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Кампания к Героям 3 - King and Imperror

25/05/2015Файл к игре: Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
King and Imperror
Трейнер к игреHeroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
Ещё называютГерои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
Вышла на платформахPC
РазработчикNew World Computing
Дата выхода1999-03-01
The Upper Cleric Council declare the Great tournament for Strongest and Bravest warrior. Prize is not presented but will very great. Orrin join in contesmant for Unknown prize.



King and Imperror0.19МБh3c
King and Imperror

Карты кампании

  • test 2 : scouting - Армагеддон А
    • Пролог: Next test to Orrin.
    • Примечание: test 2: scouting
  • King or Imperror - Армагеддон B
    • Примечание: King or Imperor?
  • Kilgor Empire - Армагеддон C
    • Пролог: Kilgor is simple barbarian. But he learn all about the Behemoths. And he become Behemoth's master. It was the reason Kilgor win in all barbarians wars.
    • Эпилог: Kilgor create big eimpire in the barbarians lands and become the Emperor. Now all barbarians tribes stay on his colour.
    • Примечание: Kilgor raise his power and create imperia
  • test3: tournament and Dragon - Армагеддон D
    • Пролог: Orrin must find and defeat Azure Dragon. But others knight want this brave work for himselves. So Orrin must win knights tournament first.
    • Примечание: test3: Dragon Slayer
  • test 4: strategy and diplomaty - Армагеддон E
    • Примечание: test4: Orrin must acqure Diplomat's Ring to pass the test
  • Test1: Mines - Армагеддон G
    • Пролог: The Upper Council of 3 Lands declare the Great tournament for strongest leader. Prize is not presented but will very great. Orrin join in contesmant for Unknown prize.
    • Примечание: Test1:Mines
  • test 5: Angel's field - Армагеддон H
    • Пролог: Last test: Angel's field
    • Примечание: Last test to Orrin: Ange's field

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