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Кампания к Героям 3 - Lord Of The Rings Book 1

25/05/2015Файл к игре: Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
Lord Of The Rings Book 1
Трейнер к игреHeroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
Ещё называютГерои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
Вышла на платформахPC
РазработчикNew World Computing
Дата выхода1999-03-01
You take the role of Frodo Bilbo Baggins heir and nephew. You must bring the ring of power to Rivendell Where a great council will decide what is to be done about the ring. You are the ring's owner and are charged with getting it to Rivendell and the task will not be easy.



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Lord Of The Rings Book 1

Карты кампании

  • LOTR1.2 - Мраморный сад
    • Пролог: Going through the forest will require alot of bravery the paths are winding and many and there are sure to be riders blocking your path the whole way.
    • Примечание: You must quickly get through the old forest and make it to Tom Bombadil's before the riders completely take over. There is little time to prepare but Brandy Buck is a resourceful town and a sufficient army to get throught the forest will be raised easily.
  • LOTR1.1 - Изумрудные холмы
    • Пролог: Dark Riders have been entering the shire for a while now and this means haste must be taken if you are to make it to Rivendell. Speed is the most important part of your plan. You must flee to Crickhallow before the riders realise you are gone. You must cross the brandywine and make it to Crickhallow within 2 weeks or the riders will surely destroy you.
    • Примечание: This is the land of middle earth more specificaly the shire this is your home and shall always be but your adventure begins and you must flee to riven dale to seek the advise of Elrond lore master and king of the elves.
  • LOTR1.3 - Ф-дон, Ф-бери и Форестлоу
    • Пролог: You are greatful for Tom's hospitality and don't want to leave but you must go on. The riders have lost you for a while yet you must still be hasty so not to leave a large trail. Tom bombadil has sent you on coarse to Bree where at the Prancing Pony Inn you will find more guidence. How ever you first must go through the Barrow wights!
    • Эпилог: You have finally made it to bree but you have much more to go. Rivendell lies before you but for the mean time try to enjoy your self You'll see 3 more maps in LOTR cmp#2! PITCHY
    • Примечание: This will be one of your greater challenges you must get to bree through all the Barrow Wights!

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