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Кампания к Героям 3 - The Independance of Harmondale

25/05/2015Файл к игре: Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
The Independance of Harmondale
Трейнер к игреHeroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
Ещё называютГерои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
Вышла на платформахPC
РазработчикNew World Computing
Дата выхода1999-03-01
We lived in the fear of the elves of Avlee. The time as come to declare our independance. Never again someone will rule us else then the king we shall choose!



The Independance of Harmondale0.06МБh3c
The Independance of Harmondale

Карты кампании

  • Act of Independance - Бэтлстед
    • Пролог: My Lord, our army has been trained during your travel and we are now able to fully deploy magics and weapons against the elves. Their last base in Harmondale is Rampart. This town was build to be the capital but, since the war between humans and elves nearly destroy it, it was only use to train military forces. And, with this advantage, they possess the greatest defenses in the land. Taking Rampart will not be an easy matter. Scouts also report that Avlee collected some parts of the Statue of Legion. They will
    • Эпилог: Following the destruction of Rampart and the arrival of mighty war ships commanded by Steadwick to take the lake Sharak, Avlee quickly retreat his forces from Harmondale. Coronius, the new king of Harmondale and the king of Avlee met in Harmondale itself, to sign the Act of Independance. Now that the two kings return to their land, Coronius decided to life in peace, near the border of Avlee and Harmondale. He wonders : What shall happen if all provinces of Erathia take example with Harmondale to declare their independance?
    • Примечание: -- Act of Independance -- The time of the final strike has come. Even with Bracada and Steadwick on our side, it won't be easy.
  • The Price of the Titans - Огненный брег
    • Пролог: The war of Independance is near to be completed. Bracada is with us and Steadwick agred that we shall lead our own territory. However, one problem remains. In the kingdom of Eeofol, the Efreeti Xyron stealed a powerful artefact named Titan's Cuirass. They will agree to let us use that artefact only if we can retake the plate.
    • Примечание: -- The Price of the Titans -- Eeofol has stolen a precious artefact of the Titans. If you want them to assist you in your mission, you must execute the quest of a seer in order to retake it. And don't use violence: the seer is a Steadwick's counselor.
  • Beneath Bracada... - Саутпорт
    • Пролог: I am Gavin Magnus, lord of Bracada. We, at Bracada, believe that each region can rule themselves without others. You came here to demand our help. We can assist you in your quest of independance. You just have one thing to do before: save a region from Nighon control.
    • Примечание: -- Beneath Bracada -- Bracada have agreed to help Harmondale in their quest of independance. But, they must proove themselves by saving a region from Nighon command. Who know what there is beneath Bracada...?
  • Restoration of Harmondale - Врата Ангела
    • Пролог: We, at Harmondale, have seen all heroes of the war. We were the capital of those who killed Xenofex. Our lands are rich and fertile, but our master, the elves of Avlee, consider us like slaves. The time has come to declare of indenpendance. We will proove to Steadwick and Avlee that we can lead our country without them!
    • Примечание: -- Restoration of Harmondale -- The city of Harmondale has suffer the presence of those elves. They control the region, but they forgot the castle. It is important to rebuilt it before declare our independance.
  • The Lord of Harmondale - Грифонклифф
    • Пролог: While Harmondale is free from direct Avlee control, one elf must be killed before we can begin our true mission. Clancy the Dwarf, or the Lord of Harmondale, lives near the lake Sharak. He control the province of Harmondale and his charimatic skills allow him to control the local population. It's time to put an end to his glorious career.
    • Примечание: -- The Lord of Harmondale -- The Lord of Harmondale, Clancy the Dwarf, lives near the lake Sharak. He must be kill if we want to win, because he possess great charimatic skills. Find him and deal with him.

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