93, 19 суша
West of this island lies a {smoking} {gun.}
Страж задания
70, 128 суша
A powerful wizard owns this tower. He refuses to let you pass unless you bring him the Ambassador's Sash.
7, 22 суша
Buried on this island is 1 necessary artifact, if you can find it. If not, look at the sign for its location.
8, 20 суша
Diplomats Ring located just south of corpse, in gun barrel.
66, 51 суша
The Diplomats Ring can be found in the right eye of the skull.
28, 50 суша
Due east of here in the {eye} of the long departed lies a valuable clue!
47, 106 суша
Another dead sharpshooter. And just like the rest, a sign had been left near his body. Shaped with small rocks was the sign of a cross.
Страж задания
137, 15 суша
The captain of the ferry tells you that a group of Naga Queens has stolen his lucky gloves. If you retrieve them for him, he will transport you to the Erathia National Museum. He refuses to let you pass unless you bring him the Equestrian's Gloves.
119, 72 суша
Partially hidden by some bushes was a trap door leading upwards.
121, 58 суша
Sherlock could see a faint trace of boot prints leading off to the south.
124, 109 суша
Sometimes you have to look at the big pitcher!...Holmes begin to laugh, as he thought to himself....The Sword of Judgment has been hidden right under my {nose} the whole time. {Necessary Artifact}
Страж задания
124, 112 суша
Price of admission to the recruitment center is 100 Wood, 100 Mercury, 100 Ore, 100 Sulfur, 100 Crystal, 100 Gems and 99999 Gold.
115, 17 суша
{Clara told Holmes of her abduction
67, 81 суша
Skull island due north of here.
94, 31 суша
In every direction upon these moors there were traces of some vanished race which had passed utterly away, and left as its sole record strange monuments of stone, irregular mounds which contained the burned ashes of the dead, and curious earthworks which hinted at prehistoric strife. The glamour and mystery of the place, with its sinister atmosphere of forgotten nations appealed to the imagination of Holmes. Among the ruins Holmes found broken tablets which spoke of the discovery of portals which lead to undiscovered worlds. Partial messages read
110, 143 суша
By a man's finger-nails by his coat-sleeve, by his boots, by his trouser-knees, by his shirt-cuffs--by each of these things a man's calling is plainly revealed. that all united should fail to enlighten the competent inquirer in any case is almost inconceivable.
106, 143 суша
What object is served by this circle of misery and violence and fear? It must tend to some end, or else our universe is ruled by chance, which is unthinkable. But what end? There is the great standing perennial problem to which human reason is as far from an answer as ever.
104, 138 суша
When one tries to rise above Nature one is liable to fall below it. The highest type of man may revert to the animal if he leaves the strait road of destiny.
109, 137 суша
There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact.
{POINT SCORING FOR HONORARY DETECTIVE RANKING} Have both Holmes and Watson present for the final battle----20 points Have Holmes or either Watson there for the final battle-------10 points Complete the map before the end of month 6----------------------10 points Complete the map before the end of month 7----------------------05 points Discover all Diplomats Rings without the aid of signs-----------10 points Discover all Diplomats Rings with the aid of one sign ----------05 points Deciphered the coded message and signature----------------------20 points Deciphered the coded message but not the signature-------------10 points Made it to day 3 to without any restarts..................................10 points Made it to day 3 with 3 or less restarts....................................05 points Discovered Mayor-Rits real identity {(Moriarty)}---------------10 points {Bonus Points} Knew that the Boss was also Mayor-Rit----------------------------05 points Knew that the assignation of the Rouge and Constable Hicks was done to frame Sherlock Holmes-------------------------05 points Knew the Brotherhood was responsible for the dead Sharpshooters------------------------------------------------------------05 points
121, 131 суша
1. What other name does the boss go by in Erathia? 2. Why did the boss have his agent the thief dress up in Knights Armor and carry a blue banner? Then deliberately lead the constable and the thief into trap?
120, 131 суша
{Answers} 1. The Boss and Mayor-Rit are one in the same. 2. He devised a plan to lure Holmes away from London, then frame him for the murder of Constable Hicks and theft of the Sword of Judgment, hoping at the very least to delay Holmes long enough for his invasion of London to be complete and unchangeable. He knew he couldn't trust his agent, the Rouge to keep his mouth shut, so he had him killed after making sure that everyone believed Holmes had stolen the Sword. But what he hadn't counted on was that his agent would make a map to the location of the artifacts that he had hidden. Nor had he counted on his personnel assassins, (the Sharpshooters,) taking the maps for themselves. The Sharpshooters realizing the maps value, quickly formed a union with the Rouges, Nomads, and the Goblin clans, all the while planing to cut out the Rouge and Goblins after the artifacts were found. But there was someone else who had been hiding in the shadows that day when the Rouge and the Constable had been lured to their death. That someone would be a member of the Brotherhood of Peace, who quickly located the Sword and kept it in their possession for safekeeping. Meanwhile the Sharpshooters in their greed continued to trace the Thief's tracks in hopes of locating the artifacts, only to find the Brotherhood had gotten there before them and set traps in the form of Blue Dragons, which promptly gobbled them up whole and spat out the bones. When the Boss discovered his agents betrayal and the secret alliance they had formed with the other freelance clans, and that Holmes had somehow avoided capture by the local authorities, he sent word to his most dangerous agents (the Goblin Clan). He told them that all would be forgiven if they would only kill Holmes.
119, 131 суша
1. What is Mayor- Rit’s real name? 2. What irrefutable proof do you have of this?
118, 132 суша
{Answer} Mayor-Rit's is in reality none other than Moriarty. Mayor-Rit unscrambled will spell it out for you.
Страж задания
3, 56 суша
Halt!!! I am the second Guardian. None may pass unless they bare the Sword of Judgment.
131, 4 суша
119, 113 суша
Titans Tower
8, 56 суша
Once you make the walk the way to the portal will be forever closed to all. Even if you return to Erathia world you will never be able to return back to London again!!! {SAVE} {YOUR} {GAME} {NOW}
4, 56 суша
Come, friend Watson, the curtain rings up for the last act.
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