Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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New World Computing
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William's School of Archery and Cozmo's Academy of Magic have been competing for enrollees for years. During a heated debate over recruiting practices last month, open war was declared between the two universities. By Roy Ritchey - [email protected]
The only way to reach the other side of the mountains is to traverse the Warlord's caverns.
rumor - 03
The Warlord is blocked inside his cavern by means of magical gates.
rumor - 04
Professor William is the finest archer in the land, as well as a top notch instructor. He can teach an ordinary bowman to be a deadly sharpshooter.
rumor - 05
Professor Cozmo is a keen teacher of magic. He can instruct the average mage to be a powerful enchanter.
rumor - 06
I've heard the H3trio.com web site is an excellent site for Heroes of Might and Magic information.
rumor - 07
The online community at 3do.com is full of interesting people to chat with.
rumor - 08
You say you like this map huh? Well, email Roy and let him know what you think about it.
rumor - 09
The key to success is securing the recourses in the caverns.
rumor - 10
I've heard that there are two major towns in the caverns.
Into - William
Your jaw clenches in unbridled rage as you think back to your altercation with Cozmo last month. That pompous oaf has stolen your potential recruits for the last time!! All out war has been declared, and you refuse to rest until Cozmo's corpse decorates your hall.
Intro - Cozmo
Your jaw clenches in unbridled rage as you think back to your altercation with William last month. That pompous oaf has stolen your potential recruits for the last time!! All out war has been declared, and you refuse to rest until William's corpse decorates your hall.
Intro - Dungeon Overlords
The local dungeon overlords see the feud between the two schools as a perfect opportunity to build up their armies. The surface dwelling fools will be too involved in their own chaotic mess to take notice.
Event02 - William
Your scouts report that the entrance to the underground caverns (which incidentally is the shortest means of transporting your troops into Cozmo's territory) is being guarded by pack of horrific winged beasts. Hmmmm, you wonder what the overlords could be up to....
Event02 - Cozmo
Your scouts report that the entrance to the underground caverns (which incidentally is the shortest means of transporting your troops into William's territory) is being guarded by pack of horrific winged beasts. Hmmmm, you wonder what the overlords could be up to....
Event03 - both
Business has never been better! Ever since the war started, the number of new recruits each week has nearly tripled! Better yet, the first wave of student loan checks arrived today!
Event04 - Both
You sent your scouts out last night. You'll be launching your first wave of attacks soon and need a report of the enemy's movements.
Event05 - Both
One of your scouts returns today battered and bloody. Before he collapses from exhaustion and loss of blood, he gives his grim report. The Warlord's troops are on patrol in the caverns. It appears that his army has quadrupled in size over the past 3 months.
Monthly Tuition
This month's batch of tuition checks arive!
Event06 - both
Another of your scouts returned this morning. This scout, like the first, never made it through the caverns due to the Warlord's heavy troop activity. She estimates that judging from the supply lines, the Warlord's intake of precious resources is double of what you're bringing in. You decide to send a team of negotiators to talk to the Warlord; you MUST be able to traverse the caverns freely!
Event07 - Both
The last of your scouts returns today with tragic news. The team of negotiators you sent to the Warlord's castle were tortured and brutally murdered. As soon as the scout leaves your chamber, you weep for the loss of your friends. Two members of the diplomatic mission had been your dear friends since childhood. Your sadness soon turns into furious anger, and you call for your generals!! This horrific deed will not go unpunished! By midnight, new war plans are devised that include the destruction of the Warlord and his unholy army!
69, 3 подземелье
Archery School
Посещение Рейнджер:
William is the finest archer in the land. He opened his archery school over a decade ago and has instructed many of the king's most skilled warriors.
3, 69 подземелье
Magic Academy
Посещение Чародей:
27, 44 подземелье
Хижина предсказателя
25, 14 подземелье
Azure Dragons are blocking the southeastern entrace into the caverns. If you could be so bold as to defeat them, I would reward you richly.
Хижина предсказателя
40, 54 подземелье
Azure Dragons are blocking the northwestern entrace into the caverns. If you could be so bold as to defeat them, I would reward you richly.
Лесной эльф
64, 39 подземелье
Greetings Milord! A group of young recruits eagerly join your cause.
17, 29 подземелье
Greetings Milord! A group of zealous recruits eagerly join your cause.
Случайный монстр 4
63, 21 подземелье
These dudes look iratated!
69, 68 подземелье
As you enter the lands of you most bitter enemy, adrenalin courses through your body.
2, 6 подземелье
As you enter the lands of you most bitter enemy, adrenalin courses through your body.
Верховный лорд
37, 4 суша
The Warlord
7, 42 суша
Whew! This Chamber is VERY hot!
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